Mark and Focus Vol 3 Issue 2

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Vol 3. Issue 2, Oct. 2020

Building a New World: Post-COVID-19


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Mark and Focus M a r k a nd Fo c u s cover s bo th th e r is k s a n d o p po r tu nities th e wo r l d ’s m ega -tren ds prov ide.

I N T R O DU C T I ON In the 21st Century, the world faces a wide

*Disclaimer: The following views and opin-

array of mega-trends including climate

ions expressed in this publication are those

change and rapid population and economic

of the authors. They do not purport to re-

growth. With resources becoming scarce

flect the opinions or views of Mark and Fo-

global economic and social stability is


threatened. Mark and Focus covers both the risks and opportunities these mega-trends provide to business, governance, and society.

CO N TAC T M E LINKEDIN : Robert Brears TWITTER : @Markandfocus FACEBOOK : @markandfocus MEDIUM:





Cli mate - resil ient su sta ina b l e agr i cu lt u re

Food and nutrition security



Ci rcu lar e co no my o f water

COVID -19 + c l im ate em ergen c y



Collaboration on sustainability

Water tech


5 Robert C. Brears

Blue and Green Cities The Role of Blue-Green Infrastructure in Managing Urban Water Resources Explores the need for alternatives to grey, “build-bigger-pipes” water management strategies Considers the role of blue-green infrastructure in managing water resources in an increasingly urbanised world Illustrates how different cities have implemented green and blue infrastructure policies This book offers new research on urban policy innovations that promote the application of bluegreen infrastructure in managing water resources sustainably. The author argues that urban water managers have traditionally relied on grey infrastructural solutions to mitigate risks with numerous economic and environmental consequences. Brears explores the role urban water 1st ed. 2018, XXI, 318 p. 2 illus.

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89,99 € | £79.00 | $99.99 [1] 96,29 € (D) | 98,99 € (A) | CHF 106,50

managers have in implementing blue-green infrastructure to reduce ecological damage and mitigate risk. The case studies in this book illustrate how cities, of differing climates, lifestyles and income-levels, have implemented policy innovations that promote the application of bluegreen infrastructure in managing water, wastewater and stormwater sustainably to reduce environmental degradation and enhance resilience to climate change. This new research on urban policy innovations that promote the application of blue-green infrastructure in managing water resources sustainably will be of interest to those working on water conservation and policy.


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Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Using Crop Diversity to C re a t e a B e t t e r, M o re R e s i l i e n t and Resource -Efficient World Post-COVID-19 B y Latoya Abul u P ro je c t M a n a ger, Jo i nt U S- Chi na Cooperat i on on Cl ea n Ene rg y | J ourna l i st

A With COVID-19 making a storm and upending normative

natural land processes absorb carbon dioxide equivalent to

structures around the world, one of the most important les-

almost a third of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels

sons it has underlined is the need for diversification. Whether

and industry,” he said.

it be in supply chains or security measures when confronted with sudden crises, it has highlighted how diversification cre-

Why Crop Diversity?

ates multiple interlocking and mutually supporting backup

In the agricultural sector, crop diversity plays one of the roles

plans that build resilience to disaster, stem its aftershocks

of diversification. Here, diversification in the genetic vari-

and be able to have enough capacity to adapt through it.

ety of crops sowed, consumed, and exchanged is a climate change mitigation and adaptation solution that creates a

This applies to climate change, where the need for diversifica-

better, more resilient, and resource-efficient world. A tra-

tion is no more so important as in the agricultural sector that

ditional farming method that used to be done around the

feeds the world over, is a source of livelihood for some of the

planet, it is now increasingly being replaced by monoculture

planet’s poorest, and is milieu that can help stem the global

with its consequences such as soil degradation, nutrient de-

environmental catastrophe.

pletion, and food insecurity.

“Land plays an important role in the climate system,” said Jim

Crop diversity by using a genetic variety of crops and inter-

Skea, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group III, in the IPCC Climate

cropping systems, on the other hand, is a form of climate-re-

Change and Land report.

silient sustainable agriculture that provides multiple backup security nets. At the same time, it brings environmental and

“Agriculture, forestry and other types of land use account for

social benefits, such as:

23% of human greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time,



Benefiting the soil by fixing nitrogen, maintaining the soil’s organic carbon matter and absorption, balancing microbes, feeding decomposers, retaining water, and recovering soil fertility

Improving water-use efficiency through specific combinations of multiple crops and intercropping system

Expanding crop resilience to disease, pests and weeds increasing due to climate change, while decreasing the need for polluting pesticides and fertilisers

Optimising soil productivity and yields

Increasing the nutritional value and quality of crops

Enhancing and protecting the region’s biodiversity

Increasing food security for a rising global population by not depending on a few crops during crop failures, but providing multiple varieties

Securing small-holder farmer livelihoods, income, and partaking in poverty reduction through the possession of diverse commodities

How to assure crop diversity Measures to assure crop diversity are multiple, interlocking and need to be available and facilitated for farmers to guarantee their participation and its implementation. The FAO’s publication ‘Management of Crop Diversity: Key Practices for DRR Implementers’ offers key insights: •

Increased public respect, awareness and research into local farmer’s unique traditional and local crop varieties, and informal local seed systems (seed quality, storage, pest-reduction)

Involve, cooperate, and train farmers from the planning phase onwards in activities related to managing crop diversity, the production of seeds, the planting of threatened varieties and use of materials

Conducting crop diversity inventories as gene banks of existing crop varieties at the community and national level to identify, document, monitor and safeguard a region’s genetic varieties, especially threatened species. Informal community seed banks (CSB) overcome the gap where small-holder farmers do not have access to national or provincial gene banks, provide an efficient flow of information at the grassroots level and are particularly important reserves in areas prone to hazards, such as floods and hurricanes

Research and development of new and lost varieties that can adapt to the local ecosystem, and do not provide environmental consequences to the region’s balance and biodiversity

Government input and participation to assure the flow of materials and information between various stakeholders

A national approach joint at the local level that reinforces the necessity of crop genetic diversity

Promotion of small-holder seed enterprises that sell or exchange high-quality local seeds

Holding seed fairs and open community or village days for local seed producers and commercial seed sellers to sell and exchange their seeds, and as platforms for discussion and knowledge sharing

Conducting seed relief operations during emergencies, such as natural and climate change-induced disasters, by distributing a diversity of local seeds

Establishment of home and school gardens to promote crop diversity in the community, increase access and convenience, use as repositories of local agricultural biodiversity and to teach families and children on how to maintain crop varieties

Promotion of traditional cuisine to increase knowledge about the nutritional value of traditional and local crop varieties, such as in baby food and snacks

Emphasis to local communities and farmers that crop diversity provides long-term and sustainable benefits, rather than instant benefits

With the lessons and knowledge that COVID-19 brings, highlighting the importance of diversification as backup plans that build resilience and efficiency in the face of disaster, applying this also to the agricultural sector through crop diversity is an opportunity that shouldn’t be missed. As a sector that much of the world vitally depends on, we should make sure that the agricultural sector is protected, efficient, and comes with as many interlocking plan Bs, Cs and Ds as we can, or else we haven’t learnt much from this pandemic.


