Research Yearbook 2011-2012

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Research Yearbook 2011-2012 Issue 7

Barcelona | Madrid | Buenos Aires

Coordination & Edition Cristina Solé Information & Knowledge Service Academic Management Francesc Cribillers. Research Office Research and Knowledge Vice-Deanship

ESADE Research Yearbook 2011/2012 Printed in Barcelona, 2012 Avda. Pedralbes, 60-62 E-08034 Barcelona Tel. +34 93 280 61 62 © ESADE Depósito Legal: B-2268-2008 ISSN: 1888-5209

Design and print Vänster and Lei c. Aragó, 359, 2-2 E-08009 Barcelona Tel. +34 931 867 769

contents Institutional presentation 06 Eugenia Bieto (Director General)

European projects The Organisation of Research: Research Groups, Centres, Institutes and Chairs



8th ESADE Research day 21 ESADE Research Figures 22 PhD Program


Supporting Research


directory 160

research output




Refereed and peer reviewed journals Articles in other relevant journals

BOOKS 68 Books and Book Chapters



WORKING PAPERS CASES BOOK REVIEWS MONOGRAPHS PhD THESES phd programme contributions awards and other acollades

118 128 134 136 142 152 158

ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

institutional presentation


institutional presentation

It is with great pleasure that I present the 2011-2012 edition of the ESADE Research Yearbook. It contains a summary of the contribution to research made by the ESADE academic community over the past year, and includes research information, as well as details on knowledge creation and knowledge improvement in the areas of both management and law. At ESADE, research aims to be rigorous, scientific and also socially relevant. In pursuit of these ends, we apply the highest intellectual and procedural standards to all aspects of research. This publication is, therefore, the result of a group effort of the highest calibre and with it we wish to underline our main responsibilities, as indeed those of any well-positioned academic institution: to conduct research and to teach with the objective of contributing to improving organisations and society. As always, the ESADE Research Yearbook is aimed at the academic, business and legal communities. I trust that you will find it both useful and interesting and, on behalf of ESADE, I would like to thank you for consulting our Yearbook.

Eugenia Bieto, Director General


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12


institutional presentation

This Research Yearbook presents and celebrates the achievements of the ESADE research community throughout the 2011-2012 academic year. Research involves a great deal of hard work, tenacity, ambition and humility. In recognition of this, we are extremely proud of what our faculty and researchers continue to achieve year-after-year; scientific articles, scholarly publications, research projects, dissertations and other scholarly output that has improved both in terms of quantity, quality and impact. As an institution of higher learning, we understand that the most effective educators require strong connections to research. Teaching which is isolated from scientific progress eventually languishes and deteriorates into irrelevance. To be effectively diffused, research must be generated, comprehended and synthesised into the extant canon of knowledge; a challenge that ESADE has dedicated substantial resources to in recent years by both redirecting and prioritizing internal resources, as well as ambitiously seeking external sources of professional funding. We currently allocate over 7 million euros annually to research, a quantity that has consistently increased every year for some time. This is an achievement of which we are very proud given the constraints on public and private research funding resulting from the current economic climate. Each year, our nineteen research units incorporate a greater number of people engaged in research in a variety of roles. This 2011-2012 academic year, more than 200 ESADE faculty and staff were enthusiastically engaged as scientific managers, senior and junior researchers, research assistants, research technicians, specialists and administrators. The continuous recruitment of international experts, the visiting researcher promotion programme, the incorporation of specialists and junior researchers, the post-doctoral programme, and a recognized doctoral programme help to consolidate ESADE as a benchmark in the field of research and knowledge generation. We have also increased the number of formal research projects we undertake each year; currently in the region of 70. In parallel, an increased emphasis has been made in European Union funded projects. These are on a larger scale more competitive, better funded, have greater scientific implications and broader social impact. Consequently, this yearbook dedicates several pages to highlighting some of the European projects in which ESADE researchers are actively involved, as project leaders or partners. Contributions to scientific knowledge and social discourse can be made through many legitimate genres and formats. We invite you to review the entire ESADE Research Yearbook, which not only presents a record number of articles appearing in the most prestigious peer-reviewed academic journals, but also a fascinating portfolio of books, teaching cases, PhD dissertations, conference presentations and other intellectual contributions and accolades. The ESADE research output presented in this Research Year Book is the result of the coordinated efforts of a collective, dedicated team that have enabled us to continually increase the quantity, quality and impact of our academic output. With this Research Yearbook, we would like to salute and share their accomplishments with you. Thank you for your interest in ESADE Research.

Research Vice Deanship


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

european projects Research is and must be one of the main goals of a higher education institution such as ESADE; the natural way to generate new knowledge. At ESADE, research represents one of our core activities and one of our fundamental objectives, as well as being part of our institutional mission. Research, new knowledge, transformation of organisations, competitiveness, and the improvement of society have formed the path taken by ESADE for many years. However, it has been in the last decade that this drive and this commitment to transform organisations and society through Research have become more apparent at ESADE. The driving force behind the promotion and growth of Research have been the 2005-2009 and 2010-2014 Strategic Plans, in which emphasis has been placed on research activity and knowledge generation has been positioned at the centre of institutional activity. Research efforts at ESADE are structured around a group of Research Units (Institutes, Centres, Chairs, and Research Groups), which are committed to developing and disseminating knowledge in relevant areas for the business world, the public sector, the legal arena, and civil society, in collaboration with key organizations and experts in each field. A manifestly clear indicator of the promotion and growth of Research at ESADE is the increase in the number of Research Units, which doubled from 10 to 20 between 2000 and 2010. Research taking place at these Units is conducted through the different Research Projects carried out at ESADE. These projects show great diversity in their lines of research, the number of human and financial resources involved, sources of financing, duration, targeted outcomes, etc. The number of ongoing projects has increased at the same rate as or faster than the Research Units themselves, having doubled in the last 5 years to a total of 92 ongoing projects in the 2010-2011 academic year.


All these Projects have been designed and funded in such a way that they are economically sustainable in their own right, although it is true to say that Research, by definition, tends to be a loss-making activity, economically speaking, since ESADE has been sourcing external financing for many years to make its Projects more sustainable. Unfortunately, in the context of the current financial crisis, access to external financing for research projects has become difficult and, at the same time, more essential and necessary for the sustainability of our research activity and our institution. This external financing reaches our Units and Projects from both the private and public sectors, from within our borders and from outside. In the last few years, the worsening of the crisis in Spain has made opening borders and internationalisation more necessary than ever when seeking sources of external financing for our projects. In this scenario of the last few years, a strategic commitment is being pledged by the Research Vice-Deanship, and from the Units themselves, to increase ESADE’s access to public funding managed and distributed in a competitive way by the European Commission for major research projects through its funding programmes, such as the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7), the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), and other programmes belonging to the different Directorates-General, such as Education and Culture, Employment, etc. The evolution of ESADE as regards the participation and management of this kind of major, coordinated, competitive, international projects has been highly positive in the last few years. ESADE is currently taking part in 10 European projects, 4 of which as the coordinator. Let us take a look at the characteristics of some of these projects:

european projects

ALICE-RAP Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe Reframing Addictions Project

COMPOSITE Comparative Police Studies in the European Union

PROGRAMME: 7th Framework Programme (European Commission) – SSH Collaborative Project DURATION: 5 years PROJECT BUDGET: 10,000,000 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: Fundació Privada Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica (FCRB) ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Institute for Public Governance and Management (IGDP) / Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management (GLIGP) ESADE ROLE: Project Partner CONSORTIUM: 67 partners

PROGRAMME: 7th Framework Programme (European Commission) – SSH Collaborative Project DURATION: 4 years PROJECT BUDGET: 10,532,000 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Institute for Public Governance and Management (IGDP) / Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management (GLIGP) ESADE ROLE: Project Partner CONSORTIUM: 15 Partners

ALICE RAP (Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe - Reframing Addictions Project), a project that will cost €10m co-financed by the European Commission, bringing together more than 100 scientists from over 25 countries and 29 different disciplines; it is the first major pan-European study on addictions, their influence on health, wealth and constraint. The aim of this Project is to reinforce scientific evidence, shape public and political dialogue and stimulate wide-reaching, productive debate on current, alternative approaches to addiction.

A research project that looks into the change processes in police forces all over Europe. The project, with a 4-year duration, compares different police forces in Europe and analyses their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as the good practices they have implemented. The main research objectives of the COMPOSITE Project are to improve the technological and organisational changes being implemented by European police forces in response to new challenges posed by the complexity of today’s society; to find out what factors contribute to success or failure of these change processes based on the analysis of organisational structures, identity and organisational culture, leadership styles, and the processes themselves.

The general aim of ALICE RAP is to “think, debate and shape” current norms and predict the future implications of addiction and lifestyles in Europe over the next 20 years. In all, ALICE RAP will analyse the potential economic, health and social consequences of new or alternative approaches using foresight methodologies, presenting them as a platform for public and political debate on a national and EU level. The Institute of Public Governance and Management (IGDP) at ESADE will provide support for the ALICE RAP coordinating team with the aim of achieving effective management and coordination. It will provide strategic assessment and key recommendations for business plan development, review mechanisms, and guidelines on how to build and manage effective teams.

COMPOSITE, with partners from ten European countries, cooperates with police forces in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Republic of Macedonia, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Its consortium consists of 15 academic partners, among which is ESADE, 15 diverse European organisations from several countries, such as the Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands), the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT (Germany), the Center for Sociological Research into Law and Penal Institutions (France), and others. Some examples of police forces taking part in the Project are: the Gendarmerie Nationale (France), la State Police of Berlin - Polizei Berlin (Germany), the police force of the Generalitat (Autonomous Government) of Catalonia - the Mossos d’Esquadra (Spain), the Czech Republic Police Force (Czech Republic), the Carabinieri (Italy), and many more.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

ICT 4 SMEs Innovation, Creativity and Talent e-training program for ICT SMEs

COLLAGE Creativity in Learning through Social Computing and Game Mechanics in the Enterprise

PROGRAMME: EC Education and Training - Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS DURATION: 2 years PROJECT BUDGET: 512,128 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: ESADE-CREAPOLIS ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Future of Work Chair ROL ESADE: Project Partner CONSORTIUM: 7 Partners

PROGRAMME: 7th Framework Programme (European Commission) ICT – Collaborative Project DURATION: 3 years PROJECT BUDGET: 2,900,000 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: ESADE ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (IIK) ESADE ROLE: Project Coordinator CONSORTIUM: 9 Partners

Europe needs skilled people, with the right skills and able to explore their full potential, their talent. Talent has become a key factor in determining the competitiveness of a country and a company. Fostering talent for specific group target could strongly benefit from an effective use of an integrated multidisciplinary talent program. In fact, forecasting skill needs can provide an insight into possible mediumto longer term trends beyond the current crisis.

Much social creativity involves human collaboration through and about artefacts that embody collective knowledge resulting from the collaboration. It can be a catalyst to enable European SMEs and large organizations to adopt and sustain new approaches to learning by fostering non-linear and non-standard thinking and allowing promising ideas to be transformed into new processes, products, services or business models. To this end COLLAGE will exploit new synergies between the social Web phenomenon, emerging Web analytics, and collaboration and gaming technologies to energize and enable social creativity in learning. It will design, develop and validate an innovative cloud-enabled Social Creativity Service-Set that will support the interlinking of learning processes and systems with social computational services for inspiring learners, social affinity spaces for leveraging expression and exploration, and social game mechanics for supporting social evaluation and appreciation of creative behaviour.

The ICT4SMEs objective- that has stimulated the aggregation of partnership- is to develop, deploy and assess experimental pedagogical plans based on appealing and instructive Serious Game for stimulating development of talent in employees. The outcomes from ICT4SMEs extensive deployment- the first one of this type in EU, to the best of our knowledge- will provide precious experimental information to research and executive education. The aim of the project is to develop, deploy and assess personalized training program focused at enhancing creativity, innovation and the development of talent as well as transferable coaching skills and based on blended learning and Serious Games methodologies. The project will develop an integrated multidisciplinary talent program fostering innovation and creativity, and combining development of human capital transversal skills with specific knowledge and challenges that EU IT SMEs have to face.

COLLAGE will aim to generate: economic impact by enabling SMEs and large organizations to capitalize on the creative capabilities of their employees through new value creation; technological impact by advancing leading edge technologies (context-aware computing, web analytics and social computational systems) towards creativity support; impact on TEL by providing an open-source service-set for social creativity able to mash-up with existing learning processes and solutions; and scientific impact by advancing research in prominent research areas such as creativity models for learning, game-based learning and social recommender systems. In the COLLAGE consortium, in addition to ESADE, we meet organizations from several countries and different typology, like: The City University (United Kigndom), INSEAD (France), Fiat Servizi per l’Industria SCPA (Italy), PlayGen Ltd. (United Kigndom) and others.


european projects

COMMONS4EU Commons for Europe

OPEN CITIES OPEN INNOVATION Mechanism for Open Innovation

PROGRAMME: CIP – Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) DURATION: 3 years PROJECT BUDGET: 3,696,000 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: ESADE ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (IIK) ESADE ROLE: Project Coordinator CONSORTIUM: 14 Partners

PROGRAMME: CIP – Competiveness and Innovation Framework Programme ICT-PSP 2010. Pilot Type B DURATION: 2,5 anys PROJECT BUDGET: 2,900,000 euro PROJECT COORDINATOR: ESADE ESADE RESEARCH UNIT: Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (IIK) ESADE ROLE: Project Coordinator CONSORTIUM: 15 Partners

Cities face similar problems in terms of diminishing resources, increasing demands of citizens and a need for transformation towards Smart Cities. Commons4EU will allow the collaboration among cities, civic innovators, volunteers and SMEs, pushing towards the transformation of the cities from solution providers to ecosystem managers and to government 2.0. Commons4EU, is following the lead of Code for America in the application layer, starting the Code for Europe initiative, but at the same time it takes this one step further in the infrastructure field via the use of the Bottom-up Broadband Initiative, which aims to create network infrastructures for people by people. It advocates for an approach aimed at promoting openness, multidisciplinarity and recombination while focusing in the key aspect of connecting citizens with their constituencies either in terms of participation or reducing administrative burden by using Information Technologies. Commons4EU aims to support this approach by initially mobilizing a first core of 6 cities from 6 different European countries: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Helsinki, Manchester, Rome and UK cities involved in the project through NESTA, in two main areas:

Open Cities is a project co-founded by the European Union that aims to validate how to approach Open & user Driven Innovation methodologies to the Public Sector in a scenario of Future Internet services for Smart Cities in five innovative and representative European cities: Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris and Barcelona. Open Cities aims to advance our understanding on Open innovation management in the public sector by conducting experimental driven research in real life settings around Future Internet services for Smart Cities. In order to accomplish this objective, on-line platforms and repositories should be built and advance Future Internet services should be put in place, so their dynamics, limits, adequacy and best practices could be distilled and inferred. Open Cities is a project coordinated by the Spanish Business School ESADE and count with the presence of all relevant actors: city authorities, academia and research institutions, companies and more important, real users using the services and creating the necessary demand for Future Internet services in Smart Cities. Cities will learn how to integrate Open Innovation methodologies in their fabric and users will benefit from pilots on Future Internet services around Augmented Reality in mobile devices as a result of the project. The aim is that the project could help in jump-start a dynamic of private and public-private provide services triggered by opening common resources such as Data, Platforms and Networks. The project will provide three different types of contributions: New understandings on how to approach Open Innovation from the Public Sector and especially towards Smart Cities, Functioning platforms for Open Data and Open Networks encompassing several important cities in Europe and Actual Future Internet Services provided by developers using these platforms.

· CodeCommons. Developing Collaborative Web Projects: Code Projects, Code Sharing, Pan European Calls · BuB Initiative. Exploring Bottom-up Broadband technologies: SuperWiFi, Sensor Integration, Fiber Commons


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

the organisation of research Research Groups, Centres, Institutes and ChairS ESADE BRAND INSTITUTE

Research Group on Brand and Consumption GRECOMAR



Entrepreneurship Research Group GRIE


Research Group on Corporate Social Responsability GRRSE



Forensic Evidence and Probative Law Research Group

Research Group on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning GRACO


IGDP Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management


the organisation of research



LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH CENTRE GLEAD Catalan Center for Survey Research and Applied Statistics











ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Research Groups Business Network Dynamics Research Group (BuNeD) The group’s research focuses primarily on the study of how organisations establish, build and manage business networks with their partners and also on the dynamics involved in the development, growth and demise of such networks. The group conducts analysis at different levels (group, company and sector), from a multidisciplinary perspective: operations; supply chain; information systems; marketing; organisational theory. The members of the group use both qualitative and quantitative methods and, in particular, lay emphasis on models and methods developed for social network analysis: multidimensional scaling; cluster analysis; graphic representation techniques; multilevel, redundant analysis. Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sesé Muniategui, Feliciano Wiengarten, Frank Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jorge Andres

Rodón Mòdol, Joan Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Kazeminia, Ali Sancha Fernández, Cristina

Dumitrescu, Ariadna Arcalean, Calin Del Viva, Luca Ibañez Rodriguez, Alfredo Schiopu, Ioana Bassiouny, Aliaa

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Ballabriga Clavería, Fernando Forte Arcos, Santiago Platikanova, Petya Villegas Sanchez, Carolina Gil Bazo, José Javier

Knowledge Engineering Research Group (GREC) This research group includes researchers from ESADE and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Since its inception, the group’s multidisciplinary component has enabled it to work both in basic and applied research. Its main activity focuses on research and the development of techniques in the area of artificial intelligence. The objectives of GREC’s research at ESADE revolve around two axes: the development of methodologies related with artificial intelligence in unstructured environments (incomplete, imperfect and/or inaccurate); the application of these methodologies in related fields of decision making, finance and marketing.

Brand and Consumption Research Group (GRECOMAR) GRECOMAR works on issues related with brand management and consumption, with the added value of adopting a transcultural approach to this area of research. As a result, the rationale of the group is: to understand the processes of creating and managing brands; to investigate the purchasing processes and use of brands by consumers; to incorporate a transcultural perspective of brand management and use. To achieve its aims, the group has been formed based on an interdisciplinary team that is organised around three research areas: brand management; consumer behaviour; international/transcultural marketing.

Economics and Finance Research Group (GREF) This group promotes research in the fields of finance and economics, which cover a wide range of areas of macroeconomics, international economics, corporate finance, risk management and capital markets. GREF’s main objective lies in facilitating the creation and dissemination of highlevel research at ESADE and, at the same time, increasing its visibility and relevance to the academic community in general. Its main areas of research are: market microstructure; accounting research in capital markets; corporate finance; credit risk; differences in productivity; growth and public policies; domestic and international spillovers.


Agell Jané, Núria Matei, Marius Angulo Bahón, Cecilio Roselló Saurí, Llorenç Samà Monsonís, German Sánchez Hernández, German

Casabayó Bonás, Mònica Aguado Chao, Juan Carlos Prats Duaygues, Francesc Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier Sanabria Montañez, Jose Antonio Sánchez Soler, Mónica

Law and Family Research Group There are on two major research lines inside the group: New family models and their legal implications: reconstituted or step families; marriage, adoption and homosexuality; family protocol as a necessity in light of the new family models, and the young/elderly in current society. Family mediation: An analysis of the current situation regarding family mediation in our country, potential interregional problems and the skills and competencies of family mediators. Duplà Marín, Teresa Bardají, Maria Dolores Dominguez Tristán, Paula Lázaro, Carmen Mayol, Gema

Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz Enzler Fandos, Sandra Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo Lázaro, Isabel Pérez-Testor, Carlos

the organisation of research

CHAIRS Legal Guidelines and Social Change Research Group

Chair in LeadershipS and Democratic Governance

The research group is devoted to field studies on social development in an area determined by the law, exploring empirical indices to diagnose the need, improvement or utility of the law in order to optimise individual and social results. Among other group research interests there are: the critical review of the role and value of traditional institutions for the law”, the analysis of the different alternatives of the law with respect to social reality, including historical law and comparative law” and the study and advice on improving legal regulations and legal institutions in general. The group hosts the Observatory for Quality and Effectiveness of Laws (OCEL) to promote critical and neutral analysis of the legal system’s maintenance and renewal.

This Chair takes up the challenge of studying and promoting innovative ways of leadership that are appropriate to our complex environments. It also studies leadership as a means of promoting progress, welfare and cohesion in contemporary society through a threefold entrepreneurial, social and political approach aimed at forging links between these three fields, in addition to analysing the respective institutional frameworks. Many ESADE faculty members participate in this Chair, together with researchers and leading figures involved in business, politics and social initiatives.

Llebaría Samper, Sergio Bartlett Castella, Enric R. Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge García Solé, Marc Marzal Yetano, Elia Aurea Suñol, Lucea Castañer Codina, Joaquín García Manrique, Ricardo Rocafort Nicolau, Alfredo

Arjona Sebastià, Cesar Carpi Martín, Rebeca Férez Fernández, Manuel Ginés Castellet, Núria Sanchez Torres, Esther Beltrán de Heredia y Ruiz, Ignasi Ferrando Miguel, Ignacio Quesada Gonzalez, Maria Corona

Tourism Management Research Group (GRUGET) This research group aims to create knowledge in the field of sustainable management for businesses and tourist destinations, and to promote exchanges between all the agents involved. The group is multidisciplinary and global in scope and, therefore, external collaborations are international. Its research areas include social marketing, innovation, quality management and management indicators. Transversely, its research is oriented towards the use of information systems, the economic impact on society and on the territory/region in question, and the use of innovative research methodologies such as qualitative reasoning. Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Rovira Llobera, Rosario Valdés Gandarillas, Susana

Batallé Descals, Pere Costa Guix, Gerard Sayeras Maspera, Josep Saló Mayolas, Albert

Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel Mas Codina, Pau Sáez Giol, Lluís Sáez Mateu, Ferran

Ribera Regull, Raimon Mellén Vinagre, Teo Olivé Manté, Marta

Future of Work Chair The FWC main objective is to translate future trends in the world of work into core research, teaching and executive education activities. Also to help organizations transform their culture to support the new trends at work via the development of tools and methodologies to affect culture transformation. The chair will collaborate towards the development of new ideas for enhancing productivity and wellbeing in the new world of work (via research, debates, Talent Laboratory Forum, and other initiatives), and aims to create a global network/consortium with global business leaders, academics and political leaders. Dolan, Simon Grau Sarabia, Mònica Cerdin, Jean Luc Raich, Mario Capell Cohen, Ben Ami El Wahidi Ela Alaoui, Mouna Albrecht, Chad Arsenault, André Mach Piera, Mercè Straub, Carolina Suriol, Xavier Vedina, Rebekka

Soler Vicente, Ceferí Balkin, David Bruce Mcclenaghan, Peter Vinkenburg, Claartje Canhilal, Sukriye Kübra Moodie, Scott Willeam Altman, Yochanan Burke, Ronald J. Shmueli, Racheli Gabel Suárez Ceretti, Adriana Teresa Tzafir, Shay S. Zhang, Yingying


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

CENTRES Brand Centre

Leadership Development Research Centre (GLEAD)

The purpose of the Brand Centre works on relevant issues and facilitates decision-making processes that affect brands. Doing that, with the use of solid research and analysis tools to provide practical and effective solutions. The Center also focuses on creating new knowledge on brands and their management, and on disseminating this knowledge among the business sector and academia. The centre’s research covers two main areas: a more generalist approach to management and brand strategies, on the one hand, and thematic research into their specific application, on the other.

The mission of the centre is to create new knowledge and insight that deepens the understanding of outstanding leadership and the competencies that support it and make people engage wholeheartedly at work. The research lines are: Individual Emotional and Social Competencies, Group Emotional and Social Competencies, and Coaching and Development of Emotional and Social Competencies.

Oroval Planas, Josep M. Singh, Jatinder Jit Mestres Mesnil, Eva Davila Blazquez, Juan Francisco Saleem, Fathima Seijo Font, Juan Antonio Varela Otero, Ana

Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Sureda Pascual, Joan Nguyen, Lam Viet Hawkins, Matthew Allen Conejos Chía, Marta Torrents, Jordi

Batista Foguet, Joan M. Leaverton, Amy Druskat, Vanessa Boyatzis, Richard Tanussvee, Jane Canboy, Basak Truninger De Albuquerque, Margarida Massana Fisa, Arthur Zamora Enciso, Ricardo

Serlavós Serra, Ricard Maak, Thomas Emmerling, Robert Manuel Campreciós, Clara Mannen, Delia Loewe Pujol-Xicoy, Nicolas Sipahi Dantas, Alaide Guest, Stephen Mosteo Chagoyen, Leticia Pilar

ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo)

Observatory on Spanish Multinational Companies (OEME)

The ESADEgeo Center aims to become an international benchmark in the study of economic globalisation and global governance The center produces research and practical knowledge, addressed the various social actors: governments, companies and civil society organizations. It also disseminates and creates opportunities for the application of that knowledge; aimed at institutional strengthening and developing the various actors’ organisational capacities.

The OEME studies the opportunities and challenges affecting companies in advanced stages of internationalisation. It also aims to contribute towards identifying and disseminating ‘good practices’, working closely with the companies themselves, and is presented as an open platform for the exchange of experiences and knowledge between companies and institutions that promote foreign investment projects.

Saz Carranza, Angel Santiso Guimarás, Javier Fernández Marín, Xavier Pascual, Carlos Capapé Aguilar, Javier

Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Puig Bastard, Pere De la Villa Riviere, José María Aguilera Vaqués, Ruth Araya, Luis Shin Joonho


Solana Madariaga, Fco. Javier Alba Muñoz, Irene García Toni, Javier Vandendriessche, Marie García , Irene

Gimbert Ràfols, Xavier Trullén Fernández, Jordi Gomez Villanueva, Begoña Pellegrini, Janina Kalafatoglu, Tugba

the organisation of research

INSTITUTES ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI) This institute promotes relevant and rigorous research in entrepreneurship. IIE focuses on eight areas of research, which are: entrepreneurship; female entrepreneurs; corporate entrepreneurship; corporate intrapreneurship; creativity; growth and internationalisation; entrepreneurial finance; family businesses. Linked to IIE, the Research Group in Entrepreneurship (GRIE) aims to contribute to producing knowledge on entrepreneurship in the hope of promoting the creation of sustainable and innovative businesses. Alemany Gil, Luisa Brinckmann, Jan Losada Marrodan, Carlos Parada Balderrama, Pedro Ringov, Dimo Villanueva Aguila, Jaime Vives de Prada, Luis Hassi, Lotta Thiel, Jana Abdelgawad, Sondos Gamal Eldin Feliu Costa, Neus Parada Balderrama, María José Alfonso Olivero, Juan Maria Andreu Bustamente, Ferran Hohberger, Jan Ramos Carrasco, José Carlos Scarlata, Maria Rosa Giovanna Valencia Silva, Maika

Bieto Caubet, Eugènia Gimeno Sandig, Alberto Mur Torné, Ignacio Planellas Arán, Marcel Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes Vinaixa Serra, Jordi Saura Montiel, Mercè Markowska, Magdalena Maria Paiz Mendoza, Ricardo Fernando Di Lorenzo, Francesco Marín Arandia, Jose Luis Aguilar Guindulai, Javier Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto Barull Melcior, Francesc Xavier Nieto Santa, Javier Riera Calvo, Joan Svejenova Nedeva, Silviya Wassmer, Ulrich

Institute for Innovation and Knowledge Management (IIK) The purpose of this institute is to understand the creation of knowledge and innovation. A crossdisciplinary team dedicated to understanding the sources, mechanisms and consequences of innovation: where it comes from; how it is diffused and adopted; and how it affects individual, social, and economic structures when in use. The main research topics include open innovation, scientific discovery and technology transfer, platform and ecosystem design, sustainable technologies and systems of use, open government and democratizing technologies, as well as a variety of trends within serious games, policy simulation, quasi-experimentation and sociotechnical ethnography.Linked to IIK, Learning, Knowledge and Organization Research Group (GRACO) is doing research on knowledge creation in the areas of research and innovation management; knowledge transfer; knowledge in organisations; research into inter-organisational relationships and networks.

Wareham, Jonathan Bonet Guinó, Eduard Busquets Carretero, Xavier Collet, François Castellucci, Laura Vilanova Iglesias, Rosa Vanhaverbeke, Wim Armisen, Albert Nadal Burgués, Nuria Moreira Ottani, Sabrina Solouki, Zahra Smith, Tricia

Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Bou Alameda, Elena Chesbrough, Henry Sauquet Rovira, Alfons Cochrane, Victoria Tuulenmäki , Anssi Jensen, HeidiTscherning Lee, J Melissa Lowe, Zev Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Romero Velasco, Margarida Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco

Institute for Social Innovation (IIS) The Institute for Social Innovation encourages and supports research aimed at promoting management skills in the third sector. Its various programmes focus on the study of three main lines: the integration of CSR into business strategy and the relationship with stakeholders; leadership and management of NGOs; social entrepreneurships. The Research Group on Corporate Social Responsibility (GRRSE), linked to IIS, investigates the processes involved in strategically redefining the relations between company and stakeholders as the linchpin for the debate on corporate responsibility in society. Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Arenas Vives, Daniel Mària Serrano, Josep F. Murillo Bonvehí, David Sureda Varela, Maria Vernis Domènech, Alfred Fenero Hernando, Núria Hernando Juncosa, Anna Porro Martorell, Olga Chliova, Myrto Prat Pubill, Queralt Balaguer Franch, Maria Rosario Cordobés Tejeiro, Mar Iglesias Pie, Maria Prandi Chevalier, Maria Sanchez Hernando, Pablo Vives Gabriel, Jordi

Navarro Sanchez, Sonia Lozano Soler, Josep M. Miralles Massanés, Josep Pless, Nicola Van Cranenburgh, Katinka Vilanova Pichot, Marc Gil Piqueras, Naida Martell Sotomayor, Janette Hennchen, Esther Goodman, Jennifer Albareda Vivó, Laura Castelló Molina, Itziar Fosse, Jeremie Navarro Colomer, Clara Rodriguez Blanco, Elena Sanz Corella, Beatriz


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Institute of Forensic Evidence and Probative Law (IPDP)

Institute of Public Governance and Management (IGDP)

The IPDP’s aims are to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of forensic evidence and probative law; to train professionals related with the Administration of Justice in forensic evidence and probative law; to provide informed opinion and propose criteria; to encourage research in this area. The three main research lines are the following: one dedicated to the civil proceedings; a second line on new technologies used in probative law; and, most recently, the third one involved with criminal proceedings. The IPDP publishes a quarterly magazine, Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio.

The Institute focuses its activity on government and public sector organisations. The Institute’s lines of activity include public management training, research and social debate on different areas of management, and public administration. This institute’s mission is based on a marked commitment to innovation in the public sector in terms of modernising and improving public administrations. The Research Group in Leadership and Innovation in Public Management (GLIGP), linked to IGDP, conducts research in the theoretical framework of governance, based on two major themes: public, democratic leadership to enhance institutional development; and the analysis of networks, transversality, collaborations and partnerships in innovation in governance.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Picó Junoy, Joan Ríos López, Yolanda Pons Marty, Sara Lopez Capella, Elena Marca Matute, Javier Miranda Vazquez, Carlos de Orellana Castro, Rafael

Oller Sala, María Dolors Richard Gonzalez, Manuel Velázquez Vioque, David García, Pedro Luis Madrid Dávila, Enrique de Marti Marti, Joaquím Munné Catarina, Frederic Planchat Teruel, José María

Institute of Labour Studies (IEL) This research unit focuses its activity on creating scientific and technical knowledge for work environments that facilitate the creation of added value based on individuals’ knowledge. IEL is working on the strategic line of how to produce a shift towards a knowledge society, using an employment model based on professional qualifications, quality of life, respect for the dignity of work and a sustainable growth environment. Obeso Abalde, Carlos Laborda Coronil, Anna


Folguera Bellmunt, Conxita

Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Longo Martinez, Francisco Binefa Camanforte, M. Jesús Radulescu, Ruxandra Albareda Sanz, Adria Salvador Iborra, Susanna Henrich Ballester, Joat

Gasco Hernández, Mila Serra Martín, Albert Garcia Arcos, Pablo Reig Majoral, Monica Fernández Ple, Chrlotte Pilar Esteve Laporta, Marc


8 ESADE th

Research Day

The 8th ESADE Research Day took place on 28th June 2012 at the EGarage on ESADE’s Sant Cugat campus. The objective of this annual event is to contribute – through celebration, socialisation and recognition – to ESADE’s transformation into an academic institution that generates advanced research. The event brought together more than 70 researchers from all of ESADE’s research units and departments under the theme of “Business Schools and Crisis: How Should Business and Law Schools Respond to the Economic, Social and Ethical Crisis? Research-Based Approaches”. Participants reflected on fundamental issues concerning the present crisis, on some of the difficult questions that have been raised, and on a number of possible responses suggested by scholars. Research Day opened with a few words by Antoni Castellà, Catalan SecretaryGeneral of Universities and Research, and Dr. Lluís Comelles, Vice-Rector of Research and Innovation at Ramon Llull University (URL). The programme included an introductory plenary talk followed by five shorter workshops on subjects related to the main theme. In the plenary talk, entitled “Redesigning Management Education and Research: Challenging Proposals from European Scholars”, CNAM Paris Professor Thomas Durand discussed his ongoing research. Prof. Durand called into question the approach, now in fashion among business schools, of encouraging faculty members to conduct research. He also underscored the contradictions inherent in the models used to assess research and academic publications. The short, flexible workshops that made up the remainder of Research Day were highly participatory. Attendees were encouraged to share, debate and contrast their visions and approaches to the economic, social and ethical crisis. Professor Josep M. Lozano brought up his current subject of research: spirituality and business schools. Assistant Professor François Collet drew on his recently published academic papers in a talk on the evolution of business schools in Europe and Asia as compared to the model of business schools in the English-speaking world. César Arjona and Antoni Abat, faculty members of ESADE Law School, set out their vision of ethical legal practice in the context of the economic crisis, as well as its effects on the configuration of the social state. Associate Professor Xavier Mendoza and Esther Hennchen, a PhD candidate at ESADE, held a debate on entrepreneurship, ethics and the crisis. The last speaker was Daniel Arenas, ESADE’s representative at the Global Forum for Responsible Management Education. Prof. Arenas delivered an update on the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) and ESADE’s participation in and commitment to this United Nations initiative. Throughout Research Day, ESADE’s various research units displayed posters about their teams, projects and other research activities during the 2011-2012 academic year.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

esade research figures distribution of research projects 2012 5 3




15 45


16 Source of Funding

Type of Funding Comepetitive Non competitive

academic output

National European International






Articles in Refereed Journals





Articles in other Relevant Journals










Books Chapters





Congress Contributions and Conference Proceedings





Conferences and Invited Lectures





Working Papers





Cases and Technical Notes





Book Reviews










PhD Theses






Articles in Refereed Journals

Articles with IF

% Articles with IF

Average IF































publications with impact factor 22


Public Private Public | Private Internal

esade research figures

research units 7 7 3 2

Institutes Research groups Centres Chairs

Total of 19 Research Units 7 Units recognised as a Catalan Research Group (GRC 2009 AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya)



research units participants




Research technicians and managers

Research assistant


funding External funding In-house funding







40% 60%

2008 - 2009

2009 - 2010

2010 - 2011

2011 - 2012

4,541,000 €

7,632,000 €

7,367,000 €

7,125,000 €



22 12

13 13 9




2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

2006 2007

41 41 33



2007 2008

2008 2009

2009 2010

2010 2011 2011 2012

ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

PhD PROGRAM ESADE research-oriented programmes: Master of Research and PhD in Management Sciences

The two research-oriented programmes offered by ESADE Business School are open to graduates who aim to study the main trends in Management Sciences and research methodologies from a theoretical perspective. Both programmes provide rigorous training in research skills and methodology, enabling our graduates to become leaders in management research and education in their respective fields.



· Master of Research in Management Sciences (MRes). Full-time one-year programme (60 ECTS credits).

21 %

28 %


Europe [except Spain]

17 %

17 %

· PhD in Management Sciences. Full-time 3 year programme. Both of ESADE’s research-oriented programmes are designed to equip professionals with management training and a strong basis in theoretical management concepts and methodologies for basic and applied research.

Latin America




This year 14 candidates have been graduated from the MRes programme and 15 PhD candidates graduated from the PhD programme. Candidates on these research programmes are noted for their international and/or pluricultural profiles, as can be seen in the following chart:

Breakdown of MRes and PhD candidates graduated within 2011-2012 academic year

Academic objectives of the research oriented programmes: 1 | To acquire a solid base in quantitative and qualitative research techniques. 2 | To attain in-depth knowledge and a critical and creative overview of a specific management sciences research field. 3 | To effectively and clearly communicate orally and in writing in research environments. 4 | To be trained to manage research projects, groups and research-oriented institutions. 5 | To be equipped to take on intellectually demanding positions in the main academic and research institutions in industry, consultancy and public services.



MRes and PhD programmes directly involved in ESADE research ESADE is aware that the quality of a business school’s PhD programme directly influences its reputation. Since the 2008-09 academic year, ESADE has been assigning all its MRes and PhD candidates to one of its research units for their research period. This ensures that doctoral theses follow ESADE research lines, and this has a direct effect on thesis quality. Every year, each unit’s research seminar includes close monitoring of the progress of all PhD candidates research projects. The following chart shows the distribution of current PhD candidates in research units and the thesis defended during the year 2012. Doctorate candidates’ participation in research groups and their collaboration in research projects have significantly increased their contribution to ESADE’s scientific production. As the following chart shows,

this has meant a considerable increase in the visibility of our PhD programme in terms of the publication of its research results both at congresses and in international journals. The PhD in Management Sciences program has positioned itself as one of Spain’s leading doctoral courses on management. The Spanish Ministry of Education has awarded ESADE its “Towards Excellence” distinction, which recognises doctoral degree courses at Spanish universities for their scientific, technical and educational excellence. The important points considered to lead PhD programme are the efficiency of thesis management, the number and quality of publications derived from theses, the level of internationalisation of the research conducted – including the placement of doctoral students at foreign universities – and the participation of visiting lecturers.


Thesis defended

1st year




2nd year

3rd year

+3rd year 5 2





1 2























4 2

1 1







Breakdown of current PhD candidates by research group and defended thesis within 2011-2012 academic year.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

supporting research

Research allows us to generate new knowledge for society and tools that enrich our students and improve the competitiveness of our country’s companies. Companies, organisations and individuals are supporting our educational project because they believe that an investment in ESADE is an investment in themselves and, at the same time, a great way to give back to society. Thanks to all the individuals, companies and organisations that, through their economic support, help to make our research and educational projects possible.

















For more information: Corporate Relations & Fundraising
 T. +34 934 952 058


esade research yearbook 2011-12





esade research yearbook 2011-12


Refereed and peer reviewed journals


journals | refereed and peer reviewed journals

Abat Ninet, Antoni Neutralidad del diálogo y neutralidad política en B. Ackerman

Abat Ninet, Antoni Regulación jurídica europea y nanotecnología

Abat Ninet, A.; Monserrat Molas, J. Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia (2011 IF= 0.200) Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD) No. 51, 10/2011, p. 22-32

Unión Europea Aranzadi Aranzadi Año 37, no. 12, 12/2011, p. 7-16

El presente artículo parte de un análisis multidisciplinar (político, jurídico-constitucional y filosófico) de diferentes conceptos y teorías que se constituyen como elementos nucleares de las sociedades liberales. En la primera parte del texto presentamos diferentes conceptualizaciones y caracterizaciones de la noción de diálogo así como las funciones y potencialidades que ésta noción tiene en la sociedad, no en vano, la mejor manera de entender la tradición liberal es precisamente mediante el esfuerzo de definir y justificar una amplia fuerza en el poder del habla. El punto de partida del análisis es la obra del profesor americano Bruce Ackerman, ya que es el diálogo se constituye como un elemento central de la teoría liberal de éste autor y la primera obligación que se adquiere como ciudadanos de las sociedades liberales. El siguiente elemento que exponemos es la neutralidad. Para obtener una definición crítica del concepto en Ackerman, también analizamos como la neutralidad es entendida por Dworkin y Habermas, y como se relaciona ésta característica con las teorías estructurales de justicia en Rawls y Fishkin. El objetivo es relacionar ambos conceptos y comprobar si es factible aplicar una teoría de diálogo neutro en derecho y en democracia. Seguidamente introducimos la teoría de la neutralidad del Estado en Carl Schmitt, respetando siempre las enormes diferencias entre ambos autores, como posible elemento esclarecedor, desde la divergencia sustancial, de la teoría del diálogo neutro en Ackerman. Entendemos que la utilización de los planteamientos de Carl Schmitt a fin de esclarecer el mapa conceptual donde se sitúa la reflexión jurídico-político occidental conlleva el riesgo de ciertas versiones sesgadas. Ahora bien, la teoría de la neutralidad del Estado de éste autor puede resultar un ejercicio muy interesante a fin de intentar ver si el concepto de neutralidad y las funciones que este concepto puede tener en el Estado se pueden aplicar al concepto de diálogo en la obra de Ackerman. La conclusión del artículo destaca algunas de las principales diferencias entre los autores analizados a la hora de configurar el diálogo. Así mismo destacamos que el concepto de diálogo neutro, tal y como lo establece Ackerman, no es viable en el campo de la política o del derecho, ya que no nos hallamos ante una ciencia exacta. En el campo del derecho, cuando dos posiciones se oponen, las partes utilizan todo tipo de argumentaciones posibles para obtener un resultado favorable, y por tanto hablar de una especie de diálogo neutro, depurado de “constrictiveness” no parece posible. La imposibilidad práctica de este tipo de diálogo es aún mayor cuando queremos legislar en base a las conclusiones que se puedan adoptar como consecuencia del diálogo neutro, o en aspectos constitucionales.

El presente artículo es un ejercicio de teoría jurídica y derecho público comparado aplicado a la nanotecnología. El punto de partida es el análisis de la incertidumbre que genera la aparición de nuevos campos científicos o tecnológicos y cómo se acomodan los ordenamientos jurídicos a estos nuevos fenómenos. Desde el análisis esencialmente de la normativa europea vigente, la técnica legislativa del “incremental approach” y el estudio de otros sistemas jurídicos se demuestran las dificultades que afronta cualquier aplicación relacionada con la nanotecnología en términos de seguridad jurídica, deficiencias que deben ser superadas en la esfera europea por los motivos que se exponen en el presente artículo.

Abat Ninet, Antoni Territorial checking and balance: The change of the Spanish state territorial organization by subconstitutional rules Beijing Law Review Scientific Research Publishing Vol. 3, no. 1, 03/2012, p. 7-13 We are in the midst of a strong revival of interest in the Subnational units (Autonomous Communities) within the Autonomous Spanish State. Recent reforms of the Statute of Autonomy by certain autonomous regions have revealed new mechanisms and new ways of interaction and communication between policy-statutory subnational units-within the scope of the reforms of the Statute of Autonomy. This interaction is the assumption of a phenomenon called “horizontal autonomism”. This concrete phenomenon has not only reopened, with still more force, the theoretical and practical debate about the nature of the territorial organization of the Spanish State, but also demonstrates that the notion of autonomy and the relations between national and sub-national units in Spain are permanently evolving. In addition, the recent statutory amends have initiated a new evolutive stage of the hybrid state model without reforming the Constitution. The article focuses primarily on two elements of study. First, starting from a constitutional perspective the phenomenon of what is called “horizontal autonomism” as the basis of the recent reforms of the Statutes of Autonomy (subconstitutional rules). The second aspect is to analyze one of the main consequences and effects of this “horizontal autonomism” in relation to the development of the territorial nature of the Spanish state. Concretely, we focus on how the autonomous rules, are real sources of law for other autonomies, and, potentially, for the state.


esade research yearbook 2011-12

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed The Law of one price in global depository receipts. Empirical evidence from cross-listed Egyptian equities

Arcalean, Calin Schiopu, Ioana Growth effects of spatial redistribution policies

Ansotegui Olcoz, C.; Bassiouny Mohamed, A. I.; Tooma, E. Middle Eastern Finance and Economics Eurojournals Publishing No. 17, Jul 2012, p. 33-34

Arcalean, C.; Glomm, G.; Schiopu, I. Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control (2011 IF=0.855) Elsevier Vol. 36, no. 7, 07/2012, p. 988-1008

This paper tests whether the law of one price holds for Egyptian stocks listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange and foreign cross-listed as Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) on the London Stock Exchange. We also examine the effect of two variables on price parity: the different trading week between Egypt and London; as well as the change in foreign exchange rate regime. The study finds significant price deviations from parity between Egyptian GDRs and their underlying stock, which is unexplained by the different trading weekdays or the exchange rate regimes. Despite the violation of price parity, we find that the return distribution of the Egyptian GDRs and their underlying stocks are identical. We discuss the reasons for the violation of the law of one price in our sample and why the violation cannot be considered as forgone arbitrage opportunities.

Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz Los pactos prematrimoniales en previsión ruptura en el Derecho internacional privado Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado Iprolex No. 10, 09/2011, p. 441-469 Los importantes cambios sociológicos acaecidos en las últimas décadas en el ámbito del Derecho de familia, y especialmente el aumento sin precedente de los matrimonios mixtos, hace que cada vez sea más frecuente la utilización, por parte de los futuros cónyuges, de los llamados pactos prematrimoniales en previsión de ruptura matrimonial. A través de ellos los futuros cónyuges deciden anticipar, incluso antes de la celebración del matrimonio, las consecuencias fundamentalmente económicas de una posible ruptura. La disparidad normativa (tanto material como conflictual) existente en la materia conlleva una inseguridad jurídica que contrasta y colisiona con el carácter preventivo del pacto prematrimonial en previsión de ruptura. Los pactos prematrimoniales heterogéneos, ya sea por existir en ellos un elemento internacional o interregional, no tienen garantizada su eficacia. Por ello, es imprescindible una regulación adecuada por parte del Derecho internacional privado (tanto por lo que se refiere a la competencia judicial internacional como al Derecho aplicable) que asegure a los cónyuges la eficacia y validez de los pactos prematrimoniales por ellos celebrados y que a su vez permita respetar los límites a esa autonomía de la voluntad en aras a la consecución de determinados intereses dignos de protección.


Regional income disparities have increased in many European countries recently, even as national and supra-national policy instruments were created to correct them. To explain these evolutions, we develop a two-region, two-sector model with migration and public investment in infrastructure and education. Accumulation and creation of new ideas and technologies as well as migration are at the core of differential regional growth. In this framework, we assess the effectiveness of structural funds, modeled on the EU policy. In a numerical example calibrated to Portugal, we find that, to diminish the initial gap in income per capita, the backward region needs to receive over 8% of its own GDP in structural funds, while the actual disbursements were around 4%. We also find that maximizing innovation in the backward region conflicts in the short run with the goal of maximizing its income per capita. Moreover, the rich region has an incentive to bias the allocation of structural funds towards human capital formation.

Arenas Vives, Daniel Through indigenous lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders Murphy, B.; Arenas, D. Journal of Business Ethics (2011 IF= 0.963; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 94, Supplement 1, 07/2010, p. 103-121 This paper argues that considering cross-sector collaborations through the lens of indigenous-corporate engagements yields a more comprehensive understanding of the range of cross-sector engagement types, emphasizes the importance of cross-cultural bridge building which has received little attention in the literature (Selsky and Parker, 2005), and highlights the potential for innovation via collaborations with fringe stakeholders. The study offers a more overarching typology of cross-sector collaborations and, building on an ethical approach to sustainable development with indigenous peoples (Lertzman and Vredenburg, 2005), proposes a theoretical framework for cross-cultural bridge building between businesses and fringe stakeholders. By incorporating this framework into the literature on value creation in cross-sector collaborations, we suggest a model for value creation in cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders. Finally, using case studies to illustrate the paper’s theoretical arguments, we demonstrate the model’s usefulness for the analysis and development of indigenous-corporate collaborations.

journals | refereed and peer reviewed journals

Arenas Vives, Daniel Fosse, Jeremie Acciona: A process of transformation towards sustainability Arenas, D.; Fosse, J.; Murphy, B. Journal of Management Development Emerald Vol. 30, no. 10, 10/2011, p. 1027-1048 This teaching case explains the main aspects of Acciona’s sustainability strategy and the process of transformation of the company after the new CEO took office in 2004. It also presents some possible difficulties of maintaining such strategies in the new economic and political environment. The purpose of the case is to show how three aspects play a relevant role in a company’s transformation towards sustainability: cultural change; collaboration with external stakeholders, and the innovations introduced. The article presents a case-study that narrates the process of six years of transformation towards sustainability of a company. The case was constructed through the analysis of company documents and several interviews with key actors in the company as well as external stakeholders. The article shows how cultural change, collaboration with external stakeholders and innovation form a vital combination in the transformation process towards sustainability. It also reveals that acquisitions and internationalization can help accelerate or consolidate this process. The article is presented as a teaching case with discussion questions at the end. The aim is to engage readers and participants in educational and training programs in discussions about the factors that may contribute to start and maintain a transformation towards sustainability. The practical implication of the article is to show how cultural factors, collaboration and innovation form a vital combination for changing the way business do things. The value of the case lies in showing how business efforts of embedding sustainability into business practice can be more effective by combining cultural factors, collaboration and innovation.

Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge En torno al artículo 172.3 Ley Concursal: sobre la naturaleza de la responsabilidad de los administradores o liquidadores por deudas de la sociedad concursada Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento, Economía y Sociedad (REPES) Instituto Virtual de Ciencias Humanas (IVCH) Vol. 11, No. Octubre-noviembre 2011, p. 6-34 En el presente trabajo se analiza, a través de la jurisprudencia de la sección 28 de la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid y de la sección 15 de la Audiencia Provincial de Barcelona, si la responsabilidad de los administradores y liquidadores por deudas de la sociedad concursada regulada en el artículo 172.3 de la Ley 22/2003, de 9 de julio, Concursal (LC) es una responsabilidad de tipo objetiva o ex lege. El análisis jurisprudencial revela que la determinación de la naturaleza de la responsabilidad de los administradores por las deudas que no puedan satisfacerse con cargo a la masa activa de la sociedad concursada precisa de otros elementos, además de la interpretación del tenor literal del referido artículo 172 LC, para resolver el problema. En particular, y con ello concluye el estudio, se analiza si resulta necesario que se investigue si la responsabilidad por deudas es verdadera responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios y, ya sea esta objetiva o subjetiva, cuáles son los elementos mínimos indispensables que deben estar presentes para el nacimiento de tal responsabilidad, entre los que se encuentra, aunque parece que no siempre se exige, el nexo causal entre la infracción de los deberes propios del administrador y el daño causado a la sociedad concursada e, indirectamente, a sus acreedores.

Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Los intangibles y su valor de mercado Carreras, I.; Santomá, J. Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 204, 09/2011, p. 58-71

En un mundo en el que el valor de las empresas está cada vez más relacionado con aspectos intangibles, el nuevo Plan General Contable y las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad nos proporcionan una excusa perfecta para realizar un acercamiento a la valoración de estos elementos, de las variables clave para la generación de su valor y de la capacidad de la empresa para controlar los flujos que se derivan de ellos.

Daniel Arenas Vives, Institute for Social Innovation (IIS)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Chávez Clavijo, Roberto Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Wiengarten, Frank Assessing the effect of industry clockspeed on the supply chain management practice-performance relationship Chávez, R.; Fynes, B.; Gimenez, C.; Wiengarten, F. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2011 IF= 1.535) Elsevier Vol. 17, no. 3, 04/2012, p. 235-248 The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of industry clockspeed on the relationship between Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices, from both upstream and downstream sides of the supply chain, and SCM performance. The study is based on a questionnaire sent to manufacturing companies in the Republic of Ireland. The relationships between the constructs is analysed through regression analysis. The results suggest that the relationship between SCM practices and SCM performance is not monotonic across varying levels of industry clockspeed. Although mixed support was found for the hypothesized relationships, this research contributes considerably to the theoretical development of the contingency view in the SCM literature. Managers should be aware that the rate of change in their industries can affect the way SCM practices across the supply chain impact on SCM performance. The literature review has shown that empirical studies that address the relationship between SCM practices and SCM performance provide mixed results. One possible explanation lies in the contingency theory. This paper contributes to the theoretical development of the contingency view in the SCM literature by showing that industry clockspeed affects the way SCM practices impact on SCM performance.

Dolan, Simon Do emotions matter?: The role of emotional intelligence competences in cross-cultural adjustment for international assignment

justment beyond traditional technical or functional skills. Data were gathered via a pre-validated multi-item questionnaire. The latter was administered in two languages: English and Spanish and two steps of multiple hierarchical regression analyses were conducted, in addition to the main variables (i.e. main effect). A total of 16 individual, organisational and context-related control variables were used in this study. The main findings indicate that EI is related to overall cross-cultural adjustment measured in its three dimensions. However, EI was most strongly related to interaction adjustment following overall cross-cultural adjustment. Furthermore, by isolating some important variables, the predictive role of EI on cross-cultural adjustment above and beyond these control variables was shown. EI is still a new and debatable construct. Researchers are continuing to explore this construct from different angles. Moreover, there is keen interest in ascertaining whether the findings reported herein are sustainable. With the exception of one external source (culture distance), all data for the current study were collected via a selfreported questionnaire and although additional effort was made to reduce some potential method-variance problems, they cannot be entirely ruled out. The authors encourage future studies to improve the design by gathering data from multiple sources and from diverse settings. The paper reviews the possible advantages of including EI assessment in international postings selection process. This paper fills the need to study the predictive role of key soft skills in understanding cross-cultural adjustment of international assignees. This study analysed the role of emotions in cross-cultural settings by specifically examining a set of competences stemming from the EI construct. Although EI has been extensively used in the organisational behaviour literature, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is still a need to empirically explore the relationships of this construct within the context of overseas postings and cross cultural encounters.

