Adoi Malaysia 2003 April-May Issue

Page 1


KDN NO: PP 9995/7/2001


Sulin is Power Suit of the Year!

Farid Ridzuan, Chief Executive Officer, TVb Singapore S$6

Malaysia RM8

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Harmandar Singh aka Ham


Nathan Conrad


Lena Nightingale

Editor's Note THE last weekend in March, We attended the

were certainly an account management professional

inaugural Malaysian AdCongress in Langlcawi -

to be reckoned with. That story is on page 20.

organised by the Malaysian Advertisers Association



Leonard Tse Esther Eng Morris Dickers


Jen Siow/Jen Studio PRINTER

Creative character Jim Aitchison and media guru

together with around 200 others. The roster of

Mark Austin were in town to launch their new book,

speakers represented a diverse set of backgrounds:

Is Anybody Out There? at an AÂŁ>07-organised and

Dentsu Japan senior manager corporate behaviour

Newsweek-sponsored event in late March. Later that

department Koichi Yamamoto, MTV Asia vice

same evening, ADOl organised another event - the

president brand development Sangeeta Gupta,

ESPN STAR Sports Media Bowling Competition at the

Firestar Research managing director David

Bangsar Bowl. Over 20 teams from across the

Carpentar, AirAsia chief executive officer Tony

advertising and marketing industry turned up to toss

Fernandes, Paddy Schubert managing director Datulc

balls at pins. We'll have some pictures of both of

Dr Paddy Bowie, TV3 general manager creative

these events in a coming issue.

Cetakrapi Sdn Bhd

marketing group Navonil Roy, Agency Assessments

Besides our cover story of the exuberant CEO of


International chairman David Whethey, F&N Coca-

TV3, Faird Ridzuan (page 4), this issue includes what

DigiScan Services Sdn Bhd


Five E-Comm Sdn Bhd


alt.TYPE. 32 Pekin Street, #03-01 Far East Square, Singapore 048762.

aDOl magazine is published every month by Sledgehammer Communications (M) Sdn Bhd 22B, Jalan Tun Mohd. Fuad Satu, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 603-7726 2588 Fax: 603-7726 2598 E-mail:

Cola managing director Ng Jui Sia, Taylor Nelson

we hope is an insightful glimpse into diaper

Sofres Singapore regional director Phillip Jones,

marketing in Malaysia. You may just be surprised by

Celcom vice president Michael Lai and NTV7 chief

what you read (page 24).

executive officer Dato' Shazalli Ramly.

Besides all of that, we have included our

In addition to lectures, there was plenty of time

Broadcast Supplement this month - our annual look

to socialise with the usual suspects, as well as quite a

at TV and Radio in Malaysia. We hope that you find

few new faces. We've got some pictures on page 18 of

the information useful.

this issue. ADOI's own Power Suits 2003 were awarded at the ntv/-sponsored dinner. Sulin Lau of

Enjoy the issue...

Naga DDB may have carried away the top prize, but all five ladies who picked up trophies that night each

at What's hot in this issue... Highlights


Paul Loosley: Oh! What a lovely war!


Abhijeet Duta Ray: War-time Consumer Engagement


Dean Johns: Writless writing.


Michael Newman: How to be normal, without being ordinary


Interactive Josh Sklar: How the Internet Saved My Son's Life


Public Relations Milicent Danker: Enough of hype. Time to get real MemDeroT

43 Audit Bureau of Circulations

Š All rights reserved by Sledgehammer Communications (M) Sdn. Bhd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing from the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the publisher and the editor assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences of reliance of information in this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher or editor. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertisers.


Direct Marketing Kurt Crocker: One Order of Kumquats...


Features/Reviews Pictorial: Malaysian AdCongress 2003


Plucky Sulin is Power Suit of the Year!