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 1



Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Managing Water to Achieve Food and Nutrition Security on Small Island Developing States B y Aman i Al f a r ra ( FAO) , B en S o n n evel d ( VU U n iver s it y Am s terdam), a nd R o ber t Brea r s (O ur Future Water )

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are geographically

lands. Furthermore, adequate treatment of returning flows

bounded and remotely located islands that face a raft of chal-

from households, industry and agriculture is a crucial part of

lenges to secure their food and nutrition security (FNS). The

the water governance structure to avoid pollution of aquifers

fragility of the SIDS comes to the fore in times of crises such

and coastal areas that can compromise human health and

as the current Covid-19 pandemic when tourism is stopped

ecosystem quality.

and expected remittances from workers in affected regions elsewhere do not arrive.

This multitude of, often conflicting, interests calls for a wellinformed water governance sector that secures an equitable

In the coming decades, SIDS’ resilience will be tested with cli-

and efficient allocation of water resources in the SIDS.

matic extremes impacting the availability of water for food production. Self-sufficiency in fresh and healthy foods is,

Profiling the SIDS

therefore, widely advocated by international organizations

By profiling the SIDS, a better understanding of the numerous

and SIDS governments. Yet, the required timely delivery of

socio-economic and agricultural characteristics is obtained

fresh water for crop cultivation cannot be taken for granted.

that constitute the nexus between freshwater and FNS. Most high-quality land on SIDS is under cultivation, an important

On the contrary, the agricultural sector is in fierce compe-

share of which is occupied by monocultures of ‘cash crops’

tition with other water users, most of which are very vocal

inherited from colonial periods. Remoteness and low connec-

such as the rapidly growing urban population. Some others

tivity to trading routes explain the relatively high transport

are silent such as the ecological flows that require water to

costs for the SIDS and the associated high prices of imported

preserve the scenic beauty and unique ecosystems of the is-

foods. Many SIDS have fragile economies, in terms of low in-


FOOD AND N UTRITION SE C U R IT Y come, high unemployment rates and low resilience after natural disasters. The fragility of the SIDS comes to the forefront in times of crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 when tourism was stopped and expected remittances from workers in affected regions elsewhere did not arrive. Moreover, the post-COVID-19 might induce a change in the international system to limit tax avoidance, which may lead to an exit of off-shore banks that never supported the SIDS in their development. Yet, the same restrictions imposed by geographical boundaries also fosters SIDS’ inherent strength. Based on human activities, intensified, and energized by proximity and sense of island community, the unique island ecology creates a natural platform for cross-sectoral and ecosystem-oriented water management schemes. Moreover, the knowledge base of ecosystem custodians will support a transdisciplinary planning and community-based management of island resources that can synchronize production and ecological objectives. It is found that few SIDS meet preferred food diversity standards and most islands suffer from micronutrient deficiencies with terrible consequences for health conditions; sadly, especially for the poorest. Hence, this emphasizes the importance of improving FNS conditions through appropriate water governance. Follow the flows Concerning renewable water resources, the highest shares from surface waters are obtained on the ‘high’ islands while ‘low’ and ‘mixed’ islands have larger groundwater reserves. The importance of ground and surface water for extraction widely varies among SIDS countries. There is some indication that on average SIDS are more reliant on surface water as compared with groundwater resources. However, the hazard of over-extraction and sea intrusion looms large as rapid urbanization exercises an increasing pressure on shallow groundwater reserves near the coastline. Among the sectoral water competitors, agriculture figures as the largest water user except for high-income countries where municipalities lead, followed by industry. Yet, the share of cultivated land equipped for irrigation is very low in the SIDS, leaving ample room to expand agricultural areas. Most low and middle-income SIDS are water stress-free. In contrast, most high-income SIDS experience high water stress levels that will exacerbate towards 2030 and 2050 when the alarming state of ‘very severe water stresses will be reached. Distressing are the findings on water quality in the SIDS, basically caused by two processes. First, low connectivity and limited sewer capacity for municipal and industrial wastewater combined with inadequate wastewater treatment procedures. Second, and equally alarming, is the high doses of pesticides currently applied to many of the SIDS which are affecting the quality of aquifers and surface waters as well as the priceless value of marine ecosystems and fishery grounds. The loud calls for strong regulations and enforcements to avoid water pollution and preserve the ecosystems should not go ignored. Good access to drinking water and sanitation services are critical to the healthy development of children in the SIDS. Although this message does not need further clarification, it requires immediate action in the SIDS to ensure that WASH conditions are available to all. A road map fostering SIDS strengths in agricultural water management Policies that improve the use of fresh water resources should, in the first place, aim at strengthening the water governance on the islands, but, subsequently, also consider its embedding in the island’s society, economy and ecology. SIDS are by nature small, dependent, and fragile, and to make their water development processes successful, they should also vigorously attempt to identify, create and nurture their strengths. Indeed, islanders can turn the boundedness of their geography into a golden opportunity by capitalizing on proximity of all actors involved including a rich traditional knowledge base of ecosystem custodians that, jointly, should foster durable solutions for freshwater supply.


