Parkhotel Igls, Innsbruck, Austria

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nt awards

I-SPA ECTIVE MED MOST EFF Nast Traveller 5 Condé ward 201 The Spa A MARVELS MEDICAL y 2014 R O F EST B Troph Tatler Spa PA INATION S BEST DESTast Traveller Condé N vel Award 2013 Tra Readers'

Tariffs & offers 27 Dec 2015 – 18 Dec 2016

Our offers – an overview This brochure provides a summary of our offers. Subject to the focus of your treatment you select one of six therapeutic modules. Your stay is based on the chosen module together with the Basic Programme. Additional diagnostic modules plus a wide range of optional services and our popular special, seasonal offers allow therapeutic breaks to be fine-tuned to suit individual requirements. We will be delighted to schedule a personal consultation and devise the best possible programme for you. Select one of our comfortable rooms or suites for your stay. You’ll find a listing of room categories and tariffs on page 33.


T h e r a p e u t i c m o d u l e s P a g e s 4 –10 The Basic Programme Mayr Classic

Mayr Intensive

Mayr De-Stress

Musculoskeletal System

Metabolism & Detox

Heart & Circulation

New Year's Eve Programme Pa g e 3 0

Summer Short

D i a g n o s t i c m o d u l e s P a g e s 12 –14 Super Medical Check

Men’s Medical Check

Preventative Ultrasound Diagnostic Programme

Special offers Modern Mayr Medical Check Pa g e 1 6

Detox on the Run Pa g e 1 7


kybun @Mayr Pa g e 2 3

I n d i v i d u a l s e r v i c e s P a g e s 18 – 1 9 Medical services


Physiotherapy & massages

Physical therapies


Cosmetic &

kybun ® Page 22

TheMedGolf ® Page 24

beauty treatments Page 20

Seasonal offers Golf@Mayr Pa g e 2 5

Detox & Mentalcoaching & Feldenkrais ®@Mayr Pa g e 2 7

Yoga@Mayr Pa g e 2 8

Stay Programme Pa g e 3 1

R o o m r a t e s Pa g e 3 3 A d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n Pa g e 3 4 –3 5 3

Therapeutic module

The Basic Programme The Basic Programme is a fixed component of your stay. As a rule, the Basic Programme is combined with a therapeutic module although it can also be combined with individual services instead of a complete module.

1 week – € 896 Medical services Initial examination – integrated health check (30 mins) 1 medical examination – manual abdominal treatment (20 mins) Concluding examination (30 mins) Basic services Daily Kneipp treatments (leg, arm or seated contrast baths) Personal Modern Mayr cuisine diet plan Mineral water, herbal tea and base broth Group exercise sessions, active and passive anti-stress exercises (relaxation), lifestyle management and mental coaching Lectures & presentations Use of swimming pool, sauna and panoramic gym Each additional week €792, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)

Length of stay We recommend a minimum of two weeks, ideally three weeks, for optimum curative results, although even a single week will produce a noticeable improvement in any existing condition and greatly enhance your wellbeing.


Therapeutic module

Mayr Classic Time out for your health – this therapeutic module offers the ideal introduction to Modern Mayr Medicine.

1 w e e k i n c l u d i n g t h e B a s i c P r o g r a m m e – € 1, 1 4 9 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 5 partial body massages (25 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax Each additional week €1,045, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Therapeutic module

Mayr Intensive

This module is designed for guests who seek an across-the-board health improvement. The Mayr Intensive module enhances detoxification while at the same time releasing pressure from the joints and cleansing the body's connective tissue. In essence, this module encompasses the Mayr Medicine philosophy in its purest form – guests often find they become more receptive to fresh ideas and inspiration.