AdFest: Leo Burnett tops in Malaysia


Changing Diapers - Marketing in Southeast Asia


Exclusive Interviews Cover Story: TV3's Farid Ridzuan



THREE TO TANGO When Farid Ridzuan took over as chief executive officer at TV3 in mid-April 2002, the station was saddled by heavy debts and facing an uncertain future with little optimism for profitability...

You've recently relaunched the Brand with Deanna

turnover, charting a 4% growth to RM215.2 million

Yusof as host. Please tell us about the show and

over RM2o6million in 2001.

what's new... We're very excited about the next season of The

confirmed that we emerged tops in the ADEX spend

by approving a debt-restructuring plan, which will place TV3 together with the NSTP Group under a new holding company, Media Prima. Obviously the crossmedia selling possibilities are attractive - the country's largest TV station and oldest newspaper group together under one roof. ADOI recently caught up with the exuberant CEO of TV3 for a chat about the current state of his station, new marketing and sales developments, and just what he plans to do to lead this station to profitability...




Brand. The Brand was originally conceptualized as a

for electronic media with a 52% share and we are also the most-watched TV network in the country. This achievement confirms viewers' confidence and advertisers' support towards TV3.

the benefit of Malaysian marketers. In our first

dence in this charismatic ad man


program that showcases the best of advertising for season, we experimented with various different ...JUST one year later, the share­ holders have shown their confi­


approaches to test the market and see what would be NSTP and TV3 will be grouped together under the

most suitable for local viewers. The second season of The Brand is a result of the

banner of Media Prima Bhd. What can we expect

learnings we have accumulated from the initial

from the two entities in terms of cooperation.

season. In the coming season which kicks off April 5

Media Prima Berhad (MPB) is an integrated

at 7.30pm and every Saturday night thereon, The

media company with interest and operation in TV3

Brand will feature a different, more exciting format

and NSTP. Through TV3 and NSTP, MPB will

that focuses on specific objects or icons that have

provide a plafform for an integrated media

been used as brand building tools.

services via a 'one-stop-centre' for advertisers as

We have now a new team working on the show

well as consumers.

including a new host - Deanna Yusoff. When I first

Being a member of MPB Group, TV3 will enjoy

conceptualized the program, she was actually our

several benefits, one of which is the synergy

host of choice, and I am very pleased indeed that we

created by joint marketing efforts of Malaysia's

have finally managed to secure her as the show's

No. 1 broadcast network and NSTP and content

host. Deanna is a brand icon in her own right - a

collaboration that can extend to both broadcast

multi-talented performing artiste whose own career

and print simultaneously. Apart from being able

has demonstrated the success one can achieve from

to offer advertisers more competitive cross-media

strong brand management. She brings with her a

advertising rates, TV3 can reap the benefits from

higher level of sophistication and style to the show,

shared information, contacts and resources

something that I believe will appeal greatly to its

with NSTP.

target viewers. In an earlier edition of ADOI, Navonil Roy talked Please tell me more about the current health

about new marketing efforts at the station, where

of TV3... All indications point to a very positive uptrend

'medium becomes the message'. Please tell us more

for TV3, both in terms of viewership and increased

The future of branding is in the ability to use

advertising revenue.


about the progress and success of these efforts... innovation and media equities to achieve growth,

For the financial year ending August 31, 2002,

especially in the face of an increasingly competitive

TV3 recorded a commendable improvement in its

business environment. Thus far, response from

and media equities to achieve growth, especially in the face, of an increasingly competitive business environment"! - Farid



ended August 31, 2003, namely upon completion of our financial restructuring exercise which is expected to be completed by the end of second quarter this year. We are confident that the changes we have started to put in place towards increasing operational efficiency and enhancing our revenue opportunities will further contribute towards achieving this. TV3 has recently acquired the highly-rated Singaporean sitcom, Phua Chu Kang. How does this key acquisition... and perhaps others to come... factor into TV3's plans? The recent acquisition of Phua Chu Kang is indeed a huge win for us at TV3! It was borne out of our commitment to provide viewers with best-of-breed content in all programming segments. Based on research conducted by BMG, Phua Chu Kang was identified as one of the key programs viewers desired to watch on TV3, so we responded accordingly. This is the strategy we now take with our content, to give our viewers the best in each genre and it is obviously working! What we show on our station is a direct result of viewer feedback, so success of the program is assured. ACNielsen reports that TV3 commands 51% of primetime audience. This dwarfs all other stations. What does TV3 intend to do to maintain this gap - and perhaps even widen it further? A broadcast network is all about its content. If you have attractive content, people will tune it to your station. For many years, TV3 has already enjoyed a leadership position. advertisers and both creative and media

