Loughborough University Staff Development
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016 www.lboro.ac.uk/staffdevelopment
Loughborough University
Contents Essential Training Bribery Act 2010 Briefing - Online
Mandatory Fire Safety Interactive Course - Online
Non-Academic Probation Adviser Training
Performance and Development Review
Performance and Development Review for Reviewers
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection - Online Refresher Training
Respecting Diversity
Welcome to Loughborough
Bespoke and Tailored Services Bite-Size
Disciplinary Investigations
Managing Change
Monitoring Sickness Absence
Performance Management
Probation Review
Dealing with Change
Excellence at Loughborough
Successful Applications
Working in Open Plan Offices
Equality and Diversity Disability and Mental Health
Respecting Diversity
Unconscious Bias
Bullying and Harassment: Online Course
Bullying and Harassment for Managers: Online Course
Diversity in the Workplace: Online Course
Equality Analysis: Online Course
Delivering Excellence Implementing Process Improvement
Leading Innovation and Change
Managing Change: Bespoke
Process Improvement Masterclass: Bespoke
Understanding Process Improvement
Leadership and Management Coaching to Enhance Performance
Difficult Conversations for Managers and Leaders
Future Leaders Programme
Managing Sickness Absence
Performance Management
Project Management in the Real World
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Institute of Leadership & Management
Time Management
All ILM Briefings levels 2 to 5
Train the Trainer
ILM Level 2: Award in Leadership and Team Skills
USS Scheme Prudential AVCs
ILM Level 3: Award in Leadership and Management
ILM Level 3: Award in Coaching
Springboard Suite
ILM Level 5: Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring
ILM Level 4: Certificate in Leadership and Management
Becoming a Resilient Manager
Delegating Authority in the Workplace
Understanding the Importance of Marketing for an Organisation
ILM Level 5: Certificate in Leadership and Management Becoming an Effective Leader
Springboard Suite Combined Briefing
Fresh Steps
Springboard: Women’s Development Programme
Spring Forward Programme
Administrative Skills AdNet Events
Chairing Meetings
Confident and Stress-free Minute Taking
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading
Human Resources Management (Managing Recruitment)
Leading Innovation and Change
Mind Mapping
Making a Financial Case
Speed Reading
Managing Improvement
Understanding Financial Management
Understanding the management role to improve management performance
ILM Level 5: Diploma in Leadership and Management Making Professional Presentations
Managing Customer Relations
Managing Projects in the Organisation
Understanding the Importance of Marketing for an Organisation
Excellence at Loughborough
Technicians Development Apprenticeships
Other technical training
Online Resources Online interactive courses provided by Marshalls
Online learning via the Learn system
Other useful resources
StreamLearning from Scott Bradbury
Dealing with Difficult Customers
Improving the Experience
Centre for Academic Practice (CAP)
The International Experience
Associate Teaching Programme
Communicating your Research to a Wider Audience
Engaging Learning with Large Classes
Personal and Skills Development Art of Brilliance 1
Art of Brilliance 2
Assertiveness Skills
Boost Your Self-Confidence
Building Your Own Resilience
Building Your Own Resilience - Follow Up
Coaching and Mentoring Opportunities
Job Shadowing
Local Government Pension Scheme Prudential AVCs
Preparing for Retirement
The Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness
Loughborough University Portfolio of Evidence for Learning and Teaching (LUPE)
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
Professional Development Workshops
Research Staff Development
Support for E-learning
The Graduate School
Voice Sessions
Courses provided by other colleagues Centre for Academic Practice (CAP)
Health, Safety and Environment
IT Services
Loughborough University
A warm welcome to the 2015-2016 guide to staff development opportunities. The programme is constantly being updated, so we recommend you check online for the latest events and available dates via my.HR We’re keenly interested in your personal growth and in helping you to maximise your potential, whatever your role at Loughborough. We highly recommend that you use your Performance and Development Review (PDR) discussions to help identify and plan your on-going training and development. If you know what you want to achieve, but you’re not sure what sort of training or development activity would help you, then please have a chat with us – it doesn’t matter how sketchy your ideas are, we’ll do our very best to guide and support you. If we can’t help, we often know people who can, so we’ll help to point you in the direction of other options where appropriate. Every Department and School across the University has a nominated Staff Development Adviser who works with your HR Adviser to offer a full range of employee support, from recruitment and induction, through to individual, team and organisational development. We can offer you support at any stage of your career at Loughborough University. To find out who your Staff Development Adviser is please see our webpages www.lboro.ac.uk/staffdevelopment At organisational level, we align all of our activities to the University’s strategy, and we work hard to ensure that what we provide adds real value. We liaise with senior staff in order to identify organisational development needs and, sometimes this will result in us requiring you to undertake training, either because it’s a requirement of the law, or for best practice as an internationally recognised and UK leading institution. As in previous years, we will also be working on a number of projects to continue to support changes at Loughborough and we’ll be taking time to evaluate the impact of development activity more thoroughly. You can be sure of a warm welcome from everyone at Staff Development. We look forward to seeing you very soon. Siobhan and the Staff Development Team.
Full course listing at: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/ sd/courses-for-staff/ 01
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Essential Training Bribery Act 2010 Briefing - Online An essential 30 minute online briefing for all staff associated with Loughborough University, to enable everyone to apply the principles of the Bribery Act 2010. Organisations in the UK face a new exposure to criminal liability for failing to prevent bribery. This can include liability for the unauthorised actions of their employees, subsidiaries and agents. It is University policy to comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws. Bribery or any form of corruption by a member of staff of the University may be considered gross misconduct and the member of staff may face dismissal. It’s therefore important that we understand the basics of the Act to avoid unnecessary difficulties. This online course can be found on the Marshall’s system: https://lboro.learnupon.com/users/sign_in
Mandatory Fire Safety Interactive Course - Online This is an online course which ALL University staff are required to complete and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. This online course can be found on the University’s Learn system: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/online
Non-Academic Probation Adviser Training Who Should Attend? For all managers responsible for taking new non-academic staff through their probation. This training comes in two parts: (i) A short online briefing which will equip you with an understanding of the procedural aspects of the new probation for nonacademic staff process. You will be sent a link to this briefing about a week before the course is due to run. (ii) A practical 2 hour session (as per dates) using case studies and scenarios which will help ensure you make the most of the probationary period with your new staff. It will cover core skills such as how to: a. clarify expectations and set meaningful objectives for the probation period. b. how to measure progress and give constructive feedback. c. how to have difficult conversations if things are not going to plan.
Performance and Development Review (PDR) for all staff Who Should Attend? For all staff who are new to the university or who want further support from the sessions delivered in schools/departments. Available on the open programme. This is a practical session to familiarise you with Loughborough’s PDR framework and help you develop the skills required to get the most from the annual review process.
Performance and Development Review (PDR) for Reviewers Who Should Attend? For all staff who are responsible for reviewing others. All members of staff are expected to watch Vice-Chancellor Professor Allison’s online video outlining the PDR process and its value to the university. Staff Development can work with your school/department to deliver training on the process and the skills needed to deliver effective PDR’s that meet our strategic aims. Talk to one of the Staff Development Advisors about what we can do in your school/department.
