2006 Adoi Malaysia September Issue

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ALP iD ideas + insights + inspiration





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fter what seemed like an astounding oddity of global proportion, Astro finally brings ZEE tv to Malaysia and for those households with Bollywood fans, television viewing will never be the same again! ZEE is thelargest producer and aggregator of Hindi programming in the world. It has an estimated reach of 350 million viewers in over 120 countries globally including USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Yes, everybody: Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, and even Isarel has ZEE tv, but Malaysia? Only just. Phew, thank you Astro! If what has happened over the last month is anything to go by, it appears the ad industry is moving into high-gear for the rest of the year. After a first half with Adex stagnating at zero growth YOY, according to GroupM, the momentum is now back in motion. Media group Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad has been appointed the marketing agency for air time advertisements for all 31 radio stations of Radio and Televisyen Malaysia (RTM). The threeyear deal, beginning Oct 1, 2006, was signed by Information Ministry Secretary-General Datuk Siti Balkis Mohd Shariff for RTM and Utusan Group executive director Mohd Nasir Ali. Utusans subsidiary Utusan Airtime Sdn Bhd will manage the sales marketing of the air time. Information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin, who attended the signing ceremony, said the ministry expected the smart partnership to increase advertising revenue for RTM. "We hope to

see an initial return exceeding RM17 million a year," he said. On the ratings for television shows aired by RTM, he said it has more interesting programmes lined up after the Mawi-Ina live interview programme that attracted millions of viewers. RTM 1 and Astro RIA teamed up on Aug 28 to air the show featuring singer Mawi and his former fiancee at about the same time as the TV3s live telecast of the wedding of Datin Siti NurhalizaTarudin and businessman Datuk Khalid MohamadJiwa. Interestingly, this tale of A Wedding and A Spilt has been a phenomenal media coup. While Siti and Khalid feted the rich and famous atThe Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Ina and Mawi cried as they spoke of their failed engagement. The question is: which programme got higher ratings with viewers? According to ACNielsen, Siti s wedding telecast attracted 6.3 million viewers compared to 4.7 million who watched the interviews with Akademi Fantasia 3 champion Mawi and his ex-fiancee Noordiana Md Daim on RTM1 and Astro Ria. And the batde of the airwaves begin! I will end this months column with a quote from David Gunson, Senior Vice President Programming & Broadcasting for National Geographic Channel Asia in memory of Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, "Irwins passing underscores the risks that accompany the bravery of naturalists in attempting to bring wildlife to television screens. It reminds us that the creation of wildlife documentaries is inherently dangerous and requires considerable planning and management. We respect and applaud Irwins achievements and endeavours and trust his legacy will continue in the works of naturalists and wildlife experts the world over."


16 MIX FM THE NEW BUZZ IN MALAYSIA 'This is to keep abreast with the day to day trend and also moulded around research on what urban adult contemporary Malaysians want. In a nutshell, its the music, the sound, their lifestyle, their taste and truly what they are which embraced to create the 'New Mix"' said popular Mix FM deejay, Mesh.


18 UNZA CAPITALISES ON THE ESSENCE OF ASIAN BEAUTY Everybody wants to look, feel, and smell good. The silent war has been raging for years - and now it is out in the open with literally hundreds of products flashing a golden promise to appease the vanity of millions of women and a growing segment of male consumers.

Like the advertising market, the global economy is also growing slightly above trend, so advertisings contribution to total GDP is stable. This suggests that the current regime of steady advertising expenditure growth will be sustainable for several years to come.The previous two advertising recessions occurred after advertising grew faster than GDP for several years.

REGIONAL CEO Harmandar Singh aka Ham • ham@pop.jaring.my MARKETING Jeffrey Hamid • jeff@ham.com.my SUBSCRIPTIONS Rani Bedi • rani@ ham.com.my CIRCULATION Lavanya Rajendran • laven@ham.com.my WRITER Raj Kumar • raj@ham.com.my ART DIRECTION Rosalind Julia Tann • ros@ ham.com.my PHOTOGRAPHY Jen Studio •jensiow@streamyx.com CONTRIBUTORS Josh Sklar, Mack Zulkifl and Greg Paull PRINTER DC Print Sdn Bhd DISTRIBUTION Five E-Comm. ADOI magazine is published every month by Sledgehammer Communications (M) Sdn Bhd 22B, Jalan Tun Mohd. Fuad Satu, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7726 2588 Fax: 603-7722 5712, www.adoimagazine.com

24 ADVERTISERS TO BLAME TOO! We have billboards hitting you right on the face, overshadowing the traffic lights! They would say: "The XYZ biscuit billboard killed two people." So, would advertisers, especially having spent millions in brand building, want to risk something like that? We now have billboards anchored to pedestrian walkways.

56 IT ROCKED ON LONG... BUT HARD! Despite lengthy delay and technical glitches, Ad Ball made it a night to remember for the advertising industry


60 ALIVE AND KICKING We may have hit a few bumps due the changes in the face of the production industry, but as a brand we have to evolve with the times

See those who make decisions

28 CLASH OF THE TECHNOLOGIES You could use a barcode scanner on items you put in it and when you ran out of them, well, a little net order over the fridge later and, voila, no more aimlessly wandering through a food market aisle nervously clutching the list your spouse impatiendy wrote down for you.

66 DIGITAL MEDIA TO CHANGE THE COURSE OF ADVERTISING Digital media, predicts Richard Halmarick, CEO of Carat South Asia, will change the course of advertising in the near future.

30 AH, HECK. LETS JUST DO IT FOR FREE! Advertising agencies don't like our revenue model because it threatens their existence.

69 MALAYSIA'S ROAD TO ADFEST 2007 Still dizzy from our Asia-wide victory at Cannes earlier this year, ADOI believes Malaysia must not rest on its laurels.

40 LOOK FOR THE GOOD Media sensationalism or hard facts? Whatever it is, the media here and in other countries rarely look at the good. So what's wrong with the good? Does it not sell enough papers, tune in enough viewers? 42 MALAYSIAKINI - 500,000 READERS CANT BE WRONG Malaysiakini.com is a household name for political pundits. Its brash, hard hitting news reports plus a variety of independent views have made it a must read for those who need to know what's going on behind the official line. 50 WHAT THE HELL DOES IT TAKE TO WIN A TITANIUM UON? It's not advertising at all, but a really creative way of looking at things, added Trevor Beattie, of Beattie McGuinness Bungay. It's quite stunning. 52 ALL LOCAL AND PROUD OF IT You will notice numerous consumer goods on the shelves all with different packaging from around the globe. The packaging and design for these products are uniquely designed by the respective brand manufacturers and retailers to cater for the local market.

Not those entrenched below But build at every level For people come and go Whether dealing at the summit Or on the lowest ledge Always talk on level terms But keep an eyebrows edge

Don't leave the field to gurus ABOUT ADOI MAGAZINE ADOI is Malaysia's leading marketing communications monthly and is read by urban and affluent, advertising, media and marketing professionals with an average monthly income in excess of RM5,000. ADOI is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in all facets of marketing communications and serves as an observatory of the marketplace for ideas, insights and inspiration. ADOI also has a monthly Indonesian edition which is more than 5 years old and is planning to be in Vietnam this year through its partners in Ho Chi Minh City. ABOUT THE PUBLISHER Sledgehammer Communications is a regional publishing player serving the advertising, media and marketing industries of Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. In operation for over 12 years, they also host key industry events, award shows and seminars of critical significance to the market. The organization's role as a gatekeeper and catalyst of change, knowledge and innovation is widely evident through its proven network of resources, talent and leadership.

In vital things to you You must weigh up their opinions You must scrutinize them too Always use your common sense And question why it's so

When they blind you with their jargon It's a sign that they don't know

Whether seemingly a failu re Or achieving huge success Those who care the most for you Will love you none the less So take them not for granted Those closest ones to you They may also have a hero The one they see in you

Š All rights reserved by Sledgehammer Communications (M) Sdn. Bhd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing from the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or/for any consequences of reliance of information in this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher or editor. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertisers.

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# Audit Bureau of Circulation

(6,405 copies)


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lobal advertising expenditure will grow 6.1% 2006 after strong economic growth in the US and improvement in the Eurozone economies according to ZenithOptimedia. It forecasts growth of 5.3% in 2007 and 5.6% in 2008, slightly above the 5.0% average rate has grown at over the last 10 years. that exi Like the advertising market, the global economy is also growing slightly above trend, so advertising s contribution to total GDP is stable. This suggests that the current regime of steady advertising expenditure growth will be sustainable for several years to come. The previous two advertising recessions occurred after advertising grew faster than GDP for several years. During the last recession advertising expenditure fell from 1.07% of GDP in 2000 to 0.96% in 2003. It has yet to exceed this level and is not expected to do so in the near future.



mm n this interview, Gerald Miranda, Chief • Executive Officer of ZenithOptimedia • Malaysia, gives some insights into • the directions the industry is taking globally and in Malaysia.

WHAT ARE THE DRIVERS OF GLOBAL ADVERTISING SPENDING NOW? The five largest advertising categories are retail, auto, telecommunications, medicine and finance. Retail is the largest accounting for US$49 billion in advertising expenditure worldwide in 2005, up from US$33 billion in 2001. Of all the big categories, retail advertisers spend the most on newspaper advertising and the proportion of their budgets they allocate to newspapers has barely fallen over the past five years, from 40% in 2001 to 39% in 2005, despite the steady decline of newspaper circulation in developed markets. Newspapers' short lead times allow advertisers to print timely information on price promotions and they can be used to promote both national brands and local stores. Without the support of retailers, newspapers' share of the total advertising market would have fallen faster than it did, from 32% in 2001 to 30% in 2005. Of the five largest categories, medicine is the only one to have reduced the proportion it spends on television and it has done so only fractionally - from 75.2% in 2001 to 74.9% in 2005. Retail, finance and telecommunications advertisers all spent proportionately more on television in 2005 than in 2001. Some of these advertisers may worry about the fragmentation of audiences caused by the spread of digital television and the growing popularity of

ad avoidance technology such as personal/ digital video recorders, but collectively they have demonstrated their confidence in the continued power of television advertising.

WHAT ABOUT THE INTERNET? DID RETAIL EMBRACE IT EARLY? Yes, retail advertisers were early adopters of internet advertising, which quickly demonstrated its ability to drive direct sales but the internet s share of retail advertising expenditure has remained stable at around 3% over thelast five years. However, the main drivers of the growth in internet expenditure have been telecommunications and finance which together increased their expenditure on internet advertising by US$1.7 billion between 2001 and 2005 and accounted for 17% of the growth in total internet advertising expenditure over that period.

JUST HOW BIG IS INTERNET TODAY AS A MEDIUM? The internet is growing far faster than any other medium thanks to rapid innovation in the types of internet advertising and in ways of measuring it and tracking consumers' responses to it. We forecast internet advertising expenditure will grow 76% between2005 and 2008, while the other media grow by between 10% (for radio) and 27% (for cinema). We now forecast the internet to account for 7.0% of worldwide advertising expenditure by 2008, up from 4.7% it accounted for in 2005. We also expect the internet to overtake outdoor this year.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE IMPACT OF INTERNET ON BROADCASTING? As broadband connections proliferate,

newer modes of broadcasting have been introduced over the PC and the internet. BBC has already offered most of its shows for downloading on the internet free, seven days after first airdate. Disney and Apple are offering selected one-day old ABC programming at US$1.99 per episode. And there are similar offerings from MTV and Warner Brothers. Search engines like Google and Yahoo! are also signing up content deals with TV companies and this will lead to further availability of video and TV online.

NEW TECHNOLOGIES SEEM TO HAVE HAD A DRAMATIC EFFECT ON THE INTERNET PLATFORM. WHAT IS YOUR COMMENT? Absolutely. New technologies like Wi-Fi and mobile WiMax have taken internet to another level. They allow consumers to

connect wirelessly to the Web, whether by cellphones, laptop computers, hand held gadgets or potentially even devices such as MP3 players and video cameras. Digital convergence is enabling content like music, film, television signals and phone calls to be broken down into compatible digital codes that eliminate the need for different, incompatible platforms or devices. We are entering an era of hybrid devices that multi­ task and provide consumers with a menu of hitherto unimaginable combinations. Mobile phone operators are also now signing content deals with TV companies which suggests that we will all soon be able to view TV material on our small cellphone screens. This year three million US consumers will watch TV shows on their mobiles, according to eMarketer, and predictions for growth range from 15 million in 2009 to over 40 million in 2010. So the time has arrived when TV programming will no longer be confined to the TV and viewing no longer dictated by the broadcast schedule.To quote from a recent study by IBM,"today is the beginning of the end ofTV as we know it..

whom are moving into triple or quad-play strategies, which package together voice, data, video and mobile services. Verizon in the US, for example, is offering 300+ channels via fibre optics, and PCCW's NOW Broadband TV in Hong Kong is posing a serious challenge to the local cable operator there. Industry observers are optimistic about IPTV, with one estimating that the number of IPTV subscribers will increase from an estimated 3.7 million

earlier from free-to-air to subscription TV. In terms of advertising revenue, televisions share has been hovering at just below 30% although in terms of value, it has grown almost 50% in the last five years, hitting RM1.3 billion last year. TV3 has the lions share of the TV advertising spending though a small portion has recently moved across to their second channel 8TV which has started to attract more audiences and advertising dollars. Although official advertising expenditure

last year to 37 million worldwide by 2009. In our region, we should be watching out for IPTV developments in the more developed broadband markets like South Korea, Taiwan and possibly Singapore.

data are not available for ASTRO at the moment, based on their subscription growth and the audience shift mentioned earlier, a guesstimate for this year would be in the region of RM150 million and growing. The battle for audience share and advertising budgets has also changed. It is no longer just Channel A versus Channel B or C as was the case a few years ago. With the consolidation of all the private channels under the Media Prima Group, it is now shaping up to be more about freeto-air versus subscription channels. For the time being, it will be mainly Media Prima versus ASTRO. Newer players like MiTV (36 channels) and Fine TV (18 channels) have to-date failed to make any noticeable impact in the marketplace, while it remains to be seen if RTM can put up a serious challenge to the private channels. While Media Prima is segmenting

WHAT ARE THE OTHER TRENDS THAT ARE AFFECTING THE FUTURE OF THE BROADCASTING INDUSTRY? Other emerging trends shaping the fixture of the broadcasting industry are the shift from free-to-air to subscription TV and new broadcast technologies.The shift from free-to-air to subscriptionTV is a trend that is now occurring in most if not all developed TV markets. In the US for example, cable TV viewership has overtaken the broadcast networks viewership since 2002. Foremost among new technological developments affecting the broadcast industry is digital TV. It is already making huge inroads in the UK, where 72% of TV households are digital, Europe with 37% penetration, the US,Japan, and South Korea.

WHAT ABOUT IPTV OR INTERNET TV? IPTV (internet protocol tv) or Internet TV is being driven on two fronts; by content aggregators like Jump TV who are already offering more than 200 channels of news, sports and entertainment via live internet transmission, and the telcos, many of

HOW ARE ALL THESE DEVELOPMENTS AFFECTING THE MALAYSIAN MARKET? In Malaysia, TVs penetration is now approaching saturation point. Ninety-three percent of the adult 15+ population watch TV on an average day. That's the scenario for television as a whole. But if we look a litde deeper, we see that there has been a gradual shift from free-to-air channels to the ASTRO channels. The drop in the free-to-air channel viewing is across the board. While TV3 still commands the highest audience levels, it has lost some daily reach over the last five years. Here Malaysia is simply following the worldwide trend shift as mentioned


and packaging its four channels to appeal to different target audiences, similar to subscription TV, ASTRO's subscriber profile is trendingtowards being more mass'. A third of Malaysian homes are already subscribers. Its ethnic profile for example is increasingly reflecting die national population profile.It is no longer the niche, high-income, Chineseskewed medium it was in the early days. It has also announced plans to increase locally produced programming and an additional 50 new channels when MEASAT-3 is up and running.

SO, ASTRO CONTINUES TO BE A RUNAWAY SUCCESS. YES? Yes but once broadband penetration and bandwith get up to speed, all the major telcos would no doubt be introducing IPTV based products which may start to threaten Astros dominance for paid TV.

introduced over the PC and internet. It is just a matter of time.

RADIO PRECEDED TV IN MALAYSIA BY ABOUT 26 YEARS BUT HAS FALLEN BEHIND SINCE. WHAT DO YOU SEE ARE ITS PROSPECTS GOING FORWARD? In Malaysia, as in most markets, TV has overtaken radio broadcasting. Radios coverage in Malaysia appears to be stagnating at around 72% despite a slew of new stations (Sinar FM, Suria FM, Fly FM, Hot FM, Radio Wanita, Xfresh FM) entering the market in recent times. There are a few reasons for this. Time available for radio listening has not increased. Radio is up against an increasing number of entertainment options vying for the listeners' attention, the main ones being multi-channel TV, the PC and portable music players, which now includes mobile phones.