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

A roadmap for improving water governance The following roadmap indicates seven steps to preserve the functionality of fresh water resources to ensure FNS. 1. Gaining efficiencies: Increasing efficiencies on water conveyance and water use is essential. Matching rainfed agriculture with additional irrigation expands the possibility for stable multiple cropping schemes per year. 2. Water acts: The impact of preserving colonial water acts on water allocations should be investigated and be the basis for rescheduling and redistribution of these rights. 3. Monitoring, data management and modelling: There is a dire need to expand and harmonize the collected data and use them as input into analytical frameworks that can inform decision-makers on addressing pending issues but also on the impact of prospective scenarios on future water demanding developments. 4. Control and enforcement: Control and enforcement jointly with awareness programs should prevent free-rider behaviour of individual water users. Regulations on water use should be unequivocal, substantiated with empirical evidence and well communicated to involved water users. 5. Institutional collaboration: The overall perspective is that the institutional collaboration on SIDS is weak, leaving much scope for evidence-based policymaking and enhanced cooperation between government institutes, NGO’s and water users. A transdisciplinary approach seems, therefore, desirable to broaden the decision-making process: first to consult and identify prevailing problems, next to provide feedback and in the end to sustain the intervention in its post-project period. 6. Inter-island collaboration: An active exchange between the islands on successful interventions and policies as well as lessons learned from past initiatives should compensate for the lack of scale that each of the SIDS faces. The South-South Cooperation of the FAO could take a leading role in this inter-island initiative. 7. Water quality: The small islands do not offer an escape way for the waste water produced at households and industry nor from polluted water flows from agricultural activities. Management of waste- and polluted water should have the highest priority to secure the health and prevent the destruction of ecological assets on the islands.

Mark and Focus The world faces a variety of mega-trends in the 21st century. Mark and Focus covers both the risks and opportunities these mega-trends provide to business, governance, and society

15 Environment : Environmental Management Brears, Robert C., Mitidaption, Christchurch, New Zealand

The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Presents a series of case studies that illustrate how cities, states, nations and regions of differing climates, lifestyles and income-levels have implemented policies to reduce water-energy-food nexus pressures Discusses the components of the food-water-energy nexus and the pressures it faces from rapid economic growth and climate change Provides a review of the various fiscal and non-fiscal tools available for reducing the global demand on the water, energy and food sectors This book argues that a variety of policies will be required to create synergies between the

Palgrave Macmillan 1st edition

1st ed. 2018, XIV, 423 p.

water-energy-food nexus sectors while reducing trade-offs in the development of a green economy. Despite rising demand for water, energy and food globally, the governance of waterenergy-food sectors has generally remained separate with limited attention placed on the interactions that exist between them. Brears provides readers with a series of in-depth case studies of leading cities, states, nations and regions of differing climates, lifestyles and incomelevels from around the world that have implemented a variety of policy innovations to reduce

Printed book Hardcover

water-energy-food nexus pressures and achieve green growth. The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus will be of interest to town and regional planners, resource conservation managers, policymakers, international companies and organisations interested in

Printed book

reducing water-energy-food nexus pressures, environmental NGOs, researchers, graduate and


undergraduate students.

ISBN 978-1-137-58364-2

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Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Promoting the Circular Economy of Water B y I ta i B o n eh P ro d u c t Res e a rc h L ea d at Ka ndo Cl ea r Upst re a m a nd M a sters o f E nvi ronm enta l Sci e nce Ca ndi date at Ya l e

Anthropocentric climate change is pushing our world towards

vital resource on Earth, but its value after being used is para-

ecological disaster, with water resources already hit hard.

mount. Many people consider wastewater a nuisance; some-

Short term fixes can do more harm than good, but the circular

thing that we would be better off without. However, if we

economy could keep the taps flowing and preserve our planet

begin to examine it closely and apply some innovation, waste-

at the same time.

water is a resource brimming with opportunities.

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” While this quote

The adequate management of wastewater can recover nu-

may often be heard during craft sessions or in antique shops,

merous and wide-ranging products. In fact, wastewater ap-

it is exactly the kind of thinking that is crucial to achieving

plications date back thousands of years to Ancient Rome. The

global sustainability.

Romans recognised that applying excrement to their fields could increase crop yields as it contains fertilising nutrients.

To solve the most pressing environmental issues of our time

This led the Romans to build one of the most elaborate collec-

(e.g. ocean plastics or overexploitation of fossil fuels), people

tion systems in history and reap the benefits from wastewa-

must transition away from wasteful practices and towards re-

ter’s composition.

use. This methodology is known as the circular economy, and it needs to be adopted in every facet before we can preserve

Since then, new applications for wastewater have been dis-

our planet and its essential resources.

covered. For example, graphite - a key component in everyday items from batteries to car breaks - can be extracted from

One resource, in particular, deserves extra attention when

wastewater. Additionally, wastewater can produce hydrogen

discussing the circular economy. Water is not only the most

that can fuel low emission vehicles and even electricity.