Dolan, Simon Exploring the moderating effect of gender in the relationship between individuals’ aspirations and career success among engineers in Peru

Gabel-Shemueli, R.; Dolan, S. Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management Emerald Vol. 9, no. 3, 11/2011, p. 207-229

Dolan, S.; Bejarano, A. I.; Tzafrir, S. International Journal of Human Resource Management (2011 IF= 1.043) Taylor & Francis Vol. 22, no. 15, 09/2011, p. 3146-3167

The purpose of this paper is to propose emotional intelligence (hereinafter EI) competences as a key predictor for overall cross-cultural adjustment of managers and professionals in its three respective dimensions: work, interaction and non-work adjustment. This explorative study contributes to the assessment and selection of potential professionals for international assignments by identifying the combination of soft competences and selected pre-existing personal factors that can predict cross cultural ad-

The aim of this paper is to analyse the relationship between career success and individual career aspirations for engineers, and to test whether this differs according to gender. The primary hypothesis in this research is that gender does make a significant difference. The sample consists of 1011 engineers who graduated from a prestigious Peruvian college between 1998 and 2005. Female graduates constituted only 4% of the sample, which is similar to


journals | refereed and peer reviewed journals

the national statistics for engineers in Peru during this period. The relationships were primarily tested using multiple regression and structural equation modelling analyses. Findings show a positive relationship between individual career aspirations and career success for men, but not necessarily for women; this supports the hypothesis that gender moderates this relationship. Females seek more secure career orientation than their male counterparts. In addition, females have shown that their career success is more related to feminine themes such as achieving ‘work-family balance’. The findings are in line with previously published results in other countries in which female engineers have career orientations with a preference for a balance between work and family as well as work stability. The sample is limited to graduates from a single Peruvian college of engineering. Although the sample has similar demographic characteristic to a national population, a more heterogeneous sample is called for in a future research. Moreover, additional moderators should be incorporated, such as family background, residency (large urban cities vs. small villages) and perhaps other variables. Results can help Human Resource Managers to design better career plans, which consider gender in defining policies for the attraction and retention of competent female engineers.

Duplá Marín, Teresa Domínguez Tristán, Paula Evaluación de la competencia “Aplicar los conocimientos para lograr resultados (Nivel I)” en el primer curso de grado en Derecho

Esteve Laporta, Marc Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Longo Martínez, Francisco La generación de innovación a través de la colaboración público-privada Revista Española de Cardiología (2011 IF=2.530) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 9, 09/2012, p. 835-842 En este artículo se desarrolla la idea de cómo las distintas opciones colaborativas público-privadas implementadas por las organizaciones afectan a la generación de innovación a través de un estudio de caso: el del Banco de Sangre y Tejidos. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas a todo el equipo directivo de la organización analizada. Se codificaron las entrevistas y se realizó un análisis de contenidos. Esta información se trianguló con la revisión de documentos internos de la organización. Este artículo contribuye a generar conocimiento sobre la gestión de la innovación en colaboraciones público-privadas en salud identificando la existencia de distintas opciones en una organización para desarrollar innovación colaborativa entre los sectores público y privado: contratación, partenariados público-privados contractuales y partenariados institucionalizados. Se constata que la generación de innovación está directamente relacionada con el acuerdo institucional escogido para desarrollar cada proyecto, de modo que determinadas innovaciones no son posibles sin un grado elevado de madurez en la colaboración interorganizativa. Sin embargo, también cabe destacar que, a medida que la intensidad de la colaboración se incrementa, los costes también, y el control del proceso disminuye.

Revista de Educación y Derecho Universitat de Barcelona (UB) No. 5, 10/2011, p. 1-13 Uno de los temas que merece ser objeto de reflexión en el nuevo marco docente dise-ñado en España como consecuencia de la convergencia hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior es el de la evaluación, pues ésta adquiere una nueva dimensión al colocarse el estudiante en el centro del proceso de aprendizaje y al aplicarse un enfo-que docente basado en competencias y, por ello, se hace necesario replantearse su naturaleza y el diseño de todos los elementos estructurales que la configuran. El obje-to de nuestro trabajo se circunscribe a la evaluación de una competencia determinada en el primer curso de grado en Derecho y a la experiencia adquirida en distintas uni-versidades, públicas y privadas, en los primeros años de su aplicación; centrándonos, en concreto, en el caso práctico semipresencial (trabajo colaborativo) como actividad decisiva para el aprendizaje de la competencia asignada a nuestra disciplina y proce-dimiento óptimo para evaluar su adquisición.

Fluvià Font, Modest Saló Mayolas, Albert The effects of beach characteristics and location with respect to hotel prices Rigall-i-Torrent, R.; Fluvià, M.; Ballester, R.; Saló Mayolas, A.; Ariza, E.; Espinet, J.-M. Tourism Management (2011 IF= 2.597) Elsevier Vol. 32, no. 5, 10/2011, p. 1150-1158 This paper measures the effects of beach characteristics and hotel location with respect to the beach on sun-and-beach hotel prices by using a well-established hedonic perspective. The paper’s main results are that, after controlling for the relevant variables, location in front of a beach increases the price of a room in costal hotels of Catalonia by a figure between 13 and 17%, and that a Blue Flag increases the price by around 11.5%. The effects on hotels’ prices of other beach characteristics (such as beach length, width, sand type


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or beach services) are also estimated. With these estimates, the paper ranks beaches according to their characteristics and provides a setting to assess different policies regarding beaches from the point of view of hotels, such as regeneration, maintenance or achieving a Blue Flag award.

Fluvià Font, Modest Salo Mayolas, Albert Precios implícitos de los atributos de los productos turísticos: ¿qué esconde el efecto de la localización? Fluvià Font, M.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Garriga, A.; Espinet Rius, J.M.; Salo Mayolas, A. Estudios de Economía Aplicada ASEPELT Vol. 29, no. 3, 12/2011, p. 781-802 Diferentes estudios han descompuesto los precios de los productos turísticos en los precios implícitos de sus atributos (categoría y servicios ofrecidos), localización y período del año. En estos estudios habitualmente la localización se considera como un indicador residual del entorno del producto turístico, esto es, un indicador no explicado por el modelo y que incluye varios elementos. Este artículo profundiza en el análisis de aquellos factores que, de acuerdo con estudios previos, pueden estar incluidos dentro de la variable “localización” como, por ejemplo, activos naturales; oferta cultural, gastronómica y deportiva; o bienes y servicios públicos.

Forte Arcos, Santiago Calibrating structural models: A new methodology based on stock and credit default swap data Quantitative Finance (2011 IF= 0.735) Taylor & Francis Vol. 11 , no. 12, 12/2011, p. 1745-1759 This paper presents a modified version of Leland and Toft’s (1996) structural credit risk model, together with a novel calibration methodology based on stock and CDS data: the firm asset value and volatility are consistently derived from equity prices; the default barrier is calibrated from CDS premia. It empirically shows that as long as the appropriate default barrier is selected, the model generates time series of stock market implied credit spreads which fit the times series of CDS spreads. Moreover, CDS implied default barriers prove to be consistent with stockholders’ rationality, with predictions made by structural models with endogenous default, and with historical recovery rates.


Forte Arcos, Santiago Lovreta, Lidija Endogenizing exogenous default barrier models: The MM algorithm Journal of Banking & Finance (2011 IF=2.600) Elsevier Vol. 36 , no. 6, 06/2012, p. 1639-1652 In this paper we propose a Maximization-Maximization (MM) algorithm for the assessment of hidden parameters in structural credit risk models. Step M1 updates the value, volatility, and expected return on the firm’s assets by maximizing the log-likelihood function for the time series of equity prices; Step M2 updates the default barrier by maximizing the equity holders’ participation in the firm’s asset value. The main contribution of the method lies in the M2 step, which allows for ‘endogenizing’ the default barrier in light of actual data on equity prices. Using a large international sample of companies, we demonstrate that theoretical credit spreads based on the MM algorithm offer the lowest CDS pricing errors when compared to other, traditional default barrier specifications: smooth-pasting condition value, maximum likelihood estimate, KMV’s default point, and nominal debt.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Drivers of green supply management performance: Evidence from Germany Large, R.; Giménez Thomsen, C. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management (2011 IF= 1.061) Elsevier Vol. 17, no. 3, 09/2011, p. 176-184 Five potential drivers of green supply management performance were identified in the literature review: green supply management capabilities, the strategic level of the purchasing department, the level of environmental commitment of the firm, the degree of supplier assessment and the degree of collaboration with suppliers. These constructs were used to form a structural model explaining the degree of green supply management performance. The model was analysed with SmartPLS 2.0 and using data collected among German purchasers. The results suggest that the degree of supplier assessment and the level of collaboration exert direct influence on environmental performance. These two practices are driven by the strategic level of the purchasing department and the level of environmental commitment of the firm. Whereas commitment influences assessment directly, the impact of commitment on collaboration is mediated by the capabilities of the purchasing department.

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Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Extending sustainability to suppliers: A systematic literature review Giménez Thomsen, C.; Mendonça Tachizawa, E. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (2011 IF= 1.535) Emerald Vol. 17, no. 5, 08/2012, p. 531-543 To make their supply chains more socially responsible, many companies are implementing supplier assessment tools and collaborative practices. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic literature review on the governance structures used to extend sustainability to suppliers. More specifically, we aim to answer two questions: (1) What is the impact of these mechanisms or governance structures on sustainable performance? (2) What are the enablers of these mechanisms? A structured literature review that analyses published studies, evaluates contributions, summarises knowledge and identifies managerial implications and lines for further research. Both assessment and collaboration have a positive impact on environmental performance and corporate social responsibility, although the most recent collaborative paradigm stresses that assessment alone is not enough. Some enablers of these practices are identified. Although we believe that the right search terms have been used, the choice of these terms could be a limitation of this study. Also, the selection of the articles could be considered subjective, although the papers were reviewed by two researchers. Practical implications: Supplier assessment and collaboration are effective in improving sustainability. However, the results also indicate that assessment alone is not enough. Firms also need to adopt a collaborative approach. Finally, a list of enablers to implement these practices is provided. To summarise knowledge related to the impact of supplier assessment and collaboration on sustainability, and to describe the enablers of such initiatives, providing some managerial implications and lines for further research.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Supply chain integration and performance: The moderating effect of supply complexity Giménez Thomsen, C.; Van der Vaart, T.; Van Donk, D. P. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2011 IF= 1.127) Emerald Vol. 32, no. 5, 05/2012, p. 583-610 The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of supply chain integration in different contexts. More specifically, it aims to show that supply chain integration is only effective in buyer-supplier relationships characterised by high supply complexity. Methodology: A surveybased research design is developed to measure different dimensions or aspects of supply chain integration and supply complexity. Data were

collected among manufacturers in The Netherlands and Spain. This research shows that supply chain integration increases performance if supply complexity is high, while a very limited or no influence of supply chain integration can be detected in case of low supply complexity. The results also show that in high supply complexity environments the use of structured communication means to achieve supply chain integration has a negative effect on cost performance. The limited sample size prohibits estimating and testing of more comprehensive models of the relationship between supply chain integration and performance. Specifically, the authors were not able to further investigate how different supply chain integration dimensions are inter-related and mutually reinforce one another to improve performance. The main managerial lesson is that, in contrast to what has been written in many books and other popular publications, high levels of supply chain integration are only necessary in environments characterised by high supply complexity. This study helps to better understand context in supply chain management research. Specifically, it investigates the moderating effect of supply complexity on the integrationperformance relationship, a topic suggested by Bozarth et al. as a line for further research.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Modelling the integration-performance relationship: Collaborative practices, enablers and contextual factors Van Donk, D.P.; Van der Vaart, T.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Sierra Olivera, V. International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2011 IF= 1.127) Emerald Vol. 32, no. 9, 08/2012, p. 1043-1074 The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of different dimensions of supply chain integration on performance, while considering both, the interconnections between these supply chain integration dimensions and the effect of context. Specifically, we investigate the relationship between two enablers (communication infrastructure and cooperative behaviour) and two practices (planning information and joint improvement), and the moderating effect of supply complexity on their relationship with performance. A survey among 145 Dutch and Spanish manufacturers is used to gather data on the buyer-supplier relationship. Both the sample and two subsamples (for high and low supply complexity) are analysed using SmartPLS. The paper finds that two dimensions (communication infrastructure and cooperative behaviour) enable the two collaborative practices: joint improvement and planning information. All mentioned supply chain integration dimensions, except joint improvement are related to performance, but specifically if the supply complexity is high. Among these dimensions the effect of cooperative behaviour is relatively high. Research implications: Future


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research should investigate the adverse direct and indirect effects of communication infrastructure on performance. Further research is needed to find the critical value for making joint improvement effective, along with further investigating the role of cooperative behaviour. Managers need to understand that different dimensions interact and have both direct and indirect effects. Moreover, the effect of supply chain integration depends on the level of supply complexity. This paper adds to our understanding of how contingencies influence the supply chain. It is the first paper that investigates the moderating effect of the complexity of the process of delivery (supply complexity) on the effectiveness of supply chain integration practices.

Gimeno Sandig, Alberto Culture and values in family business: A review and suggestions for future research Fletcher, D.; Melin, L.; Gimeno Sandig, A. Journal of Family Business Strategy Elsevier Vol. 3, no. 3, 09/2012, p. 127-131 This article provides a review of key literature in the field of culture, values and family business by addressing three key questions. First, what is culture in a family business context and how can it be defined and conceptualized? Second, what can culture do for the family business? And third, which factors or attributes shape culture in family business? The article presents several suggestions for future research and previews the four articles included in the special issue on culture and values in family businesses.

Giné Daví, Jaume Asia-Pacífico: el nuevo motor del crecimiento económico mundial Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) Vol. 11, núm. 4, 10/2011, p. 41-52

Asia-Pacífico, en plena crisis financiera de EEUU y de la zona euro, es el motor del crecimiento económico mundial. Destacan China e India. También Corea del Sur y Taiwán apuestan por abrirse más al exterior. Y Japón observa con cautela como crece el coloso chino y se sumará a los procesos de integración internacional abiertos en la región. Se impulsan, tras el fracaso de la ronda Doha de la OMC, a través de la firma de una amplia red de acuerdos de libre comercio (FTA, siglas en inglés), principalmente en Asia oriental y del sur. También Hong Kong y Singapur dos grandes


centros financieros y logísticos del sudeste asiático, participan en el proceso. América Latina, con una larga fachada mirando al Pacífico, está girando hacia Oriente. Asia-Pacífico es el nuevo centro neurálgico mundial y acelerará su integración económica y comercial. Mientras Occidente duda y resurgen las presiones proteccionistas, Oriente aprovecha las ventajas de la globalización.

Ginés Castellet, Núria Autonomía de la voluntad y fracaso matrimonial: los pactos pre-ruptura en el libro II del Código Civil de Cataluña Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario Colegio de Registradores de la Propiedad y Mercantiles de España Vol. 87, no. 727, 09/2011, p. 2577-2620 La evolución del concepto social y jurídico de la familia y, dentro de ella, del matrimonio ha llevado, en los últimos tiempos, al reconocimiento de un cada vez mayor grado de autonomía a los cónyuges para configurar su relación a la medida de sus legítimos valores, intereses y aspiraciones. Uno de los últimos hitos en esta evolución es el de la introducción, en el sistema jurídico-civil catalán, de una disciplina específica de los denominados pactos en previsión de una ruptura matrimonial, que desarrolla la alusión general que ya se contenía en el Código de Familia. A analizar esta nueva normativa se consagra este trabajo.

Guzmán Garza, Francisco Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Public-private collaborations: Branded public services? European Journal of Marketing (2011 IF=0.956) Emerald Vol. 46, no. 7/8, 06/2012, p. 994-1012 Purpose - The objective of this article is to understand how to optimize partnerships between the public and business sectors. A reference group influence model helps identify which kinds of public services are best suited to this type of collaboration. Design/methodology/approach - Consumer data were collected in two stages using surveys. Data were analyzed using two-sided paired t-tests and a mixed factorial MANOVA. The model is validated in the two largest Hispanic consumer markets-Mexico and Spain. Findings - Reference group influence has a greater impact on brand decisions for publicly onsumed public services, and on service decisions for public services for which consumers pay extra. Reference group influence varies between contexts/countries. Research limitations/implications - Despite the economic, development and cultural differences

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between Mexico and Spain, countries with even greater differences, or additional countries, could have been included in the study. Although commonly accepted for theory testing and reference group research, the use of a student sample during the second stage of this study limits the extendibility and generalization of the results. Originality/value - Decision-making shortcuts have been studied for years by behavioral scientists. However, to our knowledge no research has explored how reference group influence affects public service consumption, and this understanding leads to the optimization of public-private collaborations.

Hawkins, Matthew Allen Saleem, Fathima The omnipresent personal narrative: Story formulation and the interplay among narratives Journal of Organizational Change Management (2011 IF=0.744) Emerald Vol. 25, no. 2, 03/2012, p. 204-219 Stories draw meaning from narratives.The resulting narrative component in a story is entirely personal or contains fragments of organizational and/or societal narratives. Therefore, understanding how stories obtain these narrative fragments is critical to offering valid interpretations of narratives based on stories. In an effort to advance narrative research, the purpose of this paper is to address this fundamental question: How do stories obtain their reflected narrative fragments? Without a firm understanding of how stories draw meaning from narratives, the critical role of disentangling compound narratives from stories - interpretation - remains suspect. The findings are drawn from extant research and prior conceptualizations, and the story formulation model is introduced. Through the introduction of the story formulation model, it is shown that personal narratives are omnipresent within collective narratives. Additionally, the analysis indicates there are two stages in which narrative interaction occurs, during the formulation of stories and during the formulation of narratives. The findings have significant impact on the interpretation of stories, as well as furthering the understanding of how stories draw their meaning from narratives. In particular, the omnipresence of personal narratives within stories is particularly relevant for interpreting stories and narratives. Therefore, this paper offers a framework in which to conceptualize the story formulation process and contributes to story and narrative analysis research methodologies.

Iglesias Bedós, Oriol A new context and emerging theories for product, place and corporate brands Abimbola, T.; Trueman, M.; Iglesias Bedós, O. European Journal of Marketing (2011 IF=0.956) Emerald Vol. 46, no. 7/8, 07/2012, p. 881-884 This guest editorial paper introduces the selected papers for this Special Issue of the Special Interest Group on Brand, Identity, and Corporate Reputation of the Academy of Marketing. Altogether these articles present a broad outlook on emerging and developing ideas about product, place and corporate branding. They offer opportunities for future research in a number of areas and highlight the role and relevance of theoretical ideas as a powerful lens to address the many challenges in the field of branding. With this volume we hope to have filled the need to provoke new ideas and open up a growing area of discourse. In conclusion, we are most grateful to numerous colleagues who acted as reviewers for their contributions and support throughout the process of compiling this special issue.

Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Bonet Guinó, Eduard Persuasive brand management: How managers can influence brand meaning when they are losing control over it Journal of Organizational Change Management (2011 IF=0.744) Emerald Vol. 25, no. 2, 03/2012, p. 251-264 To build a conceptual framework that enables an improved comprehension of how brand meaning is constructed. Design/methodology: Conceptual implications are drawn from an analysis and discussion of the literature in the fields of brand management, meanings, and rhetoric. Brand managers are progressively losing control of the multiple sources of brand meaning. Brand meaning is co-created during the consumer-brand relationship and the customer-perceived brand meaning is re-interpreted at each touch point that a customer has with a brand employee, a managerially determined brand interface, or an external stakeholder. ‘Persuasive Brand Management’ is presented as a new approach to brand management. It considers that the main activities of managers regarding brand strategy decisions involve processes of interpreting and creating meanings; as well as persuading a wide diversity of internal and external stakeholders.


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Iglesias Bedós, Oriol Singh, Jatinder Jit Casabayó Bonás, Mònica Key changes and challenges for brands in an uncertain environment

Iñesta Codina, Anna Tutoring the end-of-studies dissertation: Helping psychology students find their academic voice when revising academic texts

Journal of Product and Brand Management Emerald Vol. 20, no. 6, 09/2011, p. 436-439

Castelló Badia, M.; Iñesta Codina, A.; Pardo, M.; Liesa, E.; Martínez Fernández, R. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research (2011 IF=1.061) Springer Vol. 63, no. 1, 01/2012, p. 97-115

Brands are facing key changes and challenges that need to be addressed from both the academic as well as the managerial perspectives. This paper discusses some of them and revises the research agenda of the field of brand management. Conceptual implications are drawn from the analysis and discussion of the papers of this special issue, as well as from previous literature. In this global world in which brands are present in many different countries and operate in really diverse business sectors the classical brand management theories and many of their assumptions may need to be revised. The paper discusses the key challenges that brands are facing and encourages academics to use the rich diversity of methodologies that they have at their disposition and that can be extremely helpful to address the future research agenda of this field.

Ilipinar, Gürsel Montaña Matosas, Jordi Spender, John-Christopher Design thinking in the postmodern organization Ilipinar, G.; Johnston, W.; Montaña Matosas, J.; Spender, J.; Truex, D. China-USA Business Review David Publishing Company Vol. 10, no. 11, 11/2011, p. 1203-1212 Design discipline has been relatively slow to recognize the existence and impacts of postmodernism as compared to sociology, political science, marketing and management disciplines, however, recently postmodernist implications have begun to be explored by design scholars. Yet our review of the literature led us to conclude that the relationship between postmodernism and design thinking has received little, if any attention from design management scholars. The objective of this paper, then, is to expand the discussion on the relationship between postmodern organization and design thinking, to suggest strategic implications for design managers and research opportunities for management scholars.


This intervention study aimed at helping undergraduate students of psychology learn to use the discursive resources useful to make academic voice visible in their texts and to improve their writing practices. The intervention involved tutorial meetings and collaborative revisions in two different learning environments, on-line and face-to face. The final text quality, the students’ knowledge and the amount and the quality of revisions were assessed in both conditions. Results show that the quality of the texts improved for both intervention groups in contrast with for control group, and better texts were related with higher rates of revision and more students’ satisfaction with the intervention.

Kyvik, Oyvin Internationalisation of small firms: The importance of a global mindset International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation Inderscience Enterprises Vol. 10, no. 3-4, 09/2011, p. 314-331

The article considers the cognitive processes causing a global mindset as a firm-specific capability. Existing research shows a strong causal relationship between the global mindset and small firms’ internationalisation behaviour, that the main causal power from the explanatory variables goes through the global mindset and that the individual direct effects on internationalisation behaviour are minor in comparison. Possibilities of influencing small firms’ internationalisation behaviour through the global mindset are discussed. The importance of international experience for the formation of the global mindset is emphasised. The article outlines methodological approaches for how the formation of a global mindset in small firms may be stimulated based on organisational learning and change management interventions.

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Llebaría Samper, Sergio Contrato condicional: incertidumbre, intangibilidad y manipulación de la condición

oversimplified in the case of emerging markets, to the extent that it forgets the social context. Dealing with this omission allows us to present new challenges both as part of these countries’ CSR agendas and in the call for both local and global governance.

Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario Vol. 87, no. 728, 11/2011, p. 3151-3202

Análisis de las posibilidades, tratamiento y consecuencias de las interferencias en el proceso natural de la condición apuesta al contrato. Propuesta de estudio acerca de la estructura del evento condicional, de los intereses en juego, de la condición unilateral, de la ficción de cumplimiento y del cumplimiento por equivalente de la condición.

Lozano Soler, Josep M. What emerges when a market emerges? Corporate Governance Emerald Vol. 11, no. 4, 10/2011, p. 315-326

What emerges when a market emerges? Does giving emphasis to the term emerging markets not represent a form of economic reductionism, neglecting the social context in which a market emerges? In this respect, CSR can be seen as a contribution from the business community, one that does not separate the economic and social dimensions in this emergent process. However, more global approaches are needed to face today’s challenges and to reflect on the criteria we have to bear in mind. This paper seeks to address this issue. For this reason, I feel it might be useful to respond to the question (what emerges when a market emerges?) using the Catholic Social Teaching doctrine and, more specifically, by means of a dialogue with Pope Benedict XVI’s latest encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (CV). The latter represents one of the few current attempts to provide a global and integrated view, incorporating specific guiding values and criteria for action. This paper is thus divided into three parts entitled: a) In times of globalisation and crisis: Integral human development as a criterion; b) The CSR challenge: The company, sustainability and the common good; and c) The continuing challenge of Business in Society. The main finding is that CV’s contribution may be to provide us with criteria to analyse what we have to bear in mind when talking about emerging markets without reducing this vision merely to economic terms. We should consider criteria such as: integral human development; the common good; inter-generational justice; the cultural context; ethics integrated within the economy and moral responsibility. All of these are fundamental. This paper questions the message, which is sometimes

Luque Parra, Manuel Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet Seguridad Social de universitarios en prácticas: estado de la cuestión Aranzadi Social: Revista Doctrinal Aranzadi Vol. 4, no. 10, 02/2012, p. 283-289 La Ley 27/2011, de 1 de agosto, incluyó un mandato al Gobierno para que regulara los mecanismos de inclusión en la Seguridad Social de los estudiantes universitarios en prácticas. Entre octubre y diciembre de 2011 el Gobierno ha publicado dos Reales Decreto que desarrollan esta materia en particular, si bien lo hacen previendo un régimen aparentemente opuesto entre ellos (el primero opta por su inclusión dentro del Régimen General de la Seguridad Social, y el segundo por su exclusión). En este artículo hemos pretendido dar una interpretación de dichos reglamentos acorde con la voluntad del legislador y con la finalidad de la Ley 27/2011, acotando el ámbito de aplicación de cada uno de ellos y, en definitiva, haciendo primar lo previsto en una norma con rango de ley.

Josep M. Lozano Soler, Institute for Social Innovation (IIS)


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Mària Serrano, Josep F. CSR and development: A mining company in Africa Mària, J. F.; Devuyst, E. Journal of Management Development Emerald Vol. 30, no. 10, 10/2011, p. 955-967

This case study seeks to present the CSR activity of a mining company in the DR of the Congo, and the conflict between the company and its local stakeholders. The company promotes and enlightened CSR. focused on the promotion of individuals’ rights; but the local population has inherited a paternalistic mindset, which clashes with this enlightened approach.

Mària Serrano, Josep F. CSR in Africa: Introduction to the special issue

Ako’s work on the new role of oil companies in society to be defined and developed after an important political change in the country. Integrative CSR predominates in Bethel Uzoma Ihugba’s paper on the legitimacy of a tobacco company; in the article by David H. Tobey and B. Yasanthi Perera, which analyzes the cultural values of MNCs and of local communities; and in Josep F. Mària SJ and Miho Taka’s work on the contribution of mining companies to the development of artisanal miners, an important local stakeholder. Finally, the ethical approach is especially present in Happy Mickson Kayuni and Richard I.C. Tambulasi’s paper on the relationships between Ubuntu and CSR; and in Fredrick Onyango Ogola’s article on the contribution of financial institutions to the development of an African society.

Mària Serrano, Josep F. The human rights of artisanal miners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The responsibility of mining companies

African Journal of Economic and Management Studies Emerald Vol. 3, no. 1, 04/2012, p. 1-5

Mària, J. F.; Taka, M. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies Emerald Vol. 3, no. 1, 04/2012, p. 137-150

CSR is an incipient discipline. Garriga and Melé (2004) summarize the main CSR approaches or theories in four groups: instrumental, political, integrative and ethical theories. Each group responds to one main aspect or dimension of social reality according to T. Parsons: economics, politics, social integration and ethics. Instrumental theories understand CSR as a means to an end of financial profits for a company, and include the reflections on the business case for CSR, the possibility to enhance the firm’s competitive advantage, and the use of CSR as a means of maximizing profits. Political theories stress the power of companies in society, and their correlative responsibility in the political arena; they try to articulate the presence of firms in relation with the other political actors. Integrative approaches study the relationships between companies and social demands, crucial for the survival and growth of business itself; these theories try to formulate how a company can be legitimized by the different stakeholders. Finally, ethical theories consider the ethical values framing the relationships between business and society, and discuss the ideas of universal rights, sustainable development or common good (Garriga and Melé, 2004, pp. 51-3). This division, however, does not assume that one theory is incompatible with the others. Instead, each theory or family stresses an important dimension of the discipline (Garriga and Melé, 2004, pp. 64-5). The articles included in this special issue illustrate the four dimensions of CSR. The instrumental approach is particularly present in the paper by Passent Tantawi and Amr Youssef on corporate social performance in place branding of retail banks; and in the one by Thomas Kimeli Cheruiyot and Loice C. Maru on CSR related to employees in the hospitality sector. CSR political theory is dominant in Rhuks Temitope

This article explores how CSR in mining companies can contribute to the promotion of artisanal miners’ human rights (HR) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). First, the paper designs a framework for a public policy on artisans. Then it incorporates the possible contribution of companies to this policy drawing from the existent CSR literature. This framework is applied to relationships between mining companies and artisans in Katanga, a low-conflict Province of the DRC. Finally, CSR guidelines for the promotion of artisans’ HR are formulated. The theoretical framework articulates a public policy approach -which includes different actors- and a CSR approach -which develops the specific role of one such actor: the company- in the promotion of artisanal miners’ HR. Data used in the empirical part are qualitative, and include primary data gathered from visits to different mining companies operating in the Province, and an interview with a local specialist in artisanal miners. The first finding is that artisanal miners are a heterogeneous group, with multiple HR problems. Therefore, a public policy and a CSR policy to promote their HR are equally complex. However, local practices in the specific context of Katanga suggest two suitable CSR strategies for promoting artisans’ HR: supporting new sustainable economic activities where artisans have been displaced by a company; and promoting the formalization of artisanal activity where companies are the artisans’ clients. This paper does not include interviews with mining company managers in Katanga in order to design very specific actions in each one of these CSR strategies. Our research does not include field work in high-conflict areas. The heterogeneity and dynamism of artisanal miners’ problems and the weakness of the Congolese State lead to a basic recommendation for responsible mining companies in low-conflict areas: the implementation of dialogues


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with local communities and local governments in order to cover the needs of artisanal miners and discover innovation opportunities for the companies Although there is abundant literature on artisanal miners, the connection of artisanal miners and CSR has scarcely been developed. As far as we know, the illustration of this connection for the DRC has not been addressed. Additionally, the design of public policies for artisanal miners -part of the informal economy- and the contribution of companies to such policies can help address problems arising from other informal activities in Africa.

Mària Serrano, Josep F. Lozano Soler, Josep M. Responsible leaders for inclusive globalization: Cases in Nicaragua and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Journal of Business Ethics (2010 IF=1.125; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 93, Supplement 1 , 06/2010, p. 93-111 The current globalization process excludes a significant part of humanity, but organizations can contribute to a more inclusive form by means of dialouge with other organizations to create economic and social value. this article explores the main leadership traits (visions, roles and virtues) necessary for this dialogue. This exploration consists of a comparison between two theoretical approaches (Responsible leadership, developed by Maak and Pless; and Work of Translation, developed by B.S. Santos) and their illustration with two cases (a Federation of Coops in Nicaragua and an Employer Organization in the Democratic Republic of the Congo). These cases are highly valu-

able and inspiring for business leaders and multinational corporations wishing to act responsibly at the local and global levels, thus contributing to a more inclusive form of globalization.

Nadal Burgués, Núria Bonet Guinó, Eduard Limitations of project management when managing research: An empirical study at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center The International Journal of Management Theijm Vol. 1, Issue 2, 4/2012, p. 1-20 The impressive development of science and technology, after World War II, drove research to massively be organized as projects and managed with the methods of project management. The application of project management methods requires the precise formulation of the project in propositions including the goals, constrains and operations. In contrast, the goal of scientific propositions is sometimes ambiguous. This article disentangles the limitations project management methods when managing research since they are unable neither to face the wide spectrum of projects research organizations deal with which might require different sort of management forms nor to face the tension between creativity and productivity research organizations coexist with. The research reveals researchers’ views on research management’s problems, and show a common position on the difficulty to understanding the paradox. This work is important to clarify how research is said to be managed and how it is really managed and leaves the possibility to implement a new research management approach.

Manel Peiró, ESADE Business School


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Noethen, Daniela Measure invariance of the Political Skill Inventory (PSI) across five cultures Lvina, E.; Johns, G.; Treadway, D.C.; Blickle, G.; Liu, Yongmei; Noethen, D., et al. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management Sage Vol. 12, no. 2, 08/2012, p. 171-191 This research expands the study of political skill, a construct developed in North America, to other cultures. We examine the psychometric properties of the Political Skill Inventory (PSI) and test the measurement equivalence of the scale in a non-American context. Respondents were 1511 employees from China, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and the United States. The cross-cultural generalizability of the construct is established through consistent evidence of multigroup invariance in an increasingly stringent series of analyses of mean and covariance structures. Overall, the study provides systematic evidence that political skill can be treated as a stable construct among diverse cultural groups. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate that translated PSI measures operationalize the construct similarly. With some exceptions, the item loadings and intercepts are invariant for the US and non-US responses, suggesting partial measurement equivalence. After verifying the accuracy of item translation, we conclude that any differences can be explained by variation in the cultural value of uncertainly avoidance and cultural differences on a low-to-high context continuum. Detected dissimilarities are addressed, and some suggestions regarding the correct use across borders of the instrument by managers and researchers are provided.

Parada Balderrama, Pedro Cómo preparar y aprovechar la expansión internacional Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 213, 06/2012, p. 4-14

Los procesos de internacionalización de las empresas han traído consigo una diversificación de las fuentes de ingresos, algo fundamental dada la contracción de la economía y la demanda en España. A pesar de que existen modelos que guían a las empresas que desean abordar su expansión internacional, la realidad muestra que esta compleja tarea requiere mucha flexibilidad y agilidad para adaptarse a las cambiantes necesidades de los mercados. Esta complicada gestión, permite a las organizaciones aprender y dotarse de capacidades que de otra manera podrían no estar a su alcance.


Parada Balderrama, Pedro Individual scientific collaborations and firm-level innovation Almeida, P.; Hohberger, J.; Parada, P. Industrial and Corporate Change (2011 IF= 1.372) Oxford University Press Vol. 20, no. 6, 12/2011, p. 1571-1599 Our article focuses on the role of interorganizational collaborations by biotechnology scientists (as captured by co-authorship of research papers) and their impact on the patented innovations of firms. Our results show that even after controlling for factors that have been previously suggested to impact the patent output of a firm, including the firm’s strategic alliances, star and nonstar scientists, individuallevel scientific ability, and R&D investment, the extent to which a firm’s scientists collaborate externally on scientific articles positively influences the firm’s innovation. We also find that individual collaborations between firm and university researchers are particularly useful and that regional spillovers enhance the impact of individual collaborations. Our research thus isolates and highlights the role of individual-level (and often informal) collaborative activity in enhancing firm innovation.

Peiró Posadas, Manel Barrubés Sol, Joan Nuevo contexto y viejos retos en el sistema sanitario Revista Española de Cardiología (2011 IF=2.530) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 7, 07/2012, p. 651-655 La crisis económica no puede ocultar la necesidad de transformación del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Desde hace años son bien conocidas las dificultades financieras del sistema sanitario, cuyo gasto crece a un ritmo superior que la economía. El desarrollo y la difusión de las nuevas tecnologías y la mayor utilización de los servicios de salud, junto con el gasto farmacéutico, la inflación de los precios y la poca eficiencia del sistema, explican el nuevo contexto. Los retos que afronta el sistema de salud no sonnuevos: abordar la deuda, mejorar la financiación, revisar el catálogo de prestaciones, transformar la gobernanza del sistema y dotar a las instituciones de una real autonomía de gestión. La gravedad de la situación económica puede ser una oportunidad para efectuar los cambios largamente esperados.

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Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Responsible leadership: Pathways to the future Journal of Business Ethics (IF 2011= 0.963; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 98, Supplement 1, 1/2011, p. 3-13 This article maps current thinking in the emerging field of responsible leadership. Various environmental and social forces have triggered interest in both research and practices of responsible leadership. This article outlines the main features of the relevant research, specifies a definition of the concept, and compares this emergent understanding of responsible leadership with related leadership theories. Finally, an overview of different articles in this special issue sketches some pathways for ongoing research alta abstract.

Ramis Pujol, Juan Finding kaizen approach in small Mexican family businesses: An exploratory study Suรกrez-Barraza, M.; Ramis-Pujol, J.; Sandoval-Arzaga, F. Journal of Family Business Management Emerald Vol. 1, no. 2, 10/2011, p. 107-129 In recent years, small family businesses in Mexico have come under enormous pressure from their external environment: this has resulted in serious problems affecting the running of their businesses, leading ultimately to a drop off in sales, customers and market share. Some have attempted to respond to this environment by using the Japanese approach of kaizen (meaning continuous improvement). The purpose of this paper is to ask if the kaizen approach is implemented in a specific environment such as that of small family businesses in Mexico. In this study, qualitative research was conducted using case studies as the research strategy. Two small, family-run Mexican businesses were selected and studied (a restaurant and hotel) and a retrospective focus was adopted; four methods were used to gather data: direct observation; participative observation; documentary analysis; and semi-structured interviews. The findings of the three case studies show that the kaizen approach can be applied to small family businesses in Mexico, but that the degree of implementation depends on the evolutionary stage of each family business. Consequently, for this first exploratory study, it was found that, in the start-up stage, only the First Guiding Principle of kaizen was observed, along with some indications for the Fourth Guiding Principle. Whereas for the expansion stage, the consolidated presence of the Second, Fourth and Fifth Guiding Principle of kaizen was observed. Finally, it was possible to identify certain tech-

niques and tools at every stage in addition to the Guiding Principle. In closing, the exploratory study made it possible to investigate the major enablers and inhibitors that a family business goes through. Research was based in two case studies. However, rather than seeking empirical generalisation, the research tried to examine and explore how the kaizen approach is applied in a specific environment such as that of a sports organisation dedicated to football in Mexico. The paper aspires to be of interest as much to researchers as to professionals in the family business context, whether they have top management responsibilities or are middle managers, and also to all those employees whose work is related to this sector, with the aim of understanding the management of small family businesses in Mexico from the kaizen perspective. A review of academic and practitioner literature on the subject indicated that implementation of the kaizen approach in family businesses had scarcely begun to be explored. It is also significant that in Mexico and Latin America, examples of the implementation of this kind of approach are practically non-existent in academic literature on family businesses.

Ringov, Dimo Reproducing knowledge: Inaccurate replication and failure in franchise organizations Winter, S.G.; Szulanski, G.; Ringov, D.; Jensen, R.J. Organization Science (2011 IF= 4.338; FT45) Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Vol. 23, no. 3, 05/2012, p. 672-685 The recognition that better use of existing knowledge can enhance performance has spawned substantial interest in the replication of productive knowledge within organizations. An enduring belief is that, when expanding by replication, organizations can and should strive to adapt to fit the salient characteristics of new environments. Yet, some have argued that the exploitation of an established template for doing business by replication can be more successful when the template is copied precisely. Using unique longitudinal data, we report a large-sample empirical investigation of the survival consequences of accurate replication versus local adaptation by examining the effect that deviation from the template has on the survival chances of franchise units within a large franchise organization.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Rodón Mòdol, Joan From theme park to resort: Customer information management at Port Aventura Hervás, M.; Rodón, J.; Planell, M.; Sala, X. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases Palgrave Vol. 1, no. 2, 09/2011, p. 71-78 After Port Aventura’s launch as a theme park in 1995, it continued to invest heavily in new shows, rides, hotels, golf courses, a convention center, and a shopping mall, all with the aim of adjusting to seasonal adjusted demand. This transformation from a theme park to a resort posed new challenges for Port Aventura’s executive team. In particular, as a theme park, the analysis of its commercial activity focused on aggregated statistical information about groups of customers. By contrast, as a resort, management now needed to know and target individual customers. Yet, the company’s existing information management processes and systems were not ready to support such a one-to-one marketing approach. This case is situated in mid-2009 when the general manager asked the chief financial officer and the director of information systems to find a solution to address the marketing needs of the resort. The case discussion encourages students to identify and assess the business problems and relate them to the existing information management processes and systems. Students will also have to present a proposal that addresses this one-to-one marketing strategy.

Rodríguez Perera, FCO de Paula Peiró Posadas, Manel La planificación estratégica en las organizaciones sanitarias Revista Española de Cardiología (2011 IF=2.530) Elsevier Vol. 65, no. 8, 08/2012, p. 7-754 La planificación estratégica es una herramienta con plena vigencia y utilidad en la dirección de todo tipo de organizaciones, incluidas las organizaciones sanitarias. El nivel de la organización al que el proceso de planificación estratégica es pertinente es función del tamaño de la unidad, de su complejidad y de la diferenciación del servicio que se presta. Un servicio de cardiología o una unidad de electrofisiología o de hemodinámica pueden ser un nivel adecuado siempre que su plan se alinee con otros eventualmente existente en niveles superiores. Es el líder de cada unidad el responsable de promover el proceso de planificación, como parte esencial y nuclear de su función. El proceso para la planificación estratégica es programable, sistemático, racional y holístico e integra el largo, medio y corto plazo, lo que permite orientar la organización sanitaria hacia transformaciones relevantes y duraderas para el futuro.


Rupérez Micola, Augusto Behavioural simulations in spot electricity markets Banal-Estañol, A.; Rupérez Micola, A. European Journal of Operational Research (2011 IF= 1.815) North-Holland Vol. 214, no. 1, 10/2011, p. 147-159 We study the consistency of behavioural simulation methods used to model the operations of wholesale electricity markets. We include different supply and demand representations and propose the ExperienceWeighted Attractions method (Camerer and Ho, 1999) to encompass several behavioural paradigms. We compare the results across assumptions and to standard economic theory predictions. The match is good under flat and upward-slopping supply bidding, and also for plausible demand elasticity assumptions. Learning is influenced by the number of bids per plant and the initial conditions. The simulations perform best under reinforcement learning, less well under best-response and especially poorly under fictitious play. The overall conclusion is that simulation assumptions are far from innocuous. We link their performance to underlying features, and identify those that are better suited to model liberalised electricity markets.

Saló Mayolas, Albert The second-home rental market: A hedonic analysis of the effect of different characteristics and a high-market-share intermediary on price Saló, A.; Garriga, A. Tourism Economics (2011 IF=0.579) IP Publishing Ltd Vol. 17, no. 5, 10/2011, p. 1017-1033 The phenomenon of second homes has been little studied in the tourism economics literature. Residential tourism can represent more than 50% of housing in tourist areas like the Costa Brava in Spain. This article uses hedonic techniques to analyse the market value of the attributes that explain the overall price of a representative sample of second-home rentals. The explanatory variables of this overall price include characteristics such as number of rooms, housing area size, garden size, swimming pool, housing type, distribution channel, municipality, sea views, distance to the beach and seasonality. This study therefore provides tools to assist the decision making of the main agents involved: stakeholders and policy makers.

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Salo Mayolas, Albert Fluvià Font, Modest Hotel characteristics and seasonality in prices: An analysis using Spanish tour operator brochures

show that prices for second home rentals display a smoother seasonal pattern than hotels due to reduced price differences between shoulder (May and October) and peak periods (August).

Salo Mayolas, A.; Espinet Rius, J.M.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Fluvià Font, M. Tourism Economics (2011 IF= 0.579) IP Publishing Ltd Vol. 18, no. 4, 08/2012, p. 7-767

Santana Mariscal, Alejandro Zhang Zhang, Yingying Internationalization of multinational banks: A study of foreign direct investment in seven Latin American countries

Seasonality in the tourism sector has been a major concern for policy makers, managers and other stakeholders. Many studies have analysed seasonality from the point of view of the number of visitors. However, as far as we know, there are no studies focusing on seasonality in prices and how to smooth out seasonal patterns. This paper analyses how hotel characteristics affect seasonality in prices using brochure data on 1,776 hotels in 32 sun-and-beach destinations in 11 countries. The paper finds that after controlling for destination-specific variables which may cause variations in prices through demand shifts (such as, for instance, climatic conditions, exchange rates or marketing expenditures), more hotel services and higher star ratings are associated with less seasonal variations in hotel prices.

Santana Mariscal, A.; Zhang Zhang, Y.; López, J. The Service Industries Journal (2011 IF=2.579) Taylor & Francis Vol. 32, no. 7, 05/2012, p. 1149-1170

Salo Mayolas, Albert Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Sayeras Maspera, Josep M. Differences in seasonal price patterns among second home rentals and hotels: Empirical evidence and practical implications Salo Mayolas, A.; Garriga, A.; Rigall Torrent, R.; Vila Fernández-Santacruz, M.; Sayeras Maspera, J.M. Tourism Economics (2011 IF= 0.579) IP Publishing Ltd Vol. 18, no. 4, 08/2012, p. 731-747 Hotels and second home rentals are two of most important tourist accommodation options in Spain. In terms of seasonality, almost all previous studies have analyzed tourism demand either from the point of view of total arrivals or the number of tourists lodged in a single accommodation type (hotels, rural accommodations, etc.). However, there are no studies focusing on price seasonality or comparing seasonality among different accommodation types. By using seasonality indicators and a price index constructed by means of hedonic methods, this paper tries to shed some light on seasonal pricing patterns among second home rentals and hotels. The paper relies on a 2004 database of 144 hotels and 1,002 apartments on the Costa Brava (northeast Spain). The results

The article attempts to explore and contrast the different factors that influence the foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of multinational banks. Employing eclectic theory, an estimation model with panel data from seven Latin American countries is set to test the proposed hypotheses. The results highlight an increase in foreign assets, removal of banking restriction, banking concentration, and capital cost differential in the local banking system as determinants of specific location advantages for attracting banking FDI. Other factors such as cultural proximity and crisis also have a significant impact on banking FDI. Discussions and implications are debated before conclusions are drawn for a future research agenda.

Santiso, Javier Los nuevos argonautas latinos Economía Exterior Estudios de Política Exterior No. 59, 12/2011, p. 101-108

De los primeros pasos latinos por el mundo digital ya se desprenden algunas lecciones: la primera es que la conexión de las ‘start ups’ con el ‘venture capital’ norteamericano, es clave. La segunda, que el papel del Estado como impulsor y catalizador es fundamental, en todos los países. El papel de las diásporas empresariales ha sido clave en el desarrollo de muchos países. Los vínculos con las indias, israelíes o taiwanesas de Silicon Valley, han sido clave para desarrollar las industrias y servicios tecnológicos en sus países de origen. En la actualidad, algunas de las mayores densidades tecnológicas del planeta se concentran en Mumbai, Tel Aviv o Taipeh. Y todos esos casos tuvieron por detrás una política activa para movilizar talento, sea de manera directa o indirecta, buscando acelerar


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

la circulación y el vaivén de las personas, las ideas y el capital. ¿Posee América Latina un potencial similar, que se podría también movilizar para fomentar la innovación?

Saz-Carranza, Ángel Longo Martínez, Francisco Managing competing institutional logics in public-private joint ventures Public Management Review (2011 IF=0.923) Taylor & Francis Vol. 14, no. 3, 02/2012, p. 331-357 Cross-sector inter-organizational partnerships, alliances, and networks have become extremely popular. Yet, we may expect competing societal-level institutional logics to play an important role in cross sector alliances, hence making their management central to alliance success. This article responds to the general research question: How do participants of public-private joint ventures manage competing institutional logics? Based on in depth interviews we empirically characterize two competing logics in a cross-sector collaborative and identify two practices used to cope with them.

scarlata, maria rosa GIOVANNA Alemany Gil, Luisa Deal structuring in philanthropic venture capital investments: Financing instrument, valuation and covenants Journal of Business Ethics (2011 IF= 0.963; BW20; FT45) Springer Vol. 95, Supplement 2 , 09/2010, p. 121-145 Philanthropic venture capital is a financing option available for social enterprises that, like traditional venture capital, provides capital and value added services to portfolio organizations. Differently from venture capital, philanthropic venture capital has an ethical dimension as it aims at maximizing the social return on the investment. This paper examines the deal structuring phase of philanthropic venture capital investments in terms of instrument used (from equity to grant), valuation, and covenants included in the contractual agreement. By content analyzing a set of semi-structured interviews and thereafter surveying the entire population of philanthropic venture capital funds active in Europe and in the United States, findings indicate that the non-distribution constraint holding for non-profit social enterprises is an effective tool to align the interests of both investor and investee. This makes the investor behaving as a steward rather than as


a principal. Conversely, while backing non-profit social ventures, philanthropic venture capitalists structure their deal similarly than traditional venture capital, as the absence of the non-distribution constraint makes such investments subject to moral hazard risk both in terms of perks and stealing and social impact focus.

Segarra Costa, Enric Innovar todavía es posible: cinco claves para convertir a su organización en innovadora Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 211, 03/2012, p. 68-73

La innovación es un concepto que sigue en boca de todos, pero en muchas compañías de sectores que en principio no se habían preocupado por ella se preguntan si aún están a tiempo de ser innovadoras. Verse en una situación apurada no es el mejor escenario para empezar a innovar, pero toda organización puede transformarse en innovadora si se lo plantea con determinación.

Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Choosing among techniques for quantifying single-case intervention effectiveness Manolov, R.; Solanas, A.; Sierra, V.; Evans, J. J. Behavior Therapy (2011 IF= 2.432) Elsevier Vol. 42, no. 3, 09/2011, p. 533-545 If single-case experimental designs are to be used to establish guidelines for evidence-based interventions in clinical and educational settings, numerical values that reflect treatment effect sizes are required. The present study compares four recently developed procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect using data with known characteristics. Monte Carlo methods were used to generate AB designs data with potential confounding variables (serial dependence, linear and curvilinear trend, and heteroscedasticity between phases) and two types of treatment effect (level and slope change). The results suggest that data features are important for choosing the appropriate procedure and, thus, inspecting the graphed data visually is a necessary initial stage. In the presence of serial dependence or a change in data variability, the nonoverlap of all pairs (NAP) and the slope and level change (SLC) were the only techniques of the four examined that performed adequately. Introducing a data correction step in NAP renders it unaffected by linear trend, as is also

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the case for the percentage of nonoverlapping corrected data and SLC. The performance of these techniques indicates that professionals’ judgments concerning treatment effectiveness can be readily complemented by both visual and statistical analyses. A flowchart to guide selection of techniques according to the data characteristics identified by visual inspection is provided.

Soler Vicente, Ceferí Boyatzis, Richard Vision, leadership and emotional intelligence transforming family business Journal of Family Business Management Emerald Vol. 2, no. 1, 01/2012, p. 23-30

La determinación - el propósito de este papel es ilustrar el papel de la inteligencia emocional y sociable en dirigentes de la economía de familia y lo cómo puede resultar en una visión compartida y el aumento dramático en el éxito de una empresa de familia. Diseño / metodología / enfoque - estudio de casos de la organización solo interpretado a través de teoría de Cambiar intencional. Las conclusiones - usando inteligencia emocional y sociable, los dos miembros de la empresa de familia de la quinta generación inspiraban a otros desarrollando las relaciones retumbantes con ellos. Crearon una visión compartida entre los grupos de presión varios en la familia, la organización y la comunidad. Consiguieron otros excitados sobre la visión usar contagio seguro, emotivo. El contagio y la resonancia se extendieron a otros en la familia, la organización, y región. Las limitaciones / implicancias de investigación - aunque un estudio de casos, las implicancias para futura investigación son concentrarse en la visión compartida o la falta de eso en empresas de familia, el enfoque sobre el liderazgo retumbante, y el liderazgo multi- nivel. Las implicancias prácticas - el liderazgo utópico, con inteligencia emocional (EI) y la resonancia pueden motivar la renovación en organizaciones, familias y regiones. La originalidad / valor - investigación sobre el poder de la visión y EI transformar empresas está apareciendo, pero nada de él ha enfocado sobre empresas de familia, y en particular ones multi- generacional. Este trabajo show cómo puede transformar una familia, su empresa, y una región tal liderazgo.

Spender, John-Christopher Herbert A. Simon on what ails business schools: More than ‘a problem in organizational design’ Spender, J.; Khurana, R. Journal of Management Studies (2011 IF= 4.255; FT45) Wiley Vol. 49, no. 3, 05/2012, p. 619-639 We critically examine Herbert Simon’s 1967 essay, The Business School a Problem in Organizational Design. We consider this essay within the context of Simon’s key ideas about organizations, particularly those closely associated with the ‘Carnegie perspective’ on organizations and how they influenced the reinvention of American business schools in the post-WW2 era and were deeply influenced by the post-War context and also were appropriated by the Ford and Carnegie Foundation to reform business school teaching and research. We argue that management educators misappropriated Simon’s concept of an intellectually robust and relevant research and educational agenda for business schools that has in part contributed to the intellectual stasis that now characterizes business education research and its capacity to inform management practice.

Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco. Ramis Pujol, Juan Applying Gemba-Kaizen in a multinational food company: A process innovation framework Suárez-Barraza, M. F.; Ramis-Pujol, J.; Estrada-Robles, M. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Emerald Vol. 4, no. 1, 03/2012, p. 27-50 The Gemba-Kaizen approach is a key business process strategy employed by companies (multinationals also) to enhance their manufacturing performance. However, whilst there is significant research information available on implementing management systems in a sequential manner, there is little information available relating to the application of this approach to provide a single and highly effective methodology for process innovation in the context of the Gemba-Kaizen approach in multinational companies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to develop and apply a process innovation framework in terms of methodology for multinational companies. The research question that governs the study is: How is the Gemba-Kaizen approach applied in an organisational context such as that of a multinational food company in Mexico? An exploratory case study was conducted. One multinational food company (chocolate) which has been established in Mexico for at least 19 years was selected. The paper chronicles the design and application of a process innovation


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

framework in the context of the Gemba-Kaizen approach. In total, four methods were used to gather data: direct observation; participative observation; documentary analysis; and semi-structured interviews. This paper proposes a process innovation framework using the Gemba-Kaizen approach. The development, refinement and implementation of a process innovation framework in the context of the Gemba-Kaizen approach has been achieved, working closely with a multinational food company. Consequently, as a result of the application, a conceptual framework was established, based on the results of comparing theory and fieldwork: this provides a glimpse into the relationship of the Gemba-Kaizen approach with other improvement methodologies, known as Process Redesign, in the organisation analysed. Derived to describe the case study on how to apply the GembaKaizen approach through process innovation methodology, the paper may prove to be of value to practitioners and managers involved in the field. Similarly, a section on managerial implications has also been included. The paper contributes to the limited existing literature on the Gemba-Kaizen system and subsequently disseminates this information in order to provide impetus, guidance and support towards increasing the development of companies, in an attempt to move the Mexico manufacturing (food) sector towards world-class manufacturing performance.

Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco. Ramis Pujol, Juan Thoughts on kaizen and its evolution: Three different perspectives and guiding principles Suárez Barraza, M.F.; Ramis Pujol, J.; Kerbache, L. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma Emerald Vol. 2, no. 4, 12/2011, p. 288-308 Since Masaaki Imai coined the term Kaizen in the mid 1980s it has been regarded as a key element in the competitiveness of Japanese companies. However, even though Kaizen was defined by the author who created the term, writings by scholars and practitioners in the field exhibit a certain degree of ambiguity and inconsistency. Finally, there is a clear need to develop this theory in the field of operations management. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Kaizen in the academic and practitioner literature, in order to better understand it and further explore and contribute to its potential theoretical profile. A literature review was carried out using Kaizen as a search term. Various databases were used for this purpose and books written by both scholars and by practitioners on the subject were also consulted. The literature concerning Kaizen was methodically analysed and categorised. The findings of the study indicate that Kaizen is presently displayed under three perspectives or umbrellas, which include a series of principles and techniques. By comparing the three perspectives, a set of guiding principles and/or cornerstones for Kaizen have also emerged. Analysis and classification is based on the literature that has been found and reviewed, along with the knowledge of authors on the subject, and may


include other features as well as other angles of analysis. The Kaizen literature review is very limited. In writing this paper a considerable number of articles and research related to Kaizen has been reviewed. This review resulted in an initial classification of Kaizen (three umbrellas) and four major topics, which may prove useful for managers or executives who are introducing or developing Kaizen in their organizations. As far as the authors are aware, this is one of the first papers that proposes a literature review in an attempt to clarify Kaizen, both in academic and practitioner ambits.

Svejenova Nedeva, Silviya Vives, Luis Projects of passion: Lessons for strategy from temporary art Svejenova, S.; Strandgaard Pedersen, J.; Vives, L. Advances in Strategic Management (2011 IF= 0.323) Emerald Vol. 28, 10/2011, p. 501-527 This chapter advances the notion of projects of passion as a class of phenomena for which profit seeking is secondary to the pursuit of a ‘’calling.’’ Drawing on a comparative case analysis of seven temporary art projects realized over 35 years by renowned artist-entrepreneurs Christo and Jeanne-Claude, it defines a theoretical model of the unique elements and aspects of the process through which projects of passion unfold. In the model, freedom and novelty are singled out as unique drivers of project motivation, individual business models and rhetorical strategies as process mechanisms, and authenticity and impact (the aesthetic, social, and economic value appropriated by third parties) as project outcomes. The chapter concludes with implications for the strategic management of projects and opportunities for further research.

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Reinventando la actividad congresual Harvard Deusto Business Review Deusto No. 210, 03/2012, p. 62-70

El nuevo entorno tecnológico, la emergencia de nuevos formatos comerciales, estrategias de comercialización y comunicación, plantean un cambio profundo en la actividad congresual y al MICE en general. Todo ello configura un nuevo escenario donde los players tradicionales gozan de un menor poder en la negociación frente a otros emergentes que dominan. En el paper se plantea el nuevo rol y funciones de las instituciones feriales, de congresos y MICE en general.

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Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Sureda Pascual, Joan Consumers and increasing price sensibility

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Sureda Pascual, Joan La hibridación del consumo turístico entre los viajeros españoles

Valls, J. F.; Sureda, J.; Andrade, M. J. Innovative Marketing Business Perspectives Vol. 8, no. 1, 04/2012, p. 52-62

Valls Giménez, J. F.; Sureda Pascual, J.; Andrade Suárez, M. J. Revista de Análisis Turístico Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo (AECIT) 2º semestre 2011, no. 12, 12/2011, p. 24-33

There is a traditional way of conceptualising the Status Consumption Scale-SCS (Eastman, Goldsmith, Flynn, 1999). At one extreme, the concept embraces the rigidity of the price; at the other, the competitive advantages of quality (involvement, innovativeness, and brand loyalty). The factors at the latter extreme minimise price sensitivity and in most cases are linked to higher prices. Pricebased competitive advantage works the other way, raising price sensitivity and almost always coincides with lower prices. Over the last decade, a set of new factors has come into play, changing the traditional concept of price sensitivity, leading most consumers towards a new relationship, to wit: pricing for value (De Jaime Escala, 2007). This new paradigm means a new ordering of criteria in consumers’ minds when they buy something, such that qualitylinked factors (involvement, innovativeness and brand loyalty) and price-linked factors (low prices) break the old rules, spreading the paradigm throughput the Status Consumption Scale and giving rise to hybrid consumers. The consumer evaluates the price he is willing to pay for perceived value, right across the board from the dearest products to the cheapest. There is currently strong demand for low prices-something that was spurred on by the 2008 economic crisis. Our aims in this paper are: (1) to discover the factors impinging on the new consumption scenario; (2) use these factors in subsequent analysis to discover the types of consumers emerging as a result. To achieve the analysis, we isolated the internal and external factors affecting the new scenario. Using these factors allowed us to identify groups of hybrid consumers whose decisions are based on pricing-for-value. There are also consumer groups that stick closely to either the value or to the price criterion. However, these groups are much less clearly-defined than hitherto, given that they have been ‘contaminated’ by the new scenario. As a result, there are now two main groups of consumers-Rational Shoppers and Hybrid Shoppers-who mix attributes linked to value and price across a continuum. The results shed light on the new relationship between pricing and value. They also put brands in the spotlight, helping new brand strategies to be drawn up, providing scope for new interpretations of brand strategies for both manufacturers and distributors facing hard times and pressure to cheapen their products.

El impacto de la crisis económica ha influido en la reducción del consumo turístico y de ocio de los españoles y, ante esta realidad, se reclaman productos turísticos más baratos y ofertas que se ajusten al presupuesto preestablecido. No obstante, en un mercado tan heterogéneo como el turístico, es evidente que existen grandes disparidades en la sensibilidad a los precios que muestran los turistas y, en este sentido, la hipótesis que se plantea es que, en viajes, la población española avanza hacia formas híbridas de consumo, es decir, a la vez que se produce esta actitud de consumo más barato, se mantiene intacta la propensión a gastar más cuando aparecen una serie de supuestos, por ejemplo, si los productos turísticos son confeccionados a medida o si son respetuosos con el medio ambiente. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en identificar la sensibilidad al precio que muestran los viajeros españoles y estudiar su evolución. Con esta finalidad, se utilizarán una serie de mediciones comparadas realizadas a más de 1000 viajeros españoles antes de la crisis (2005-2007) y después (2010) sobre sus actitudes ante las vacaciones y los viajes.

Josep Francesc Valls Giménez, ESADE Business School


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Vanhaverbeke, Wim Additivity and complementarity in external technology sourcing: The added value of corporate venture capital investments?

Vanhaverbeke, Wim How Chinese firms employ open innovation to strengthen their innovative performance

Van de Vrande, V. ; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Duysters, G. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2011 IF= 0.958) IEEE Xplore Vol. 58, no. 3, 08/2011, p. 483-496

Wang, Y.; Roijakkers, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Chen, J. International Journal of Technology Management (2011 IF= 0.516) Inderscience Publishers Vol. 59, no. 3/4, 03/2012, p. 235-254

Innovating firms often invest in a number of different technology projects, in different stages of development, using a wide range of distinct technology sourcing modes, such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions. Recently, firms have also gained an increasing awareness of the potential benefits of corporate venture capital investments. This paper investigates the particular role of corporate venture capital investments in the technology sourcing portfolio of firms. More specifically, we focus on the extent to which corporate venture capital investments are additive or complementary to other modes of technology sourcing when explaining the innovative performance of firms. The results indicate that corporate venture capital investments are particularly beneficial for the innovative performance of firms when they are used in combination with other technology sourcing modes.

China became the second-largest economy behind the USA in 2010. While there is quite some macroeconomic research documenting the technological catching-up of China as a nation, there is only little research studying how individual Chinese firms are catching up. This paper draws on the open innovation perspective to explore how Chinese firms improve their innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based on a sample of 91 native Chinese firms in high-tech industries. The results indicate that Chinese firms widely implement an open innovation approach to strengthen their innovative performance. These firms use: 1) technology in-licensing agreements to obtain access to technologies; 2) long-term alliances with foreign partners to access stateof-the-art technologies; 3) collaboration with local universities and R&D institutes to broaden their technological strengths; 4) collaboration with the local industrial community to deepen their technological skills.

Vanhaverbeke, Wim Exploring the impact of open innovation on national systems of innovation - a theoretical analysis

Vanhaverbeke, Wim Patent pools and clearinghouses in the life sciences

Wang, Y.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Roijakkers, N. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2011 IF= 1.709) Elsevier Vol. 79, no. 3, 02/2012, p. 419-428

Van Zimmeren, E.; Vanneste, S.; Matthijs, G.; Van Overwalle, G.; Vanhaverbeke, W. Trends in Biotechnology (2011 IF= 9.148) Elsevier Vol. 29, no. 11, 11/2011, p. 569-576

This paper investigates the impact of open innovation on national systems of innovation. The open innovation concept has become widely established among scholars and practitioners. However, an overview of its impact on national innovation systems is still lacking. Given that the innovating firm is at the core of national innovation systems, a better understanding of shifting innovation strategies at the firm level is of fundamental importance to the actions of policy-makers within the national innovation systems framework. Based on the main analytical approaches of national innovation systems and the current state of open innovation research, we argue that open innovation practices have at least three critical effects on national systems of innovation: (a) they reinforce its importance; (b) they improve its effectiveness; and (c) they diversify its networks.

The biopharmaceutical industry is slowly absorbing the idea of collaborative patent licensing models. Recently, two patent pools for developing countries have been launched: the Pool for Open Innovation against Neglected Tropical Diseases initiated by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which is referred to as the BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH) pool, and the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) initiated by UNITAID. Various organizations have recommended using pools or clearinghouses beyond the humanitarian dimension where many patents are owned by many different actors. As a first attempt, MPEG LA, which administers patent pools in various technology fields, is now setting up a clearinghouse for patents related to molecular diagnostics. These examples as well as the results from an empirical study provide useful insights for the design and administration of future pools and clearinghouses in the life sciences.


journals | refereed and peer reviewed journals

Vanhaverbeke, Wim Structural antecedents of corporate network evolution Wijen, F.; Noorderhaven, N.; Vanhaverbeke, W. International Journal of Business Environment Inderscience Publishers Vol. 4, no. 3, 11/2011, p. 207-233

While most network studies adopt a static view, we argue that corporate social networks are subject to endogenous dynamics of cognitive path dependence and self-reinforcing power relations. Over time, these dynamics drive corporate networks to become increasingly focused (i.e., more homogeneous, stable, and tightly knit). More focused networks induce organisations to perpetuate existing routines, at the expense of developing new capabilities. We examine the role of organisational structure in maintaining balanced, rather than focused, networks, so that business organisations can realise progressive and timely adjustments to their evolving environments. We develop a theoretical argument, illustrated with the divergent network adjustment patterns of two large, mature companies, suggesting that business organisations with the following structural antecedents are likely to maintain balanced networks: the concurrence of centralisation and decentralisation; a high degree of differentiation and an intermediate level of integration; and an intermediate degree of formalisation.

Vanhaverbeke, Wim Technology in-sourcing and the creation of pioneering technologies Van de Vrande, V.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Duysters, G. Journal of Product Innovation Management (2011 IF=2.109) Wiley Vol. 28, no. 6, 11/2011, p. 974-987 This study analyzes the effect of different external technology sourcing modes on the creation of radical innovation in companies. Moreover, since prior research has indicated that exploration consists of looking beyond both organizational and technological boundaries, the role of technological distance between the partnering firms and the role of technological newness are also included. In particular, this paper examines how they affect the relationship between external technology sourcing and the creation of pioneering technologies (technologies that do not build on any existing technologies), which are used as a proxy for radical innovations. Using a sample of companies that were from the pharmaceutical industry, the results indicate that strategic alliances and corporate venture capital investments have a positive effect on the creation of pioneering technologies, whereas the effect of M&As is found to be negative. Additionally, the results show that the impact of these governance modes on the creation of

pioneering technology is indeed affected by the newness of the technology and relatedness of the technological portfolios of the partnering firms. A larger technological distance between the two partnering firms increases the effect of strategic alliances on the creation of pioneering technologies. In addition, the results indicate that technological newness weakens the positive effect of CVC investments and non-equity alliances on the creation of pioneering technologies.

Vedina, Rebekka Background and scope of the special issue Vadi, M.; Vedina, R.; Karma, K. Baltic Journal of Management (2011 IF= 0.500) Emerald Vol. 6, no. 3, 09/2011, p. 399-402 The term “innovation” is nowadays used in almost every context in daily life. Here, we follow the definition put forward by Dasgupta and Gupta (2009): “Innovation is typically understood as the successful introduction of something new and useful, for example, introducing new methods, techniques, practices, or new or altered products and services.” Therefore, today, maybe more than ever before, it is important for companies to continuously build up sustainable competitive advantages by offering innovative products and services. Most products are a combination of goods and services and the continuum of services varies according to domination of tangible or intangible elements (Shostack, 1987). Herein, we consider services as a broad term covering acts, efforts, or performances exchanged from the producer to enduser without ownership rights (i.e. banking, retailing, education, health care, catering, accommodation, etc.). The aim of this special issue is to advance our theoretical and empirical understanding of the innovation origins and its manifestations in the service sector.

Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Costa Guix, Gerard Innovative practices in the Spanish hotel industry Vila, M.; Enz, C.; Costa, G. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (2011 IF=0.878) Sage Vol. 53, no. 1, 02/2012, p. 75-85 A survey of corporate-level senior research and development managers in twenty-seven of Spain’s largest hotel chains found a general bias toward innovation, as the majority have formal R&D departments and offer rewards for innovative concepts. Considering a framework that includes four types of innovation (i.e., product innovations, process innovations, enhanced knowledge of market, and management innovations), the survey found that the chains focused the greatest inno-


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

vation efforts on improving management. However, the innovations most frequently mentioned involve enhanced knowledge of the market, including the use of new sales channels and communication improvements. Case studies of four hotel concepts depict innovations intended to be singular, that is, hard to duplicate. NH Hoteles uses its customer data center to segment customers and create targeted communications and special offers; Hoteles Hesperia has allied with Michelin-rated chefs to upgrade its hotel restaurants both in terms of menu and image; Chic&Basic has installed modest-price but high-quality inns in center-city locations that usually host luxury hotels or poor quality guest accommodations; and Marqués de Riscal has developed City of Wine, in the Rioja region of Spain, complete with a Frank Gehry-designed hotel operated by the Starwood Luxury Collection.

cuantitativo de expertos, es decir los expertos no son obligados a que atribuir los números a sus evaluaciones; bastante, pueden tasar las ideas sobre la base de etiquetas cualitativas.

Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Rovira Llobera, Xari Costa Guix, Gerard Santomà Vicens, Ricard Combining research techniques to improve quality service in hospitality

The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrative framework on business models that combines and connects concepts pertinent to the literatures of strategy, entrepreneurship, and organization. The paper describes the framework’s theoretical development. The framework enriches the discussion on business models by providing a life cycle perspective. This paper aims at advancing the theoretical grounds of business models by integrating and extending the existing literature. In the future, further research needs to evaluate the use of this integration. The paper integrates a number of disparate contributions to the understanding of business models from the fields of strategy, entrepreneurship and organization theory.

Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology (2011 IF=0.768) Springer Vol. 46, no. 3, 04/2012, p. 795-812 La investigación de hospitalidad incluye muchos estudios que combinan y reconsideran el debate cuantitativo - cualitativo, y examinan las peleas a favor y en contra de usar mezclado - métodos. El objetivo de este papel es demostrar la aplicación de las metodologías cualitativas sobre la base de la combinación de las técnica que también incluyen elementos cuantitativos además de ésos en relación con las técnica cualitativas. La investigación aspira a identificar los factores de directivos más importantes que, del punto de vista de ejecutivos de la cadena de hoteles, sirven para mejorar la calidad del servicio que proveen específicamente. Las técnica usadas son levantamiento de planos de concepto y optimización cualitativa, ambos de que son las metodologías cualitativas aunque incluyen elementos cuantitativos para superar los déficits de subjectivity típicamente encontrar en las metodologías cualitativas. Además, la combinación de ambas técnica resulta en la precisión más grande de los resultados obtenidos. Nuestra propuesta metodológica combina el levantamiento de planos de concepto con la optimización cualitativa, mejorando el prioritization y pedido jerárquico de las ideas obtenidas y estructurar así. En lugar de trabajar con el puntaje medio de cada grupo en relación con la importancia (como definir dentro del modelo de levantamiento de planos de concepto), nuestra contribución es basada en priorizar éstos sobre la base de su distancia para la referencia óptima. Esto permite las evaluaciones de cada idea en relación con su importancia no ser estrictamente


Vives, Luis Svejenova Nedeva, Silviya To, from and beyond the margins: Business models: Towards an integrative framework Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management Emerald Vol. 9, no. 3, 9/2011, p. 230-242

Wiengarten, Frank The importance of quality management for the success of environmental management initiatives Wiengarten, F.; Pagell, M. International Journal of Production Economics (2011 IF= 1.760) Elsevier Vol. 140, no. 1, 11/2012, p. 407-415 This paper investigates the importance of quality management practices for the success of environmental management initiatives. It has been recently established that sustainability initiatives whether in terms of social or environmental investments can improve organizational performance. Additionally, some authors have suggested striking similarities between environmental and quality practices and argued that a well functioning quality management system is a prerequisite for a successful environmental management system. However, it may be the case that having a well functioning quality management system enables a company to reap higher returns from its environmental management practices. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of quality management in the environmental management performance re-

journals | refereed and peer reviewed journals

lationship. Specifically, we assess whether or not quality management practices interact with environmental practices to drive operational performance. This question was tested with survey data collected from 1142 plants. The study makes significant contributions to the quality and sustainability literature and implications are drawn to practice.

We provide evidence from the publiclyowned Spanish savings banks (‘cajas’), which have a conflict between their two main goals: operating efficiently and maximizing the reach of their welfare projects. The case may have lessons for policy-makers in the 80 countries that have some government ownership of banks, and for managers muddling through public corporate governance.

Wiengarten, Frank Supply chain environmental investments in dynamic industries: Comparing investments and performance differences with static industries Wiengarten, F.; Pagell, M.; Fynes, B. International Journal of Production Economics (2011 IF= 1.760) Elsevier Vol. 135, no. 2, 02/2012, p. 541-551 Research linking investments in environmental practices to firm performance has matured over the past years. However, empirical research is still ambiguous on how and whether investments in environmental practices improve a plant?s performance. We believe that contingency factors, especially the industry in which plants act has a significant role in the success of environmental investments. Using empirical data collected across a wide range of industries our results indicate that plants competing in dynamic industries such as apparel do on average invest less in supply chain environmental practices compared to plants in static industries. In addition, these environmental investments do not significantly improve operational performance in dynamic industries in terms of cost, quality, delivery and flexibility. However, in static industries environmental investments do significantly improve a plant’s operational performance in terms of cost, quality and flexibility.

Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Gine Torrens, Mireia Esteve Laporta, Marc Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Public corporate governance of state-owned enterprises: Evidence from the Spanish banking industry Public Money & Management (2011 IF= 0.598) Taylor & Francis Vol. 32, no. 4, 07/2012, p. 265-272 This article provides a framework for public corporate governance combining two main components: traditional corporate governance (via governing bodies) and multi-level governance (via regulation).


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12


articles in other relevant journals



Abel Lluch, Xavier Denegación en la segunda instancia de pruebas relacionadas con las aptitudes de los padres en la guarda y custodia de los hijos Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7887, 06/2012, p. 11-13 En la sección titulada “Jurisprudencia sobre Derecho Probatorio” de la revista Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio número 8 se efectúa un comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala Primera, de 2 de noviembre de 2011 (Pte. Sra. Encarnación Roca Trías) sobre denegación de pruebas documentales en la segunda instancia para acreditar las aptitudes de los padres con respecto a la guarda y custodia de los hijos, centrándose el comentario en los siguientes aspectos: 1) La identificación de los medios de prueba en la terminología empleada en la sentencia; 2) El alcance e interpretación del artículo 752 LEC que permite que, en los procesos no dispositivos, el Tribunal acuerde pruebas de oficio; y 3) La denegación de la prueba en la segunda instancia en el caso.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Dictamen pericial de designación judicial: régimen jurídico y valoración Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7887, 06/2012, p. 13-14 En la sección “Jurisprudencia sobre Derecho Probatorio” de la revista Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio número 8 se efectúa un comentario a la Sentencia de la Audiencia Provincial de Murcia, sección 4ª, de 12 de enero de 2012 (Ponente: Sr. Francisco Carrillo Vinader) con respecto al régimen jurídico y la valoración del dictamen de designación judicial, centrándose el comentario en los aspectos siguientes: 1) Momento para la aportación al proceso del dictamen de designación judicial; 2) Régimen jurídico de la pericial de designación judicial; 3) Criterios para la valoración del dictamen de designación judicial, sentándose la idea que lo decisivo es la razonabilidad del propio dictamen y no el sistema de designación del perito.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Jurisprudencia sobre derecho probatorio: I. Sobre la carga y la dosis de la prueba Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7730, 11/2011, p. 15-16 A propósito de la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala 1ª, de 30 de mayo de 2011 (Pte. Excmo. Dº Jesús Corbal Fernández) se fija la noción de la carga de la prueba, en su dimensión conceptual, sistemática, temporal y de eficacia. También se analiza el concepto de “coeficiente de elasticidad de la prueba” empleado literalmente en la sentencia comentada y que hace referencia a la dosis o cantidad de prueba, para concluir que: 1) No existe una dosis de prueba tasada, sino que varía función de las circunstancias del caso; 2) La dosis de prueba debe medirse con arreglo al coeficiente de elasticidad de la prueba; 3) La dosis de prueba suficiente para generar la convicción judicial puede provenir de cualquier medio de prueba o de las presunciones.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Jurisprudencia sobre derecho probatorio: II. Nulidad de dictamen pericial acordada oralmente en el acto del juicio en primera instancia y posterior designación de nuevo perito judicial Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7730, 11/2011, p. 16-17 A propósito de la STS, Sala 1ª, de 13 de abril de 2011 (Pte. Excmo. Dº Francisco Castán Marín) se analiza si es posible acordar en el acto del juicio en la primera instancia la nulidad de un dictamen pericial médico designado judicialmente, a instancia de parte con base en el código deontológico médico al haber tratado dicho médico a la parte como paciente, y acto seguido dictar nueva providencia designando perito distinto para que se practique nueva pericia.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Abel Lluch, Xavier Jurisprudencia sobre derecho probatorio: III. Interrogatorio de persona jurídica. Carga de indicar por el interrogado las personas intervinientes en los hechos Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7730, 11/2011, p. 17-18 A propósito de la STS, Sala 1ª, de 3 de enero de 2010 (Pte. Excmo. Dº Francisco Marín Castán) se aborda la regulación del interrogatorio de las personas jurídicas, y en concreto la carga de indicar la no intervención en los hechos de la persona interrogada e indicar la identidad de la persona interviniente en los mismos en nombre de la persona jurídica, aunque ello no obsta para que la parte proponente pueda designar nominativamente la persona que desea someter al interrogatorio.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Testigo (abogado) exento de declarar Diario La Ley. Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio Madrid: La Ley No. 7887, 06/2012, p. 10-11

En la sección titulada “Jurisprudencia sobre Derecho Probatorio” de la revista Especial Cuadernos de Probática y Derecho Probatorio número 8 se efectúa un comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Supremo, Sala Primera, de 22 de febrero de 2011 (Ponente. Sr. Rafael Gimeno Bayon-Cobos) en la que se declara exento de declarar como testigo a un abogado, centrándose el comentario en tres aspectos: 1) La regulación legal del testigo con deber de guardar secreto; 2) La relevancia del deber de guardar secreto en el caso; y 3) La idoeniedad del abogado como testigo interrogado, sosteníéndose la tesis que, con carácter general, debe reputarse la inidoneidad del abogado de la parte y de la parte contraria a declarar como testigo con respecto de los hechos y noticias que haya conocido por razón de cualesquiera de las modalidades de su actuación profesional.


Abel Lluch, Xavier La valoración de periciales médicas contradictorias Iuris. Actualidad y práctica del derecho Madrid: La Ley No. 172, 06/2012, p. 36-38

En este artículo se ofrecen criterios generales y particulares para la valoración de periciales médicas contradictorias, pues resulta bastante frecuente, en el ámbito civil, con respecto a las reclamaciones de responsabilidad frente a médicos y profesionales sanitarios, encontrarse en las actuaciones que las partes han aportado dictámenes periciales médicos contradictorios que deben valorarse conforme a “las reglas de la sana crítica” (art. 348 LEC).

Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz Consumidor con domicilio desconocido. ¿Hasta dónde llega la protección? A propósito de la Sentencia del TJCE (Sala Primera) de 17 de noviembre de 2011 Diario La Ley Madrid: La Ley No. 7870, 05/2012, p. 4-11 El derecho fundamental a una tutela judicial efectiva no puede entenderse como una prerrogativa absoluta. En ciertos casos deben admitirse restricciones a dicho derecho fundamental siempre que las mismas estén fundadas en la búsqueda de un objetivo de interés general. La finalidad de evitar la situación de denegación de justicia en que se encontraría el demandante cuando sea imposible localizar al demandando, constituye un objetivo de interés general que justifica la interpretación dada por el TJUE de las normas de competencia judicial internacional dada en la sentencia objeto de comentario.


Arjona Sebastià, César La propiedad sin control. Un análisis de la breve historia del gobierno corporativo Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento, Economía y Sociedad Madrid: Instituto Virtual de Ciencias Humanas (IVCH) No. 10, 09/2011, p. 4-27 El trabajo describe el fenómeno de disociación entre propiedad y control en las sociedades y los problemas de apatía racional del inversor y managerialismo puestos de relieve por Berle y Means, planteándose el carácter residual del accionista como propietario, y el valor jurídico de los códigos de buen gobierno corporativo a la luz de la teoría de la agencia y de la noción de empresa socialmente responsable.

Arjona Sebastià, César Shaping the future of (Jesuit) legal education Explore Santa Clara, Calif. (U.S.): University of Santa Clara. Ignatian Center for the Jesuit Education Vol. 15, no. 1, 10/2011, p. 18-21

Jesuit institutions are in an ideal position to advance the global change that must come in legal education. The lack of attention paid to the issue of justice in contemporary legal education is linked to certain features of the prevailing theory of justice. I introduce the position of Amartya Sen, who criticises this theory for being institutionalist and exclusionary. The dimensions of inculturation and dialogue that the Society of Jesus considers essential for its mission lead to an overcoming of these problems.

Arjona Sebastiá , CÉsar Mària Serrano, Josep Francesc La idea de justicia en Amartya Sen y la educación jurídica en las facultades jesuitas Revista de Fomento Social Códoba: ETEA No. 265, 03/2012, p. 123-134 This article refers to the criticism made by Amartya Sen ob the predominant theories regarding justice today and the problems detected in the principal model of law training. Starting with the relationship between these two aspects, there is a presentation of thr guidelines proposed by Sen to overcome the problems identified, which the authors feel are closely connected to the promotion of justice that the Society of Jesus has adopted as the basic integrating premise of its mission. The text ends with an analysis of the way this mission can be effectuated in a Jesuit Law School.

Gerard Costa Guix, Tourism Management Research Group (GRUGET)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Carpi Martín, Rebeca Organización interuniversitaria e innovación docente

Gimeno Sandig, Alberto Struktuturelles Risiko und Mentalle Modelle in Familienunternehmen

Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento, Economía y Sociedad Madrid: Instituto Virtual de Ciencias Humanas (IVCH) No. 10, 09/2011, p. 39-54

Rüsen, T.; Von Schlippe, A.; Gimeno, A. Familienunternehmen und Stiftungen Bundesanzeiger Verlag No. 3/2012, p. 92-98

This article refers to the criticism made by Amartya Sen ob the predominant theories regarding justice today and the problems detected in the principal model of law training. Starting with the relationship between these two aspects, there is a presentation of thr guidelines proposed by Sen to overcome the problems identified, which the authors feel are closely connected to the promotion of justice that the Society of Jesus has adopted as the basic integrating premise of its mission. The text ends with an analysis of the way this mission can be effectuated in a Jesuit Law School.

Costa Guix, Gerard Todo sobre la compra inteligente Cataluña Económica Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona: Publicanova No. 510, 03/2012, p. 6-13

Las cosas cambian, y lo detectamos en los oráculos sociales actuales: cuando el personaje de Carrie Bradshaw en la serie Sexo en Nueva York clama que “el nuevo estatus ya no es cuánto gastas, sino cuánto dejas de hacerlo”, estamos detectando la aparición de ese nuevo perfil de comprador que denominaremos a partir de ahora smart shopper, o el comprador inteligente.

Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Estrategias de fidelización: la conveniencia se impone Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 163, 05/2012, p. 60-66 Diferenciación y conveniencia son las dos principales estrategias en las que están profundizando los distribuidores para fidelizar a sus clientes, un bien cada vez más preciado. El precio por sí solo ya no es suficiente, por lo que conocer al consumidor que emerge en la nueva normalidad económica es una ventaja competitiva que deben aprovechar.


Der folgende Beitrag versucht, zwei Erklarungsansatze zu entwickeln, die den Unterschied zwischen Familienunternehmen und anderen Unternehmensformen deutlich werden Iassen. Zum einen soll das Modell des “Strukturellen Risikos” eines Familienunternehmens erläutert, zum anderen das Konzept “Mentaler Modelle” in der Unternehmerfamilie dargelegt werden.

Gimeno Sandig, Alberto Vives, Luis La internacionalización de la empresa familiar española Experiencias ICEX Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior No. 5, 06/2012, p. 1-16

¿Qué tienen en común empresas como Inditex, Freixenet, Ferrovial, Prosegur, Sol Meliá, Abengoa, Talgo o Celsa? Todas ellas son empresas familiares españolas que han desarrollado con éxito su internacionalización. La importancia de las empresas familiares españolas, tanto por su número como por su impacto en la creación de riqueza y empleo, ha hecho que sean fuente de numerosos estudios en los últimos años. En España existen más de 2.200 empresas familiares que superan los 50 millones de euros de facturación, representando un 57% de las empresas españolas por encima de esta facturación, así como un 35% de la facturación y un 42% del empleo.

Giné Daví, Jaume Competir con los asiáticos Directivos y Empresas Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 103, 12/2011, p. 66-67 El despegue económico asiático plantea grandes retos a nuestros empresarios, profesionales y emprendedores. Es la asignatura pendiente del comercio exterior español y la causa principal del gran déficit comercial. Pero afrontar el reto asiático requiere esfuerzo y persistencia. Y, sobre todo, un mejor conocimiento de la región. Las verdaderas barreras no son tanto económicas como culturales. Muchos profesionales con muy buena formación económica y empresarial fracasan a la hora de comerciar o establecerse en


un país asiático porque lo desconocen culturalmente. Es importante saber cómo funciona un país, como son y piensa su gente, como es su cultura y lengua, como negocian sus empresarios, etc. Todo ello es básico en los países asiáticos, donde las relaciones personales o de confianza son claves para “hacer negocios”. El siglo XXI es el de la emergencia de Asia-Pacífico y de China e India en particular. Los principales competidores de nuestras empresas y sus directivos son y serán los asiáticos.

Giné Daví, Jaume El Japó, abans i després de Fukushima VIA: Valors, Idees i Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol No. 16, 10/2011, p. 86-107

La identitat japonesa es debat històricament entre Àsia i Occident. El país s’ha «reinventat» diverses vegades a causa dels avatars històrics que han copejat durament el poble japonès, alguns dels quals han estat tràgics. Així ho va fer el 1868 amb la restauració Meijí obrint-se a la modernització occidental. Renaixé després de la seva derrota militar el 1945 fins a convertir-se en la segona economia mundial el 1968. I també s’alçarà amb forces renovades després de la tragèdia esdevinguda l’11 de març de 2011 a Fukushima. El Japó no té recursos naturals però gaudeix d’un recurs extraordinari: el poble japonès. La reconstrucció ja ha començat. Però aquest cop no n’hi haurà prou amb aixecar infraestructures: caldrà repensar, revitalitzar i rejovenir el país. El seu gran repte és aconseguir adaptar-se als canvis geoestratègics que s’han produït des de principi del segle XXI. El país té grans capacitats, tot i que li manca la dimensió i la població que sí que té la Xina, cada vegada més crescuda davant dels EUA i la UE, aquesta amb greus dificultats per superar la seva crisi financera. El futur del Japó dependrà de com evolucionen les seves relacions polítiques amb el colós xinès i del fet que l’arxipèlag s’obri sense més reserves a l’exterior. Ha d’aprofitar la seva privilegiada situació a l’Àsia-Pacífic, el nou centre d’expansió econòmica mundial. El Japó continua sent, després dels EUA i la Xina, la tercera economia mundial.

Giné Daví, Jaume Relacions EUA-China. Cara unha rivalidade política e económica? IGADI Annual Report Redondela, Pontevedra: Instituto Galego de Análise e Documentación Internacional (IGADI) No. 2011-2012, 01/2012, p. 28-31

EEUU giró su política exterior hacia Asia-Pacífico. Es el nuevo centro geoestratégico mundial donde China se consolidó como una potencia con capacidades y para expandir su influencia en la región. Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX, EEUU se volcó con sus aliados europeos en las relaciones transatlánticas para contener a la URSS. Ahora, priorizará las relaciones transpacíficas con sus aliados de Asia-Pacífico. La gran pregunta: ¿Quiere contener a China? Las relaciones Washington-Pekín son ambivalentes. Crece la interdependencia económica pero se enrarecen las relaciones políticas. En Asia se dirimen muchos intereses geoestratégicos, políticos y económicos. EEUU organizó la 19ª Cumbre de APEC en noviembre en Hawai. Barack Obama ratificó impulsó el Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), una gran área de libre comercio que enlace Asia con la fachada este del continente americano. Washington también está con inquieto ante la rápida modernización militar de China que desafía el dispositivo del Pentágono en la región. Barack Obama y Julia Guillard anunciaron un acuerdo de cooperación militar para estacionar hasta 2.500 marines en la base en Darwin en el norte de Australia. EEUU ya dispone de bases militares en Japón y Corea del Sur y firmó otros acuerdos sobre seguridad con Nueva Zelanda, Filipinas, India, etc. Todos mantienen unas crecientes relaciones con China pero recelan de su rápido ascenso económico y militar.

Giró Catà, Valentí Vernis Domènech, Alfred Ignasi Taking a team to the top: The K2 magic line leadership challenge Developing Leaders London (U.K.): IEDP No. 6, 01/2012, p. 58-63

This mountaineering expedition at the extremes of technical climbing and endurance illustrates the rewards of agile and collaborative teamwork and the power of enabling leadership - as well as the costs of operating in a very high risk and high pressure environment where every decision can make the difference between success and failure; and how unforeseeable events can affect even the best-laid plans.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Longo Martínez, Francisco La calidad de los servicios civiles centroamericanos: una aproximación empírica

Martínez Ribes, Lluis Desde la colina se intuye el horizonte. Las ideas de Umair Haque

Longo, F.; Iacoviello, M.; Zuvanic, L. Revista Centroamericana de Administración Pública San José (Costa Rica): Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP) No. 60-61, 09/2011, p. 9-28

Distribución Actualidad Madrid: Ediciones y Estudios No. 428, 09/2011, p. 58

Presenta desde una perspectiva comparada las principales tendencias regionales y las distinciones entre los servicios civiles de Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y la República Dominicana, los que fueron evaluados recientemente a través del proyecto barómetro de la profesionalización de los servicios civiles en Centroamérica, auspiciado por la agencia española de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo, AECID.

Lozano Soler, Josep M Liderazgos, no líderes. Los ejercicios espirituales y las escuelas de negocios Revista de Fomento Social Córdoba: Institución Universitaria de la Compañía de Jesús No. 262, 09/2011, p. 181-218 La pregunta última que se plantea este paper es si hay algo que distingue o diferencia a una Jesuit Business School (JBS) de otras escuelas de negocios. El abordaje de la cuestión se hace a través de una temática que en los últimos años ha cobrado especial relevancia por su impacto social y por su transversalidad educativa: el liderazgo. La pregunta, pues, se concreta en explorar cómo cabe entender el liderazgo y si es posible una aproximación específica al liderazgo (especialmente desde el punto de vista educativo) en el marco de una JBS. En la primera mitad del paper se propone una comprensión de la temática que aborda el liderazgo y un enfoque de la misma. En la segunda mitad, a partir de una relectura antropológica de algunas meditaciones de los Ejercicios Espirituales, se propone un marco de referencia para el tratamiento del liderazgo en una JBS.


Un producto sólo marca realmente la diferencia si mejora de forma evidente el bienestar físico, mental, social o económico de las personas, de una forma sostenible.

Martínez Ribes, Lluís Disculpe señor, ¿usted qué vende? Euromadinews Barcelona: Euromadi No. 67, 09/2011, p. 4-7

Los directivos y directivas que, en lugar de ser “mirones”, sepan ver nuevas rutas para aportar un determinado sentido a esos momentitos de la vida de sus clientes, probable-mente estarán plantando su propia semilla de la innovación en el retail.

Martínez-Ribes, Lluís Disculpe señor, ¿usted qué vende? IPMARK: Marketing + Comunicación Madrid: Ediciones y Estudios No. 765, 10/2011, p. 60

Los directivos que sepan aportar un determinado sentido a ciertos momentitos de la vida de sus clientes, probablemente estarán plantando su semilla de la innovación en el retail.


Martínez-Ribes, Lluís Importantes paradigmas del retail se derriten. Grandes cadenas del centro urbano pasan apuros Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 161, 03/2012, p. 114-116 Había certezas que hasta el momento eran indudables, pero ahora se están fundiendo. Para triunfar en retail ya no es suficiente ser grande, estar en la mejor zona u ofrecer buenos precios. Los cambios de paradigmas son tan sutiles, como persistentes. Hemos llegado a tal punto, que ya no estamos ante la necesidad de ajustar las herramientas o encontrar unas nuevas, sino ante la esencia misma del oficio.

Martínez-Ribes, Lluís Negocio y humanismo: un gran cóctel. Interpretación de la tienda iFil Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 160, 01/2012, p. 90-92 El retail basado en lo humano aporta un magnetismo en la clientela que muchas cadenas demasiado mercantilistas no logran alcanzar, por mucha publicidad que hagan.

Martínez-Ribes, Lluís Puentes de autopista, de lianas o pasarelas: El sentido del “multicanalismo” en el retail Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 159, 12/2011, p. 106-108 Más que multicanalismo, pensar en dar más opciones y facilidad a los clientes, con la misma experiencia de marca.

Martínez-Ribes, Lluís Los turrones son para el verano: La paradoja, fuente de innovación en retail Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. Congreso AECOC, 10/2011, p. 212-213 Si pusieran la imaginación del cliente en marcha, muchas empresas dejarían de estar en crisis porque, científicamente hablando, la imaginación es más poderosa que la realidad.

Martínez Ribes, Lluis Una historia de seducción. La experiencia de compra y su evolución en la investigación académica Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 163, 05/2012, p. 107-108 583 millones de resultados en 0,47 segundos. Eso es lo que se obtiene al buscar shopping experience en Google. Está claro que es un término candente, muy de moda... y, por tanto, paradójicamente peligroso. En esta Burbuja veremos la evolución que ha seguido el concepto “experiencia de compra” en la literatura académica, y acabaremos con algunas reflexiones prácticas.

Martínez Ribes, Lluis El vestido del producto. Interpretando la gestión del envase Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 164, 06/2012, p. 74-75

El envase es uno de los principales medios para expresar el sentido de la marca. Gestionar los envases es una técnica y un arte al mismo tiempo. El envase, llamado “packaging” en el oficio, es más que un embalaje. Es el vestido del producto. Como tal, tiene dos facetas: la funcional -protegiendo al producto- y la emocional -evocando lo que el producto podrá aportar-. Invito a pensar en seis aspectos que los envases deberían cumplir.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Martínez Ribes, Lluis Volar con alfombras de autor. Interpretación de la tienda Nani Marquina Código 84: la Revista de AECOC Barcelona: Asociación Española de Codificación Comercial (AECOC) No. 162, 04/2012, p. 106-107 La tienda es el reflejo de su alma. Enmarcada en un contenedor austero: un antiguo garaje reformado, se conservan los suelos de cemento y las paredes desnudas, sobre las que lucen como estrellas unas alfombras de diseño volador.

Murillo Bonvehí, David Entrevista a Jiang Shixue Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol Barcelona: Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol No. 16, 10/2011, p. 108-117

Jiang Shixue (1956) és Professor i Director Adjunt de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus de l’Acadèmia Xinesa de Ciències Socials (CASS). Entre d’altres posiciones és president del Departament d’Estudis Europeus a l’Escola de Graduats CASS, vicepresident de l’Associació Xinesa d’Estudis d’Amèrica Llatina, i director general adjunt del Centre de la Xina per als Estudis del Tercer Món. L’Acadèmia Xinesa de Ciències Socials (CASS) és la principal acadèmia de recerca xinesa en els àmbits de la filosofia i les ciències socials. Inclou cinquanta centres de recerca que cobreixen 260 disciplines i subdisciplines i compta amb 4.000 investigadors a plena dedicació. Està afiliat al Consell d’Estat de la República Popular de Xina. Segons la Revista Foreign Policy cal considerar CASS com un dels think tanks líders del continent asiàtic.

nueva moral pública, tan necesaria hoy, en la que no puede faltar ninguna aportación.

Ramis Pujol, Juan Indignaciones en el Mediterráneo Directivos y Empresas Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 98, 05/2011, p. 98-100 El Proyecto NIXE III,, siguiendo los pasos y las obras del Archiduque Luis Salvador de Austria (1847-1915), tiene como objetivo mostrar cómo ha cambiado el mediterráneo en los últimos cien años. La recogida de datos del proyecto ha tenido lugar en España, Italia y Croacia. En los próximos años se seguirán recogiendo en otros lugares de España, en Grecia y en la mayoría de países del Norte de África. Durante la travesía de este último año pudimos tomar algunos apuntes sobre las indignaciones en el Mediterráneo. Es interesante observar que los orígenes y las razones de la indignación pueden ser muy diversos. Constatamos también que hay indignaciones con el potencial de aparecer, de desaparecer o de transformarse con el paso del tiempo. La indignación también puede generar movilizaciones que traspasan fronteras. Asimismo vemos que ciertas indignaciones que, al mirarlas a través del prisma de la historia, pueden estar construidas sobre bases poco sólidas. Algunas, al contrario, empezaron ya hace mucho y duran obstinadamente sin haberse resuelto jamás.

Oller Sala, Maria Dolors El reto de vivir la laicidad en el interior del pluralismo cultural Entretodos Madrid: Comunidad de Vida Cristiana en España (CVX-E) Vol. 2, no. 2, 06/2012, p. 34-36

Artículo que reflexiona sobre el sentido de la laicidad hoy y el reto que supone tener que vivirla en el seno de sociedades cada vez más multiculturales. En él se apuesta claramente por una laicidad inclusiva, puesto que es la única que puede ayudar a construir una


Juan Ramis Pujol, ESADE Business School


Santiso, Javier Agentes emergentes en los mercados de capitales: BRIC, fondos soberanos y los nuevos depositarios de capital

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc La encrucijada de la marca país MK Marketing + Ventas Madrid: Wolters Kluwer España No. 272, 10/2011, p. 8-19

Economistas Madrid: Colegio de Economistas de Madrid No. 128, 09/2011, p. 66-71 El mundo está experimentando un rebalanceo de las riquezas de las naciones a favor de los mercados emergentes. La sísmica de los mercados financieros mundiales lleva registrando desde hace más de una década esta transición. En este artículo documentamos cómo estos nuevos power brokers se están convirtiendo en nuevos centros y actores de las finanzas mundiales. Le dedicamos igualmente una especial atención a cómo una economía como la de España podría aprovecharse y beneficiarse de este movimiento, en qué medida tanto los BRICs como los fondos soberanos podrían convertirse en oportunidades para la economía y para las empresas españolas.

Sauquet Rovira, Alfons Business schools & society: Opportunities & accountability Global Focus. The EFMD Business Magazine European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD), Vol. 6, no. 1, 01/2012, p. 22-25

A good deal of pressure has been exerted on business schools in the wake of the financial crisis, on what our contribution could have been or should have been. But le’ts reflect instead of the actual contribution that business schools make, or can make, to society. By tacking stock of how we contribute to society, we can pave the way forward towards a sustainable, meaningful input in the future.

Cuatro factores que coinciden en el tiempo obligan a una revisión profunda de la gestión de la marca país. El primero engloba los cambios en la trazabilidad de los productos y servicios: origen en diversos países; procesos de transformación, producción y comercialización, con aportaciones diversas de varias partes del mundo. El segundo se relaciona con la proliferación de marcas blancas, que modifica sustancialmente el escenario tradicional poblado mayoritariamente por marcas premium i medium. El tercero enlaza con la emergencia de valores transversales, como la multiculturalidad y el mestizaje, reconociendo la importancia del talento aportado por los inmigrantes a los países de destino. Y el cuarto fenómeno aparece mucho más coyuntural a raíz de la crisis desatada en 2008; las convulsiones financieras exponen a los países a calificaciones negativas de solvencia económica de parte de las agencias internacionales de rating y afectan directamente a la credibilidad; el riesgo país se ha disparado de forma descontrolada. Estos cuatro fenómenos generan tensiones sobre la marca país y una extraordinaria confusión en su gestión. En este artículo nos proponemos analizar la incidencia de estos factores sobre la marca país, a fin de plantear propuestas para la revisión del concepto de la imagen de marca país, de modo que siga siendo un soporte estable de alto valor añadido al servicio de las exportaciones, sobre todo, las relacionadas con el estilo de vida, como la moda y las industrias creativas; y de la atracción de capitales, del turismo y del mejor talento internacional.

Segarra Costa, Enric Innovar desde el contexto de los desfavorecidos Directivos y Empresas Siglo XXI Madrid: Directivos y Empresas No. 107, 05/2012, p. 70-72 Nadie cuestiona que innovar es fundamental y que es a través de ella que las compañías aseguran su continuidad económica a partir de las plusvalías que genera. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando alguno de los potenciales usuarios de nuestras innovaciones tienen pocos recursos y no las pueden pagar? ¿dejamos entonces de innovar porque no vale la pena (económicamente hablando)? A través del artículo se argumenta que es factible romper este paradigma y que para que ello resulte hay que innovar desde el contexto de los desfavorecidos.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc El turismo que viene: un sector donde innovar Valls Giménez, J.F.; Ferrer Graupera, J. Cataluña Económica Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona: Publicanova No. 510, 03/2012, p. 32-35

Llevamos ya unos cuantos meses realizando el Aula Internacional de Innovación Turística en ESADECREAPOLIS, desde junio de 2011. Ello nos permite establecer un balance provisional sobre el alcance de los objetivos fijados. Nuestra intención consistía en reunirnos periódicamente un grupo reducido de empresarios, entre treinta y cincuenta, para discutir durante unas horas sobre el campo de la innovación en nuestras empresas y en general en el sector turístico. La primera aproximación es que nos consideramos satisfechos por los siguientes aspectos: hemos incluido el tema de la innovación como única vía que es de mejora de la competitividad en la agenda del sector turístico; hemos fijado el concepto de que si el sector puede liderar la salida de la crisis, sólo se realizará si paralelamente introducimos la I D I en todas las empresas; y hemos propuesto una metodología de trabajo, -exposición de conceptos sobre la materia y presentación de un caso concreto-, que puede ser válido para la implantación masiva de la innovación en la empresas turísticas.

Vives, Luis Kalinowski, Margarete Foro anual del Centro Virtual. La empresa española en un mundo global: oportunidades y amenazas en los países emergentes Experiencias ICEX Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior No. 5, 06/2012, p. 1-13 El mundo de los negocios está cambiando de manera significativa. La creciente desregulación de los mercados, la reducción de las barreras comerciales, los rápidos avances tecnológicos, y los cambios demográficos son factores que están contribuyendo a esta rápida transformación. Una importante consecuencia de estos cambios es que aquellas estrategias que permitían a las empresas ser exitosas hace una década, es poco probable que puedan seguir funcionando en un futuro próximo. En este contexto, las empresas que cuentan con capacidad de adaptación e iniciativa, lejos de percibir sólo las amenazas de la difícil coyuntura económica, están aprovechando las oportunidades existentes con el objetivo de crecer para salir fortalecidos de la crisis.

Vidal-Quadras Trias de Bes, Miguel Cambios en las patentes: la modificación de las reivindicaciones al amparo del nuevo artículo 138.3 del Convenio de la Patente Europea Revista Aranzadi Doctrinal Cizur Menor, Pamplona: Aranzadi No. 5, 09/2011, p. 101-128

Se analizan en este artículo los efectos de la novedad introducida en el Convenio de la Patente Europea conforme a la cual el titular de la patente en el marco de un pleito sobre la validez de su derecho puede proponer al tribunal un nuevo texto limitando las reivindicaciones, que pasará a ser la base del procedimiento. Corresponde a los tribunales aceptar el nuevo texto en el marco del procedimiento civil, por lo que merecerá también una atención específica su encaje en el contexto de las normas procesales del pleito en España.

Jaume Giné Daví, ESADE Law School



ESADE research yearbook 2011-12


books and book chapters



Abel Lluch, Xavier Derecho probatorio Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 05/2012 1224 p.

La presente obra tiene por objeto el estudio de la prueba, parte esencial de todo procedimiento, pues existe una relación esencial de causaefecto entre prueba y sentencia, como revela el viejo apotegma probare o soccombere. Se estructura en dos partes diferenciadas. En una primera parte, titulada “Fundamentos y Procedimiento probatorio”, se abordan los grandes interrogantes del Derecho Probatorio, esto es, qué es la prueba, qué se prueba, quien prueba, cómo se prueba y cómo se valora la prueba. Junto a los temas dogmáticos más tradicionales -objeto, iniciativa de la actividad probatoria, carga de la prueba, presunciones y valoración de la prueba- se intenta dar una visión también completa de otros temas fundamentales, como el procedimiento probatorio -prestando particular atención a la prueba de oficio, las diligencias finales y al juicio de admisión de los medios de prueba-. En una parte, titulada “Los medios de prueba en el proceso civil”, se efectúa un estudio de cada uno de los medios de prueba -interrogatorio de las partes, interrogatorio de testigos, prueba pericial, prueba documental, prueba electrónica y reconocimiento judicial-, con una visión centrada en la práctica diaria de los Juzgados y Tribunales y en los problemas que ha suscitado, superada la primera década de vigencia, la Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento Civil. En el análisis de cada uno de los medios de prueba se ha pretendido combinar la visión dogmática con la práctica forense, atendiendo tanto a la jurisprudencia emanada del Tribunal Supremo, cuanto a la conocida como “jurisprudencia menor”, pues múltiples cuestiones procedimentales, originadas por la publicación y aplicación de la precitada Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, están recibiendo una respuesta en esta instancia.

Abel Lluch, Xavier (dir.) Picó Junoy, Joan (dir.) Ginés Castellet, Nuria (coord.) Izquierdo Blanco, Pablo La prueba de reconocimiento judicial Abel Lluch, X. & Picó Junoy, J. (dirs.); Ginés Castellet, N. (coord.); Arbós Llobet, R.; Fons Rodríguez, C.; Izquierdo Blanco, P.; et al. Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 01/2012 516 p. Colección de formación continua. Facultad de Derecho ESADE. Serie estudios prácticos sobre los medios de prueba; no. 6

de prueba”, que tiene por objeto analizar cuestiones controvertidas sobre los distintos medios probatorios en el proceso civil a partir de la práctica de los Juzgados y Tribunales. Se efectúa un estudio inicial de la prueba de reconocimiento judicial, en el que se intenta perfilar su régimen jurídico, a partir de la regulación en la LEC. A continuación se analizan hasta veintiuna cuestiones controvertidas en la práctica de los Juzgados y Tribunales. Cada una de las respuestas consta de un comentario jurídico y, cuando ha sido posible, un índice sistemático de jurisprudencia sobre la cuestión planteada, así como un extracto de las sentencias más relevantes, transcurridos más de diez años de vigencia desde la entrada en vigor de la Ley 1/2000, de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Las cuestiones analizadas, y para facilitar la consulta del lector, se han dividido en siete capítulos: 1º Sujetos del reconocimiento judicial; 2º El objeto del reconocimiento judicial; 3º El procedimiento. Proposición y admisión; 4º El procedimiento. Práctica del reconocimiento; 5º. El acta de reconocimiento judicial; 6º.- Valoración del reconocimiento judicial; y 7º Reconocimiento judicial y nuevas tecnologías.

Albareda Vivó, Laura Balaguer Franch, Maria Rosario Murillo Bonvehí, David Observatorio 2011 de la inversión socialmente responsable Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 12/2011 196 p. La sociedad es consciente de que necesitamos un sector financiero diferente del que tenemos. Con todo, no podemos dejar que la crítica actual, por razonada que sea, nos aparte de nuestra idea original: la ISR es parte de la solución, no parte del problema. Es una vía, un mecanismo útil y progresivo, para introducir responsabilidad, rendición de cuentas y transparencia en los mercados. Es también una caja de herramientas que sigue progresando y perfeccionando su aplicabilidad con clara vocación de universalidad. Es bajo esta particular luz que podemos analizar el patrimonio gestionado bajo criterios ISR en España, que a finales de 2010 ascendía a 15.201 millones de euros y contaba con 1.136.735 partícipes, un 40% más que el año anterior, con inversiones que contemplan criterios de gestión ESG. Y también nos podemos referir a los 31 fondos de pensiones que adoptan algún principio de inversión socialmente responsable. Queda mucho camino por recorrer. Pero esperamos que la distancia que tenemos por delante no oscurezca todo el camino ya recorrido.

La presente obra sobre el reconocimiento judicial es el sexto y último de los títulos de la Colección de Formación Continua de la Facultad de Derecho ESADE, serie “Estudios Prácticos sobre los medios


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Alemany Gil, Luisa Planellas Arán, Marcel Emprender es posible Barcelona: Planeta, 01/2012 308 p.

Bartlett Castella, Enric R. (coord.) Bardají Gálvez, Mª Dolores (coord.) La Declaración universal de los Derechos Humanos cumple 60 años: seminario permanente de Derechos Humanos Antonio Marzal: XV sesión Barcelona: J. M. Bosch Editor, 12/2011 165 p. Colección ESADE. Facultad de Derecho; no. 19

Que emprender es posible lo demuestran los testimonios recopilados de esta generación de jóvenes que hoy en España están impulsando nuevos proyectos. Pero los datos y los expertos consultados nos dicen esto no es fácil: no se reconoce, no se enseña, no se ayuda suficiente. Los autores, profesores de ESADE, proponen un cambio posible para impulsar el espíritu emprendedor que pasa por promover cambios en la cultura, la educación y la financiación. En esta amena obra se dibuja un futuro y se invita a abrir un diálogo sobre cómo fomentar el espíritu emprendedor en España. Un libro que recoge muchas voces de emprendedores y que quiere contribuir a lograr que “Emprender es posible” sea una realidad cada vez más normal y general en este país.

