Mark Bowling is senior sales manager with Colliers International’s Pattaya office on Second Road opposite Central Festival. The branch office was voted Best Agent (Eastern Seaboard) in the 2010 Thailand Property Awards. He joined Colliers International in early 2009 having been sales manager with a local property development firm since 2006. Mark has had a successful career in international sales and marketing spanning more than 20 years both in Thailand and the UK. He can be contacted at
A letter to the mayor Dear Khun Tik
Firstly may I congratulate you on your upcoming landslide victory at the mayoral elections, it’s great to have such a young and popular visionary fighting our corner and constantly striving to improve the city. Over your next four year term of office there are a few issues that I, and several people I have spoken with would like considered in order to improve Pattaya even further, elevating it to true a world class resort status. These include: l Drainage from flooding is still a major concern, not only does it damage Pattaya’s image but can also be considered a major health hazard when sewage comes up through the inadequate drainage system, giving the potential to pass on some serious disease to people wading in it while motorcycles and vehicles splash the contaminated water as they go through. It’s not like rainy season comes as a surprise each year and steps to improve drainage would be well received. Undesirable elements l As a father I feel that steps should be taken to clear away the undesirable elements on Beach Road such as prostitutes (female and katoeys), beggars and drug dealers. It’s currently not a place a family should consider taking a walk in the evening, which is really the best time to enjoy it. I’m aware that the city’s police do sometimes round up the offenders, who then pay a small fine only to return to work an hour later. Maybe the threat of imprisonment to repeat offenders or larger fines 46•REm•Issue 133•06/2012
Beach Road is currently not a place a family should consider taking a walk in the evening, which is really the best time to enjoy it.
By mark bowling would deter the street walkers. Possibly the police would be better utilised to tackle this problem rather than taking fines from motorcyclists in the same area, many of whom are seen to be wearing helmets and appear to be stopped for no reason. Dolphin lighting l The sewage system appears to require a major upgrade. The brown, murky, garbage-filled waters in the bay aren’t what you’d call ‘picture postcard perfect’. The new street lighting with the dolphins perched atop are great, but unless the quality of water is improved we’re highly unlikely to see a real one. l Jet ski operators, I don’t have to say too much do I? This really needs to be addressed as a priority, regulated, monitored and insured in order to stop destroying Pattaya’s worldwide reputation through viral videos and the internet. Even as recent as April two Chinese students were attacked over a bogus claim for damages, which was negotiated down from Bt100,000 to Bt7,000 followed by a beating outside the visitors’ hotel. Don’t these operators realize the more they continue this behaviour, the more word will spread until they and many other small businesses will no longer exist. l Songtaews, is there any regulation upon how many may operate as there does seem to be a large number driving around without any passengers on board? Not only do they clog up the roads, drive dangerously, ignore the newly installed pedestrian crossings but they also add pollution to the environment, belching out clouds of black smoke. If Pattaya is to
be promoted as an Eco-tourism destination then surely there is a Greener means of public transport to be considered. There should also be a telephone number to report dangerous drivers, since most of them think it’s acceptable to swerve across two lanes of traffic without signalling, or drive the wrong way down a one way street to pick up their next 10 baht fare. l Overhead cables have been buried underground in some places but there is still some way to go. Pavements need to be improved and kept clear or we run the risk of turning Pattaya’s walkways into those seen in Bangkok. Pestering hawkers l From speaking with many tourists lots of them refuse to use the beach in Pattaya, mainly because of the lack of cleanliness of the sand and sea, too many umbrellas and also because of the constant pestering from the various hawkers selling everything imaginable. Again, couldn’t the police patrol the beach more vigilantly to limit the number of unregistered vendors? I think you’ve done a fantastic job in your first term and we all welcome the grand plans you have in store for Pattaya, such as the huge investment in the Bali Hai area for the new marina and car parking. The high speed rail link will also bring us millions of visitors each year, but how about first fixing problems on our doorstep to ensure these visitors leave with fond memories and return again in the future? Kind Regards Mark Bowling