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Support Market Outcomes Support Market Outputs

More Employees employed longer

Tripeak Farms

Producers and Labourers/Employees Increase Income

More laborers/employees employed longer

Suppliers expand

Suppliers increase turnover/margins

Resorts increase turnover/margins

Suppliers increase turnover/margins

Resorts buy more locally produced goods

More tourists arrive and stay longer at more locations

Producers sell more through suppliers

More tourists stay longer

Suppliers offer more diversified fitting

Employees Increase Income

Resorts expand

Suppliers expand

Sector-level Impacts

Poverty-level Impacts

Producers Increase their Income

More laborers employed longer

Suppliers offer more year round processed produce and food-stuff


Resorts promote Fijian cuisine and use of local ingredients

Crab Company of Fiji

More tourists arrive from existing (and new) markets

Players offer on line travel information and booking options (incl. promote Fiji in new tourism markets)


Mai Life Travel

Producers sell more through suppliers or directly

Tourists buy more locally produced goods and services (activities)

More tourists go to more destinations (north)

Players improve International and domestic travel links

Pacific Destination

Suppliers offer more diversified and attractive activities for tourists

1. Wildfire Ent Group; 2. Coconut Kids; 3. Namana; 4. Wallks & Trails; 5. Essence of Fiji

Suppliers offer more diversified and attractive goods for tourists

Adi Chocolates

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