Just as TV, radio broadcasting is also being impacted by advancing technology and the digital wave. MP3 players are becoming more and more accessible and affordable.The Apple iPod has rejuvenated the portable music market and created a whole new industry on its own. Many new entertainment devices, including the car CD/radio players, now offer terminals for connecting to iPods and other portable MP3 players. Many of the newer mobile phones double-up as portable music players. On the broadband internet front, podcasts are slowly gaining popularity. These are pre-packed radio programmes you can download and listen to at your own convenience. All of a sudden, the number of radio programmes has jumped to thousands. A colleague of mine is now listening to BBC radio everyday on his

Digital TV will bring with it a lot more content, improved picture and sound quality, including high-definition formats and greater inter-activity between consumers and content providers HOW MUCH OF THE NEW INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES HAVE ARRIVED LOCALLY? Some of the technologically driven developments taking place globally are also already being tested locally. Leading the way is digitalTV.Trials are scheduled to start this year with a view to phasing out analogue transmissions by2015. Digital TV will bring with it a lot more content, improved picture and sound quality,including high-definition formats and greater inter-activity between consumers and content providers. We have also been experimenting with Mobile TV. Celcom, for example, transmitted episodes of Fear Factor Malaysia to mobile phones via 3G in December last year. How fast this will take off will depend on available bandwidth, the penetration of mobileTV enabled handsets and pricing models for content and delivery. This could have a significant impact on how some types of programming are consumed and sold. As broadband connections proliferate, newer modes of broadcasting will also be

Most of the new stations are essentially more of the same'. So instead of attracting new audiences to the medium, the new channels are merely pulling away audiences from existing stations.This can be seen from an analysis of the last three radio diary surveys. When the newMalay-targeted stations were launched, existing stations (ERA, HITZ, MIX, L&E andTHR) all lost a part of their audience to the new players. Radio's share of advertising spending has also remained the same at 4% over the past five years, although in terms of value, it too has grown 50% in the same period.The market is dominated by AMP Radio Networks both in terms of audience numbers and share of advertising spend. AMP collectively took a 77% share of total radio advertising expenditure in 2004, but it dropped to 70% last year, losing some points back to THR, 988 and others.



iPod for free. To hang-on to the local radio listeners, the stations will have to continually monitor consumer preferences and adjust or change their offerings where necessary to keep listeners tuned in. They have to be relevant and engaging or they'll be left behind.

HOW SUCCESSFUL WAS THE WORLD CUP FROM A BROADCAST AND ADVERTTSING STANDPOINT? Globally advertisers spent an estimated US$4.3 over billion on the World Cup this year. It contributed to this year's strong growth globally but not in some markets. This is only to be expected in markets like the US, where football remains very much a minority sport, though its popularity has grown in recent years. The Winter Olympics were this year's main international sporting event on USTV. We also expect heavy spending in the run-up to the mid-term elections in November. The World Cup had surprisingly

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little effect on the advertising market in the host country, Germany. We forecast total advertising expenditure to grow in Germany by 1.6% in 2006, up from 1.2% in 2005. Some of this extra growth may be attributable to football-themed campaigns in print, online and outdoor, but most of the matches were shown on Germany's public channels. These are permitted to sell very little airtime, so advertisers have not been able to make much use of the television coverage. In fact we expect growth in television expenditure to decline slightly in 2006, to 1.5% from 1.8% in 2005.

by the competition has been particularly notable in Malaysia and South Korea. It is estimated to have generated about RM55 million in advertising in Malaysia this year alone.

and recordTV programmes and commercials from around the world which will be of real benefit to our international clients.

ZENITHOPTIMEDIA PUT TOGETHER AN ONLINE INTERACTIVE DATABASE TO PROVIDE ADVERTISERS INSIGHTS INTO WORLD CUP ADVERTISING AND ITS AUDIENCES. CAN YOU TEH US MORE ABOUT IH For the previous two World Cups, we collected overnight or quick-turnaround TV audience data for each of the matches in a number ofcountries and delivered the

WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON MALAYSIAN ADVERTISING THIS YEAR? We expect Malaysia to achieve between 5.0% and 6% GDP growth this year. GDP grew by 5.3% in the first quarter, following a 5.2% growth in the fourth quarter last year. Growth rates for the rest of the year are expected to be higher as the first quarter is a seasonally low period. The domestic environment is still positive due to rising income and stable market conditions. Job

consolidated data via a secure website in 1998 and via an online interactive database in 2002.These projects were a great success, so we did it again this year. But this year, in addition to collecting TV audience data, we also made available a broader range of information than we produced previously.This included an analysis of the exposure enjoyed by official sponsors and a valuation ofit to give an understanding of how the event was being exploited by both official sponsors and non-sponsors. It involved the creation of a centralised TV recording network that remotely recorded the World Cup programme broadcasts in local markets and transported them back to our head office in the United Kingdom via broadband internet. Importantly, the legacy of this new service will be the future ability for us to track

opportunities are also very positive. The implementation of the 9th Malaysia Plan begins in the third and fourth quarters and is expected to further boost the economy. Total adspend in the first seven months of2006 was up 1.6% compared to the same period last year. TV grew by 8.4% while cinema, outdoor and POS advertising registered double-digit growth rates. Newspapers' growth however remained pretty flat.Top 5 sectors in percentage growth were household products (+60%), non­ alcoholic beverages (+30%), government (+28%), alcoholic beverages (+21%) and office/business equipment (+14%). We are conservatively projecting advertising expenditure to grow 3% for the full year 2006 but given the 5.0% to 6.0% GDP growth forecast, the bias will be to the upside.

|§SiS In the UK the coverage was split between the ad-free public broadcaster and the commercial channel ITVI. ITVI is suffering from a decline in viewing caused by the spread of digital television, and regulations that effectively require it to sell to its remaining viewers more cheaply as its audience declines. It was therefore not able to extract the premium prices it would normally expect for World Cup viewers. Football has made a greater impact elsewhere in Europe, notably in Belgium, France and the Netherlands, in each of which we expect television advertising expenditure to accelerate markedly in 2006. This is the first World Cup to be shown on commercial television in north Belgium, creating new opportunities for advertisers there. In Asia, the extra advertising stimulated



HEROES hen I was asked by my illustrious director to conduct 3X1 interyiew wd1 this certain individual only wanting to be referred to as 'TC' oflorpedo, I could not help but think who was this guy and who on earth was Torpedo! When I arrived at the Torpedo premises, I thought what am I supposed to ask these guys? It turned out to be a very exciting interview as TC not only had a lot of information to share with me in termsofTorpedo s whirlwind rise, but he was from the same neighbourhood as me! For your reading benefit, Torpedo have in their portfolio of clients, Panasonic, which they beat the likes of Naga DDB to secure and also Bukit Kiara Properties. Consisting of just eight individuals, who work as one, Torpedo, according toTC is on the right track to success and by virtue of the fjl 111If ll111 wMm WjKj \II: 1

Local agency a testament to Malaysian creativity




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fact that they possess such clients is testament to the fact that large organisations are beginning to realise that local agencies have the talent and creativity to match their larger internationally based counterparts. "Let's not forget that big agencies are very good in what they do. However, they may be too expensive. A local agencyon the other hand, may not have the required experience to handle big accounts. However, in Torpedo's case, we consist of an experienced team and we know what it takes to create and execute work for such clients," he said. "Coming from a big agency from a creative perspective, there is a basic categorisation. Big clients spend a lot of money on advertising but not manythem are award winners.However, the majority of clients are medium sized - not in the same league as a telco or a McDonald's and KFC's but just a few scales lower in terms of ad expenditure," added TC. "A lot of these clients may not get the attention they demand from big agencies. Panasonic is such a client. They want their monies worth for their branding," he said. Torpedo is the appointed agency for Panasonic in the South East Asian region. As they say, not too shabby for a local agency! TC believes that the key to securing any account is in knowing what the aims and levels the potential client has in mind. " That is the essence of a pitch. It is only then we as agency can truly see the big picture of what the client requires and only then, we can act upon it," he quipped. "Bukit Kiara Properties for example are extremely pleased with our creative work. I believe creativity, with the right execution is the key for any client, be it small or big. Clients


VERVE suites m MoRt'Ktara

Move in. MOVE UP.

minds. For the first few years, they tried emulating the West and quickly realized that it was even better to go local all the way. That should be the standards that we should aim to emulate in the future. In fact, that is the mindset we, at Torpedo do our best to follow," added TC. TC iterated this route may however affect the industry and business may slow down. "Once we stop emulating the West, our development maybe a little slower. Some large local companies like Petronas and Telekom

"Malaysia's achievement in Cannes this year is without a doubt,phenomenal. Itgives the rest of us a benchmark to look up to. Localagencies should look to these standards set and try to emulate them as best as they can." are slowly but surely realizing that creativity can exist in any agency and they are slowly opening the doors to local agencies," said TC. When we spoke about creativity and how Malaysia's success at Cannes actually augured well for the advertising industry here, TC stated that it was a great achievement but we still do have some way to go to be truly recognised as a creative power.

"From a creative perspective if you notice, neighbouring nations like Thailand, India, Indonesia have all achieved success at Cannes with commercials or concepts in their own official language. This is an even greater feat for a nation to do so. In Malaysia, the ads are done in English and then transalated into Bahasa Malaysia," said TC. "In India Piyush Pandey and Prasoon Joshi are good examples of brilliant creative


are undertaking ads that showcase this point but its all in the preliminary stages. We have to make the transition someday, but slowly," concluded TC. With that conversation firmly in mind when I left and with the knowledge of who Torpedo was all about, I could not help but think, the advertising industry, with mindsets such as TC, we will definitely see Malaysia as creative power not only in Asia, but the world someday.




From left to right (Clockwise) Natalie, Pietro, Anushia, Mesh, Ross, Non, Shazmin, Richard and Ika

It would be untrue if we said that is not one of the reasons we are re-launching ourselves. However, more importantly, we want our listeners to have the best music can offer. Hence, the main reason of this re-launch is just that J ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06



THE NEW BUZZ IN MALAYSIA A It would be untrue if we said that is not one of the reasons we are re-launching ourselves

fter 9 long years of entertaining Malaysians with music mix from the 80s era and music of present day, Mix FM has officially re-launched its very successful brand. This is to keep abreast with the day to day trend and also moulded around research on what urban adult contemporary Malaysians want. In a nutshell, it's the music, the sound, their lifestyle, their taste and truly what they are which embraced to create the 'New Mix'" said popular Mix FM deejay, Mesh. To add flavour into their music selection, Mix has recruited the trendy Natalie Kniese, comedian Joanne Kam and Pietro Felix to consolidate their brand of exciting and entertaining music. Mix FM's move is also in line with its contemporary and bubbly feel with an exciting new logo. Together with the great music listeners from the age group of 25-39 have consistently loved and cherished over the past 9 years, Mix FM is set to rock on. The fact that the emergence of rival competition on the airways is no doubt, a key factor on why the reason to re-launch themselves arose in the first place. "It would be untrue if we said that is not one of the reasons we are re-launching ourselves. However, more importantly, we want our listeners to have the best music can offer. Hence, the main reason of this re-launch is just that," added Mesh.

Of course, there are the stalwarts and evergreen gems of the Mix FM crew like Non, Ross, Ika Shaz and Richard, the longest standing radio breakfast host. Since Richard started on Mix Breakfast 9 years ago, Richard has always wanted women on the show. First, he got Shaz but to keep in place, he now gets flanked by two more women-Ika and Joanne Kam! Mix FM however, are the 'New Buzz in Malaysia and a whole new adventure that will continue to play music everybody likes.



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UNZA CAPITALISES ESSENCE OF ASIAN With recorded sales of approximately RM3 billion last year in the cosmetics, toiletries, and personal care industry, beauty, it would seem, is anything but skin deep in Malaysia


verybody wants to look, feel, and smell good. The silent war has been raging for years - and now it is out in the open with literally hundreds of products flashing a golden promise to appease the vanity of millions of women and a growing segment of male consumers. In his autobiography, Charles Darwin noted a "universal passion for adornment," often involving "wonderfully great" suffering. Medieval noblewomen swallowed arsenic and dabbed on bats' blood to improve their complexions. Americans living in the 18th

century prized the warm urine of young boys to erase their freckles. Victorian ladies removed their ribs to give themselves a wasp waist. Indeed, the desire to be beautiful is as old as civilisation.Today, that desire drives a passion in a personal care industryencompassing make­ up, skin and hair care, fragrances, cosmetics, and toiletries. Even the wrath of recession has not hindered the industry's flourish. Each year, Malaysians spend more on beauty than they do on rewarding pursuits like education or philanthropy.


Such spending is not mere conceit. Being pretty- or just not glamorous - confers enormous genetic and social advantages. Attractive people, both men and women, are judged more intelligent.They are perceived to be more sociable, earn more money, and exude confidence. Psychologist / author Nancy Etcoff argues, "good looks are a woman's most fungible asset, exchangeable for social position, money, even love. But dependent on a body that ages,it is an asset that a woman uses or loses." Unza / 2 Today, a glut of cosmetics, toiletries, and personal care products of different shapes,sizes, packaging, and colours struggle for frontline shelf space in supermarkets, grocery stores, and pharmacies. Consumers are bombarded with

Francis Ng, UNZA's General Manager, Marketing

ON THE BEAUTY advertisements flushed across giant billboards, newspapers, glossy magazines, television, radio, the Internet,and collateral material exalting the virtues of looking and feeling good. Between the clutter and noise of products clamouring for consumers' attention, one company, UNZA, steadfastly maintains its strong foothold in a saturated market. According to Euromonitor International, an independent market research company, UNZA is the only domestic company that edged into the top 10 list of market leaders in an industry dominated by multinationals. When UNZA was first established, its best selling local shampoo was NEW & TRENDY. As the '80s rolled around, new brands such as EVERSOFT, DASHING, ENCHANTEUR, AIKEN, ELITE, and SAFI joined UNZA's steadily growing portfolio. Over time, these brands established themselves as market leaders in their respective categories. They are among UNZA's prized brand imprints today.


UNZA stalled was during the 1997 economic UNZA's range of personal and o meltdown. household care products comprises 48 Safi v, "The strong foundation we laid brands and more than 275 products. in the early years following the 1979 The full collection of UNZA products financial crisis paved the way for the are sold across an estimated 58,000 company's steady growth," opines retail outlets throughout South-East WHITE Asia and Greater China. % "With new True to its mission statement UNZA, headquartered in SAFI BALQIS of attaining a position of selective Singapore, exports its products to UV White Q10 plus E, 3 prominence in East Asian household over 45 countries includingThailand, my skin is now not and personal care markets, UNZA Vietnam, Hong Kong, Africa, and the only fairer, but firmer too" continued to produce other bestMiddle East. Malaysia independently - Elly Mazlein selling products targeted to different contributes a healthy 45% of the group's Singer/Actress New SAFI RA1.QIS IV White h now enriched with I segments such as Safi (Muslim total revenue with the remainder QUI plus H. MI your «kin is noi only fairer, but firmer ;.{ low. See ami feel the diifeienee injttM 4-6 wetffaigjg women's toiletry and personal care from exports. UNZA enjoys a wide New SAFI BALQIS UV While Q10 pli» E. It's apart | of Ellv Mazlein's beauty regime, shouldn't it be a range), Aiken (medicated orthopaedic distribution network in Malaysia with and skincare), Romano (men's toiletry the support of major retail chains like range), Enchanteur (women's toiletry Giant, Tesco, Cold Storage, Guardian, range), and MaxKleen 9 (laundry Watsons, and Carrefour in addition detergent). Unza / 4 to provision outlets, pharmacies, and "The nucleus of brand traditional Chinese medical halls. Dubbed a"local multinational"by management is solid brand its distributors, UNZA is the largest positioning," emphasizes Ng. "Brand H1- 1 Balqis independent local manufacturer positioning justifies the existence of WtKm SjL of personal and household care the product, defines the target market, Balqis '% | Balqis products. and lays the guidelines on how to reach "We see ourselves as an East the target market." Asian multinational given our regional He adds that as a company Kejelitaan sejati dan suci. profile," observes Francis Ng,UNZA's philosophy, Unza does not subscribe General Manager, Marketing. "Our to creating"me-too" products because success ratio in identifying products confirms Ng. "We have maintained the same its life cycle is not sustainable. Ng also for local needs has consistently held us in good level of expenditure even during the economic advocates gaining accurate consumer insights stead." Unza / 3 downturn periods which helped keep top-ofin developing Unique Selling Propositions for the-mind awareness for our brands among Although the key domestic and each brand given that consumers ultimately multinational players have continued to Malaysian consumers." determine the lifespan of a product. introduce more products lines in the cosmetics It is no surprise, then, that UNZA "Building brands is a slow-burn exercise," and toiletries sectors, UNZA has successfully has consistently ranked among the top five says Ng. "However, there is a need to create managed to maintain its market share through cosmetics and toiletries companies in Malaysia regular promotions to generate sales and keep for the past five years. The company's union of the brands alive." its policy of correctly identifying local needs, swift product development, innovative quality products, commercial responsiveness, It hasn't always been easy for UNZA to and effective marketing helped to record a introduce new products in a market conditioned packaging, and delivery. 5.5% share of the cosmetics and toiletries UNZA's creative marketing mix has to favouring established foreign brands. Ng recalls also enabled its stable of products to build market last year, ranking fourth overall behind that it took a hard-sell pitch to retailers during multinational giants Colgate-Palmolive, the company's formative years in convincing brand loyalty among a broad cross-section of Unilever, and L'Oreal. consumers. The company pioneered retailthem that there was a demand for fair priced products that also offered good value. level promotions by deploying sales promoters The group posted a net profit of RM24.3 million (based on revenue of RM433.62 million) on site. Throughout its 26-year old existence, "UNZA is a firm believer in building for the financial year endingApril 2005. On the UNZA has managed to convince consumers brands for the long term and allocates a average, UNZA has registered a compound of its premium quality products. A case in point growth rate of more than +10% annually since substantial amount in advertising investment is EVERSOFT, UNZAs perennial best-selling to strengthen its brands' equity annually," 1990. The only time the company's growth rate skincare brand.