An obvious resource that can be extracted from wastewater is water itself. Despite also being the most abundant resource in the world, the amount of usable water is scarce. To make matters worse, climate change has exacerbated water scarcity in already water-stressed areas. Experts are now saying that a quarter of humanity is facing an impending day zero; a day where municipal water supplies will be shut off leading to the collapse of food production, mass migrations, and the devastation of billions of people. In response to these drastic conditions, many city and state officials have begun to invest in wastewater reuse or reclamation programs. Prominent cities such as Singapore, Los Angeles, and Delhi have already implemented wastewater reuse programs to generate a new source of freshwater. Depending on the level of treatment, reclaimed water can have fundamental uses, including industrial operations, irrigation, and even drinking. In the country of Israel, a notable 90% of its wastewater gets reused for irrigation. Although these examples may prove that water sustainability is possible, many parts of the world are not as apt to have such a successful reuse program. Wastewater can often be tainted with inorganic pollution that renders resource recovery and water reuse programs obsolete. Fortunately, governments around the world have enacted regulations that curb the amount of harmful discharge entering the water cycle. Such laws are intended to make wastewater more environmentally friendly and treatable for resource recovery. However, these laws are seldom enforced because of three intrinsic factors: 1) Wastewater networks are too vast with too many users; 2) Discharged pollution is unpredictable; 3) Wastewater is usually under the surface and hard to access. Digital solutions can help overcome all three of these problems. Digital monitoring or the conversion of physical conditions into a digital form can be applied to something as eccentric as a collection system. By implementing a set of monitors along the sewerage network, wastewater data can be collected throughout an entire city 24/7, and its analysis can be done from anywhere. Digital monitoring enables network operators to continuously and remotely inspect wastewater quality. Therefore, operators are empowered to approach unpermitted discharges in an effective and timely manner. The overall result is less pollution in the network. Along with its benefits in reducing energy consumption from treatment plants and protecting the lifespan of infrastructure, digital monitoring facilitates greater recovery of resources from wastewater. Kando, an environmental technology start-up, is one of the few companies that employ digitization to gain accessible wastewater data throughout urban centres. Through its solution, Kando has been helping utilities realize the value of wastewater all over the world, including Milan, Brisbane, and Portland. Still, it is no surprise that its greatest impact is where it was founded, the country of Israel. The Negev is a vast and dry desert that makes up the southern half of Israel. Despite its harsh conditions, it is also home to a majority of the country’s agricultural production. Since the region lacks a large supply of freshwater, local farmers are reliant on wastewater reuse to irrigate their crops. However, recent encroachments from industrial users (e.g. breweries, dairy producers) have contaminated the collection system with high salt content. Crop yields began to deteriorate, and the farmers were forced to dilute irrigation water with their drinking water. That is until Kando’s solution was implemented, which gave utility operators a tool to identify the source of high salt loads and prevent such events from happening in the future. Today, the local utility continues to deploy Kando leading to improved wastewater quality and happier farmers. Since then, the Kando solution has been adopted all over Israel and the globe. El Paso, Texas, an arid city with a growing population, is one of the most recent utilities to deploy Kando’s digitized system with its chief goal being increasing potable water supply from wastewater reuse. CEO of Kando, Ari Goldfarb responded to the initiation of this project by saying, “These types of projects make us hopeful that wastewater reuse will become common practice and more cities will follow suit.” As the world’s natural resources diminish, the circular economy is the only means to preserve them. It is time we implement the same measure to our most vital resource and adopt digital monitoring to ensure its fulfilment.


Mark and Focus, Vol 2, Issue 2



Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

COVID-19 in the Time of Climate Emergency B y Anus h a S h a h F ICE Director, Resilient Cities, Arcadis I RAE Visiting Professor, King’s College London

Last year when my husband and I watched the film ‘Conta-

With climate change continuing to bring frequent and high-

gion’, I remember saying, “Can you imagine if this ever hap-

intensity storms and the likelihood of the pandemic wave ei-

pened in our lifetime?” Fast forward a year, humanity is fac-

ther continuing or returning, we need to be prepared and in-

ing one of its biggest public health emergencies in terms of

clude public health as a significant consideration in flood risk

COVID-19 outbreak. This year has been extraordinary so far,

management and resilience plans. The EA has already moved

in February 2020 parts of our country were reeling from one

from flood risk management to flood resilience through their

of the worst flooding in recent times. They say trouble comes

draft National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management

in threes, but for us, there was a fourth one, Storm Ciara,

strategy, a significant step in the right direction. Flood resil-

Storm Dennis, Storm Jorge and COVID-19.

ience needs a basket of measures ranging from natural flood

I dread to think what would have happened if the floods in

management, hard flood defences, temporary barriers, prop-

the north of England had occurred in March. The work of the

erty flood resilience, sustainable urban drainage systems,

Environment Agency (EA), risk management authorities and

flood warnings to community resilience. COVID-19 outbreak

volunteers would have assumed complexity of unimaginable

only highlights the need to place public health at the heart of

proportions. Having said that, we don’t know for how long

this framework.

this pandemic will last, as per the World Economic Forum, a combination of urbanisation, climate change and a hyper-

Multiple whammies

connected society means infectious disease epidemics are

Last few years have demonstrated that perfect storms and

likely to become more common. Environmentalists like Dr En-

multiple hazards don’t necessarily happen in the movies only.

ric Sala warn that we will continue to have more pandemics

Fukushima, Japan in 2011 was hit by an earthquake of 8.9

if we continue the practices of destroying the natural world.

magnitude, followed by a monumental tsunami, and a nucle-


COV I D -19 + CL IMATE EME R GENC Y ar meltdown in harsh weather conditions. Japan or any other country for that matter would not have known what hit them. We can no longer assume such disasters only happen in faraway places. We should swiftly learn from other countries, be prepared, and invest in resilience beforehand. Such thinking needs to be an integral part of our planning systems. The need to look at different types of resilience - urban, pandemic, water, flood, supply chain, earthquake, typhoon, cyber, etc. in an integrated way, has only been necessitated by the ongoing pandemic. As of now, we are witnessing a health and supply chain crisis, but a climate change event like a heat wave or floods could be just around the corner, and that can add another layer of complexity. Our world-class transport system is lying unused, commercial real estate is empty, both large businesses and SMEs are in dire straits, and there is hardly any aspect of our lives left unaffected. An organism so tiny and invisible to the naked eye has brought our world to a grinding halt. We can’t get a louder and more appropriate wake-up call. If we still don’t invest in resilience now, we will lose the race not just in terms of economic competitiveness but also as a society in keeping our population healthy and safe. Water – Holistic Approach Water sustains life but can cause havoc too. COVID-19 brings to attention another important dimension, the need to have undisrupted, safe and good quality water. Piet Dircke, Global Water & Resilience Leader at Arcadis aptly highlights this in his blog. As per the National Audit Office report 2020, England is set to face droughts in 20 years due to climate breakdown if action is not taken. With extreme floods and water crisis on the horizon, coupled with the risk of increasing pandemics, holistic water management becomes essential. It’s about time we treat water as a reusable commodity and learn from cities like Singapore and Wuhan. Singapore is using rainwater extensively; their philosophy ‘to collect every drop and reuse water endlessly’ is helping them secure a sustainable water supply for the future. Wuhan may be in the news for the wrong reasons, but it’s time to learn from their sponge city programme. Arcadis is working with the Wuhan Water Authority to upgrade the city’s urban drainage, retaining valuable water resources and utilising natural system to achieve drainage and retention. Wuhan has retrofitted public spaces, schools and residential areas with sponge features. These features absorb excessive rainfall through soil infiltration and retain it in underground tunnels and storage tanks, only discharging it into the river once water levels are low enough. In times of water crisis, these ecologically friendly systems will be invaluable. The multiple benefits of these approaches in terms of water retention, health, well-being, carbon sequestration, clean air and temperature drop in a heatwave are well documented. These approaches, in combination with hard flood defences and other measures like community resilience, can make a city resilient against a combination of climate change events.


