1 minute read
Free if aged 19+ (if aged 19-23 must already have a full Level 2 or above qualification to be eligible)^
Free if 19+ and don’t have a FULL L3 or above or unemployed or low wage# otherwise Advanced Learning Loan available
Butchery - Preparing Poultry
Butchery - Introduction to Preparing Lamb
Butchery - Introduction to Preparing Half a Pig
Sausage Making
Computing And Ict
Excel Intermediate
Delegates should either have attended the Introductory Excel course or have a basic understanding of Excel formulae
Excel Advanced
Delegates should either have attended the Intermediate Excel course or be experienced users of Excel
Advanced - Virtual Course
Delegates should either have attended the Intermediate Excel course or be experienced users of Excel
Delegates should either have attended our A Website in a Day with WordPress course or have some experience in using WordPress