Balqis —d>—

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We have maintained the same level of expenditure even during the economic downturn periods which helped keep top-of-the-mind awareness for our brands among Malaysian consumers



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UNZA Long before "natural ingredients" were aligned with skincare products, UNZA introduced its use in products such as Eversoft facial cleanser. Today, the EVERSOFT range has expanded to include skincare products for mature consumers (EVERSOFT Total Defence) using natural ingredients as its core brand value. Actress, model, and TV fitness host Jo Jo Struys, 30, is the brand ambassador for EVERSOFT Total Defence. Among the brand activation programs in maintaining EVERSOFT s strong market position include the launch of the Eversoft Skin Analysis program last year. Skin analysis centres manned by qualified beauty consultants were set up in major retail outlets to help consumers gauge their skin types to match the recommended Eversoft products. In today's active market, UNZA's sales escalation is being driven by richer, aging babyboomers and increased discretionary income, and by the growing middle class. Unza / 5 Although the industry's customers are predominantly women, it is increasing marketing itself to men, too. UNZA demonstrated its competitive responsiveness in identifying local market needs by introducing SAFI, targeted to "Muslim women who want to exhibit their femininity without compromising their religious values." SAFI products are manufactured based strictly on Muslim halal guidelines. The Safi range, which dominates the Muslim toiletry market segment, also includes a cosmetics and whitening line with the latest anti-aging ingredient, Coenzyme Q10.

For SAFI, the company's segment sponsorship of TV3's Persona Nona in 2005 struck a chord with its desired consumer segment. The brand registered an unprecedented year-on-year sales increase of 38%. SAFIs brand ambassador, popular local recording artist and movie star, Elly Mazlein, also enhanced the brand's wholesome image. Marketing is becoming hugely expensive, putting pressure on margins. The fierce competition has left some companies exhausted. However, the will to pursue a lucrative market continues to plod on. Obviously, the desire to look, feel, and smell good is too entrenched. Ng maintains that aesthetics in terms of packaging plays a big role in enabling a brand to stand out in a congested marketplace. "Depending on the brand categories, rejuvenating a brand, ideally at between one to three year intervals, is critical in sustaining a brand's longevity," notes Ng. "Product revamping keeps a brand fresh, and helps extend sales."

The early years between 1979 and 1987 saw the commencement of UNZA Malaysia's operations in designing and marketing personal care products. Its first brand, New &Trendy, was a range of lifestyle shampoos and toiletry products. Between 1987 and 1992, British Petroleum (BP) formed a regional grouping between its Singapore trading business, UNZA Malaysia, and an Indonesian contract manufacturer. It was the period when UNZA adopted European business practices and standards, which the company still uses today. It also marked the beginning

of UNZA's export business, beginning with its expansion into Hong Kong with the acquisition of household product brands from Jardine Matheson. BP later decided to pull out of the household care product market. Beijaya Holdings took over. The company entered an era of rapid growth between 1993 and 2003. It conducted its first exports out of South East Asia to Maldives and was listed on the main board of the Kuala Lumpur Securities Exchange (KLSE) by the year 2000. It also acquired Gervas and contract manufacturer Formapac, and continued to expand its operations to Indonesia, Middle

Among UNZA's revamped brands this year include hairstyling products under the SHUREI and ELITE banners. They have had packaging makeovers with new formulations catering to the lifestyle needs of its young target segment. The companyinvests at least one percent of its total turnover on research and development in its lead centre in Malaysia with peripheral support from Vietnam and Indonesia. Unza / 6 "In this game, top-class marketing coupled with high quality products accounts for leading the competitive edge," reiterates Ng."We listen to our consumers and try to stay in tune with their needs. As a homegrown company, UNZA prides itself in setting marketing milestones that serve as benchmarks for other local companies striving to carve a bigger slice of the household and personal care market. Marketfgures are sourcedfrom Euromonitor International, AC Nielsen, and industry estimates.





East and Thailand. By August 2003, the company's management team acquired UNZA's entire shareholding through a voluntary general offer (VGO). Beijaya Holdings completed its exit from UNZA, and UNZA was subsequently delisted from KLSE. The company continued to strengthen its presence in Vietnam, the People's Republic of China, and especially Indonesia where it acquired an investment and merged with a leading Indonesian personal care company, PT Vitalis, as part of its strategy to strengthen and expand its position in South East Asia.

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TO BLAME TOO! We have billboards hitting you right on the face, overshadowing the traffic lights!They would say: "The XYZ biscuit billboard killed two people." So, would advertisers, especially having spent millions in brand building, want to risk something like that? We now have billboards anchored to pedestrian walkways. The poor guys who are on foot have to walk on the roads instead of the walkways meant for them. Along the LDP near SS3 in PetalingJaya, there are two billboards blocking the view from the balconies of a row of double storey link houses. If you were the owner of one of the houses, what opinion would you come to?


he Suns Nadeswaran is well known and well regarded for nipping around for scoops like no other scribe in the local media circuit. His Citizen Nades column has made its rounds in more places than one would dare to imagine - from the hallowed halls of our Parliament and the high offices of state governments to the man on the street whose plight is simply justice ignored. ADOI tracks down this tireless common mans hero as he was busy taking local councils to the cleaners on the issuance of billboard licences...

WHAT IS YOUR TAKE WHEN YOU SEE ADVERTISERS PLACINGTHEIR ADS ON ILLEGAL OUTDOOR SITE? On the outset, let me state that I have nothing against outdoor advertising and those who run the business.They too are media owners, trying to sell space. And they are doing a legitimate business. Just like the print and electronic media which need licences and approvals from various government agencies, outdoor advertising also requires approvals and permits. What is happening in the industry is that lawlessness has descended. Take Petaling Jaya for example. The records show that there are only 172 licenced outdoor sites in the city. But industry figures (not mine) say that there about 800 sites. Therefore, there are more than 600 ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06


illegal structures. And nothing is being done by the authorities because some of the owners of these sites make donations to the PJ football team in return for "immunity". It makes a mockery of the law.That's what I am against. So, my take is that advertisers will not and should not place ads in publications that do not have a publishing permit from the Home Affairs Ministry. Shouldn't they also refrain from placing ads on billboards which do not have a licence? If they do so, aren't they aiding and abetting something illegal? Another important note is the safety of road users. Billboards have sprung up everywhere including road junctions. In many countries, this is a "no!" because the motorist is supposed to focus on the traffic lights or the oncoming traffic.Here, we have billboards hitting you right on the face, overshadowing the lights. The are laws on minimum setback along roads and highways. We now have billboards anchored to pedestrian walkways. The poor guys who are on foot have to walk on the roads instead of the walkways meant for them.


WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO RESOLVE THIS ISSUE? I have several friends in the advertising industry. I have been quietly, as an individual rather than a campaigning journalist telling them of the pitfalls in encouraging the mushrooming of outdoor billboards. I think advertisers, their agencies and media specialists have a role to play. They have to ensure that the owners of the sites meet not only legal requirements, but also moral and ethical issues. Along the LDP near SS3 in PetalingJaya,

shophouses. People are doing business and these billboards block the signboards in front of the shops.What perception of the advertiser conjures in your mind? I am against any new regulations. The existing rules and regulations are sufficient but they must be enforced. What we are seeing is non-enforcement because money changes hands - to the sports club, family day function, etc.Those who are supposed to enforce the laws decide to tutup mata (Sorry, I stole the words of the Jasin MP!). And that's when the rot starts. Then it becomes a game of who can pay more to break more laws and that is exactly what is happening... at least in Petaling Jaya.

I am against any new regulations. The existing rules and regulations are sufficient but they must be enforced. What we are seeing is non-enforcement because money changes hands - to the sports club, family day function, etc. Those who are supposed to enforce the laws decide to tutup mata (Sorry, I stole the words of the Jasin MP!). And that's when the rot starts. Then it becomes a game of who can pay more to break more laws and that is exactly what is happening...

YOU ARE A QUALIFIED LAWYER TOO, ARE ADVERTISERS LIABLE IN THIS INSTANCE? Yes and No. But, before licences are issued, one the pre-requisites is a public liability insurance cover, but if it is an illegal billboard without a licence, how sure are you that it is covered by insurance? Whether advertisers are liable is a contractual issue - what contracting parties - the owner of the site and the advertiser agree upon. Even if the advertisers are not liable, don't you think they are taking one hell of a risk? Say, the unipole collapses and kills a couple of people (I hope it does not happen).What will be on the lips of the people? They won't say the unipole belonging to ABC Company collapsed. They would say: "The XYZ biscuit billboard killed two people." So, would advertisers, especially having spent millions in brand building, want to risk something like that?

there are two billboards blocking the view from the balconies of a row of double storey link houses. If you were the owner of one of the houses, what opinion would you come to? You will curse and swear at the council, first for not removing the billboard because it is illegal and at the same time have negative views on the advertiser and his product. At the entrance to Taman Mayang, there are two billboards smack in front of a row of

HAS MBPJ COME BACK TO YOU ON YOUR PIECE ACCUSING THEM OF IMPROPRIETY IN THEIR OUTDOOR LICENCING ISSUES? Their silence has been and is still deafening. I wrote the first piece in my column in August 2003. So, I have been at it for three years, actually, I had an anniversary celebration last week! They have not denied my stories, they have not taken me to court. What does it say? I have reproduced documents which implicate their officers. They don't want to enter into a dialogue with me or theSun,and there's only one reason for it -1 know too much on what is happening behind closed doors. Besides, what defence have they got when there is irrefutable proof that donations to the football team is a pre-requisite for a licence? I have got a copy of the minutes which state that a donation of RM10,000 has to be made for each billboard! So, with 800 billboards, just use your calculator to see how much of money is moving! And this figure was decided by none other than the former MPPJ president, Datuk Emran Kadir, who is now the Road Transport Department chief. DO YOU NEEDANY HELPINFORM THE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS TO HELP YOUR CASE, NAMELY OAAM, MAA AND 4AS?





MALAYSIA MEDIA PRIMA PROFIT DOUBLES MEDIA Prima Bhd, which owns the country's most comprehensive range of media assets, doubled its net profit for the second quarter, helped by the group's expansion strategy and strong television revenue. For the first six-month period,its net profit and revenue stood at RM9.47 million and RM232.688 million respectively. During the same period last year, it made RM12.38 million in net profit and RM171.97 million in revenue. DOUBLE TAX DEDUCTION FOR LOCAL BRANDS More companies can now claim double deduction for expenses incurred in promoting Malaysian brand names. Under Budget 2007, existing double deduction incentives are extended to a company within the same group that has incurred the advertising expense. However, it says a company within the same group must be more than 50 percent owned by the registered proprietor of the Malaysian brand name before it can claim for the deduction. ARACHNID HIRES TWO TOP GUNS Paul Stinchcombe has 22 years' experience in technology. Before joining Arachnid as Technology Director, he hasplayed various technologymanagement roles developing banking systems, retail, gaming, voice processing, artificial intelligence, 3D immersion technology, and web servers. Paul has also been a rally driver, competing up to an international level, and is an accomplished photographer whose work has been published in Harpers Bazaar. Jayme Sidhu joins as Systems Architect after 6 years in American Express and Star Solutions in the areas of process development, process training, CRM software development,database management and web portal development. When not developing systems and processes,Jayme is an avid go-karter and drifting enthusiast who modifies his car more often than most people service theirs. MINISTER UNHAPPY WITH RATINGS REPORT Information Minister Datuk Zainuddin Maidin is unsatisfied with theway an agency carried out the ratings system for tv programmes in the country, describing it as unfair and not transparent. He criticised the agency which, according to him, favoured a certain group and did not present the true picture when publishing the ratings report on television programmes in the country. "Although RTM (Radio and Television Malaysia) has made various changes, what we get from the ratings report is most disappointing." The minister proposed that the three major advertising associations in the country merged to form their own ratings agency, referring to the Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies, Advertising Association and the Media Specialists Association."I will give appropriate assistance for the purpose and RTM will be its first client if the setting up of the agency becomes a reality," he said.

I THINK IKE INDUSTRY SHOULD REGULATE ITSELF. IT IS FOR ITS OWN GOOD. WE CANT GO ON MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS - LEGAL OR OTHERWISE -TO STAY IN THE BUSINESS. THIS WILL EVENTUALLY EAT INTO THE BOTTOM LINE Firstly, let me state that it is not my case per se. I have no vested interests in this matter - financial or otherwise. My only interest is that the public is being taken for a ride and that revenue meant for the council which could be used for better roads, lighting, etc., is being diverted for a cause which does not help enhance the quality of lives of citizens. Having said that, I am happy to note that the OAAM has acknowledged and supported my role in bringing the unhealthy practices to the forefront. I have had two meetings with officials and have had the occasional beers with a few, who are serious in wanting to bring about some form of change so that everybody competes on a level playing field. But as you know, money or donations can help those in power to move the goalposts! The problem is that only a small percentage of the players are members of the OAAM and that's where the problem starts. The OAAM has a code of conduct and ethics, and if you are member, you have to abide by it. Some take the easy way out - why become a member when I can do what I want if I make donations to the right organisation? I think the only way for a semblance of law and order is for the 4As, 2As and the OAAM to sit together and draw out a game plan in the interests of the advertising industry as a whole. Accreditation is one area which should be explored seriously. If 4As and 2As members are told they should only deal with "accredited" outdoor companies who are members of the OAAM, it will be good. This will eliminate the cowboys! The problem with outdoor advertising is


that it has a low entry point for new players. All you need is to set up a Sendirian Berhad, use your contacts and get four or five sites from your contacts in the local council. Once you have the licences in your hand, you can do the Ali Baba deals.Take it to a bigger player, pajak your licence for three or four thousand ringgit each a year, and collect the money and still call yourself a player. This is happening right now and I have the documents to prove it. I think there's enough for everyone. I don't know the exact figures, but in the Klang Valley, one industry source has put it at RM270 million annually and that includes the illegal ones too! I think the industry should regulate itself. It is for its own good. We can't go on making contributions - legal or otherwise - to stay in the business. This will eventually eat into the bottom line. Then again, there is this sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the industry. You do not know when some crony of a politician is going to be given ""exclusive rights", "concessions" or a monopoly in the business. Would advertisers keep quiet when the state orders that only one advertising agency can do business in PJ? So, unless the industry unites and takes a common stand on issues like this, there is a strong possibility that it could be forced down your throats. I am also in the media industryas a journalist, so I can write and write about the issues. But all the players in the game must make a common stand. And finally, I would be glad to sit with Datuk Vincent Lee, Peter Das and Haji Shafie and give my views - for whatever they are worth!

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MALAYSIA NEXNEWS UP SUN'S CIRCULATION Nexnews Bhd will use money raised from a rights issue to expand the circulation of theSun and to further improve its editorial content. "Our immediate goal is not to make s profit," said deputy chairman Tong Kooi Ong. "The strategy nowis to gain market share." In March,theSun had raised its circulation to 230,000 copies a day from 150,000 copies and also overhauled the paperwith a fresh design and stronger news and commentary sections.The newspaper is Malaysia's only free national newspaper. AJIN0M0T0 TO DOUBLE NEXT YEAR Ajinomoto Malaysia targets double-digit growth in revenue and net profit for the year ending March 31, 2007 by intensifying its sales and marketing efforts and improving operational efficiency, its managing director Shunichi Komatsu said."We will revitalise our brands and strengthen our sales and marketing team," he told reporters after the company's AGM on Aug 22. Among others, Ajinomoto Malaysia will invest a total of RM2 million in its advertising and marketing campaigns in FY07 and increase its sales force of about 80 to 100 people. AMP PROMOTION SOUNDS GOOD Sree Pathmanathan has been promoted to the role of Chief Operating Officerof AMP Radio Networks. Sree has more than 25 years of sales management experience under his belt. Beginning with a stint as Research Coordinator at New Straits Times' media sales division, Sree charted his path with careers at Berita Publishing, Allsports Publications Sdn Bhd including a position as Account Manager with JWT. Thereafter, Sree was Marketing Manager for the government radio stations at Utusan Media Sales from 1992-1996. Prior to his current appointment, Sree's experience and sales savvy resulted in him holding the position of Group General Manager, Sales over the last 4 years. QUAH JOINS THE DRAGON Quah Seng Chit (Chit) is Naga DDB s new Managing Director in an appointment that will further strengthen the group's ability to offer the best in branding and advertising solutions. Quah is no stranger to the industry and brings with him over 30 years experience in advertising and communications workingacross a diversity of clients in Asia and the United States. He has worked in the advertising capitals of the world with stints in Chicago, Hongkong and Shanghai and brings with him global insights as well as a compulsion to drive opportunities of emerging digital markets and strategic channel communication for Naga's clients. INTERNET IS NO CANNIBAL A recent report by SMG Research states that while the Internet is one of the fastest growing media among Malaysian youth, it does not cannibalize into the mainstream media. It continues, "Indeed, TV and radio remain important among the young Internet users; at the same time they have higher exposure on print and cinema compared to the generalyouth. Thus cross media approach should not be neglected in any campaign targeting young Internet users."