1 we e k i n c l u d i n g t h e B a s i c P r o g r a m m e – € 1, 5 2 8 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 additional medical examination – manual abdominal treatment (20 mins) 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) Expanded laboratory blood tests 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) 2 full body massages (50 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax Each additional week €1,227, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Therapeutic module

Mayr De-Stress

Slow down and restore your energy flow with our systematic and holistic approach to wellbeing. Facilitate your journey to enhanced self-realisation by means of dialogue, deep relaxation, autogenic training, mental coaching, exercise and a deeper understanding of your own personality. Specialised treatments such as craniosacral therapy provide valuable assistance in releasing blockages and restoring mobility while also supporting a general process of regeneration. The aim is to achieve (or regain) wellbeing, tap your full potential, increase productivity, and become ready for whatever life throws at you.

1 week including the Basic Prog ramme – € 1,729 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 2 craniosacral therapies (50 mins each) 2 coaching sessions (50 mins each) 4 combination heat packs (hay flowers and moor) 4 partial body massages – primarily acupressure & connective tissue massages (25 mins each) Each additional week €1,626, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Therapeutic module

Musculoskeletal System

This module focuses on the treatment of back and joint complaints. Tension and muscular imbalances frequently lead to back pain and posture problems. Stress, a lack of exercise and resulting muscular atrophy as well as an unhealthy diet are the major causes of these musculoskeletal complaints. In this module, Modern Mayr Medicine is applied in combination with specific back treatments and healing packs. In addition, our physiotherapists and physicians work with our guests to develop a systematic programme to be continued at home. Our aim is to ensure that the ease of movement and freedom from pain that guests rediscover at the Parkhotel is maintained when they leave.

1 we e k i n c l u d i n g t h e B a s i c P r o g r a m m e – € 1,5 2 0 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) 1 physiotherapeutic muscle function test (50 mins) 2 physiotherapy sessions (25 mins each) 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) 2 full body massages (50 mins each) 2 combination heat packs (hay flowers and moor) Each additional week €1,316, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Therapeutic module

Metabolism & Detox

We recommend this module to guests who suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol, elevated uric acid, allergies, skin complaints, food intolerances, tiredness & fatigue, burn-out symptoms and sleep disorders. The chronic nature of these complaints can often be arrested by means of specific treatments, which then allows an individual's state of health to be steered in a new and promising direction. The prerequisite is a thorough dietary and therapeutic detoxification of the body combined with active stimulation of the metabolism. The foundations of this programme rest on the results of numerous laboratory research projects. Our goal is to improve your quality of life.

1 week including the Basic Prog ramme – ₏ 1,730 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) Expanded laboratory blood tests 1 personal training session (50 mins) 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) 2 lymphatic drainages or full body massages (50 mins each) 4 liver compresses with beeswax 1 continuous shower massage Each additional week ₏1,431, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Therapeutic module

Heart & Circulation Unhealthy habits like smoking, eating the wrong foods and not exercising are the main causes of cardiovascular diseases. This module combines a healthy weight loss diet based on F.X. Mayr’s principles with a programme of gentle and therapeutic exercise to counteract the risk factors. These include stress, excess weight, elevated blood lipids, increased levels of uric acid, high blood pressure, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. The therapy starts with an extensive programme of tests followed by individually-tailored treatments to ensure long lasting benefits for our guests.

1 we e k i n c l u d i n g t h e B a s i c P r o g r a m m e – €1,6 3 2 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) Resting and exercise ECGs 1 spirometry (lung function) Cardiovascular blood tests 3 heart rate control exercise sessions (25 mins each) 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) Each additional week €1,086, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)



Diagnostic module

Super Medical Check

In addition to the basic range of diagnostic tests at the beginning of any treatment, we also offer a supplementary and ultra-comprehensive diagnostics module. We particularly recommend this module to guests who are taking stock of their lives and therefore wish to undergo an extensive medical check to understand the risk factors that may affect them. This module offers the highest level of preventive medical care.

Comprehensive diagnostic module excluding t h e B a s i c P r o g r a m m e – €2 ,0 6 7 1 physiotherapeutic muscle function test (50 mins) Expanded laboratory blood tests including hormone status 1 urinalysis 1 spirometry (lung function) 1 oxidative stress measurement Ultrasound of abdominal organs and vessels Ultrasound of brain-supply vessels (carotid) Ultrasound of thyroid gland Ultrasound of prostate and testes/breasts Resting and exercise ECGs Echocardiography

Only available in conjunction with the Basic Programme. Guests who prefer not to take the Basic Programme are required to schedule an initial examination (€151) and a final consultation (€136).

