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Eric Kreiger

Eric Kreiger is a Research Civil Engineer at the US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, IL. Mr. Kreiger is the Structural Engineering and Materials lead for ERDC’s Additive Construction (Construction Scale 3D printing) program located at CERL.

Freek Bos

Freek Bos is an Assistant Professor of Concrete Structures at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He has been part of the 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) research group since 2015. His current focus is on innovative reinforcement concepts for 3DCP, including printable SHCC and robotically introduced reinforcement elements. He has also been involved in 3DCP construction projects, including the Cohesion pavilion in Innsbruck. Freek is deputy chair of the RILEM TC ADC (Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures).

Guowei Ma

Professor Ma is the Vice President of Hebei University of Technology, China, and an internationally recognised figure in 3D concrete printing and intelligent construction, founding four research centers/labs related to these topics. He has published five books and over 300 high quality articles in international journals and conferences and served as Associate Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board Member of eight international journals. He holds the Guinness World Record for the longest 3D-printed bridge.

Kathrin Dörfler

Kathrin Dörfler is an architect and researcher in the field of computational design and robotic fabrication. She co-foundied the architectural research studio dorfundrust. Her work bridges the gaps between architecture and robotics for fabrication not only in laboratory environments but directly on construction sites. Kathrin is a Tenure Track Professor at the TUM School of Engineering and Design (TUM SoED) at the Technical University of Munich, founding a research group for Digital Fabrication at the Department of Architecture.

Viktor Mechtcherine

Viktor Mechtcherine is Director of the Institute for Construction Materials and Full Professor at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. He is Coordinator of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Priority Program SPP 2005 ‘Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multi-phase construction materials’ and chair of RILEM Technical Committee ‘Assessment of Additively Manufactured Concrete Materials and Structures’. He is RILEM Fellow and awardee of Wason Medal for Materials Research by American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Innovation Award of the bauma 2016 Munich.

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