breed programming strategy. This strategy

To command 51% of audience share

agencies to this new approach has been very

goes beyond providing award-winning and

indicates that we have indeed touched base

encouraging, indicating there has been a long

popular content alone. It extends to the

with our viewers, that we are able to

felt need to use the strong media equities

way we work. The creation of our Brand

understand and satisfy their needs and

inherent in TV3.

Management Group (BMG) under the new

expectations. Our programming content is

Already, several projects from a diverse set

structure has meant that TV3 now has greater

tested through focus groups which enables

of clients like Unilever, Celcom, Tenaga

ability than ever to gauge viewer responses to

us to continuously improve or make the

Nasional Berhad, Southern Lion and KFC have

our existing programs and tap into their

necessary changes. Our investment in lifestyle

been aired. Quite a few are in various stages of

desires for programming improvements.


Using the valuable information gleaned

studies will help us anticipate our audience needs as well as charting the future trends.

While the results have been very positive thus far, I am both keen and confident to see

from BMG's research, TV3 has revamped its

Now that we have widened the gap further

programming significantly, and this has

and intend to keep widening it by ensuring

more of such projects being initiated. In today'

resulted in increased viewership. As youknow,

more focused programming based on viewer

competitive marketing framework, success is

advertising revenue is a numbers game -

research. We made a commitment to deliver

dependent on alliances and the ability to

highest viewership often wins the ad dollar.

bold, best-of-breed programs and that is what

optimize the marketing dollar. Our new

Our positive viewership results coupled with

we will continue to do moving forward.

marketing efforts offer innovative solutions

our new marketing initiatives are the

that go beyond the standard spot buys, and we

backbone of our recent success.

A few months ago, TV3 offered VSS

would like to ensure that our clients are able to

(Voluntary Separation Scheme) to hundreds

take advantage of the benefits we offer.

TV3 is profitable, but is saddled with past

of station employees. Would you say that this

corporate debts. The Star has reported that

program was an overall success? How has VSS

TV3 commanded an astonishing 52% of all TV

TV3 says it will be in the black by August 31,

changed the structure, and indeed, the

ad revenue in 2002. Can TV3 expand on this

2003. Is this an accurate statement? What

overall face of TV3?

even further?

further can you tell us about this?

Since our restructure last year, TV3 has

Yes, we are optimistic that we will be back

The main aim of is to increase productivity, reduce redundancy and duplication of

progressively been pursuing a bold, best-of-

in the black by the end of our financial year

processes and streamlining of processes as per



the business value chain. VSS was part of the overall organisation restructuring and thus the orga­ nisation restructure was designed to be viewer and advertiser-centric.

On a personal level, after a successful advertising career with Leo Burnett, you've made the transition into broadcast mana­ gement. What has been the greatest challenge in making this shift?

successfully execute plans for the station. The team here is passionate and hungry to outperform them­ selves continuously. They have been the bedrock of our success thus far, and I feel truly blessed to have their support.