Clash of the technolog


emember in 1998 when Samsung came out with that refrigerator that had a Web browser built into it? You could use a barcode scanner on items you put in it and when you ran out of them, well, a little net order over the fridge later and, voila, no more aimlessly wandering through a food market aisle nervously clutching the list your spouse impatiently wrote down for you. LG has now even gone it several "better" with a model that has a built-in TV, MP3 player, Internet radio player, video camera that can also take still photos, up-to-date local weather info, a phone number directory, an over-the-Internet self-diagnostic mode, the latest nutritional facts of what you have inside, freezer storage time tracking for different foods, e-mail, video mail, voice and text messaging services, the latest recipes - I think it can even keep groceries cold. What a world we live in now, huh? As you may recall, Samsung's icebox was heavily mocked when it was first announced, so the natural response from their compatriot company was to really jazz the beast up with such a litany of features as to make the architect of Bill Gates' personal "smart house" hold up his hands in surrender.Thus, what we have here is a very clear indication that our lives with never again be simple. Sure, I mean we people who will never again be out of contact (and I mean, with absolutely no excuses), but more specifically, I mean we in marketing communications and advertising. The convergence of technologies has been happening for decades. Faxes that can photocopy, photocopiers that can fax. Telephones were built-in to televisions back in the 1970s and, now, vice-versa. Manufacturers of technologies have always been trying to dilute their core offering in an effort to be more attractive to wider audiences. If you haven't had a client ask you to create a campaign around their "Swiss army knife"-like product, then I'll warrant you haven't had any clients in the technology space.

The Internet has simply upped the ante and made more possibilities available for engineers to cram in a product at the behest of someone, no doubt, in marketing who may or may not have done a focus group. The mobile phone manufacturers have been the most obvious players since their ubiquitous cells sits so conveniently in one's pocket and already communicates to a network. They have tried very hard to be everything from a personal organization to an MP3 player to a portable gaming device. Of course, PDA, MP3 player and gaming platform manufacturers have tried very hard to commoditize the telephone as merely another facility of their own products. It just goes on:gaming consoles can or will soon play DVDs, MP3s, photo memory sticks, interface with Bluetooth-enabled devices, browse the Web, allow real-time multiplayer gaming with people all over the world, do instant messaging and update the graphics/video within the games themselves to reflect what's happening in the world right now. In other words, as marketers, we are going to need to think very carefully about what we mean by "integrated media campaigns" from now on. Instead of looking at console game titles as isolated worlds where a little product placement or virtual billboard will be forever locked in time, we now have to think about them as simply more ad space that can run for a set amount of time as part of a campaign buy. Or that can be purchased and later updated with your client's latest product release or announcement. The same holds true for development of creative that must translate not just to TV, radio, print, outdoor, direct and the Web - but for mobile phones, PDAs, MP3s, media centers, personal digital recorders, wearable computers, portable and console gaming contraptions, cameras, digital paper, e-books and, yes, even refrigerators. You can rest assured that if you don't prepare to address these markets, your competitors will.

it If you haven't had a client ask you to create a campaign around their "Swiss army knife"-like product, then I'll warrant you haven't had any clients in the technology space f j


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00 dvertising agencies don't like 11MM our revenue model because it threatens their existence." Mahesh Murthy, CEO of Pinstorm Technologies Pvt Ltd, as quoted in Star Billing& Advertising, 26 August, 2006. I've heard about envy of the genital variety. But Revenue Model Envy? That's a new one. Let's dissect the logic behind the quote. "I am a former employee of an advertising agency. Creative Director, no less." (Ogilvy Hong Kong.) "Now I have seen the light. I have a business, a true and pure business, in online advertising." "My clients don't pay anything upfront. They only pay if a customer clicks." "Customers click because we are very clever at tagging search engines. We know the best tags because our software magic makes it so. "Advertising agencies fear us. Advertising agencies force clients to pay, even if their customers don't click." "Advertising agencies look at us and tremble. They know our perfect Revenue Model is their ultimate demise." Now that's the most disturbing take-out. This imperfect "logic" implies, no it demands, that advertisers accept the idea that online advertising is all it takes to build a brand, increase sales and keep customers profitable for a long time to come. And this proudly illogical statement is founded on the notion that his Revenue Model is better - and to be feared and envied by traditional advertising agencies - because you only pay is someone clicks. In my many years touting the power of Direct Marketing, I have frequently been challenged with this proposition: "Can you guarantee results-ah? If you can guarantee 2% response, then we share the profits. Otherwise, nothing. OK or not?" It is then that I politely inform the • J.


proposition maker, based on the cost of the promotion and his well-endowed profit margins, that he would indeed need less than 2% response to make money. After the usual response of "Huh?", I say, OK, I will do this for nothing. I can't guarantee a response. But if you do not make a profit, I will absorb all the cost of this promotion, the creative time, the production costs, the printing, the mailing. Everything. If you do not make a profit, I'll pay it all. You pay nothing. You can imagine the smiles that might



bring. Much like the smiles ourformer colleague expects when he trashes the advertising agencies that nurtured him even as he declares war on unaccountable communication strategies. But of course, there's a catch. I will do everything for nothing, I tell my demanding and fidgety would-be client, BUT I must have something in return. I will put up my own money and pay for everything, from start to finish, including media. But here are my conditions: • I want a full review of your product, its proven efficacy and benefits. From an independent source. • I would like a complete list of anyone in your company responsible for the management or promotion of your brand. I would like full access to interview them and promote or dismiss or hire replacements, as I deem necessary. • I want to see your complete strategic plan for this brand, shortand long-term, and reserve the right to alter it at my own discretion. H I expect the full benefits as an employee of your company: health, SOSCO, EPF, paid vacation and, of course, an invitation to any company outings or annual corporate parties that might get me a lucky draw vacation to Phuket. • I will personally oversee the progress of this campaign and if at any time I observe you are slacking in anyway, I will be given the right to sack your butt on the spot without notice. • I reserve my option to end this perfect relationship upon 30 days notice, not including earned vacation time. What Mr. Murthy sadly misunderstands, and yup, he's not alone, is that this amazing process called "Selling Something" is empowered by many tools. Search engine marketing is one of them. It's only one. And a small one at that. You would think a new player, who must know that advertisers rely on a full marketing and communications mix, must also know that he could be amongst the recommended alternatives. But to be amongst the recommended alternatives, you must have a friend that recommends. Heck, I'll do it for FREE. Here are my conditions ... Get back at me:cmcker@streamys.com

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TOP GUNS AT BBDOAND PROXHVHTY BBDO Malaysia has appointed Robert D'Arcy Ryan and Vikram Sithasanan as Business Director and Strategy & Planning Director respectively for Proximity Malaysia; and MunTuck Wai as Creative Director. Robert D'Arcy brings with him experience from Dubai and London. Before joining Proximity Malaysia, he served as Business Director in Wunderman Dubai and grew their digital team from zero to 35, contributing significantly to Wunderman becoming the No.1 agency in Dubai. Prior to that, Robert helped M&C Saatchi London set up its digital division and turned it into a million-dollar business. He had the experience ofworking with brands such as Sony Ericsson, Ford, Citibank, LG Mobile, British Airways, Emirates Airline, adidas and Rover. Vikram Sithasanan was formerly the Strategic and Technical Director at Arachnid Malaysia. He had prior experience working as an independent web consultant to several large businesses and government bodies and alsoserved asthe Technology and Strategy Manager at Johnson 8c Johnson London, overseeing software development programming and management information services (MIS). His portfolio ofbrandsin hislast position comprised DiGi, Toyota, KFC, Ford, MINI and Coca-Cola. Prior to joining BBDO, Mun Tuck Wai was Associate Creative Director at Naga DDB. He has numerous awards to his name including the very first D&AD awarded to a Malaysian; a silver, two bronze and two finalist Clio awards; two silver and two finalist Cannes tides; two finalist Media Lions; a Lion Direct finalist; seven finalist One Show awards; one bronze AWARD Australia; two bronze and a finalist Young Guns awards; and two silver and three bronze Adfest titles.

How Real Can You Get?

8TV s latest drama series 'Realiti' set to define how real' people are



ans that clamoured over the Malaysian Idol and Project Superstars continue to tune in to the latest reality talent search sensation, One in A Million. But howfar is reality from the truth? What really goes on behind closed doors? Starting this month, only 8TV dares to reveal the truth in Realiti. Even if you don't watch reality television, its becoming increasingly hard to avoid hearing and talking about it. Reality shows appear to be the 'in thing in the current television programming. In contrast, with its latest in house drama series-Realiti, 8TV boldly changes the landscape of local television by adding original drama to the series. The brainchild of Anne Low and Ng Ping Ho from the famed 'Popiah Production Company', Realiti is set to make its mark as the answer to the missing link that will connect viewers and the series' main characters personally. The newdrama series revolves around 5 contestants involved in the latest season of Malaysia's hottest talent competitionMALAYSIA STAR. Viewers will get to see Amir (Zizan Nin), Baby (Melissa Maureen Rizal), Melody (Chelsia Ng), Nickson (Alvin Wong) and Burn (Ashraf Daniel Sinclair), all ordinary people like us, go through various challenges and obscurity involved as they fight for the honour and glory of winning this singing competition. "RealityTV in the twenty first century represents a new way of telling a story which is half-fiction. The producers and creators will


set up the environment or stage, they give it rules, make a setting and they cast it according to specific guirdelines as to whom they think are going to provide good antics," said Airin Zainul, General Manager, Brand Management Group for 8TV. Realiti allows Malaysians to fantasise about gaining status through automatic fame. Viewers see Amir, Nickson, Baby, Melody and Burn and imagine that they too could become celebrities by being on television. Realiti will be aired every Sunday at 10pm. Let's experience the laughter, the tears and the suspense as they go through a roller coaster of emotions and harrowing lessons in life.

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RON SIM ASKS AMERICA TO RELAX Ron Sim, founder and CEO of Osim International, Singapore's fast-growing massage chair retailer, is luring Americans to buy massage chairs and boost sales in the US through 54 percent-owned Brookstone's outlets. The 47year-old Singaporean entrepreneur, ranked 15th on Forbes Asia's list of 40 Richest in Singapore, bought Brookstone, the US gadget-and-gift company in October 2005. OGAWA AND VGO MERGE Former healthcare and wellness products retail competitors Ogawa and VGO Corporation have announced their merger, combining resourcesin a bid to strengthen their position in the health and wellness market. ASIA NEW BIZ SCORECARD While OMD and Ogilvy continue to lead the way in the R3 Asia Pacific New Business League, BBDO and Mindshare were the big movers. BBDO secured the regional Fonterra business, along with Gillette and Mercedes Singapore. Mindshare picked up LVMH Japan, alongwith some major China wins. FALLON DOES IT WTTH NIKE Nike Southeast Asia has left Ogilvy RedCard and moved to a project-based relationship with Fallon Asia. Nike Regional Marketing Manager TinacaTsai says,"Fallon will be charged with driving creative strategy across Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia." AWARDS JUDGES AWARD has announced the judging panels for the early October sessions,a remarkableline-up from across the region. The juries will be lead by Chairman of Judges Paul Catmur, ECD DDB NZ who said, "The AWARD team have put a lot of effort into bringing together a wonderful collection of individuals for the judging. We have tried to shake up the talent and spread it around the juries so that the usual suspects were not solely closeted around Print and TV. Whilst we have plenty of wise old heads, including the esteemed Mark Tutssel (from Wales via London and Chicago), we also wanted to provide an opportunity for some new jurorsto add youthful exuberance and perhaps even a touch of innocence. As well as great jurors from Australia and New Zealand we also have some ofthe top creative talent in the world coming down from Asia." BRIT NUDE Tokyo's subway authority will allow a station ad featuring a nude, pregnant Britney Spears, officials said yesterday, dropping an earEer plan to censor the photo. HBJapan Inc., publisher of the Japanese edition of Harper's Bazaar, plans to rent ad space at the posh Omotesando station. GETTY AND PH0T0NICA GO REGIONAL Getty Images haslicensed Photonica to customers in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines from today Photonica is a highly-sought after collection of cutting edge, high-end rights-managed imagery from some of the most talented and creative photographers in Japan, Europe and the United States.


Zillion thanks for bringing out your electronic ADOI newsletter. Makes me feel a lot more connected to Malaysia which is a great feeling! Susan Reingoid SVP, Corporate Comm & Dev-Asia Pacific GREY GLOBAL GROUP Petronas Merdeka TVC - A Hidden Icon? The next time you see the 60 sec tvc for Merdeka from Petronas (the one with poetic voice over copy) check out the frame showing hospital beds . Look out for a yellow plastic container at the centre. Is that a Shell Helix container? What's it doing in a Petronas tvc? Next time footages are chosen look carefully guys. Raymond Wong Executive Creative Director ADK-Asia Thoght you'd be keen on this recent quote from Maurice Levy,Chairman-CEO, Publicis Groupe:"If you have an organization that is too administrative, you are just killing the ideas. As we say in France, when you ask a committee to draw a horse, you get a camel." Felix Cheam

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Great job in coming up with the online articles. I look forward to the updates regularly. I am very keen to share your wellinformed articles with my students who are studying advertising and media planning. I am currently teaching in a couple of higher learning institutions and it would be great if I could impart some real-world' wisdom into them. I think your magazine does a very good job in that department. I could ask them to check it online but then, sometimes I thought of using one of them as a case study in class. Do let me know. YuShan My name is Victor Ng, and first of all I would like to say a big thank you to you and your team for your drive behind Adoi Magazine, especially the online version, in which I have been waiting for. I am a regular browser of your site, and I think it is in everyway absolutely brilliant. Victor Ng

internationalJapanese advertising agency in PJ requires a Media Planner (1-2 years' experience, able to work independently) E-mail resume to david@adk.com.my or fax 03-79540266 Attn David Lee. Armstrong Integrated Marketing looking for Account Executive, Event Coordinator, Graphic Designer. Email your application to: suefung.shen@armstrong.po.my or call 03-7728 8628

ONE-AP DESIGN AGENCY looking for AE (at least 2 years experience), ART DIRECTOR (at least 3 years experience), Senior Designer (at least 4 years experience) and Designer (at least 2 years experience). Email resume to info@one-ap.com. my or fax 03 - 8024 8325 Attn: Ms Goo


Malay Newspaper

Audit Bureau of Circulatu - July 20C

WORLD MCKINSEY PREDICTS DROP IN TV Based on a recent report, McKinsey 8c Co. in the US says that by 2010, traditional TV advertising will be only one-third as effective as it was in 1990. According to the report,real ad spending on prime-time broadcast TV has increased over last decade by about 40% even as viewers have dropped almost 50%. Paying more for less translates into a much higher cost-per-viewerreached. The shocking statistic, delivered to the company's Fortune 100 clients in a report on media proliferation, assumes a 15% decrease in buying power driving by cost-per-thousand rate increases; a 23% decline in ads viewed due to switching off; a 9% loss of attention to ads due to increased multitasking and a 37% decrease in message impact due to saturation. Thank to a combination of older technologies such as cable, PC computers, cellphones, CD players, VCRs, game consoles and the internet, along with more recent ones - PDAs, broadband Internet, digital cable, home wireless networks, MP3 players, DVRs and VOD - for those changes. And teens foretell an even more radical shift in future media consumption, the report points out:They spend less than half as much time watchingTV as typical adults do.Teens also spend 600% more time online, surfing the web. According to Forrester Research's most recent North American Consumer Technology Adoption Study, people ages 18 to 26 spend more time online than watching TV and are adopting new technology faster than any other generation. Because of that, they tend to be more receptive to blog, podcast and mobileweb ads.



roton is going through a tough time. Malaysian people keep criticizing this national car company. Unfortunately, no one has communicated toMalaysian citizens that Proton is much more than alocal car company. Its the nation building project, such projects need public support and encouragement. Proton needed to convey that its working hard and improving products and servicing.

gut feel, but, when someone tells you about his good intention of aiming high and his spirit of achieving the impossible, struggling, striving and one day surpassing the rest of the world. It makes you feel sympathetic as well as proud of him and his daring spirit.