Reúne los trabajos de la XV sesión del Seminario permanente de Derechos Humanos, Antonio Marzal, celebrado el curso 20082009, en los que se abordaron las cuestiones siguientes: vigencia de los principios informadores de la Declaración; la garantía de los derechos a la libertad, a la seguridad de la persona, a la no sumisión a esclavitud o servidumbre; Estado social y democrático de Derecho y Religión. ¿Tolerancia, cooperación o conflicto?; el derecho al trabajo, a la seguridad social y a un nivel de vida adecuado en tiempos de crisis y en una economía globalizada.

Arenas Vives, Daniel Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Puig Bastard, Pere Oroval Planas, Josep M. Trullén Fernández, Jordi Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Arenas Vives, D.; Bonache Pérez, J.; Mendoza Mayordomo, X.; Puig Bastard, P.; Oroval Planas, J.; Trullén Fernández, J.; et al. Barcelona: ESADE Business School - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 172 p. Informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME); no. 3 En esta tercera edición del Informe del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) se presentan los trabajos de investigación realizados a lo largo de más de un año y medio por un grupo de seis profesores y cuatro investigadores pertenecientes a cinco departamentos académicos (Economía, Política de Empresa, Ciencias Sociales, Dirección de Marketing y Dirección de Personas y Organización) y a tres centros de investigación de ESADE (Centro de la Marca, Instituto de Innovación Social y OEME). Simon Dolan, Future of Work Chair



Bonet Guino, Eduard (ed.) Histories of Doctoral Programmes In Management and Business Administration Bonet, E.; Balaton, K. (eds.) Brussels: EDAMBA, 07/2012 322 p.

Dolan, Simon Coaching por valores Madrid: LID Editorial Empresarial, 06/2012 237 p. Acción empresarial

The first part introduces a historical perspective of EDAMBA, with chapters by Hans Siggaard Jensen, Lars Engwall and Marianne Stenius and Nicole Coopman, and presents short histories of the evolution of 36 doctoral programmes, which are members of the Association. The second part collects the lectures delivered at the EDAMBA 20th. Anniversary, celebrated at ESADE in September 2011. It includes the Wellcome Adress by the Director General Eugenia Bieto and texts by Josep Maria Sayeras, Hans Siggaard Jensen, Pierre Batteau, Udo Zander and Eduard Bonet.

El autor resume en este libro toda su experiencia para ayudarte a mejorar tu calidad de vida tanto personal como profesional y la de las organizaciones. No lo hace con recetas mágicas sino centrándose en la máxima que resume todo su bagaje: la vuelta a los valores. Basándose en ella, plantea su propia metodología para auditar, clasificar y priorizar tus valores alineándolos con tus objetivos. Si los pones en práctica con medidas concretas, con toda probabilidad tu vida será mucho más llena y armoniosa, aumentará tu bienestar físico y mental y reactivarás tu estado de ánimo.

Chliova, Myrto García Gay, Ramón Iglesias Pie, Maria Navarro Colomer, Clara Rodríguez Blanco, Elena Aprendiendo de las empresas sociales: seis casos de emprendimientos sociales en Europa

Dolan, Simon Coaching por valores: Um guia para o sucesso na vida dos negócios e no negócio da vida

Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 10/2011 109 p.

Gestão e Coaching por Valores™ fazem parte de uma nova filosofia que combina os desafios e prioridades pessoais com os do mundo. Este é um novo plano para a criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem no qual se avaliam fatores pessoais e ambientais, no qual a felicidade e o rendimento se reforçam mutuamente. De acordo com Dr. Dolan, os valores são a ponte entre as crenças individuais e o comportamento. Se as crenças são as declarações sobre a forma como vemos o mundo, os valores são as coisas na vida que nos parecem mais importantes, as que movem o indivíduo, que fazem com que ele dedique seu tempo, recursos e dinheiro para atingi-las. Já que os valores estão dispostos em hierarquia, faz-se necessário identificar os que funcionam ou não e mudar. As questões abordadas dialogam diretamente com o âmago do leitor: o que realmente deseja? O que verdadeiramente faz? Como prefere empenhar seus bens mais preciosos na busca por sua felicidade e satisfação? Este livro o ajudará a alinhar seus valores com sua realidade e assim construir metas de vida, segui-las e alcançá-las. E, por conseguinte, mostra o novo modelo de liderança implementado nas organizações: aquele resultante de um compromisso filosófico baseado em ações atraentes para os mais diversos ambientes culturais calcados em valores.

La publicación ‘Aprendiendo de las empresas sociales. Seis casos de emprendimientos sociales en Europa’, nace de la colaboración iniciada hace ya tres años entre Gas Natural y el Instituto de Innovación Social de ESADE. Dicha colaboración dio como primer fruto una investigación sobre la RSE en los gobiernos corporativos de las grandes empresas y una publicación titulada La RSE en el gobierno corporativo de las sociedades del Ibex 35. Un análisis de transparencia. La propuesta de investigación que ha dado como resultado este libro surge del convencimiento de la idoneidad de continuar profundizando sobre la importancia de integrar el impacto social y económico en la vida empresarial. Una investigación que, construida a través del análisis de casos, pretendía contribuir a generar conocimiento sobre la empresa social, ahondar sobre sus especificidades y conocer con mayor profundidad sus posibles factores clave de éxito.

Lisboa (Portugal): Book 7, 10/2011 Rio de Janeiro (Brasil); Qualitymark, 10/2011 256 p.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Dolan, Simon Psychologie du travail et comportement organisationnel (4ème édition.) Dolan, S.; Gosselin, E.; Carriÿre, J. Montreal (Canadá): Gaetan Morin, 06/2012 536 p.

Ce dernier ouvrage est plus qu’une simple mise à jour, cette troisième édition du manuel Psychologie du travail et comportement organisationnel a été entièrement repensée et bonifiée de manière à consolider son rôle d’ouvrage d’introduction. Des thématiques actuelles ont été intégrées aux divers chapitres, ce qui permet de mieux saisir la synergie existant entre chacun des sujets ainsi que la complexité du comportement de l’individu en milieu de travail. Une nouvelle rubrique intitulée Perspective internationale, traitant des conséquences de la mondialisation sur les processus humains et structurel des organisations a également été ajoutée à chacun des chapitres.

Dolan, Simon Lingham, Tony Introduction to international organizational behavior [Electronic resource] Ogden, Ut. (U.S.): Book Educators, 11/2011 361 p.

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of individual and group behavior in organizational settings. OB looks at organizations as entities, the forces that shape them, and their impact on the members. The study of OB involves three levels within organizations: (1) Individual; (2) Group (or Team); and (3) Organizational. This book is an electronic version of the printed book: Fundamentals of international organizational behavior.

Franch Bullich, Josep (ed.) Diversity in European marketing: Text and cases Rudolph, T.; Schlegelmilch, B. B.; Franch, J.; Bauer, A. & Meise, J. N. (eds.) Wiesbade (Germany): Springer Gabler, 04/2012 276 p. Given its unique heritage and diversity, Europe deserves and requires distinct marketing attention. This book offers a nontraditional perspective to European marketing by addressing upto-date issues and challenges for marketers through short cases


and relevant received theory. Specific student assignments further provide educators, who want to take a European perspective in their teaching, with probing discussion material and encourage readers to think ahead. All cases are written by expert academics of leading management schools in Europe, establishing diversity in culture and approaches. The topics are accordingly as diverse as its contributors and include case studies and insights on the European marketing and management of companies such as Aldi, Delhaize, DeLaval, Deutsche Bank, KFC, Kofola, Puma, and Vestas Wind Systems, among others.

Ginés Castellet, Núria (coord.) Bardají Gálvez, Mª Dolores Duplá Marín, Teresa Lauroba Lacasa, María Elena Mirabent Junyent, Maria Viñet Rivero Hernández, Francisco La familia del siglo XXI: algunas novedades del Libro II del Código Civil de Cataluña Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 12/2011 232 p. Colección de formación continua. Facultad de Derecho ESADE; no. 9 El pasado 1 de enero de 2011 entró en vigor el Libro II del Código Civil de Cataluña. A pesar de haber transcurrido solo doce años, no son pocas las novedades que este Libro incorpora respecto del texto vigente desde 1998. Nuestro legislador ha hecho un esfuerzo por acomodar la norma civil a las modernas exigencias que reclama la regulación de la familia en una sociedad libre, democrática, plural y cada vez más compleja. Pero, ¿ha sabido el legislador alcanzarlo? Y para ello, ¿qué normas han cambiado respecto del texto de 1998? ¿En qué y por qué han cambiado? ¿Qué efectos se derivan del cambio? Todas estas cuestiones fueron abordadas en las jornadas “El nuevo Derecho de Familia: Análisis pluridisciplinar de sus principales novedades” que, organizadas por los grupos de investigación de la Facultad de Derecho de ESADE (URL) “Mediación, Derecho y Familia” y “Norma Jurídica y Cambio Social”, tuvieron lugar los días 10 y 17 de diciembre de 2010. En estas jornadas, el objetivo fue seleccionar aquellas novedades más impactantes que presenta este Libro II, destacando críticamente el núcleo de cada novedad para propiciar el clima de debate necesario. Bajo el designio de ofrecer una visión lo más amplia posible, se contó con la participación no solo de prestigiosos juristas sino también de consumados expertos en psicología y psiquiatría de la familia. Todos ellos contribuyeron a ofrecer un análisis profundo, riguroso, crítico y práctico de las novedades que en Derecho de Familia ha introducido el Libro II del Código Civil de Cataluña. En esta obra hemos querido recoger algunas de aquellas ponencias que se ocuparon y se ocupan de algunas de las innovaciones de mayor trascendencia.


Lizanda Cuevas, José Manuel Abad Llavori, Carlos Contabilidad y fiscalidad de las combinaciones de negocios y otras operaciones societarias Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 04/2012 774 p. Colección de formación continua. Facultad de Derecho ESADE. Serie manuales y monografías; no. 3 El presente trabajo pretende ser un recorrido lo más completo posible, aunque limitado, por razones obvias de espacio, por las operaciones societarias desde el punto de vista económico con sus repercusiones contables y fiscales; desde la fecha de constitución de la sociedad hasta su extinción, pasando por las situaciones que, en mayor o menor medida, pueden acontecer entre ambos momentos (aumentos y reducciones de capital, operaciones con autocartera, etc.) y por otras que tienen carácter recurrente, como la aplicación del resultado. Como indica el mismo título de la obra, los diversos temas societarios se abordan desde la doble perspectiva indicada. Con este objetivo se ha intentado hacer referencia al tratamiento teórico jurídico mercantil imprescindible y aplicable a esta área de la contabilidad y, en la medida de lo posible, los autores han intentado ser lo más exhaustivos desde el punto de vista práctico mediante la exposición y resolución razonada de numerosos supuestos. El planteamiento teó-

rico se completa con referencias a resoluciones y sentencias de tribunales económico administrativos y jurisdiccionales de diverso orden jerárquico, así como a la doctrina contable sentada por el ICAC, a través de sus resoluciones aún vigentes y respuestas a consultas, y a la doctrina administrativa más reciente desde el punto de vista fiscal, elaborada por la Dirección General de Tributos. En la vertiente práctica se ha prestado especial atención a las denominadas combinaciones de negocios, apartado especialmente complejo y novedoso, reguladas actualmente en las NRV 19ª y 21ª del PGC de 2007, primera norma en nuestro derecho positivo que lo aborda. Este tema ha sido de candente actualidad y, sin duda, lo seguirá siendo en un mundo donde el fenómeno de las concentraciones empresariales y otras formas de reorganización están a la orden del día. El ejemplar que el lector tiene en sus manos es fruto de una dilatada experiencia profesional de sus autores, ambos Inspectores de Hacienda del Estado, combinada con la impartición de cursos y conferencias en ESADE, en otros foros académicos relevantes y colegios profesionales de los ámbitos del derecho y la economía.EDAMBA 20th. Anniversary, celebrated at ESADE in September 2011. It includes the Wellcome Adress by the Director General Eugenia Bieto and texts by Josep Maria Sayeras, Hans Siggaard Jensen, Pierre Batteau, Udo Zander and Eduard Bonet.

Montaña Matosas, Jordi Universal design: The HUMBLES method for user-centred business Aragall, F.; Montaña, J. Farnham (U.K.): Gower, 01/2012 256 p.

Núria Ginés Castellet, Legal Guidelines and Social Change Research Group

As a customer, have you ever felt dissatisfied with a product or service? Is it possible that customers may be similarly unhappy with your company? Being aware of and exploring your consumers’ diversity constitutes the best source of information available if you are to lead the way in design innovation, marketing orientation and service provision. Universal Design: The HUMBLES Method for User-Centred Business offers every type of organization a clear understanding of the role and value of Design for All/Universal Design (the intervention in environments, products and services to enable everyone, regardless of age, gender, capabilities or cultural background, to enjoy them on an equal basis). The seven phase model integrates the users’ point of view, enabling you to assess your current business strategy and design practices, and make your product or service appealing to all your potential customers, thus creating a better, more consumer-oriented experience. This book is a must-read for organisations who wish to consider their products and services from the customer point of view and so gain an advantage over their competitors.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Muñoz Sabaté, Luis Técnica procesal: 25 años de estudios forenses

Oller Sala, Maria Dolors (ed.) Crisis, religión y espiritualidad. Una inspiración para el cambio

Barcelona: J.M. Bosch, 01/2012 598 p.

Gómez, J. & Oller, M.D. (eds.) Madrid: Comisión General Justicia y Paz, 06/2012 120 p.

Esta obra recoge de forma sistemática los múltiples estudios que Muñoz Sabaté ha ido publicando en los últimos 25 años (19872012). De esta forma se facilita el acceso al pensamiento de este gran jurista español entorno a cinco grandes ámbitos: derecho probatorio, probática, arbitraje, cuestiones diversas de derecho procesal y psicología jurídica. La finura y estilo directo de sus escritos nos conduce siempre al placentero acto de leerlos entusiastamente. Se trata de breves trabajos en los que con certero ánimo crítico analiza multitud de problemas procesales.

Vivimos sumidos en una profunda crisis que no sólo es económica, sino también política, social, eclesial y de valores. Se impone para superar la crisis un cambio en los estilos de vida puesto que un mundo sostenible así lo exige. En el presente cuaderno se aborda el papel que puede jugar la religión, y más en concreto, la espiritualidad, en este cometido.

Navarro Colomer, Clara Vernis Domènech, Alfred Bones pràctiques internacionales de suport a l’emprenedoria social Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, 01/2012 142 p.

Per aconseguir el naixement i creixement d’iniciatives d’emprenedoria social, cal un ecosistema favorable, que doni resposta a les diverses necessitats de les persones emprenedores socials. En aquest cercador trobareu informació d’entitats i organitzacions, a nivell internacional, que proporcionen suport a emprenedors i emprenedores socials. Bones pràctiques internacionals de suport a l’emprenedoria social, analitza quins són els àmbits clau en què els emprenedors socials requereixen suport i revisa com han fet aquesta tasca algunes organitzacions que proporcionen aquest suport amb èxit a escala internacional. El llibre és un instrument generat en el marc del Programa d’emprenedoria social a Catalunya què, promogut per la Generalitat de Catalunya, es proposa “posicionar, estendre i dinamitzar l’emprenedoria social en el conjunt de la societat catalana, identificar iniciatives emprenedores socials i potenciar-ne la viabilitat, crear un ecosistema que faciliti l’accés a les eines i als recursos per part de les persones emprenedores, com també la interacció entre els diferents actors de l’emprenedoria social a Catalunya”.


Planellas Arán, Marcel Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes Elvira La alianza estratégica entre Grupo Vips y Fundación Hazloposible. Un ejemplo de colaboración empresa-ONG Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 12/2011 70 p. Dentro del mundo académico se apunta hacia el estudio del desarrollo de alianzas estratégicas entre empresas y ONG pues, a pesar que existen profundos obstáculos, se considera que estas alianzas pueden crear valor económico y social. Para comprender el proceso de desarrollo de una alianza estratégica entre empresas y ONG se propone estudiar la relación entre Grupo Vips y la Fundación Hazloposible, que se ha mantenido viva durante más de diez años. En primer lugar se realiza la presentación de las dos organizaciones analaizadas. Seguidamente se aplica el modelo del ciclo de vida a estos diez años de relación de colaboración, estudiando tanto las diversas etapas por las que ha pasado (formación, operación y desarrollo) como los períodos de revolución. Como conslusión se intentan extraer los factores de éxito de esta alianza estratégica entre Grupo Vips y Fundación Hazloposible.


Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Responsible leadership Dordrecht: Springer, 01/2012 132 p.

These chapters on ‘Responsible Leadership’ represent the latest thinking on a topic of increasing relevance in a connected world. There are many challenges that still remain when it comes to establishing responsible leadership both in theory and practice. Whilst offering conceptualisations for the improvement of leadership is a first and perhaps easier response, what is more difficult is to facilitate the actual change to happen. These chapters will not only generate interest in the emerging domain of studies on responsible leadership, but also will pave the way for future research in this area in the years to come.

Prandi, Maria (ed.) Lozano, Josep Maria (ed.) CSR in conflict and post-conflict environments: From risk management to value creation Bellaterra, Barcelona: UAB. Escola de Cultura de Pau; ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 11/2011 p. 170

Santiso, Javier Las economías emergentes y el reequilibrio global: retos y oportunidades para España Madrid: Fundación de Estudios Financieros, 01/2012 262 p. Papeles de la Fundación; no. 43 El propósito de este estudio es profundizar en las oportunidades y los retos que representan las economías emergentes, mostrando la diversidad de una nueva realidad que configura el nuevo siglo. En la primera parte las contribuciones se indaga no sólo sobre el papel creciente que juegan las economías BRICs como China, India o Brasil sino que se muestra también cómo están emergiendo otras (los EAGLES o los mercados fronteras), en los que también se fijan ahora los inversores. En la parte segunda y tercera, los trabajos se centran sobre algunos de los actores emergentes (fondos soberanos) y sobre el potencial para una economía como la española que representan estos mercados. Los diferentes trabajos aquí reunidos buscan también deshacer algunas ideas preconcebidas. Por ejemplo que las economías emergentes son puramente potencias de materias primas (cuando en realidad ya son potencias tecnológicas como es el caso de India). Igualmente se busca mostrar cómo lejos de representar un reto o una amenaza para los países OCDE éstos países también pueden representar una oportunidad de cara al futuro. Se analiza esta temática a la luz del caso de España, un país que apostó en el pasado fuertemente por los emergentes, en particular de América latina. La internacionalización de las multinacionales de los países emergentes sean de China, Brasil o México representan así también una oportunidad para buscar posicionar el país como un hub de sedes corporativas en Europa.

En los últimos años, las empresas han sufrido una pérdida de legitimidad y confianza (Lodge y Wilson, 2006) originada por una creciente conciencia sobre el muchas veces irresponsable comportamiento del sector privado y su correlato, la injusticia social y medioambiental (Epstein, 1987; Matthews, Goodpaster, y Nash, 1985). Al mismo tiempo, el compromiso de las empresas petroleras en la construcción de paz y el desarrollo ha sido visto con cierto cinismo por muchos que ven en él tan sólo un agente de distorsión del desarrollo político de Nigeria y de la perpetuación de su conflicto.

Dimo Ringov, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Santiso GUIMARas, Javier La década de las multilatinas Madrid: Fundación Carolina y Siglo XXI, 01/2012 304 p.

Las riquezas de las naciones están experimentado una transformación inédita. Con el nuevo milenio, los mercados emergentes cobraron un protagonismo económico sin precedentes, convirtiéndose en motor de crecimiento, mientras los países OCDE se desplomaban con la crisis abierta en el año 2008. A esa tendencia le ha seguido otra quizás más impactante todavía: las multinacionales de los mercados emergentes, entre ellos algunos de América Latina, emprendieron también una carrera acelerada hacia otros mercados, muchos de ellos también emergentes y, cada vez más, hacia los mercados OCDE. Este libro analiza de cerca el fenómeno de las multilatinas, sus características, número y principales cifras económicas, así como las oportunidades estratégicas que estas empresas suponen para España.

Santiso Guimaras, Javier The Oxford handbook of Latin American political economy Santiso Guimaras, J.; Dayton-Johnson, J. New York, N.Y. (U.S.): Oxford University Press, 05/2012 620 p. Oxford handbooks in economics Latin America’s recent development performance calls for a multidisciplinary analytical tool kit. This handbook accordingly adopts a political-economy perspective to understand Latin American economies. This perspective is not new to the region; indeed, this volume consciously follows the approach pioneered by political economist Albert O. Hirschman a half century ago. But the nature of the political and economic processes at work in Latin America has changed dramatically since Hirschman’s critical contribution. Military dictatorships have given way to an uneven democratic consolidation; agricultural or primary-product producers have transformed into middle-income, diversified economies, some of which are leading examples of emerging markets. So, too, the tools of political-economy have developed by leaps and bounds. It is therefore worthwhile to take stock of, and considerably extend, the explosion of recent scholarship on the two-way interaction between political processes and economic performance. A unique feature of the book is that it begins with a group of chapters written by high-level academic experts on Latin American economics and policies who also happen to be current or past economic policy makers in the region, including Fernando Henrique Cardoso (former president of Brazil), Andrés


Velasco (former Chilean finance minister), Luis Carranza (former Peruvian finance minister), Martín Redrado (former governor of the Argentina central bank) and Luciano Coutinho (president of Brazil’s national development bank). These contributors draw upon their academic expertise to understand their experience in the trenches of policy making.

Sauquet Rovira, Alfons (ed.) Business schools and their contribution to society Morsing, M. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (eds.) London (U.K.): Sage, 10/2011 272 p.

Business schools are arguably some of the most influential institutions in contemporary society, heavily influencing the way much socioeconomic activity is conducted. The education they provide is an important theme to be considered in its own right - and perhaps even challenged. This exciting book explores the role of business schools in contemporary global society through 3 key dimensions: How business school legitimacy has been challenged by the recent economic crisis and corporate scandals; - How business schools contribute to shaping and transforming business conduct; and How business schools, past and present, develop their identities to face the challenges presented by the ongoing globalization process. Combing perspectives from business school Deans from around the world, as well as scholars and business leaders, this book presents a unique discussion of the current and future challenges facing business schools today.

Sebastián Franco, Guillermo ¿Qué es y qué no es un coach? Madrid: Pirámide, 12/2011 348 p. Empresa & gestión

A lo largo de bastantes años de práctica del coaching ejecutivo profesional, el autor ha acompañado a muchos directivos en sus procesos de cambio de comportamiento y de mejora de sus competencias emocionales orientadas a la consecución de sus objetivos profesionales y personales. A través de reflexiones, en esta obra trata de dar sugerencias, que no consejos, a los nuevos coaches que se acaban de certificar y se preguntan ¿y ahora qué?. El autor tampoco olvida a los directivos que tienen que contratar el servicio profesional de un coach y también trata de explicarles de un modo


sencillo en qué consiste un proyecto completo de coaching ejecutivo individualizado. Para dar a conocer su experiencia profesional, el autor utiliza un caso real novelado preservando la identidad de las organizaciones y para hacerlo más atractivo. La historia recoge el desarrollo de un proyecto de coaching individualizado en una gran organización, desde la llamada solicitando información hasta la conclusión final del proyecto, nueve o diez meses después.

Segarra Costa, Enric La creativitat, un joc d’infants Batet, M.; Segarra Costa, E. Barcelona: Edicions i Propostes Culturals Andana, 10/2011 27 p. Col.lecció aula emprenedora; no. 2

Aquest és un llibre per a grans (pares i educadors) i petits, que té l’objectiu d’ajudar a fer-nos sentir més segurs pel que fa a la nostra capacitat de generar noves idees i posar-les en pràctica.

Solana Madariaga, Javier Primaveras, terromotos y crisis [Recurso electrónico] Solana, J.; Bassets, L. Barcelona: Random House Mondadori, 10/2011 59 p. ENDEBATE El 2011 ha sido un año de grandes acontecimientos y turbulencias, cuyo impacto marcará un cambio de época. Con el objetivo de analizar las profundas transformaciones que caracterizarán este cambio, Javier Solana, presidente de ESADEgeo, y Lluís Bassets, director adjunto del diario El País, acaban de publicar Primaveras, terremotos y crisis -Random House Mondadori, ENDEBATE. La publicación sale a la luz un año después de Reivindicación de la política, primer libro publicado conjuntamente por Javier Solana y Lluís Bassets, en el que ambos autores repasaban los últimos veinte años de política internacional desde una perspectiva privilegiada. El 2011 ha sido un año de grandes acontecimientos y turbulencias, cuyo impacto marcará un cambio de época. Con el objetivo de analizar las profundas transformaciones que marcarán este cambio de época, Javier Solana, presidente de ESADEgeo, y Lluís Bassets, director adjunto del diario El País, acaban de publicar “Primaveras, Terremotos y Crisis”. La publicación sale a la luz un año después de “Reivindicación de la Política”, el primer libro publicado conjuntamente por Javier Solana y Lluís Bassets en el que ambos autores repasaban los últimos 20 años de política internacional desde una privilegiada perspectiva. El libro, basado en un formato de diálogo en

profundidad entre los dos autores, hace un recorrido de los grandes cambios geopolíticos que han agitado el panorama internacional en los últimos doce meses. El terremoto de Fukushima, las revueltas árabes, las consecuencias del tsunami en Japón, las repercusiones estratégicas de la desaparición de Bin Laden, la crisis económica del euro, el problema de la gobernanza global y el auge de los BRICS son algunos de los temas clave del libro. “Casi ninguno de estos hechos estaba en el guión de lo que ocurriría en un período tan breve de tiempo”, responde Solana en el libro a la primera pregunta del periodista sobre si el 2011 nos ha traído un mundo distinto. “Creo que forma parte de una transformación extraordinaria que se inició hace una década y a mi juicio se enmarca en las enormes transferencias de poder que se están produciendo en nuestro mundo globalizado y cuyas consecuencias aún desconocemos. Avanzamos casi a ciegas. Y mientras avanzamos, simultáneamente, tratamos de explicar lo ocurrido”, añade Solana.

Triana Portela, Pablo The number that killed us: A story of modern banking, flawed mathematics, and a big financial crisis Hoboken, N.J. (U.S.): John Wiley & Sons, 12/2011 264 p.

The number that killed Us finally tells the “greatest story never told”: how a mysterious financial risk measurement model has ruled the world for the past two decades and how it has repeatedly, and severely, caused market, economic, and social turmoil. This model was the key factor behind the unleashing of the cataclysmic credit crisis that erupted in 2007 and which the effects are still being felt around the world. The Number That Killed Us is the first and only book to thoroughly explain this hitherto-uncovered phenomenon, making it the key reference for truly understanding why the malaise took place. The very number financial institutions and regulators use to measure risk (Vale at Risk/VaR) has masked it, allowing firms to leverage up their speculative bets to unimaginable levels. VaR sanctioned and allowed the monstrously geared toxic punts that sank Wall Street, and the world, during the latest crisis. We can confidently say that VaR was the culprit. In The Number That Killed Us, derivatives expert Pablo Triana takes you through the development of VaR and shows how its inevitable structural flaws allowed banks to take on even greater risks. The precise role of VaR in igniting the latest crisis is thoroughly covered, including in-depth analysis of how and why regulators, by falling in love with the tool, condemned us to chaos. Uncritically embraced worldwide for way too long, VaR is, in the face of such destruction, just starting to be examined as problematic, and in this book Triana (long an open critic of the tool’s role in encouraging mayhem) uncovers exactly why it makes our financial world a more dangerous place. If we care for our safety, we should let VaR go.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

BOOK CHAPTERS books and book chapters



Abat Ninet, Antoni From popular sovereigny to constitutional sovereignty within the EU? In Citoyennetés, voisinages et minorités en Europe / Citizenships, neighbouroods and minorities in Europe Koper, J. & Rouet, G. (dirs.) Paris (France): Bruylant, 04/2012 p. 105-116 Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, citoyenneté(s) et nationalité(s) sont liées, dans des schémas qui laissent peu de place aux « peuples », à ces nations au sens commun, en particulier en Europe centrale et orientale, et qui ne semblent souvent trouver de délimitations qu’en tant que « minorités » culturelles. Cette conception de la nation ne s’appuie pas sur un couplage avec la citoyenneté mais bien sur une logique ethnique, linguistique, territoriale, historique, religieuse, globalement culturelle. L’« étranger » est alors celui d’une autre nation et son exclusion éventuelle n’est pas une conséquence de la souveraineté de l’État, phénomène induit justement par la définition nationale de la citoyenneté. Mais les mécanismes identitaires, dans une grande partie de l’Europe, ont abouti, avec une relative généralisation de l’assimilation de la citoyenneté à la nationalité, à une demande d’État, validée ou légitimée par une reconstruction historique et, souvent, mythique, l’apparition de nouvelles histoires nationales. La construction européenne a inventé, non pas une nationalité européenne (quand il s’agit de reconnaître et valoriser la diversité), mais une citoyenneté d’un genre nouveau qu’il s’agit de mettre en perspective avec les mécanismes identitaires. Une citoyenneté au-delà des nationalités, donc. Les replis identitaires, du local au national, à travers toute l’Europe, peuvent être évidemment liés à des crises de la citoyenneté, notamment manifestées par les niveaux d’abstentions aux élections. De nouvelles exclusions, des politiques déficientes sont dénoncées alors qu’un large discrédit de la classe politique s’installe. De nouvelles frontières, symboliques et signifiantes, apparaissent ainsi, au sein même de l’Espace Schengen, au sein même des États membres. Pourtant, les citoyens changent leurs modes de participation ; les espaces publics, les espaces numériques transforment les cadres de la vie sociale et politique.

Abel Lluch, Xavier El abogado y la técnica probatoria: el arte de convencer al juez In Retos de la abogacía ante la sociedad global C. Carretero González & F. de Montalvo Jääskeläinen (dirs.); M. Gisbert Pomata & A. Serrano Molina (coords.) Cizur Menor, Navarra: Civitas, 01/2012 p. 609-621 Desde la perspectiva de los principios que inspiran el proceso civil, en el presente capítulo se analiza cuál es la relación del abogado con los hechos y cómo se introducen en el proceso a través de los escritos de alegaciones, cómo el abogado prepara su estrategia procesal, tanto con anterioridad al proceso y mediante las relaciones previas con el cliente y demás profesionales que deben ayudarle en su estrategia probatoria (ej. perito), como también durante el proceso mediante su intervención en la práctica de los medios de prueba y en la fase de conclusiones.

Abel Lluch, Xavier El acta del reconocimiento judicial Arbós Llobet, R.; Abel Lluch, X. In La prueba de reconocimiento judicial X. Abel Lluch & J. Picó i Junoy (dirs.); N. Ginés Castellet (coord.) Barcelona: J.M. Bosch, 01/2012 p. 409-434 En este capítulo sobre el acta judicial de la prueba de reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil se abordan diversas cuestiones relativas a la redacción del acta, y en particular: 1) ¿cómo pueden reaccionar las partes, o más concretamente, sus abogados o procuradores cuando el juez, al redactar el acta, no se limita a dejar constancia de sus percepciones, sino que formula valoraciones probatorias (ej. consta acreditada la existencia de humedades en las paredes del edificio consecuencia del abandono del edificio contiguo)? 2) ¿es conveniente que en el acta del reconocimiento judicial consten las “estimativas” que pueda hacer el juez (ej. dejar constancia de un fuerte olor de un piso como signo de su prolongada falta de uso o desocupación)?


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Abel Lluch, Xavier Cuerpo del delito e identificación formal del delincuente. Especial consideración de la toma de muestras de ADN In Estudios de prueba penal. Volumen II. Actos de investigación y medios de prueba: inspección ocular, declaraciones de inculpados y testigos, intervenciones corporales y prueba pericial X. Abel Lluch & M. Richard González (dirs.) Madrid: La Ley; ESADE. Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio (IPDP), 09/2011 p. 113-143 Segundo volumen de la colección dedicada al Estudio de la prueba en el proceso penal, impulsada por el Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio de la Facultad de Derecho ESADE (URL), en el que un equipo de investigadores, entre los que se incluyen Magistrados y Profesores Universitarios expertos en Derecho Procesal Penal, ofrecen una visión amplia que refleja el fundamento y los problemas que se plantean en la práctica forense. En el capítulo en cuestión se analiza la regulación, ya desfasada, del cuerpo del delito y de la identificación formal del delincuente en la centenaria Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal de 1882, procurando ofrecer una interpretación actualizada de sus previsiones legales para adaptarlas a nuestro contexto jurídico y se aborda un problema candente en la investigación criminal cual es la toma de muestras de ADN de un sospechoso, y se ofrecen soluciones ante la negativa del mismo.

Abel Lluch, Xavier Garantías en la práctica del reconocimiento judicial In La prueba de reconocimiento judicial X. Abel Lluch & J. Picó i Junoy (dirs.); N. Ginés Castellet (coord.) Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 01/2012 p. 373-383 En el presente capítulo sobre las Garantías en la Práctica de la prueba del reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil se abordan las siguientes cuestiones: 1) ¿Alcanza la facultad de solicitar «observaciones» ex art. 354.2 LEC la posibilidad de formular al Juez preguntas o solicitar aclaraciones sobre el modo que percibe el objeto?; 2) ¿Pueden efectuarse observaciones por escrito durante la práctica del reconocimiento judicial?; 3) ¿Cómo se consignan las observaciones en el supuesto de empleo de medios técnicos de grabación de la imagen y del sonido?


Abel Lluch, Xavier El procedimiento. Práctica del reconocimiento Abel Lluch, X.; Queral Carbonell, A.; Solé Riera, J. In La prueba de reconocimiento judicial X. Abel Lluch & J. Picó i Junoy (dirs.); N. Ginés Castellet (coord.) Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 01/2012 p. 369-408 En este capítulo sobre la concurrencia del reconocimiento judicial y testifical en la prueba de reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil se abordan las siguientes cuestiones: 1) ¿Puede la parte procesal que no hubiera propuesto ni el reconocimiento ni el interrogatorio de testigos solicitar la práctica conjunta de ambas pruebas?; 2) ¿Puede el juez acordar la práctica conjunta si una parte hubiera solicitado el reconocimiento judicial y la otra el interrogatorio de testigos; 3) En el supuesto que el reconocimiento judicial se practique fuera de la sede del Juzgado, ¿puede el juez alterar el orden previsto en el artículo 357 LEC y practicar en primer lugar el interrogatorio de los testigos y “acto continuo” el reconocimiento judicial?

Abel Lluch, Xavier La valoración de la prueba científica In Derecho probatorio contemporáneo: prueba científica y técnicas forenses X. Abel Lluch (coord.) Medellín (Colombia): Universidad de Medellín; Fundación Universitaria Tecnológico Comfenalco, 08/2012 p. 241-274 En este capítulo sobre la concurrencia del reconocimiento judicial y testifical en la prueba de reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil se abordan las siguientes cuestiones: 1) ¿Puede la parte procesal que no hubiera propuesto ni el reconocimiento ni el interrogatorio de testigos solicitar la práctica conjunta de ambas pruebas?; 2) ¿Puede el juez acordar la práctica conjunta si una parte hubiera solicitado el reconocimiento judicial y la otra el interrogatorio de testigos; 3) En el supuesto que el reconocimiento judicial se practique fuera de la sede del Juzgado, ¿puede el juez alterar el orden previsto en el artículo 357 LEC y practicar en primer lugar el interrogatorio de los testigos y “acto continuo” el reconocimiento judicial?


Abel Lluch, Xavier Picó Junoy, Joan Reconocimiento judicial y nuevas tecnologías

Abel Lluch, Xavier Picó Junoy, Joan Izquierdo Blanco, Pablo El objeto del reconocimiento

Abel Lluch, X.; Picó Junoy, J.; Fons Rodríguez, C. In La prueba de reconocimiento judicial X. Abel Lluch & J. Picó i Junoy (dirs.); N. Ginés Castellet (coord.) Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 01/2012 p. 447-494

Abel Lluch, X.; Picó Junoy, J.; Perez Daudí, V.; Izquierdo Blanco, P. In La prueba de reconocimiento judicial X. Abel Lluch & J. Picó i Junoy (dirs.); N. Ginés Castellet (coord.) Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 01/2012 p. 269-337

En este capítulo se abordan diversas cuestiones sobre la redacción del acta de reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil a partir del empleo de las nuevas tecnologías, particularmente: 1) ¿Cuál debe ser el contenido mínimo del acta judicial en caso de emplearse medios técnicos audiovisuales?; 2) ¿Tiene el tribunal el deber de entregar una copia del soporte (ej. cinta de videograbación) a las partes presentes en el acta del reconocimiento? ¿Puede o debe grabarse el reconocimiento judicial de menores o incapaces?

En este capítulo se analizan: 1) Las diferencias que existen entre el reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil y la inspección ocular en el proceso penal; 2) Las similitudes y diferencias que existen entre el reconocimiento judicial en el proceso civil y la reconstrucción de los hechos en el proceso penal; 3) Si el reconocimiento judicial de una persona puede extenderse al examen por el juzgador de partes o elementos internos del organismo.

Alemany Gil, Luisa Scarlata, Maria Rosa Giovanna Philanthropic venture capital from a global perspective: Definition and investment strategy In Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance D. J. Cumming (ed.) Oxford (U.K.): Oxford University Press, 02/2012 p. 274-300 This chapter presents an innovative source of financing for social entrepreneurs, known as philanthropic venture capital or venture philanthropy. This way of financing combines access to money with strategic advice and value-added activities, provided but a group of investors, the venture philanthropists. First, the chapter reviews current challenges in foundation grantmaking. Second, it explains how social entrepreneurs can get the financing that best suits their long-term goals of achieving: (1) economic and financial sustainability and (2) social impact. Then, the current sector of philanthropic venture capital is analyzed, with definitions and key data from the market. In this section the term socially responsible venture capital is also analyzed, commenting on points in common and key differences with venture philanthropy. Finally, philanthropic venture capital practices are compared to venture capital, to understand shared practices and differences between the two models.

Luisa Alemany Gil, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Alvarez Alvarez, José Luis Educating contemporary princes and princesses for power In The handbook for teaching leadership: Knowing, doing, and being S. Snook, N. Nohria & R. Khurana (eds.) Thousand Oaks, Calif. (U.S.): Sage, 10/2011 p. 200-218 The last twenty-five years have witnessed an explosion in the field of leadership education. This volume brings together leading international scholars across disciplines to chronicle the current state of leadership education and establish a solid foundation on which to grow the field. It encourages leadership educators to explore and communicate more clearly the theoretical underpinnings and conceptual assumptions on which their approaches are based. It provides a forum for the discussion of current issues and challenges in the field and examines the above objectives within the broader perspective of rapid changes in technology, organizational structure, and diversity.

Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz El impacto de la propuesta de revisión del reglamento 44/2001 en el régimen autónomo español de competencia judicial internacional en materia contratos de consumo

Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz Ley aplicable a los pactos de renuncia anticipada a la compensación por trabajo y a la pensión compensatoria: una perspectiva interregional In La aplicación del Derecho civil catalán en el marco plurilegislativo español y europeo = L’aplicació del Dret civil català en el marc plurilegislatiu espanyol i europeu A. Font i Segura (ed.) Barcelona: Atelier,12/2011 p. 137-160 Recientemente el Libro II del Código civil de Catalunya ha desarrollado la figura de los denominados pactos en previsión de ruptura matrimonial. Con esta expresión se hace referencia a los acuerdos celebrados entre los cónyuges, o futuros cónyuges, donde se contemplan las consecuencias de una posible ruptura familiar por separación o divorcio, o incluso por disolución por muerte de cualquiera de ellos. La seguridad jurídica que los pactos en previsión de ruptura pueden llegar a proporcionar puede verse cuestionada por la distinta (o en ocasiones inexistente) regulación de este tipo de pactos en los diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos. En el presente trabajo llevo a cabo un estudio de derecho interregional con el objetivo de determinar la ley aplicable a los pactos en caso de conflicto interno cubriendo también los supuestos de remisión a ordenamiento plurilegislativo (remisión ad intra).

In Adaptación de la legislación interna a la Normativa de la Unión Europea en materia de cooperación civil: homenaje al prof. Dr. Ramón Viñas Farré A. Borrás & G. Garriga (eds.) Madrid: Marcial Pons, 02/2012 p. 265-288 El presente estudio se centra en el análisis del impacto que la nueva Propuesta de reglamento Bruselas I tendrá para régimen autónomo español de competencia judicial internacional en materia de contratos celebrados con consumidores y las consecuencias de tal impacto. Se trata de un estudio jurídico-normativo no de un estudio empírico de las consecuencias que la reforma supondrá para los diferentes grupos implicados (jueces, consumidores, etc..). Como se verá, la regulación interna española es defectuosa y obsoleta por lo que celebramos las modificaciones propuestas, sin por ello dejar de mencionar algunos aspectos que nos parecen mejorables.

Vicenta Sierra, Business Network Dynamics Research Group (BuNeD)



Arenas Vives, Daniel Vilanova Pichot, Marc La tensión local-global en la gestión de la RSE de las multinacionales españolas Arenas Vives, D.; Ayuso, S.; Vilanova Pichot, M. In Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Mendoza, X. & Puig-Bastard, P. (eds.) Barcelona: ESADE Business School - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 p. 82-103 La gestión por parte de las empresas de los temas sociales y medioambientales se está convirtiendo en una actividad que requiere una perspectiva global, tal como sucede en otras áreas de la empresa como la calidad o el marketing. Sin embargo, debido a que muchos de los problemas e interlocutores son de naturaleza local, la gestión de la RSE no puede recurrir a fórmulas universales preestablecidas sino que debe al mismo tiempo adaptar y coordinar diferentes iniciativas, maneras de hacer y tradiciones locales. De hecho uno de los grandes debates de la RSE parece girar en torno a la posibilidad misma de establecer “una definición única, comprehensiva y aplicable universalmente” de la RSE (Epstein, 1989, 585). Nos encontramos, pues, con una tensión entre concebir e implementar una RSE de tipo global y el de tener la flexibilidad y la capacidad de adaptación para tratar la RSE país por país.

Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Stirpe, Luigi Hacia una visión estratégica de las asignaciones internacionales: una revisión de la literatura y una propuesta de investigación In Internacionalización y capital humano Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas, 01/2012 p. 71-93 Los responsables de la gestión de personas se enfrentan hoy a la necesidad de diseñar sistemas que encajen con un enfoque global de los servicios ofrecidos y, al mismo tiempo, cumplan las distintas exigencias legales y respeten las diferencias culturales locales. El libro que tiene en sus manos constituye el resultado de la colaboración entre profesionales del mundo de la empresa y académicos ocupados y preocupados por esta nueva realidad que algunos han venido en llamar glocalización. Este trabajo pretende mostrar, tanto a estudiantes como a profesionales, el estado de la cuestión en el análisis de las consecuencias de la internacionali-

zación en la gestión de personas en las organizaciones, así como apuntar las principales dificultades en la práctica empresarial, dificultades que están abriendo las futuras líneas de trabajo e investigación tanto para las empresas como para la universidad.

Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Trullén Fernández, Jordi El reto de la integración global de las políticas de gestión del talento en la multinacional española In Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Mendoza, X. & Puig-Bastard, P. (coords.) Barcelona: ESADE Business School - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 p. 132-151 En el presente capítulo abordamos de forma exploratoria cuáles son las principales preocupaciones relacionadas con la gestión de Recursos Humanos de nuestras empresas en América Latina. Para ello, optamos por un procedimiento inductivo que consiste en preguntar a los propios directivos responsables de la gestión internacional del talento (en su mayoría ubicados en la empresa matriz) qué es aquello que concentra sus esfuerzos y atención dentro de esta área. Durante los meses de diciembre de 2010 y enero de 2011, realizamos 7 entrevistas con directores de Recursos Humanos (o equivalentes) de algunas de las empresas participantes en el Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) y dos entrevistas con expertos en gestión internacional del talento colaboradores del OEME.

Casabayó Bonás, Mònica Agell Jané, Núria A fuzzy segmentation approach to guide marketing decisions In Fuzzy methods for customer relationship management and marketing: Applications and classifications A. Meier & L. Donzé (eds.) Hershey, Pa. (U.S.): IGI Global, 01/2012 p. 291-311 The aim of this chapter is to present a fuzzy segmentation model that combines statistical and Artificial Intelligence techniques to identify and quantify multifaceted consumers. One of the primary challenges faced by companies is getting to know their consumers. The latter are increasingly complex, versatile, ever-changing, and even contradictory; in other words, they are multifaceted.


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There is thus a need for techniques and tools to be able to segment this type of consumer in order to provide companies with the realistic information they need to make the appropriate marketing decisions. A real case study from the Spanish energy industry is included in this chapter to demonstrate the potential of the segmentation model being proposed.

Dolan, Simon Exploring the aetiology of positive stakeholder behavior in global downsizing Tzafrir, S.; Chalutz Ben-Gal, H.; Dolan, S. In Downsizing: Is less still more? C. L. Cooper, A. Pandey & J. C. Quick (eds.) Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 04/2012 p. 389-417 This chapter offers an integrated view between a universal model of downsizing and a country-specific perspective. It’s organized in the following manner. We start by providing a review of the global perspective on downsizing, as well as the main causes and origins; in the following sections we propose a multilevel (Klein and Kozlowski, 2000), multifactor approach as a framework for analyzing the consequences of downsizing in cross-cultural terms, and finally, we point out some practical implications. In order to provide a wider perspective on the topic of downsizing among multinational corporations, we conducted semi-structured interviews with professionals who had participated and/or led downsizing initiatives in their professional careers in multinational corporations.

Duplá Marín, Teresa El régimen jurídico en España de las familias reconstituidas o recompuestas: el caso de Aragón y el de Catalunya In Miscellanea sul fenomeno giuridico Mannino, V. (coord.) Roma (Italia): Jovene Editore, 08/2012 p. 171-214 A la luz de los últimos movimientos acaecidos en torno al clásico modelo familiar matrimonial y a la ampliación del concepto clásico de familia, en el trabajo se presenta la actual y novedosa regulación jurídica en España de las denominadas, en el ámbito anglosajón, step families. Dos son las Comunidades Autónomas que han liderado este hecho histórico, en primer lugar Aragón, con una incipiente regulación en el apéndice foral de 1925, y en segundo, Cataluña en el nuevo libro segundo del Codi civil catalán.


Duplá Marín, Teresa La regulación jurídica de las familias reconstituidas en el Codi civil català In El nuevo derecho de la persona y de la familia Barrada, R.; Garrido, M. & Nasarre, S. (dirs.) Barcelona: J. M. Bosch, 11/2011 p. 1-20

La presente obra tiene por objeto el análisis de la nueva normativa y su comparación con el derecho derogado. En el trabajo se analiza la nueva regulación jurídica de las familias reconstituidas en el nuevo código civil catalán, derechos y obligaciones de los padrastros Se ha sistematizado metodológicamente en varias áreas: protección de las personas, derecho patrimonial del matrimonio (en donde se analizan, entre otros, los clásicos temas de la vivienda familiar, la prestación compensatoria o el derecho de compensación por razón del trabajo), la regulación de las parejas de hecho, la mediación familiar, potestad y filiación, y los alimentos. Se ha acompañan los estudios con un análisis general de la nueva normativa y de algunos temas sucesorios que inciden en el derecho familiar. Por último, se ha prestado especial importancia a la práctica en derecho de familia, representada por la jurisprudencia y por las resoluciones gubernativas.

Felip Arroyo, Xavier Marketing de despacho In La organización profesional básica del abogado Madrid: Mutualidad de la Abogacía, 09/2011 p. 255-288

Los jóvenes abogados suelen a estar totalmente centrados en los estudios jurídicos y no acostumbran a considerar que el ejercicio de la profesión también es una actividad económica, una empresa de servicios y que, como tal, necesita darse a conocer, promocionarse, fidelizar sus clientes actuales, ampliar su cartera de clientes y, en su caso, los servicios que ofrece. En este capítulo se pretende que los abogados noveles adquieran unas nociones básicas sobre marketing, que valoren la actividad que se desarrolla en un despacho de abogados también desde la óptica empresarial, y que se sensibilicen en la confección de un plan de marketing.


Felip Arroyo, Xavier La previsión social de los abogados In La organización profesional básica del abogado Madrid: Mutualidad de la Abogacía, 09/2011 p. 123-148

Cuando un abogado es joven no acostumbra a prever que, durante toda su dilatada carrera profesional, puede pasar por distintas situaciones personales que es necesario tener cubiertas, tales como la enfermedad, la jubilación, la incapacidad, etc. Este capítulo del libro tiene por finalidad informar a los jóvenes abogados, muchos de ellos cursando su formación profesional de inicio en las Escuelas de Práctica Jurídica de España, sobre las distintas contingencias que le pueden suceder y de las diferentes alternativas de que disponen para hacerles frente, así como concienciarles de la necesidad de su previsión.

Felip Arroyo, Xavier Organización del despacho In La organización profesional básica del abogado Ais Conde, C. ; Felip Arroyo, X.; Imbroda Ortiz, B. J. Madrid: Mutualidad de la Abogacía, 09/2011 p. 193-215

Con independencia de que los jóvenes abogados se incorporen en una organización o ejerzan por su cuenta, es preciso que conozcan algunas de las cuestiones relacionadas con los medios humanos y materiales que conforman la organización de un despacho de abogados. En este capítulo se pretende sensibilizar sobre estas cuestiones a los abogados noveles, muchos de ellos en formación en las Escuelas de Práctica Jurídica de España.

Fluvià Font, Modest Saló Mayolas, Albert Una aproximació des de l’anàlisi econòmica a la rellevància social dels jaciments arqueològics Fluvià Font, M,; Rigall Torrent, R,; Salo Mayolas, A, In La patrimonialització de l’arqueologia: conceptualitzacions i usos actuals del patrimoni arqueològic al nord-est de la Península Ibèrica G. Alcalde & J. Burch (eds.) Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 02/2012 p. 59-78 Archaeological sites provide different types of services to society, services that make the society values them. The aim of this chapter is only their economic valuation that is often underestimated either for the difficulty of finding it or for considering not necessary in the field of culture. This study does not pretend, however, being a single parameter or basic but useful in making decisions about culture for the following reasons. First, culture is an economic sector sometimes very important in some local economis which maintains close interactions with other economic sectors. The economic analysis examines these productive interactions of the cultural sector and detects possible anomalies in regional development. Secondly, the economic valuation provides relevant conclusions for public and private decisions and improves the allocation of scarce resources. Indeed, the study of economic activity or job creation linked directly to investment in culture is a valuable information that policy makers should take into account. Ultimately, the economic valuation generates good habits in terms of data collection and in-depth analysis of expenditure and investment in culture. In this chapter we use the well-known travel cost method to approach the economic value of four different archaelogical sites in Catalonia.

Franch Bullich, Josep Hawkins, Matthew Allen Migration and minorities in Europe Franch, J.; Gruber, V.; Hawkins, M. In Diversity in European marketing: Text and cases Rudolph, T.; Schlegelmilch, B. B.; Franch, J.; Bauer, A. & Meise, J. N. (eds.) Wiesbade (Germany): Springer Gabler, 04/2012 p. 15-55 This chapter begins by presenting key migration trend statistics. First global statistics are presented and the focus narrows in on Europe. Next, the impacts migrants have on business, from a marketing perspective, are discussed. Two cases are presented at the end of the chapter: Deutsche Bank’s response to a growing migrant community in their home country Germany and KFC’s struggle to serve the Muslim market in France. The second one highlights the challenges of serving specific religious segments, which the case of KFC in France is accompanied by heavy resistance among their core customers.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

García Solé, Marc De los delitos contra la seguridad colectiva Quintero Olivares, G.; García, M. In Comentarios a la parte especial del Derecho Penal G. Quintero Olivares (dir.); F. Morales Prats (coord.) Cizur Menor, Pamplona: Aranzadi, 11/2011 p. 1363-1383

Ginés Castellet, Nuria Los pactos en previsión de ruptura matrimonial en el Derecho Civil de Cataluña: otorgamiento, contenido y eficacia In La familia del siglo XXI: algunas novedades del Libro II del Código Civil de Cataluña Ginés Castellet, N. (coord.) Barcelona: J.M. Bosch Editor, 12/2011 p. 51-94

En aquest capítol es realitza una anàlisi de la interpretació dels tipus penals referits a l’energia nuclear. La tipicitat penal engloba el que és l’alliberament d’energia nuclear, el pertorbar el funcionament d’una instal·lació nuclear i l’apoderament de materials nuclears.

A propósito de la reciente regulación de los “prenuptial agreements” en el seno del ordenamiento jurídico-civil catalán, se analiza con detalle el régimen de su celebración, contenido y efectos.

Giné Daví, Jaume Corea del Sur: el Acuerdo de Libre Comercio con la UE, una gran oportunidad para España

Iñesta Codina, Anna Texts as artifacts-in activity: Developing academic voice and authorial identity in writing academic research papers: Chapter 10

In Las economías emergentes y el reequilibrio global: retos y oportunidades para España J. Santiso (dir.) Madrid: Fundación de Estudios Financieros, 01/2012 p. 193-203 Corea del Sur es la 15ª economía mundial y la 4ª asiática, tras China, Japón e India. Según la OMC, es el 7º exportador y el 10º importador mundial. Las balanzas de pagos y comercial son positivas a pesar de la elevada carga de las importaciones energéticas. Es el 7º tenedor mundial de reservas de divisas y ocupa el 8º lugar en el último ranking “Doing Business” elaborado por el Banco Mundial. La economía surcoreana sigue abriéndose al exterior. El 1 de julio de 2011 entró en vigor el Acuerdo de Libre Comercio UECorea del Sur. La UE precisa corregir su gran desequilibrio comercial con Asia. También Corea del Sur se sitúa en un mercado de 500 millones de potenciales consumidores, en unas condiciones arancelarias más ventajosas que las sus principales competidores asiáticos: China, Japón y Taiwán. Además, Seúl intenta corregir su excesiva dependencia comercial del coloso chino. En 2010 China representaba el 24,5% del comercio exterior surcoreano. Le sigue Japón (11,5%), EEUU (10,8%) y la UE (9,7%). Las relaciones políticas entre Corea del Sur y España son excelentes. Pero las económicas son escasas y desequilibradas, con un claro superávit comercial para Seúl. Existe un gran margen para mejorar nuestra posición comercial e inversora en Corea del Sur. El Acuerdo comercial UE-Corea es una gran oportunidad para reequilibrar nuestra balanza comercial.