Recruitment and Selection Who Should Attend? All staff involved in recruiting and selecting staff.
Respecting Diversity Who Should Attend? This half day interactive course – or an equivalent one run by Staff Development through your department – is mandatory for all members of staff. This session arises out of the University’s commitment to equality and diversity and out of a desire to respond to recent changes in legislation.
Welcome to Loughborough Who Should Attend? All new staff (with contracts over 3 months). This is an informative and interactive introduction to Loughborough University. Participants are given an overview of the University’s current position and where we are heading in the future. You will get to meet senior members of university staff, and have a chance to put your questions to them. You also can enjoy a free lunch with your new colleagues and the members of the senior staff, sharing stories of your first few weeks/months on campus. This course is offered each month and new staff members are automatically assigned a place on the next available course and only need to contact us if they need to change the date they have been allocated.
This course is designed for all staff involved in recruitment and selection. The session will outline the various elements of Recruiting and Selecting new members of staff. We will consider the legal framework and will consider job descriptions, person specifications, and how to test for agreed selection criteria.
Recruitment and Selection Online Refresher Training This refresher course is designed for Chairs of panels that have not attended the Recruitment and Selection course in the last five years, but is also a good refresher for anyone who would like a general overview of the recruitment and selection procedure at Loughborough. Please note however, this online training does not replace the need for staff to attend the one day Recruitment and Selection course. This online course can be found on the University’s Learn system: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/online
— “Combating the risks of bribery is about common sense and not about burdensome control.“ — Secretary of State 02
Loughborough University
Bespoke and Tailored Services We offer teams, departments, Schools or Professional Services a number of different tailored services on request:
Managing Change
• tailor our existing courses or programmes for you
Loughborough University, as any organisation, is constantly going through change. Some of these changes will affect people, and as a manager or team leader this short 2 hour session will give you practical pointers and reflection time to consider how to manage change most effectively. Please note this is just an introductory session into the subject, but there are other courses you could also consider.
• bespoke design, delivery and evaluation service – away day design and facilitation – team building and development • liaise with external providers • advise and act as broker with relevant internal expertise and set up your training • refer you to a more appropriate source of help Some examples of the sorts of courses we regularly run specifically for a School, department, Professional Service or team include, but are not limited to:
For team leaders and managers involved in managing change.
Monitoring Sickness Absence Who should attend? All staff are welcome, but preferably those who are team leaders or managers who manage the sickness absence process. This can be a refresher for staff who have attended Staff Development’s Managing Sickness Absence course on the main programme.
The Bite-Size Sessions are a series of standalone two hour sessions taking a pragmatic approach to current Human Resource challenges.
This session looks at the importance of monitoring sickness absence and how staff can follow the sickness absence policy to monitor sickness trigger points.
Each session will provide a practical approach, whilst also giving you the opportunity to practice the skills needed to implement best practice.
Performance Management
Disciplinary Investigations Who Should Attend? All staff are welcome, but preferably those who are team leaders or managers who currently run, or would like to be involved in running disciplinary investigations or hearings. This session looks at how to go about conducting a disciplinary investigation, the process involved, tips on running a thorough confidential investigation and an opportunity to develop the skills required.
Who should attend? All staff are welcome, but preferably those who are team leaders or managers who currently are, or will be dealing with capability/performance management. This session looks at the policies and procedures around capability and disciplinary and how to set targets to improve performance.
Probation Review Who should attend? All staff are welcome, but preferably those who are team leaders or managers who currently are, or will be Probation Advisers. This session looks at the strategic reasons and advantages of having a probation review, the paperwork involved and a chance to practice setting SMART objectives in line with Loughborough University strategy. Others in this series include:
Full course listing at: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/ sd/courses-for-staff/ 03
- Managing Change - Effective Induction - Effective Performance Development Review
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Dealing with Change
Successful Applications
We all go through change, both personal and in work throughout our lives and this course helps you to recognise how you cope with these changes.
Who Should Attend? Any staff looking to apply for an internal post or a promotion and those who are attending an interview.
Its’ pragmatic approach offers an opportunity for you to talk about what things are changing in your area of the University, and why, and to understand how and why you respond to these changes in the way you do. It will help you learn how to deal with change positively and enjoy less stress in the process.
Excellence at Loughborough Tailored from our Excellence at Loughborough suite, which is Loughborough’s suite of customer service training, we are able to tailor any of the courses specifically for your team or department, or for a group of teams or departments who need to work well together in order to deliver excellence in the delivery of their services or educational provision.
This is a practical course which looks at how to make the most of your application, from application form through to interview. You will gain advice on how best to market yourself and how to sell yourself at interview.
Working in Open Plan Offices This is a facilitated session with guest speakers, for teams to discuss moves to open plan working. Included in the session is advice about making open plan working successful and as stress free as possible, and an opportunity to discuss how you want to work together in the new setting.
— “… well done for sourcing activities which none of our team had come across before despite their long experience of assessment days and training events! It was high quality training, brilliantly delivered!“ — Helen Smith, Head of Careers and Employability
Loughborough University
Equality and Diversity Disability and Mental Health Who should attend? All new and existing managers. Policies covered in this 2 hour bite size session will be Sickness and Stress and there will be two case studies to work through. We will look at ways we can support you.
Respecting Diversity Who Should Attend? This half day interactive course – or an equivalent bespoke one run by Staff Development through your School/ department/service/team – is mandatory for all members of staff. New staff are not able to complete their probation until they have completed this course. This session arises out of the University’s commitment to equality and diversity and out of a desire to respond to recent changes in legislation. The sessions will focus on: • Our rights and responsibilities, both organisational and individual, in light of recent equality legislation and: • Explain why equality, diversity, harassment and bullying are key issues for the university to address • Discuss the implications for our procedures and practices • Discuss some pitfalls in the area • Share examples of good practice.
Unconscious Bias
The course highlights how managers should role model the expected behaviours.
‘Diversity in the Workplace’: recommended for staff with zero hours contracts, those that work less than 13 hours a week and have worked at the University for at least 8 weeks. Both the ‘Diversity in the Workplace’ and the ‘Bullying & Harassment’ courses are recommended to new staff generally, ideally to complete in their probationary period if possible. The online courses are strongly recommended to all existing staff as refreshers encompassing recent legislation changes.
This course covers:
The following online courses can be found at: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/directorytopic/equality-diversity
Bullying and Harassment: Online Course For all staff. This online course is for all staff and can be taken anytime. It is recommended that new staff complete this during their probation period or at least in their first twelve months of employment at the University. The course highlights the behaviour expected from all staff. This course covers: • What is meant by bullying and harassment • The effects it can have on people
Who Should Attend? All staff.
• The benefits of recognising and eliminating bullying and harassment in the workplace
An awareness raising session on Unconscious Bias (To support the Equality and Diversity and Athena SWAN agendas).
• What can be done if someone is being bullied.
