investing&trading guides .
Indicators review
Published May 2011, Ed.1-01
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table of
Getting Started with Indicators The Basics for Choosing Indicators 1. Experience: Understanding When and How an Indicator Works is Critical 2. Trading Style: Different Indicators for Different Strategies, Market Conditions 3. Risk Appetite: Indicator’s Reliability You can Control and Those You Can’t
4. Asset Class: General Indicators That Works for All Markets vs. Asset Specific Indicators
Indicator Choices 1. Leading Indicators: Pros, Cons, Recommendations 2. Lagging Indicators: Pros, Cons, Recommendations 3. Volatility Indicators: Pros, Cons, Recommendations
*SAMPLE ONLY. DOWNLOAD FULL REVIEW GUIDE FREE http://marketheist.com/tools/indicators
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Copyright © MarketHEIST.com 2011
getting started with
Just like meters and indicator lights on your car’s
aware of to make decisions. Instead of concerns of
dashboard, indicators signal conditions you should be when the gas tank is empty, often your first concerns as an investor is when to buy and sell? At what price? Technical indicators, often used with stock charts and technical analysis, help answer these questions by organizing stock price or other data in meaningful ways. How do indicators do this? The simplest of technical indicators takes confusing stock prices and calculates averages. So, you can see where the stock is right now compared to it’s average (how the stock usually performs). Knowing how the stock is doing, you can improve your buying and selling decisions where the odds are in your favor. Many people think the stock market is 50/50 gambling. But with proven strategies and indicators that help identify good and bad odds, your conscious decision to only buy and sell when the odds are better than 50/50 makes it a business which you can earn money over time. In the past, before computers and the Internet, successful traders must be skilled at “read the tape”. That is, understanding the stock’s situation, the market situation, and the odds he is facing in an investment decision with nothing more than intuition and experience. Just watching the price. Nowadays, we have the luxury of using indicators that help interpret market opportunities. However, understanding your decision criteria is […]
*SAMPLE ONLY. DOWNLOAD FULL REVIEW GUIDE FREE http://marketheist.com/tools/indicators
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Copyright © MarketHEIST.com 2011