Castelló, M.; Iñesta, A. In University writing: Selves and texts in academic societies M. Castelló & C. Donahue (eds.) Bingley (U.K.): Emerald Group Publishing, 03/2012 p. 179-200 Academic writing is considered nowadays as a socially and culturally situated activity (Castelló, Gonzalez & Iñesta 2010; Flowerdew & Peacock, 2001; Johns, 2002; Lea & Stierer, 2000), inserted in a (micro) context of specific communicative situations which, in turn, make sense according to the (macro) historical and cultural context in which they take place. This is related with an equally situated conceptualization of language as a cultural and psychological tool (Mercer & Littleton, 2007) which, through its mediating role, allows the mind “to go beyond the skin” (Wertsch, 1991). The previous considerations become even more relevant if we acknowledge that writers participate in several communities which are, in turn, embedded in complex systems of activity. Becoming aware of the tensions and contradictions which are inextricably involved in those systems of human activity is key to this social participatory practice, especially when writers are students trying to deal with learning within academic and, in our case, research communities. This chapter presents the approach to teaching and learning academic writing that the authors have implemented in an educational intervention in the academic community of Psychology. Firstly the theoretical assumptions underlying the educational intervention are presented. Secondly, the key principles and characteristics of such intervention are discussed. And finally some of the findings obtained in different studies we carried out to assess the impact of the aforementioned intervention are presented. While doing so, some examples to illustrate the students’ struggles for wri-


ting as members of a disciplinary community and for developing an authorial identity, as well as their efforts to make their voice visible in their texts through the use of discursive resources such as citation or their dialogue within their own community of learners reflecting on successive versions of their peer’s texts.

Iñesta Codina, Anna Towards an integrative unit of analysis: Regulation episodes in expert research article writing Iñesta Codina, A.; Castelló Badia, M. In International advances in writing research: Cultures, places, measures Bazermann, A.C.; Dean, C. ; Early, J.; Lunsford, K.; Null, S.; Rogers, P. & Stansell, A.S. (eds.) Fort Collins, Colo.; Anderson, S.C. (U.S.): Parlor Press, 08/2012 p. 421-448 Since the early nineties, the field of academic writing has increasingly captured the researchers’ attention, partially due to the increasing relevance of writing and publishing for academics’ careers. Research has mostly aimed at characterizing the writing process in either experimental writing tasks or in tasks proposed in the context of the classroom. Regarding the discourse genre, the argumentative essay has tended to focus

the researchers’ attention, while the sample has most frequently been composed of secondary or undergraduate students. Most of the studies specifically devoted to clarifying how writers manage, control and regulate writing have been concerned with identifying the strategies which appear to be most useful at different moments of the writing process. The results obtained in these studies have frequently ended up with lists of categories which make it difficult to portray writing regulation as a dynamic activity, especially if we understand it as a socially and culturally situated activity (Candlin & Hyland, 1999; Camps & Castelló, 1996; Castelló, Gonzalez, & Iñesta, 2010; Flowerdew & Peacock, 2001; Iñesta, 2009; Johns, 2002; Lea & Stierer, 2000). Indeed, current approaches to the study of self-regulation suggest the need to go beyond the analysis of isolated actions, identifying those patterns in which actions are organized and given a situated meaning (Järvelä, Volet, Summers, & Thurman, 2006). In this paper a study is presented which attempts to assess a new unit of analysis, the Regulation Episode (Castelló & Iñesta, 2007; Castelló, Iñesta, & Monereo, 2009; Zanotto, Monereo & Castelló, 2011), as a means to approach experienced researchers’ regulation of a challenging task such as research article writing in a comprehensive way and find meaningful writing strategy patterns in ecological conditions.

Kalafatoglu, Tugba Branding Asian Cities: Strategies and Practice In Asian City Branding: Strategies and Practice Chunying Wen; Hairong Li & Liu Xinxin (eds.) Beijing (China): Communication University of China Press, 03/2012 p. 150-185 In addition to Seoul, the book introduces eight other Asian cities - Tokyo, Japan, and Nagoya, Singapore, Pusan, South Korea, Istanbul, Turkey, and China’s Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, in urban brand building, are excellent also different, reflecting each city must be based on its own history, culture, resources and vision to build the city brand philosophy.

Kalafatoglu, Tugba The spread of culture under the umbrella of globalization In Globalization and the digital divide K. St. Amant & B. Olaniran (eds.) London (U.K.): Cambria Press, 10/2011 p. 37-57

Ceferí Soler, Future of Work Chair

This book examines globalization and its effects from the perspective of how differences in access to online communication technologies between the economically developed countries and less economically developed countries is affecting social, economic, educational, and po-


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litical developments in the world’s emerging economies. This collection also examines how this situation is creating a global digital divide that will have adverse consequences for all nations. Each of the book’s chapters thus presents trends and ideas related to the global digital divide between economically developed countries and less economically developed nations. Through this approach, the contributors present perspectives from the economically developing nations themselves versus other texts that explore this topic from the perspective of economically developed countries. In this way, the book provides a new and an important perspective to the growing literature on the global digital divide. This chapter aims to avoid the problem of overgeneralization and to make the analytical and practical distinctions between aspects of economic, political, and social life easier to identify and comprehend. In essence, understanding culture is necessary to success in the modern environment of globalization.

Losada Marrodán, Carlos Lozano Soler, Josep M. Responsible business education: not a question of curriculum but a raison d’etre for business schools Losada, C.; Martell, J.; Lozano, Josep M. In Business schools and their contribution to society M. Morsing & A. Sauquet Rovira (eds.) London (UK): Sage, 10/2011 p. 163-174 The importance of developing an identity in business schools, in relation to ethics and social responsibility, is addressed in this article with the purpose of advocating that education in responsible business is not a sole concern of curriculum, but, furthermore, that the current context demands that business schools ask themselves if they are committed to be defined as socially responsible institutions. If these schools’ raison d’être is to educate responsible business executives, and make an effective social contribution, the level of demand required of them is very high. They need to include the principles and values of social responsibility as part of their own core operations and involve their entire organizations across all their management subsystems, such as education, research, outreach programs, and policies, all of which are analyzed in this article systematically through the examination of a business school’s value chain.


Lozano Soler, Josep M. Coger el rayo con las manos desnudas In Más allá del tsunami cultural. Marià Corbí, explorador libre de un tránsito inaplazable Amando Robles, J. & Granés, M. (coords.) Barcelona: Bubok Publishing, 02/2012 p. 275-284 Visión del itinerario de Marià Corbí. Se hace un repaso de los aspectos centrales de la contribución de Marià Corbí, poniendo el acento en el itinerario personal, conectándolo con su aportación intelectual y reflexiva.

Mària Serrano, Josep F. Núria in Spain: A young cosmopolitan in the new Catalonia In Development, values and the meaning of globalization: A grassroots approach G. F. Lo Biondo & R. M. Rodriguez (eds.) Washington, D.C. (U.S.): Woodstock Theological Center, 02/2012 p. 183-208 Núria grew up in a midsized city in the Autonomous Region of Catalonia in Spain; she was a teenager in the late 1990s. During her lifetime, Spain opened itself to the world in every regard. The economic and cultural environment in which she grew up was very different from what her parents had experienced. Núria spoke Catalan, instead of Spanish, because speaking Catalan was not forbidden any more. She had broad access to goods and media from other countries. She could and did travel easily and also studied in other European countries for short periods. She had a great exposure to immigrants from Africa and the rest of Spain and their cultures. In 2003 she was in her third year at the university in Barcelona. She was also active in international issues such as environmental protection and opposition to the U.S. war in Iraq. Núria would like to study or work in other countries after graduation, and she knows she may have to get an advanced degree. Spain began to open itself to democracy, market forces, and international trade in 1975. That year marked the end of Francisco Franco’s military regime, which had ruled since the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939. Spain joined the European Union (E.U.) and NATO in 1986; this institutionalized the democratic reforms made after the dictatorship ended and opened the country’s borders to more trade with the E.U. But an even greater economic opening occurred with liberalization measures that were initiated in 1992. Also in that year, the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona. This event gave worldwide legitimacy to the identity and culture of Catalonia and made Barcelona a recognized international tourist destination.


Martínez Ribes, Lluis La experiencia del cliente desde el punto de vista del retail In Customer Experience. Una visión multidimensional del marketing de experiencias Ruíz, J.I. (ed.) Madrid: CEMbook, 06/2012 p. 56-66 Este es un capítulo de un libro sobre experiencia de cliente en el retail. El concepto “experiencia de compra” como tal tiene sus raíces en 1973 cuando Philip Kotler hacía notar que “la atmósfera y el ambiente (de una tienda), es una herramienta de marketing” e indicaba que hay que diseñar los espacios y entornos teniendo en cuenta que éstos pueden producir ciertos efectos emocionales en el cliente, variando así la probabilidad de que compre.

Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier Pellegrini, Janina La multinacional española ante la crisis: respuestas y perspectivas In Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Mendoza, X. & Puig-Bastard, P. (coords.) Barcelona: ESADE Business School – Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 p. 56-81 En el capítulo se analiza el impacto de la crisis en el desarrollo internacional de las multinacionales españolas. El análisis se estructura en torno a tres grandes preguntas: ¿cómo está afectando la crisis al comportamiento inversor de las empresas españolas

en el exterior?, ¿cómo están evolucionando los resultados de las filiales y participadas en el exterior de las empresas españolas?, y por último, ¿qué cambios visibles se están produciendo en la estrategia internacional de dichas empresas en respuesta a la crisis?

Noethen, Daniela Der einfluss von führungskräften auf einstellungen und verhaltensweiesn ihrer mitarbeiter und konsequenzen für relevante handlungsfelder im demografischen Wandel Noethen, D.; Voelpel, S. In Den demografischen Wandel meistern: Eine Frage der Passung. Ergebnisse des ‘demopass’ Projekts Staudinger, U.M.; Godde, B. & Heidemeie, H. (Hg.) Bielefeld (Germany): W. Bertelsmann Verlag (wbv), 09/2011 p. 79-96 In diesem Kapitel zeigen die Autoren anhand des “demopass” Projekts auf, wie Führungskräfte Einfluss auf Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen ihrer Mitarbeiter nehmen. Eröffnet wird das Kapitel mit einer Begriffsklärung sowie der Darstellung eines schematischen Modells des Führungskräfteeinflusses. Daran anknüpfend präsentieren die Autoren konkrete Beispiele aus der Forschungspraxis, welche belegen, wie sich sowohl Führungsverhalten als auch nicht als Führung intendiertes Verhalten von Vorgsetzten auf die jeweiligen Mitarbeiter auswirken. Auch Spezialfälle, in denen sich der Einfluss der Führungskräfte nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen entfaltet, arden dargestellt. Das Kapitel schließt mit einer Diskussion der Implikationen vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels.

Oller Sala, Maria Dolors ¿Qué espiritualidad se requiere para superar colectivamente la crisis? Otra manera de vivir es posible. In Crisis, religión y espiritualidad. Una inspiración para el cambio. Oller Sala, M.D. & Gómez, J. (eds.) Madrid: Comisión General Justicia y Paz, 06/2012 p. 85-120

Frank Wiengarten, Business Network Dynamics Research Group (BuNeD)

Vivimos sumidos en una profunda crisis que no sólo es económica, sino también política, social, eclesial y de valores. Se impone para superar la crisis un cambio en los estilos de vida puesto que un mundo sostenible así lo exige. En el presente cuaderno se aborda el papel que puede jugar la religión, y más en concreto, la espiritualidad, en este cometido.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Oroval Planas, Josep M. Varela Otero, Ana Maria Retos en la internacionalización de las marcas españolas

Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Levi Strauss & Co.: Addressing child labor in Bangladesh

In Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Mendoza, X. & Puig-Bastard, P. (coords.) Barcelona: ESADE Business School - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 p. 104-131

In Readings and cases in international human resource management and organizational behavior M. E. Mendenhall; G. R. Oddou & G. K. Stahl (eds.) London (U.K.): Routledge, 09/2011 p. 446-459

Las empresas españolas compiten en un mercado que tiende a ser cada vez más global. Incluso aquellas empresas cuya estrategia se circunscriba a su mercado local, tendrán que afrontar aquí también la competencia de empresas y marcas internacionales. Por otro lado, en este contexto de progresiva globalización, las empresas españolas ya no pueden esperar competir con éxito y de manera sostenible únicamente por precio, ni tan siquiera por la calidad de su oferta. Los productos y servicios tienden a ser cada vez más parecidos y la calidad se ha convertido en una condición necesaria pero no suficiente. La verdadera diferenciación para que las empresas españolas puedan conseguir ventajas competitivas sostenibles en el mercado global está en sus marcas.

Panero Gutiérrez, Ricardo. Duplá Marín, María Teresa. Domínguez Tristán, Paula. Algunas estrategias docentes compartidas en el primer curso de grado en derecho y relaciones laborales Panero Gutiérrez, R.; Duplá Marín, M. T.; Domínguez Tristán, P.; Panero, P.; Dicenta Moreno, T.; Mesanza Costa, P. In Experiencias de mejora e innovación docente en el ámbito del Derecho M. Turull Rubinat (ed.) Barcelona : Octaedro, 12/2011 pp. 83-91 La implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto una profunda transformación de las enseñanzas universitarias. En el trabajo se presentan unas muestras pequeñas de algunos de los principales cambios e innovaciones docentes realizadas estos últimos años en el marco de las asignaturas Derecho romano y Relaciones laborales.puedan conseguir ventajas competitivas sostenibles en el mercado global está en sus marcas.


Case Study about how to cope responsibly with a child labour dilemma in a developing country. Shortly after our Terms of Engagement (TOE) were implemented, factory assessors discovered that two factories in Bangladesh were employing workers under the minimum working age. While a clear violation of the TOE, Levi Strauss & Co. (LS&CO.) management found itself in a difficult situation when it came to addressing the problem. The issue of underage labor is a complicated one in Bangladesh - a country where it is not uncommon for a child (defined in the TOE as a person younger than 15 or younger than the mandatory schooling age) to support an entire family on his or her wages. Further, many children born in Bangladesh are not issued birth certificates and due to malnutrition, many people can look younger than their age. Other companies facing the issue of child labor at the time simply instructed their contractors to fire underage workers. LS&CO. management decided to take a different approach - one that would be informed and guided by the company’s values: empathy, originality, integrity and courage. Several LS&CO. managers and consultants met with the contractors to develop an agreement on what to do in the immediate situation and how the contractors would operate going forward. Under the agreement, the factories agreed to continue to pay the already employed underage workers their salaries and benefits while they attended school and offer them full-time jobs when they reached the legal working age. LS&CO. agreed to pay for the students tuition and books. If there was no room in the nearby public school, LS&CO. and the factories would rent space and hire a teacher for the students. The factories also agreed that going forward, their personnel would require any youth who applies for a job to present a school certificate stating that the applicant is 15 years old or older. In the event an applicant appears much younger, a dental examination may be used to establish the worker’s age. Our approach to this difficult situation earned LS&CO. the praise of Bangladeshi and U.S. government officials, academics and several nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Subsequently, the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association along with other groups set aside approximately $1 million for the education of about 75,000 underage girls who previously worked in factories.


Puig Bastard, Pere Apertura e internacionalización de la economía española ante el incierto escenario de una futura recuperación In Retos de futuro de la multinacional española. Tercer informe anual del Observatorio de la Empresa Multinacional Española (OEME) Mendoza, X. & Puig-Bastard, P. (coords.) Barcelona: ESADE Business School - Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX), 06/2012 p. 10-55 Los resultados que presentamos en este capítulo tratan de determinar en qué áreas o sectores se están produciendo transformaciones importantes, tanto en materia de posicionamiento exterior de las inversiones empresariales como de penetración de las exportaciones en diversas áreas o mercados, habida cuenta de su localización y características básicas, de la capacidad competitiva de nuestra economía, de la especialización productiva del conjunto de las empresas y de los sectores afectados.

Scarlata, Maria Rosa giovanna Alemany gil, Luisa Deal structuring in philanthropic venture capital investments: Financing instrument, valuation and covenants Scarlata, M.R. & Alermany, L. In Entrepreneurship, Governance and Ethics Cressy, R.; Cumming, D. & Mallin, C. (eds.) New York, N.Y. (U.S.): Springer, 01/2012 p. 5-29 This chapter presents results from an empirical study concerning post-investment value-added services provided by philanthropic venture capitalists to their backed social enterprises. Results show that the most important activity consists in the provision of strategic advice for organizational development. Philanthropic venture capitalists act as advisors and mentors of social entrepreneurs. Also, findings show how important is facilitating access to future potential funders on the side of the social enterprise.

Santiso, Javier Asian opportunities and diversification strategies: An outlook for Latin American trade Avendaño, R.; Santiso, J. In Sino-Latin American economic relations K.C. Fung & A. García-Herrero (eds.) Abingdon, Oxon (U.K.); New York, N.Y. (U.S.): Routledge, 12/2011 p. 36-69 Growing trade with China and India offer an array of new export opportunities for Latin America, yet it also poses new challenges. Heightened demand for raw materials accentuates the need for industrial diversification, while the new competition environment raises the stakes for investment in infrastructure and innovation.

Enric Segarra, Esade Business School


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Sellarés Serra, Jorge Términos: ayuda logística, compensación de intereses, conflict check, cláusula mariposa, disponibilidad

Tzafrir, Shat Dolan, Simon Exploring the aetiology of positive stakeholder behavior in global downsizing

In Diccionario terminológico del arbitraje nacional e internacional (comercial y de inversiones) Collantes, J.L. (ed.) Lima (Perú): Estudio Mario Castillo Freire, 09/2011

Tzafrir, S.; Chalutz Ben-Gal, H.; Dolan, S. In Downsizing: Is less still more? Cooper, C.L.; Pandey, A. & Quick, J.C. (eds.) Cambridge (U.K.): Cambridge University Press, 04/2012 p. 389-417

Contribución a un diccionario colectivo de términos arbitrales con 5 entradas: Ayuda logística (infraestructura necesaria para el arbitraje), compensación de intereses (ejecución de la diferencia entre las pretensiones de las partes), “conflict check” (comprobación de no tener conflictos de intereses), cláusula mariposa (limitación de usos de software por contrato que incluye el arbitraje) y disponibilidad para ser árbitro (con tiempo y sin otros asuntos).

This chapter offers an integrated view between a universal model of downsizing and a country-specific perspective. It’s organized in the following manner. We start by providing a review of the global perspective on downsizing, as well as the main causes and origins; in the following sections we propose a multilevel (Klein and Kozlowski, 2000), multifactor approach as a framework for analyzing the consequences of downsizing in cross-cultural terms, and finally, we point out some practical implications. In order to provide a wider perspective on the topic of downsizing among multinational corporations, we conducted semi-structured interviews with professionals who had participated and/or led downsizing initiatives in their professional careers in multinational corporations.

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Sardá Borroy, Rafael Perception and realities of the impact of climate change on the Mediterranean tourism industry Valls, J.-F.; Sardá, R.; Freund, D. In Coping with global climate change: strategies, policies and measures for the tourism industry K. Weiermair, H. Pechlaner, A. Strobl, M. Elmi & M. Schuckert (eds.) Innsbruck (Austria): Innsbruck University Press, 11/2011 p. 77-93

Albert Saló Mayolas, Tourism Management Research Group (GRUGET)


Using the Delphi method, seventy European experts in tourism planning were interviewed to obtain results about the impact of climate change on management models. Using the available documentation about climate change as a starting point, two focus groups of experts and business executives respectively were conducted with a view to fine-tuning the questionnaire and checking the results. The most noteworthy results of the survey were: climate change has already begun, therefore life in forthcoming decades will be subject to constant uncertainty; the tourist industry is not the main cause; those most responsible include firstly companies followed by state authorities and citizens, and those least responsible, local authorities; the subsectors affect-


ed most will be skiing, sun and sea, and golf tourism, and those least affected: nature tourism, congresses and events, and culture tourism; new sea and sun competitors will emerge; there is a reluctance to accept repressive taxation but support for renewable energy incentives; and responsible growth measures are put forward on the basis of integrated destination management, public-private co-responsibility and the application of sustainable measures in all phases in the life cycles of companies and destinations.

Vedina, Rebekka Innovation capabilities in small catching-up economies: Evidence from food production and tourism sector SMEs Vedina, R; Baumane, I. In Innovation systems in small catching-up economies: New perspectives on practice and policy E. G. Carayannis, U. Varblane, & T. Roolaht (eds.) New York, N.Y. (U.S.): Springer, 12/2011 p. 215-234 This chapter presents the results of the study of the innovation capabilities of SMEs in Estonia, Latvia and two catching-up regions in Poland and Germany. We distinguished between various capabilities, such as a company’s basic assets (e.g. human, technological and financial resources) and competencies (e.g. available knowledge and skills, and the ability of the company to use its basic assets and develop an innovation-facilitating culture), and aimed to identify their relationship with the company’s past and planned innovations and performance, and to compare results across countries. We interviewed 245 top managers from SMEs involved in tourism (mainly accommodation) and food production. Quite positive estimations revealed that managers of SMEs in catching-up economies believe they possess the necessary innovation capabilities and have the potential to introduce innovations. SME competencies were found to be related to turnover, profit and the presence of past and planned innovations. Access to financial resources combined with entrepreneurial orientation and an innovation-facilitating culture contributed most to new product development, the number of undertaken or planned innovations and profit and turnover. The differences between countries were more salient in tourism sector enterprises. Latvian managers gave the lowest estimate for almost all competencies, and were less involved in introducing innovations compared with their counterparts in Estonia, Poland and Germany. We imply that whilst striving to introduce new products/services to the market, SMEs in catchingup economies may overlook the importance of improving their competencies; that is, internal resources, which may contribute better to developing a competitive advantage.

Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Assessing public networks: Proposal for a new unit of analysis Ysa, T.; Esteve, M. In New steering concepts in public management S. Van de Walle & S. Groeneveld (eds.) Bingley (U.K.): Emerald, 10/2011 p. 41-56 The increase in the variety and complexity of forms of collaboration between public-public, public-private, and public-non-profit actors (OCDE, 2005; Skelcher et al., 2005) is laying the groundwork for a future scenario in which governments must effectively manage all the necessary networks to develop the relational state (Mendoza and Vernis, 2008). When we analyse the specific intergovernmental issues leading to this future scenario, one of the most important is the issue of effective management. This is true for the networks in which the government participates or leads, and also true in terms of ‘network portfolio’, a concept we introduce in this chapter. Our study is based on an analysis of 44 local intergovernmental networks. It serves as the basis to illustrate different ways in which the network portfolio concept can contribute to improving our understanding of network management within public management. In other words, the question we aim to answer is: how can a ‘network portfolio’ focus help to improve our understanding of network management within public management? Actively incorporating this perspective will help public decision-makers strategically manage the global set of networks in which they participate; and help these decision-makers make better decisions about collaborative public networks.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

conference proceedings and congress contributions



Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan D. Mechanisms of innovation in smart cities Lee, M.; Almirall, E.; Wareham, J. eChallenges 2011 Florence (Italy), 26/10/2011 - 28/10/2011 However Open innovation is the “de facto” standard in the private sector (Chesbrough 2003), its translation to the Public Sector has been slow. The lack of the need for competition and the traditional barriers existing in the Public Sector are probably the culprits for this situation. However, the recent movement towards Smart Cities and the need for the provision of increasingly sophisticated Internet Services that many times are asked to address very particular needs and constituencies is rapidly changing this situation. In the private sector, the need for addressing platform management as a means of becoming more competitive, innovative, and prosperous (Lathrop and Ruma 2010; Adner 2006) is rapidly becoming prevalent, particularly in sectors where innovation has an accelerated pace, such as Future Internet Services. A simple look at how competition is being organized in the mobile industry provides clear evidence of this fact. Following the lead of the private sector governments are looking to adopt similar strategies to become more innovative in serving the public (Laursen and Salter 2006). Governments are starting to function as platforms. Concepts such as government as a platform, Open Data or Crowdsourcing are rapidly becoming part of the lingo of public servants. This paper attempts to summarize some of the most relevant European exercises providing insights on the translation of Open Innovation to the Public Sector, concretely in the context of Smart Cities.

Batista Foguet, Joan M. Boyatzis, Richard What are our students learning? Outcome assessment: Learning, development and accreditation 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 We can use methodological rigor to address an age old question: What are our students learning? It is the ultimate act of integrity of faculty to go beyond an input orientation and focus on what we are teaching, to an output orientation and focus on what the students are learning. Of course, learning would require evidence beyond the self-serving tests faculty administer. To address program impact, as of the early 1990’s, only a few management schools had conducted student-change outcome studies which compared their graduates to their students at the time of entry into the program (Albanese et al., 1990). Today, many schools have conducted other types of outcome studies, namely studies of their alumni or studies with employers and prospective employers. Some schools have examined the studentchange from specific courses (Bigelow, 1991; Specht & Sandlin, 1991). Student-change outcome studies have been a focus in undergraduate programs (Astin, 1993; Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991; Mentkowski & Associates, 2000; Winter et al., 1981), but still relatively little has been documented about the effects of graduate programs.

Arjona Sebastià, César Apuntes para una deontología jurídica más allá de la soberanía estatal

Batista Foguet, Joan M. Revilla, Melanie Audrey Saris, Willem Egbert Boyatzis, Richard Serlavós Serra, Ricard Reassessing the effect of survey characteristics on Common Method Variance in emotional and social intelligence competencies assessment

Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 26/06/2012

RC-33 University of Sidney The University of Sidney Sidney (Australia), 09/07/2012 - 14/07/2012

En un mundo en el que el poder de creación jurídica se ha descentralizado, pluralizado y transnacionalizado, y en el que el monopolio de la autoridad estatal “westfaliana” está en entredicho, existen muchas actividades en las que el jurista no está legistimado en su desconsideración de las cuestiones morales. Es necesario abandonar las “comfort zones” (Scott) y formular nuevos modelos deontológicos, allí donde estos sean necesarios. En este nuevo estado de cosas, el jurista tiene un rol más importante y por ello más responsabilidad.

Reviewers of papers in business research often reject papers that using a single method for data collection, arguing with the argument that the results cannot be trusted on account of because of Common Method Variance (CMV). This idea is inspired by Campbell and Fiske (1959). Recently, Organizational Research Methods (2010) devoted particular paid special attention to this problem. In that issue, it turns out that it is not so clear what CMV is and how great its large the effect is. In this context we will report on a within-subject, split-ballot multi-trait multi-method experimental design for estimating that allows to estimate CMV for a specific method (length of the response


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

scale) and the effect of a common data collection method (self -reporting of behaviour) related to Emotional and Social Competencies. Results show that there is indeed CMV, but the effect of this common variance is much smaller than the effect of the random errors. This result deviates from the conclusion of Lance et .al. (2010) that these two effects cancel each other out. This study agrees with previous research suggesting that random errors should receive get at least as much or even more reviewer attention of reviewers than than CMV.

Bell, Roger Teaching ethics as a cultural phenomenon IACCM 2012 International Association of Cross-Cultural Competence (IACCM); Università Parthenope di Napoli Naples (Italy), 20/06/2012 - 22/06/2012 This is a practical paper about teaching experience in cross-cultural management in ESADE. Cross-cultural perceptions of ethical behaviour in business are a major issue for managers at global level. Much of our work is concerned with helping students appreciate the ethnocentric nature of our views. Using Milton Bennett’s DMIS, cultural intelligence questionnaires, Gudykunst instruments for effective inter-group communication, Ting-Toomey’s on constructive intercultural conflict management, studies of stereotypes and approaches for dealing with them, we encourage students to adopt more ethno-relative positions.

Busquets Carretero, Xavier Digitally enabled business models: The case of social networks in banking SRII Global Conference 2012 Service Research and Innovation Institute (SRII) Silicon Valley, San José, Calif. (U.S.), 24/07/2012 - 27/07/2012 In this paper we present the preliminary results of the study on possible future banking business models in the presence of social networks. We use grounded theory and scenarios in uncertainty to propose them. This paper is the result of a two-year project among academic institutions in Spain and USA, Banco Sabadell the 5th bank in Spain, and IBM (Banking Sector and Research).


Busquets Carretero, Xavier Exploring the role of social networks in banking Service Innovation: Exploring Complex Systems Cambridge University Cambridge (U.K.), 17/09/2011 - 20/09/2011 In this abstract we provide a research in progress description about a joint effort between Academia, a major bank in Spain and IBM in order to better understand how social media may help financial institutions to boost innovations in services. Main question for banks (and for this research) is how to better understand customer intentions and “social forces” that may combine economic, technological and social aspects. We believe that banks need to (1) understand how to position in order to generate and absorb value and (2) learn how to use technological components to promote service innovations to sell, de-commoditize products and standard services leading to new organizational

Carpi Martín, Rebeca Derecho privado y globalización no consciente: principios, medios y remedios Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 El paper apuesta por la hipótesis, ya trabajada en la doctrina jurídica anglosajona, de que el proceso de globalización del Derecho en el ámbito de las relaciones jurídico-privadas puede existir al margen de intervenciones estatales e institucionales destinadas a unificar o armonizar el Derecho privado, y expone algunos ejemplos de cómo se lleva a cabo ese proceso de globalización espontánea y no dirigida, aprovechando la flexibilidad que caracteriza al Derecho privado en el desempeño de su función esencial de tutela y realización de las aspiraciones y necesidades de los sujetos inmersos en un modelo sociedad, ahora global en buena medida. Ello mediante el vehículo esencial de las normas abstractas y en su mayoría dispositivas que configuran ese Derecho privado y que permiten a los sujetos privados la estructuración y gestión de relaciones jurídico-privadas conforme a modelos extraídos de ordenamientos estatales diversos, seleccionando dentro de aquéllos las soluciones que mejor se acomoden a los fines perseguidos en esa concreta relación. Lo anterior puede resultar especialmente trascendente aplicado a los denominados “global wrongs”, esto es, aquellos daños e ilícitos perpetrados a la esfera jurídica individual de manera masiva (como los derivados de la crisis financiera generalizada), que trascienden al sujeto concreto y pueden considerarse como lesiones globales, en el sentido de compartidas por una colectividad a nivel internacional, que reclaman una respuesta jurídica global. Esa respuesta podría generarse en el seno del Derecho privado, facilitada por la elasticidad que lo caracteriza en todos los ordenamientos jurídicos occidentales como consecuencia del principio de autonomía de la voluntad que todos ellos consagran y que permite, al menos en hipótesis, conjugar soluciones jurídicas de origen diverso en el diseño de nuevos remedios.


Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge Algunas reflexiones sobre la naturaleza jurídica y el encaje de la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias en la teoría general del contrato: un análisis a través de las más modernas propuestas sobre derecho de obligaciones y contratos VI Congrés de Dret Civil Català Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, 30/11/2011 - 01/12/2011 Tanto en las más prestigiosas propuestas internacionales de armonización del derecho de contratos como, a nivel estatal, en la Propuesta de Anteproyecto de Ley de Modernización del Código Civil en materia de Obligaciones y Contratos, elaborada por la Comisión General de Codificación, se inserta la problemática relativa a la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias (en sus distintas variantes o denominaciones) como una de las vicisitudes posibles y normales del contrato. Esa normalidad no solo deriva de la inclusión expresa de un precepto relativo a la alteración de las circunstancias, sino también a través de sus requisitos de aplicación. Así, en efecto, tanto en los Principles of European Contract Law, (“PECL”) -artículo 6:111- como en los Principios Unidroit -artículo 6.2.2- y en el Draft Common Frame of Reference (“DCFR”) -artículo 1:110- se incluye la figura de la excesiva onerosidad sobrevenida ante el cambio de circunstancias o hardship y en las tres se hace depender su aplicación a que no se haya previsto el cambio de circunstancias y a que, además, no se haya asumido o no pueda exigírsele a ninguna de las partes el riesgo de ese cambio. No se requiere en ninguna de esas regulaciones que el cambio de circunstancias sea imprevisible (basta la mera imprevisión unida a la no asunción del riesgo consistente en el cambio de circunstancias). Por otro lado, ni en los PECL ni en los Principios Unidroit. -sí en cambio en el DCFR- se exige que el cambio de circunstancias que da lugar a la aplicación de las figuras relativas a la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias sea extraordinario. Estas tres regulaciones, en comparación con los requisitos exigidos por el Tribunal Supremo para la aplicación -siempre excepcional- de la cláusula rebus sic stantibus, pueden ayudarnos a entrever si el artículo 1213 de la Propuesta de Modernización de Código Civil -en el que sigue exigiéndose la imprevisibilidad (no la mera imprevisión) y la extraordinariedad del cambio de circunstancias- apunta verdaderamente hacia una regla de derecho objetivo plenamente integrada en nuestro sistema de derecho de obligaciones y contratos o si, en realidad, supondría -de aprobarseuna mera regulación de una figura excepcional y extraña -por más que admitida en ocasiones- a nuestro sistema.

Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias en las más modernas propuestas para la unificación del derecho de contratos Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 Si se atiende a las propuestas que en los últimos tiempos están surgiendo para la unificación del derecho de obligaciones y contratos, se apreciará que la alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias no es una figura de derecho excepcional. La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias es una más de las vicisitudes normales del contrato. Esa normalidad no solo deriva de la inclusión expresa de la figura en estas propuestas sino también de sus requisitos de aplicación y de su entronque en la teoría general de las obligaciones y del contrato. La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias merece un trato diferenciado en cada una de las propuestas que se estudian en el trabajo. Aun así, todas las propuestas y regulaciones plantean los mismos problemas y cuestiones. En el trabajo se analizan algunos de esos problemas y, en particular, la compatibilidad de la institución del cambio de circunstancias con el principio pacta sunt servanda.

Chávez Clavijo, Roberto Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Customer integration, information sharing and operational performance: A relational view Chávez Clavijo, R.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Van Donk, D.P.; Van der Vaart, T. 19th International Annual EurOMA Conference European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Amsterdam (Netherlands), 01/07/2012 - 05/07/2012 Prior research has concentrated on the effect of information sharing rather than its relational antecedents. Using the relational view, we propose an integrative model that examines the relationship between customer integration, information sharing and operational performance, namely delivery and flexibility. Data for the study was collected from 154 companies in The Netherlands and Spain, and the relationships proposed were tested through regression analysis. The evidence strongly suggests a positive association between customer integration and information sharing. Furthermore, our findings also suggest that information sharing fully mediates the relationship between customer integration and delivery, but not with flexibility.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

di lorenzo, francesco Parada Balderrama, Pedro Aspirations, performance and changes in partnering behavior: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry 1990-2006 Di Lorenzo, F.; Almeida, P.; Parada, P. SMS 31st Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Miami, Fla. (U.S.), 06/11/2011 - 09/11/2011 Building on the prior research on aspiration levels, managerial decision making and partnering routines, we examine the conditions under which pharmaceutical firms change their partnering behavior across time. Using insights drawn from behavioral theory and evolutionary theory of the firm, we suggest that any change in partnering behavior is considered risky, and is triggered by the gap between actual performance (financial and innovative) and aspirational performance (developed on the basis of historical and social comparisons). Testing a sample of 988 pharmaceutical firms from 1990 to 2006, our results suggest that the change partnering behavior depends on the performance type: firms are more likely to change when financial performance equals aspiration, while innovative performance predicts opposite results on the performance discrepancy-change in partnering behavior relationship.

Dolan, Simon Coaching and managing by values: An innovative framework for attracting, retaining and motivating global talent 2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Management Shanghai International Studies University (SISU); Shanghai Management Science Institute (SMSI); China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee (NMESC) Shanghai (China), 18/12/2011

Dolan, Simon Rethinking the informal and formal economies: Measures, management, and metamorphosis Dolan, S.; Abuya, K.; Kawamura, K.M.; Eisler, R.; Wirtenberg, J.; Vonkarey, A. 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 How can we use new measurements and management mindsets to recognize the economic value of the informal economy in order to create a more caring and sustainable world? How do we create real social and human wealth across the globe? What gets in the way? What are the key drivers that enable a society to create and support the development of the full human capacities of every individual throughout the whole human life course? How do we measure these drivers? What are the implications for both the formal and informal economic sectors as we move from a manufacturing to a knowledge/service economy? This All-Academy Theme Symposium re-examines the mindsets and measurements that have been used to guide our assumptions and behaviors-many of which have led to the development of societies and organizations that are not capable of perpetuating themselves in the renewal of human and social capital or creation of real wealth. In today’s knowledge/service economy, new forms of capital and wealth drive our society yet our measurements do not recognize these changes. We need new measures, mindsets, and values as well as a new vision for a caring, sustainable world in order to develop real human and social wealth across the globe and create a socio-economic and human system which is adaptive, efficient, and vital. Here, we bring together four thought leaders who elevate the need for change, contemplate solutions, and energize and engage the audience with open dialogue and hope.

The presentation was about the content of a new book: Coaching by Values, that was published in 2011 by iUniverse. The logic for the new school of thought in the broader field of coaching is argued. Content, methodology and tools are described.

Dolan, Simon Meet the editor Equality Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2012 Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Toulouse (France), 23/07/2012 - 25/07/2012 The art of publishing in ISI Journal. Observations made by the Editorin-Chief of cross Cultural Management. Part of a session on “Meet the Editors”.


Josep F. Mària, Institute for Social Innovation (IIS)


Dolan, Simon Women in the informal economy: Listening to their voices and improving their lives through caring action research projects Dolan, S.; Kawamura, K.M.; Wirtenberg, J.; Eisler, R. 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 How do we, as management scholars and practitioners, advance the power, earnings, and opportunities for women who work in the informal economy? How do we promote “decent work” for women in all geographic and economic arenas-and improve their perceived and real value? Employment in the informal economy reaches 45 to 60 percent in non-agricultural GDP (Chen 2000). This figure does not include women’s unpaid housework and caregiving activities, or paid roles in home-based remunerative work, street vendor-ships, prostitution, or sex trafficking. Women in these roles are poor. They are not afforded basic human rights, social protections, or social dialogue. Yet, women and girls have been found to be the critical lynchpin for socioeconomic progress across the globe. The goal for this PDW is to create an exciting conversation between academics and practitioners across disciplines and Academy divisions who want to design realworld projects to help women in the informal economy find their voice and improve their lives with action-oriented care and “decent work” (Chant and Pedwell 2008). Action Research methods will be used to bridge research with experience in practice-grounded roundtables, where ideas will be organically nurtured, collaboratively developed, and/or critiqued. Participants are invited to propose their own project (in embryo or development stage) or join others presented.

Dolan, Simon Bao, Yuanjie The meaning of values and its respective work culture as manifested by Chinese public sector employees: An exploratory analysis based on a tri-axial model 13th Biennial Conference of The International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Donapaula, Goa (India), 24/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 This exploratory study investigates the meaning of work values and its respective dominance in the Chinese public sector. The tri-axial model (Dolan et al., 2006) is used to categorize, clarify, as well as prioritize values. 252 employees working in various public sector services responded to an online value questionnaire in 2011. Results enables mapping of the values and showing important differences in attributing meaning of values on one hand and clear domination of some value axis over others on the other hand. Results also show the gender and family role plays an important role in attributing meanings to values and in perceiving the culture in the public sector. The

implications for public sector management within a context of value congruency and incongruence are discussed (Bao, Vedina, Moodie, & Dolan, 2012 In press).

Dolan, Simon Canhilal, Sükriye Kübra Mapping values in the old vs. the new members of the European Union: Comparative analysis of public sector cultures Dolan, S.; Canhilal, S.K.; Capell, B. 13th Biennial Conference of The International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Donapaula, Goa (India), 24/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 How can we map cultures across boundaries in a parsimonious and systematic manner? What are the key differences in the culture and values of public service organisations in old and new EU member states? This paper aims to answer these questions. A conceptual tri-axial model is presented (Dolan, 2011) and the results of a multi-national study of four countries (two long time members of the EU and two newcomers) are discussed. The results show differences in value orientation between the two groups of countries: the public sector in the old EU member states appears to be more ethically and less pragmatically oriented than in the new EU member states. Findings show that in the new member states value congruence is very high across demographic groups, in contrast to the situation encountered in the old EU member states. A discussion follows with a focus on ways to enhance collaboration between the respective public sectors.

Dolan, Simon Moodie, Scott William Engagement vs. burnout: An examination of the relationships between the two concepts within the framework of the JDR model Dolan, S.; Moodie, S.W.; Ronald, B. 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 The precise relationship between the positive psychological state of work (i.e. engagement) and the negative psychological state (i.e. burnout) has been receiving an increased attention. Some view these as opposite states on the same or similar continuum, while others take the position that they represent different biobehavioral spheres. Both states exhibit significant correlations to job demands and resources, elements of physical and mental wellbeing, and to each other. This study expands our knowledge of the phenomena of engagement and


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

burnout by analyzing their separate and joint manifestations. Using a large sample of 2,094 nurses, respondents were segmented into quadrants that represent a 50/50 (median split) of Engagement and Burnout. The four resulting quadrants were examined in a series of analyses including logistic regression and ANOVAs. This configurational approach allowed us to examine both inverse and concurrent states of Engagement and Burnout. The findings suggested that engagement and burnout were generally inversely related (67% of the sample) but could be manifested concurrently at either extreme (33% of the sample). Burnout was chiefly driven by work demands as both quadrants of low burnout had lower demands and both quadrants of high burnout had higher demands. Engagement was primarily driven by resources and affinity. Social support acted independently by aligning with states of burnout. Worker health was primarily driven by burnout wherein both states of low burnout exhibited better health and both states of high burnout exhibited poorer health.

Dolan, Simon Vedina, Rebekka Well-being among elder employees in companies experiencing restructuring: The Spanish story 13th Biennial Conference of The International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values (ISSWOV) International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV) Donapaula, Goa (India), 24/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 This explorative study aims at finding the effects of organisational restructuring on older workers’ well-being. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in companies in Catalonia region in Spain, which have implemented restructuring prior to the study. The sample consists of 89 respondents, 46 of which are 50 years old and older (26 males, 20 females) and 43 are younger than 50 (19 males and 24 females). Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM: Shirom & Melamed, 2006) was used for measuring burnout and scales developed by Arsenault & Dolan (1983) were used for measuring anxiety and depression. It was found that layoffs contributed significantly to the respondents’ burnout and depression levels. This effect diminished if the respondent had a managerial position, but was not as much influenced by managerial and co-workers’ support as was expected. In this data set social support does not play a substantial mitigating role in the impact of the layoffs, besides some modest contributions at certain levels. Co-workers’ general support is highly positively correlated with co-workers’ handling of the change and negatively correlated with anxiety only among the younger employees, while negatively related to physical burnout only among elder employees. Elder employees tend to perceive implementation of changes more negatively than their younger counterparts, which may be reflected in their higher anxiety level.

Dumitrescu, Ariadna Limited investors participation, fund flows and performance persistence Seminario Invitado Darden School of Business, University of Virginia Charlottesville, Va. (U.S.), 10/10/2011 - 12/10/2011 If there are diseconomies of scale in asset management, any predictability in mutual fund performance will be arbitraged away by rational investors seeking funds with the highest expected performance (Berk and Green, 2004). In contrast, the performance of US equity mutual funds persists through time. In this paper, we report evidence that persistence is less prevalent among hard-to-find funds and investigate whether market frictions can reconcile the assumptions of investor rationality and diseconomies of scale with the empirical evidence. In particular, we extend the setting of Berk and Green (2004) to include entry costs and account for investor heterogeneity in financial sophistication, which we model as differences in reservation returns and the degree of financial constrainedness across investors. We show that for low levels of managerial skill, more visible funds, which are available to a broad set of investors, underperform less visible funds, which are only available to the most sophisticated investors. As managerial skill rises, funds with less sophisticated investors can outperform funds with more sophisticated investors, as a consequence of the interaction of entry costs with financial constraints. Therefore, for a range of managerial skill, hard-to-find funds exhibit less dispersion in equilibrium expected performance. Using data on US equity mutual funds in the 1996-2010 period and different proxies for fund visibility, we find empirical evidence that differences in observed performance are significantly less persistent among hardto-find funds than otherwise similar funds.

Ángel Saz-Carraza, ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo)



Dumitrescu, Ariadna Market frictions, investor sophistication and persistence in mutual fund performance

Duplá Marín, Teresa El principio mater semper certa est ¿a debate? La nueva legislación sobre reproducción asistida y sus consecuencias

Dumitrescu, A.; Gil Bazo, J. CEPR European Summer Symposium in Financial Markets Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) Gersenzee (Switzerland), 22/07/2012 - 27/07/2012

XIV Congreso Internacional y XVII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Romano. Asociación Iberoamericana de Derecho Romano (AIDROM; Universidad de Almería (UAL) Almería, 28/03/2012 – 30/03/2012

Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) Madrid, 25/06/2012

Análisis del principio Mater semper certa est y su evolución hasta nuestros días en especial respecto de la actual regulación española sobre reproducción asistida.

GREF Seminar GREF-ESADE Barcelona, 04/05/2012 VIII Workshop in Public Policy Design: Financial System Perspectives and the Crisis Universitat de Girona (UdG) Girona, 30/05/2012 - 01/06/2012 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, seminario invitado Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) Barcelona, 21/06/2012 How can we use new measurements and management mindsets to recognize the economic value of the informal economy in order to create a more caring and sustainable world? How do we create real social and human wealth across the globe? What gets in the way? What are the key drivers that enable a society to create and support the development of the full human capacities of every individual throughout the whole human life course? How do we measure these drivers? What are the implications for both the formal and informal economic sectors as we move from a manufacturing to a knowledge/ service economy? This All-Academy Theme Symposium re-examines the mindsets and measurements that have been used to guide our assumptions and behaviors-many of which have led to the development of societies and organizations that are not capable of perpetuating themselves in the renewal of human and social capital or creation of real wealth. In today’s knowledge/service economy, new forms of capital and wealth drive our society yet our measurements do not recognize these changes. We need new measures, mindsets, and values as well as a new vision for a caring, sustainable world in order to develop real human and social wealth across the globe and create a socio-economic and human system which is adaptive, efficient, and vital. Here, we bring together four thought leaders who elevate the need for change, contemplate solutions, and energize and engage the audience with open dialogue and hope.

Duplá Marín, Teresa Bardají Gálvez, MARÍA DOLORES Hacia un régimen económico matrimonial europeo: participación en ganacias. Especial referencia al Libro II del Código civil de Catalunya Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 El trabajo analiza la creciente aceptación en Europa y en nuestro país del régimen económico matrimonial de partición en ganancias y especialmente la nueva regulación de la compensación por razón del trabajo del libro segundo del código civil catalán y sus efectos en el régimen de separación.

Duplá Marín, Teresa Domínguez Tristán, Paula Evaluación de la competencia: aplicar los conocimientos para lograr resultados (nivel I) en el primer curso de grado en derecho Congreso Virtual sobre Tecnología, Educación y Sociedad 2012 (CTES 2012) Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente (CENID) Ciudad de México, DF (México), 23/01/2012 - 27/01/2012 Uno de los temas que merece ser objeto de reflexión en el nuevo marco docente diseñado en España como consecuencia de la convergencia hacia el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior es el de la evaluación, pues ésta adquiere una nueva dimensión al colocarse el estudiante en el centro del proceso de aprendizaje y al aplicarse un enfoque docente basado en competencias y, por ello, se hace necesario replantearse su naturaleza y el diseño de todos los elementos estructurales que la configuran. El objeto de nuestro trabajo se circunscribe a la evaluación de una competencia determinada en el primer curso de grado en Derecho y a la experiencia adquirida en distintas universidades, públicas y privadas, en los primeros años de su aplicación; centrándonos, en concreto, en el caso práctico semipresencial (trabajo colaborativo) como actividad decisiva para el aprendizaje de la competencia asignada a nuestra disciplina y procedimiento óptimo para evaluar su adquisición.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Fluvià Font, Modest Salo Mayolas, Albert Una aproximación al análisis de eficiencia económica de los museos Alcalde, G,; Burch, J.; Fluvià, M.; Rigall-i-Torrent, R.; Saló A III Workshop en Economía y Gestión de la Cultura Universitat de Girona (UdG) Girona, 24/11/2011 - 25/11/2011

los técnicos del museo. Posteriormente se estiman algunos modelos econométricos controlando el efecto de estos diferentes inputs sobre el output final. En este contexto actual de crisis se compara la situación relativa de los museos de Banyoles como ejemplo de cierre parcial o total respecto al resto de museos de Catalunya con similares características y que aún se mantienen abiertos al público.

En el contexto actual, los recortes presupuestarios fruto de la crisis económica llevadas a cabo en todos los niveles ponen de relieve la necesidad de evaluar la eficiencia en la gestión de diferentes instituciones culturales y patrimoniales. Parece relevante, en consecuencia, estudiar los determinantes de la eficiencia técnica de estas instituciones, es decir, la capacidad de las instituciones de obtener la máxima cantidad de producto a partir de unos factores de producción determinados en un contexto de múltiples productos y factores de producción. La literatura sobre el análisis de eficiencia ya está muy desarrollada, ya sea mediante el método DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) (Fried, Lovell y Schmidt, 2008) o los métodos de frontera estocástica (Aigner, Lovell y Schmidt, 1977). Por ejemplo, en el caso concreto de los museos, estas metodologías proporcionan una medida relativa de su eficiencia a partir de los factores de producción (superficie de exposición, número de trabajadores, entre otros) y los productos (número de visitantes o publicaciones , por ejemplo). En el caso de las instituciones culturales y patrimoniales, sin embargo, la investigación es más escasa (Bishop y Brand, 2003; Last y Wetzel, 2010; Taalas, 1997), especialmente en lo que respecta a nuestro país (Del Barrio, Herrero y Sanz, 2009). En este contexto, los gestores culturales (públicos y privados) a menudo no disponen de todos los elementos relevantes para gestionar correctamente las instituciones culturales. El análisis de la eficiencia técnica de las instituciones culturales en Cataluña debe permitir aportar datos inexistentes en la actualidad, pero que son relevantes para la gestión de estas instituciones.

Forte Arcos, Santiago Lovreta, Lidija Credit risk discovery in the stock and CDS markets: Who leads in times of financial crisis?

Fluvià Font, Modest Salo Mayolas, Albert ¿Existen razones de eficiencia económica en las decisiones de cierre de algunos museos locales? El caso de Banyoles (Catalunya)

5th CSDA International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE 2011) University of London; London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) London (U.K.), 17/12/2011 - 19/12/2011

Alcalde, G,; Burch, J.; Fluvià, M.; Rigall-i-Torrent, R.; Saló A. VII Congreso “Las rentabilidades económicas y sociales de los patrimonios culturales y los museos” Universidad del País Vasco (UPV) San Sebastián, 20/10/2011 - 21/10/2011 En este trabajo se realizan análisis descriptivos para observar las relaciones entre los principales inputs de los museos y sus outputs. Los indicadores de inputs se calculan a partir de las partidas de gasto, la superficie del mismo, el número de empleados, el capital y la tecnología entre otros. Los outputs miden principalmente el número de visitas pero también los resultados de investigación de


VIII Workshop in Public Policy Design Universitat de Girona (UdG) Girona, 30/06/2012 - 01/07/2012 In this paper, we analyze the dynamic relationship between CDS spreads and stock market implied credit spreads for a large set of European companies during the period 2002-2008. We document that the stock market’s informational dominance reported in previous studies holds only in times of financial crisis. During tranquil times, the CDS market’s contribution to price discovery proves to be equal or higher than that of the stock market. In addition, we find that the credit risk level of the company has a positive effect on the information share of its stocks beyond the effect of the overall state of the economy. These conclusions are not in contradiction with the argument of insider trading in credit derivatives. Along with previous results, we provide evidence of a positive relationship between the presence of severe credit downturns and the information share of the CDS market.

Forte Arcos, Santiago A practical approach to the estimation of structural credit risk models with constant default barrier: The MM algorithm

In this paper we propose a Maximization-Maximization (MM) algorithm for the estimation of structural credit risk models with constant default barrier. Step M1 updates the value, volatility, and expected return on the firm’s assets by maximizing the log-likelihood function for the time series of equity prices; Step M2 updates the default barrier by maximizing the equity holders’ participation in the firm asset value. Using a large international sample of companies, we demonstrate that theoretical credit spreads based on the MM algorithm offer the lowest CDS pricing errors when compared to other, traditional default barrier specifications: smooth-pasting condition value, maximum likelihood estimate, KMV’s default point, and nominal debt.


Fosse, Jeremie Arenas Vives, Daniel Business going green: Desso case of corporate transformation through radical eco-innovatio EABIS 11th Annual Colloquium European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) Lausanne (Switzerland), 02/04/2012 - 04/04/2012 Our society is currently facing an unprecedented series of crises in modern history --financial, economic, industrial and environmental crises--as a consequence of an unsustainable development model based on the mismanagement of our scare social and natural resources . However, like in the natural ecosystems, crises offer opportunities for evolution. Visionary companies lead the change of their business models to work towards a more sustainable future based on natural resource efficiency, the development of ecoinnovative products and services and the empowerment of ecoconsciousness customers and citizens . The businesses engaging in this “green economy” are nowadays obtaining a key competitive advantage, being recognised clearly as leaders within their sector. In this theoretic and empirical research at international scale, we have studied the literature of change management and corporate sustainability, from which we constructed a framework for organizational transformation towards green business. Then, we have examined different companies that are leading this strategic change to confirm the validity of our model and illustrate the different stages of the transformation process. Finally we have chosen to focus on Desso company, a Dutch carpet manufacturer, that is using radical eco-innovation to transform its business model.

Then, in December 2009, Google was the victim of highly sophisticated cyber-attacks aimed at acquiring personal information from the Gmail accounts of various Chinese human rights activists. Those attacks led Google to reconsider its business strategy in China. In January 2010, the company publicly announced that Google would stop censoring its search results in China and that the company had not ruled out the possibility of shutting down its operations in China in case the Chinese government did not accept “Google’s new approach to China.”

