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News & Highlights From Campus
from The Marker 2020
Faculty and staff danced, sang, and performed to support eSibonisweni’s ePOP program.
The third-ever Fun Fest, a faculty and staff variety show, went live on Friday, November 8th to benefit the eSibonisweni Primary Orphan Program (ePOP). All were welcome to attend, and we were happy to see some alumni in the audience as well as current families, students, and friends who filled the gym to near capacity. Acts included music by the Soggy Bearded Boys, a band comprised of Dave Hickman, Brian Wilkerson, and a guest appearance by Richard Navarette; Musica de Los Andes: Valicha, a dance performance by world language teachers Tracy Caton, Chantal Charbonneau, and Silvia Buckley; The First Day of School, a comical recreation of getting ready for school performed by 5th grade teachers Deb Pannell and Lacy Zehner along with Beckie Mejia and Gaelle Gordon; and the famed Literal Play titled “A Day at Mark Day, Literally.” In between acts, emcees Norm Lyons and ReAnna Gailes entertained the audience with photo guessing games, songs, and witty banter. The event raised more than $4,500—a record in Fun Fest history. Thanks to all who attended, sang along, and supported ePOP.
After a year-long thoughtful planning process, we were excited to roll out the expansion of our 6th grade class in the fall. Our 6th-8th grade program is founded on smaller class sizes within the larger grade to improve opportunities for student voice, greater differentiation, and deeper relationships with teachers. We know that adolescents need strong relationships with adults for healthy development and also that they thrive in a slightly expanded social peer network. Additionally, research has established the positive effects of hands-on, project-based learning, a pedagogical practice that we embrace here, and smaller sections enable more depth in such practices. Diversity of all kinds has been proven to improve critical thinking, perspective taking, overall group decision making, and readiness for leadership in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world; the diversity added to our student population by expanding the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades offers these kinds of positive outcomes and more.

Every other summer, we send a delegation of Mark Day families to visit our partner schools in South Africa. This summer, Mark Day students, families, faculty, and staff planned to journey there again to visit Kliptown Youth Program (KYP) and eSibonisweni. There were so many families interested in going on the trip that we created two trips. It would have been the largest delegation we’ve ever sent, with nearly 100 people! However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the trip was postponed. We are hoping to visit our partners in South Africa during the summer of 2021.
“It’s so exciting to watch this program grow. It’s wonderful to have Mark Day families experience the sense of welcome, belonging, and partnership together as they visit KYP and eSibonisweni. Our partnerships have been such a huge part of my life, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share these moments with so many members of our community next summer.” - Fernanda Pernambuco, Director of Cross Cultural Partnerships & Community Engagement

Students in grades 3, 5, 6, and 7 went on outdoor ed trips this year to Walker Creek, Point Reyes, Pinnacles National Monument, and Yosemite. Students hiked and rock climbed, and got to know themselves and their peers on a deeper level.
Parents and guardians had the opportunity to attend two workshops this year to further their understanding of important issues students are facing.
In early October, Rosetta Lee, an expert on diversity, inclusion, and equity, spoke with our community about parenting with identity in mind. She addressed questions such as, ‘how do we learn about our various group identities like female, African American, Buddhist, homosexual, middle class, etc.?’ and ‘why do some people develop proud and healthy self identity and others experience own-group shame and hatred?’ Through her presentation, parents and guardians learned how they can instill positive self identity in children and teach them how to be positive influences on others’ identities.
In January, we held a public screening of the movie Screenagers Next Chapter: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience, which included a Q&A with producer Lisa Tabb. The topics addressed in this movie, such as SEL and its intersection with digital life, are very much aligned with Mark Day curriculum. The film is a follow-up to the first Screenagers film we showed in May 2016.

In the spring of 2019, we began a partnership with Hamilton School in Novato to create a new reading buddies program. During the 10-week sessions, Mark Day Upper Division students visit Hamilton School weekly to meet with 2nd through 5th grade students. The program provides Hamilton students with a place to go after school and to practice their reading skills. It’s a great opportunity to connect with other students in the community and put SEL skills into practice. Eighth grader Abby R. says, “My favorite part about going to Hamilton School is being able to talk to younger children and help them read books that interest them... It’s a way for older students to connect with younger ones that are in a different situation and to help them grow and practice their reading skills. I think that Hamilton School students benefit from this partnership because they get out of their comfort zones a little bit and practice reading out loud, which some of them might not have been as comfortable with before.”

His name is Ben Simmonds and he’s hit the ground running. “I hold my Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education along with multiple National and International coaching qualifications. For the majority of my teaching and coaching career, I have been based in Southern California. I previously taught P.E. at an IB World School based in Orange County, CA. Before joining Mark Day School I was recruited to take on the exciting role of Founding Athletic Director and P.E. teacher at an independent K-8 school in West Palm Beach, Florida. Prior to moving to the United States from England, I had the pleasure of teaching and coaching in the English Public School System. Being very passionate and motivated by sports and fitness my whole life, I have been able to reach out and positively impact the lives of children and adults in many ways. I’m a firm believer in the importance of setting and reaching goals and that all children should enjoy and participate in a healthy active lifestyle, which includes lifelong fitness. What better way to spend my life than making a difference with youth in a healthy, active, and positive way of living!”

Two championship banners were added to the gym this fall! The 6th and 7th grade girls volleyball teams are Marin County Volleyball Champions! Both teams charged through the season with undefeated records. The 6th grade team was coached by Leslie Garber and Remi Zimmerman, and the 7th grade team was coached by Sayra Trejo. In November, they proudly presented the new banners to the community at assembly before they were hung on the wall of the gym.

This fall, students also participated in cross country and flag football, which returned after a hiatus. Fifteen runners competed in the Junior Olympic Qualifer meet in Folsom on November 24th, and eight students went on to qualify for the USATF Region 14 Junior Olympic Championships. And the flag football team finished strong with a record of 5-2. Well done to all our fall athletes this year!

In the spring of 2019, we welcomed four new chicks to our campus. They spent the first several weeks living in 1st grade classrooms to become acclimated to their new environment and continue to grow before they were ready to relocate to our brand new coop in the organic garden on the west side of campus. Since then, Ginger, Rosie, Monet, and Luna have been a wonderful addition to our garden and ecoliteracy education, with many students visiting, learning about, and taking care of our new feathered friends.

Following Ray Orwig’s retirement after 39 years, the all-school chess championship commenced for its 40th year on January 8 with help from Mr. Orwig and Sean Peisert ‘90, who was on the chess team as a student here. Additionally, Chad Forrester ‘86 has taken over Just Imagine Club, a weekly club for students to watch classic sci-fi flicks.
Since its founding in1984, Mark Day School has become a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and accredited by the California Association of Indepedent Schools (CAIS). Our CAIS membership requires us to conduct a comprehensive written selfstudy every seven years. Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, we launched this community-wide effort to look deeply and thoughtfully at every aspect of our program, engaging faculty, staff, and administration in small group discussion, interviews, and independent research to examine specific topics like mission, educational program, student learning experience, faculty and pedagogy, climate and community, financial sustainability, operations, health, safety, and wellness, and institutional stewardship and leadership. We are looking forward to continuing our work in the fall.