Follow tips to get user friendly website

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Get User Friendly Website‌ Following Few Easy Steps! By, Brand Maestro

Exchange a Glance With These Points  Let The Navigations Less

 Text Presentation Makes First Impression  Avoid Flash Pages For Shake Of Speed  Go For Responsive Web Design For Sure  Break Your Content Using Subheads  Use Bread-crumbs As a Guide

Let The Navigation Less

Don’t let users to navigate too much to find out what exactly you are trying to say. Keep it brief and concise! And of course keep minimal effect on that section. Users are here on the site in quest of information. Make it visible.

Drop The Plan To Use Flash For many years Adobe’s Flash ruled the video, games and animation world. But, now they are creating issues like- slow loading, security issues & non indexing by search engine bot. Best Alternatives: JavaScript CSS 3 HTML 5 JQuery

Be Cautious With Content An important role plays in good website designing of text presentation. 50 to 60 characters in one line should to ensure to get compatible with eye span. For visitor keeps the text font large enough so that he does not face problems while reading it.

Hire Responsive Web Design Company To reach out wide range of visitors for your business website. To Get Best


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