Collaboration with Innsbruck University Hospital If necessary, further diagnostic options are available on site. Thanks to our associations with Innsbruck University Hospital and specialist private health care suppliers, we are also able to offer you the very latest diagnostic methods.


Diagnostic module

Men's Medical Check

Aimed specifically at men, this comprehensive diagnostic module includes an andrological analysis to address issues linked to the male hormone balance, such as anti-ageing, erectile dysfunction and infertility.

Comprehensive diagnostic module excluding the Basic Programme – €2,431 1 physiotherapeutic muscle function test (50 mins) Expanded laboratory blood tests including hormone status 1 urinalysis 1 spirometry (lung function) 1 oxidative stress measurement Ultrasound of abdominal organs and vessels Ultrasound of brain-supply vessels (carotid) Ultrasound of thyroid gland Ultrasound of the prostate and testes Urological examination including consultation (50 mins) Resting and exercise ECGs Echocardiography Only available when booked in advance and in conjunction with the Basic Programme. Guests who prefer not to take the Basic Programme are required to schedule an initial examination (€151) and a final consultation (€136).


Diagnostic module

Preventative Ultrasound Diagnostic Programme Of all diagnostic procedures, ultrasound is by far the gentlest method as it involves no X-rays. Furthermore, tremendous recent developments in 3-D tissue imaging and the excellent image resolution we can now achieve enables us to detect even the slightest suspect tissue change in areas such as the prostate, bladder or breast. This really is a milestone for preventative cancer care!

Comprehensive diagnostic module excluding the Basic Programme – ₏ 998 Ultrasound of abdominal organs and vessels Ultrasound of brain-supply vessels (carotid) Ultrasound of thyroid gland Ultrasound of prostate and testes/breasts Only available when booked in advance.



Special offer

Modern Mayr Medical Check Combine the Super Medical Check with the benefits of detox based on Modern Mayr Medicine.

1 week including the Basic Programme – ₏3,567 The Basic Programme (see page 4) Expanded laboratory blood tests including hormone status 1 urinalysis 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) Ultrasound of abdominal organs and vessels Ultrasound of brain-supply vessels (carotid) Ultrasound of thyroid gland Ultrasound of prostate and testes/breasts Resting and exercise ECGs Echocardiography 1 spirometry (lung function) 1 oxidative stress measurement 1 physiotherapeutic muscle function test (50 mins) 1 physiotherapy session (25 mins) 1 personal training session (50 mins) 1 personal training session (25 mins) 5 full body massages (50 mins each) Price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Special offer

Detox on the Run Exercise is an essential part of Modern Mayr Medicine. We have compiled a special personal training treatment module – just for you.

1 week including the Basic Prog ramme – ₏1,434 The Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 bioimpedance measurement (lean tissue, water and body fat) 1 personal training session (50 mins) 3 personal training sessions (25 mins each) 1 personal training plan to follow at home 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) 2 full body massages (50 mins each) Price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Individual services Gastrointestinal diagnostics

Cardiovascular diagnostics

Hydrogen breath test (for fructose malabsorption,

Resting ECG


Resting and exercise ECGs




sorbitol malabsorption or lactose intolerance) C13 breath test for Helicobacter pylori

€64 € 125

Fungal infection or allergy testing

Spirometry (lung function)

(applied kinesiology)

€ 151

Comprehensive food allergy testing/blood test

€ 490

€ 58

Medical services Diagnostic ultrasound 3–D

Expanded neural therapy


Standard neural therapy

€ 70 € 95


€ 309

Acupuncture or laser acupuncture


€ 188

Intravenous drip with activated oxygen (ozone) €132

Abdominal organs and blood vessels

€ 416

Therapeutic phlebotomy

Prostate and testes/breasts

€ 309

Intravenous drip therapy:

Laborator y diagnostics


Vitamin C



€ 126



Haemo-Laser therapy

€ 79

Standard laboratory blood tests

€ 90

Expanded laboratory blood tests

€ 220

Restylane anti-wrinkle injections (standard)


Hormone screening for women

€ 135

Restylane anti-wrinkle injections (extended)


Hormone screening for men

€ 135

Colon hydrotherapy


Sleep diagnostics


Tumour markers Oxidative stress measurement Live blood analysis (dark field laboratory)

on request € 62

Ocular fundus and intraocular pressure

on request

€ 151

ENT and dermatological examinations

on request

Andrology consultation

on request

CT and MRI scans

on request

Electrotherapeutics/ultrasonic therapy


€ 46

Health psychology


Talk therapy/coaching (50 mins)


Physiotherapy assessment (50 mins)


Mental nutrition coaching (50 mins)


Physiotherapy muscle function test (50 mins)


Physiotherapy session (25 mins) Kinetic check (50 mins)

€ 56 €112

Physical therapies Metabolic detox bath

€ 41

Continuous shower massage

€ 58


Heat compress (moor or hay flowers)

€ 41

€ 99

Cleopatra pack

€ 51

Personal training session (50 mins) for two, € 74 per person Personal training session (25 mins) for two, € 38 per person

€ 51

Terra-Vit full body wrap Body wrap Thalasso pack

€132 € 95 € 117

Full body exfoliation

€ 51

Detoxifying and purifying body pack

€ 51

Medical massage

Alpine conifer (respiratory system)

Special massage (80 mins)

Mountain pine (bloodflow – joints)

Full body massage (50 mins)

€ 86

Alpine fir (tense muscles – colds)

Partial body massage (25 mins)

€ 46

Alpine spruce (rheumatism)

Swedish massage, lymphatic drainage, connective tissue massage,

Moisturising treatment (skin)

€ 110

detox massage, craniosacral therapy, structural integration,

Liver compress with beeswax

€ 51

intense back massage, the Dorn-Breuss method, Marnitz therapy,

Digestive herb wrap

€ 41

Penzel acupressure, reflexology, salt massage etc.

Chest or lower abdomen compress

€ 31

Inhalation with a selection of ingredients

€ 30

Roeder therapy with essential oils

€ 22

Additional diagnostic and therapeutic services on request.


Individual services

Detox beauty treatments Detox beauty treatments complement the detoxification and regeneration process. When you visit our beauty salon, our highly skilled staff will help to activate your body's energy stores and indulge you with a wide and select range of facial and body treatments. We can design a variety of programmes for the duration of your stay – please do not hesitate to ask. For detailed information about our detox beauty treatments and charges, please visit

Facial treatments

Hand & foot care

Regenerative treatment with microdermabrasion and ultrasound by Reviderm


Anti-ageing treatments

Special gel polishes

Pure & natural – relaxation and detox treatment

Natural nail treatments; nail extensions

by Akari

Hand & foot spa treatments

Beauty Wave microampere bio facelift

Ion foot bath and deep relaxation


Treatments for men Make-up consultation

Body treatments Body cellulite and detox treatments

H a i r r e m o v a l

Detox purifying pack with vacuum therapy

Hot wax or sugar paste

Attila interference current body firming treatments Ultrasound firming treatments Relaxing body treatments

Our detox beauty programme offers a holistic approach to beauty treatments in harmony with nature and the elements. The innovative facial and body treatments promote healthier and firmer skin with a youthful glow. Following a detailed analysis, your individual needs are identified and a specific care concept developed – not only for the benefit of the skin but also to aid overall recuperation and relaxation.