This course covers: • Become more aware of own Unconscious Bias • Explore the brain’s processing short cuts • Be aware of how that processing impacts on our behaviour and decision making • Increase our awareness of strategies to manage our brain’s short cuts.
One hour online interactive E&D Courses: Which should I do?
Please allow just over an hour to complete the course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate.
Bullying and Harassment for Managers: Online Course For managers. This online course is for all managers and can be taken anytime. It is recommended that new managers complete this during their probation period or at least in their first twelve months of employment at the University.
• The issues surrounding bullying and harassment • The need to develop a culture that helps to eliminate bullying and harassment in the workplace • The legal issues • The need to role model expected behaviours. Please allow just over an hour to complete the course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate.
Diversity in the Workplace: Online Course For all staff. This online course is a refresher course on equality and diversity for all staff and can be taken anytime. It is especially recommended to staff who have not been on an equality and diversity course in the last four years or more. This course covers: • Key features and provisions of the Equality Act 2010 • Broader equality and diversity issues • Your responsibilities and rights as a member of staff of the University. Please allow just over an hour to complete the course and then complete the Quiz at the end in order to pass and gain your completion certificate.
Equality Analysis: Online Course This is available to staff as an Online course. Managers can request a face-to-face bespoke session by contacting sd@lboro.ac.uk.
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Delivering Excellence Staff Development are supporting the University’s strategic commitment to delivering excellence via process improvement, by bringing together a suite of courses and online resources to help you look at improving processes to allow resources to be used more effectively and reduce costs.
Implementing Process Improvement Who Should Attend? All managers or those wanting to implement process improvements. This programme is aimed at team leaders and managers. The purpose of this course is to help you identify process improvements in your own area, with the involvement of your team, and successfully drive these improvements forward. This is a two half day course with the Change Team. You will be expected to investigate an area for change between the two sessions.
Leading Innovation and Change Who Should Attend? This is a 3 day workshop aimed at managers, who may already be operating at Grade 7 or above, who will be managing innovation and change. This workshop is designed develop the understanding and ability of managers to lead innovation and change. We will look at the techniques used in continuous improvement, including Kaizen and business re-engineering. We will also consider ways to identify stakeholders during change, benefits, costs and overcoming resistance. As well as more detailed issues such as organising and planning change using Gantt charts and similar methods. The workshop will also challenge participants to think about the risk involved in change as well as the human and the financial factors.
Managing Change: Bespoke For team leaders and managers involved in managing change. Loughborough University, as any organisation, is constantly going through change. Some of these changes will affect people, and as a manager or team leader this short 2 hour session will give you practical pointers and reflection time to consider how to manage change most effectively. Please note this is just an introductory session into the subject, but there are other courses you could also consider.
Process Improvement Masterclass: Bespoke Who should attend? Invite only course for those who have attended Change Academy or one of the process improvement courses. This two hour event is aimed at all colleagues from across the University who have previous experience of the University’s approach to improving services. The event will focus on some of the more testing aspects of the process improvement methodology; Measures, Principles and Experiment. Colleagues will have the opportunity to discuss the benefits and challenges presented by each of these stages and hear real case studies of how measures, principles and experiments have been implemented to enable positive change.
Understanding Process Improvement Who Should Attend? All Staff. This is a short introduction to help staff understand the change process used at Loughborough University. If you are a member of staff and you are aware that the way we do something isn’t working then you need to be able to understand the process for highlighting this and working with your manager to get it improved. Driving improvement is not your manager’s job, we are all responsible for making sure we are giving our end users the best service and experiences possible.
Loughborough University
Leadership and Management There are a number of ways to develop your leadership and management skills. As well as traditional short courses, you can now work towards a recognised leadership and management qualification. Coaching to Enhance Performance Suitable for staff with management responsibility. This workshop is designed to develop the knowledge and skills for managers and leaders to enhance performance in the workplace by adopting a coaching style of leadership. This practical workshop is divided into two full days in which the values, behaviours and skills will be explored to enable to know when and how to use a coaching style of leadership to enable people to be the best they can be.
Difficult Conversations for Managers & Leaders For individuals who manage staff and may be required to deliver challenging news, tough messages or engage in difficult conversations. *Must be in a management/team leader role* A difficult or challenging conversation with employees is a conversation where you have to manage emotions and information in a sensitive way. This 1 day course will equip you with practical and effective techniques to address difficult issues with honesty, clarity and integrity whilst managing the powerful emotions that can often arise. Typical difficult conversations scenarios may include (but are not restricted to) tackling personality clashes, work management issues, personal problems and resistance to change. Please note the course is not designed to specifically address formal performance issues and disciplinary situations.
Future Leaders Programme This programme offers senior academics and professional services directors and deputies the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. This is done through problem based learning and focusing on the Loughborough way. This 12 month programme, sponsored by the Vice Chancellor and his team includes areas such as Leadership in the HR context, Leading Innovation and Change, Making Financial Cases and HR issues, such as Performance Management. The Chief Operating Officer and Deans of Schools make recommendations about Grade 8 (and above) staff who should apply for this exciting developmental programme. With an application process starting in July each year and the programme begins in September each year.
Further details are available from the Staff Development web page: www.lboro.ac.uk/staffdevelopment
Managing Sickness Absence Who Should Attend? Anyone managing staff in the University. This course is intended to share best practise and give you the skills needed to manage sickness absence with your staff. This course is not about the process of recording absence, but is about the management of absence.
Performance Management Managing performance is often seen as a difficult part of the management role, however when done effectively, it can boost individual and team morale and make already good performance great. This short practical session will give Loughborough University’s managers and leaders the opportunity and the confidence to deal with both good and poor performance effectively.
Project Management in the Real World Suitable for anyone doing ILM Level 5 Diploma, research students, academics, research staff, managers and administrative staff. Numbers are restricted to ensure participants best experience of the event. A full day introduction to the process of managing projects and the tools to assist in planning and tracking progress; this course is intended to be immediately applicable to planning and managing academic and research projects as well as commercial or internal projects. It covers the theory and principles of project management within the context of any project management methodology. This also contributes to ILM Level 5 Diploma ‘Managing Projects in the Organisation’. However, courses are not the only way to develop your skills. We also recommend that you look out for our “Action Learning sets”. These are an opportunity to learn and develop your skills working with colleagues. The Action Learning sets are organised and facilitated by Staff Development, however the learning is all down to the participants, through sharing challenges and assisting each other to come up with new ways of approaching issues.
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Institute of Leadership & Management We are pleased to be able to offer a range of Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) qualifications ranging from the level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills through to the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management. ILM Route for Leadership & Management ILM Level 2
ILM Level 3
ILM Levels 4&5
Levels 6&7
Award in Leadership and Team Skills
Award in Leadership and Management
Aimed at Team Leaders up to a Grade 5, but is also a good foundation programme for anyone in a higher management grade who has not previously attended any leadership development, is in a new post, or is looking to move into a management post in the future.
Award in Coaching
Certificate in Leadership and Management (4)
Levels 6 and 7 are offered by ILM but are not currently part of the Loughborough suite.
