Apprenticeship vacancies aren’t just advertised in one place, so you must use a variety of resources and methods to find them.
Apprenticeship vacancies come up throughout the year – each will have its own deadline for applications and its own start date. Some employers close their recruitment as soon as they have enough suitable candidates, so don’t delay your application until the deadline. Vacancies with larger employers often start appearing from September, but most start to be advertised from January or February onwards. Smaller businesses might start recruiting a month or two before the job starts, so if you hope to start work in August or September, start looking from March/April onwards.
Each apprenticeship vacancy will specify how you need to apply – applications are usually made direct to the employer or to their Training Provider, through an application form, or a CV and covering letter (see ‘APPLICATIONS’ sheet for further info and advice).
There are few Higher and Degree Apprenticeships in Herefordshire so you’re likely to have to move out of the area if you want one of these.
Doing an apprenticeship isn’t the only option for work-based learning – depending on your qualifications you may also be able to consider school leaver programmes, sponsored degrees and traineeships.
ACTION: Register with specialist websites: (for England only) (for Wales only) About School Leavers’t be fooled by the name – includes Degree Apprenticeships too!)
Register with generic job search websites e.g. ; , , NB relevant jobs may not be described as ‘apprenticeship’ but may be ‘trainee’ and still involve recognised qualifications e.g. trainee accountant, trainee legal executive
For public sector jobs in the NHS, local government and Civil Service visit , (and ),
Apply direct to local apprenticeship Training Providers (according to sector): o - Accountancy, Engineering, Business Administration, Customer Service, Warehousing o – IT, Computing and Digital Marketing o – Construction, Accountancy, Engineering, Motor Vehicle, Business Administration, Customer Service, Computing & IT, Hospitality & Catering, Health & Social Care, Welding, Agriculture, Forestry, Cider & Top Fruit Production, Farriery, Hairdressing, Retail (includes some vacancies in Wales) o – Motor Vehicle (including HGV), Business Administration, Customer Service, Hospitality Services, Warehousing o – Retail, Business Administration, Customer Service, Childcare o – Health & Social Care, Childcare, Dental Nursing, Business Administration, Customer Service o – Education & various others (mainly Shropshire) o - Catering, Customer Service, Business Administration, Retail
Go to the ‘Meet Your Future’ careers fair in the HSFC Sports Hall on Tuesday, 5th March 2019 (10am-2pm) – up to 40 local employers – and to Training Provider Information events e.g. HWGTA (Hereford) Tuesday 12 & Wednesday 20 February 2019 (see website for further info) Look at websites for any particular employers you’d like to work for – most have a ‘careers’, ‘apprenticeships’, or ‘vacancies’ page. See whether they’re recruiting; if not, you can make a speculative application. Lots of large national employers recruit apprentices or run their own training programmes e.g. Network Rail, Welsh Water, BT, Western Power, Balfour Beatty, NHS, Marks & Spencer, Aldi, Aon, Boots, KPMG, BDO, The Armed Forces Network! Use your contacts – friends, family, your existing employer – to find out about opportunities. Many job opportunities are never advertised and come from existing contacts. Look in local newspapers e.g. Hereford Times – some smaller employers still use this method
Use Social Media e.g. LinkedIn and Facebook; ensure your own online profile is professional
It’s wise to have a ‘Plan B’ to fall back on e.g. apply to Uni or College too and/or try to get a Traineeship (see for more info). Speak to Catherine or Terena in Careers if you need help. 3/9/18