Individual services

k y b u n® The new walking technique – exclusively at the Parkhotel Igls The term ‘kybun®’ comes from Korea and means wellbeing. kybun® is based on the latest biomechanical research. It promotes the interaction of the brain, nerves and muscles, and is used in prevention, recovery and rehabilitation. Standing and walking on a soft surface, i.e. on a kyBounder (mat) or in kyBoots, exercises the stabilising muscles around the joints and spine as well as training strength, endurance, coordination and balance. kybun® improves body awareness and sensomotoric functions thereby assisting in speeding up healing processes. The various aspects of kybun® technique are ideally suited to provide a complementary therapy following injury or surgery.

kybun® —— Strengthens the entire body's stabilising muscles —— Improves posture and balance —— Boosts the leg vein pump —— Helps to relieve back, knee and foot pain —— Increases concentration and performance —— Promotes strength and resilience 1 x one-to-one kybun® lesson (50 mins) € 99 1 x one-to-one kybun® lesson (25 mins) € 51 — on the kyBounder (mat) — o n the kyTrainer (treadmill) with its unique micro-interval exercise programme — kyBoot interval walking (outdoor)


Special offer

k y b u n® @ M a y r The Parkhotel Igls is delighted to present kybun®-themed weeks during which you practice walking on air-cushion-soled kyBoots and perfect your walking technique in one-to-one sessions.

The Basic Programme (see page 4), including kybun® group classes 2 one-to-one kybun® lessons (50 mins each) 5 partial body massages (25 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax € 1,327 for one week, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates) and kyBoots (available from our shop)

Our panoramic gym is equipped with a kyBounder course and the new kyTrainer treadmills. kyBoots are revolutionary comfort shoes fitted with innovative 'walk on air' soles. Available from our shop, they are kind to joints and exercise the leg, feet and core muscles. If you would like to try before you buy, we can provide you with a pair of kyBoots free of charge. The extremely soft yet supple kySsen is an innovative sleep aid.


Individual services


About 62% of all golfers suffer from pain caused by dysfunctional movement patterns or muscle imbalances. As the only TheMedGolf ® Institute in Austria, the Parkhotel Igls is able to offer a golfspecific training programme that combines medical and physiotherapeutic elements. The TheMedGolf ® training programme is designed to help beginners acquire a swing technique that meets the requirements of the sport while also ensuring they avoid injury, and to teach advanced players to identify and correct any errors in their golf swing. To help you achieve an optimal flow of movements, a specially trained team of professionals provide you with individual attention – for the perfect, pain-free swing.

T h e M e d G o l f ®O f f e r 1 golf-specific functional analysis 3 golf-specific training sessions to improve coordination and strength 3 pre-shot exercise units 4 golf training sessions with a pro (incl. range fee, balls and video analysis) € 841, plus additional basic daily rate of € 80 (includes basic services scheduled on page 4) Price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)

Green fee charges (Rinn and Lans) 1-day green fee (9-hole)


1-day green fee (18-hole)


3-day green fee


5-day green fee


As a founding member of the Innsbruck-Igls golf club, Parkhotel Igls is able to offer its guests greatly reduced green fees.


Seasonal offer

Golf@Mayr 1 June – 31 August 2016 Play golf against a stunning Alpine backdrop, improve your handicap, and enjoy a powerful swing – whatever your age. Golf@Mayr is a hole-in-one for your health – because your Health is Central. Therapeutic applications help to restore your body's acid-base balance, while individually tailored Modern Mayr cuisine rests the digestive system. The sunny plateau around the Parkhotel Igls is a true paradise for golfers – three nearby golf courses offer varied fairways as well as different levels of difficulty. There are further golf courses within a radius of 100 kilometres – at Seefeld, Achensee, Kitzbühel etc. The Parkhotel Igls now has a chipping green, which was built and is maintained to golf course standards, and opens up additional and exciting opportunities for our on-site exercise programme. Ideal for chipping and putting practice.