Aimed at Team Leaders / Managers from Grade 5 to 7, but it is also a good foundation programme for anyone in a higher management grade who has not previously attended any leadership development or is new in post.
Certificate in Leadership and Management (5) Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring (5) For team leaders/ managers Grade 6 upwards, however this is just for guidance and people who have gained previous qualifications in coaching and mentoring may want to consider this programme as part of their development as it explores coaching and mentoring in greater depth. Diploma Leadership and Management (5) Aimed at Managers from Grade 5 to 7.
NOTE: There is an application process therefore in order to attend any of the ILM (Institute of Leadership and Management) programmes you MUST first attend a briefing session. The briefing sessions allow us as the tutors to assess the correct level of development for you as an individual as well as giving you a chance to clearly understand the commitment you are making when you sign up to one of these programmes. Past participants have found it very helpful to bring their manager to this briefing – this enables managers to better understand the benefits that will be brought back to the workplace. To book on the next Briefing please go to my.HR: ILM Level 2 and 3 Combined briefing Leadership Awards ILM Level 3 Briefing – Award in Coaching ILM Level 4 Briefing – Certificate in Leadership and Management ILM Level 5 Briefing – Certificate in Leadership and Management ILM Level 5 Briefing – Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring ILM Level 5 Briefing – Diploma – Leadership and Management
These programmes are fully funded by Staff Development. After attending the relevant briefing, you will need to submit an application form for consideration before you are registered onto any of the ILM programmes. We reserve the right to charge your department on a cost recovery basis if you fail to complete the requirements of the programme. This does not apply to exceptional cases. ILM Programmes are NOT for postgraduate research students. 08
Loughborough University
ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills
ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management
ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring
This programme consists of 3 delivered sessions and 2 Assignment Tutorials spread over 5 weeks. It is essential to attend all sessions in order to gain the qualification.
This programme consists of 4 delivered sessions and one half-day Assignment Tutorial spread over 5 weeks. Some work will be required between workshops, including some written reflection work and preparation for your final presentation, which is assessed.
This programme consists of 5 full day workshops plus 12 hours of coaching with associated reflective coaching diary.
Programme units include:
Developing yourself as a team leader
Programme units include:
This unit looks at you as a team leader and focuses on your responsibilities and levels of authority. We also consider ways to develop you as a leader, looking at areas such as receiving feedback and setting your own personal improvement plan.
Understanding Leadership
Developing the work team
This unit will deal with connecting the team with the vision and strategy. You will learn the importance of being able to motivate teams and individuals to achieve objectives. The unit also covers the role the leader plays in supporting and developing the team.
This unit focuses on helping you to understand more about how your team functions. Looking at ways to improve team performance and also how to assess the training needs of the team and address these needs.
Improving Performance of the work team This unit looks more closely at the performance of the team. Considering the levels of performance expected and how these are determined, addressing underperformance and understanding what motivates people.
This unit will cover the different leadership styles and qualities. You will review your own leadership qualities and potential.
Leading and motivating a Team effectively
Understanding performance management This unit covers how to set performance standards. You will learn about setting SMART objectives for the team. The unit also covers how to measure performance against agreed standards.
This powerful and very practical programme uses up-to-the-minute research, tools and techniques to develop the twin themes of individual coaching competence and coaching in an organisational context. The programme explores the management of coaching as well as developing the skills, confidence and competence of those coaching at a managerial level. Programme units include:
Unit 1: Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring. Unit 2: Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace. Unit 3: Reviewing own ability as a management coach or mentor.
ILM Level 3 - Award in Coaching This programme consists of 3 full days and 1 half day workshops, plus 6 hours of coaching with associated reflective coaching diary. Programme units include:
Understanding good practice in workplace coaching In this unit we’ll look at the roles and responsibilities, characteristics and behaviours of a workplace coach. You will also learn how to plan and organise workplace coaching sessions.
Reflecting on workplace coaching skills This unit enables you to learn how to reflect and review your coaching performance and make improvements where necessary.
Undertaking coaching in the workplace You will undertake coaching in the workplace. Then you will monitor and review your own workplace coaching performance. This unit will give you the skills to do this.
— “The Level 5 course has really helped me reflect on my strengths and weaknesses and what I should be doing with my career.” — Adam Crawford, Civil and Building Engineering
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Units associated with ILM courses but you can attend as a standalone session: ILM Level 4 - Certificate in Leadership and Management
ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management
Becoming a Resilient Manager
Becoming an Effective Leader
This workshop is designed develop individual mental toughness.
Becoming an effective and authentic leader requires individuals to constantly consider their style and approach and evaluate the impact they have on others.
The workshop also explores the importance and implications of mental toughness, be able to assess own mental toughness, understand the implications of own mental toughness in terms of personal effectiveness within the organisation, understand how mental toughness can be developed and examine your own mental toughness. These workshops are aimed at those people who would qualify for the Level 5 programme, but are unable to commit to gaining the full qualification.
Delegating Authority in the Workplace This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of how to delegate a task in the workplace and examine ways to improve their ability to delegate and empower others.
This unit will enable you to critique your key leadership responsibilities of: • taking responsibility • contributing to overall vision and goals, setting direction • setting and providing guidance on values • stimulating innovation and enterprise • anticipating, planning for and leading change • overcoming obstacles • delegating and empowering others • setting objectives for teams and individuals • modelling appropriate behaviour
Human Resources Management (Managing Recruitment) This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of how the University functions and also how your role as a manager fits into the Human Resource Management framework of the University. The workshop explains the role and relevance of human resource planning in the University and looks at the legal requirements on human resource planning and on recruitment as well as looking at the University’s own HR policies and practices.
Leading Innovation and Change This workshop is designed to develop the understanding and ability of managers to lead innovation and change. We will look at the techniques used in continuous improvement, including Kaizen and business re-engineering. We will also consider ways to identify stakeholders during change, benefits, costs and overcoming resistance. As well as more detailed issues such as organising and planning change using Gantt charts and similar methods.
The workshop also explores the advantages and disadvantages of delegation, principles of effective delegation, delegating to empower others, constraints and benefits of empowerment, techniques for deciding the most appropriate individual, defining authority and power, responsibility and accountability and techniques to monitor outcomes of delegation.
• representing and protecting your team and feeding back
The workshop will also challenge participants to think about the risk involved in change as well as the human and the financial factors.
• developing individuals and your area of the organisation
Making a Financial Case
• emotional intelligence, using models developed by different theorists
This unit is designed to help demystify some common financial concepts and enable you to develop your understanding and ability to use financial evaluation techniques to inform management decisions.
Understanding the Importance of Marketing for an Organisation
• evaluating your strengths and weaknesses
It covers areas such as:
• identifying your own continuous self-development and how to identify opportunities to continue developing
• the nature of revenue costs and capital expenditure
Furthermore, this unit brings a focus to:
• break-even analysis
• your communication approach for persuading and negotiating
• margin and standard costing models
This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of the importance of marketing for an organisation. The workshop also explores the marketing management as a process, using marketing management to increase customer base, improve organisational image, and to increase perceived value, environmental scanning and situation analysis, market share as an indicator of market competitiveness, primary and secondary research to determine market trends, industrial and consumer market segmentation, product life cycle and competitor profiling.