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

These ideas may seem too far-fetched and complex to implement, but we need to realise that our world has changed forever, more than ever, we need to make swift decisions on holistic water management. Starting from where the rain falls in the catchment to where it ends up in the sea/ocean, we need to soak as much as we can through sound catchment management and blue-green infrastructure approaches. We have the solutions and professional advice, what we need is the pace and will to remove the bureaucratic hurdles and drive policies that support new ways of thinking. The coronavirus bill was passed in one day without opposition. It proves when there is a political will, decisions can be made swiftly. It’s high time we treat climate change with similar urgency and priority. What else can we do? •

In addition to emergency response and rescue planning, prioritise building urban resilience with a more systematic and long-term approach. As we have fire drills, we should start having drills that prepare us for multiple hazards such as floods, pandemics and break down of essential services like electricity, water, internet, telecommunications etc.

Determine interrelationships between critical infrastructure elements and how they can breakdown under various hazard scenarios and then devise solutions for the entire system accordingly

Re-design infrastructure and public spaces from a public health perspective. Modify the existing and old buildings in a way that they can be readily converted into a hospital or isolation centre for flood victims. Traditional evacuation centres will be unsuitable because of the need to separate/isolate people

Build multi-functional infrastructure that not only reduces carbon but can also be quickly adapted to serve different needs. This multi-functionality can also help hotels and other real estate with business continuity during an event. We need to make sustainability and resilience work together

Social distancing will mean people struggling on their own to clean up post-flood events. Engineers and environmental scientists will need to work alongside epidemiologists, doctors and communities to design infrastructure that is fit for the ‘new purpose’

Take personal responsibility to break silos and collaborate across professions, organisations and cities globally. The problems we are facing are multifaceted, and the resolutions would need systems approach and learning from across the globe

Reduce international dependence on the manufacturing of essential goods to avoid supply chain issues. Local manufacturing will not only save lives but also create jobs, make us self-reliant in such emergencies, help maintain environmental and social standards leave alone reduce transport-related GHG emissions

Utilise open spaces for stormwater retention as much as possible. For example, future increased use of electric vehicles will leave large empty parking spaces. We need to seize opportunities and use these spaces as ‘sponges’ to store and retain water for times of crisis

While the focus is on health and supply chains right now, the process of fundamentally altering our behaviour can’t be underestimated, as illustrated by remote working. The positive impacts in the form of reduced air and water pollution and the subsequent impact on biodiversity is already evident

We need stronger collaboration between the government, private sector and communities. Dyson designed a new ventilator in 10 days aiming to produce 15,000 ventilators. General Motors is manufacturing 30,000 ventilators in the United States. 3D Crowd UK’s ‘Big Print’ initiative is producing thousands of masks. With a clear goal, diverse parties can collaborate and move at pace sparking innovation. A similar effort on a war footing is required in case of climate emergency

The global pandemic is forcing us to re-look at our current economic models and seek new ones. We are experiencing that old economic models are no longer fit for purpose. We need sustainable economic models that take into account financial, social and environmental parameters that meet the core needs of both the people as well as the planet. Amsterdam is already embracing the ‘doughnut’ model to mend its post-coronavirus economy

Prepare, support and train diverse communities for all types of events by building community resilience using media, culture, arts, music, faith groups, etc.

Include a diverse workforce in decision making. Neither COVID-19 nor climate change has shown any discrimination. It’s absolutely critical that we have non-discriminatory solutions for a healthy and safe nation



Have robust mechanisms to deal with disinformation and fake news. We have seen how disinformation campaigns can further complicate an already complex situation and derail rescue and rehabilitation efforts

Last but not least, plan, design and build infrastructure and systems for the old and the vulnerable in our societies who are worst struck by such events. This will invariably provide benefits for everyone and help address social inequality

These suggestions are by no means exhaustive, and more can be debated and explored, especially at the governance level. The current crisis is showing us that healthy people drive healthy economies, and for sustainable human health, we need a healthy ecosystem. Climate emergency places a huge risk to our healthy ecosystem. We have once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak and treat climate emergency as an emergency in the true sense of the word. Nature has given us a big thoughtful pause and the world has come to a standstill. If we don’t learn now, we never will. We either continue to live and work the way we have been, with small incremental steps on climate action, or we think deep and hard about the interconnections between health, social value, environment and economy and completely overhaul our personal and professional lives. The next event may not even give us the luxury of time to think, plan and act.


Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies

CALL FOR PROPOSALS SERIES EDITOR Robert C. Brears is the founder of Our Future Water, Mitidaption, Mark and Focus, and is a Director on the International Board of the Indo Global Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture.

ABOUT THE SERIES The Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies series provides readers with an understanding of what the terms resilience and climate resilient societies mean; the best practices and lessons learnt from various governments, in both non­OECD and OECD countries, implementing climate resilience policies (in other words what is ‘desirable’ or ‘undesirable’ when building climate resilient societies); an understanding of what a resilient society potentially looks like; knowledge of when resilience building requires slow transitions or rapid transformations; and knowledge on how governments can create coherent, forward­looking and flexible policy innovations to build climate resilient societies that: support the conservation of ecosystems; promote the sustainable use of natural resources; encourage sustainable practices and management systems; develop resilient and inclusive communities; ensure economic growth; and protect health and livelihoods from climatic extremes.

CONTACT FOR PROPOSALS We welcome proposals from both academics and practitioners working in this highly interdisciplinary field. For further information about the series or if you would like to discuss a proposal please contact: Rachael Ballard, Publisher | Geography, Environment and Sustainability | Robert C. Brears, Series Editor |


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Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Cross Collaboration Creates Sustainable Solutions to Complex Challenges B y Per nil l e K r ü g er M er tz a n d Jø r n S a n n e -Wa n der Coast to Coast Climate Challenge, Denmark

Climate change and the consequences which we are already

The most pronounced future challenges in Denmark will be

experiencing – increased precipitation, rising groundwater

increases in the annual average precipitation and changes

levels etc. - require holistic solutions and cross border as well

in precipitation patterns with longer dry periods and more

as interdisciplinary cooperation on all levels. The Danish EU

heavy rain events. Residential areas have issues draining

LIFE climate change adaption integrated project “Coast to

off water, big and small streams overflow, agricultural fields

Coast Climate Challenge” shows the way.

are flooded, and communities along the coast and fjords are more often hit by flooding due to heavy storms. At the same

The global climate is changing at a rapid pace, with rising

time, sea and groundwater levels are rising. Further, we will

temperatures and increased frequency of extreme weath-

experience longer periods of drought, especially in summer.

er events. This affects both cities and rural areas, as water

This is the face of climate change in most of northern Europe:

knows no administrative or geographical borders. Thus, nei-

There is too much water, too often and some time we lack

ther should the solutions.

water in hot periods. Climate change will increase these extremes.