Franch Bullich, Josep Montalvo Garcia, Adolfo Dan Samstron’s dilemma NACRA 2011 Annual Meeting North American Case Research Association (NACRA) San Antonio, Tex. (U.S.), 13/10/2011 - 15/10/2011 Dan Samstron has finished his fifth case study. Feedback reveals a good product in terms of analytical and interdisciplinary depth and format. Dan has progressively adapted the case method by pursuing a strategy of learning by doing that fits his personality and teaching style. This means he is at ease with his personal values. His approach aligns with what the department’s boss, Angus Castle, expects from him; and with the culture of his institution (the Barcelona Management School or BMS for short). However Dan feels that there is still has scope for improvement in the way he uses the case method and he is toying with the idea of ‘pushing the envelope’ to foster greater student learning. Aldo Mount, a pedagogical advisor, is offering advice to Dan regarding ‘cold calling’ students in the case discussion, a technique seldom used and often criticised at the BMS.

Franch Bullich, Josep Google: In or out of China? Franch Bullich, J.; Zuhorn, L. NACRA 2011 Annual Meeting North American Case Research Association (NACRA) San Antonio, Tex. (U.S.), 13/10/2011 - 15/10/2011 At the beginning of 2010, Google was the world’s most popular online search engine. It offered targeted search results from billions of webpages. Available in 120 languages, the company operated domains in 144 countries. Google’s market share in the global search engine market was estimated at 85%. Although Google was already present in China with its international search engine,, the company had decided to enter the market with a domesticallyrun site in 2006. However, in order to be allowed to operate the search engine in China, Google had to accept the Chinese government’s censorship regulations. With the launch of, the company hoped to improve its competitiveness against its biggest Chinese rival, Baidu, and to capture more share of this highly potential market. But although Google’s market share steadily increased until 2009, it was still far from equaling Baidu’s market leadership. The company also had various problems with Chinese authorities.

Cristina Giménez Thomsen, Business Network Dynamics Research Group (BuNeD)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Green supply chain management strategies in Spanish firms Giménez Thomsen, C.; Mendonça Tachizawa, E.; Montes Sancho, M.J. XXI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE Facultat de Ciències Econòmiques i Empresarials. Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona, 04/09/2011 - 06/09/2011 Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is an increasingly important topic in Operations Management research, as evidenced by recently published papers in top journals (e.g. Zhu et al., 2008; Vachon and Klassen, 2008). However, partly due to the lack of consensus in the literature, researchers continue to struggle with identifying a clear, unified framework for Green Supply Chain Practices (Vachon and Klassen, 2006). In this paper, we posit the idea that these GSCM practices can be combined to form diverse strategies, more specifically, the following research questions are proposed: (1) How do firms combine managerial practices to form GSCM strategies? (2) Which are the variables that affect that decision? (3) Which are the results of the different GSCM strategies? Using cluster analysis, we identified three main GSCM strategies, which were contrasted using environmental drivers, context and performance variables.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Approaches and performance implications of green supply management: An empirical study Mendonça Tachizawa, E.; Giménez Thomsen, C.; Sierra Olivera, V.; Montes Sancho, M.J. 19th International Annual EurOMA Conference European Operations Management Association (EurOMA ) Amsterdam (Netherlands), 01/07/2012 - 05/07/2012 The main objective of this study is to analyze the complex interrelationships among environmental drivers, Green Supply Management (GSM) approaches and performance. Most of the studies assume that there is a single approach to GSM, although evidence suggests that there are multiple approaches, e.g. assessment and collaboration. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to contrast different approaches to GSM based on quantitative data, and to analyze their respective performance implications. Moreover, we aim to analyze the influence of environmental drivers on different GSM approaches.


Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Rodón Mòdol, Joan Rodriguez Rodríguez, Jorge Andrés Environmental practices, IT-enabled coordination and Environmental performance 19th International Annual EurOMA Conference European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Amsterdam (Netherlands), 01/07/2012 - 05/07/2012 In this paper we analyze the effect of information technologies (IT) on the environmental performance of firms. In particular, we study the moderating effect of IT on the relationship between a firm’s environmental practices and its environmental performance. The paper considers two moderating effects namely, IT-enabled coordination and IT-enabled control. IT-enabled coordination refers to the integration of processes and the sharing of information between a firm and its suppliers in design and manufacturing. IT-enabled control refers to the use of IT to monitor the environmental practices that a firm implements in production and logistics. The data used were obtained from the fifth (2009) round of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) which includes responses from manufacturing plants within the assembly industry. Our findings suggest that IT-enabled coordination strengthens the impact of the implementation of environmental practices on the environmental performance of firms. A relevant contribution for practice is derived from this study: firms can use the same technologies (ERP, shared databases) that they once implemented to improve their operational performance to improve the environmental performance.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Rodón Mòdol, Joan RodrÍguez Rodríguez, Jorge Andrés The same assets, but new impacts: IT-enabled coordination and environmental performance 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012) ESADE; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, 10/06/2012 - 13/06/2012 In this paper we analyze the effect of information technologies (IT) on the environmental performance of firms. In particular, we study the moderating effect of IT on the relationship between a firm’s environmental practices and its environmental performance. The paper considers two moderating effects namely, IT-enabled coordination and IT-enabled control. IT-enabled coordination refers to the integration of processes and the sharing of information between a firm and its suppliers in design and manufacturing. IT-enabled control refers to the use of IT to monitor the environmental practices that a firm implements in production and logistics. The data used were obtained from the fifth (2009) round of the International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS) which includes responses from manufacturing plants within the


assembly industry. Our findings suggest that IT-enabled coordination strengthens the impact of the implementation of environmental practices on the environmental performance of firms. A relevant contribution for practice is derived from this study: firms can use the same technologies (ERP, shared databases) that they once implemented to improve their operational performance to improve the environmental performance.

Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Sierra Olivera, Vicenta Sustainable supply chains: Governance mechanisms to greening suppliers 24th EBEN Annual Conference Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; European Business Ethics Network (EBEN); Universiteit Antwerpen Antwerp (Belgium), 15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011 One of the key challenges for firms is to manage sustainability along the supply chain, which comprise interdependent units that can influence one another’s reputation and performance. To try to manage supply chain sustainability, firms have developed strategies that extend their traditional corporate governance processes beyond the firm boundary to their supply chain partners (Kytle and Ruggie, 2005). The most visible indicator of this extension is the implementation of CSR oriented practices such as suppliers’ code of conduct.

Ginés Castellet, Núria La desproporción entre prestaciones como causa de ineficacia del contrato en la propuesta de modernización del Código Civil en materia de obligaciones y contratos: un análisis a la luz de los textos transnacionales Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 En España, el principio de justicia contractual no ha obtenido, por el momento, eco alguno en las disposiciones del Código civil estatal, a diferencia de lo que acontece en otros ordenamientos como el catalán o el navarro. El objetivo de la ponencia es el de proceder a un análisis de la propuesta, a la luz de los textos transnacionales, que han sido claramente fuente de inspiración, y también de los que no lo han sido, dada su posterioridad, a fin de constatar hasta qué punto la propuesta de reforma del Derecho de obligaciones y contratos español en este aspecto se alinea con los proyectos de unificación de carácter transnacional.

Ginés Castellet, Núria Les “immissions” ou les troubles anormaux de voisinage: une approche en Droit civil espagnol et, surtout, catalan Cycle de conférences: L’immeuble et le droit privé Université Montpellier 1. Laboratoire de Droit Privé Montpellier (France), 23/11/2011 Avec cette conférence, on a fait une approche au traitement civil des nuisances causées par l’activité faite dans un immeuble aux propriétaires ou occupants des immeubles voisins en Espagne. On a porté une spéciale attention au régime légal qui est prévu dans le Livre V du Code civil de la Catalogne.

Ginés Castellet, Núria El juego del pacto comisorio en nuestro sistema de garantías reales inmobiliarias: principios y límites Garantías Reales en Escenarios de Crisis Proyecto de Investigación DER 2008 03992; Grup de Recerca 2009 SGR 221; Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Dret Barcelona, 20/10/2011 - 21/10/2011 El propósito de la comunicación presentada oralmente fue el de analizar el posible juego del pacto comisorio en nuestro sistema de garantías reales. La respuesta a las cuestiones que suscita dicho análisis no es sencilla, y buena prueba de ello es el intenso debate doctrinal que, desde siempre, se ha suscitado en torno al pacto comisorio y que dista mucho de estar zanjado. Principios que se han venido considerando básicos en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico civil como la exigencia de causa en las atribuciones patrimoniales o la proporcionalidad en las garantías, entendida como adecuación de la medida de la responsabilidad al importe de lo que se debe, se pondrían en liza si llegara a admitirse, sin cortapisas, el libre juego del pacto comisorio como forma de aseguramiento. No obstante ello, alguna modalidad de pacto comisorio (y estoy pensando fundamentalmente en el denominado pacto marciano) sí podría encontrar acogida en nuestro sistema jurídico, sin quiebra de sus fundamentos. Es más, si se adoptan las precauciones y límites que fueren precisos, podría incluso afirmarse la utilidad e interés de su introducción como fórmula de superación, en algunos casos, de las actuales, costosas y poco prácticas vías de ejecución. Para dilucidar el alcance de la posibilidad esgrimida, se hace preciso, de antemano, indagar cuál podría ser el fundamento o ratio de la tradicional enemiga al pacto comisorio en las garantías. En mi opinión, esta razón de ser se encuentra, básicamente, en el principio de proporcionalidad que se despliega en varios frentes. Tomando como guía aquel principio, cabe intentar responder a la pregunta inicialmente planteada, y eso es lo que me propongo en esta comunicación, cuya tesis fundamental es la admisión del pacto marciano y la enumeración y desarrollo de los requisitos para tal admisión.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Ginés Castellet, Núria La revisión del contrato injustificadamente desproporcionado en la propuesta de modernización del código civil en materia de obligaciones y contratos: algunas reflexiones a la luz de los principios UNIDROIT y del DCFR VI Congrés de Dret Civil Català Universitat Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, 30/11/2011 - 01/12/2011 El texto de la Propuesta de modernización del Código civil español en materia de obligaciones y contratos incorpora una disposición, la que sería el art. 1.301m sobre la eventual anulación o enmienda de un contrato por el que una de las partes obtiene una ventaja excesiva a través del injusto aprovechamiento de una situación de inferioridad en la negociación (que debe ser alguna de las que son enunciadas en el precepto). Es esta posibilidad de enmienda o revisión del contrato injustificadamente desproporcionado la que se pretende analizar a la luz de lo dispuesto en el DCFR (art. II. 7:207) y en los principios UNIDROIT (art. 3.2.7.). ¿Quién puede solicitarla? ¿Cuándo? ¿A quién corresponde la facultad de revisión? ¿Cuál es el papel reservado a las partes en esa revisión? ¿Bajo qué parámetros debe realizarse? Son estas algunas de las cuestiones que se intentaron responder en la comunicación.

Hawkins, Matthew Allen Singh, Jatinder Jit Risk reducing portfolio effects: Uncertainty avoidance in brand extensions AMA Summer Educator’s Conference American Marketing Association Chicago, Il. (U.S.), 17/08/2012 - 19/08/2012 An individual’s level of uncertainty avoidance impacts brand extension evaluations but uncertainty avoidance is composed of two subdimensions: risk aversion and ambiguity tolerance. This study finds high uncertainty avoidance individuals prefer extensions from broad breadth brands over narrow brands which conflicts with prior studies and this finding holds across sub-dimensions.

Hennchen, Esther Lozano Soler, Josep M. Corporate political responsibility: The case of Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria 24th EBEN Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Antwerp (Belgium), 15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011 EABIS 10th Annual Colloquium European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) Fontainebleau (France), 26/10/2011 - 28/10/2011 1st Workshop on Business Ethics European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Brussels (Belgium), 10/11/2011 - 11/11/2011 28th EGOS Colloquium European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Helsinki (Finland), 02/07/2012 - 07/07/2012

Luis Vives, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)


Royal Dutch Shell has started to assume social and political responsibilities that go beyond legal requirements and fill the regulatory vacuum in global governance and a public responsibility gap in Nigeria. Which implications does this engagement have for the firm, governance and democracy? We explore along Scherer and Palazzo’s (Scherer & Palazzo, 2011) new societal frame of reference the implications of Shell’s politicized role in a context where a regulatory governance framework is missing at the local and the global level. By drawing on public sources and in-depth interviews we suggest that ‘political CSR’ - extended model of governance with business firms contributing to global regulation and providing public goods - is a reality for Shell at the local and global level. Our findings reveal a rather mixed picture, which questions the company’s moral legitimacy, selfregulation, and deliberative approach and suggests a potential extension of Scherer and Palazzo’s framework beyond a simple dichotomy. We contribute to the literature on global governance and corporate governance in Africa whilst creating an understanding of the political


embeddedness of Shell’s CSR agenda in the institutional framework and power relationships. The extent to which Shell’s CSR agenda is limited by the reach of workable regulation (Rodrick, 2011) also invites to theorize on the role of the state in global governance in particular and market-based initiatives within the neo-liberal framework in general.

Ibáñez Rodríguez, Alfredo One factor based exercise strategies for American options in multi-factors models Ibáñez, A.; Velasco, C. XIX Finance Forum Asociación Española de Finanzas (AEFIN); Universidad de Granada Granada, 17/11/2011 - 18/11/2011 Pricing and exercising American equity options in a multi-factor setting is so cumbersome that the approach in practice is based on simple, i.e., reduced, one-factor exercise strategies. Practitioners calibrate the model to the European counterpart, but the early-exercise part is derived from Black-Scholes or from a barrier option, depending only on the stock price. Conventional wisdom dictates that the associated losses are insignificant, a few basis points, but there is not rational behind it. We challenge this view and, in the case of a barrier option, which implies a suboptimal exercise policy, we factorize the associated losses in four terms (moneyness, dividend yield minus interest rates, elasticity of the exercise boundary or maturity, and the state variables dispersion). In the case of Black-Scholes, which introduces model risk, but produces lower pricing errors, these errors depend on the curvature of the boundary. The numerical exercise confirms these two theoretical results and shows significative errors for inthe-money and longer term options, challenging the market practice.

Iñesta Codina, Anna A new perspective into writing regulation: Regulation episodes in expert research article writing Iñesta, A.; Castelló, M. EARLI Conference 2011 European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Exeter (U.K.), 30/08/2011 - 03/09/2011 The present study tests a new unit of analysis, the Regulation Episode, with the objective of identifying patterns in the writing regulation activities implemented by 2 expert writers while producing a research article in Spanish as their L1 in ecological conditions. Qualitative analysis of video-recorded writing sessions (Writer 1: 660 hours in 11 writing sessions; Writer 2: 1016 hours in 12 writing sessions), all produced drafts (Writer 1: 14; Writer 2: 13) and writing diaries (Writer 1: 11; Writer 2: 15) showed that Regulation Episodes took place along the writing processes.

Iñesta Codina, Anna Rovira Llobera, Rosario Serlavós Serra, Ricard Valencia Silva, Maika Melina The integrative module in the bachelor of business administration: Training undergraduate students in creative problem solving INBAM 2012 International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM); Universidad de Valencia Valencia, 20/03/2012 - 22/03/2012 From the increasingly spreading consideration that intrapreneurial activity is a requirement in innovative organizations, creativity has come to be considered one of the most valuable characteristics in management professionals, allowing more successful problem solving (Proctor, 1999; Puccio, Firestien, Coyle & Masucci, 2006; Puccio & Cabra, 2009). This paper presents the Integrative Module as a key learning environment within the curriculum of the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at ESADE Business School, designed to train undergraduate students (future professionals) in creative problem solving through the integrated application of knowledge acquired in three different courses pursued in the previous year. A total of 220 students enrolled in the second year of the BBA program participated in the Module. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were carried out. The results obtained have allowed us to identify the processes involved in creative problem solving as well as to learn that the participating students considered the learning experience of the Module as a very useful learning task for their future professional activity, and specifically for creativity and innovation in managerial decisions.

Kalafatoglu, Tugba The myth between entrepreneurship and economic development Kaynak, E; Harcar, T. Twenty First Annual World Business Congress International Management Development Association (IMDA) Helsinki (Finland) - 04/07/2012 - 07/07/2012 The historical debate since 1700s on the meaning of entrepreneurship. has spawned a variety of definitions and descriptions of the role of the entrepreneur in economic growth. These debates have approached the subject area from a variety of economic perspectives, and within each approach sought to develop an overarching definition of the entrepreneur, and a specific location within the economic sphere. Entrepreneurship is widely credited with playing a crucial role in economic growth. There is a strong connection between entrepreneurship and economic development in the sense of wealth distribution especially in the informal economy, this link has not been much explored. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and explain the existing relation between entrepreneurship and economic development in terms of informal economy. Therefore this


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

paper offers a theoretical review of the main concepts on entrepreneurship and economic development including definitions and theory development. Analysis of research and theory suggests influence of economic and institutional contexts on entrepreneurship and their economic development especially in informal economy moderated by cultural and societal and policy factors. This paper will expectedly illustrate a more comprehensive understanding of factors influencing and impacting entrepreneurship in informal economy. Published Conference Proceedings ISSBN 1-888624-11-6.

Kalinowski, Margarete Vives, Luis Emerging market multinationals: Competing through business models SMS 31st Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Miami, Fla. (U.S.), 06/11/2011 - 09/11/2011 Internationalization by emerging market multinationals has gained momentum in academic research. This paper opens up new possibilities for appreciating the internationalization process of the emerging global players. We contribute to the growing stream of research by exploring the question how the emerging economy multinationals manage their business models as they internationalize. We offer a contingency solution and propose a conceptual framework influenced by two key variables: (1) the internationalization path in terms of leveraging own advantages or acquiring new advantages; (2) the level of institutional difference in terms of entry into emerging or developed markets. We obtain four possible strategies to manage business models while internationalizing. We illustrate the framework using examples of different emerging multinationals. The paper concludes with fruitful avenues for future research.

Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Responsible global leadership 2012 Global Leadership Summit Northeastern University. College of Business Administration Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 07/08/2012 - 08/08/2012 We begin by exploring what it means to be a “responsible” leader, specifically by considering the challenges and dilemmas facing executives in four key corporate social responsibility (CSR) domains: diversity, ethics, sustainability, and citizenship. We describe three prototypical approaches to CSR-global, local, and transnationaland discuss their implications for global executives, with a particular focus on the tensions and possible trade-offs between globally integrated and locally adapted CSR strategies, the constraints they impose on managerial behavior, and the competencies they require in global leaders. We conclude by discussing approaches for promoting responsible global leadership in organizations and offering recommendations for how organizations can effectively prevent, manage, and control the risks of irresponsible leader behavior.

Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Promoting corporate social responsibility through management development 2012 IACMR Conference International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Hong Kong (China), 20/06/2012 - 24/06/2012 In this PDW, we discuss and flesh out the potentially crucial role that international service learning assignments can play in helping executives to develop the mindset, skills and knowledge that are critical to not only deliver on the economic bottom line, but to create value on the “triple bottom line” (Elkington, 1997) of environmental, social, and economic performance. We will showcase how management development can support a firm’s CSR and sustainability efforts, and provide a specific example of an international service learning program, PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) “Project Ulysses”.


Antoni Abat, ESADE Law School


Maak, Thomas Pless, Nicola Murphy, Brian Matthew Social innovation at the bottom of the pyramid

Makarevich, Alex Exploring with partners: entry into new lines of business and partnerships in the U.S. venture capital industry

SMS Special Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Singapore (Republic of Singapore), 07/06/2012 - 09/06/2012

SMS Special Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Singapore (Republic of Singapore), 07/06/2012 - 09/06/2012

The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of individuals, referred to as boundary spanners, in building and maintaining the relationships necessary to foster social innovation and effective entrepreneurial projects that intend to create value for multiple stakeholders while serving the desperately poor. We address the following questions: How and to what extent do boundary spanners influence social innovation in markets characterized by deep poverty? What, if any, characteristics do effective boundary spanners share? What can be learned from social innovators at the BoP for tackling pressing public problems in developed countries? Using a grounded theory approach we illuminate six case examples of boundary spanners at the BoP to generate insights into the capabilities of boundary spanners and to develop a capability model. We then discuss the implications of our findings in light of the globalization of social innovation approaches.

Firms engage in exploration, i.e. application of existing knowledge in a new domain (March 1991) to enlarge their knowledge base (Chang 1996; Kotha et al, 2011), increase market share (Chang and Rosenzweig, 2001), and ultimately enhance performance. In the past three decades strategic management literature has explored the process of exploration extensively, studying various aspects of it in a multitude of settings. However, we know relatively little about the role of organizational partnerships in this process. In particular, little is known how partnerships affects firms’ propensity to engage in exploration, the way firms approach exploration, and the outcomes of their exploration efforts. This project aim to contribute to closing this gap.

Mannen, Delia Sustainable organizing: A multi-paradigm perspective of organizational development and permaculture gardening Madini, Paola Maria Determinants of company adoption of a top down - bottom up budget process procedure Madini, P.; Hartmann, F.; Dossi, A. Barcelona Accounting Seminars 2011-2012 (ESADE-IESE-UPF Joint Seminar) ESADE; Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF); IESE Business School. Universidad de Navarra Barcelona, 16/04/2012 12th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Helsinki (Finland), 13/06/2012 - 15/06/2012

Mannen, D.; Hinton, S.; Kuijper, T.; Porter, T. 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management Midwest Academy of Management Omaha, Neb. (U.S.), 20/10/2011 - 22/10/2011 As organizations seek survival, there is an increased focus on principles that lead to sustainability. Discourse on organizations has transcended adaptation, presented in contingency theory, and moved onto growth, resilience, and flourishing. The theory of sustainable organizing, presented in this paper, supports organizational flourishing and yields positive outcomes for a system of organizations. A 120-day action research case is featured. The findings of the case suggest that the application of permaculture gardening techniques, applied to human systems, will yield sustainable organizing which renders a thriving and resilient organizational ecosystem.

In this paper we explore the meaning and determinants of companies’ adoption of top-down/bottom-up budgetary procedures. Building on the management accounting literature on the advantages of various budgeting procedures, we first identify three formal design characteristics that together summarize companies’ position on a continuum from top-down to bottom-up budgetary procedures. Then, using questionnaire data from a sample of 141 middle-large companies operating in Italy, we analyze the antecedents of these sets of characteristics to explain the likelihood that companies’ adopt a certain position on the continuum of procedures. We integrate this evidence conducting a focus group with a sample of respondents. Overall we find that company’s position on the continuum of procedures depends on four antecedents: the complexity of business unit budget responsibility; business unit strategic diversification; company geographical dispersion and business unit geographical distance.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Mannen, Delia The responsible leader’s servant role 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management Midwest Academy of Management Omaha, Neb. (U.S.), 20/10/2011 - 22/10/2011 In the advent of uncertain times and corporate scandals, responsible leadership answers the call for a normative and ethical approach to fostering communication and building relationships with multiple stakeholders for the benefit of the organization being led and for society as a whole. Responsible leaders accomplish this by taking on the roles of a steward, citizen, visionary, and that of the servant. In scholarly research, these roles have been studied from the leadership perspective. What remains to be theoretically supported and empirically validated is the followership influence of stakeholders on the responsible leader. In accordance with this dimension, we dissect the responsible leader’s servant role, analyze the ways in which the servant role has been influenced by servant leadership, and begin to theorize the bidirectional influence of the responsible leader and multiple stakeholders. We find the influence of stakeholders, as followers, on a responsible leader is maximized when the web of stakeholder involvement and interaction is highly connected. It is theorized that new possibilities for sustainable value creation and responsible change emerge from connections and conversation among stakeholders that yield collective intelligence.

Mària Serrano, Josep F. CSR and legitimacy of mining companies in the DR Congo. The case of Katanga province 18th IAJBS Annual World Forum International Association of Jesuit Business Schools (IAJBS); IQS School of Management Barcelona, 22/07/2012 - 25/07/2012 The legitimacy of foreign mining companies producing copper and cobalt in the Katanga Province (DR congo) is under scrutiny. The article explores the mechanisms that individual firms and the whole sector can display in order to gain this legitimacy.


Marzal Yetano, Elia El Fuero de León, en el origen de la política forera de los reyes leoneses International Medieval Meeting Lleida Universitat de Lleida Lleida, 26/06/2012 - 30/06/2012 El Fuero de León autoriza a los trabajadores de la tierra de señorío a abandonarla a cambio de un precio. Frente a interpretaciones economicistas, propongo una relectura desde una doble perspectiva política: autodefensa y señorío, por un lado, y reconquista y repoblación, por otro, explicarían los cambios jurídicos introducidos en el régimen económico de la tierra. Y harían de esa salida de la tierra la antesala de la política forera de los reyes leoneses. Para contrastar estas hipótesis, comparé con Cataluña, similar en muchos aspectos (autodefensa), pero distinta respecto de la segunda variable considerada (la disponibilidad de tierras).

Marzal Yetano, Elia The recognition of freedom of movement to seigneury peasants and the “política forera” of the Leonese kings ESCLH Second Biennial Conference European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH) Amsterdam (Netherlands), 09/07/2012 - 10/07/2012 The general Fuero of León, first appeared in the ordinances of a council held in the city by Alfonso V in 1020, allows seigneury peasants, until then bound to the land, to leave it in exchange of a prize and under certain conditions. The interpretation of these articles has been long discussed, mostly from an economistic view. Against that background, this paper proposes a new, more political explanation based on an explicitly comparative research design. Theoretically, I hypothesize that two explanatory variables mattered: (a) what was common to all early medieval christian reigns in the western regions, namely their political organization which was based on selfdefence (and hence lordship), and which transformed Roman legal categories; and (b) what was specific to the Asturian and Leonese Kingdom, the sovereign’s political and military goals of the Reconquista and recovery of the lost hegemony among Christian reigns, which imposes the need for men in order to repopulate. Freedom of movement as recognized to peasants (and which initiates the decline of seigneury) would represent the preparation of what would soon be the “política forera” of the Leonese kings (the concession of municipal charters of rights). In order to test this hypothesis and introduce elements of discussion on methodology, I compare the case of León of early recognition of freedom of movement with another case, similar in many aspects (self-defence), but different in what concerns the second variable here considered (the disposal of land and the need for repopulation): Catalonia, with more defined and stable borders, does not have this practically unlimited quantity of land, nor (thus) the need for attracting settlers through land-liberalizing policies.


Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier The internationalization strategies of Spanish firms 2012 BALAS Annual Conference The Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS); Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), 28/03/2012 - 30/03/2012 The presentation summarizes the main findings from the first and second reports of the Observatory of Spanish Multinational Companies (OEME) relative to the internationalization strategies followed by Spanish companies in the last 20 years. It also proposes a research agenda on Spanish multinationals.

Miralles Massanés, Josep Nuevos principios para una economía global Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 Son muchas las voces que, ante la crisis económica actual, reclaman profundos cambios en el sistema económico vigente. Sin embargo la naturaleza de estos cambios es muy distinta según los diferentes

niveles de análisis que se consideren. Desde una perspectiva individual y moral se subraya el problema de la corrupción. Desde una perspectiva más política se enfocan las diversas políticas económicas posibles. Desde una perspectiva más sistémica se analizan los valores subyacentes al actual modelo de capitalismo neoliberal y se proponen valores y principios alternativos o al menos destinados a equilibrar su lógica. La ponencia se situará en este último nivel de análisis. La propuesta de valores y principios alternativos tiene en cuenta el proceso de globalización y el debate sobre los distintos modelos de globalización. Desde esta base, se plantea la necesidad de discutir los modelos de globalización posibles y los valores implicados en estos diferentes proyectos de sociedad global. Desde una perspectiva sociológica, la actividad económica tiene siempre un impacto social, político y cultural y por lo tanto los principios y valores que presiden la actividad económica han de asumir responsablemente estos impactos, admitiendo que los principios estrictamente económicos del mercado sean equilibrados por consideraciones sociales, políticas y culturales. La propuesta de nuevos valores y principios tiene, en primer lugar, como principio fundamental la necesidad de enfrentar los grandes retos del mundo actual: el desarrollo sostenible de todos los países, el respeto de las diferentes historias y culturas, el derecho a progresar en la democracia y la libertad, el derecho a la paz. Este planteamiento necesita de diversos actores: Estados fuertes que asuman su tarea de construir un Derecho orientado al Bien Común, Empresas responsables y una Sociedad Civil consciente y comprometida. También es necesaria la educación de la persona como ciudadano comprometido con su sociedad y capaz de acción profesional y cívica.

Oller Sala, Maria Dolors Abat Ninet, Antoni Gobernanza global y legitimación democrática: la reforma de la “Constitución económica” de los estados Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012

Javier Santiso, ESADE Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo)

La comunicación tiene por objeto analizar cómo incide en la llamada “Constitución económica” de los distintos estados el acelerado proceso de globalización en curso y las fórmulas de gobernanza global hasta ahora planteadas, haciendo especial hincapié en el Estado español en el marco de la Unión Europea. En concreto se procederá a analizar la reforma del art. 135 de la CE de 1978 que introduce la limitación constitucional del déficit público, sancionada y promulgada por el Rey el 27 de septiembre de 201l, analizando cómo la Constitución económica (española) se ha visto afectada por la gobernanza global, lo que se valorará en perspectiva comparada. A este respecto, hay que tener en cuenta que el Derecho público, en concreto el Derecho Constitucional, se ve afectado por el cambio del papel del Estado en relación al gobierno de la economía, lo que redunda claramente en perjuicio de los ciudadanos, que ven cómo varia su estatuto jurídi-


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

co al mermar sus derechos sociales. Ello, a su vez, conlleva el peligro de deslegitimación de las instituciones democráticas en momentos de grave crisis económica y de gran desafección política por parte de la ciudadanía. La Comunicación concluye precisamente con una reflexión acerca de la dificultad de llevar a cabo una buena gobernanza global que se precie de democrática si no se tiene en cuenta que la democracia ha de desplegarse desde los niveles locales y requiere implicar a la ciudadanía si quiere tener éxito.

Pless, Nicola Leadership, stakeholder culture, and social innovation 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 The resolution of some of the most pressing social problems in the world (poverty, pollution, pandemics) calls for leadership support, engagement and innovation from different sectors, including business. In this paper we examine if and how business leaders engage in social innovation. Social innovation refers to a novel solution that will be developed for the purpose of addressing an unmet social need or problem (e.g. problem of justice, fairness, environmental preservation, better education, or improved health) - with the benefits primarily accruing to stakeholders in need or whole underprivileged societies, in the form of increased well-being. We show that different leadership perspectives (shareholder versus stakeholder) and leadership approaches (personalized versus socialized) affect the quality of social innovation (first-order versus second-order solutions) pursued by business leaders. While a first-order solution deals with the symptoms of a problem, a second-

order solution is designed to tackle the roots of a problem. We argue that leaders with a stakeholder perspective and socialized approach are more likely to foster sustainable second-order social innovations geared toward treating the roots of societal problems due to their care and compassion for stakeholders. We also demonstrate that the stakeholder culture of an organization has a moderating role in the innovation process and either hinders or fosters leaders to engage in second-order social innovation. Moreover, we discuss the possibilities of leaders to foster a climate of social innovation within the organization.

Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas Mapping the responsibility mindsets of leaders 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 In this article we map the responsibility mindsets of business leaders. We specifically share the results of a qualitative study of 25 top-level business leaders and entrepreneurs and present four distinct RL mindsets. From this study, we develop a framework of RL mindsets that represents the core narratives of practitioners. After we reveal the distinctive differences in the RL mindset held by various business leaders, we discuss to what extent these different mindsets affect actual decision making and the construction of public trust. We conclude that a new narrative of “integrative responsible leadership” that emerges from the practical discourse has the potential to strengthen the contract between business and society-and thus help close the trust gap. Finally, we reflect on some implications for leadership development and management education.

Pless, Nicola Waldman, David Andrew Corporate social responsibility and human resource management 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012

Joan Rodón, Business Network Dynamics Research Group (BuNeD)


There is growing interest among scholars about corporate social responsibility (CSR) and related areas such as firm sustainability. Because of the rise in consumer, investor, supplier, and worker demands for CSR, managers have begun to ask important questions regarding how to manage these activities and how to allocate resources to them. Despite increasing attention, CSR research is still in an embryonic stage, with critical issues regarding frameworks and empirical methods yet to be resolved. Furthermore, much of the research to date has largely involved a macro level of analysis, focusing on such issues as understanding the


relationship between CSR and the financial performance of firms. To achieve a more complete perspective on CSR, theory and research will need to address more micro-level human resource management and organizational behavior issues.

Prat Pubill, Queralt Lozano Soler, Josep M. The aristocratic Athenian investment banker or how to avoid outdated value systems: Values and ethics for business success 24th EBEN Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network (EBEN); Universiteit Antwerpen Antwerpen (Belgium), 15/09/2011 - 17/09/2011 To believe that the current situation of values in business is moral decadence is to put oneself in the wrong position to analyse the current situation of values in business. Avoiding this error we will explore the opposite notions that coexist about the presence of values in business. We will discuss some of Karl Polanyi’s research. We will present the underlying hypothesis of these different views to introduce the importance of a through understanding of values for business. Thus, we will continue by reviewing values by answering among others the following questions: what are values? Do we need more values in business? Which type of values are we talking about? Do values have a purpose? A function? Is this a right question? Do we speak about concrete or abstract values? What is the importance of clarifying our focus? Is there normativity about values? We will analyse the different notions developed from philosophy and will bring into play the disciplines of psychology, psychological sociology, and anthropology with the purpose of clarifying the different contributions.

Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Nicolini, Davide Rodón Mòdol, Joan Transversal learning from information systems related incidents International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC 2012) Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Valencia, 25/04/2012 - 27/04/2012 The paper explores how organizations learn from adverse events. The findings of the study show that organizations can learn from incidents in a transversal mode, where the relation between learning process and incidents is many-to-many and there is a temporal distance between learning and incidents. The empirical study reveals several cognitive, resource-related, structural, and political factors that qualify the adoption of this mode of learning by organizations. The paper discusses how transversal learning

can expand our understanding of learning from incidents, especially when compared with formal-staged mode of learning.

Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Rodón Mòdol, Joan Managing obsolete knowledge: Towards a clarified and contextualized conception of unlearning 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.) 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012) ESADE; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, 10/06/2012 - 13/06/2012 The paper aims at clarifying, specifying, and contextualizing the concept of organizational unlearning in the IS literature, through a systematic analysis of the concept. We suggest a definition of unlearning as an intentional practice in order to reduce the possible negative impacts of obsolete knowledge. Reviewing the IS literature based on the suggested definition, we identify four dominant views of unlearning. Using this definition, we empirically explore how organizations apply unlearning in the case of disruptive IT changes. The insight from the empirical study shows a wide range of unlearning practices which are applied to different organizational and technical factors. In addition, we identify six characteristics of the IS context which have direct bearings on applying unlearning practices. Using these empirical insights, we suggest how the concept of unlearning can be clearly defined and specifically operationalized in order to avoid common misunderstanding of this concept. We conclude by commenting on how the dominant views of unlearning in the IS literature can be completed and enriched.

Ringov, Dimo Biased agents, unbiased organizations: Can organizations mitigate individual biases? SMS 31st Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Miami, Fla. (U.S.), 06/11/2011 - 09/11/2011 Can organizations mitigate the impact of individual biases on organizational decisions? This study investigates whether and how organizational structure and decision making process affect the quality of organizational decisions. Theoretical arguments about the impact of organizational structure and decision process on organizations’ disposition effect - a decision bias that refers to actors’ tendency to sell assets whose prices have increased since purchase, yet hold on to assets that have dropped in value since purchase - are evaluated empirically on a large sample of mutual fund portfolio decisions. The findings suggest that decision making process significantly affects the disposition effect bias in organizational decisions.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Rodón Mòdol, Joan Inter-organizational information systems: From strategic systems to information infrastructures Klein, S.; Reimers, K.; Johnston, R. & Rodon, J. 25th Bled eConference Special Issue University of Maribor. Faculty of Organizational Sciences Bled (Slovenia), 17/06/2012 - 20/06/2012 This paper reports on a series of panels and workshops held at the Bled eConference since 2004. It aims at reconstructing the developing understanding of Inter-organizational Information Systems (IOIS) over the years as evidenced by these workshops, which have been designed to provide a forum to discuss emerging topics, fields, and strategies for IOIS research on a network and industry level. This paper provides an overview of the workshops and a detailed coverage of the last one in order to give a thorough and vivid account of its contributions. The paper not only takes a historical lens in documenting the workshops but also in discussing the transformation from strategic systems to information infrastructures. It reflects the enabling role of the Bled eConference for workshops series and the workshops’ contribution to the Bled conference.

Rodón Mòdol, Joan Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Sesé Muniategui, Feliciano Generative resistance: Broadening the boundaries of research on resistance in information systems change 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012) ESADE; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, 10/06/2012 - 13/06/2012 This paper proposes a new research perspective on resistance to information systems (IS) change. Drawing upon a power lens and complementing it with the organizational literature on resistance, we develop an integrative framework that conceptualizes resistance at three levels: 1) the non-compliance behaviors, 2) the meanings and norms that resisters contest and enact, and 3) the technical artifacts that resisters bring into their acts. By mapping existing IS literature on resistance onto our framework, we identify a bias of the literature towards a refusal view of resistance. That is, IS literature has been mainly concerned with resistance as a refusal behavior i.e. refusal to a new system, to changes in the working practices, to loss of status quo by which resisters attempt to neutralize the actions from the proponents of IS change. Yet our framework enables us to depict resistance not only as refusal but also as generative. Whilst a focus on resistance as refusal pays attention to the acts by which resisters aim to block the outcomes intended by the proponents of IS change, the analysis of the generative potential of resistance considers two additional aspects. First, it involves looking at how resisters challenge the meanings that proponents assign to the IS change i.e. assumptions about the technology, goals and role of actors in the change pro-


cess. Second, it entails analyzing how (human) resisters and technical artifacts become intertwined in the acts of resistance and how those socio-technical assemblages instigate disciplinary effects to the proponents of IS change. In other words, studying the generative potential of resistance involves viewing resistance as a socio-material accomplishment that may transform the established order through structural and radical changes.

Rodriguez Rodríguez, Jorge Andrés Giménez Thomsen, Cristina Arenas Vives, Daniel Supplier development programs in the BOP: The role of firm-NGO partnerships 4th World Conference P&OM. Doctoral Consortium European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association (JOMSA) Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Amsterdam (Netherlands), 29/06/2012 - 30/06/2012 Previous research has pointed out the need of firms of establishing alliances with NGOs to create business relationships in the BOP. Due to characteristics of emerging markets, developing suppliers in the BOP is one of the few alternatives for sourcing raw materials. Up to this point, the vast majority of literature in supplier development comes from the practices of firms in developed economies. Hence, the alliance with NGO for developing suppliers constitutes an opportunity to expand the scope of supplier development literature. The aim of this study is to understand how firms and NGOs work together to develop suppliers and integrate them to the firms’ supply chain. Our expected contributions are to provide a better understanding of supplier development programs in emerging economies and to point out the recommendations of the literature in purchasing that should be revised.

Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier Agell Jané, Núria Angulo Bahón, Cecilio Sánchez Soler, Monica A qualitative learning system to acquire human sensory abilities in adjustment tasks 26th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2012) Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) Los Angeles, Calif. (U.S.), 16/07/2012 - 18/07/2012 Adjustment in creative processes is not purely a functional or a physical task, but arise from highly subjective preceptive and cognitive aspects which cannot be fully modeled by standard quantitative structures. In such tasks, the involvement of human experts becomes necessary, preventing the complete process automation. This paper introduces an innovative artificial cognitive system to support decision-making in adjustment processes based on human sensory abil-


ities. The proposed system, based on expert knowledge management, draws on a machine learning tool jointly with an actions’ generator module. The methodology proposed is applied to a real case study: color-adjustment in the automotive painting industry.

Sureda Pascual, Joan Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc European cities’ capacity to attract urban tourism visitors

Sabal Cárdenas, Jaime The discount rate for Turkish companies

Sureda, J.; Valls, J. F.; Valls, G. Destination Management and Branding in the Mediterranean Region: Sustainable Tourism in Times of Crisis Akdeniz University Antalya (Turkey), 19/04/2012 - 21/04/2012

Irrational Exuberance. Emerging Markets Future Leaders Club. Koç University Estambul (Turquia), 21/05/2012 - 22/05/2012 Theory vs practice will be contrasted regarding the appropriate discount rate for turkish companies in the case of real investments.

Saz-Carranza, Ángel Longo Martínez, Francisco The evolution of the governance of regulatory networks: The case of the European telecommunications regulatory network European Regulatory Governance: Development and Change Copenhagen Business School; International Political Science Association (IPSA) Copenhagen (Denmark), 27/10/2011 - 28/10/2011 New Institutionalism - 8th Workshop Barcelona 2012 ESADE Business School; New Institutionalism Barcelona, 15/03/2012 - 16/03/2012 4th Biennial ECPR Standing Group for Regulatory Governance Conference University of Exeter; European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Exeter (U.K.), 27/06/2012-29/06/2012 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012-07/08/2012 Networks are by now popular inter-organizational coordination modes. And we know very little regarding how networks are governed and how their governance evolves through time. Yet, studies point to the fact that the governance of networks is a strong determinant of their performance. This paper addresses the research question how does the governance form of networks evolve in time by empirically studying the European telecommunications regulatory network. We identify a dialectical dynamic triggered by teleological evaluation cycles. The process observed confirms the propositions that predict a formalizing of the governance as the network grows older.

The article addresses the relationship between tourists and European cities with the aim of identifying the links produced between them. Field research has been undertaken in seven European countries - Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland and Spain - involving 5,600 representative individuals of each population, and addressing some forty European cities which the sample itself has spontaneously shown to be the preferred choices. The study is based on the structuring of European life styles with regard to leisure, eight Leisure-types, which show Europeans’ distinctive leisure behaviour and their predisposition to specific tourist products or destinations. The results of this study have enabled the gathering of valuable information on two issues. The first is the identification of the preference structure of each Leisure-type for specific European cities and what it is they associate their attraction with, analysed in terms of their country of origin and the principal segmentation characteristics of each Leisure-type. The second is the classification of the cities according to the holiday type with which each is associated by the eight Leisure-types, whether it be for a city-break (1-2 night stay); for a short holiday (3-4 night stay); or for a long holiday (eight night-stay or longer). The information provided by this study is of great value for European cities’ strategic planning specially on actual crisis in what the innovation in the relationship between destinations and clients became essential. To be specific it facilitates the segmentation of short, medium and long distance urban tourism customers and the understanding of their attitudes and interests; it helps to identify the positioning of cities in consumers minds; and offers consistent criteria for the structuring of appropriate tourism products for real and potential customers.

Trullén Fernández, Jordi Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Stirpe, Luigi The importance of contextual factors in the acceptance of HR innovations: Some evidence from Spain IFSAM 2012 World Congress International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM); University of Limerick (UL) Limerick (Ireland), 26/05/2012-29/06/2012 Firms have multiplied their investments in HR innovations (HRIs) in the attempt to boost employees’ contribution to business objectives. However, HRIs are effective as long as they are accepted by employ-


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

ees. Drawing on a sensemaking perspective, we argue that the organizational context is an important enabler of employees’ response to HRIs. Our findings show that HR department credibility, top management and supervisor support, and innovation climate are all predictors of employees’ acceptance of innovations. In addition, inconsistency among the levels of support provided to HRIs by top management and supervisors negatively moderates the effect that these factors have on acceptance.

Trullén Fernández, Jordi Stirpe, Luigi Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso Institutional determinants of the acceptance of HR innovations by employees 27th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Brussels (Belgium), 12/04/2012 - 13/04/2012 Management innovations have received increasing attention in the academic literature. Indeed, developing and introducing management innovations has become critical for organizations competing in the current economic environment of crisis. Overall, such innovations are thought to be capable of creating longer-lasting advantages in comparison to product or technological innovations, whose impact is usually more limited. The extent to which the employees embrace or accept management innovations is often crucial for their implementation and, eventually, for realizing their intended benefits. When employees accept an innovation, that is, when they possess a favorable attitude towards it, they are more willing to use the innovation and to contribute to fully deploy its potential. Acceptance is then a necessary condition for innovation effectiveness. It is so critical that some scholars have suggested that it is equal to more objective measures of effectiveness, such as ROI or productivity. For organizations that aim at making the most of management innovations it is therefore critical to know what leads employees to accept these innovations.

Ulied Martínez, Agustín Enfoque comparativo de la integración de España y Portugal en la Unión Europea España y la construcción europea Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance de l’Europe (CVCE) Monasterio de Yuste, Cáceres, 16/04/2012 Enfoque comparativo de la integración de España y Portugal en las Comunidades europeas. Lo que más llama la atención al estudiar los antecedentes a la integración de España y Portugal en las Comunidades europeas es el contraste entre el pasado secular esplendoroso de la presencia de los dos países ibéricos en el mundo y su aislamiento en el siglo XX. Son también muchos los que coinciden en el desconocimiento reciproco y absoluto entre los dos países. Ello sin tener en cuenta la heterogeneidad de sus casos respectivos.


Valencia Silva, Maika Lamolla Kristiansen, Laura Amorós Espinosa, Ernesto Planellas Arán, Marcel Business goals and performance relationships in new ventures created by women entrepreneurs INBAM 2012 International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM); Universitat de València Valencia, 20/03/2012 - 22/03/2012 Empirical evidence demonstrates that women entrepreneurs’ business performance results go far beyond purely economic aspects. This study analyzes the extent to which women entrepreneurs’ business goals differ with respect to their business performance in economic and non-economic terms. We analyze a sample of Spanish women entrepreneurs, measuring their performance perception and business goals. Our results show that women do not display significant differences regarding their individual non-economic goals related to non-economic performance results. However, our results, partially support the claim regarding the relationship between social non-economic goals and economic goals in relation to non-economic and economic oriented performance respectively. Implications for further research are discussed.

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Impacto de los nuevos canales de comercialización turística FITUR 2012. Jornadas Técnicas AECIT Asociación Española de Expertos Científicos en Turismo (AECIT) Madrid, 19/01/2012 The key factors are changing and are pushing the scenario of the touristic distributions channels on 2020. The key factors are: New technologies, disintermediation; New competitors, concentration and; alliances; More flexibility in structures: innovation of product; Growth & fall (before and after the credit crunch) in consumption ; General consumer demand for low cost products; Greater involvement of principals and consumers. The mixted web 1.0 and web 2.0 tools figtht to interaction between the company and the clients.


Valls Giménez, Josep F. Ouro Villaravid, Alfredo Analysis of social media platforms and their potential value for the tourism industry Valls Giménez, J.F.; Ouro Villaravid, A.; Freund, D. 2nd AHTMM Conference 2012 Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing & Management (AHTMM); Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki; Democritus University of Thrace; Washington State University; Research Institute for Tourism (ITEΠ) Corfu Island (Greece), 31/05/2012 - 03/06/2012 This paper investigates the use of social media platforms and their value for companies in the tourism industry. The analysis shows the value these platforms provide by focusing on communication facilities, brand exposure, traffic generation, web positioning, content, ecommerce functionalities, activities, and overall usability. This paper aims to answer the questions: how do social media networks add value to the tourism industry; and how can companies benefit from this knowledge?

Santiago Forte, Economics and Finance Research Group (GREF)


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

working papers



Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen An investigation of intraday price discovery in cross-listed emerging market equities

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen The proof is in the pudding: Arbitrage is possible in limited emerging markets

Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A.; Tooma, E. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 221 31 p.

Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A.; Tooma, E. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 222 27 p.

This paper studies the dynamics of price discovery for cross-listed emerging market equities. We use two-year intraday transaction data for a sample of four Egyptian stocks cross-listed on the London Stock Exchange as global depository receipts (GDRs) and ten Argentinean stocks cross-listed on US exchanges as American depository receipts (ADRs) to assess the contribution of the local versus international exchanges to price discovery. The Gonzalo and Granger common longmemory error estimation approach is used. We observe that the local market is dominant for Egyptian equity in terms of price discovery and accounts for 75.8% of price discovery of GDRs. However, the result is mixed for Argentinean equity with an average of only 41.67% of ADR prices determined in the local market, revealing the dominant role of the international market in the price discovery process. Further analysis shows that the share of the local and international market in price discovery is dynamic and evolves over time. Using panel regressions, we find that a larger share of price discovery for the international exchange is explained by a greater liquidity and trading volume of the depository receipt relative to the local stock and the size of the company.

We investigate the existence of arbitrage trades using two-year intraday data for 16 Argentinean and Egyptian depository receipts and their underlying stock. We find large intraday deviation from parity, hypothesized to be due to trading barriers that limit arbitrage. Our novel arbitrage identification procedure, relying on volumes and precise dynamic measures of trading costs, indicates that 10% and 15% of Argentinean and Egyptian matched trades qualify as arbitrage opportunities, which we show, result in real profitable arbitrage trades. Arbitrage profits of USD 1.8 million from Argentinean and USD 1.2 million from Egyptian depository receipts were estimated over the sample period.

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen The law of one price in global depositary receipts: Empirical evidence from Egyptian GDRs

Regional income disparities have increased in many European countries recently, even as national and supra-national policy instruments were created to correct them. To explain these evolutions, we develop a two-region, two-sector model with migration and public investment in infrastructure and education. Accumulation and creation of new ideas and technologies as well as migration are at the core of differential regional growth. In this framework, we assess the effectiveness of structural funds, modelled on the EU policy. In a numerical example calibrated to Portugal, we find that, to diminish the initial gap in income per capita, the backward region needs to receive over 8% of its own GDP in structural funds, while the actual disbursements were around 4%. We also find that maximizing innovation in the backward region conflicts in the short run with the goal of maximizing its income per capita. Moreover, the rich region has an incentive to bias the allocation of structural funds towards human capital formation.

Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A.; Tooma, E. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 223 24 p. This paper tests whether the law of one price holds for Egyptian stocks listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange and foreign listed as global depository receipts (GDRs) on the London Stock Exchange. We also examine the effect of two variables on price parity: the different trading week between Egypt and London; as well as the change in foreign exchange rate regime. The study finds significant price deviations from parity between Egyptian GDRs and their underlying stock, which is unexplained by the differing trading weekdays or exchange rate regimes. Despite the violation of price parity, we find that the return distribution of the Egyptian GDRs and their underlying stocks are identical. We discuss the reasons for the violation of the law of one price in our sample and why the violations cannot be considered as forgone arbitrage opportunities.

Arcalean, Calin Schiopu, Ioana Growth effects of spatial redistribution policies Arcalean, C.; Glomm, G.; Schiopu, I. CESifo Group, 02/2012 CESifo working paper; no. 3728 41 p.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Arjona Sebastià , Cèsar Transnational law as an excuse: How teaching law without the state makes legal education better Barcelona: ESADE, 10/2011 ESADE working paper; no. 219 52 p. The purpose of this essay is to argue in favor of the idea that we should consider transnational law as a legitimate part of legal education, including not only state but also non state forms of normativity. The paper is structured as follows. First, I suggest that in the face of the existing conceptual controversy around the concept of transnational law we should adopt a pragmatic perspective, focusing on the uses we can make of the concept transnational law for legal theory and, in particular, legal education. Then I consider the term transnational law as an instance of legal pluralism, and I briefly review some legal phenomena of contemporary relevance that are non exclusively dependent on the state. Subsequently I analyze the traditional view of state centered positivism, emphasizing the fact that it is unable to cope with legal pluralism. I compare the situation in legal studies with the broader field of social and political theory, showing how the dogma that lawyers hold so dear has been devastatingly criticized in other fields of knowledge. Finally I summarize the reasons why, in my view, the acceptance of transnational law will improve legal education. These reasons have to do both with understanding the world and with making the world a better place.

Ballabriga ClaverĂ­a, Fernando What kind of central bank for the EZ? A primer in Euro Zone central banking Barcelona: ESADE, 03/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 224 15 p. Central banking in the euro zone has a strict legal mandate to focus on price stability and to refrain from monetary financing. This mandate limits the ability to act as a lender of last resort and eliminates the possibility of acting as a market maker of last resort, curtailing the central bank role in the delivery of financial stability. This has increased fiscal and financial stress to levels that requires swift action. It is true that there is no federal fiscal structure to back the central bank in the delivery of price stability. However, the Eurosystem is the only truly shared and independent economic institutions of the EZ with financial power to deal with the current euro troubles. This brief describes the role and alternative designs of central banks to conclude that liberating the Eurosystem from its legal mandate straitjacket is the most convenient current option at hand.


Bakici, Tuba Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan The underlying mechanisms of online open innovation intermediaries Barcelona: ESADE, 08/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 237 43 p. The popularity of open innovation as a methodology for sourcing innovation opens a novel perspective on the increasing value of accessing and competing in innovation. When practicing open innovation, organisations face the challenges of identifying useful solutions and partners in a universe that is not confined to the boundaries of the firm. To address these challenges, online open innovation intermediaries have grown in number and achieved a global presence in recent years and this has led to an increasing interest in research that explores their roles and functions. Intermediaries employ a variety of mechanisms to leverage the motivations of intermediary platform participants (solvers and search agents) and influence their behaviour. There is, however, limited research that specifically explores these matching mechanisms and consequent outcomes. Accordingly, this analysis develops a classification of mechanism archetypes and a formal analysis through algorithmic mechanism design descriptions. We analyse these mechanisms in terms of incentive compatibility and reveal the underlying tensions, pitfalls, and limitations of existing mechanisms -while providing managerial insights on their appropriate use.

Barrull Melcior, Xavier Benefits and threats of a fully inflation-indexed economy Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 236 18 p. A fully inflation-indexed economy stabilizes economic inter-temporal relationships and offers a set of potential benefits: hedging the economy against inflation; improving the performance of the financial system; helping to lessen the most common housing and economic recessions of developed economies; facilitating demand stimulus policies to overcome economic recessions and pursue full employment; and helping reduce international imbalances. The design, transition and management of an indexed economy present a set of threats and challenges enhanced by the fact there is a lack of experience. Despite the threats, the significant potential benefits should encourage debate and implementation.


Barrull Melcior, Xavier The negative influence of the tilt effect and lending constraints on housing markets economic recessions and the Phillips curve Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 229 21 p. Although economic theory suggests that inflation should not have any significant influence on real housing prices and activity, inflation variations are the main drivers of housing price variability (Tsataronis and Zhu, 2004) and increases in inflation have preceded housing and economic recessions. The combination of the tilt effect (Lessard and Modigliani, 1975) and rigid lending constraints can help us understand these relationships, as well as explaining the failure of the Phillips curve in the USA from the late 1960s onwards. Inflationindexed mortgages can avoid the tilt effect and help mitigate this type of economic recession. The inflation indexing of the main economic contracts would help to implement measures of demand stimulus.