The unit will also help you explore your selfleadership:
• developing vision and goals for significant projects or work programmes • scanning the internal and external environment • gaining motivation and commitment of others • mentoring and supporting others development.
• products and service costing techniques
• allocating costs • relevant costs in decision-making • costing systems in use at Loughborough • techniques to reduce costs • activity based costing • budgetary control and variance analysis • financial evaluation techniques
Loughborough University
• factors in considering and recommending revenue expenditure
• cash, profit and cash flow forecasting and credit control
ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management
• effective methods to present financial information to support recommendations
• sources of finance and funding within the Higher Education Sector and at Loughborough, and their characteristics
Making Professional Presentations
The unit explores how these concepts and financial principles are applied within Loughborough’s systems and procedures, enabling you to engage with your Finance Office colleagues and financial decision making committees such as Operations SubCommittee, in an informed way.
Managing Improvement The aim of this unit is to focus on managing quality, but looking at your own practices and also the university on a wider basis to consider how we can improve and simplify services between departments/teams. We will be discussing the impact that departments have on each other and trying to identify ways to create the best overall experience for everyone that comes into contact with Loughborough University. The unit will focus on: • the differences between quality assurance, quality control and quality auditing • quality systems such as BSI, ISO and IiP (benefits and accreditation) • the concept of total quality management • tools and techniques for assessing and maintaining quality and customer requirements • how improving internal customer service across departments improves quality • the pros and cons of using service level agreements between departments • scoping an improvement plan to identify and prioritise areas for improvement, define success criteria and set targets for improvement to meet customer requirements, whoever those ‘customers’ might be.
Understanding Financial Management This unit will help you develop your knowledge and understanding of finance at Loughborough, the value of management accounting and the process of budget setting and control. The unit will covers areas such as: • accounting documentation, such as balance sheets, profit and loss accounts, income and expenditure accounts • financial performance measures at Loughborough
• the role of the management accountant • Loughborough’s stakeholders and financial expectations • financial performance indicators and their role in achieving objectives and on budgets: • the nature and purpose of financial and non financial budgets • methods of preparing budgets • budgetary techniques for controlling operations • how variances are calculated and used to analyse extent, source and cause of budgetary deviation • techniques for monitoring and controlling costs.
Understanding the Management role to improve management performance This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of how the University functions and also how your role as a manager fits into the overall management framework of the University. There will be an opportunity to hear from key members of the senior management team to get a real understanding of the purpose of mission and value statements of the University as well as the stakeholders. The workshop also explores the communications culture of the organisation and the challenges that may be encountered with communication. We also will consider issues such as networking and go onto look at your own personal style of management and communication and how this may affect your situations and the individuals you deal with.
— “I always love the courses you run in Staff Development and feel very lucky to have such professional training and experienced trainers on hand here at Loughborough” — Sally Western, Careers and Employability Centre
This workshop is designed to give managers wanting to develop knowledge and understanding of making professional presentations. The workshop also explores the relevance of objectives, audience and contexts in relation to presentations. Understanding the level of knowledge and expectations of the audience. Research, evaluation and logical grouping of valid and relevant information, difference between fact and opinion. Options and constraints applicable to presentation such as time, duration, venue, equipment and language.
Managing Customer Relations This workshop is designed to give managers an understanding and ability to be able to manage customer relations as required by a practising or potential middle manager. The workshop also explores the relevance of customer relations as a function of business management, concept of decision making, the nature of client / customer relations and the role of the key account manager, buyer behaviour, environmental scanning, customer supply chain, supply chain management and the need for systems to provide after sales service to name a few.
Managing Projects in the Organisation This unit is designed to give managers an understanding and ability to be able to manage projects. The unit also explores project sponsors, stakeholders and scope, Gantt and bar charts, critical path analysis, methods of reducing project times and costs, methods to monitor and evaluate project progress and final outcomes, project communication methods, project management terminology, project life cycle to name a few. This is a self study unit, but you must complete ‘Project Management in the Real World’ before taking this unit.
Understanding the Importance of Marketing for an Organisation This workshop is designed to give managers a greater understanding of the importance of marketing for an organisation. The workshop also explores the marketing management as a process, using marketing management to increase customer base, improve organisational image, and to increase perceived value, environmental scanning and situation analysis, market share as an indicator of market competitiveness, primary and secondary research to determine market trends, industrial and consumer market segmentation, product life cycle and competitor profiling.
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Dealing with Difficult Customers Who Should Attend? All staff – in particular those people dealing with other members of Staff, Students, and Visitors on a regular basis. Please note this course is aimed at people dealing with customers, both internal and external to your team/department/school, but it does not focus on building better relationships within your team or people you work with on a daily basis.
Excellence at Loughborough
Improving the Experience Who Should Attend? All front line staff dealing with Students, Staff or Visitors – in particular support staff. This course is aimed at giving participants the opportunity to reflect on the levels of service they offer their colleagues/students/ customers. We look into creating good impressions, choosing the right attitude and understanding basic body language.
The International Experience Who Should Attend? All staff that deal with International Students, Staff or Visitors. This is a half - day course for all staff with the aim of sharing experiences and good practices. It is all about creating an International Experience for everyone at Loughborough University.
Loughborough University
Personal and Skills Development Art of Brilliance 1 Who Should Attend? For all staff who want: • inspiration to change the way they think about work, life and relationships and to create a positive climate around them • tangible ideas which will have an immediate and positive impact at work and at home.
Art of Brilliance 2 Who Should Attend? All staff who have already attended the workshop entitled “Art of Brilliance 1”. This workshop aims to build on the excellent habits from “Art of Brilliance 1”, reviewing progress to date and taking the messages one step further. The aim is to stop the slide back to mediocrity and instil permanent change.
Take a look at the Staff Development web pages for more information on coaching and mentoring at: Coaching www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/other/ coaching Mentoring www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/other/ mentoring
This 2 hour workshop is aimed at all staff members who feel they would benefit from building their own resilience.
Job Shadowing
It is really an introduction to the subject and a chance to share tips and ideas with other people about how to steer our way through the day to day challenges of life.
Building your own Resilience: Follow up
Assertiveness Skills
Who Should Attend? Any member of staff.
Who Should Attend? Any member of administrative staff looking for practical tips on how to be assertive.
This session is designed for those who have already attended the ‘Building your own Resilience’ session. During this short 2 hour session you will be able to review your progress since the first session and again share ideas with others.
Assertiveness is about valuing ourselves, knowing our rights, and being able to speak up clearly and respectfully on our own behalf.
Boost Your Self-Confidence Who Should Attend? Any member of staff who feels they would benefit from learning some practical and tangible confidence tips. Lack of confidence can affect us in all sorts of ways, and often results in us doubting our opinions, needs and skills, and then either hold back and feeling frustrated, or act in a way that does not bring a satisfactory outcome.