Please, share with us why you are so passionate about TV3... Zakiah Anas says "No" to crime on 999

Previously, I was an advertiser, a client, an ad man and now... a media guy. To me, the previous move into this business completes the circle in my career within the communications industry value chain. The greatest challenge in making this shift has of course been the need to get used to playing on a different side of the fence. But I feel that my previous experience in the other parts of the communications value chain have really worked to my advantage in this aspect. Having been an advertiser and an agency person, I understand viewer and advertiser insights extremely well, making it easier for me to zero in on their specific needs. The remaking of TV3 through our recent restructure and current positioning exercise exemplify what I have managed to cull from my past career experiences and exemplify the focus we place on viewers as well as advertisers. What made the shift smoother is of course the support and valuable input I have received from friends in the business community and the communications industry. They strongly urged me to take up the initial challenge of TV3 and continue to offer strong support today. Additionally of course, my new family in TV3 has played a crucial role in helping me both develop and

I have always believed that to be successful one must have PASSION! It is the one crucial ingredient that often tips the balance between what is good and what is brilliant. My passion for TV3 stems largely from the fact that it is such a powerful medium. TV3 is all about people, creativity, emotions and ideas. It is all about entertaining and informing the Malaysian public, being part of their lives and playing a crucial role in influencing public opinion. We are undoubtedly an important cog in the nation building wheel, and that's a huge responsibility. My passion also comes from being able to see the reaction people have to our station's programs. Almost every Malaysian watches TV. We are a part of so many Malaysia families' daily lives, and the reaction to our brand is instantaneous when they watch one of our programs. There's nothing like it, in terms of instant gratification and response! I get so thrilled every time I see our ratings skyrocket as this reflects how much viewers enjoy our programs. My passion also comes from the team at TV3. The commitment they show towards our viewers, the relentless drive they possess to outperform themselves and their continuous search for bigger and better content are inspiring. There's so much enthusiasm and vibrance in the station now since we have restructured. People feel empowered and are actively contributing ideas. It makes the long hours enjoyable and thoroughly exciting!

Deana Yusoff, host of The Brand

"Having been an advertiser and an agency person, I understand viewer and advertiser insights extremely well, making it easier for me to zero in on their specific needs" - Fa rid



How ambitious are you?

Upcoming Events 8 & 9 May 2003 Interactive Marketing Conference Swissotel Merchant Court, Singapore Call 65 6372 2201 / Email

Ambitious enough to have plans to run an advertising

18 to 21 May 2003

agency? If you are, we could be on the same wave length

Clio Awards 2003 Edin Roc Resort and Spa, Miami Beach, USA Call 1 212 683 4300 / Email

and perhaps we should sit down over a cup of tea and see how we go from there. Obviously, for you to be that ambitious, you are a thinker, a

21 to 22 May 2003

planner, an excellent one at that. You have set yourself a

Corporate Image £1 Branding Strategies Conference Swissotel Merchant Court, Singapore Call 65 6372 2201 / Email

deadline that will see your ambitions crystalize in the next few years or so. Meanwhile, with a proven track record, you're not resting

We invite organizers of events for the advertising and marketing industry to submit information for publication in this monthly Upcoming Events column. Publication of information is based on availability of space, preference will begiven to events taking place closest to the date of publication.

on your laurels. You already have an excellent portfolio of clients and are continuing to add to it.


If this is the opportunity that you are looking for, why don't we have a chat and see how we could complement each other. Just drop us a line by Fax: 7727 1588 with a short brief of yourself and


we'll get tea ready.

mm \ Joe D' Silva

R3 ASIA PACIFIC Malaysia New Business Scoreboard March 2003

JDS ASSOCIATES Sdrt: Bhd. 133A. Jatan Gasing. 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Malaysia Tel:.603 7781 750? Fax. (303 7784 0090 joe<Jsilva@ewfads,cotTi

THE major move this month is the consolidation of the Celcom business into Zenith, following a review amongst a number of media specialists. OMD has also moved up the table with wins of Maico/National,









Siemens and Effem Foods. Also, on advice from both agencies and the client, we've revised the apportionment of Sepang International Circuit between Starcom and Carat.



