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From Mentees To Mentors

Mentors are a cornerstone of success. Goal 2 of Ball State’s strategic plan calls for each graduate and student to have access to a coach or mentor to help “develop, implement, and execute a lifetime learning plan.” In Fall 2021, Miller College of Business embedded mentoring into its core curriculum through the SOAR (Success, Opportunity, Acumen, and Readiness) Program. During this one-credit-hour course, second-year students create a profile on Cardinals Connect, the University’s online professional network, to be matched with a professional working in a field related to the student’s major.

Joel Whitesel, ’89 MA ’90 (pictured below), director of student success and retention, guides students through monthly networking and professional development exercises and events.


The students who piloted SOAR as first-year students—now juniors—have helped evolve the program. Based on the feedback provided, Mr. Whitesel paired first-year SOAR students with mentors in the third-year SOAR class, while second-year SOAR students were connected with professional mentors.

“Many first-year students are hungry to learn about the college experience from juniors and seniors,” he said. “This program challenges our juniors and seniors to exercise leadership and feel the rewards of giving back professionally, which we hope they will continue to do after they graduate.”

Learn more about the SOAR program and sign up for Cardinals Connect to explore personal and professional connection opportunities for the Ball State community. — Kate H. Elliott

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