BARRIER If Proton goes out and claims its improvement and hard work, Malaysian people wont believe the story.

CREATIVE BRIEF The more I sweat, the more I shine

HUMAN INSIGHT When someone comes and tells a long story about his achievements, you sit back and start evaluating it or try and confirm it with your

STRATEGY Personify Proton as an underdog

CREATIVE TREATMENT AND T0NALTTY • Merge nation buiding story • Touch Malaysian heart • Encourage Proton staff • Develop patriotic emotion • Be a Malaysian soul and spirit

37% OF ALL ADS WASTED A new book details a five year research project that tracked $1billion in ad spendingby 36 major marketers and concludes that 37% of all advertising spending is wasted. The study, overseen by the Advertising Research Foundation, is believed to be the largest one of its kind ever conducted. NOKIA BUYS DIGITAL MUSIC Nokia has purchased digital music distributor Loudeye for US$60 million and plans to launch its full-scale mobile music service in early 2007. JOHNSON & JOHNSON PLAYS WITH MOMS Johnson&Johnson has launched an advergame targeted at moms to promote itsJohnson's Buddies line of kids' bath products. The advergame, dubbed "Scrubbies,"is a timed puzzle game, targeting thefemale demographic who are not traditionally considered "gamers." GOOGLE IN US$900 MILLION DEAL Google has signed up to become the exclusive search engine provider for NewsCorp's recently acquired MySpace portal, plus all other Fox Interactive Media properties.

Client: Proton Holdings Agency: McCann-Erickson Malaysia Brand Management:Michelle Ong,Natasha Sidhu and Navin Rajaratnam ECDs: Huang Ean Hwa and Lee Szu Hung Executive Planning Director: PratikThakar Film Director:A1 Issac Production House: Superwonderful Films Sdn Bhd Executive Producer Sunita Petrus Agency Producer: Iskandar Siva


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Brand: Petronas Primax3 Title: Point-of-View (PoV) Duration: 40 seconds Client: Petronas Dagangan Agency:Astana International ECD: Shafri Mohamad Group Head (Art): Daniel Khoo Copywriters: Sheena Gurbakhash, Julia Nicholson Languages: BM / English / Mandarin Summary: The revolutionary formula of the new Primax 3 takes driving to the next level and promises power to go the distance.

• Oct 27-29 The 13th China Advertising Festival, Kunming, Yunan Province, China

• Nov 17 4As Kancil Awards, Sunway Lagoon Resort, PJ

• Nov 6-7 Global Brand Forum, Ritz Carlton, Singapore. www.globalbrandforum.org

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• Nov 10 MACROs AIR Awards, Shangri-La Hotel, KL.

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BREAKINGNEWS! ADOI's Regional Publisher Harmandar Singh shakes on it with Andrew Chin COO of DAPAT Vista, as they launch a free sms news alert service to all ADOI readers. Anyone interested to enjoy free subscription to ADOI-DAPAT Breaking News via sms alerts are advised to email their numbers to ham@pop.jaring.my

Brand: Pepsi Max Title: DOWN Duration: 10 sec Client: PepsiCo International Agency: BBDO MY Creative Director: Ronald Ng Art Director: Kelvin Leong Copywriter: Kevin Le Language: English / BM / Chinese Summary:Adaptation from regional to launch Pepsi Max. Ad to communicate that Pepsi Max has No Sugar.

Brand: HotlinkTitle: My Virtual World Duration: 40 sees Client: Maxis Agency: BBDO Malaysia Sdn Bhd Creative Director: David Sin Art Director: Adrian Ho Copywriter: Alex Wong Language: English / B.Malaysia / Chinese Summary: Experience new exciting ways to enjoy music, games, life in a borderless world through Hotlink.

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A week later it was reborn into what now is a Cannes Grand Prix winner and a damn nice ad •iiiii


LOOK FOR THE GOOD But after living in Singapore for so long, where I took my personal safety as a bit of a luxury, New York has come as a bit of a shock

HH| JUNK MHm mtm •111 111 V H

urder, mayhem, disaster and a bagel with philly cream cheese, its usually how I start my mornings in New York Its unavoidable really, especially when I turn on the television for a HH mm mm dose of the morning news. Add a bit of rape, stabbing, assault and multiple drive-by shootings to my grande low fat soymilk decaf moccacino, and its looking like another average day in the 5 boroughs as I scan the newspaper headlines on the subway ride to work. Its gotten to the point where I wonder how many people have died or been assaulted before I even look at the news. And when I do, I'm rarely disappointed. Strange mindset you might say. But after living in Singapore for so long, where I took my personal safety as a bit of a luxury, New York has come as a bit of a shock From the crazies on the subway to the maniacs of the night, there is bad everywhere you go looking for it, and the media loves to report it.If you think I'm embellishing ever so slightly, here are some of the headlines that made it in the news over the past week. • Two Dead After Triple Shooting In The Bronx Busta Rhymes Arrested And Charged With Assault • New Jersey Firefighter Charged With Vehicular Homicide In Cop Death I Brooklyn Man Sentenced To Prison For Killing Ex-Girlfriend's Mother • NYPD Officer Involved In Gun Battle After Shots Ring Out In The Bronx • Queens Man Recovering From Attack By Gang OfWomen

STUDY: NEW YORKERS WHO EAT HUDSON RIVER FISH SHOW ELEVATED MERCURY Media sensationalism or hard facts? Whatever it is, the media here and in other countries rarely look at the good. So what's wrong with the good? Does it not sell enough papers, tune in enough viewers? Or is it as a society, we have become so conditioned to see the bad, that the good is simply now just... boring.Well, I for one have started to look for the good.And not just in the city, but at the work that crosses my desk How many times as a creative have you shown work to your Creative Director, only to have it rejected because they have always looked for what's wrong with it rather than what's right with it? The same thing can be said for many client presentations.The amount of times a client hasimmediately focused on what's wrong with the work is coundess. It seems that reams of work with great potential is destined to never see the light of day by this negative way of thinking. Banished forever to the bowels of advertising hell. So what exactly is being lost you may speculate? How about a Cannes Grand Prix as a way of example. I was recendy talking with the CD of our Paris office Erik Vervroegen, a great believer in looking for the good in work He told me their PS2 'Rebirth' print ad where the adult gamer is being reborn from between his mother's legs was actually presented to him as a gamer hatching out of an egg.Instead of instandy dismissing it, he put the sketch up on his wall and looked for the good in it. A week later it was reborn into what now is a Cannes Grand Prix winner and a damn nice ad. Let's all look for the good and who knows what might happen. Oh, and on a parting note, watching the news in the mornings isn't a good way to start the day.

New York has come as a bit of a shock. From the crazies on the subway to the maniacs of the night, there is bad everywhere you go looking for it, and the I

media loves to report it. If you think I'm embellishing ever so slightly, here are some of the headlines that made it in the news over the past week ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06


Malaysiakini - 500,000 readers can't be wrong M

Take another look this news portal.You might just be surprised at what it offers to advertisers

alaysiakini.com is a household name for political pundits. Its brash, hard hitting news reports plus a variety of independent views have made it a must read for those who need to know what s going on behind the official line. Yet, advertisers have taken a more cautious approach to dealing with this media maverick. After all, what is there to lose by giving this website a skip? Well, as things go, perhaps more than you think. In June, Malaysiakini recorded over 235,000 unique visitors (see definition on page 46). As many of these visits represent servers or shared computers, Malaysiakini estimates that over 500,000 people read Malaysiakini on a regular basis. This figure is not surprising given that Malaysiakini readers read over 18.9 million pages of articles that month. During peak periods, readers were digesting over one million pages per day. How does this compare with the mainstream media? While Malaysiakini is not number one, independent monitors puts Malaysiakini ahead of established brands including the New Straits Times, theSun, China Press and Nanyang (see charts). If that is not impressive enough, hold your horses because there is more. Among all the news websites, Malaysiakini is the onlysite that is subscription based. Their readers have to fork out RM150 per year to read the full articles. As a result, Malaysiakini has great demographics - professionals, senior managers, high income earners, majority aged between 30 to 50. "We have found that Malaysiakini readers are very opinionated," says Malaysiakinis Chief Executive Officer Premesh Chandran. "They are looking for genuine reports, from serious journalists, not the "stenography-type" repetition of official statements. They are opinion shapers in their own right." Malaysiakini s demographics are closer

to that of a business paper. Yet, its number is several multiples of the business publications. Even against the print circulation of major dailies, Malaysiakini s figures standout. The NST only sells 145,000 papers. Chandran co-founded Malaysiakini.com (with partner Steven Gan) in 1999. "Ad revenue was huge in our first year. But it all dried up after the dotcom bust in mid 2000. However, since mid last year, we have seen a revival of interest. Major players are now putting money online," he says.

Steven Gan, Editor in Chief of Malaysiakini



Advertising on Malaysiakini has spiked since Malaysiakini carried an exclusive interview with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in May this year The interview came as a major surprise as during his tenure Mahathir was not particularly fond of Malaysiakini. "Although Mahathir was never helpful of Malaysiakini, we have to credit him for sticking to his promise not to censor the Internet,"says Malaysiakini Editor-in-Chief Steven Gan. "And I suppose it has paid off. He is now using the Internet media to voice his opinions." Readership of major news websites and blogs have increased as political differences between the current and previous leaderships have spilled into the open. "Since the interview, subscription has doubled and readership has nearly tripled," says Chandran."Our rates are still the lowest in town, but we will be increasing our advertising rates as of October 1st, to reflect the current readership." Globally, media services company ZenithOptmedia estimates that global Internet advertising revenue will come close to US$20 billion (RM76 billion) by2007.The Economist recently noted that the combined advertising revenue of Google and Yahoo! will rival the ad revenues of the three big American television networks, ABC, CBS and NBC. Big companies are sitting up and taking notice. Foster s beer has stopped all advertising on television in the US and spends its entire American ad budget on Internet ads instead, targeting younger men. US pharmaceutical giant Big Pharma will be upping their web ad spending by 25%, reaching a cool US$1.8 billion by2008. Companies like Ford, General Motors and Absolut Vodka plan to spend 20% of their total advertising budgets online this year. Locally, there are no hard figures on Internet advertising. According to ACNeilsen, online


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IN THE BEGINNING Ever wondered how Malaysiakini came about? Like all true Malaysian inventions, the idea sprung to life over dinner. A group of concerned citizens were bemoaning the lack of credible news, following the arrest of former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim. Newspapers had little choice but to toe the line whereas anonymous Reformasi websites liberally mixed fact and rumour. One of those at the table happened to be former journalist Premesh Chandran, who suggested that since Mahathir had declared the Internet to be acensorship free zone, why not publish an e-paper. Premesh worked with Steven Gan (now Editor inChief of Malaysiakini) to invest their own funds as well as money from highly optimistic friends. A year later, on November 20,1999, Malaysiakini launched with six staff. Now in its seventh year, Malaysiakini has come along way. In May, former prime minister Tun Mahathir even gave Malaysiakini an interview, despite his numerous attacks against the Internet media during his tenure. Today, Malaysiakini has a staff of 35 and publishes in English, Malay and Chinese. It has got two subsidiaries - Manage4me.com is a one stop portal managing Internet subscriptions for local and international websites, including Wall Street Journal online. The other subsidiary-Southeast Asian Centre for E-media (Seacem), provides training and web solutions in New Media for over 35 organisations in 15 countries in the region.



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news and views that matter J




Forgot password? f§ Umno's 'Resign Koh' calls irk Gerakan Youth

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Umno Kubang Pasu: Or M did not top nominations

COLUMNS The role residents of Ipoh can play in making Ipoh a better and safe city

Salient points of Budget 2007 S*p 1, 06 4s38pftt BUDGET 2007 breaking news There will be a reduction in

Date: Saturday, 9th Sept 2006 Time; 10am - 1pm Venue: YMCA, Ipoh ADMISSION IS FREE.

corporate tax, while the budget deficit will be further slashed to 3.4% of the GDP in 2007. More * Corporate tax - 27% for 2007 * To be reduced to 26% in 2008

Khairy 'roasted* again... this time by Gerakan WSJ onlin

EBBEBHi China Lures Global Retailers Sep 1, 06 09j4ipm las Vegas Sands Plan? Resort off Macau Sep lj 06 Stocks Mixed Ahead of U.S. Jobs Data Sap 2, 06 01:01 China to Unify Talks on Commodities S«p 1, 06 02s4?pm Telstra Buys Stake in

Kuefc Sftr Ku««f Ker>§, Scan Li Tsin, Wong Ysen F«m | Sep t, 06 4:39pm

Gerakan delegates confab It appears the dust on the racist remarks made by Khairy has yet to settle as Gerakan delegates from around the country meet to discuss the party's future. More • 'That young leader is no hero' • Cheers for Hishamuddin

WHIWIHi Mahathir and Pak Lah like 'wolves' Muhammsd Rajif { Sep l> 06 4:04pm PKR Youth andWanita Congress PKR deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali says while the colour of their fur may differ, they bite just the same. More * Pak Lah has failed

advertising spending remains small. Nonetheless, most major websites have a healthy dose of ads: Digi's yellowwas seen prominentlyon a number of top websites; PC retailer Dell features prominendy on Sinchew-I and car brand Mini Cooper taking masthead space on The Star Online. Malaysiakini believes that the Internet is here to stay... and dominate. "Lets face it, picking up Internet skills is no longer an option," says Malaysiakini marketing manager Salina Aziz. "If you can't use a computer these days, its the backroom for you. Even the 50-year-olds plus generation have had to pick up keyboard skills in order to keep up with the times." For advertisers it's a gold mine. "If people can afford to buy the computer and go online, then they most likely can afford products and services that cater to those with high disposable income," adds Salina.

INTERNET TV COMING UP Over the next 12 months, Malaysiakini will be pushing fast into the Internet video space. "Malaysiakini will be pushing its new video portal - Malaysiakini.tv. We hope to have regular news reports as well as video features in at least four languages by the end of the year," says Chandran. "Advertisers are already enquiring on video advertising. It's a familiar medium because its


The poor state of our graduates Dr Nana • Gov't to soend RM22 mil on new When our graduates promoting solar energy are unable to secure jobs p Sime Darbv full-vear results uo in many of the private 39 percent sector companies, one » Iran; Western firms can help build begins to wonder as to power plants why this should happen. NEWS IN BRIEF

similarities with the TVC experience. Some advertisers will use it to test bed potential TVCs. Advertiser may run various video clips and actually measure clicks. They can see which video has the best response from the Internet audience before they run it on a broadcast channel." Alternatively, the Internet video space may become a medium of its own. "Internet eyeballs are tougher on advertising. Agencies will have to be more willing to innovate and experiment. "You need to run something unusual, even fun. You need something that becomes the talk of the town, something so good that users email it to friends. Once it becomes viral, it will become a huge success. And yes, we have some ideas of what will work," assures Chandran. Malaysiakini is so sure of the medium, that they are developing Asia's first Internet TV channel. Asia247.tv - "Asia Round the clock" is already live, although it is still very much in the beta phase. "As people start using 3G and other technologies such as Wimax make broadband Internet widely available, Internet TV will take­ off. Not only will people will be watching the breaking news on their hand phones, they will increasingly be reporting it, as they become by­ standers and witnesses to news events. Asia247 aims to be the first to capture and harness this new form of media," says Chandran.


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CUTTING THROUGH THE JARGON HITS: If somebody says hits, hit him. It's a totally arbitrary measurement, as each page can contain between 1 to 1000 hits. It says nothing about how many times that page has been viewed. PAGEVIEWS: Everytime a page is viewed by a reader, it is counted as one pageview. On average, readers may view between 3-10 pages on a site It's a valuable measurement as one can judge the number of times the reader will see an ad during a visit UNIQUE VISITORS: Unique visitors are normally counted by measuring the number of computers accessing the website. However, because each computer can be shared among users or each computer can actually be a server representing many users, the actual number of visitors will be a multiple of the number of unique computers accessing the website It is analogous to multiplying circulation by the number of readers per newspaper in order to estimate readership. There are different methods to determine what multiple to use, but it ranges between 3 to 7. BANNER IMPRESSIONS: Every Internet page can carry one or more banner ads. Each time the page is read, and the banner seen by one visitor, each banner on that page clocks one impression. Typically, a top website will display a banner between 200,000 to 400,000 times in a week, reaching up to 100,000 unique readers. CLICKS: Everytime a reader sees a banner, the reader can choose to click on it, sending the reader to the advertiser's website.This is known as a click-through. A very good ad can expect to get up to 10 clicks per 100 impressions but the average should be about 10 per 1000 impressions.