Barrull Melcior, Xavier Dorse López, Antoni Solutions to the inflation-induced instability in housing markets

Dolan, Simon Raich, Mario Coaching by values, entrepreneurship and care: A framework for reengineering an innovative and sustainable culture Barcelona: ESADE, 05/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 226 17 p. In this paper we present a model of coaching by values (CBV) as an important philosophical and practical framework for leaders enabling systemic culture reengineering in today’s chaotic business and economic environment. We briefly discuss the evolution of management philosophy from what we call “management by instruction” (MBI) to “management by objectives” (MBO), and on to “management by values” (MBV). We extend the logic to propose an emerging concept of coaching by values (CBV) and a set of critical tools for effectively managing a values-based and innovation-induced corporate environment. The paper can serve any organizational development or change agent professional in redesigning the culture of a given firm; it describes the three essential components that an effective change agent needs in creating a sustainable culture of success: a concept, a methodology and some concrete tools.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 09/2011 SSRN working paper series ; no. 1930420 30 p.

Forte Arcos, Santiago Lovreta, Lidija Credit risk discovery in the stock and CDS markets: Who leads, when, and why?

We use a model and show how inflation and mortgage loans based on nominal interest rates (NRMs), like FRMs, ARMs or IOs, are a source of instability for housing markets. NRMs allocate risk inappropriately and cause economic tensions due to the tilt effect (Lessard and Modigliani, 1975), the costs to hedge the inflation rates (Lessard and Modigliani, 1975) and the unpredictability of inflation and price levels (Modigliani, 1974). Real Rate Inflation-Indexed Mortgages (RIMs), or mortgage loans that are inflation indexed and bear a reference to real interest rates, allocate risk more appropriately, lessen economic tensions and diminish the markets granted loans range and volatility. RIMs offer a significant advantage over NRMs. In contrast to inflation and nominal interest rates, markets can have reasonable expectations about the long-term trend of real interest rates and the natural interest rate, helping them to shape reasonable house prices and to reduce the negative effects of volatility and uncertainty. It also facilitates the introduction of new financial facilities and regulatory measures that could help to increase market stability. Results do not explain the market reluctance to indexed-loans. A bad assessment of the influence of inflation volatility, mainly in low-inflation countries, the ignorance of the benefits of the long-term trend of real interest rates, the lack of product development and a “Stag hunt game” situation may help to explain it. We finally show how the effects predicted by our model occurred in the US housing market between 1973 and 2009. Results encourage the promotion of RIMs for housing markets.

Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 220 43 p. In this paper, we analyze the dynamic relationship between CDS spreads and stock market implied credit spreads for a large international set of companies during the period 2002-2004. We document a time-varying behavior of credit risk discovery, with a slight and declining dominance of the stock market during the period considered. The probability of such stock market leadership - along with the strength of the relationship between stock and CDS markets - increases with the overall credit risk level. This result, however, is not inconsistent with the argument of insider trading in credit derivatives; we document a positive relationship between the frequency of severe credit downturns and the probability of the CDS market leading credit risk discovery.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Forte Arcos, Santiago Lovreta, Lidija Endogenizing exogenous default barrier models: The MM algorithm

Moodie, Scott William Dolan, Simon Job demands, social support, work satisfaction and psychological well-being among nurses in Spain

Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 11/2011 SSRN accepted paper series; no. 1524871 48 p.

Ronald, B.; Moodie, S.W.; Dolan, S.; Fiksenmbaum, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 233 32 p.

In this paper we propose a Maximization-Maximization (MM) algorithm for the assessment of hidden parameters in structural credit risk models. Step M1 updates the value, volatility, and expected return on the firm’s assets by maximizing the log-likelihood function for the time series of equity prices; Step M2 updates the default barrier by maximizing the equity holders’ participation in the firm’s asset value. The main contribution of the method lies in the M2 step, which allows for ‘endogenizing’ the default barrier in light of actual data on equity prices. Using a large international sample of companies, we demonstrate that theoretical credit spreads based on the MM algorithm offer the lowest CDS pricing errors when compared to other, traditional default barrier specifications: smooth-pasting condition value, maximum likelihood estimate, KMV’s default point, and nominal debt.

Ibáñez Rodríguez, Alfredo The optimal method for pricing Bermudan options by simulation Ibáñez Rodríguez, A.; Velasco, C. Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 02/2012 SSRN working paper series; no. 1507994 40 p. Pricing Bermudan options by simulation has attracted a lot of interest, since many securities contain early-exercise features and depend on several factors. Longstaff and Schwartz (2001) develop a practical approach, which is based on least-squares and simulation. This paper prices Bermudan options from Merton’s (1973) model for perpetual American options which, fi rst, derives the option price for a given policy and, second, optimizes between a family of policies. The first-order conditions associated to this discrete-time optimal stopping-time problem are orthogonality conditions, which are easily implemented by “local” least-squares and simulation. Consistent with this optimality, the reported prices (or lower bounds) of this extension improve upon other methods. So, in the optimal method, Longstaff and Schwartz “local” least-squares approach meets Merton.


Background: Nursing has been described as a stressful occupation, with nursing staff reporting high levels of job dissatisfaction, job burnout and poor well-being in many countries. This research examined the relationship of job demands (work-family interference, emotional demands and work overload) and three sources of social support (supervisor. co-worker and spouse/partner, family and friends) with nurse well-being and work/organizational outcomes. Method: Data were collected from 2104 nurses in Spain using anonymously completed questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to evaluate nurse wellbeing and organizational outcomes according to personal demographics, work situation characteristics, job demands, and social support. Results: Results showed that job demands had generally significant and negative relationships with nurse well-being as well as with several work/organizational outcomes. In addition, lack of social support, particularly from supervisors and co-workers, were associated with deteriorated nurse wellbeing and more unfavorable work/organizational outcomes. Implications: This research replicates and extends previous findings obtained in various countries, including Spain. Given consistent findings across countries, the importance of both individual -and organizational- level interventions to improve nursing quality of work life is highlighted. Examples areas of effective interventions are illustrated and discussion of potential future interventions is offered.

Moodie, Scott William Dolan, Simon Engagement vs. burnout: An examination of the relationships between the two concepts within the framework of the JDR model Moodie, S.W.; Dolan, S.; Burke, R.J. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 234 27 p. The precise relationship between the positive psychological state of work (i.e. engagement) and the negative psychological state (i.e. burnout) has been receiving an increased attention. Some view these as opposite states on the same or similar continuum, while others take the position that they represent different biobehavioral spheres. Both states exhibit significant correlations to job demands and resources, elements of physical and mental wellbeing, and to each other. This study expands our knowledge of the phenomena of engagement and burnout by analyzing their separate and joint manifestations. Using


a large sample of 2,094 nurses, respondents were segmented into quadrants that represent a 50/50 (median split) of Engagement and Burnout. The four resulting quadrants were examined in a series of analyses including logistic regression and ANOVAs. This configurational approach allowed us to examine both inverse and concurrent states of Engagement and Burnout. The findings suggested that engagement and burnout were generally inversely related (67% of the sample) but could be manifested concurrently at either extreme (33% of the sample). Burnout was chiefly driven by work demands as both quadrants of low burnout had lower demands and both quadrants of high burnout had higher demands. Engagement was primarily driven by resources and affinity. Social support acted independently by aligning with states of burnout. Worker health was primarily driven by burnout wherein both states of low burnout exhibited better health and both states of high burnout exhibited poorer health.

Saz-Carranza, Ángel Longo Martínez, Francisco The evolution of the governance of regulatory works: The case of the European telecommunications regulatory network Jerusalem (Israel): The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 01/2012 Jerusalem papers in regulation & governance; no. 41 33 p. Networks are by now popular inter-organizational coordination modes. And we know very little regarding how networks are governed and how their governance evolves through time. Yet, studies point to the fact that the governance of networks is a strong determinant of their performance. This paper addresses the research question how does the governance form of networks evolve in time by empirically studying the European telecommunications regulatory network. We find that the network’s governance system is determined by the dialectical tension between network members (National Regulatory Agencies) and an external very influential body (the European Commission, EC). This tension unifies the group in the classic external conflict-internal cohesion fashion. We also identify a second dialectical tension internal to the network among its members. The tensions are triggered by evaluations carried out by an external actor (the EC). In general, the process observed confirms the propositions that predict a formalizing of the governance as the network grows older.

Schiopu, Ioana Inequality and education funding: Theory and evidence from the US school districts Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 238 43 p. We investigate the relationship between inequality and public education funding in a model of probabilistic voting where the private option

is available and voting participation di?ers across income groups. A change in inequality can have opposite e?ects at di?erent income levels: higher inequality decreases public spending per student and increases enrollment in public schools in poor economies, while the opposite holds in the rich ones. A change in the tax base can also have non-monotonic efects. These novel theoretical predictions, with support in U.S. school district-level data, reconcile previous contradictory results in the political economy literature on redistribution and inequality.

Spender, John-Christopher The quants’ impact on management education and what we might do about it: A history-framed essay rethinking the MBA program Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 228 97 p. “I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely in your thoughts advanced to the state of Science, whatever the matter may be.” Baron William Thomson Kelvin (1824-1907) - From ‘Electrical Units of Measurement’, a lecture delivered at the Institution of Civil Engineers, London (3 May 1883). “The saying often quoted from Lord Kelvin (though the substance, I believe, is much older) that “where you cannot measure your knowledge is meagre and unsatisfactory,” as applied in mental and social science, is misleading and pernicious. This is another way of saying that these sciences are not sciences in the sense of physical science, and cannot attempt to be such, without forfeiting their proper nature and function. Insistence on a concretely quantitative economics means the use of statistics of physical magnitudes, whose economic meaning and significance is uncertain and dubious. (Even ‘wheat’ is approximately homogeneous only if measured in economic terms.) And a similar statement would apply even more to other social sciences. In this field, the Kelvin dictum very largely means in practice, “if you cannot measure, measure anyhow!” That is, one either performs some other operation and calls it measurement or measures something else instead of what is ostensibly under discussion, and usually not a social phenomena. To call averaging estimates, or guesses, measurement seems to be merely embezzling a word for its prestige value. And it might be pointed out also that in the field of human interests and relationships much of our most important knowledge is inherently non-quantitative, and could not conceivably be put in quantitative form without being destroyed. Perhaps we do not “know” that our friends really are our friends; in any case an attempt to measure their friendship would hardly make the knowledge either more certain or more ‘satisfactory’”! Knight F. H. 1940. What is Truth in Economics? Journal of Political Economy 48(1):18n.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Spender, John-Christopher The theory of the managed firm (TMF): Revision of the note written for the Seminar at Lund University’s School of Economics and Management, April 24th 2012

anxiety only among the younger employees, while negatively related to physical burnout only among elder employees. Elder employees tend to perceive implementation of changes more negatively than their younger counterparts, which may be reflected in their higher anxiety level.

Barcelona: ESADE, 05/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 227 61 p. Social scientists in general, and BSchool faculty in particular, are in sore need of a theory of the private sector firm that relates managers’ activity to the creation of economic value. Rational-man based theorizing admits only managers’ computable inputs so it cannot address value creation. Along with Adam Smith, I presume individual creativity is the source of all economic value and see the managed firm as democratic capitalism’s principal apparatus for channeling creative inputs into the socio-economy. Thus managers have both economic and political functions. Firms generate value as managers contribute their judgment in the course of shaping their firm’s responses to the Knightian uncertainties (KUs) and bounded rationalities (BRs) met with as the firm’s goals are pursued. Under KU/BR, an analysis of manager’ agentic activity and rhetorical practice complements their rational decision-making and helps us see more of the nature of the managed firm. The TMF provides a post-positivist basis for re-theorizing entrepreneurship, business leadership, strategizing, and innovation management. Practice rather than theory is its basis.

Vedina, Rebekka Dolan, Simon Well-being among elder employees in companies experiencing restructuring: The Spanish story Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 235 45 p. This explorative study aims at finding the effects of organisational restructuring on older workers’ well-being. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in companies in the Catalonia region in Spain, which have implemented restructuring prior to the study. The sample consists of 89 respondents, 46 of which are 50 years and older (26 males, 20 females) and 43 are younger than 50 (19 males and 24 females). Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM: Shirom & Melamed, 2006) was used for measuring burnout and scales developed by Arsenault & Dolan (1983) were used for measuring anxiety and depression. It was found that layoffs contributed significantly to the respondents’ burnout and depression levels. This effect diminished if the respondent had a managerial position, but was not as much influenced by managerial and co-workers’ support as was expected. In this data set social support does not play a substantial mitigating role in the impact of the layoffs, besides some modest contributions at certain levels. Co-workers’ general support is highly positively correlated with co-workers’ handling of the change and negatively correlated with


Villegas Sanchez, Carolina Men, Women, and Machines: How Trade Impacts Gender Inequality Chinhui Juhn, G.U. ; Villegas-Sanchez, C. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 05/2012 Working Paper; no. 18106 49 p. This paper studies the effect of trade liberalization on an under-explored aspect of wage inequality - gender inequality. We develop a theoretical framework based on the new trade theory models of firm heterogeneity to direct our empirical work. Firms self-select into exporting activities and choose their production technology. The model is augmented to account for worker heterogeneity along two dimensions: tasks (white versus blue-collar tasks) and gender (female versus male). The mechanism is as follows. A reduction in tariffs induces some firms to modernize their technology and enter the export market. New technologies involve computerized production processes and lower the need for physically demanding skills. As a result, the relative wage and employment of women improves in blue-collar tasks, but not in white-collar tasks. We test our model using a panel of establishment level data from Mexico exploiting tariff reductions associated with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Consistent with our theory we find that tariff reductions caused new firms to enter the export market, update their technology and replace male blue-collar workers with female blue-collar workers.

Visnjic, Ivanka Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on the performance of manufacturing firms Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 230 44 p. As manufacturing businesses compete in an ever more competitive and global economy where products get easily commoditized, innovating by adding services to the core product offering has become a highly popular strategy. Contrary to the expected strategic and economic benefits, recent findings warn of implementation hurdles that lead to a potential performance decline, the so-called “service paradox”. In this paper, we analyze this paradox by disentangling the value creation and value appropriation processes of 44 subsidiaries of a


multinational manufacturing firm that has been successfully developing an after-sales service business. Empirical analysis reveals that products and services act as revenue complements, thereby managing to transcend the inherent substitution of products by services. In addition, more labor-intensive services, which imply higher levels of customer proximity, further enhance product sales. Finally, our findings reveal a positive yet non-linear relationship between profitability and the scale of service activities: while initial levels of servicing result in an increase in profitability, a period of relative decline is observed before the positive relationship between the scale of service activities and profitability unfolds again. While these findings suggest the presence of initial short-term gains, they also indicate the presence of a “profitability” hurdle; sustainable (profitable) growth seems feasible only to the extent that investments in service capabilities are translated into economies of scale. In helping to clarify the performance implications of service innovations, our findings suggest pathways to sustainable growth for manufacturing firms.

Visnjic, Ivanka Neely, Andy Steering manufacturing organizations towards open service innovation: The role of the integrated performance measurement system Visnjic, I.; Van Looy, B.; Neely, A. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 232 27 p. In the face of global competition and product commoditization, manufacturing firms are increasingly opening up to opportunities in the service markets. Despite the growing interest, many new product-service providers struggle to deploy open service innovation effectively, not least because they fail to change their performance management systems (PMS) to reflect the presence of service activities. This paper reports the results of an in-depth case-study research, which examines how manufacturers can steer their transition towards open service innovation using PMS. We suggest two performance measures: service coverage, which represents the proportion of customers who engage in service relationships; and service realization, which tracks the range of services designed to satisfy a customer’s needs. Not only are these two indicators complementary to traditional product business performance measures, such as market share, but the trade-off between them signals the transition that a product-service provider gradually makes from being oriented towards products and standardization to becoming focused on services and customers. Finally, the two service measures are supplemented with a complementarity index, which tracks the relationship between service and product business performance, focusing in particular on whether the relationship is reinforcing or substitutive. Combined, these three indicators allow firms to steer their service activities in an integrated and sustainable manner that creates value for the product-service provider as well as the customer.

Visnjic, Ivanka Neely, Andy Wiengarten, Frank Another performance paradox? A refined view on the performance impact of servitization Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 231 30 p. Manufacturing firms are increasingly adopting “servitization” -a business model innovation whereby existing product offerings are extended through related services. Despite the widespread uptake, questions remain regarding the impact of servitization on firm performance. This study investigates the performance effects of two core dimensions of servitization: service investments and service market approach, characterized by breadth and depth of service offering. Results suggest that service investments -though often underestimated by manufacturers- represent a prerequisite for growth. With respect to profit performance, we identify the negative effect of increasing service breadth, measured in number of services offered, while increasing service depth, measured in completeness of service offering, results in higher margins and an increase in market value. Depth of service offering also has a positive effect on market value. At the same time, the interplay between service depth and product innovation investments turns from positive to negative at the highest extent of service depth, suggesting trade-offs between “full-scope” servitization strategy and innovation strategy.

Wareham, Jonathan Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Paradox in technology ecosystem governance Wareham, J.; Fox, P.; Cano Giner, J. L. Barcelona: ESADE, 04/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 225 53 p. Technology platform strategies offer a novel way to orchestrate a rich portfolio of contributions made by the many independent actors who form an ecosystem of heterogeneous complementors around a stable platform core. This form of organising has been successfully used in the smartphone, gaming, social-networking, and commercial software industries, amongst others. Technology ecosystems require stability and control to leverage common investments in standard components, yet also need creativity and variety to meet heterogeneous market demand. While this control-creativity tension has been addressed conceptually in the literature, additional empirical analysis can deepen our understanding of this tension, and identify additional tensions common in technology ecosystems. Tensions may manifest as dualisms, where actors are faced with contradictory, either/or decisions. Alternatively, they can manifest as dualities, where tensions are framed as complementary and mutually-enabling. We explore


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

these issues through an extensive case study of a business software ecosystem consisting of a major multinational software manufacturer at the core, and a system of independent implementation partners and solution developers on the periphery. Our research analyses three primary tensions: control-creativity, standardisation-variety, and individual-collective. We explore the mechanisms of the ecosystem governance that accommodate these tensions, and highlight the specific properties that can be generalizable to other technology ecosystems. Finally, we identify triggers in the case data where latent, mutually enabling tensions become manifest as salient, disabling tensions. By identifying transitions between the complementary and contradictory logics, our study contributes to the understanding of both the design of the ecosystem governance, but also the constant managerial finesse needed to achieve equilibrium and avoid problems of ‘market failure’ in technology ecosystems that function as semiregulated marketplaces.

ESADEGEO POSITION PAPER Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo) Almuni Calull, Mercè Saz-Carranza, Ángel The emergence of a European-wide energy regulation Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 11/2011 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 22 9 p. In March 2011, the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) became fully operational. ACER is the EU body in charge for coordinating the member states’ national energy regulatory agencies and deciding on cross-border energy issues. In essence, it is a major instrument for achieving an internal energy market. The first European energy package was adopted in the late 1990s, seeking to liberalize and integrate the European electricity and gas markets. The second and third packages, in 2003 and 2007 respectively, gradually furthered that process. In 2000, the existing European regulatory authorities started cooperating voluntarily through the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), an unofficial information-sharing association. The second energy package of 2002, made mandatory the establishment of a National Regulatory Agency (NRA) for those EU countries lacking one. The NRA had to become a member of the European Regulators’ Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG), which was set up as the official consultative EU body. ERGEG and CEER cooperated closely. The second package included mandatory unbundling1 and created the figure of the Transmission System Operator (TSO): companies that own and operate networks, which are key in the functioning of the market. For the cross border connections, cooperation among TSOs became fundamental. The third Energy package formalized the European Networks of TSOs (ENTSO-E2 for Electricity and ENTSO-G3. The third energy package also created the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), which substituted ERGEG and enjoyed greater powers and clearer competencies. When defining and agreeing on ACER, most of the discussion related to the balance of power between the two ENTSOs and the agency. CEER continues in operation.

Giné Daví, Jaume Thailand needs a great national agreement Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 09/2011 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 20 10 p.

Ignasi Carreras, Institute for Social Innovation (IIS)


The result of the general elections of July 3rd 2011 marked the start of a period of hope for Thailand. But deep wounds still remain unhealed. The Thai population will remain divided for some time yet to come. Yingluck Shinawatra will give priority to national reconciliation by promoting dialogue and cooperation with the king and the military. But this will take time. Thailand needs to achieve


a great national agreement between the Crown, the army and political parties. Only then can trust be regained both inside Thailand and internationally.

Giné Daví, Jaume WTO in the decade 2001-2011: The Doha round fails, China takes off and Russia joins Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 03/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 24 13 p. The World Trade Organization (WTO) encourages global trade by eliminating or reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers through successive rounds of multilateral negotiations. The multilateral Doha round was launched in Qatar in November 2001 - just two months after the 9/11 attacks in America. In the same year, in an event that would change the landscape of the international economy, China was given the green light to join the WTO. Ten years later, the Doha negotiations ended without significant progress. Following this failure of the multilateral approach, various nations are seeking to encourage foreign trade with regional or bilateral agreements. China has benefitted from its firm commitment to globalisation and is now the world’s second largest economy. Its share of world trade has risen from 4.3% to 12% in ten years. At the most recent WTO ministerial summit held in December 2011, Russia, the last emerging economy that was not a member of the WTO, was accepted for membership - which will be effective in 2012 after accession is ratified by the Russian parliament.

Longo Martínez, Francisco Multi-Level Governance (MLG): The role of public administrations Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 12/2011 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 23 10 p. In this article I address the issue of how Public Administrations should develop within the new paradigm of multi-level governance. To this end, I chronologically describe the development of the various models of governance since the late 19th century to the present and how we have reached the current interpretation of Multi-Level Governance (MLG). In doing so, I shall follow Agranoff’s scheme. I then discuss the main MLG dysfunctions found in the present socio-economic and political context. Last, I put forward an approach for advancing multicentric governance.

Murillo Bonvehí, David Understanding China through a cultural rather than economic perspective Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 10/2011 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 21 18 p. An understanding of the values that China brings to the world, as well as an understanding of how China thinks and operates is essential for establishing new models of global government and anticipating Chinese foreign policy. This is a process of cultural hybridisation in which the Western powers, international organisations, and China will influence each other during the creation of a new global political culture.

Saz Carranza, Angel Albareda Sanz, Adrià European regulatory networks in the telecommunications sector Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 04/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 25 9 p. In 1997, the International Regulatory Group (IRG) was created, the first collaborative network between European National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). The IRG has an informal atmosphere and serves as a forum in which the NRAs share information and best practices. Five years later, in 2002, the first regulatory framework at EU level for the single telecommunications market was approved. This regulatory framework is based on a package of five directives and one regulation which were adopted between 2002 and 2009.

Vandendriessche, Marie Global maritime governance and the South China sea Barcelona: ESADE. Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (ESADEgeo), 07/2012 ESADEgeo position paper; no. 26 9 p. The South China Sea, one of the world’s geopolitical flashpoints, is heating up again. The following paper aims to contextualize the conflict within the scope of global maritime governance and its range of formal institutions. After a brief description of the tensions in the South China Sea, the formal mechanisms of global maritime governance are unwrapped in order to answer the question: who governs the seas?


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12




Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Caso BITA (Grupo AGBAR) Cano Giner, J. L.; Rodríguez Donaire, S. Barcelona: ESADE, 10/2011 23 p. The BITA case presents the use of a knowledge portal by a private company, namely Grupo Agbar (Aguas de Barcelona). The project was devised by Fundación Agbar and was subsequently taken over by CETaqua (Water Technology Center). This case seeks to justify the viability and future of a knowledge portal; the BITA project (Water Technological Information Bank). Several updates have been put into effect in the course of the portal project, making it possible to cover the Group’s staff’s needs, along with those of its various businesses, but the project has essentially specialised in the water and sanitation sector. The initial goal of the BITA portal was to unify information from various libraries in the Agbar group. Its protagonists, the team led by Pedro Garcia and María Pi, were faced with the question that they had been given by the Group’s CEO and Managing Director, Ángel Simon, who, while reviewing the budgets for 2009, had found an allocation of €600,000 corresponding to the maintenance of the BITA portal. Pedro and María have to justify the budget to ensure the portal’s viability and future.

caba dentro de una iniciativa global de buscar la homogeneización de los sistemas de medición de los resultados de las distintas unidades de negocio en América. Se había decidido que el proyecto comenzara en Chile para, posteriormente, extenderlo a toda América. La iniciativa llevaba un significativo retraso y, además, se habían producido cambios organizativos que parecía que todavía la complicaban más. El equipo de Jesús Cepeda, director del área de Control de Gestión de Negocios del Grupo Santander, debía decidir qué hacer.

Carreras Fisas, Ignasi Iglesias Pie, Maria El enfoque de incidencia pública de Setem Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 01/2012 35 p. Aborda la evolución de la ONG Setem en su enfoque de incidencia pública y plantea la discusión sobre como debe reorientarse en época de crisis.

Casaburi, Ivana El lanzamiento de Danonino Helado Cano Giner, Josep Lluís The Torre del Pi case Cano Giner, J. L.; Rodríguez Donaire, S. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 7 p. The Torre del Pi case presents a situation in which many small family businesses find themselves. Over the last few years (and especially in 2004), various new Internet technologies based on so-called ‘Social Media’ have hit the scene. Most of them have not been taken up by businesses despite their widespread use by the general public. The case concerns a business in Cerdanyola del Vallés, a small industrial town a quarter of an hour’s drive from Barcelona, Spain. The case protagonists are Miquel and his brother Jos. The case stems from Miquel taking a course on ICT for small businesses. The course made Miquel aware of the potential of these technologies and he resolved to use them in the firm. To do so, he needed to convince his sceptical brother, who dislikes changes and thinks the new technologies are a waste of time.

Barcelona: ESADE, 12/2011 16 p. Judith estaba muy satisfecha de su nombramiento como Brand Manager de Danonino, una de las marcas con más histórico de Danone. Asociaba su infancia con el Petit Suisse, y ahora, en 2009, se convertía en la responsable de la marca. Danonino sigue siendo una de las marcas con más volumen de Danone, pero el entorno es cada vez más complejo, la categoría está en una fase de madurez muy avanzada, y las marcas blancas tienen cada vez más fuerza. Judith se enfrenta a un estimulante reto: recuperar el crecimiento de la marca.

Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge Enzler Fandos, Sandra Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo Caso Danone: distribución Barcelona: ESADE. Facultad de Derecho, 04/2012 17 p.

Cano Giner, Josep Lluís Bisbe Viñas, Josep MIS America (Grupo Santander) Barcelona: ESADE, 12/2011 27 p. A mediados de 2003, el área de Control de Gestión del Grupo Santander había iniciado el proyecto MIS América; el proyecto se enmar-

Es la primera vez que Carolina, abogada junior de un despacho mediano, se enfrenta a la redacción de una contestación a demanda. Esa demanda no es una cualquiera; es una demanda dirigida contra la gran multinacional DANONE. A pesar de que la problemática no parece muy complicada, las dificultades para Carolina surgen (o deberían surgir) a la hora de ordenar todos y cada uno de los hechos y argumentos que debe esgrimir en su contestación. Para ello es preciso que tenga una idea clara de las pretensiones que se ejercitan en


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

la demanda dirigida contra DANONE y de los hechos realmente acontecidos (sean los mismos u otros distintos a los narrados en la demanda). LAGOMAR es una empresa que, desde los años 80, presta para DANONE dos tipos de servicios: de un lado, servicios de logística y transporte de los productos DANONE y, de otro lado, servicios de distribución o venta a terceros de esos productos. Dicha relación, a excepción de algún impago puntual por parte de LAGOMAR, transcurre con normalidad desde su inicio hasta que, en el año 2009, ante la negativa de LAGOMAR de asociarse con otro distribuidor de DANONE para ampliar la zona de distribución, DANONE decidió poner fin a la relación contractual. Ante la decisión de DANONE de poner fin a la relación contractual, LAGOMAR ha interpuesto una demanda contra DANONE ante el Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción nº 3 de Teruel en reclamación de las siguientes indemnizaciones: a) una indemnización por clientela en aplicación de la Ley de Agencia; b) una indemnización por los costes correspondientes a los despidos de dos trabajadores de los que LAGOMAR ha tenido que prescindir por haberse reducido su actividad; c) una indemnización por costes relativos a inversiones relacionadas con la actividad prestada a DANONE y, por último, d) una indemnización por no haberse respetado el plazo de duración del contrato que regía la relación entre las partes. Carolina debe defender a su cliente de las pretensiones ejercitadas en la demanda y sabe que, para ello, cuenta con las siguientes armas: en primer lugar, la posibilidad de ofrecer una versión de los hechos distinta a la contenida en la demanda y, en segundo lugar, una argumentación jurídica (tanto procesal como material) que provoque la desestimación de la demanda de LAGOMAR.

Costa Guix, Gerard Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar Verdú Hernández, Laia L’auditori Barcelona: ESADE, 11/2011 14 p. El caso L’auditori forma parte de un consorcio juntamente con la Orquestra Nacional de Cataluña (OBC), el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y la Generalitat de Cataluña. Es una empresa pública que tiene como misión difundir la cultura musical y acercarla a la sociedad. Su actividad se desarrolla principalmente en sus salas de conciertos. La programación se estructura en diferentes líneas en función del tipo de música de los conciertos y del público al que se dirigen las diferentes propuestas. Además, comparte instalaciones con el Museu de la Música y el ESMUC (Escola Superior de Música de Cataluña), centros con los que colabora. Cabe destacar su compromiso social que se refleja especialmente a través de los programas L’Auditori Educa y L’Auditori Apropa. Sus principales competidores directos a nivel local son el Palau de la Música y el Gran Teatre del Liceu en el ámbito musical.


Franch Bullich, Josep Google: In or out of China? Franch Bullich, J.; Zuhorn, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 11/2011 28 p. At the beginning of 2010, Google was the world’s most popular online search engine. It offered targeted search results from billions of webpages. Available in 120 languages, the company operated domains in 144 countries. Google’s market share in the global search engine market was estimated at 85%. Although Google was already present in China with its international search engine,, the company had decided to enter the market with a domesticallyrun site in 2006. However, in order to be allowed to operate the search engine in China, Google had to accept the Chinese government’s censorship regulations. With the launch of, the company hoped to improve its competitiveness against its biggest Chinese rival, Baidu, and to capture more share of this highly potential market. But although Google’s market share steadily increased until 2009, it was still far from equaling Baidu’s market leadership. The company also had various problems with Chinese authorities. Then, in December 2009, Google was the victim of highly sophisticated cyber-attacks aimed at acquiring personal information from the Gmail accounts of various Chinese human rights activists. Those attacks led Google to reconsider its business strategy in China. In January 2010, the company publicly announced that Google would stop censoring its search results in China and that the company had not ruled out the possibility of shutting down its operations in China in case the Chinese government did not accept “Google’s new approach to China.”

Franch Bullich, Josep Montalvo Garcia, Adolfo Dan Samstron’s dilemma North American Case Research Association (NACRA), 10/2011 8 p. Dan Samstron has finished his fifth case study. Feedback reveals a good product in terms of analytical and interdisciplinary depth and format. Dan has progressively adapted the case method by pursuing a strategy of learning by doing that fits his personality and teaching style. This means he is at ease with his personal values. His approach aligns with what the department’s boss, Angus Castle, expects from him; and with the culture of his institution (the Barcelona Management School or BMS for short). However Dan feels that there is still has scope for improvement in the way he uses the case method and he is toying with the idea of ‘pushing the envelope’ to foster greater student learning. Aldo Mount, a pedagogical advisor, is offering advice to Dan regarding ‘cold calling’ students in the case discussion, a technique seldom used and often criticised at the BMS.


Hennchen, Esther Lozano Soler, Josep M Mind the gap: Royal Dutch Shell’s sustainability agenda in Nigeria

Martí Ripoll, Margarita Montalvo García, Adolfo Palma Naranjo, María Macarena El género de MRW

OIKOS International, 06/2012 30 p.

Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 14 p.

Royal Dutch Shell has started to assume social and political responsibilities that go beyond legal requirements and fill the regulatory vacuum in global governance and a public responsibility gap in Nigeria. Which implications does this engagement have for the firm, governance and democracy? And which public responsibility strategies can a multinational company (MNC) like Shell employ in a complex operating environment such as Nigeria to be sustainable? This case explores the implications of Shell’s politicized role in a context where a regulatory governance framework is missing at the local and the global level. Additionally, the case discusses different public responsibility strategies that MNCs such as Shell can employ in a complex operating environment such as Nigeria. This case study is interesting as it fleshes out what constitutes Shell’s role under the conditions of globalization and a local public responsibility gap and what are the consequences of the company’s engagement in global governance and self-regulation. It also creates an understanding of the challenges which organizations in controversial industry sectors face in a context of increasing demands for sustainability.

MRW es una empresa con sede central en Barcelona, que está consolidando su proceso de internacionalización. En este contexto el caso plantea un incidente altamente sensible y emocional: qué hacer con una trabajadora senior recién contratada, que acaba de anunciar que está embarazada (además un embarazo de riesgo), que viene a cubrir una necesidad detectada importantísima: estabilizar los sistemas informáticos, clave para la actividad empresarial, para el proceso de internacionalización, y para la misma facturación de la compañía. “El género de MRW” despliega dos posiciones encontradas, y encarnadas por los diferentes protagonistas del caso: por un lado el contexto de crisis económica, donde no es posible contratar a otra persona para este puesto, ya que la compañía se está “apretando el cinturón”, y por otro lado la consideración de la trayectoria y un importante discurso en responsabilidad social de la empresa. Es un caso que pretende provocar en los alumnos una posición dilemática. Unos tratarán, según sus principios, de defender el derecho a que Sonia, esté embarazada y siga trabajando en la Organización, teniendo en cuenta que es un embarazo crítico, así como considerar las dificultades previas para haber quedado en cinta. Mientras que otros participantes defenderán los intereses de la organización, teniendo en cuenta que la organización está en un momento muy crítico y que está gestando un proyecto internacional muy importante para su continuidad y desarrollo, y que depende de la persona recién llegada la responsabilidad para lanzarlo. La propia percepción selectiva de los participantes hará que estos escojan la visión que confirma sus planteamientos iniciales acercándose y posicionándose en una de las dos alternativas planteadas. La toma de conciencia de ello les será útil puesto que se considera una situación que es fácilmente extrapolable a decisiones complejas y difíciles que el alumnado el día de mañana podrá encontrarse en sus lugares profesionales. De hecho el caso plantea un embarazo crítico por los dos lados (Departamento de Tecnología y para Sonia) cuya gestación requiere de una alta atención, dedicación y cuidados.

Llorensi Teixidor, Anna Obeso Abalde, Carlos La restructuración de Filprim S.A. Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2012 21 p. FILPRIM, S.A. (Filprim) es una empresa de trefilería dedicada a la producción y venta de cerramientos metálicos para usos residenciales, industriales y agrícolas. Es la empresa líder en el mercado español. Cuenta con una planta de producción en Santander y otra en Sabadell. Factura 210M?, cuenta con una capacidad productiva de 175.000Tn anuales que ocupa a 380 personas. Filprim pertenece a la multinacional siderometalúrgica SteelWorld. Después de 150 años de historia, la empresa está atravesando una grave crisis por razones internas y externas. La propiedad del grupo SteelWorld ha dado un ultimátum a su equipo directivo: deben emprender una profunda reestructuración y redimensionamiento de la compañía que garantice su viabilidad futura. El caso expone una situación compleja que afecta a la totalidad de la compañía y se solicita al alumno que elabore un plan siguiendo las directrices estratégicas de la empresa y del grupo multinacional al que pertenece. Los alumnos deberán analizar la situación y tomar decisiones, calcular sus costes directos e indirectos, y analizar las consecuencias futuras de dichas decisiones.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Planellas Arán, Marcel Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes Elvira La alianza estratégica entre el Grupo VIPS y la Fundación Chandra Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2012 31 p. En 2009 Grupo VIPS y Fundación Chandra empezaron a estudiar la posibilidad de firmar un acuerdo de colaboración a tres años. La empresa y la ONG colaboran desde 1999 y afirman que mantendrán esta relación de colaboración puesto que representa una verdadera alianza estratégica que aporta beneficios para ambas partes.

Pless, Nicola Building a bridge over troubled waters? BP’s CEO prepares for a dialogue with onshore stakeholders Barcelona: ESADE, 06/2012 12 p. Roleplaying based on the situation that faced Bob Dudley, BP CEO, on december 2010, when he met for the first time the group of stakeholders that suffered the consequences of the largest sea oil spill in the US history.

Pless, Nicola Dame Anita Roddick: Founder of The Body Shop Sant Cugat, Barcelona: ESADE, 10/2011 19 p. The case is about Dame Anita Roddick and her leadership style which exemplies responsible leadership in practice.

Ramis Pujol, Juan Emprendeduria y innovación en el sector del vino Barcelona: ESADE, 04/2012 20 p. El caso se basa en la capacidad emprendedora del protagonista, actual propietario de las Bodegas Viña Arganza. Se extraen lecciones sobre la evolución del emprendedor y se proponen aprendizajes relativos a la gestión de la empresa y la innovación.


Ramis Pujol, Juan Dröge, Henning Innovation at BBVA Bedforshire (U.K.): European Case Clearing House (ECCH), 10/2011 26 p. Historia de innovación del BBVA a través de varias experiencias en el lanzamiento de nuevos servicios. Seis proyectos fueron seleccionados y se describen desde diferentes perspectivas con el fin de mostrar como los nuevos servicios se desarrollan y como se llevó a cabo la gestión de proyecto. Es un caso que se adapta bien para estudiantes de MBA en las fases finales de un curso de innovación puesto que sirve para tocar una multitud de aspectos que se habrán desarrollado durante el curso.

van Cranenburgh, Katinka Arenas Vives, Daniel A roadmap for the Heineken Africa Foundation Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 18 p. After a few years of experience of working on improving health standards in Sub-Saharan Africa, in the spring of 2011 the Heineken Africa Foundation (HAF) was revisiting its strategy and funding criteria. It needed to define its level of ambition, have understanding of the current output of its activities and align with internal stakeholders on the definition of success.


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Arjona Sebastià, César The Idea of Justice by Amartya Sen Arjona Sebastià, C.; Jamal, A.; Menkel-Meadow, C.; Ramraj, V.; Satiro, F. London: Allen Lane, 2009. 468 p. Book review in: International Journal of Law in Context, vol. 8, no. 1, 03/2012, p. 155-178

Murillo Bonvehí, David La paradoja de la globalización by Dani Rodrik Barcelona: Antoni Bosch Editor, 2012. 368 p. Book review in: Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol, no. 18, p. 175-177

Murillo Bonvehí, David El futur del capitalisme by Salvador Giner Barcelona: Edicions 62, 2011. 160 p. Book review in: Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol, no. 16, p. 183-186

Murillo Bonvehí, David La geopolítica de las emociones: cómo las culturas del miedo, la humillación y la esperanza están reconfirmando el mundo by Dominique Moïsi Barcelona: Grupo Norma, 2011. 238 p. Book review in: Via: Valors, Idees, Actituds: Revista del Centre d’Estudis Jordi Pujol, no. 17, p. 199-201

Ringov, Dimo The new multinationals: Spanish firms in a global context by Mauro F. Guillén, Esteban García-Canal Cambridge (U.K.): Sage, 2010. 238 p. Book review in: Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 1, p. 167-170

Saz-Carranza, Ángel Public value: Theory and practice by John Benington & Mark H Moore (eds.) London (U.K.): Palgrave MacMillan, 2011. 272 p. Book review in: Public Administration Review, vol. 72, no. 1, p. 152-153


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Alemany Gil, Luisa Planellas Arán, Marcel Libro blanco de la iniciativa emprendedora en España Alemany, L.; Álvarez, C.; Planellas, M.; Urbano, D. Barcelona: ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute, 10/2011 176 El presente estudio, promovido por la Fundación Príncipe de Girona, tiene como objetivo analizar la situación actual de la iniciativa emprendedora en España y, en especial, identificar los factores clave que permitirían fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre los jóvenes de nuestro país. En este estudio, el término iniciativa emprendedora hace referencia tanto a la puesta en marcha de nuevos proyectos emprendedores en el entorno empresarial, como a las iniciativas en otros campos como el social, el artístico-cultural, el deportivo y el científico-académico.

Ballabriga Clavería, Fernando Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Sayeras Maspera, Josep M Laborda Coronil, Anna Recio Figueiras, Eugenio Informe económico. Enero 2012 Barceona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía, 01/2012 72 p. ESADE. Informe económico; no. 13 El Informe repasa las claves de la economía mundial, europea y española. La incipiente recuperación de la economía mundial está amenazada y la crisis europea se perfila como epicentro de la amenaza. En el caso de España, el país se enfrentará durante 2012 a una situación de estancamiento o ligera contracción.

Chesbrough, Henry Vanhaverbeke, Wim Open innovation and public policy in Europe Ballabriga Clavería, Fernando Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep Laborda Coronil, Anna Informe económico. Mayo 2012 Barcelona: ESADE. Departamento de Economía, 05/2012 48 p. ESADE. Informe económico; no. 12 El debate sobre cómo se aborda el ajuste de las cuentas externas entre los deudores periféricos y los acreedores centrales de la zona euro sigue abierto. La estrategia de exigir estricta austeridad a los deudores ha seguido en primer plano, pero por sí sola no es suficiente y se está resquebrajando. La periferia se encuentra con un sector privado estancado o en recesión y con un sector público que no sólo no tiene la posibilidad de llevar a término políticas monetarias y fiscales que contrarresten la situación de su sector privado, sino que, más bien al contrario, se ve forzado a aplicar ajustes fiscales y reformas. Al tener un impacto negativo sobre la actividad económica, estos ajustes y reformas realimentan las dudas sobre su capacidad para servir la deuda y en paralelo suben su prima de riesgo, imprimiendo fuerza a un dañino efecto bola de nieve sobre su endeudamiento que por sí sola no puede detener. Los ajustes y reformas son necesarios, pero las políticas que contrarresten sus efectos también, y sólo pueden venir de acciones paneuropeas. El Banco Central Europeo debe estar abiertamente dispuesto a respaldar sin límite a los países que están aplicando ajustes y reformas y Alemania, la economía más favorecida con la adopción del euro, debe estar abiertamente dispuesta a complementar la austeridad de la periferia con pasos decisivos hacia la integración financiera y fiscal que disipen las dudas sobre el futuro del euro.

Chesbrough, H.; Vanhaverbeke, W.; Bakici, T. López Vega, H. N. Science Business Publishing, 12/2011 36 p.

Industrial innovation processes are becoming more open. The large, vertically integrated R&D laboratory systems of the 20th century are giving way to more vertically disintegrated networks of innovation that connect numerous companies into ecosystems. Since innovation policy ultimately rests on the activities and initiatives of the private sector, it is vital that policy follows this evolution.

Goodman, Jennifer van Cranenburgh, Katinka Arenas Vives, Daniel Believers in the boardroom: Religious organizations and their shareholder engagement practices Goodman, J.; Celine, L.; van Cranenburgh, K.; Arenas Vives, D. Barcelona: ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 05/2012 41 p. Religious institutions can influence corporate behaviour by being active in the ownership of their shares. Despite the fact that many faith institutions feel they are too small to actually change a company’s social and environmental practices, examples of religious shareholder


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engagement practices do show successes. Religious institutions are widely considered to be the pioneers of responsible investment, and make up the third largest demographic of investors globally. Besides investment portfolio decision-making, based on negative and positive screening of companies, faith traditions seem to inspire believers to actively own their shares and confront the management of the companies which they invest in, forcing them to acknowledge their responsibilities towards society.

Mogas Sibina, Esteban Pascual Sancho, Jordi Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier La inversió estrangera a l’àrea de Barcelona Barcelona: Ajuntament de Barcelona - Àrea d’Economia, Empresa i Ocupació, 04/2012 63 p. L’estudi “La inversió estrangera a l’àrea de Barcelona” es du a terme cada dos anys per iniciativa de l’Àrea d’Economia, Empresa i Ocupació de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona. Aquest estudi analitza la situació, l’evolució i les perspectives de la inversió estrangera, així com els reptes i les oportunitats percebudes per les empreses estrangeres que estan implantades al nostre territori i pels experts que estan en contacte amb inversors internacionals. L’objectiu és identificar els factors que ajudin a incrementar la competitivitat i l’atractiu de l’àrea de Barcelona envers d’altres localitzacions de l’economia global. L’edició actual d’aquest estudi ha estat realitzada per un equip de recerca d’ESADE, sota la supervisió acadèmica dels professors Xavier Mendoza i Pere Puig.

Obeso Abalde, Carlos Informe Infojobs ESADE 2011. Estado del mercado laboral en España Lara Moreno, L.; Margalló Barrera, N.; Roca Carreño, A.; Rojo, D.; Obeso Abalde, C. Barcelona: Infojobs; ESADE, 05/2012 49 p. InfoJobs y ESADE presentan este estudio con el objetivo de aportar conocimiento útil sobre el mercado laboral español, documentando las distintas tendencias, rasgos y oportunidades existentes. El informe se divide en tres grandes bloques que analizan: el contexto económico, el estado del mercado laboral según la actividad registrada en InfoJobs y la opinión de expertos, candidatos y empresas. El análisis se centra principalmente en la actividad del portal durante 2011, aunque para entender la evolución de las diferentes tendencias se comparan los datos obtenidos con 2008 y 2010.


Pont Rey, Javier Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier I taller de competitividad del sector industrial Deloitte-ESADE. Lecciones aprendidas en el proceso de internacionalización Barcelona: Deloitte & ESADE, 07/2012 42 p. Se recogen y sintetizan los aprendizajes de un nutrido grupo de empresas industriales españolas sobre su proceso de internacionalización respecto a, entre otros, los siguientes aspectos: aportación de la internacionalización a la competitividad de la empresa, factores clave de éxito de la internacionalización, modos de entrada en países desarrollados y emergentes, el modelo de gestión de las filiales en el exterior, las principales dificultades encontradas en el proceso de internacionalización y áreas geográficas de futuro. Se realizaron cuatro talleres (Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid y Valencia) en los que participaron altos directivos de un total de 52 empresas.

Puig Bastard, Pere Batista Foguet, Joan M. Ulied Martínez, Agustín Coromina Soler, Lluis Berbegal Gasol, Marc El barómetro de las empresas de EE.UU. en España: perspectivas para el año 2011 Barcelona: American Chamber of Commerce in Spain (AmChamSpain); ESADE Business School, 10/2011 106 p. Desde la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos en España (AmChamSpain) y desde ESADE Business School, nos es muy grato poder emitir el “Barómetro de las empresas de Estados Unidos en España 2011”, un informe patrocinado por UPS y en cuya realización nos hemos comprometido ambas instituciones. Este Barómetro se publica por octavo año consecutivo y su contenido se somete a la consideración del mundo empresarial, político y académico, así como, en general, de los estudiosos de la internacionalización de la economía. En el mismo, se incluyen las conclusiones del análisis realizado por un equipo de investigadores de ESADE, bajo la dirección de Pere Puig y Agustín Ulied, profesores del Departamento de Economía, y de Joan Manuel Batista, profesor del Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y director del Leadership Development Research Centre de ESADE. El Barómetro 2011 presenta los resultados de la encuesta que, con notable acierto, viene realizando desde el año 2004 la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos en España a unas 550 empresas. La Cámara espera que, de la publicación de dichos datos y de los resultados del correspondiente análisis a cargo de los profesores de ESADE, se deriven indicaciones que contribuyan a mejorar el conocimiento y la eficacia de un conjunto de políticas de atracción y retención de la inversión directa extranjera en España. En esta


ocasión, el Barómetro ha contado con la participación de un considerable número de empresas, a las que agradecemos muy sinceramente su generosa colaboración. Consideramos que hemos conseguido acreditar entre todos, a lo largo de estos ocho años, un informe único en su clase, que se ha convertido en una publicación de referencia, que analiza con todo rigor y claridad la actividad de las empresas estadounidenses que operan en España; un informe que destaca, además, por la relevancia de sus contenidos y conclusiones. Tanto la Cámara de Comercio de Estados Unidos en España -una de las instituciones económicas de mayor peso en nuestro país, promotora y patrocinadora del Barómetro desde sus inicios- como ESADE -una escuela de negocios de amplia vocación científica y académica y de gran reputación internacional-, manifestamos, un año más, nuestro compromiso en este proyecto de análisis de la situación y las perspectivas de las empresas estadounidenses en España, una iniciativa a la que ambas instituciones otorgamos, sin duda, una gran importancia.

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Parera Olm, Antoni Hoteles urbanos ESADE-Keytel-HotStats 2012 Valls , J. F.; Parera, A.; con la colaboración de: Halle, B.; Segú, M. Barcelona: ESADE, 03/2012 15 p. El año 2011 no ha sido bueno para los hoteles urbanos españoles, aunque mejoraron ligeramente los resultados del año anterior. Sólo el 32 % pudieron mantener los precios medios y más de la mitad cayeron entre un diez y un veinte por ciento. Y, a pesar de que el 24 % de los encuestados afirman que la rentabilidad por habitación disponible, el RevPar, ha aumentado un diez por ciento, el 20 % sólo han podido mantenerlos al mismo nivel del año anterior, y al 44 % les han caído entre el diez y el veinte por ciento. El año 2012 será algo mejor, pero tampoco se presenta excesivamente halagüeño, según se desprende del estudio “Hoteles urbanos ESADE-KEYTEL-HOTSTATS- 2012”. Este año, el 67 % de los encuestados creen que se mantendrán los precios medios, pero para el 33 % caerán hasta el diez o el veinte por ciento; el RevPar subirá un diez por ciento para el 20 % de los hoteles, permanecerá igual que en 2011 para el 54 % y bajará en el resto de los casos. Sin embargo, más de dos tercios de los hoteles internacionales aumentaron sus precios medios y su RevPar en 2011 y una proporción todavía mayor esperan hacerlo en 2012. Mientras la hotelería urbana internacional va borrando las huellas del zarpazo de la crisis de 2008, la española las mantiene cuatro años después y alargará sus efectos al menos hasta todo el 2012. Este estudio ha sido realizado conjuntamente por ESADE, la central de reservas representante de los hoteles, KEYTEL, y la consultora estratégica Magma TRI. Por una parte, se ha consultado a una muestra de hoteleros urbanos de más de dieciséis países pertenecientes a KEYTEL; por otra, Magma TRI ha realizado el análisis de la evolución entre 2005 y 2011 de los hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas de las principales ciudades turísticas europeas: Ámsterdam, Barcelona, Berlín, Londres, Madrid, París, Praga y Viena.

Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc Sureda Pascual, Joan Parera Olm, Antoni Indicadors de comerç a Barcelona (IcoB) Barcelona: ESADE, 04/2012 53 p.

Oriol Iglesias, Brand Centre

Un 70,5% dels comerços han reduït la seva facturació respecte l’any passat. Un 18% afirma que han caigut els seus ingressos més d’un 20%, i un 23% ha hagut de reduir la seva plantilla. Un 76% dels comerciants han començat el període de rebaixes abans de la mateixa


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campanya de Nadal. Gairebé la meitat ho ha fet més d’un mes abans que s’iniciessin formalment. El consumidor compra menys, fa compres més petites, es queda només el que ha entrat a buscar i busca cada vegada més les ofertes. El 2012 no comença amb bon peu pels comerciants de Barcelona. Ni l’efecte de la campanya de Reis, ni les rebaixes de gener han aconseguit aturar el impacte de la crisi als comerços de la ciutat que encara no veuen el seu final. La gran majoria de comerços de Barcelona han reduït les seves vendes en el primer trimestre de l’any respecte l’any anterior, i el consumidor compra cada cop menys i busca cada vegada més l’oferta. És per això que els comerços han decidit d’una forma majoritària desestacionalitzar el seu període de rebaixes i fer ofertes permanents. Així ho assenyala l’Indicador Comerç de Barcelona (IcoB) creat per ESADE i Fundació Barcelona Comerç que elabora sondejos trimestrals a una mostra d’uns 500 comerços dels principals eixos de la ciutat dels sectors de l’alimentació, equipament a persones, equipament a la llar, serveis professionals, i oci i cultura. En aquesta edició inclou dos estudis “Tendències comercials a Barcelona, primer trimestre de 2012” i “Actitud dels comerciants davant el nou escenari de preus”. El petit comerç es troba en un punt d’inflexió i canvi de model. No es tracta només d’una caiguda de facturació. El comprador ja no és el que era, la manera de consumir ha canviat i els competidors evolucionen constantment. Són temps de crisi, però també temps d’emprendre noves maneres de vendre, d’innovar i d’impulsar noves estratègies.

Villegas Sanchez, Carolina Financing Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Nigeria Villegas Sanchez, C.; Berg, G.; Fuchs, M.; Iacovone, L.; Jaeggi, T.; Lovegrove, A. World Bank, 06/2012 60 p. This report focuses on constraints to SME development caused by a lack of access to finance, which is described by SMEs as the second biggest obstacle they face after the lack of a reliable supply of electricity. The study provides a comprehensive assessment of the availability of finance to SMEs in Nigeria by analyzing both the demand and supply sides of SME finance. The report further discusses a number of policy recommendations on how to reduce obstacles to SME financing and increase lending to SMEs by formal financial institutions. This report presents findings from two surveys of access to finance for SMEs in Nigeria. The first is a survey of formal SMEs (demand side survey) in which 511 of 1,154 enterprises originally surveyed in 2007 as part of the World Bank’s Nigeria Investment Climate Assessment were reinterviewed to assess their access to financial services and to investigate possible effects of the Nigerian banking crisis on their access to finance. The second is a survey of commercial banks and other formal financial institutions involved in lending to SMEs (supply side survey) to better understand their involvement with SMEs and their business models for serving this segment. Linking both surveys in this report presents a comprehensive picture of access to finance for SMEs in Nigeria in the presence of an important exogenous shock, the Nigerian banking crisis. It also enables us to cross-check conclusions and perspectives from both the consumer and supplier sides of SME finance.