The Basic Programme (see page 4) including golf group classes 3-day green fee (Rinn and Lans) 5 partial body massages (25 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax € 1,246 for one week, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)

Individual services on request Golf lesson with the pro (60 mins) Golf taster lesson (90 mins) Beginners – proficiency certificate course (12–14 lessons)


26 © Rosalie O’Connor, 2005

Seasonal offer

Detox & mental coaching & F e l d e n k r a i s ®@ M a y r 12 – 19 June 2016 There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way in the Feldenkrais® system of movement re-education, and it’s not a workout either. In this learning process, small adjustments to movement patterns lead to major changes in the nervous system, relieve pain, improve flexibility and bring greater ease to movements. These benefits are complemented by mental coaching: patterns of thought and behaviour are examined, and ways of overcoming internal resistance identified. With the combination of detox & mental coaching & Feldenkrais®, you explore unusual

movements, rediscover yourself and develop your potential. It is a fascinating journey towards a new sense of lightness.

The Basic Programme (see page 4) 5 Feldenkrais® lessons (60 mins each) 2 mental coaching sessions (50 mins each) 5 partial body massages (25 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax € 1,292 for one week, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)

Mental coaching & Feldenkrais® lessons as an add-on service with a therapeutic module: € 210 for 2 mental coaching sessions (50 mins each) & 5 Feldenkrais® lessons (60 mins each)


Seasonal offer

Yo g a @ M a y r 28 August – 11 September 2016 Settle, relax and harmonise body, mind and spirit with gentle exercises and the powerful energy

of your breath – Yoga brings equilibrium and physical wellbeing. For our summer courses, Yoga is combined with Modern Mayr Medicine, and nature takes the lead: practising Yoga in magical Alpine locations clears the mind and allows your thoughts to soar.

T h e e f f e c t s o f Yo g a —— Improves body image —— Stretches, strengthens, improves balance —— Improves breathing —— Provides cardiovascular exercise —— Stimulates the internal organs —— Enhances relaxation, has a balancing effect on the mind and emotions

The Basic Programme (see page 4), including Yoga group classes 2 one-to-one Yoga classes (50 mins each) 5 partial body massages (25 mins each) 1 liver compress with beeswax €1,306 for one week, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)



Seasonal offer

N e w Ye a r ’ s E v e P r o g r a m m e 7 days – arrive on 27 December 2015 After over-indulging over Christmas, the body needs time to recover. Parkhotel Igls offers the perfect environment for recharging your batteries – and there's no better time than straight after Christmas! Our highly qualified team and the unique atmosphere at the hotel provide the ideal backdrop for a detox programme based on Modern Mayr Medicine – and leaves plenty of room for celebrating the turn of the year in style. The Basic Programme (see page 4) 3 partial body massages (25 mins each) 2 full body massages (50 mins each) 3 liver compresses with beeswax 1 full body exfoliation 1 detoxifying and purifying body pack

Our special programme A snowshoeing excursion or winter walk in Seefeld Curling A visit to the Bergisel qualification ski jump Cross-country skiing on the shores of Lake Achen Enjoy an entertaining and relaxing New Year's Eve with a delicious buffet based on Modern Mayr cuisine, seasoned with wit, charm and musical accompaniment by the cabaret artist and blues man Markus Linder, followed by a torch-lit walk and fireworks to mark the turn of the year Celebrate New Year's Day with a long walk Enjoy a cinematic transmission of the Vienna Philharmonic's New Year's concert We can organise tickets for Innsbruck's New Year's concert on request € 1,404 for 7 days, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)


Seasonal offer

Summer Short Stay Programme 1 June – 30 September 2016 Give stress and worry a summer break – the Parkhotel Igls awaits with a special vitality programme to enjoy against a glorious Alpine backdrop in the fresh mountain air. Modern Mayr Medicine provides a holistic method for revitalising the body and the mind. Naturally, this is a process that requires time – which is why we recommend a stay of two to three weeks. Our Summer Short Stay Programme, however, is designed for individuals who simply want a short break to enable them to relax body and mind.