Building Your Own Resilience Who Should Attend? Any member of staff. Many of us are trying to cope with the things that the world throws at us on a daily basis, changing economic climate, uncertainty, changing roles, values and cultures, working with limited resources.
The world has always been a challenging place and one thing is for certain, change will continue to happen. So we need to learn how to build our own resilience in order to work our way through the challenges and pick ourselves back up when things do go off course. All of this will help us to explore new experiences and challenges and reach our potential.
In addition, more time will be dedicated to reviewing your own results from a resilience self-assessment questionnaire that you will be asked to complete before attending this session. So why not take a moment to review and reflect on your progress so far and get revived enthusiasm and support for your next steps.
Coaching and Mentoring Opportunities Although the terms mentoring and coaching are often used interchangeably, they are in fact very different. A mentor is often more senior and can help guide you in the choices you make, a coach on the other hand is someone trained to help you find your own solutions through effective questioning, listening and feedback. Both can provide excellent individual and organisational benefits so it’s a question of selecting the right option for you.
Loughborough University’s Job Shadow Scheme has existed since 2006 and has grown in numbers taking part and is gathering support year on year. 2015 saw almost 140 members of staff undertaking a job shadow. The scheme gives you the opportunity to become familiar with someone else’s role or responsibilities with Loughborough University. Job Shadowing can help you develop your understanding of a process or procedure to help you in your role going forward, or it could help you understand more about a totally different role to one you currently have. It can also provide a fantastic opportunity to build relationships with colleagues from other areas of the University. Calling all Schools and Departments! If you are interested in putting forward your School or Department to take part in the 2015 programme, please let us know as soon as you can along with a nominated coordinator for your School/Department, giving their name, phone and email details.
— “Every aspect of information gleaned from all specialist subjects/departments was useful and very interesting and informative“ —
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
— “Three Administrators from my team attended Art of Brilliance 1 and all are buzzing today, with how good the session was and how much they enjoyed it!” — Sarah Rate, School of Civil and Building Engineering
Job shadowing can take place in your own department or in another, and it can be for any length of time, an hour or a full day – whatever you mutually agree will work best. To find out more, see our website: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/other/ job-shadowing
Local Government Pension Scheme Prudential AVCs Who Should Attend? All members of the LGPS scheme. A tax-effective method of increasing your pension benefits by paying money-purchase AVCs.
Preparing for Retirement Who Should Attend? All Staff and their partners. An invitation to you and your partner to our one-day retirement event. We aim to cover the following questions: Are you really prepared for it? What will you do all day when you don’t have to spend your time working? How will your relationships adapt to the change? Can you maintain an active mind and healthy body? Can you manage financially? These are some of the questions, which this workshop will address. It is never too early to prepare for retirement. Don’t leave it to the last minute!
The Mindfulness 8-week course: Increase Resilience and Effectiveness Who Should Attend? All members of staff who are open to experience meditation. Mindfulness is a 2,500 year old meditation practice that is increasingly relevant for today’s fast pace of life. The 8-week Mindfulness Course is non-religious and designed to teach you ways of paying attention in the present moment to yourself, others and the world around you. The key part of this is learning simple meditation practices such as the Body-Scan Meditation, ‘Mindful’ Movement and Sitting Meditation; one of which you are encouraged to perform daily between sessions. The course also aims to help you identify ways of working with and understanding your habitual ways of thinking and to develop strategies for more effective interpersonal communication.
• look at various models which may help you plan your time more effectively • consider the consequences of not being in control • develop strategies to help deal with identified obstacles to effective time management.
Train the Trainer Who Should Attend? Any member of staff who needs to do occasional training as part of their role on a one to one basis or to groups. There is pre-work involved in this programme.
Research shows that people who adopt Mindfulness techniques as part of their daily life:
This programme is aimed at anyone who needs to train others as part of their role on a one to one basis or a group basis. We will look at some of the key issues involved when trying to train people. Everyone attending this programme will be required to run a practice training session to show what they have learnt and also to develop their own personal skills through gaining constructive feedback from fellow colleagues and tutors.
• have increased ability to pay attention and concentrate
The programme is spread over 3 days to allow people the chance to practise their skills.
• have raised levels of emotional intelligence
There will be an assessment on the final day of the programme, each participant will be filmed as part of the assessment and will be given access in order to review their performance in their own time. A certificate will be presented to all successful participants for the full attendance and completion of the final assessment.
• have increased resilience • have improved relationships • are more aware of their thoughts and feelings and better able to manage them. Other Information: Attending an Introduction/ Taster Session for the Mindfulness 8-week course is essential prior to enrolling on the Mindfulness programme.
Time Management Who Should Attend? Open to any member of staff who would like to improve their time management skills.
USS Scheme Prudential AVCs Who Should Attend? All members of the USS scheme. A tax-effective method of increasing your pension benefits by paying money-purchase AVCs.
This session will help participants to: • share experience to find out what makes effective time management a challenge 14
Loughborough University
Springboard Suite Staff Development is fortunate to be able to offer staff personal development along with professional development. We have a number of staff who have become licensed to deliver the well renowned and internationally known springboard programmes. Springboard is an expert international training company with a proven track record in work and personal development training.
• presenting your experience positively
Springboard Suite Combined Briefing This is a combined briefing session for all of our Springboard programmes:
Who Should Attend? The Springboard programme is designed specifically for non management women, but can be suitable for more senior women if they wish to take stock of their lives and take time out to consider their own goals and aspirations.
Fresh Steps – aimed at the more experienced workers
• knowing yourself and what you have going for you
Spring Forward – aimed at new, aspiring or first line managers
• goal setting and how to make these happen
Who Should Attend? All Staff.
Springboard – aimed specifically at women All of these programmes are aimed at giving you the opportunity to take time out to look at your life both personally and at work. It’s an opportunity to revisit or even identify your aspirations and dreams but also to recognise your achievements.
Fresh Steps Who Should Attend? For members of staff who are open to reassessing where they are in their lives and work, ready to explore new possibilities and to set new goals. • successfully dealing with change • identifying what you want from work • the use of mentoring/coaching • reassessing changing values • setting goals • your relationship with time • your health issues • the importance of exercise and relaxation • recognising your successes • relationships with other people • getting to grips with finance • clearing whatever is holding you back • relaunching yourself
• turning your goals into reality.
Springboard: Women’s Development Programme
For all these sessions you are advised to first attend a combined briefing to find out more about the programmes and which would suit you best.
• how to focus on your priorities • assertiveness skills, recognising when you need to speak up for yourself • networking and how to raise your own profile • how to turn your weaknesses into strengths • finding your work/life balance • allows for sharing and exploring of your ideas • develops your self confidence so you can make the above happen.
Spring Forward Programme Who Should Attend? For men and women members of staff who are either: considering a move into a management or leadership role, or... eager to progress further in their management or leadership role. • better problem solving, decision making and team working • more open to change and better at managing staff • better use of resources and time • taking more responsibility for your own development • more positive attitude • initiating more solutions and being more goal oriented • better at participating at meetings • more confidence.
