THANK YOU! Each year w e call on our ent ire t eam t o com e t oget h er t o sup p ort our local food b an ks. Collect ively, w e are ab le t o m ake a sign ifican t p osit ive im p act across t h e lives of m any in Nort h Carolina. Th is year, t h rough your p rom ot ion an d cont rib ut ion s, 91,319 m eals w ill b e p rovid ed t o our neigh b ors in n eed . Way t o go! Th at is out st an d in g. I am p roud of your st ead fast com m it m en t t o m akin g great n eigh b ors.
- Tom m y Cam p
SNEAK P E E K New Luxury Collect ion Asset s Com in g Th is M on t h
Join our com p any-w id e t raining on Decem b er 10t h at 1 p .m . t o learn m ore. Be on t h e lookout for an em ail calend ar invit e.
LEGAL UPDATES Host ed b y Br yan Sim p son Sen ior Vice Presid en t an d Ch ief Legal Coun sel
Contract & Miscellaneous Forms December 1st, 1 - 2 p.m.
Settlement, Closing & Delay December 1st, 1 - 2 p.m.
Dow n Paym ent Assist ance Program s We value and support the communities we serve and we understand the challenges that many clients face when obtaining funds for a down payment on a home. If a down payment is the obstacle standing between your client and their goal of homeownership, then talk to us about down payment assistance programs (DAPs) that may be available in their area. We can help carefully consider each of your clients' home financing options to determine the home loan that is right for them.
Benefits of Down Payment Assistance -
Helps reduce upfront cash home buyers need to purchase a home. Boosts homeownership and helps improve the local housing market. May be approved for use with Conventional and FHA Loans. Certain DAPs may provide interest free loans or closing cost assistance that may be forgiven over a period of time.
Con t act you r in -h ou se m or t g ag e con su l t an t f or m ore d et ails. - Pam Gantt Senior Mortgage Executive Down payment assistance programs may not be the best option for all borrowers. Consult your mortgage consultant to review potential loan scenarios and financing options to determine the home loan that is right for you. Some and/or all qualifying criteria may be set by independent third party program sponsors.
A Local's Gu id e: Weekend Get aw ay in Boone and Blow ing Rock One of the many highlights of living in North Carolina is the proximity of our markets to great weekend getaways. Head to the High Country to find the beauty of the Blue Ridge on the parkway, at the top of Grandfather Mountain, and in charming local shops.
This is a great asset to share with your database. A template is available for your use in our Marketing Resource Center. Please email if you need any assistance.
CHOOSE THE BEST TITLE PROTECTION Did you kn ow h om eb uyers h ave a ch oice in t h eir t yp e of t it le insurance? Th ey can ch oose b et w een a st and ard ow n er p olicy or t h e Enh anced Hom eow ner?s Policy. Th e Hom eow n er?s Policy offers ad d it ion al coverages t o h elp ensure your Buyer?s invest m ent is p rot ect ed not only as of t h e d at e of closin g, b ut also from p ot en t ial p rob lem s in t h e fut ure. Ask At t orneys Tit le h ow t h ese ad d it ion al coverages h elp b et t er p rot ect your h om eb uyer.
Š2020 BHH Affiliates, LLC.?An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.Ž? Equal Housing Opportunity.