1 medical check-up (30 mins) and the Basic Programme (see page 4) 1 concluding examination (30 mins) 1 full body massage (50 mins)

Fo u r t h e r a p e u t i c t r e at m e n t s – p l e a s e s e l e c t from the following 1 partial body massage (25 mins) 1 personal training session (25 mins) 1 full body exfoliation 1 heat pack (moor or hay flowers) 1 moisturising full body Cleopatra pack 1 detoxifying and purifying body pack 1 continuous shower massage 1 metabolic detox bath 1 liver compress with beeswax € 793 for 4 days, price excludes accommodation (see page 33 for room rates)



Room rates excluding therapeutic modules

Single rooms Standard (approx. 20sqm)


Superior (approx. 24sqm)


Deluxe (approx. 35sqm)


Deluxe plus* (approx. 40sqm)


Double rooms Standard (approx. 28sqm)

€146 (single occupancy surcharge €56)

Superior (approx. 33sqm)

€168 (single occupancy surcharge €68)

Deluxe (approx. 43sqm)

€246 (single occupancy surcharge €102)

Suites Junior suite (approx. 45sqm)

€269 (single occupancy surcharge €108)

Suite (approx. 64sqm)

€363 (single occupancy surcharge €146)

Suite plus* (approx. 64sqm)

€386 (single occupancy surcharge €146)

Parkhotel Suite

€1,170 (rate is for up to 5 persons)

Rates are per person per night including breakfast and underground car parking. Modern Mayr cuisine, exercise programmes and treatments are not included in the room rates. Guests who chose not to take the Basic Programme or a therapeutic module are charged an additional basic daily rate of € 80 (see page 4). Discounts: 5% for stays of two weeks, 10% for stays of three weeks or more. All rooms are equipped with a safe, flat screen TV, free internet connection, bathtub and/or shower and bidet. Three of the rooms are wheelchair accessible. *with own infrared cabin


Additional information Vital Club

Preparation for

Te r m s &


Your free membership

your visit


Our Mayr for Gourmets

of our Vital Club entitles

Once you have made a

Tariffs and charges apply

cookbook is available to

you to benefits including

booking, you will receive

until 18 December 2016

order from the Parkhotel

attractive discounts,

detailed information about

and include all taxes

Igls. Price: € 12.

referral credits and loyalty

how to prepare at home to

and fees. In addition to


get the best results from

bank transfers we accept

S o r r y, n o

your stay.

cash, debit cards, Visa,


Mastercard, Amex and

The Parkhotel Igls building

Diners cards.

is a smoke-free zone.

Pe t s Dogs are only permitted

Ar rival &

access to the health retreat


by prior arrangement.

We recommend Sunday


Charge: € 25 per day per

as the best day to start


dog in its own basket,

your stay at the Parkhotel.

30 days or more prior to

food not provided. An

You can check in from

arrival: no charge.

additional € 100 special

2pm onwards. We greet

Within 30 days of arrival:

cleaning charge applies.

our guests at 5.30pm with

50% of all booked services.

Dogs are not permitted

a welcome drink followed

Within 21 days of arrival

in the communal areas,

by a health retreat tour

70% of all booked services.

hotel park or medical

and welcoming dinner.

Within 14 days of arrival:


At 7.30pm, one of our

100% of all booked

physicians gives an


introductory lecture during

Refunds cannot be given

which you’ll discover the

for early departures

latest findings of Modern

from seasonal offers,

Mayr Medicine. Check

modules and fixed room

out by 11am on day of

reservations. The Austrian


hotel contract terms and conditions shall apply.




A 12 Salzburg ( Munich ( Germany

90 mins) 120 mins)

A 12 Arlberg Garmisch-Partenkirchen Switzerland

Exit Innsbruck-Mitte



Arrival by car Exit the A12 at 'Innsbruck Mitte' Exit the A13 at Patsch Exit Patsch-Igls

Brennero Bolzano Italy


A 13

Arrival by air Innsbruck International Airport: 7km, 15 mins Salzburg: 180km, 90 mins Munich: 200km, 120 mins Zurich: 288km Milan: 396km Vienna: 478km Arrivals and transfers We can arrange free transfer from and to Innsbruck airport or train station.


Parkhotel Igls Health is Central Igler Strasse 51 6080 Innsbruck-Igls Austria Tel +43 512 377 305 Fax +43 512 379 225

Š September 2015


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