This was the background for the collaboration between 17 Danish municipalities, the Central Denmark Region, water

The C2C CC project partners set out to develop and apply so-

companies and universities - 31 partners in total - in the pro-

lutions for this type of climate change experience. Also, with

ject Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC). In 2017, the

the outlook to help other European regions to mitigate cli-

project set out to develop solutions to a range of specific lo-

mate change and to inform the future EU Climate Adaptation

cal challenges and in the process also developed a new model


for climate adaption in broad partnerships.


COLLAB OR ATION ON SUS TA INA BILIT Y As water does not respect borders, the climate challenge must be solved holistically and through close cooperation across sectors and municipalities. This is not an easy task. Water-related climate issues are complicated due to the many interests and stakeholders involved. That is why sustainable solutions require coordination across silos if we want to create solutions that not only alleviate the climate threat but also enable us to build climate-resilient societies. C2C CC is now three years into the project, and the results are already promising. The midway milestone was celebrated in October 2019 with a national conference where 300 experts, officials and citizens discussed how to secure a future for society, with an altered climate. The conference took stock of the latest knowledge. The many complex aspects of climate change adaptation were analysed and debated. The gathering put forward a set of recommendations and key points for decision-makers and the many actors involved in climate change adaptation. One single message stood out: We must act in concert and work together holistically if we want climate change adaptation. Work across borders and sectors.

“The National Conference on Climate Change Adaptation initiated a ball of climate change adaptation recommendations, which can be taken further by other climate actors. The recommendations can be sharpened and further developed as we get more experience and find new solutions and concepts.”

Dorthe Selmer, Project leader C2C CC

Exhibit A: Gudenå River A regional example of the need to work across silos is the Gudenå River. It runs through seven municipalities and is by far the longest river in Denmark. Many interests are at stake when winters become much wetter, and summers become drier. Adapting to the increased pressure on the water system is a comprehensive and demanding task for the seven riparian municipalities. Non-coordinated local action in one place, like dams, will lead to hazards in another municipality, like flooding. The Gudenå River is in this way a microcosm of global climate change: Collective challenges require collective solutions. When working in partnerships across municipalities, utilities, knowledge institutions and together with citizens, ambitions are raised, reality and research are linked, and holistic solutions become possible. However, to do so is not straightforward. One of the recommendations from the national climate conference was that solutions must be made across professional, administrative, and organisational boundaries. Experience of strategic cross-border collaborations of subject, organisation, and geography clearly shows that to avoid sub-optimisation that only benefits locally, stakeholders must collaborate to find solutions that are designed to benefit all.


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

To create a common understanding of the Gudenå River catchment area, C2C CC has, based on both qualitative and quantitative data, mapped different values linked to the Gudenå River. Climate problems and possible solutions are visualised through a calculation model made by the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI). A result of this is that stakeholders find it easier to relate to the many different problems along the Gudenå River. This ultimately has made it easier to see which solutions, besides solving the water-related issue, also create added-value. Using mapping of values and calculation models as tools for communicating different scenarios have changed the whole planning paradigm of the Gudenå River to a more holistic approach. Before, municipalities and landowners were driven by their own interest without much consideration for, i.e. the downstream cities. And beyond optimising the solution, costs are reduced, damage is avoided, and added value occurs. There are hundreds of rivers like the Gudenå River in Europe – the C2C CC partners hope to inspire others to act together and help them to replicate the success.

Exhibit B: Citizen-driven climate change The way we approach climate change adaptation matters to the citizens. A second recommendation from the conference was that engaging citizens in climate change adaptation is vital for public endorsement and will lead to the added value that benefits the local communities. This is another European challenge, as the need for climate change adaptation is often viewed differently by adaptation planners and citizens. This is because climate change is an abstract phenomenon for many people, and it may be difficult to relate to the problems that follow. Research shows that people do not react to intangible numbers and reports. Instead, narratives can make the debate about the climate more present and relevant to the citizen. To put this information into practice, C2C CC teamed up with Aarhus University and a number of local museums to enhance citizen involvement in the coastal part of Hedensted Municipality between Snaptun and Juelsminde. The area filled with summer cottages and permanent residents is threatened by rising sea levels and greater volumes of water being transported from several watercourses in the coastal hinterland.


