1 minute read
Drax Group is a UK-based renewable energy company that generates renewable power, produces sustainable biomass and supplies renewable electricity and related services to businesses and other organisations.
The company owns and operates the UK's largest power station in Selby, North Yorkshire. It's the nation’s largest single source of renewable electricity by output and it's developing an option for carbon negative electricity using bioenergy carbon capture and storage (BECCS).
Drax Power Station has a long, proud history of playing a central role in producing the UK's electricity. Its transition from coal to biomass means the site is now home to the largest decarbonisation project in Europe.
Drax aims to become carbon negative by 2030, meaning its overall operations will remove more CO2 from the atmosphere than the amount it produces. Achieving this ambition is critical to beating the climate crisis and will also help to protect jobs and create new opportunities for clean growth – delivering for the economy as well as the environment.
WATCH: Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage
Drax offers several apprenticeship schemes, including a four-year Technical Apprenticeship.
The programme focuses on three engineering disciplines:
- Mechanical Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Electrical Control and Instrumentation Engineering
WATCH: Apprenticeships at Drax - Creating the workforce of the future
Find out everything you need to know about the scheme
'What are negative emissions?' video
'The inside of a cooling tower looks like no place on earth'
Step into the vast, eerie structures at the heart of Drax Power Station.
Drax Virtual Tours
In place of physical tours, Drax has created a set of digital resources explaining how the power station generates electricity. Click each line blow to see a different tour:
- Power generation and transmission - Pulverising mills and efficiency - Boilers - Cooling towers - Condensers - Generators