Who's got the eyeballs? Unlike their printed counterparts, the readership of major news sites remain unaudited. Nevertheless, third party tracking systems such as Alexa.com give a good indication of the relative strength of each website.

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You need to run something unusual, even fun. You need something that becomes the talk of the town, something so good that users email it to friends. Once it becomes viral, it will become a huge success


creativity g rows





In my time," pondered a pony-tailed, earring-ed ad veteran now on his 6th pint, "advertising was the most fun one could have with clothes on" ow, the last thing I want at a Friday lunch is a ranting old fart struggling to make the journey from 5th century B.C. to 2005 A.D. Besides, strutting down memory lane isn't my pint of beer. I love the past as much as I love warm, stale beer. I happen to be from the generation that believes "you're only as good as your next ad". Before I could cook up an excuse to scoot, myjuicy steak burger appeared - large enough to cover the course of the rant. How hard would it be to ignore the sights and sounds of memory lane when my taste buds could gleefully waltz in food alley? "In the good old days," he went on "advertising had an assortment of eccentrics, egoists, mavericks...who made the entire business utterly exciting." I barely heard him as my attention swayed between the burger and the bobbing busts of a 20year-old on the next table. Somewhere in the distance I heard the drone: "Lunches were long. Weekdays were like weekends. The pantry was always full with food, beer. Heck, even the harmless fun of doing scam ads and winning awards wasn't the bitchy, nasty and immoral business it now is." The chick left abruptly,leaving myattention at the old fart's mercy. "Well," I defended,"even now there's lots of talent, money's good, ads are great, all's looking bright. So.. "But where is the fun???" he pounced on me. "I was told a certain agency asked its creatives to pull down scrap art from their

with brainwaves? Wha...?" "Are you suggesting people shouldn't be accountable?" I stopped him, a bit annoyed. "Isn't advertising better served by organized talent instead ofloose cannonballs?" His raised glass braked in mid air."Who told you fun-loving folks don't work well? Real good creatives have an in-built discipline; they understand the business. It's the effortlessness with which they go about their work that makes the entire experience fun. I've worked with several folks who wander off - around flea markets, music stores, art exhibitions - talk to strangers and come back to office with heads glowing like bulbs full of bright ideas.. .all well in time." "I believe," he continued,"fun is directly proportional to profits. Happy, smiling people give fresher ideas that make the clients, their brands more famous and fetch even more money for the agency. Ever heard the term 'laugh your way to the bank'?" He looked at the piece of steak I was happily chewing and chuckled, "Besides, isn't a happy cow a tastier cow?" "The fun's got to come back: A free-flow agency bar. A fully stocked library full of nonadvertising books including porn. An iPod for everyone. Allowance to buy trainers. No Friday afternoon meetings. Only good-looking girls hired..." At which point, I stopped looking at my watch that tick-tocked towards 2pm, ordered another round and switched off my mobile. Let traffic scream. The writer is Senior Vice President & Group Creative Director with Pubiicis USA and isn't sure how well beer, lunch and old farts mix


f f Lunches were long. Weekdays were like weekends.Hie pantry was always full with food, beer. Heck, even the harmless fun of doing scam ads and winning awards wasn't the bitchy, nasty and immoral business it now is 3 3 walls because "it's against corporate policy". Chinese New Year celebrations are reduced to 'the girl in admin doling out slim hong-baos. People are chained to timesheets in the name of accountability. How do creatives and planners clock in the amount and number of times they've woken up in the middle of the night



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WHAT THE HELL DOES FT TAKE TO WIN A TITANIUM DON? The idea was literally an invention, said Craig Davis, JWT Worldwide Creative Director.

Some predictable responses include:"What is Titanium?", "I don't know where tostart.", and predictably, My clients don't have the budget. This is actually not that bad for the future of creative ideas. Because if there were defined rules on the Titanium, we wouldn't have had the pleasure of witnessing this year's Grand Prix Lion. And the very short, shortlist of two that included Droga5's "Still Free" and Monopoly's "Live"?. The first was for a brilliantly staged stunt on Air Force One that went berserk on webland.The latter turned London into a giant Monopoly board game. So there you go. The Titanium will continue to be redefined every year. And we all know that feeling in the dark often brings rewarding results. That's why I look forward to the ideas in this year's Kancil Rebel Idea category. I'm sure our industry icons will show us what a "Titanium" idea should really be. At the end of the day, it's the monstrosity of the idea that wins in any category. David Lubars is Chief Creative Officer of BBDO, Jury President of Cannes Titanium 2006 and winner of the first Titanium Grand Prix in 2003. Ronald Ng is Executive Creative Director of BBDO Malaysia and is praying to win a Titanium in the near future. Very near future.



t's not advertising at all, but a really creative way of looking at things, added Trevor Beattie, of Beattie McGuinness Bungay. It's quite stunning. It stopped us all in our tracks the moment we sawit, said Warren Brown of BMF Sydney. Since awarding the Cannes Titanium Grand Prix to "Design Barcodes" by a tiny design shop in Japan, hundreds of blogs and articles have been written about the winning entry. And the views are poles apart. Some love it, some hate it. Some call it groundbreaking. Some say it's unoriginal. However the decision was unanimous amongst the 11 world-class judges. They were all blown away. The judges were utterly impressed because they had taken something that we see every day and turned it into a new media channel. When introduced in 2003, Dan Wieden's definition of this prestigious category was, Work in any category, or any combination of categories, that causes the industry to stop in its tracks and reconsider the way forward. Since then, every year's winning entry has been strongly debated. So will there ever be a Titanium Lion that everyone can agree on As theworld continues to debate,Malaysia has its own ambitious plan. At the upcoming Kancil Awards, the new and improved 4A's has made the bold move to introduce our version of the Titanium. Called the Rebel Idea, it celebrates the same spirit of rewarding monster ideas. Ideas that make you envious, jealous, feel small and scream out expletives. Firstly, kudos to the 4As for being ahead of the other countries and regional award shows to introduce such a category. The big question now is, "Does Malaysia have ideas ofTitanium proportion?"




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All Local And Proud Of It


Little known BrandCare is the name the big boys trust with their designs

he next time you are walking in a hypermarket doing your weekly grocery shopping, bear this in mind. You will notice numerous consumer goods on the shelves allwith different packaging from around the globe.The packaging and design for these products are uniquely designed by the respective brand manufacturers to cater for the local market. Wait a minute... How most of us just blindly believe that! The truth of the matter is these foreign are packaged and designed locally, pany in the busin business can claim to No one company have the lions share in this dej department except for one- BrandCare Sdn Bhd. BrandCare, a design house specialising ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06


in label and packaging design services, was incorporated six years ago. It is the brainchild of Shawn Ng, who has successfully conjured up packaging and design for various brands such as Cadbury, Carlsberg, Guinness Anchor, New Zealand Milk Danone, Unilever, F&N Dairies, Revlon and a host of other brands and fast moving consumer goods comfortablyseated on the shelves of local hypermarkets all over Malaysia. "We are proud to say that we are the most recognized and reputable design company in the region in terms of providingsuch services to the industry. We have truly demonstrated through our success the spirit of 'Malaysia Boleh' says Shawn Ng, managing director of BrandCare. In September2000, after spending a decade in designing and art direction, Shawn decided


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to build a company of his own to focus and contribute his expertise in packaging design for the FMCG category. With his specialized skills and niche positioning, BrandCare soon gained adequate support and recognition for their trade. "It was tough initially trying to explain to prospective clients what is it we do and there is a fee at the end ofthe campaign. Large advertising agencies usually consider design and package a very small part of their billings. It is so small to them it is usually not billed and here we are charging for it!," said Shawn. "Clients eventually realised to our benefit that packaging and design was BrandCare's forte. We put all our time and expertise into the design and maybe that's why clients continue to put their faith in us,"added Shawn. "At BrandCare, we believe that a design and packaging is sincerely the face of your organisation. So to put a design and package on your product is a very crucial exercise as far carrying your brand to the consumers is J ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS I

concerned. We are very careful and meticulous when it comes towork for our clients,"continues Shawn. To date, he has conceptualised and created countless designs for many brands not only in Malaysia but beyond the country as well. His designs can be seen on the shelves of hypermarkets in Singapore and Hong Kong too. For his continuous and tireless efforts that have gained BrandCare a good name in the market, Shawn was awarded the Excellence Leadership Award at the recently held 5th Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Awards 2006. On plans to expand, Shawn explained that he intends to cross the shores intoSingapore and Australia in the near future. "They are ideal markets as they have similar likes and dislikes as Malaysians and the language is not a problem.There is a demand for services such as ours in these markets and I do not see why we cannot be as equally successful aswe are here in Malaysia,"said Shawn. SEPT 06

Shawn concluded that multi-national companies are churning out new designs for various products at a faster pace every time and work is continuously increasing these days. "Multi national companies are coming out with different designs and packaging at such a rapid pace it is almost as soon as we are done with one project, we have to immediately start planning for a new design and packaging," "Previously, the turnaround time for a new design and packaging was about five to six years. Today, the turnaround time is about two to three years. It takes us about 7-8 months to actually see the start of a design right up to the time they are on the shelves of a supermarket. We are briefed soon after by most of our clients to propose new designs for their various products. Time is very crucial in this business," concluded Shawn. So if you are ever walking in your favourite hypermarket, be proud to be a Malaysian as what you are looking at on the shelves as far as FMCG's are concerned, is also Malaysian.

1800 806 123


It Rooked On Long...

BUT HARD! Despite lengthy delay and technical glitches, Ad Ball made it a night to remember for the advertising industry BY RAJ KUMAR


he first question that popped out of the advertising industry was what is it with the Malaysian Advertisers Association organisinga ball themed after "We will rockyou", an anthem of sorts for the rock fraternity made popular by legendary rocker and his band, Freddie Mercury and Queen? The Ad Ball,which has been held annually

"We will rock you", an anthem of sorts for the rock fraternity made popular by legendary rocker and his band, Freddie Mercury and Queen?


for the last 20 years has never failed to give the advertising industry a day to remember, cherish and most of all, relish. Themes from the past like Black&White, Shang Hai, Battle Nite and Olympiad just to name a few have never failed to capture the moment and create an atmosphere where people in the advertising industry let themselves loose and dance away the night. The crowd attendance came from every product and service organisation that makes this country tick. Media owners, advertisers, advertising and public relations agencies, media

Gone was the usual formal business attire, advertising and marketing communication executives transformed themselves into swinging rockers for the night


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specialists and supporting industries were all present to have a great time. Gone was the usual formal business attire, advertising and marketing communication executives transformed themselves into swinging rockers for the night. Despite the hour and a half delay of the schedule on the pre-planned agenda, some technical glitches with the sound, it was a night filled with excellent performances and high quality entertainment that lived up to the rock themed flavour of the day. Highlights of the ball, which was hosted by ntv7's Jojo Struys, included a band competition, a special celebrity band comprising big shots from the advertising and media fraternities, and

an ever popular- best dressed contest. Prizes consisting of RM 3,000 for 1st place, RM 2,000 and RM 1,000 for second and third places respectivelywere up for grabs as far as the batde of the bands tided 'Rock Mania was concerned. Five bands from media companies that participated in the "Rock Mania"contest were Suria FM, Utusan Group, The Sun, AMP Radio and Media Prima Berhad. The concert band for the night was Deja Voodoo Spell, recent winners at Anugerah Industri Muzik (AIM) 2006 for 'Best New English Artiste' and 'Best Male Vocals In a Group'. Media Prima band "D Kecewa's" took the




top spot, followed by Utusan and AMP Radio. However, it was the celebrity band that consisted of ... that stole the show with a rousing rendition of Rolling Stones' 'I Can't Get No Satisfaction'. Peter Das, President of Malaysian Advertisers Association said "While this ad ball is one unique way of presenting our goals and celebrating our achievements, the association's calendar for the year is full of other activitiesfrom workshops and conferences to dialogue with government agencies, regulatory bodies, media owners and business associates." Kudos to the Malaysian Advertisers Association, is all that can be said and should be said!



11C CING After two decades, music production house Betarecs, is still standing tall BY RAJ KUMAR

visit to their office located in Plaza Damansara and duly discovered that Betarecs are still very much in the forefront of the industry. Still very much in the thick of action is Freddie Fernandez and his new team that continue to possess the midas touch when in relation to churning out quality radio jingles. Freddie, however, was quick to point out that Betarecs was being. "As many people realise, I have a new role as Maestro Talent Management CEO and I do have an added responsibility on my shoulders now. However, I am very pleased to say that Betarecs is in the safe hands of the production head Ananth and his team.They are a talented group that never stops trying to find the perfect balance. It's as if the meaning 'almost perfect' is the equivalent of "really bad"for them.They are the driving force behind Betarecs today,"

We may have hit a few bumps due the changes in the face of the production industry, but as a brand we have to evolve with the times


here were days in the past when I used to switch on the radio and tune in to my favourite radio channel just to listen to the numerous radio jingles that were on air. As we all are aware today, there are plenty jingles on the radio composed and produced by the many production companies that exist here in Malaysia. One such company that does not need any

introduction as a music production house are Betarecs Music Production Sdn Bhd. Helmed by the popular and charismatic Freddie Fernandez, Betarecs had been churning out brilliant and exciting radio jingles for the past two decades. For the last few years however, I wondered how Betarecs, who were one of the pioneering music production houses in Malaysia were coping in the modern day and time. So I paid a


said Freddie. When I asked Ananth about how he viewed Betarecs as a brand, he was quick to point out that Betarecs was in the midst of repositioning themselves. "We have been a little quiet for the last couple of years due to various reasons. The airing of international commercials in the local marketplace has dampened the production industry here in Malaysia. In the course, we

be able to be executed for it to be a great piece of work have naturally suffered in terms of business as well but it does not mean if the industry is a little quiet, Betarecs is going to roll over," said Ananth. Some music production houses have wrapped up over the past few years but here in Betarecs, we don't believe in quitting. We are sure that we can continue to produce reallygood work here for our clients and the advertising industry per se," added Ananth. Ananth, however, was not about to take any credit for the great work that Betarecs has been doing over the last few months. "We have Syed, who is a great music arranger. He arranged the music on a Dayang Nurfaizah album recently. To get the perfect mix, its totally a group effort. All great ideas must be able to be executed for it to be a great piece of work," quipped Ananth. Despite being on the quiet side over

the past few years, Am confident that Betarecs be holding their heads up high despite the challenges of the new playing field has to offer. 'Betarecs has been through the thick and thin of the times and we are believe that what have to offer in terms of music production is at a very high level. We may have hit a few due the changes in the face of the production industry, but as a brand we have to evolve with the times. We have done just that and we want to continue to give our clients the best possible production music can offer," said Ananth. Freddie was just as optimistic about the future of Betarecs at hand. "Its no doubt that for awhile, music


production companies such as ourselves were hit with a bad patch. However, with Ananth and the team we have at the moment, there is no reason why we cant bounce back with a bang," concluded Freddie. Way to go, guys! May the force be with you.



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M&C Saatchi

LEADS 2006 NEW YORK FINALISTS' LIST Malaysia's Celcom Territory campaign wows world s best creative directors


&C Saatchi, has emerged as Malaysia's leading agency in the 2006 New York Festival finalists' list. With 5 Finalist awards already in its bag,the fledgling agency is taking on bigger fish on the international stage as the American award show heads into its final judging to determine winners for the bronze, silver and gold in each of its categories. The agency is now vying for the metals in 5 different categories, namely Specialty Consumer Advertising (for Botanique Slimming Cream), Telecommunications (for Celcom), Retail Food (for ZangToi Fashion Cafe) and Copywriting (for Ole Cafe). "As fae as international award shows are concerned, this is a first for M&C Saatchi Malaysia," said its Executive Creative Director Anthony Wong. "To have one or two finalists would have been nice, but five... that's great. Given how tough all international award shows are these days, we are quite ecstatic. "I'm happy for us, but more importantly, for our clients too," he added. The agency has been known for its cut-through campaigns for its main client, Malaysian telco, Celcom. It recently launched a multimedia brand campaign for the telecommunications giant that featured four of the biggest world football stars - Ryan Giggs, Robert Pires, Steven Gerrard and Michael Owen. However, the work that has stirred international attention is a press cum campaign for Celcom's nationwide coverage dubbed Celcom Territory. Using the art of typography and hundreds of hours of crafting what are essentially very intricate artworks, the agency has created a campaign so stunning and unique, festival judges (made up of the finest creative directors in the world) in New York have selected this work amongst thousands to stand in the final reckoning for either a bronze, silver and gold. Final judging and release of winners' list is in end September. "Our work on Celcom Territory, which is actually a hard-working product ad, epitomizes the persistence that M&C Saatchi has in creating brutallysimple and cut-through work for our clients," explained its Managing Director Datin Lara Hussein. "The fact that Celcom shares a similar maverick attitude towards 3 ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06

branding and communication has made such high quality work possible. "Now, I hope this astounding campaign go on to pick up more of the creative awards that it is so richly deserves," added Lara.


Greatness lies not in the ideas you have, but in those you throw away.