The outcomes from these programmes will vary depending on the individual, how much the individual wants to participate and personally get out of it.
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Administrative Skills AdNet Events Who Should Attend? All admin, secretarial and clerical staff, in the administrative services job family. By attending network events, you have an opportunity to keep up-to-date with University developments, discuss topics of common concern and contribute to this vibrant network across all departments and sections.
Chairing Meetings Who Should Attend? Anyone who chairs, or may need to chair meetings, and wants to deal with some of the problems more effectively. Most people have had experience of meetings which went on too long. This course will cover all the things you need to do to keep your meetings on track.
Confident and Stress-free Minute Taking Who Should Attend? For administrative staff who need to write minutes and extract salient points from meetings, talks or discussions. Identifying problems for the note-taker. Planning for the meeting and preparing an agenda. Purpose and functions of agenda; content, sequence, timing, wording. Listening and recall techniques. How to extract central ideas; understanding and then rephrasing the speakers’ words; distinguishing between the relevant and irrelevant; exercises in immediate recall. Intensive practice in note-taking. Various methods which allow for flexibility, organisation and easy access. Writing minutes and action sheets. Purpose, function and different types of minutes; what to put in and what to leave out; layout, sequence, wording and actioning.
Grammar, Punctuation and Proofreading Who Should Attend? This workshop is open to Loughborough University administrative staff who would like to improve their grammar and punctuation. Most people know that a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. Do you know how to construct a clear, comprehensive sentence? Do you write in clear, straightforward English? Do you know what the grammar check means when it says you are using the passive voice? Are some of the rules and conventions of punctuation and grammar a bit hazy? Some of the things you were taught at school have changed; some of you may have learnt very little grammar at school. This workshop has been designed for admin staff who would like to refresh their knowledge of grammar and punctuation and ensure that they are following best practice. The course is not a technical one, but is one that considers the practical application of grammar and punctuation to written communication.
Mind Mapping Who Should Attend? All administrative staff. Mind Maps are powerful tools for absorbing information and organising large volumes of facts. The principal idea is drawn in the centre, with major branches radiating outwards. Further levels of thought, expressed in terms of key words or images, are connected to the main branches with thinner lines.
Speed Reading Who Should Attend? Suitable for all admin staff. Do you sometimes feel daunted at the prospect of mountains of reading? Is it hard to prioritise your reading? Would you like to improve your concentration when reading? Is it hard to recall and use what you’ve read? Do you worry about missing something vital when you read? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this workshop is for you! In this age of information overload, speed reading skills will help you to conquer those stacks of unread memos, reports, manuals, newspapers and journals. This technique is more than just reading fast, it’s about reading efficiently. It involves selecting carefully what you will read and deciding when and how you will read these items. This Speed Reading course aims to help you learn the techniques of reading faster with good comprehension. If you practice these skills you will harness the huge reserve capacity of your mind – and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve.
This session aims to help you to create Mind Maps for collecting, organising, analysing and recalling information. Many people have found that this simple technique has revitalised their whole approach to thinking and note-taking.
Taking notes and writing draft minutes of a short meeting on video. Assessing those minutes. 16
Loughborough University
Technicians Development
Online Resources
Online interactive courses provided by Marshalls:
A new programme for apprenticeships is running this year and more details will become available on our web page: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/you/technical
HEaTED HEaTED is a national training and career development framework for the UK Higher Education sector. The HEaTED vision is to deliver tools and opportunities that not only meet the training and career development needs of technical staff, but also fit into the requirements of an ever changing HE sector. In partnership with the IST HEaTED are continuously developing and delivering a range of services to support the development of technical staff, including a specialist Virtual Learning Environment for HEaTED subscribers (see the HEaTED project pages on the Institute of Science and Technology website www.istonline.org.uk To find out more about what HEaTED can offer, visit the HEaTED website. www.heated.ac.uk
Other technical training If you have specific training needs then please do not hesitate to contact Staff Development. As a general guide, the Staff Development Technicians Training budget will fully fund ‘transferable skills’ related training. More specialised or departmental specific training will be subject to negotiation and may attract partial funding from the training budget.
TecNet A bi-annual networking forum has been established, entitled TecNet, which will represent all staff in the Technical (TE) job family across both Schools and Professional Services. The aim of TecNet is to create and maintain an identity for technical staff at Loughborough, share best practice and explore issues that impact on the TE role in general. TecNet sessions will be run throughout the year so keep checking the Technicians web page to check for dates and times! Visit: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/you/ technical We will keep you informed of topics to be covered via the Technicians E-newsletter. If you wish to subscribe to the Technicians E-newsletter, then please visit the technicians web page above for details. If you have suggestions for topics you would like covered, please let us know via email: sd@lboro.ac.uk
Bribery Act 2010 Briefing Organisations in the UK face a new exposure to criminal liability for failing to prevent bribery. This can include liability for the unauthorised actions of their employees, subsidiaries and agents. It is University policy to comply with all applicable anti-bribery laws. Bribery or any form of corruption by a member of staff of the University may be considered gross misconduct and the member of staff may face dismissal. It’s therefore important that we understand the basics of the Act to avoid unnecessary difficulties.
— “Combating the risks of bribery is about common sense and not about burdensome control.“ — Secretary of State Bullying and Harassment An online course for all staff. It is recommended that new staff complete this during their probation period or a least in their first twelve months of employment at the University. The course highlights the behaviour expected from all staff Bullying and Harassment For Managers An online course for all managers. It is recommended that new managers complete this during their probation period or a least in their first twelve months of employment at the University. All other managers should try and complete this as soon as possible. The course highlights how managers should role model the expected behaviours. Diversity in the Workplace An online refresher course on equality and diversity for all staff. Especially recommended to staff who have not been on an equality and diversity course in the last two years or more. Find out about legislative changes and how that affects you. Equality Analysis An online tool to meet the general Public Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010.
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Online learning via the Learn system:
StreamLearning from Scott Bradbury
Mandatory Fire Safety Interactive Course This is an online course which ALL University staff are required to complete and takes 20 minutes.
The full listing of Video resources to complement our training sessions in a range of topics listed below:
Recruitment and Selection Online Refresher Training This online refresher course is designed for Chairs of panels that have not attended the Recruitment and Selection course in the last five years, but is also a good refresher for anyone who would like a general overview of the recruitment and selection procedure at Loughborough. Please note however, this online training does not replace the need for staff to attend the one day Recruitment and Selection course.
A Question of Evidence A 20 minute video illustrating the skills of behaviour-based selection interviewing. Absenteeism: Getting a Grip Part 1 and 2. These videos cover: routine absence, return to work interview, staying in touch, and Part 2 looks at how to deal with tougher cases of absenteeism.
Other useful resources:
Agreeing Development Objectives An 18 minute video illustrating how managers can use questioning skills to help learners think through their aspirations.
Midland Academic Practice Network A regional staff development network in Higher Education which focuses its programme of events on Academic Practice and Learning Support.
Feedback: Fixing Performance Problems A 17 minute video shows managers how to give negative feedback to someone they believe is not performing to the required standard or to their full potential.