COLLAB OR ATION ON SUS TA INA BILIT Y Using local identities and historical narratives to engage citizens has proved fruitful in making intangible climate scenarios more tangible. It has allowed citizens to come up with suggestions for holistic climate solutions with added value such as more and improved nature, beneficial for the local biodiversity as well as recreational purposes, and it has enhanced local ownership. Additionally, the approach has increased awareness of the relation between nature and culture. All in all, the involvement has increased the added value and ownership of the solutions. The C2C CC partners hope that others in Central Denmark Region, Denmark and Europe, can make use of this model, as having the population on one’s side is a massive boost to the ability to make real change, not only in the fight for adaptation but in the fight against climate change as well. This public support and understanding of the matters at hand are in great demand, given that the EU wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The future? Water Valley! To increase the collaboration in climate change adaptation is not an easy task. But the examples of close collaboration of the Gudenå River and citizen-driven climate change adaptation in Hedensted Municipality have shown that it is possible to change the traditional planning paradigm with a more holistic approach that allows solutions to not only solve the climate threat but create added value for, i.e. nature and citizens. Facilitating the C2C CC project, the Central Denmark Region has positioned itself as a leading actor in holistic climate change adaptation that succeeds in working across geographical and sectorial boundaries. The next step for the region is to be recognised for its many innovative water technologies that can be used in climate change adaptation, the same way as Silicon Valley is known for its IT. It is called Water Valley. With the C2C CC project ending in 2022, the Central Denmark Region and C2C CC have made the foundation for a Water Valley that will contribute to more sustainable development within the water- and climate area. The contract of Water Valley was officially signed during the national conference of climate change adaptation. The initiative is based on the Quadruple Helix framework which will ensure that the partnership in Water Valley includes the public, knowledge institutions, the industry and the civil society when working with water- and climate-related issues. With the two communication- and innovation beacons, Climatorium in Lemvig and AquaGlobe in Skanderborg, the knowledge and innovative technologies developed in Water Valley will be disseminated on a local, national, and global level. Thus, making sure, that the results and ideas developed by the C2C CC partners will live on, spread, and become a strong foundation for intelligent and effective climate adaption – in the EU and globally. Download all the recommendations of the mid-term conference here Have a look at the StoryMap of the subprojects here Have a look at the project webpage here “FACTBOX” The Central Denmark Region is at the leading edge of holistic and inclusive climate change adaptation with the facilitation of the EU LIFE project Coast to Coast Climate Challenge (C2C CC) project. Since January 2017, C2C CC has gathered 17 municipalities in the Central Denmark Region in an ambitious climate project, which aims to increase resilience to future climate challenges. It works with innovative solutions to protect cities and rural areas while creating more value for the citizens. The C2C CC project connects municipalities and helps them collaborate with each other, local utilities, private companies, and knowledge institutions. Across 24 subprojects, C2C CC works with the entire water-cycle, which enables the project to gather valuable data, knowledge and experience that is shared among the partners. The project is funded by €7 million through the EU LIFE programme and has a total budget of € 11.6 million.


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Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Nature-Based Solutions to 21st Century Challenges Robert C. Brears

April 2020: 234x156: 320pp 2 illustrations Hb: 978-0-367-26617-2 | £120.00 Pb: 978-0-367-26689-9 | £34.99 eBook: 978-0-429-29460-0

TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1: Introduction; 2: Nature-Based Solutions to Societal Challenges; 3: Societal Challenges; 4: Climate Change Impacts on Habitats, Plants, and Animals; 5: Environmental Degradation and Impacts on Biodiversity; 6: Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Impacts on People and the Economy; 7: Developing Climate Change Mitigation; 8: Developing Climate Change Adaptation; 9: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems; 10: Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation; 11: Improving Disaster Risk Management and Resilience; 12: Adaptive Management and Nature-Based Solutions; 13: Financing Nature-Based Solutions; 14: Best Practices and Conclusions

This book provides a systematic review of nature-based solutions and their potential to address current environmental challenges. This book systematically reviews nature-based solutions from a public policy angle, assessing policy developments which encourage the implementation of nature-based solutions to address societal challenges while simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. It will be of great interest to policymakers, practitioners and researchers involved in nature-based solutions, sustainable urban planning, environmental management and sustainable development generally. 20% Discount Available - enter the code FLR40 at checkout* Hb: 978-0-367-26617-2 | £96.00 Pb: 978-0-367-26689-9 | £27.99 * Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount and only applies to books purchased directly via our website. For more details, or to request a copy for review, please contact:


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Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Data-driven Enthusiasm i n Wa t e r Te c h : A Game Changer B y Ha n s Wo uter s CEO of Brightwork BV, the Netherlands

I like cycling, preferably early in the morning, when nobody is

cating the superb energy efficiency of cycling versus walking:

around, the roads are empty and you are witnessing the sun

20 – 40 kcal/km versus 70 – 90 kcal/km. Cycling outperforms

coming up. With the COVID-19 lockdown I suddenly managed

by far most of the other species on earth if the energy input

to make more miles on my racing bike than ever before, and

per kilometer is considered, mainly caused by the absence of

even outperformed my car mileage. This did not happen since

vertical mass transfer in cycling.

I got my first car, 30 years ago. Nowadays algorithms are used, taking into consideration So far, I managed to cycle 6,000 kilometers, in single trips of

your gender, mass, age and heartbeat to calculate your kcals

40 – 215 kilometers, mostly on my own, enjoying every sin-

spent during cycling. Although the individual algorithms you

gle one of them. At the beginning of the year I bought my-

may use are giving different results, it is useful if you want to

self a bike computer (for those who are interested: A Wahoo

analyse your own performance during the season. I started to

Elemnt Bold) with a heartbeat monitor and started to collect

analyse the results of the algorithm used in my bike computer,

a vast amount of data. Opposite to many others I am not fond

by plotting the kcal burnt per kilometer during the season,

of sharing these data publicly, but I like to analyse these to

which for me started in March this year. Interestingly so far

find trends, improve performance and – above all – increase

with my practicing I saves around 25% in my specific energy

my enthusiasm for the sport.

consumption, even with my average speed slightly increasing. These encouraging data are making it even more fun to jump

One of the interesting topics which is reported a lot in litera-

on the bicycle and go for another round.

ture is the calculation of the calories burnt by cycling. Even in the early 70’s scientific research has been published, ind-


