November Great Neighbors Notes

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One of the many ways we make great neighbors in the communities we serve is through our partnerships with the local food banks. Our collective effort makes a big difference. Last year, our team provided over 73,594 meals to our neighbors in need. We are calling on you again this year to support the annual food drive. Our company goal is one bag per associate. Together, we can make a significant, positive impact on the lives of others and see that no one is hungry this holiday season. If you wish to make a monetary contribution, we are more than happy to shop on your behalf. You may also donate online. Please be on the lookout for a donation link and contact your managing broker with any questions. - Tommy Camp

In the spirit of the season, we are covering the cost of your buyer's appraisal through November 30th. We are grateful for your partnership and look forward to providing your clients with this added value. Contact your in-house mortgage consultant for details. Ap p licat ion d ead lin e: 11/ 30 / 20 20

- Pam Gantt Senior Mortgage Executive

*Borrow ers are elig ib le for a len d er cred it t ow ard closin g cost s on t h e Closin g D isclosu re on a n ew p u rch ase, secu red b y a f irst m ort g ag e or d eed of t ru st (New Loan ), su b ject t o q u alif icat ion , ap p roval an d closin g w it h Prosp erit y Hom e M ort g ag e, LLC. Ref in an ce loan s are n ot elig ib le. Loan m u st close w it h in 60 d ays f rom t h e d at e of loan ap p licat ion . Len d er cred it m ay n ot exceed $50 0 or a b orrow er?s ou t of p ocket closin g cost s. Cou p on m u st b e p resen t ed at t im e of ap p licat ion an d all elig ib ilit y req u irem en t s m et n o lat er t h an 2 d ays p rior t o t h e New Loan closin g d at e. On ly on e len d er cred it p erm it t ed p er New Loan . Th is len d er cred it is void w h ere p roh ib it ed an d is n on -t ran sferab le, su b ject t o t h e t erm s h erein , an d valid on all com p let e ap p licat ion s received on or b efore 11/30/20 20.

Host ed b y Lici Fan sler D irect or of Ed u cat ion & Train in g

LEGAL UPDATES Host ed b y Br yan Sim p son Sen ior Vice Presid en t an d Ch ief Leg al Cou n sel

November 3rd, 1 - 2 p.m. Contract Negotiation Challenges

November 17th, 1 - 2 p.m. Materials Facts Disclosures

A Local's Gu id e: Weekend Get aw ay in Pineh urst & Sout h ern Pines One of the many highlights of living in North Carolina is the proximity of all of our markets for great weekend getaways. Relaxation awaits you in the Sandhills, enjoy delicious farm-to-table food, local shops and golfing galore - only a short drive from our major metropolitan areas. Click below to watch the full video.

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SAVE MONEY WITH PRIOR POLICY LOOKUP! Attorneys Title automatically searches for prior title policies when your buy-side transactions go pending. When found, the prior policy will be e-mailed to you and your office. Prior policies help your Buyer because they shorten the title examination and may offer a reissue rate (i.e. discount). The reissue rate can save up to 50% off the cost of a new title policy. Be sure to forward the prior policy along with the BHHS Title Section Form to the closing attorney and request they use Attorneys Title.

Š2020 BHH Affiliates, LLC.?An independently operated subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, and a franchisee of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.Ž? Equal Housing Opportunity.

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