Richard Halmarick

almarick, on a short visit toCarat Malaysia recently, confirmed that consumer trends, showing an I I! increase in digital media usage, would determine the touch points in future media planning. "Media consumption continues to change dramatically with the convergence of multiple platforms,"says Halmarick "Traditional media will lead for a few more years, but their value will gradually diminish as digital media powers up through online, interactive, and mobile usage." Carat Malaysia, the only independent media specialist agency in the country, plans to pursue market expansion through Carat Interactive, its interactive marketing unit. "Our core business is still focused on traditional media,"suggests Margaret Lim,Executive Chairman,Carat Malaysia. "However, to stay relevant and innovative, we must keeping abreast of the changing market trends, particularly with the younger demographic segment whose preference for online and mobile services will shift the existing balance between traditional and digital media in a few years." Carat Interactive, which recorded a 400 percent growth in its maiden year of operations, contributed substantially to Carat Malaysia's 48 percent overall billings growth for year-ending 2006. Carat Malaysia expects billings to grow by an additional 20 percent this year. "With over three million Malaysians online," adds Halmarick, "Carat Interactive is primed to cater to a rapidly growing digital media market segment." He adds that AsiaPacific, including Malaysia, is one of the key regions, besides the United States and Europe, in adopting the digital media platform at a faster rate. Carat forecasts global consumption of digital media to account for up to 80 percent of all media by 2020, rising from 50 percent in 2007. Carat has been aggressively monitoring digital media growth globally with its holding company, the Aegis Group, acquiring digital media firms all over the world Carat and Isobar operate under the umbrella of the London Stock Exchange-listed Aegis Group. Carat Interactive operateswithin the Isobar networkof companies. Isobar is the largest digital network worldwide with annual online billings in excess of US600 million.

mtst iooâ‚Ź AWAKES

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AfcftST 200â‚Ź AWAKfcS Httl

Fresh from the press is the new AdFest 2006 Awards Annual. 450 of the best from over 4,000 entries condensed into 264 pages, including 84 of the most awarded commercials compiled into one and a half hours of DVD. So get your hands now on the unmistakable pink colour AdFest 2006 Awards Annual at your local design bookstore or at: subscription@longyinreview.com

ZIMBflBUJ€ limp Donald. TOMATO







Still dizzy from our Asia-wide victory at Cannes earlier this year, ADO! believes Malaysia must not rest on its laurels. We must carry our phenomenal showing this year into next year with the first significant awards show in the advertising calendar - the annual Asia Pacific Advertising Festival (AdFest) in Pattaya in mid March. The road to AdFest begins now, as we create new work befitting award-winning fame. In the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, ADOI dedicates the following pages for some of Malaysia's finest and recognises the growing strength of Malaysian creativity...



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Trump Donald.

The Economist Title Trump Donald Client The Economist Agency Ogilvy & Mather Malaysia / RedCard Singapore Executive Creative Director Daniel Comar Art Director Johnnie Tey Copywriter Kenneth Yu Client Service Robert Doswell, David Mayo





Title Taxi Client Mattel South East Asia Pte Ltd Brand Matchbox Agency Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Malaysia Creative Directors Daniel Comar,Tham Khai Meng Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Brian Capel Copywriters Paul Lim,Donevan Chew Client Service Stephen Fraser Photographer Melvin Lee, Ho Ming Yeo, Untold Images Digital Retouching Gan Ming Ching, Chia Fook Onn, Untold Images

Title Robber Mattel South East Asia Pte Ltd Brand Matchbox Agency Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Malaysia Creative Directors Daniel Comar.Tham Khai Meng Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Brian Capel Copywriter Paul Lim Client Service Stephen Fraser Photographer Melvin Lee, Ho Ming Yeo, Untold Images Digital Retouching Monica Lee, Gan Ming Ching, Untold Images

Title Dog Client Mattel South East Asia Pte Ltd Brand Matchbox Agency Ogilvy & Mather Advertising, Malaysia Creative Directors Daniel Comar,Tham Khai Meng Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Brian Capel Copywriter Paul Lim Client Service Stephen Fraser Photographer Melvin Lee, Ho Ming Yeo, Untold Images Digital Retouching Joseph Liu, Untold Images






Title Plane Client 99 DA Group Center Brand Double A Paper Agency JWT Malaysia Creative Directors Edwin Leong, Hasnah Mohd. Samidin Art Directors Khor Kok Yang, Hans Lee Copywriters Edwin Leong, Hasnah Mohd. Samidin, Wong Sen Kiat Account Director Carmen Koo, Clarence Koh Production Leslie Chong Photographer K.H. Chia, Stills Studio


mm* •

Title Utility Hook Client Ford Malaysia Brand Ford Truck Agency JWT Malaysia Creative Directors Edwin Leong, Hasnah Mohd.Samidin Art Directors Hans Lee, Wayne Lau Copywriter May Yong Account Directors Yee Mei, Christabel Fernandes Planner Chia Pi Wo Production Leslie Chong Photographer Hans Lee ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06





Tetris Client Fuji Film Brand Digital CameraAgency JWT Creative Directors Edwin Hasnah Mohd. Samidin Art Hasnah Mohd.Samidin, Jackson Daniel Kee Account Directors Carmen Koo, Clarence Koh Planner Subhendu Mukherjee Production Chong Photographer Mah Kah Untold Images

Title Pacman Client Fuji Film Brand Finepix V10 Digital Camera Agency JWT Malaysia Creative Directors Edwin Leong,Hasnah Mohd.Samidin Art Director Yan Chay Copywriters Edwin Leong, Hasnah Mohd. Samidin, Jackson Mah, Daniel Kee Account Directors Carmen Koo, Clarence Koh Planner Subhendu Mukherjee Production Leslie Chong Photographer Mah Kah Hena, Untold Images

Whatever the reason, we buy it.


Title Family Dinner Client HSBC Brand HSBC Credit Cards Agency JWT Malaysia Creative Directors Edwin Leong, Hasnah Mohd. Samidin Art Director Khor KokYang Copywriters Hasnah Mohd. Samidin, Wong SenKiat, Jackson Mah Account Directors Patrick Yap, Shireen Peterson, Loh Yu Lin Planner Subhendu Mukherjee Production Oxygen Channel Director Steve Ang





Y & R


Product Campbell's Tomato Soup Agency Y&R Malaysia Creative Director Edward Ong Art Director Wong Shu Kor Copywriter Charmaine Sankar


Product Penguin Audiobooks Agency Y&R Malaysia Creative Director Edward Ong Art Directors Heng Yik See, Jeff Ooi Copywriter Ida Rahman

For ad news that really matters in Asia. (And of course everything you need to know about the AdFest)











amnesty international








amnesty international

Title Zimbabwe/ Bush/ Myanmar Client Amnesty International Malaysia Product of Service Amnesty Stamps Campaign Agency Saatchi & Saatchi Malaysia Creative Directors Steve Hough, Andy Greenaway Art Directors Joel Clement, Steve Hough Copywriter Steve Hough, Joel Clement Photographer Lee Kong How, Xpose Photography / Ho Ming Yeo, Untold Images







A iittle far fetched? Go taste what comes out of your tap. Push for compulsory recycling at the Arts & Earth Festival, KLPac, 19 Aug -16 Sept 2006. Tel: 03-7957 2007. www.artsandearth.org

Title Toilet Client Global Environment Centre (Arts & Earth) Agency Leo Burnett Advertising Malaysia Executive Creative Directors Yasmin Ahmad, Ali Mohamed Art Director Eaide Jasli Copywriter Jovian Lee 2 ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06








Title Boob Client LivingWell Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery AgencyLeo Burnett Advertising Malaysia Creative Directors Tan Yew Leong, Kamal Gangaram Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Walter Teoh Copywriter Donevan Chew

Title Chin Client LivingWell Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Agency Leo Burnett Advertising Malaysia Creative Directors Tan Yew Leong, Kamal Gangaram Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Walter Teoh Copywriter Donevan Chew


Title Nose Client LivingWell Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery Agency Leo Burnett Advertising MalaysiaCreative Directors Tan Yew Leong, Kamal Gangaram Art Directors Tan Chee Keong, Walter Teoh Copywriter Donevan Chew










From a distance, you see one solid brinjai/carrot. But as you approach, you see a brinjai/carrot that has been "chopped" off into sections. A very apt way of featuring IKEA's knife range.

Title Ikea knives Agency Lowe & Partners Worldwide, Malaysia Creative Director Adrian Miller Art Directors Ian Lee, Kevin Sim Copywriter James Yap Photographer Hoch-Studio Pashe








Title Ridsect Roach Agency Lowe & Partners Worldwide, Malaysia Creative Director Adrian Miller Art Director Angie Sim Copywriter Christie Herman Photographer Thomas Chiang - Character Studio ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06


Does it hurt when I touch you there? Entry for YoungGuns 2006 has kicked off (ÂŽnO) with another controversial Call For Entry YoungGuns^ campaign -"Worth the Pain"


onceived by Saatchi 8c Saatchi Auckland with the insight that if there's one thing young creatives know about producing great work, its that they often have to go through hell to get there. Long hours, low pay, poor diet and high stress all combine, threatening to waste them away to mere wrecks. That's where this years YoungGuns call for entries comes in. It comes in the form of a healthy reassurance to the world's under thirty creative community that all this self-inflicted mental and physical trauma they re putting themselves through to enter YoungGuns is really "worth the pain." The end result being a truly integrated campaign that is already working its way into creative directors' offices and their departments across the globe. To kick things off they created the Dr. Junge Pistole Wellness Clinic (loosely translating into 'YoungGuns' in German) in Cannes where nurses administered saline drips and vodka retoxes to weary and damaged young creatives. A series of creams and ointments to ease the patients' symptoms were also placed in dispensers in bathrooms across the city A variety of self-treatment posters were created highlighting the potentially lethal threat of ulcers, psoriasis and hemorrhoids (all

inevitably brought on by the day to day stresses of the agency environment). These were then sent out to departments around the world. The agency also created a series of print ads that enabled young creatives to test their blood, phlegm, urine and stools. There is also an online medical facility that reviews creatives' health and diagnoses them. On the site, a virtual nurse appears, prescribing creatives with adownloadable self-treatment film (directed by Matty Burton and Dave Bowman). If your stomach's up to it, have your physical and mental state assessed too at www. worththepain.com. Toby Talbot, CD of Saatchi 8c Saatchi Auckland had this to say: "Creative Award shows have become increasingly competitive, and although YoungGuns is unique with its focus on young and emerging talent, our job in creating their call for entries campaign was to position YoungGuns as the edgiest creative awards show in the world. Why? Simply, the freshest, most innovative thinking comes from young creatives around the world and the young team who created


the 'Worth the Pain campaign". YoungGuns is known globally for their controversial call for entry campaigns, having had award-winning campaigns in previous years created and developed by Crispin Porter and Bogusky Miami, Leo Burnett Chicago and Mother London. Saatchi 8c Saatchi Auckland has clearly continued this tradition. 2006 also heralds a changed Jury structure. YoungGuns has introduced an online judging stage, that will see a larger number of judges reviewing and scoring work to create the shortlists, prior to the final on location deliberation. The overall jury is split into 5 regions North America, UK & Europe, South America 8cAfrica, Asia 8cThe Middle East, and Oceania. Each group comprises of a selection of the best creatives in that particular region, with a Jury Chairman representing each region for the final deliberation in Sydney this November. ChuckMcBride (ECD ,TBWAChiatDay North America) is the overall Jury Chairman and RegionalJury Chairman for North America, while other confirmed RegionalJury Chairmen include Khai Meng Tham (Ogilvy 8c Mather Singapore) for Asia 8c The Middle East, Juan Cabral (CD, Fallon London) for UK8c Europe andTobyTalbot (CD, Saatchi 8cSaatchi NZ) for Oceania. MC2 Hall of Famer, Naga DDB'sTed Lim also sits on the international jury panel. YoungGuns reputation for both showcasing young creative talent and throwing memorable parties has grown throughout the first half of 2006. Their '2005 Winners and Finalists Traveling Exhibition made stops in key cities around the world. Besides the possibility of being named the best young creative globally as 2006 YoungGun of the Year, the title comes with a cool US$20,000. Fame and money; the best of combinations. For information about entering YoungGuns, to view the complete line-up of judges, or to download the creative brief, visit www.ygaward.com. Entries for YoungGuns 2006 close on September 29th, 2006.

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he Arachnid Group of Companies, comprising Arachnid Sdn Bhd andSlipknot Sdn Bhd, has swept 11 new awards. 10 awards were from the inaugural Asia Interactive Awards 2006 and one was from Global Finance Magazine. The Asia Interactive Awards (AIA) is the only regional interactive awards show for Asia. This haul positions Aracahnid as Malaysia's No. 1 performer at AIA. This

year AIA received 600 submissions from all over Asia including China, Hong Kong, Australia, India, Korea, New Zealand,Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia.The jury panel comprised of international judges from as far as USA, Australia and the UK. It was organised by AdAsia and sponsored byYahoo!, the Singaporean 4As, Adobe, Intel, Microsoft, CNet, PC Magazine and other leading brands/ organisations.

Says ChinWeng Keong, MD of the Arachnid Group:"We are thrilled with theselatest wins! In particular, the 3 results-based Online Performance Marketing awards are testament to the emphasis we place on achieving business results for clients, versus creativity for arts sake. Having won in the Best Breakthrough Advertising and Best Breakthrough Website categories, its nice to see that results and out-of-the-box creativity need not be mutually exclusive."

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NEW VOICE Yellow Post to highlight social concerns BY RAJ KUMAR


e have over the last few years begun to read and see news that is not so pleasant in the local newspapers such as snatch thieves causing grevious bodily harm, deaths related to the act of murder and various social ills that over the past decade have become rampant and difficult for any layman to understand why some people actually resort to such criminally related acts. These incidents have been highlighted continuously by local dailies and newspapers every chance they can get. How does it solve the problem? By Nasser Abu Bakar, CEO ofTM-Info Media Sdan Bhd doing so, are we creating any awareness why such incidents occur or why some individuals resort to such acts? Do we know TM s vision of giving and where the heart of the problem actually lies? caring for the society. Is there a platform for these issues to be a subsidiary, TMIM is an understood, discussed and realised by people equally socially responsible of all walks of life instead of persecution and member of the Malaysian subjugation of such individuals and their acts community as well. So, we of atrocity in the layman's eye? want society to understand These are the questions that were posed how we can all work to me by Nasser Abu Bakar, CEO of TMensure that social ills and if Info Media Sdn Bhd and Edmund Kang, a section of the community head of Malaysia's newest and mainly, most is in need of help, it's our society related newspaper,Yellow Post, a weekly responsibility as Malaysian publication, wholly owned byTM Info-Media citizens to go the extra mile Sdn Bhd (TMIM, formerly known as Telekom to highlight their plights Publications Sdn Bhd). or misgivings and do The newspaper was officially launched on something about it," said Nasser. the 13th of September. "If you realise, everyday we see social ills "This is a newspaper is a 16-page weekly being highlighted in the newspapers. But what free circulation paper, targeted to the age we at the Yellow Post want to highlight is how groups of 15-35. The Yellow Post is a paper and why such acts are being committed. We that is synonymous with our parent company, want to let the general public know why act ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06

like these are committed. There may be other issues that may have driven these individuals to commit these heinous crimes," said Edmund. "The Yellow Post is a community newspaper that will be published once a week (every Friday) at about a 100,000 copies. We will sum up what news that may or may not take precedent in the other local newspapers and if there is a an issue of social concern that is not expounded upon, we at Yellow Post will go ther extra mile to bring the full story of what actually occurred," added Edmund. Edmund was quick to point out that the Yellow Post was not driven by purely monetary interests. "Money and advertising is important in the daily running of a newspaper like the Yellow Post. However, for example, if our advertisers approach Nestle for advertising insertions in our newspaper and they say they cannot accommodate us, we would just ask for milk and dairy products to donate to orphanages or old folks homes. We will give credit to them in our articles. That's how we want to operate-as a socially responsible citizen," said Edmund. Within the Yellow Post, there is a section called the Yellow Trading, where people can advertise the sale of items and goods ofall sorts, from second hand goods such as hand phones, used furniture right up to second hand music CD's.The cost to advertise is at a low rate to accommodate people of all walks of life in Malaysian society," said Nasser. Nasser explained that these goods would also be highlighted on the Yellow Post website. On whether it would be successful, Nasser had no doubts. "There is also the website for the Yellow Post that has been launched. These items and goods on Yellow Trading will also be on the website. Yellow Pages had a hit of 800,000 per daysix months ago, now it is 1.3 million hits a day. This ranks as number 8 in terms of number of hits in Malaysia. There is no reason why the Yellow Post cannot achieve such standards," he added. Edmund added that the tagline of 'Enlighten, Enrich and spice up your week' was precisely what the Yellow Post wanted to do.