WATER TE CH This principle of data driven encouragement to increase the knowledge of your achievements, to create a fun factor, and at the same time improve performance is equally the trigger for optimizing equipment in a professional environment. In the water utility business operators are often responsible for a variety of processes and production sites. They should therefore rely on specific indicators of each process to discover anomalies, or deviations from normal process conditions. These indicators should be easy to interpret; they should mark the sweet spot, allowing the operators to focus their activities. Even better, if the operator is triggered by the “fun factor�, he/she would like to add value to the process by sharing know-how and experiences with the technology provider. The mechanism described has been very much so faced by the development and implementation of a remote monitoring and control tool for sand filters, marked Sand-Cycle. After an initial development phase with one of our water utility clients in the Netherlands (Water Authority Wetterskip Fryslan), this tool has become a valuable indicator at a large number of sites in both waste water treatment plants and drinking water production facilities. It is a perfect example of how the interaction between the plant operator and the technology provider is nourished for the benefit of optimizing assets. Let me explain what it is all about. Asset management in water utilities Asset management is a key issue for water utilities. Simultaneously the waste water treatment assets should be capable of meeting the requested process performance targets at the lowest possible operational expenditures. In the last centuries utilities have invested heavily in process equipment, including effluent polishing processes to meet more stringent criteria for suspended solids, BOD, nitrate-N, total-N and/or phosphorus. These assets are now challenged to meet even more stringent effluent targets. But operator attendance is reduced, and operator tasks are intensified. This paradigm requires a significant shift in monitoring and control strategies. Remote sensing, expert judgement and big data analysis are key to support the optimization of the assets. Moving bed sand filtration and key operating features Moving bed sand filtration (MBF) is a mode of filtration often used in water and waste water treatment, and is based upon uninterrupted filter operation. Various makes of continuous filters are marketed, e.g. DynaSand by Nordic Water. Filter media cleaning is continuously taking place while the filter is in operation and hence a 24/7 availability of the process is guaranteed. The water to be treated flows in an upward direction through the sand bed. During the upward filtration process both impurities are retained within the pores of the filter bed and biological conversion of ammonia or nitrates may take place. The filtrate is discharged in the upper part of the filter via a fixed overflow weir. Simultaneously the filter bed is constantly moving downward (typically with velocities of 0.3 – 0.8 m/h), as it is sucked into the airlift at the center bottom of the filter. The suction of sand and retained solids is induced by the airlift principle: feeding a small amount of compressed air into the airlift pipe starts the suction process, forcing a mixture of dirty sand and water upward through a central pipeline. The intensive scouring movements separate the impurities from the sand particles. At the top of the pipeline the sand grains are released in the washer section and start to settle in a hydraulic washer. The grains are finally washed by a small amount of clean filtrate, flowing counter currently through the washer assembly. An essential feature is the homogeneous sand circulation over the full filter area. Therefore, it is crucial for the sand to be sucked into the airlift evenly from all directions. Due to the continuous sand circulation the filtration process is time-independent: with a constant feed water quality the filtrate quality will also be constant in time. The actual sand circulation rate affects the filtration efficiency for both solids removal and biological conversion processes in the filter bed. Monitoring and controlling the actual sand circulation rate is therefore key to optimize plant performance and reduce plant malfunctioning and down-time. The developed tool (Sand-Cycle) proved to be an excellent platform to help operators to keep the plant in good shape and to take specific actions, based upon the automated feedback. The tool uses RFID technology, which is well-known from tagging


Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

cats and dogs. The same principle of “tagging� sand filters proved to be an excellent method to verify the proper performance. With the successful introduction of RFID technology in monitoring and controlling water treatment equipment, we feel this is just the beginning of a more widespread use for other applications in the water business. RFID tagging To monitor the movement of sand grains in a MBF passive RFID tags are applied. RFID tagging is an ID system that uses small radio frequency identification devices for identification and tracking purposes. An RFID tagging system includes the tag itself (the transponder), a read device and a host system application for data collection, logging, processing and transmission. A passive RFID tag is briefly activated by the radio frequency scan of the reader. The electrical current is small - generally just enough for transmission of an ID number. The electronic identification system consists of two basic elements: the transponder and the reader. The transponder (ID tag) is attached to the object to be identified (e.g. a cat) or – in our case - mixed up with the sand grains in the filter bed. It contains no batteries and is sealed in a housing designed to survive harsh environmental conditions. The reader energizes the transponder by means of an electromagnetic field, which is emitted by the antenna. It then receives the code signal returned by the transponder and processes it. The reader excites the transponder inductively by means of a polarized low frequency electromagnetic field. Each transponder has a unique code, which cannot be duplicated. Although RFID tagging is used in many applications, such as tracking wildlife and livestock, the use in the water business is new, creating powerful options for monitoring and control. Each transponder is detected while passing the reader, which is integrated in the airlift. The codes, dates and times of the passing transponders is transmitted via a decoder onto the datalogger, equipped with a GPRS modem to transmit the data to the back end of the online data server. The Sand-Cycle data server is converting the raw field data into relevant output data, by using dedicated algorithms. Output is available 24/7 for the operators via the data server front office and is presented in various dash boards.


WATER TE CH An example of a dashboard is indicated in Figure 1. It is indicating one of 24 similar filter units installed at waste water treatment works Franeker, the Netherlands. The dashboard reveals the actual status of the filter, indicating a set of real time parameters, which are calculated based upon the field dataflow of the RFID tags. The operator has access to all 24 dashboards, and moreover – each time an anomaly is recorded by the algorithm, the operator immediately receives a notification via dashboard post. Both the operator and the technology provider may communicate with each other via the same dashboard posts. Big data, the fun factor and game-changer Big data are described as large amounts of data that are available from disparate systems, such as condition monitoring systems. The term often refers to the use of advanced methods to extract value from data. With the advances in information technology we now have the capability to store and analyze a more complete picture of asset health, based on sets of data, drawn from various sources. The ever-decreasing cost of electronics makes it more cost effective to fit equipment with Fsophisticated sensors which can do more than just measure a simple parameter but can also do additional analysis and diagnostics on the equipment. When these sensors are connected to a communications backbone, this greatly increases the volume of data that is available for analysis and has the potential to enable real-time analysis. The developed tool for real time monitoring of MBFs in water and waste water treatment plants is an example of how big data analytics has potential in the field of WwTWs. Introduction of the tool is a first step towards linking various datasets and finding relationships to make the process work better at varying operating conditions. The goal is to increase reliability (reducing plant failures) and optimizing plant performance. It also initiates options for advanced filter control, resulting in higher performances. Ultimately the “fun factor� which drives the operator to optimize his assets by using tools like this are making the difference as it will both lead to increased process performance and further product development by the technology provider, using the operators feedback.

Be Part of the Future 40

Mark and Focus, Vol 3, Issue 2

Big data represent a huge opportunity to improve equipment reliability and reduce maintenance and refurbishment costs. The advantage of cheap wireless technologies now means that sensor information can now be transferred wirelessly. Operation warnings and diagnostics can be shared quickly. If water utilities are receptive to this approach it will also bring in the expert judgment of the technology providers and boosting the know how to operate assets at the best possible conditions. With the objectives to meet ever more stringent effluent quality criteria it will make the difference between failing to meet these criteria or not. Further correspondence: Figure 1. Typical Sand-Cycle dashboard (WWTP Franeker, the Netherlands)


M&F MAGAZINE Vol 3. Issue 1, April 2020

VOL 02/01 MARCH 2018


Waste is so last season

Future resilient cities

Digital water + more

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