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phd theses



Azevedo Nogueira, Affonso Henriques de Dolan, Simon (dir.) Cross-cultural leadership: A comparative study between brazilian and Portuguese subordinates Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 05/2012 This study aimed to compare the cultural patterns of Brazilian and Portuguese groups. Using an instrument named Values Scale it was possible to identify and compare these patterns. In addition, we sought to compare the leadership styles preferred by those groups using an adaptation of the Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s Taxonomy developed by Vroom (2000). Finally, we assessed whether there was correlation between cultural patterns and leadership styles. It was observed that the two groups showed a preference for HorizontalCollectivism Cultural Pattern and the Brazilian group chose a more participative leadership style when compared with the Portuguese group. There was also a correlation between cultural patterns and leadership styles. At the end of the study limitations are presented and proposals for future research are suggested, especially between Brazilians and Portuguese, since such studies are still scarce and taking into account that these countries have in common historical past and are also facing significant social, economic and cultural changes.

Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed Ansotegui, Carmen (dir.) The pricing behavior of depository receips: evidence form emerging markets Ansotegui, C. & Tooma, E. (dirs.) Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 05/2012 This thesis provides an in-depth examination of the pricing behavior of depository receipts from emerging markets which have been largely overlooked despite their dominating role in the foreign crosslisting arena. Characteristics of depository receipts make them identical securities to their underlying stock and therefore both are expected to be priced equally. A detailed analysis of the issue has been so far hampered by the lack of quality intraday data from emerging markets that facilitates a real time analysis of the relationship between the prices of the depository receipt and its underlying stock. This direct examination is required since those markets have large trading barriers that are hypothesized to distort the theoretical pricing relationship and mask true pricing patterns. The first essay examines the fundamental long run economic relationship that ties both securities: the law of one price. Recent evidence shows that contrary to developed market equities, price parity is broken in emerging market equities due to the presence of trading barriers such as trading costs, short selling restrictions and capital controls. The first essay confirms the violation of long run price parity in Egyptian depository receipts which is corroborated by robustness tests around the different weekends between the local and host market as well as around exchange rate regime shifts. The second essay focuses on identifying whether real arbitrage opportunities exist when

the underlying equilibrium pricing relationship is violated. The analysis uses a unique two year high frequency intraday dataset from 16 Egyptian and Argentinean equities to identify whether arbitrage opportunities exist during the period when both securities are simultaneously trading and establish whether arbitrage trades play a role in price convergence. The methodology used relies on a novel arbitrage identification procedure that uses dynamic trading costs and volumes. Evidence of the presence of large number of arbitrage opportunities across the sample is established. Arbitrage opportunities are found to persist for several minutes and require more than one trade to converge to no-arbitrage zones. A filtering algorithm extracts real arbitrage trades from the arbitrage trades from the dataset and establishes the important role of arbitrageurs in restoring prices to their fundamental values and in keeping prices from drifting away from a common efficient implicit price. The third essay builds on the arbitrage analysis and uses the same intraday dataset to examine whether the local or foreign market plays a more dominant role in the intraday pricing of the Egyptian and Argentinean cross-listed securities. The results show that both markets are important for the price discovery process, but that for all of the Egyptian and most of the Argentinean securities, the local market plays a more dominant role. The location of price discovery is found to depend on several factors, most importantly the liquidity and trading volume that each market can attract. The final essay in the thesis was motivated by the results of the third essay and inspired by the Arab spring movements in the Middle East. The 25th of January uprising in Egypt was accompanied by a full stock market closure for a complete two months. This created an interesting setting in which the only Egyptian equities that were allowed to trade were those with depository receipts trading in the UK. We use this event to examine the effect of a change in the legal environment on the location of price discovery and find that during the interim period where the local market was closed, the location of price discovery has shifted to the foreign market making it the dominant location for pricing activity. This provides evidence of the dynamic nature of the price discovery of depository receipts.

Pedro Parada, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)


research ESADE research yearbook yearbook 2011-122011-12

Campos Espinoza, Ricardo Alex Rovira llobera, Xari (dir.) Ansotegui, Carmen (dir.) Técnicas de sistemas automáticos de soporte vectorial en la réplica del rating crediticio Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 07/2012 Proper credit rating of an issuer is a critical factor in our current economy. Professionals and academics agree on this, and the media have spread impact events caused by rating agencies. Therefore, the analysis performed by the debtor’s financial experts has significant resources on investment consulting firms and rating agencies. Nowadays, many methodological and technical exist to support the professional qualification of the credit quality of issuers. However there are still many gaps to complete and areas to develop for this task to be as precise as needed. Moreover, machine learning systems based on core functions, particularly Support Vector Machines (SVM) have been successful in classification problems when the data are not linearly separable or when noisy patterns are used. In addition, by using structures based on kernel functions is possible to treat any data space, expanding the possibilities to find relationships between patterns, a task that is not easy with conventional statistical techniques. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the contributions made in the replica of rating, and, to look at different alternatives to improve the performance of prediction with SVM. To do this, we first reviewed the financial literature and overview the models used to measure credit risk. We reviewed the approaches of individual credit risk measurement, used principally for the lending bank and the individual assessment of investments in fixed income securities. Models based on portfolio of assets have also been revised, both those proposed from academia such as those used by financial institutions. In addition, we have reviewed the contributions carried out to assess credit risk using statistical techniques and machine learning systems. Particular emphasis has been placed on learning methods methodologies used to perform adequately replicate rating. To improve the performance of replication, a discretization technique has been chosen for the variables under the assumption that, for the opinion of the technical rating companies, financial experts intuitively evaluate the performances of companies in intervalar terms. In this thesis, for rating replication, we used a data sample of companies in developed countries. Different types of SVM have been used to replicate and discussed the goodness of the results of the replica, compared with two other statistical techniques widely used in the financial literature. Special attention has been given to measure the goodness of fit of the models in terms of rates of success and how they errors are distributed. According to the results it can be argued that the performance of SVM is better than the statistical techniques used in this thesis. In addition, it has been shown that in the process of discretization of the input data no-relevant information is lost. This contributes to the idea that financial experts instinctively made a similar process of discretization of financial information to deliver their credit opinion of the qualified companies.


Chércoles Blázquez, Javier Vernis, Alfred (dir.) Navigating the spider’s web. The spectrum voluntary relief scheme Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 06/2012 The Thesis - “Navigating into the Spider´ Web, Developing Resilience in the Wake of an Industrial Disaster in the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment Sector” – (hereinafter the Thesis) summarizes the Author´s experience, based on a multi-stakeholder approach, carried out in Bangladesh, to build the Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme to manage the negative consequences derived from the collapse of the Spectrum factory (Savar, Bangladesh 2005). The first innovation offered by the Thesis is the spider web: an illustrative concept used by the Author to capture the ultimate roots of the crisis derived from the mentioned factory collapse. In other words, a spider web unlike nets actually knitted by spiders, was messy, and, as such, it was opaquely woven with distrust threads linking Local and International stakeholders present at the Spectrum accident arena. Thus, the mutual distrust come from the combination of the following factors: (i) a failure to abide by current Bangladesh Laws; (ii) a lack of resources to enforce an effective Legal Framework and (iii) a consistent disregard for commitments voluntarily made by International Buyers after approving their respective Codes of Conduct for External Manufacturers and Suppliers. The second innovation offered by the Thesis was its theoretical framework based on a holistic Relational Social Capital concept derived from the adaptation of several current management theories and to guide the intervention through The Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme in this complex scenario. The third innovation was the procedure to build tools (i.e. Fact Finding Mission, Scale and actuarial model to calculate compensations to injured workers and the families of those deceased as a result of the accident) to simultaneously: (i) solve the crisis derived from the factory collapse and (ii) foster Trust, Closeness and Cooperative behaviour among stakeholders involved in the Spectrum accident Additionally, the Thesis offers three innovations: (i) a second spider web which, even more obscure, messy and opaque that permeated Scheme beneficiaries’ community, social, religious and family everyday lives, was directly responsible for the stalwart exclusion of the most vulnerable groups; (ii) its conceptualization on the basis of Four Ps: Political and Constitutional Values (P1); Patrilineal Kinship (P2); Para (P3) and Purdah (P4) and (iii) the procedure to assess the impact of these mentioned four Ps on Spectrum Widows’ lives. The Thesis identifies a third spider web, which concentric the other two and, therefore, present in factories as well as family households and communities where beneficiaries and their relatives live, is knitted by a poor judicial system to safeguard Women’s Rights, being its direct consequence: the insufficient protection of the Spectrum Widows´ Rights to free enjoy the compensations received from the Spectrum Scheme in a country with showed one of the highest VAW rates in the world. Finally, this innovative relational framework designed to solve future complex crisis derived from labour accidents in LDC, accumulating Trust and Social Capital, concludes using its most immediate practical outcome: the Bangladesh Welfare Act (2006).


de l’Etraz, Paris Bonet Guinó, Eduard (dir.) The adaptation challenges of quantitatively minded professionals: Certain individuals in uncertain times Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 07/09/2011 This dissertation focuses on a particular mentality found often in the quantitative and technical, professions. It is one of mathematically minded individuals (Toulmin 2001), with a fairly closed mentality, who sometimes struggle in dealing with the more ambiguous and uncertain reality of today’s organizations. These individuals, referred to as Quants in this analysis, are usually obsessed with objectivity and prediction (Porter 1985) and form part of a particular strong culture (Kunda 2002) usually within Quantitative disciplines, but can also be found in all types of professions. The study takes a professional identity development approach to looking at this subject using narratives as the form of analysis. The objective is to study the narratives of the individuals in each case using ethnographic and open-interview methods so as to understand how the professionals sometimes struggle to “keep their narratives going” (Giddens, 1991) and use identity work techniques (Ibarra 1999, Pratt 2006) to resolve tensions. The Four cases of Quants in the study show four prototypes of professional identity transformation and how each individual reacts differently in each case with the subsequent different effects on the individual mentalities. Much of the study takes part during the Economic crisis of 2008 and in one case the affects of this Crisis on the individual’s identity transformation is quite dramatic. While this study has not focused on the Economic Crisis of 2008, it does focus on a mentality which was very prevalent during the Crisis, and influenced it to some extent, that of individuals who seek to predict social outcomes, reduce uncertainty to risk calculations, argue that markets are self correcting and believe that the more information the more certainty (Blyth 2010, Taleb 2007, Fox 2009).

Diasio, Stephen Agell, Núria (dir.) Open models of decision support towards a framework Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 06/2012 This thesis presents a framework for open models of decision support through a compendium of papers that links research on the inward and outward flows of knowledge to the organization and decision support technologies. The framework presents underlying factors driving new and more open models of decision support. A typology of decision support models is offered considering types of problems organizations and managers charged with decision-making face. Thesis essay #1 suggests a perspective of … [+] the changing landscape for decision support technology and the advance-

ment of new technology for open models of decision support. This study provides insight from an evolutionary perspective of expertise that has shaped the field of decision support technologies. The investigation sets out to reveal the changing landscape of expertise in supporting decision-making using technology and sheds light on the new role that experts will play in organizational decision-making. It suggests that a significant change in how decision-making is being supported which challenge the traditional role of experts and non-experts. Finally, this paper explores opportunities for decision support technology integration and the added benefits artificial intelligence can bring to collective intelligence tools. Thesis essay #2 investigates the ‘aggregate’ typology within the open model decision support framework. A forecasting problem is used to highlight the complexity of demand forecasting in supply-chain management within the film industry and how technology is leveraged for effective supply-chain management decisions. The investigation compares two decision support technologies: expert systems and collective intelligence tools and illustrates how the film industry uses each in forecasting box-office revenue. Finally, this essay explores the combined benefits in integrating each support technology for more accurate forecasting. Thesis essay #3 is a longitudinal study over a 10 year period that uses IBM Innovation Jams as a context for large-scale collaboration within the ‘platform’ typology. This essay investigates the role of innovation jams on organizational change as IBM learned to engage with a new model of organizing innovation. It describes the role innovation jams have played in shaping the practice of open innovation at IBM. This essay uses the musical genre of a “jamband” as a metaphor to describe the emergent development and use of innovation jams as a way to understand organizational change. This longitudinal study brings innovation jam research upto-date and presents innovation jams as they evolved from a concept, a management tool, and service. The essay concludes with a discussion on the implications of the findings for theorizing about new models of organizing innovation for organizational change. Research conducted in this thesis offers a framework of open models of decision support that suggests that the use of internal and external sources of knowledge can be leveraged beyond product or service innovation, to include decision-making supported by emerging technology. Theoretical contributions of this thesis argues that organizations can no longer rely on decision support technology that solely focus on bridging the boundary between rational and non-rational aspects of human social behavior but instead, must consider the larger dynamic organizational network for decision support. Moreover, practical implications of this thesis encourages organizations to think strategically about how emerging technology can support decision making and the resulting decision support models to navigate the complex environment they work in and in turn, to forge stronger links with customers, suppliers, and the wider organizational network.


research ESADE research yearbook yearbook 2011-122011-12

Francioli, Francesca Bisbe Viñas, Josep (dir.) The role of contingency factors in the implementation stages of strategic performance management systems: Evidence from Italian banks Bisbe i Viñas, J. & Cinquini, L. (dirs.) Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 09/03/2012 The importance of management accounting and control systems for an efficient and effective management information supplied in an organization has increased over the last decade. The implementation of new control systems is often a major change for an organization and several investigations highlight the high failure rate of this process among companies. It therefore stands to reason that contingency factors play a prominent role during the implementation and use of such a system. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the role of managerial behaviors, organization influences and technical weight within the implementation process of management accounting and control systems.The aim of the research is to offer an insight into the development and implementation of strategic performance measurement systems in an attempt to delve into the processes of management control and to link them to the contextual factors occurring inside organizations. This study took place in Italy, considering the scarce amount of investigations at international level on Italian management accounting practices, and its focus is on the banking sector considering the many structural changes due to modifications occurred in its external environment in the past two decades and the current global financial crisis. The themes of the thesis were tested by means of a combination of survey research and a case study. Survey data were collected from Italian banks’ headquarters and highlight the extent to which behavioral and organizational factors influence the stages of the implementation process and as the significance and direction of these influences varies. The case study analyzes an Italian bank that matured almost ten years of experience with a balanced scorecard and it confirms associations between behavioral and organizational factors and stages and emphasizing the weight of technical factors across the process of change.

Hildebrand, Dagmar Sauquet Rovira, Alfons (dir.) Trullén Fernández, Jordi (dir.) Shared leadership and team learning: The story of three project teams Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 24/10/2011 Today’s organizations are forced to establish sustainable competitive advantages in order to outpace the global market. Successful innovations have been broadly considered a vital basis for the generation of competitive advantage (Dodgson et al., 2005). Such innovations are typically generated by teams (Brown & Eisenhardt,


1995). Leading an innovation team has been identified as one of the key success factors for innovation projects (Amabile & Khaire, 2008). Leadership does not only impact on hard performance indicators such as project innovativeness but is also shown to enhance a team’s attitude, perceptions and beliefs (Gordon & Yukl, 2002). Particularly, effective team leaders are those engaging in activities directed at the substance of the team’s task, relations and change (Yukl, 2010) which, in turn, facilitate group processes and are shown to positively impact diverse performance outcomes (Burke et al., 2006). As leadership is directed at influencing team processes in terms of building up social conditions, framing the team’s tasks and opening team members’ minds for something new (Yukl, 2010), it is interesting to study a team process which is based on the conditions created by leadership activities. Team learning, here defined as the interplay of reflection and action (Edmondson, 2002), is a process which requires personal interactions as well as a frame of the team’s task. Additionally, team learning is much enhanced when someone in the team is pushing the team to look outside its boundaries or challenging the status quo. Not only the required conditions for learning generated through leadership highlight the reason for studying these two concepts, but also the fact that leadership as an input factor and team learning as a group process are both critical antecedent conditions for team innovativeness (Amabile et al., 2004; Wong, 2004). Since team learning is especially important for teams engaging in creative non-routine tasks (Edmondson, 1999), I have focused on shared leadership in this PhD project because this leadership approach is especially suitable for teams in charge of creative, complex and non-routine tasks (Pearce, 2004). In contrast to vertical leadership, in shared leadership the team including the project leader is engaged in leadership (Carson et al., 2007; Pearce, 2004). This PhD project is a first step towards building up this theory by focusing on the role of shared leadership in team learning. I have presented data from an observatory study on shared leadership and learning process in three project teams. By observing and interviewing those teams, the following findings emerged from the data: Firstly, by researching interrelations between each of the three leadership substances and team learning, I provide in-depth knowledge, in particular concerning the link between the task and change substance affecting reflection and action as these links have not studied been before (Edmondson et al., 2008): Relations and change substance primarily supported the reflection part of learning, whereas the task substance of leadership basically enhanced the action part of learning. Secondly, not only have I studied these three leadership categories on team learning individually, but I have also provided insights into the complementary character of these three leadership substances as regards team learning. Empirical findings have shown that in order to engage in successful learning cycles of reflection and action, a team needs to engage in leadership activities of task, relations and change.


Johansen, Christina Berg Svejenova, Silviya (dir.) Sustainability-as-practice. A case study of managers’micro-strategic work to integrate sustainablity with business practices in a healthcare multinational Svejenova, S. & Hockerts, K. (dirs.) Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 06/2012 This dissertation applies a micro-strategic perspective to the phenomenon of integrating sustainability into business practices. It is the result of a 3-year single case study of a corporate sustainability programme, through its different stages of development from formation to business integration. The company is a Denmark-based, global healthcare corporation, which in 2007 launched an ambitious sustainability programme; “Action for Health”. The programme works with non-profit partners in emerging markets, to improve healthcare related to the company’s main business areas. Sustainability practices are increasingly prevalent in corporations and their institutional landscape. An abundance of networks, consultancies, think-tanks, blogs, books, tools and organizations is devoted to the development of corporate sustainability practices, yet deeper integration of sustainability practices with business strategies has only been practiced by few. Reports show that managers are interested in integrating sustainability with business strategy, and they believe it is pivotal to future success and growth, but they are uncertain how to practically do so. Sustainability, as all new practices, draws on unfamiliar meanings and creates tensions with existing practices. Theory has thus far not clearly addressed the strategic challenges of overcoming these tensions. By applying a micro-lens to the implementation of sustainability in one corporation, this dissertation aims to do so. The research question is: How do managers execute a vision of sustainability integration into the microstrategic processes of everyday corporate life? To answer this question, the dissertation adopts a qualitative and constructivist methodological approach. It aims to interpret meanings of social behaviour, not to put these on formula for improved managerial behaviour, but to understand better the activity, choices and dilemmas of managers in the selected case. The case is an instrumental case study, meaning that it is used as an illustration of a larger social issue. Its findings are through the lenses of Strategy as Practice (SAP) theory and amplified by Institutional Logics. Scholars in both these theoretical communities argue that we need a stronger understanding of social phenomena from the perspective of the individuals engaged in their maintenance and making, which is in this study methodologically achieved by following managers in their everyday strategic actions and deliberations. By doing so, the study reveals a highly emergent way of strategizing sustainability, ripe with tension and ambiguity across several stages and layers of management. This tells a different story than what current literature purports about sustainability integration, and instead of prescribing or normatively assessing sustainability strategy, it investigates the underlying socialized premises on which managers understand sustainability, and how these affect managers’ approaches and actions towards integration of new and old practices. The study shows how strategic action concerning the sustainability programme is influenced by two

sets of logics: On one side an existing set of business logics, with which managers understand the company’s goals to grow, generate profit to shareholders within a short time-frame and work efficiently to these ends. And on the other side a less prevalent set of “social” logics, which comprises ethical values, long-term impact, and the creation of better societies. The sustainability programme’s aims encompass both logics, but managers are less familiar with the social logic. This creates strategic confusion, in which an informal practice based on strong business logics, corrodes the formal social practice. Through lengthy experimentation, managers are able to address the inconsistencies and locate an existing set of corporate practices, in which the sustainability objectives can be integrated as an asset rather than an add-on to business objectives and strategies. The dissertation contributes to three literatures: Firstly, it contributes to SAP theory by extending its core framework, which argues that strategy as practice develops through iterations of practitioners, their daily praxis and the larger practices, which practitioners create, maintain and draw on. The practices level in SAP theory has thus far been theorized as both strategic activity itself and an institutional level of practices that guide activity. This guidance, argue SAP scholars, comes mainly from the strategy field itself. This dissertation shows that practices that guide strategic activity are much broader and come from a multitude of institutional fields and practices, in the case identified as amongst other sustainability, shareholder value and national health care policy. Particularly in projects and units peripheral to core corporate strategy, may experimentation with new and foreign practices unfold. The challenge is to integrate their work with existing corporate practices, so it can create value for the company – without absorbing the new practices to the extent of assimilation. Secondly, it contributes to Institutional Logics by building on analytical insights from the application of a micro-study to the IL perspective. IL scholars have expressed the need for understanding IL in micro practices, but

Mar Vila, Tourism Management Research Group (GRUGET)


research ESADE research yearbook yearbook 2011-122011-12

not many such studies have been conducted. By doing so, I reveal the need for further analytical distinction of logics and suggest a layering of Institutional Logics in orders, logics and types. This serves to understand the empirical plurality of logics’ forms, and to sharpen our attention to the complexity of their amalgamation in daily social praxis. Finally it contributes to the extensive CSR literature by pointing attention to the strategic implications of sustainability practices, and arguing that a deeper understanding of strategy gives scholars alternative understandings of companies’ seeming reluctance in CSR execution. It shows that experimentation is a core element in integrating the largely foreign logics of a “social” orientation with current business practices, and poses the opportunity for CSR scholars to investigate the layers of logics assigned to the sustainability phenomenon by corporate practitioners. The dissertation concludes with insights for practice, limitations and avenues for further research.

them to become socially responsible institutions, and how can the needed process of change be implemented. The thesis upholds that education in responsible business does not depend exclusively on curriculum, but should expand its scope to involve the entire institution towards the objective of educating students for becoming responsible and ethical business leaders. Consequently, a model is proposed for the transformation of a business school into a socially responsible institution. The thesis is paper-based, and comprises eight academic contributions; the first one consists in a literature review on Corporate Social Responsibility which reveals the profusion of related definitions, theories, approaches, and their development. The second paper contributes to the significance and better understanding of University Social Responsibility through a literature review of its origins and evolution. A following article, Socially Responsible Business Schools: Collective stakeholders’ voices demand urgent actions, addresses key stakeholders’ arguments that provide deans with plenty of criteria for change, and stresses the insufficiency of AACSB’s

Lecuna Bueno, Antonio Puig-Bastard, Pere (dir.) Decentralization, corruption, and inflation: The case of neopopulism in Venezuela Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 05/2012 The doctoral thesis based monographic articles presented is a collection of four complementary papers: Corruption and Size Decentralisation; Flawed Decentralisation and Corruption in Venezuela; Stagflation in Neopopulist Venezuela; and Structural Consolidation of the PSUV. The very brief introduction before the first paper and the general conclusions after the fourth paper justifies the coherence and unity of the work, mainly by relating the research within some of the larger empirical and theoretical debates of the area. Overall, the research lies at the intersection of economics, public administration, planning and development, and political science. The keywords or primary subfields of interest are: corruption, decentralisation, Venezuela, populism and inflation. Summarising in one short and easy sentence, the main finding strongly supports the argument that the consolidation of unpopulated subnational units into relatively more autonomous and democratic organisations of governance is a viable institutional reform to strengthen accountability and transparency in corrupt countries. The country of study -Venezuela- is an interesting and significant case in view of the broad political and economic changes that have taken place there in recent years.

Martell Sotomayor, Janette Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel (dir.) Socially responsible business schools: A proposed model Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 20/10/2011 The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe what changes are necessary in the management of business schools in order for


Silviiya Svejenova, ESADE Entrepreneurship Institute (EEI)


accreditation requirements to improve business ethics and social responsibility education. The conclusions of this article prompted a Virtuous circle for socially responsible business schools, which is constructed with PRME, the leading accreditation bodies, and the Beyond Grey Pinstripes (BGP) ranking for synergistically impelling the transformation of business schools. Inasmuch as the BGP survey and its Global 100 ranking form part of the proposed virtuous circle, a following article, Assessing what it takes to earn a Beyond Grey Pinstripes Ranking, addresses its significance and methodology, since it is the only one that focuses on the curricula and research content of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability in MBA programmes. The need for the transformation of business schools is thus confirmed, and with this conviction in mind, a paper on A strategic change at business schools towards business ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability education ensued. The next article was co-authored on Responsible business education: Not a question of curriculum but a raison d’être, which stresses the importance of developing an identity in business schools in relation to ethics and social responsibility. Finally, the contributions of this thesis culminate in a proposal of A model for the transformation of business schools into socially responsible institutions, which centres people as the ultimate reason of all school activity, directing all policies and strategies towards a responsible management in which the dimensions of ethics, social responsibility, and sustainability are embedded and integrated in all aspects of the organisation.

Matei, Marius Rovira Llobera, Rosario (supervisor) Agell Jané, Núria (supervisor) A contribution to multivariate volatility modeling with high frequency data Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 09/03/2012 The thesis develops the topic of financial volatility forecasting in the context of the usage of high frequency data, and focuses on a twofold line of research: that of proposing alternative models that would enhance volatility forecasting and that of ranking existing or newly proposed volatility models. The objectives may be disseminated in three categories. The first scope constitutes of the proposal of a new method of volatility forecasting that follows a recently developed research line that pointed to using measures of intraday volatility and also of measures of night volatility, the need for new models being given by the question whether adding measures of night volatility improves day volatility estimations. As a result, a class of bivariate realized GARCH models was proposed. The second scope was to propose a methodology to forecast multivariate day volatility with autoregressive models that used day (and night for bivariate) volatility estimates, as well as high frequency information when that was available. For this, the Principal Component algorithm (PCA) was applied to a class of univariate and bivariate realized GARCH-type of models. The method represents an extension of one existing model (PC GARCH) that estimated a multivariate GARCH model by estimating univariate GARCH models of the principal

components of the initial variables. The third goal of the thesis was to rank the performance of existing or newly proposed volatility forecasting models, as well as the accuracy of the intraday measures used in the realized models estimations. With regards to the univariate realized models¿ rankings, it was found that EGARCHX, Realized EGARCH and Realized GARCH(2,2) models persistently ranked better, while the non-realized GARCH and EGARCH models performed poor in each stance almost. This allowed us to conclude that incorporating measures of intraday volatility enhances the modeling problem. With respect to the bivariate realized models¿ ranking, it was found that Bivariate Realized GARCH (partial and complete versions) and Bivariate Realized EGARCH models performed the best, followed by the Bivariate Realized GARCH(2,2), Bivariate EGARCH and Bivariate EGARCHX models. When the bivariate versions were compared to the univariate ones in order to investigate whether using night volatility measurements in the models¿ equations improves volatility estimation, it was found that the bivariate models surpassed the univariate ones when specific methodology, ranking criteria and stocks were used. The results were mixed, allowing us to conclude that the bivariate models did not prove totally inferior to their univariate counterparts, proving as good alternative options to be used in the forecasting exercise, together with the univariate models, for more reliable estimates. Finally, the PC realized models and PC bivariate realized models were estimated and their performances were ranked; improvements the PC methodology brought in high frequency multivariate modeling of stock returns were also discussed. PC models were found to be highly effective in estimating multivariate volatility of highly correlated stock assets and suggestions on how investors could use them for portfolio selection were made.

Murphy, Brian Matthew Arenas, Daniel (dir.) Cross-sector social partnerships: Value creation and capabilities Arenas, D. & Rivera-Santos, D. (dirs.) Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 05/2012 This thesis is organized in a compendium of three individual, though interrelated, articles that focus on various aspects of cross-sector interorganizational relationships (IORs), where alliances between firms and civil-society organizations are formed to address complex societal dilemmas. The overall goal of this work is to contribute to the literature on cross-sector alliances by exploring the specificities of capabilities required to engage effectively in IORs where partners and alliance… [+] goals differ greatly from business-to-business alliances. The first article, “Through Indigenous Lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders” (Murphy and Arenas, 2010), illustrated through three case studies, proposes a framework for cross-cultural bridge building and a model for value creation in cross-sector collaborations between businesses and fringe stakeholders. The second article, “Value Creation in Cross-Sector Collaborations: Increasing Influence for Competitive Advantage” (Murphy, Arenas and Batista), based on a survey conducted among 362 Spanish managers across multiple sectors, analyzes the ef-


research ESADE research yearbook yearbook 2011-122011-12

fects and interaction of prior alliance management experience and the alignment of partners’ missions, strategies and values on the success of cross-sector collaborations. Finally, the article “A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation in Cross-Sector Collaborations” (Murphy, Perrot and Rivera-Santos, 2012), supported by two case studies, introduces the concept of Relational Capacity for Social Innovation, a model related to Absorptive Capacity, but better suited to the context of learning and innovation in cross-sector collaborations in subsistence marketplaces.

Ogola, Fredrick Onyango Mària Serrano, Josep F. (dir.) Mechanisms for development in corporate citizenship and the social responsibility of financial institutions in developing countries Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 11/04/2012 A panoramic view of the Corporate Citizenship (CC) literature uncovers a proliferation of approaches, perspectives and views, which are complex, controversial and unclear. Yet a deeper view reveals that in spite of the complexities, there is room for synthesizing the literature around one of the most important roles of management science literature, namely, its contribution to better management practices. To that end, this doctoral thesis in its first study aims to add a perspective to the synthesis of CC literature by integrating it around the mechanisms for development in CC achieved through a review paper. The study understands “development in CC” as the stage-by-stage growth in terms of significance, corporate knowledge, attitudes, structures and practices that represent different degrees of understanding and of sophistication about CC. In the second study, the thesis presents one of the gaps found in this review, that is, the neglected mechanism for development in CC, namely, the “Social Responsibility Practices of leading firms in an industry: A Mechanism for development in Corporate Citizenship”. Finally, inspired by the limitation that leading firms were chosen somewhat arbitrarily but not out of clear firm ranking and that CC performance needs to be industry specific, the third study builds a framework for analyzing the social responsibility of financial institutions in developing countries founded on the idea of development as freedom presented by Amartya Sen.

Sanabria Montañez, José Antonio Agell Jané, Núria (dir.) Sayeras Maspera, Josep (dir.) A contribution to exchange rate forecasting based on machine learning techniques Universitat Ramon Llull. ESADE 17/10/2011 The purpose of this thesis is to examine the contribution made by machine learning techniques on exchange rate forecasting. Such contributions are facilitated and enhanced by the use of fundamental economic variables, technical indicators and business and


consumer survey variables as inputs in the forecasting models selected. This research has been organized in a compendium of four articles. The aim of each of these four articles is to contribute to advance our knowledge on the effects and means by which the use of fundamental economic variables, technical indicators, business and consumer surveys, and a model’s free-parameters selection is capable of improving exchange rate predictions. Through the use of a non-linear forecasting technique, one research paper examines the effect of fundamental economic variables and a model’s parameters selection on exchange rate forecasts, whereas the other three articles concentrate on the effect of technical indicators, a model’s parameters selection and business and consumer surveys variables on exchange rate forecasting. The first paper of this thesis has the objective of examining fundamental economic variables and a forecasting model’s parameters in an effort to understand the possible advantages or disadvantages these variables may bring to the exchange rate predictions in terms of forecasting performance and accuracy. The second paper of this thesis analyses how the combination of moving averages, business and consumer surveys and a forecasting model’s parameters improves exchange rate predictions. Compared to the first paper, this second paper adds moving averages and business and consumer surveys variables as inputs to the forecasting model, and disregards the use of fundamental economic variables. One of the goals of this paper is to determine the possible effects of business and consumer surveys on exchange rates. The third paper of this thesis has the same objectives as the second paper, but its analysis is expanded by taking into account the exchange rates of 7 countries. The fourth paper in this thesis takes a similar approach as the second and third papers, but makes use of a single technical indicator. In general, this thesis focuses on the improvement of exchange rate predictions through the use of support vector machines. A combination of variables and a model’s parameters selection enhances the way to achieve this purpose.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

phd programme contributions 152


Chesbrough, Henry Vanhaverbeke, Wim Bakici, Tuba López Vega, Henry Nelson Open innovation and public policy in Europe Science Business Publishing, 12/2011 36 p.

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed The proof is in the pudding: Arbitrage is possible in limited emerging markets Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A.; Tooma, E. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 222 27 p.

Bakici, Tuba Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan The underlying mechanisms of online open innovation intermediaries

Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge En torno al artículo 172.3 Ley Concursal: sobre la naturaleza de la responsabilidad de los administradores o liquidadores por deudas de la sociedad concursada

Barcelona: ESADE, 08/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 237 43 p.

Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento, Economía y Sociedad (REPES) Instituto Virtual de Ciencias Humanas (IVCH) Vol. 11, No. Octubre-noviembre 2011, p. 6-34

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed An investigation of intraday price discovery in cross-listed emerging market equities

Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge La alteración sobrevenida de las circunstancias en las más modernas propuestas para la unificación del derecho de contratos

Ansotegui, C.; Bassiouny, A.; Tooma, E. Barcelona: ESADE, 02/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 221 31 p.

Congreso UNIJES 2012 Universidad de Deusto. Facultad de Derecho Bilbao, 25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012

Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed The law of one price in global depository receipts. Empirical evidence from cross-listed Egyptian equities

Di Lorenzo, Francesco Parada Balderrama, Pedro Aspirations, performance and changes in partnering behavior: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry 1990-2006

Ansotegui Olcoz, C.; Bassiouny Mohamed, A. I.; Tooma, E. Middle Eastern Finance and Economics Eurojournals Publishing No. 17, Jul 2012, p. 33-34

Di Lorenzo, F.; Almeida, P.; Parada, P. SMS 31st Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Miami, Fla. (U.S.), 06/11/2011 - 09/11/2011

Bassiouny Mohamed, Aliaa IbrahimElsayed Ansotegui, Carmen (dir.) The pricing behavior of depository receips: evidence form emerging markets

Ysa Figueras, Tamyko Esteve Laporta, Marc Assessing public networks: Proposal for a new unit of analysis

Ansotegui, C. & Tooma, E. (dirs.) Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 05/2012

In New steering concepts in public management S. Van de Walle & S. Groeneveld (eds.) Bingley (U.K.): Emerald, 10/2011 p. 41-56


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Franch Bullich, Josep Hawkins, Matthew Allen Migration and minorities in Europe Franch, J.; Gruber, V.; Hawkins, M. In Diversity in European marketing: Text and cases T. Rudolph, B. B. Schlegelmilch, J. Franch, A. Bauer & J. N. Meise (eds.) Wiesbade (Germany): Springer Gabler, 04/2012 p. 15-55

Hawkins, Matthew Allen Saleem, Fathima The omnipresent personal narrative: Story formulation and the interplay among narratives Journal of Organizational Change Management (2010 IF=0.650) Emerald Vol. 25, no. 2, 03/2012, p. 204-219

Hennchen, Esther Lozano Soler, Josep M Corporate political responsibility: The case of Royal Dutch Shell in Nigeria 24th EBEN Annual Conference European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Antwerp (Belgium), 14/09/2011 - 17/09/2011 EABIS 10th Annual Colloquium 2011 European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) Fontainebleau (France), 26/10/2011 - 28/10/2011 1st Workshop on Business Ethics European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Brussels (Belgium), 10/11/2011 - 11/11/2011 28th EGOS Colloquium European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Helsinki (Finland), 02/07/2012 - 07/07/2012

Hennchen, Esther The role of oil mayors in supporting sustainable peace and development in Nigeria: The case of Royal Dutch Shell In CSR in conflict and post-conflict environments: From risk management to value creation Edited by: M. Prandi & J. M. Lozano (eds.) Bellaterra, Barcelona: UAB. Escola de Cultura de Pau; ESADE. Instituto de Innovación Social, 11/2011 p. 133-145


Ilipinar, Gürsel Montaña Matosas, Jordi Spender, John-Christopher Design thinking in the postmodern organization Ilipinar, G.; Johnston, W.; Montaña, J.; Spender, J.-C.; Truex, D. China-USA Business Review David Publishing Company Vol. 10, no. 11, 11/2011, p. 1203-1212

Johansen, Christina Berg Svejenova, Silviya (dir.) Sustainability-as-practice. A case study of managers’micro-strategic work to integrate sustainablity with business practices in a healthcare multinational Svejenova, S. & Hockerts, K. (dirs.) Universitat Ramón Llull. ESADE 06/2012

Kalafatoglu, Tugba Branding Asian Cities: Strategies and Practice In Asian City Branding: Strategies and Practice Chunying W.; Hairong L. & Xinxin, L. (eds.) Beijing (China): Communication University of China Press, 03/2012 p. 150-185

Kalafatoglu, Tugba The spread of culture under the umbrella of globalization In Globalization and the digital divide St. Amant, K. & Olaniran, B. (eds.) London (U.K.): Cambria Press, 10/2011 p. 37-57

Kalinowski, Margarete Vives, Luis Emerging market multinationals: Competing through business models SMS 31st Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society (SMS) Miami, Fla. (U.S.), 06/11/2011 - 09/11/2011

Lee, Melissa Almirall Mezquita, Esteve Wareham, Jonathan Mechanisms of innovation in smart cities eChallenges 2011 Florence (Italy), 26/10/2011 - 28/10/2011


Luque Parra, Manuel Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet Seguridad Social de universitarios en prácticas: estado de la cuestión Aranzadi Social: Revista Doctrinal Aranzadi Vol. 4, no. 10, 02/2012, p. 283-289

Mannen, Delia The responsible leader’s servant role 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management Midwest Academy of Management (AOM) Omaha, Neb. (U.S.), 20/10/2011 - 22/10/2011

Mannen, Delia Sustainable organizing a multi-paradigm perspective of organizational development and permaculture gardening Mannen, D.; Hinton, S.; Kuijper, T. & Porter, T. 54th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Academy of Management Midwest Academy of Management (AOM) Omaha, Neb. (U.S.), 20/10/2011 - 22/10/2011

Losada Marrodán, Carlos Martell Sotomayor, Janette Lozano Soler, Josep M. Responsible business education: Not a question of curriculum but a raison d’etre for business schools In Business schools and their contribution to society Morsing, M. & Sauquet Rovira, A. (eds.) London (U.K.): Sage, 10/2011 p. 163-174

Dolan, Simon Moodie, Scott William Engagement vs. burnout: An examination of the relationships between the two concepts within the framework of the JDR model Dolan, S.; Moodie, S.W.; Ronald, B. 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.), 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012

Tamyko Ysa, Institute of Public Governance and Management (IGDP)

Moodie, Scott William Dolan, Simon Job demands, social support, work satisfaction and psychological well-being among nurses in Spain Ronald, B.; Moodie, S.W.; Dolan, S.; Fiksenmbaum, L. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 233 32 p.

Moodie, Scott William Dolan, Simon Engagement vs. burnout: An examination of the relationships between the two concepts within the framework of the JDR model Moodie, S.W.; Dolan, S.; Burke, R.J. Barcelona: ESADE, 07/2012 ESADE working paper; no. 234 27 p.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Murphy, Brian Matthew Arenas Vives, Daniel Through indigenous lenses: Cross-sector collaborations with fringe stakeholders Journal of Business Ethics (2010 IF= 1.125; BW20; FT TOP45) Springer Vol. 94, Supplement 1, 07/2010, p. 103-121

Arenas Vives, Daniel Fosse, Jeremie Murphy, Brian Matthew Acciona: A process of transformation towards sustainability Journal of Management Development Emerald Vol. 30, no. 10, 10/2011, p. 1027-1048

Nadal Burgués, Núria Bonet Guinó, Eduard Limitations of project management when managing research: An empirical study at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center The International Journal of Management Quarterly Publication Vol. 1, Issue 2, 4/2012, p. 1-20

Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Nicolini, Davide Rodón Mòdol, Joan Transversal learning from information systems related incidents International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC 2012) Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) Valencia, 25/04/2012 - 27/04/2012

Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Rodón Mòdol, Joan Managing obsolete knowledge: Towards a clarified and contextualized conception of unlearning 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting Academy of Management (AOM) Boston, Mass. (U.S.A.) 03/08/2012 - 07/08/2012 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012) ESADE; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, 10/06/2012 – 13/06/2012


Rodón Mòdol, Joan Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein Sesé Muniategui, Feliciano Generative resistance: Broadening the boundaries of research on resistance in information systems change 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2012) ESADE; European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) Barcelona, 10/06/2012 - 13/06/2012

Scarlata, Maria Rosa Giovana Alemany Gil, Luisa Deal structuring in philanthropic venture capital investments: Financing instrument, valuation and covenants Journal of Business Ethics (2010 IF= 1.125; BW20; FT TOP45) Springer Vol. 95, Supplement 2 , 09/2010, p. 121-145

Valencia Silva, Maika Lamolla Kristiansen, Laura Amorós Espinosa, Ernesto Planellas Arán, Marcel Business goals and performance relationships in new ventures created by women entrepreneurs INBAM 2012 International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM); Universitat de València Valencia, 20/03/2012 - 22/03/2012


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

awards and other acollades 158


Hennchen, Esther Lozano Soler, Josep M.

Pless, Nicola Maak, Thomas

Global Case Writing Competition 2012 Corporate Sustinability Track First Place

2011 Best Article Award Global Leadership Advancement Center (GLAC)

Oikos International - Student Organisation for Sustainable Economics and Management St. Gallen (Switzerland), 04/2012

Nicola Pless, Thomas Maak & Guenter Stahl San José State University Global Leadership Advancement Center (GLAC) 02/2012

An ESADE teaching case study on Shell’s corporate social responsibility practices in Nigeria has won the 2012 OIKOS Case Writing Competition, which is a worldwide competition promoted by the OIKOS Foundation and supported by Ashoka. Co-authored by Esther Hennchen and Josep Maria Lozano, the case study “Mind the Gap: Royal Dutch Shell’s Sustainability Agenda in Nigeria” has been ranked first in the Corporate Sustainability Track for its “excellence” and “strong contribution to corporate sustainability”.

The award winning paper, “Developing responsible global leaders through international service learning programs: The Ulysses experience”, was published in the Academy of Management Learning and Education Vol. 10 (2), 237-260.

Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier

Visnjic, Ivanka

Premio Xavier del Turismo Categoria académica

IBM Faculty Award

Xavier Mendoza Turismo Sant Ignasi (TSI). Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) 12/2011

Ivanka Visnjic IBM Global Services España 06/2012

Desde el año 2003, TSI-Turismo Sant Ignasi entrega cada año el Premi Xavier del Turisme a una personalidad relevante del mundo del turismo, por su contribución al desarrollo del sector y su impulso en la formación. En el año 2011 ha sido otorgado a Xavier Mendoza: por la excelencia y el rigor académico que ha promovido como decano de la Business School de ESADE, y que continúa promoviendo como profesor.

The IBM Faculty Awards is a competitive worldwide program intended to foster collaboration between researchers at leading universities worldwide and those in IBM research, development and services organizations and to Promote courseware and curriculum innovation to stimulate growth in disciplines and geographies that are strategic to IBM. Present award to prof. Visnjic consist on cash award to finance a research project devoted to mapping ICT business model changes.


ESADE research yearbook 2011-12 esade




ESADE research yearbook 2011-12

Abad Llavori, Carlos: 73 Abat Ninet, Antoni: 31, 79, 108, 111 Abel Lluch, Xavier: 57, 58, 69, 79, 80, 81 Agell Jané, Núria: 83, 114, 149, 150 Albareda Sanz, Adrià: 127 Albareda Vivó, Laura: 69 Alemany Gil, Luisa: 48, 70, 81, 91, 137, 156 Almirall Mezquita, Esteve: 95, 120, 153, 155 Almuni Calull, Merce: 126 Álvarez Álvarez, José Luís: 82 Amorós Espinosa, José Ernesto: 116, 156 Angulo Bahón, Cecilio: 114 Añoveros Terradas, Beatriz: 32, 58, 82 Ansotegui Olcoz, Carmen: 32, 119, 153 Arcalean, Calin: 32, 119 Arenas Vives, Daniel: 32, 33, 70, 83, 103, 114, 132, 137, 156 Arjona Sebastià, Cesar: 59, 95, 120, 135 Azevedo Nogueira, Affonso Henriques de: 142 Bakici, Tuba: 120, 153 Balaguer Franch, Maria Rosario: 69 Ballabriga Clavería, Fernando: 120, 137 Bao, Yunajie: 99 Bardají Gálvez, María Dolores: 70, 72, 101 Bartlett Castella, Enric R.: 70 Barrubés Sol, Joan: 44 Barrull Melcior, Xavier: 120, 121 Bassiouny, Aliaa: 32,119, 143, 153 Batista Foguet, Joan M.: 95, 138 Bell, Roger: 96 Berbegal Gasol, Marc: 138 Berg Johansen, Christina: 147 Bisbe Viñas, Josep: 129, 146 Bonache Pérez, Jaime Alfonso: 70, 83, 115, 116 Bonet Guinó, Eduard: 39, 43, 71, 145, 156 Boyatzis, Richard: 49, 95 Burke, Ronald J.: 122, 155 Busquets Carretero, Xavier: 96 Calzada Oliveras, Elisabet: 41, 155 Campos Espinoza, Ricardo Alex: 144 Canhilal, Sukriye Kübra: 99 Cano Giner, Josep Lluís: 125, 129 Capell Cohen, Ben Ami: 99 Carpi Martín, Rebeca: 60, 96 Carreras Fisas, Ignasi: 33, 126, 129 Casabayó Bonás, Mònica: 40, 83 Casaburi, Ivana: 129 Castiñeira Fernández, Àngel: 148 Castiñeira Jerez, Jorge: 33, 97, 129, 153 Chávez Clavijo, Roberto: 34, 97 Chércoles Blázquez, Javier: 144 Chesbrough, Henry: 137, 153 Chliova, Myrto: 71 Comajuncosa Ferrer, Josep: 137 Coromina Soler, Lluís: 138 Correa Delcasso, Juan Pablo: 129 Costa Guix, Gerard: 53, 54, 59, 60, 130


De l’Etraz, Paris: 145 Diasio, Stephan: 145 Di Lorenzo, Francesco: 98, 153 Dolan, Simon: 34, 70, 71, 72, 84, 92, 98, 99, 100, 121, 124, 143, 155 Domínguez Tristán, Paula: 35, 90, 101 Dorse López, Antoni: 121 Dröge, Henning: 132 Dumitrescu, Ariadna: 100, 101 Duplà Marín, Teresa: 35, 72, 84, 90, 101 Enzler Fandos, Sandra: 129 Esteve Laporta, Marc: 35, 55, 93, 153 Felip Arroyo, Xavier: 84, 85 Fluvià Font, Modest: 35, 36, 47, 85, 102 Forte Arcos, Santiago: 36, 102, 117, 121, 122 Fosse, Jeremie: 33, 103, 156 Franch Bullich, Josep: 72, 85, 103, 130, 154 Francioli, Francesca: 146 García Gay, Ramón: 71 García Solé, Marc: 86 Gil Bazo, José Javier: 101 Giménez Thomsen, Cristina: 34, 36, 37, 97, 103, 104, 105, 114 Gimeno Sandig, Alberto: 38, 60 Ginés Castellet, Núria: 38, 69, 72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 86, 105, 106 Giné Daví, Jaume: 38, 60, 61, 66, 86, 126, 127, Gine Torrens, Mireia: 55 Giró Catà, Valentí: 61 Goodman, Jennifer: 137 Guzmán Garxa, Francisco: 38 Hawkins, Matthew Allen: 39, 85, 106, 154 Hennchen, Esther: 106, 131, 154, 159 Hildebrand, Dagmar: 146 Hohberger, Jan: 44 Ibañez Rodríguez, Alfredo: 107, 122 Iglesias Bedós, Oriol: 39, 40, 139 Iglesias Pie, Maria: 71, 129 Ilipinar, Gürsel: 40, 154, Iñesta Codina, Anna: 40, 86, 87, 107 Izquierdo Blanco, Pablo: 69, 81 Kalafatoglu, Tugba: 87, 107, 154 Kalinowski, Margaret: 66, 108, 154 Kyvik, Oyvin: 40 Laborda Coronil, Anna: 137 Lamolla Kristiansen, Laura: 116, 156 Lausoba Lacasa, María Elena: 72 Lecuna Bueno, Antonio: 148 Lee, J Melissa: 154 Lingham, Tony: 72 Lizanda Cuevas, José Manuel: 73 Llebaría Samper, Sergio: 41 Llorensi Teixidor, Anna: 131 Longo Martinez, Francisco: 35, 48, 62, 115, 123, 127 López Vega, Henry Nelson: 153 Losada Marrodán, Carlos: 88, 155 Lovreta, Lidija: 36, 102, 121, 122 Lozano Soler, Josep M.: 41, 43, 62, 88, 106, 113, 131, 154, 155, 159 Luque Parra, Manuel: 41, 155


Maak, Thomas: 45, 75, 90, 108, 109, 112, 159 Madini, Paola Maria: 109 Makarevich, Alex: 109 Mannen, Delia: 109, 110, 155 Mària Serrano, Josep F.: 42, 43, 59, 88, 110, 150 Martell Sotomayor, Janette: 148, 155 Martí Ripoll, Margarita: 131 Martínez Ribes, Lluís: 64, 62, 63 Marzal Yetano, Elia: 110 Matei, Marius: 149 Mendoza Mayordomo, Xavier: 70, 89, 111, 138, 159 Miralles Massanés, Josep: 111 Mogas Sibina, Esteban: 138 Montalvo García, Adolfo: 103, 130, 131 Montaña Matosas, Jordi: 40, 73, 154 Moodie, Scott Willeam: 99, 122, 155 Muñoz Sabaté, Luis: 74 Murillo Bonvehí, David: 64, 69, 127, 135 Murphy, Brian Mathew: 109, 149, 156 Nadal Burgués, Nuria: 43, 156 Navarro Colomer, Clara: 71, 74 Neely, Andy: 125 Nicolini, Davide: 113, 156 Noethen, Daniela: 44, 89, Obeso Abalde, Carlos: 131, 138 Oller Sala, María Dolors: 64, 74, 89, 111 Onyango Ogola, Frederick: 150 Oroval Planas, Josep M.: 70, 90 Ouro Villaravid, Alfredo: 117 Palma Naranjo, María Macarena: 131 Panero Gutiérrez, Ricardo: 90 Parada Balderrama, Pedro: 44, 98, 153 Parera Olm, Antoni: 139 Pascual Sancho, Jordi: 138 Pellegrini, Janina: 89 Peiró Posadas, Manel: 44, 46 Picó Junoy, Joan: 69, 81 Planellas Arán, Marcel: 70, 74, 116, 132, 137, 156 Pless, Nicola: 45, 75, 90, 108, 109, 112, 132, 159 Pont Rey, Javier: 138 Prandi, Maria: 75 Prat Pubill, Queralt: 113 Puig Bastard, Pere: 70, 83, 89, 90, 91, 138, 148 Raich, Mario: 121 Ramis Pujol, Juan: 45, 49, 50, 64, 132 Recio Figueiras, Eugenio: 137 Revilla, Melanie Audrey: 95 Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Hosein: 113, 114, 156 Richard Gonzalez, Manuel: 80 Ringov, Dimo: 45, 75, 113, 135 Rivero Hernández, Francisco: 72 Rodón Mòdol, Joan: 46, 104, 113, 114, 156 Rodríguez Blanco, Elena: 71 Rodríguez Perera, Fco de Paula: 46 Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jorge Andres: 104, 114 Rovira Llobera, Rosario: 54, 107, 144, 149

Ruiz Vegas, Francisco Javier: 114 Rupérez Micola, Augusto: 46 Sabal Cárdenas, Jaime: 115 Saleem, Fathima: 39, 154 Saló Mayolas, Albert: 35, 36, 46, 47, 85, 92, 102 Sanabria Montañez, José Antonio: 150 Sánchez Soler, Mónica: 114 Santana Mariscal, Alejandro: 47 Santiso Guimarás, Javier: 47, 65, 75, 76, 91 Santomà Vicens, Ricard: 54 Sardà Borroyo, Rafael: 92 Saris, Willem Egbert: 95 Sauquet Rovira, Alfons: 65, 76, 88, 146, 155 Sayeras Maspera, Josep: 47, 137, 150 Saz Carranza, Angel: 48, 115, 123, 126, 127, 135 Scarlata, Maria Rosa Giovanna: 48, 81, 91, 156 Schiopu, Ioana: 32, 119, 123 Sebastián Franco, Guillermo: 76 Segarra Costa, Enric: 48, 65, 77, 91 Sellarés Serra, Jorge: 92 Serlavós Serra, Ricardo: 95, 107 Sesé Muniategui, Feliciano: 114, 156 Sierra Olivera, Vicenta: 37, 38, 48, 55, 104, 105 Singh, Jatinder Jit: 40, 106 Solana Madariaga, Fco. Javier: 77 Soler Vicente, Ceferí: 49 Spender, John-Christopher: 40, 49, 123, 124, 154 Stirpe, Luigi: 83, 115, 116 Suárez Barraza, Manuel Fco.: 49, 50 Sureda Pascual, Joan: 51, 115, 139 Svejenova Nedeva, Silviya: 50, 54, 147 Triana Portela, Pablo: 77 Trullén Fernández, Jordi: 70, 83, 115, 116, 146 Tzafrir, Shat: 92 Ulied Martínez, Agustín: 116, 138 Urriolagoitia Doria Medina, Lourdes: 74, 132 Valls Giménez, Josep Francesc: 50, 51, 65, 66, 92, 115, 116, 117, 139 Valencia Silva, Maika: 107, 116, 156 Van Cranenburgh, Katinka: 132, 137 Vandendriessche, Marie: 127 Vanhaverbeke, Wim: 52, 53, 137 Varela Otero, Ana: 90 Vedina, Rebekka: 53, 93, 100, 124 Verdú Hernández, Laia: 130 Vernis Domènech, Alfred: 61, 74 Vidal-Quadras Trias de Bes, Miquel: 66 Vila Fernández-Santacruz, Mar: 47, 53, 54, 60, 130 Vilanova Pichot, Marc: 83 Villegas Sanchez, Carolina: 124, 140 Visnjic, Ivanka: 124, 125, 159 Vives, Luis: 50, 54, 60, 66, 106, 108, 154 Waldman, David Andrew: 112 Wareham, Jonathan: 95, 120, 125, 153, 154 Wiengarten, Frank: 34, 54, 55, 89, 125 Ysa Figueras, Tamyko: 35, 55, 93, 153 Zhang, Yingying: 47


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