,nsight Research



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Reporter: Sir - 'How do you sleep at night?' CEO: Why... I sleep like a baby Reporter: Oh but that's wonderful CEO: No no -1mean, I wake up every two hours and I start crying.


ow, why would the CEO of one of the largest and most well known organisations say that ? We believe he said that because today all brand custodians are really losing sleep over the question" How to hold consumers in dialogue when everyone is trying to talk to them?". Today's consumers are getting more and more difficult to catch. They are elusive, they are not as loyal as they used to be, they change their mindfrequently Consumers today have more: • Information

• Choice

• Control • Customisation • Surplus funds And they have less • Time • Loyalty • Attention span • Patience

relevant and sympathetic ways to participate in media rather than simply impose themselves on it. We need to connect with consumers because we know that engaged consumers are the most valuable consumers. Theres a lot of buzz around the "engagement" word, but at MEC we believe that simple mental engagement, where something catches your attention, triggers some interest and hopefully makes you think a little, is no longer enough. A higher form is active engagementwhere you "do" something as a result ofthe engagement - which can be anything from talking positively about a brand to a friend, participating in an event or going to the store with intent to purchase. MEC launched Active Engagement nearly a year ago. We believe that this approach is

Thus giving rise to a classic paradox: There have never been more communication channels available to marketers... but its never been harder to connect with consumers. Some may ask "Why do you need to connect with consumers? Just give them discounts, freebies, throw in holidays and promos and they will succumb". Nothing could be further from the truth. The dynamics of marketing have changed. Empowered consumers are continually re-defining the media landscape and definingwhat brands and products themselves should be (viz the young man who using a home computer created his own ad for Sony that had the suits in Madison Avenue running scared). Now the challenge for brands is to find 3 ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06

more rewarding for our clients as simple mental (creative) engagement tends these days to slip quickly out of the consumers' overloaded minds and does not invariably convert into sales. I'm not just talking about short term sales, results prove the positive effect of this approach on long term brand loyalty. Engagement Planning should therefore be about how you enable and stimulate active engagement through everything you do, in both your activation and media ideas. This takes channel planning to a whole new level that focuses on marrying a strong creative idea (mental engagement) with an activation mechanic that enables and stimulates some sort of physical action (purchase, WoM, going to a website, etc). Ultimately this approachwill bring to an end theglorification of theTVC. Bad news for agency production profits, but good news for client results and companies like MEC who continually read and react to consumer trends before they become apparent to the masses. At MEC, Active Engagement is our "mantra" and the work we produce reflects this. "It's only a matter of time before consumers will be able to watch anything they want, when they want... it will be totally on their terms. It will be a total on-demand world, and that's a profound and enormous shift. I think the whole way that content and entertainment is delivered will totally change." Jim Stengel, Chief Marketing Officer, Procter &c Gamble. We (and our clients) sleep very well at night. Manjiri Kamat, Managing Director; Mediaedge: da (MEC)

ADVERTISE IN ADOI AND TOUCH THE RICH AND FAMOUS! ADOI is now more than 8 years old as the only marketing communications monthly in the market Our ABC-audited circulation stands at 6,405 copies and we estimate our readership figures at over 25,000 per month. Half our readers are top 50 advertising spenders and the rest are in advertising and media. ADOI is a holistic read and as such, we cover all facets of the marketing communications industry. Hope you enjoy our new format and upgraded styling: we are increasing our number of pages up to100 and in a compact, perfect-bound size.

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All advertising materials and proofs should be sent to: Sledgehammer Communications (M) Sdn Bhd No 22B, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad Satu, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur. T: +603 7726 2588 F: +603 7722 5712 E: jeff@ham.com.my W: www.adoimagazine.com



Advertising is all about communicating and making people go 'WOW!\ We like to go a step further and work with our clients to build brands that not only sell\ but also excite people." That was the first statement made by Kenneth Ngiau, Managing Director of 9 Lives Communications, when I started to talk to him about what his Company is all about. Having been around for 7 years, this dynamic Company is fast making its mark in the dog-eat-dog world of the advertising industry. From humble beginnings, 9 Lives started with one guys dream of providing strategic branding services and grew over the years to a dynamic Company with strong team members. The 9 Lives creative team is an eclectic mix, including a flourishing young


aI Tiffany's.

actress, financial whiz and other distinctive individuals, all spearheaded by a multiple award winning Creative Director. "We believe in the abilities of people. Who says the best ideas cant come from the despatch boy? Our practice of open brainstorming means we constantly come up with ideas that are way out of the box. Even the clients who have been with us for years continue to be impressed with our creative thinking. They never know what s coming next!" Creatives aside, what else makes 9 Lives different from the rest? "We believe in growing with our clients, whether it is building up local brands or taking international brands to a different level. It doesn't matter whether clients have a big or small budget. What's important to us is creating ideas and seeing them work for our clients - that's what excites our team!" "We make it a point to understand our clients inside out and to work closely with

al In a drink. NowIn 3 delicious flavours.

Campaign for Complan



them. And if that involves rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty, we will do it! The team has stood at supermarkets distributing our clients marketing material, stayed up with no sleep over 48 hours doing non-stop work and basically we do whatever it takes to make every single job a success. Our clients know we are not just all about business. We become part of their team." Some of the many accounts in the 9 Lives stable are Lam Soon, Heinz, Prudential, Indocafe and Transmile, amongst a broad mix of other local and international names. "I believe in the power of strong branding, and to date, we have worked on building up the corporate identities of companies ranging from banks to legal firms. When financial institutions were merging, we were there. And as more and more companies today are marketing themselves abroad, we are working with them as well." Kenneth also added that despite the general drop in advertising budgets in 2006, 9 Lives is recording a satisfying growth in clients. "Its been our best year to date. I am



in growing with our clientsy whether it is building up local brands or taking international brands to a different level.*

happy to say that not only is the market opening up to local agencies, our clients in particular are pleased with our work. That is the most fulfilling thing to know," said Kenneth. He also added that 9 Lives Communications is looking to set up a branch overseas in the very near future. "We have worked on some projects abroad and the feedback has been great. People from foreign shores are excited about working with us to brand their products. I have full confidence in our team and I think everybody here deserves the applause for our success today," added Kenneth. "We are planning to hire and expand the company. We are definitely not resting on our laurels and sitting back. We will keep driving things forward with our strong values of teamwork, hard-work and gung-ho creativity," concluded Kenenth. Kudos to 9 Lives!


Campaign for Complan

Campaign for Scales & Tails Pet Shop

Campaign for Heinz Mushroom Soup, Baked Beans &Tomato Ketchup ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06






t was aday to rejoice for McCann Erickson Malaysia as they came out as clear winners as far as Malaysia were concerned in the recent Promotion marketing Awards Asia (PMAA) for 2006. The Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia (PMAA 2006) award show celebrates the most effective and creative marketing communication work across the Asia Pacific. This time at PMAA 2006, Chairman of the judging panel was Soumitra Sen, Asso. Marketing Director P&G Australia, ASEAN & India. PMAA is part of the larger entity MAA GLOBES. The Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide is the only global

The show whom dreams become reality organisation dedicated solely to the professional development of, and interaction between, principals, CEOs and managing directors of the leading marketing agencies around the world. The MAA's primary objective is to promote the reputation and recognition of the marketing industry while fostering a better understanding among clients of how its members'commitment to best-in-class marketing practices enriches the overall marketing process globally. The MAA is the highest standards of excellence and recognition in the marketing communications industry via the highly successful Globes Awards. Now in its seventh year, the 2006 programme is the industry's m ADOI MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE SEPT 06

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leading international recognition programme, and the only competition of its kind. Before entering the Globes programme, however, entrants must first win locally through a qualified awards programme in their own country. The MAA receives entries from 25 local awards programsaround theworld. Each entry is evaluated by a team of senior-level international marketing and agency professionals. "All Winners have now been uplifted to the MAA GLOBES Web Site in New York, together with the Best of the Best from Award Programmes in the USA, Canada, South America, UK, Europe and Australia to compete in the MAA GLOBES recognition Programme. This year it was refreshing to see such a high number of campaigns, particularly in the Multi-disciplined, Sponsorship, Event and Cause Relation Categories. Asian PromotionMarketers again stand a strong chance to take on the rest of the world" says Mike Da Silva, PMAA Director, VP, MAA Globes and MAA Worldwide.



BELOW IS THE LIST OF AWARDS SECURED BY MCCANN AT THE PMAA Agency: McCann EricksonMalaysia Client: Unilever Malaysia Brand: Wall's Ice Cream Campaign: Walls Durian Runtuh • The Promotion Marketing Awards Asia of2006- Best in Malaysia • Best Activity Generating Brand Volume- GOLD • Best Multi-Disciplined Campaign - FINALIST • Best Activity Generating Brand Awareness 5cTrial Recruitment- FINALIST Agency: McCann EricksonMalaysia Client: Nestle Malaysia Brand: Nescafe Campaign: Nescafe Kickstart • Best Multi-Disciplined Campaign- Silver • Best Activity Generating Brand Awareness &Trial Recruitment- Silver Agency: McCann Erickson Malaysia Client: Nestle Malaysia Brand: Nespray 1+ Campaign:Nespray 1+ Dodoi • Best Multi-Disciplined Campaign- FINALIST • Most Innovative Idea or Concept- FINALIST


" The success of the Walls Durian Runtuh campaign is a humble testament to the tremendous work done by the team in McCann. The insight was sharp and creatively weaved into a 360 degree activation campaign. The Wall's Durian Runtuh campaigns challenged and changed the rules the game was played. Syabas,Team McCann!"

"At McCann, our priority is to be creative as well as effective. Delivering such kind of results on big brands from multinational giants can be a real fun.We enjoyed every bit of this brand building journey. In fact, I take this as a good starting point." PRATIKTHAKAR Executive Planning Director McCann Worldgroup Malaysia

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141 Worldwide Singapore captures pmaas best in asia for the second time for its "defend your turf" campaign for nokia. Promotion Marketing continues to grow from strength to strength throughout Asia as the Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia 2006 goes online and 141 Worldwide Singapore wins die Best in Asia, for its "Defend your Turf" Campaign for Nokia in a nail biting Pan-Asia "Judge-off" with sister Manila office."This year has drawn another rich and diverse lode of entries, each having made its own mark in some of the most demanding, high growth markets of the world. Not an 2006 easy task by any stretch of imagination. The winners deserve the plaudits for capturing the imagination of audience, while delivering results". Soumitra Sen, Associate Marketing Director P&G Australia, ASEAN &India and Chairman of the PMAA 2006 Judging Panel. A three tier Judging Panel comprising 50 Clients, Media and Agency Executives accessed the PMAA Web Site to review, score campaigns for creativity, originality, execution and results. The 54 Winners of 18 Gold, 19 Silver and 17 Bronze Awards reflect the closest judging of the PMAA Programme.

promotion Marketing Award?Asla

PMAA 2006 WINNERS BY CATEGORY Winners by Category Category 1 Best Multi-Discipline Campaign The Lamour Collection F1 from the Inside Out Nescafe Kickstart Defend Your Turf Totally Board-Snow at CKS Memorial Hall

| Category 2

NpQrafp rCirKCtdft"

Totally Board-Snow at CKS Memorial Hall

Gold Silver Bronze

Bates Singapore Virtual Marketing. India Virtual Marketing. India

Gold Silver Bronze

TEQUILAXSingapore TEQUILAXSingapore Bates Singapore

Gold Silver Bronze

TEQUILAXSingapore McCann Erickson Malaysia 141 team-mate

Gold Silver Bronze

Best Activity Generating Brand Volume

Walls Durian Runtuh Monsoon Malamaal Wheel Rural Contact Program The Heineken All-Stars Vim Bar Rural Campaign ra

141Worldwide (Shanghai) TEQUILAXSingapore Euro RSCG Hong Kong

Best Activity Generating Brand Awareness & Trial Recruitment


| Category 8

Gold Silver Bronze

Most Effective Long Term Promotion Marketing Campaign

The Royal Salute Duty Free Promotions This is the Chivas Life The Heineken Green Room

Category 7

Solutions Integrated Marketing Services. India TEQUILAXSingapore EURO RSCG 4D. China

Best Use of Interactive Media

Heineken Draught Keg GPS Billboard Banaras Diya Application Axe Unlimited Academy

Category 6

Gold Silver Bronze

Most Innovative Idea or Concept

Fl from the Inside Out Knockout Music for wear

Category 5

141 Worldwide 141Worldwide (Shanghai) Kidstuff Promos and Events. India

Best Use of Direct Marketing

Murphy s Law Direct Mailer Are You Chicken 8c Gumshield Johnny Walker Relationship

1 Category 4

Gold Gold Silver Silver Bronze

Best Sponsorship or Tie-In Campaign

Defend Your Turf F1 from the Inside Out ITC Design the Trophy

1 Category 3

141 Worldwide. Singapore 141Worldwide (Shanghai) McCann Erickson Malaysia 141 Worldwide Pte Ltd 141 Team-Mate. Taiwan

McCann Erickson. Malaysia Virtual Marketing India Ogilvy &Mather India Bates Singapore Ogilvy &Mather India


Gold Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze


WOULDN'T YOU LIKE TO HEAR WHAT SHE HAS TO SAY ADOUT THE FUTURE OF YOUR DRAND? GLODAL GRAND FORUM 2006 6 & 7 NOVEMGER, THE RITZ-CARLTON, MILLENIA SINGAPORE This November, the most anticipated forum on Brands returns for two invaluable days with the world's most powerful and influential brand gurus. Listen, meet and converse with David Aaker, Faith Popcorn, Martin Lindstrom and Jack Trout and others, and let them share with you their "Keys to Brand Transformation". Their insights will inspire change in the wayyou manage your brands. Their practical ideas will dramatically transform your business and take it to the next level. Their lessons will last a lifetime. For more information or to register, visit www.globalbrandforum.org or contact TF Lee (+60 12 323 8211) or Eugene Lim (+60 17 684 0164) c/o Kankei Integrated Marketing Solutions Sdn Bhd at malaysia@kankei.com




/-1 u i (jlOD3l jjA grand FOPUm c jnnanorp 2006 J" |yaK"-"


Category 9

Best Activity Generating Brand Loyalty

Defend Your Turf The Heineken All-Stars

| Category 10

141 Worldwide Pte Ltd Bates Singapore

TEQUILAXSingapore TEQUILAXSingapore Grey Relationship Marketing. China

Gold Silver

141 Worldwide Pte Ltd TEQUILAX Singapore East Marketing Group. Korea

Gold Silver Bronze

141worldwide Philippines Jagran Solutions. India Kidstuff Promos and Events. India

Gold Silver Bronze

141 Worldwide 141 Worldwide (Shanghai) 141 Worldwide Pte Ltd Bates Asia.Japan XCR Marketing Communications. Indonesia

Gold Gold Silver Silver Bronze

Virtual Marketing. India East Marketing. Korea EURO RSCG 4D. China

Gold Silver Bronze

Best Event Marketing Campaign

Dove "Campaign for Real Beauty" Art ofFl Defend Your Turf Audi 25 years of Quattro event Clear Nation METAMORPHOSELF

Category 16

141 Worldwide Pte Ltd Marketing Solutions Integrated. India

Best Cause or Charity Marketing Campaign

Lose Gain TVS Scooty Aagey Badho Sunfeast Hara Banao (Make it Green)

| Category 15

Gold Silver Silver Bronze Bronze

Best Brand-Building Campaign

Defend Your Turf Get Fresh with AIA 2005 LG Action Sports European Tour Hummer Promotion

| Category 14

EURO RSCG 4D Shanghai 141Worldwide (Shanghai) 141 Worldwide Pte Ltd 141 Worldwide Pte Ltd 141worldwide Philippines

Best Dealer or Salesforce Activity

Timberland Channel Pack Run 2 Win

1 Category 13

Gold Silver Bronze

Best Retail Account-Specific or Channel Marketing Activity

Decathlon Neighborhood marketing program The Heart of Cognac Experience The L'amour Collection Timberland Channel Pack HSBC Insurance Month

1 Category 12

Gold Silver

Best Business-to-Business Campaign

Knockout Z22 Handbag Natural Beauty Franchise

| Category 11


Best Small Budget Campaign

Hanes Train Activity LG Action Sports European Tour West Brand Ambassador

Best by Country China India Indonesia Japan Korea Malaysia Philippines Singapore Taiwan

Art ofFl TVS Scooty Aagey Badho Clear Nation METAMORPHOSELF Dove "Campaign for Real Beauty" 2005 LG Action Sports European Tour Hummer Promotion Walls Durian Runtuh Lose Gain Defend your Turf Totally Board-Snow at CKS Memorial Hall

Best in Asia Defend Your Turf


141 Worldwide Pte Ltd (Singapore)


141 Worldwide. Shanghai Jagran Solutions. India XCR Marketing Communications. Indonesia 141 Worldwide. Japan East Marketing. Korea McCann Erickson. Malaysia 141 Worldwide. Philippines 141 Worldwide. Singapore 141 Team-Mate. Taiwan


media agency gerald@zenithoptimedia.com.my

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