Manager’s Toolkit A huge range of online resources tailored for Loughborough University staff. The place to go for managers/leaders, anyone undertaking the ILM courses and for anyone who wants to find out what resources are available to support you in your role.
Making Change Happen A 16 minute video – a change initiative may be conceived by senior managers but it is the behaviour and actions of managers throughout the organisation which bring about its success – or failure.
Log on using your university user name and password. Take a look at the Legislation information, Case Studies, Role Plays, Top Tips, How to Guides, Templates, Video and Audio clips and more! If you wish you can sign up to receive a weekly e-newsletter. Retirement From October 1, 2011 there is no longer a compulsory retirement age in the UK which means, depending on the role you are doing, you may well be able to work on into your seventies or even eighties. The question is … “is this what you want?” You can never start planning for your future too early and this website aims to give you some sign posts to useful information. www.lboro.ac.uk/services/sd/retirement/index Microsoft Office Training Materials Found on the IT Services web page: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/it/support/training
Performance Objectives that Work A 16 minute video – Performance Objectives that Work goes beyond the process of SMART to illustrate the importance of gaining not only agreement but emotional engagement too. Using Competencies Successfully A 15 minute video – competencies make explicit the way your organisation wants its people to work. Using Competencies Successfully illustrates how to use them in PDRs, in promotion interviews and for self-development. WHAM! A 23 minute performance management video. There are only four reasons why people don’t perform well at work: 1. they don’t know What to do; 2. they don’t know How they are doing; 3. they aren’t Able to do it or 4. they aren’t Motivated to do it. WHAM!
View our online resources: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/ sd/resources 18
Loughborough University
Centre for Academic Practice (CAP)
includes training specifically for Research Staff, such as the workshop “Introduction to Research” for new Research Staff. There is the option to take part in the training and development activities offered by the Graduate School. Research Staff who teach can also access the training and support offered by CAP, including the ability to apply for recognition from the HEA via the LUPE platform.
Support for E-learning Associate Teaching Programme The Associate Teaching Programme (ATP) is a two-semester academic programme for Loughborough University staff actively developing student learning. This practice-based flexible course is delivered using blended learning techniques. It develops scholarship and expertise to create effective student learning, demonstrating how your practice meets nationally recognised standards. Successful completion leads to 30 postgraduate credits and Associate Fellow recognition by the HEA.
We will develop methods and techniques around questioning and feedback to resolve some of the issues which arise in large group teaching.
Loughborough University Portfolio of Evidence for learning and teaching (LUPE)
If you are teaching at least 10 hours per semester as a part-time academic, librarian, technician, demonstrator, technologist, technical tutor or researcher, this is the course for you. Course starts available: September, January and April.
Introduced in October 2014 this is a new way of gaining HEA Fellowship. Colleagues gather evidence and use this to substantiate a reflective account of their practice. The account can be presented in a format appropriate to the individual and their discipline, and support and guidance is provided throughout via a series of workshops, documentation and a mentoring scheme. Further information is on the CAP website www.lboro.ac.uk/services/cap/ procedures-schemes/lupe
See www.lboro.ac.uk/services/cap/ courses-workshops/atp for more details.
Or on the dedicated Learn page http://learn. lboro.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=10021
Communicating your Research to a Wider Audience
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
People who are not experts in your field can have significant impact on how your research is received, supported and funded.
This two-year, part-time, credit-bearing course is based on a model of academic practice which demonstrates the interrelationships between teaching, research and enterprise. Research can be pedagogic-related and/or subject-specific. It is open to staff seeking a qualification to support their academic practice and is accredited by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) for Descriptor 2, Fellow of the HEA. Further information is on the CAP website www.lboro.ac.uk/services/cap/coursesworkshops/pgcap
Communicating effectively with and to them is essential, whether they are policy makers, journalists, members of the public, funding body committees or researchers from other disciplines. The workshop explores what you can do, what tools are available to you, and how the central University marketing team can support your goal of spreading the word about your research.
Engaging Learning with Large Classes Lectures and large group teaching does not have to be didactic, boring or monotonous for the students or the lecturer! In this session we will explore how students being taught in large groups can experience `personalised’ learning. We will identify ways in which lecturers can be participatory and active, tailored to the individual style and personality of the academic involved. Together we will explore available technologies like text walls, Twitter feeds, keypads, tablets, visualizers and glassboards.
Professional Development Workshops A range of workshops addressing key areas of academic practice provides practical advice and support for research, enterprise, teaching, learning, assessment and e-learning. Workshops can also be tailored to support individual Schools or departments. For a list of workshop titles search my.HR and see the CAP website: www.lboro. ac.uk/services/cap/courses-workshops/ workshops
Research Staff Development Research Staff are able to access and enrol on any of the courses found on my.HR; this
Academic staff have access to a range of centrally supported learning technologies which they may use to support their students’ learning. These include major systems such as the Virtual Learning Environment Learn, which all modules are required to use, and the campus lecture capture system ReVIEW, which is now widely used and much appreciated by students. In addition, there are a range of other services which may be less well-known but equally valuable, such as Box of Broadcasts which provides staff and students with access to every BBC TV and radio programme since 2008. E-learning Officers within the Centre for Academic Practice are responsible for providing support and training for all these systems, in the form of both ad hoc one-toone sessions and scheduled workshops. An indicative list of the workshops available in 2014/15 may be found at www.lboro. ac.uk/services/cap/courses-workshops/ workshops
The Graduate School The Graduate School provides a separate programme of training and development activities for PGR students at the University. These are delivered by professional services including CAP, Careers and Employability Centre and the Library. Further information can be found at: www.lboro.ac.uk/services/graduateschool
Voice Sessions The CAP offers support to staff keen to enhance the clarity of spoken English by demonstrating techniques for good voice production, and, where appropriate, providing diagnostic help for specific voice and communication issues. The CAP provides a professional voice coach to deliver the following sessions: Making the Most of your Voice – a three hour workshop that considers how the voice works, projection, articulation, etc. For dates and further information, book online through my.HR Communicate Course – aimed at lecturing staff and post-doctoral research staff who teach, and whose first language is not English, this 12 hour course normally runs twice a year as a 6-week evening course. For further information contact Jayne Spendlove J.L.Spendlove@lboro.ac.uk
Staff Development Guide 2015-2016
Courses provided by other colleagues Additional lists of courses are designed and run by our colleagues for specific groups, so please visit their web pages for a full list of available courses, or contact them by email or phone. Centre for Academic Practice (CAP) E: CAP@lboro.ac.uk T: 01509 228042 www.lboro.ac.uk/services/cap/courses-workshops
Health, Safety and Environment E: HSE@lboro.ac.uk T: 01509 222181 www.lboro.ac.uk/services/health-safety/training
IT Services E: it.services@lboro.ac.uk T: 01509 222333 www.lboro.ac.uk/services/it/support/training
NOTE: all courses are provided through my.HR.
Staff Development
T: +44 (0)1509 222381 E: sd@lboro.ac.uk This guide is subject to change so please check our web site for current details
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