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Overview of Houses in Senior School


John Hymers was the founder of Hymers College as he left a sum of £50,000 in 1887 to create a school ‘for the training of intelligence in whatever social rank of life it may be found among the vast and varied population’ of Hull. John Hymers became Reverend of Brandesburton rectory in 1852 as the House represents not only his career but his values of charity and selflessness which were fundamental to the foundation and prosperity of the school.


Heads of House:


Studies: History, Politics and Economics

1st Team Rugby captain Cricket

8A Form Prefect Mentor


Studies: History, English Lit and Maths

LAWSOC founder Mentor

8A Form Prefect


Religion was a big part of life when the school was built in the late 1800s. The large majority of the students and faculty were Christian, because of this, the school thought it was important to recognise this in a more official way. The church in Hull was previously called the Holy Trinity church, therefore the house name of Trinity was obvious due to its religious connotations and connections with the city. Despite the school now being more multicultural with students of many different faiths, the House of Trinity has remained due to the history of the school.

Heads of House:

Matthew Studies: Further maths, Physics, Economics

1st Team Rugby Cricket

8C Form Prefect Mentor

Rosie Studies: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry

9A form prefect, buddy & mentor

Grade 8 Flute

In orchestra and wind band Netball and Hockey teams

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