Improving Vertical Jump Stats - Setting The Standard

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Improving Vertical Jump Stats - Setting The Standard Improving vertical jump stats is a difficult thing to do. Did you know that the average vertical is 16-20 inches for a male and 12-16 for a female? That means you have mega potential to absolutely SLAM on your competition if you got your vertical into the 30's, 40's or even the 50's! Sounds impossible, but it's not. Have you tried improving your vertical jump? I have and it's taken me a long time to get to where I am today. It should not have taken me this long, but every resource I came across came up short. I have wasted so many hours searching the internet for ways to get my vertical off the ground and I finally figured it out. It's not about doing repetitive exercises, or wearing strength training shoes. It's not about going to the gym on a daily basis or practicing your jump over and over again. Although it is simple and can be done in a relatively short period of time, improving vertical jump statistics is going to take a little more effort. Vertical jump training requires a multi-faceted approach. There are 9 variables that contribute to increasing your vertical jump. Each of these 9 variables carries a unique property which contributes to upward explosion as well as momentum. These variables include, but are not limited to: Flexibility- this allows your muscles to move in a way that prevents you from being injured. It also helps with your form Form-requires stability, flexibility and balance during motion Fuel- the nutritional component that allows your body to recover appropriately Stability- provides stable environment for your joints, prevents injury and helps with your form and balance Balance- keeps your body properly aligned, prevents injury and helps with stability and form These are just a few of the variables, but you can see how they all contribute in one way or another to improving vertical jump stats. It's important that each component be targeted in your quest to improve your vertical because of its own unique nature. Also, training in multiple areas generates better and faster results! How can you jump higher

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