Naga DDB

KL Tourism, BOH Tea






Nestle Ice Cream



We've been active this month on relation­



DDB International

Unza, Magnolia



ship management work in Malaysia, andone of




Roche, F&N Sarsi



the interesting learnings is the need for clear




TOPS Hypernova 1 Marketplace



scope of work agreements. We've seen too




Haagen Dazs



many relationships come apart because the




Kumon Asia


expectations are not clearly set and agreed to in




Shangri-la Putrajaya


advance. When a detailed scope of work is





750 1,000 ESTIMATED BILLINGS (RM'000) YTD 2003




developed, measuring the agency performance and hence success becomes far easier. © Greg Paull

Nivea, KFC, Habib Jewellers,



Principal, R3 Asia Pacific


The New Business ScoreBoard is compiled monthly on behalf

Sepang International Circuit






Maico/National, Siemens,


Effem Foods, KL Tourism,

KFC, Ayamas project,


Standard Chartered

of Adoi magazine by R3, a consultancy specializing in agency relationships, remuneration and reviews. All billings figures are annualized and are calculated based on R^'s estimates, adjusted from ACNielsen ADEX figures or derived

Sutera Harbour

from agencies directly. Agency losses as well as wins are


Ayamas, Honda




Standard Chartered, Bvlgari



all new business activity in Malaysia - please email


PJCC, Minolta


2,600 if you believe we have missed or

recorded, if not shown. We attempt to accurately capture

incorrectly recorded any information.

8 3D0I


gettyimages passion $0*3%;'.

I*. « • —;——f-

Symmetry, order and obsession. It's what makes photography work, too says Getty Images photographer Michael Kelley. Advertising. Design. Editorial. Film. News. Sport. Passion.

Oh! What a lovely war! In the pages of the world's ad press, despite the war, (or indeed because of it) the show must go on. AS of writing, the war is a few days old

would suspect. The US Army, who spend about

and advertising seems all decked out in its sparkling new outfits and fresh new greasepaint. To start, Adage reports that most

US$147 million a year on adverts, have a new

advertisers are firmly committed to their

courage. I think the Iraqi Army is saying the

spot which features unit crests and suggests the Army will always win with honour and

media buys for the Oscar telecast. Groovy

same thing. You know I'm old enough to

advertisers like Cadillac, J.C. Penney Co,

remember the great hippy T-shirt slogan: 'Join

McDonald's Corp. Anheuser-Busch, AOL Time

the army today, visit exotic new places, meet

Warner's America Online, AIG, Kodak and

interesting new people and kill them' and it's

Yahoo! all listened to the Academy of Motion

still as good today as it's always been. In Oz it really is show time. B&rT tells us

Picture Arts and Sciences who said that the Academy "would be sensitive to world

'free-to-air networks are rolling out special

events." The Academy also denied rumours

war news coverage, with added bulletins and,

that the White House asked for a post­

in the case of the Nine Network, SMS

ponement and that a number of celebrities

headlines. The Nine and Seven networks will

would not show up.

lead the coverage charge (great choice of words there) with special bulletins on each channel,

Well perhaps a no-show or postponement would have been better than jokes about noses and hot-tubs. And Peter O'Toole telling us how

including Seven's new 4.30pm bulletin, as well as regular news and current affairs coverage

lovely America is (God was I ashamed) and

dedicated to the unfolding events". A channel

various glitzy stars weeping somewhat

Seven spokesperson said, "We have been

unconvincingly. And not a fucking one of

planning our approach for some time' and a

them with the guts to condemn the stupid

channel Ten spokesperson said "Everyone is

bloody thing outright. But isn't that what real

adopting a wait-and-see approach, As with any

"Join the army today, visit exotic new places, meet interesting new people and kill them!" freedom is really about folks; Doesn't everyone

situation of this kind, we all work closely

want to cruise in a huge limo, examining one's

together with advertisers to ensure flexibility

investment portfolio, wearing nice new slacks,

and delivery on [their] expectations." Well

while surfing the net, drinking beer, eating

I'm jolly glad the Australians are approa­

hamburgers and taking photos?Iknow I do.

No 11, Level 2, The Right Angle, Jalan 14/22, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel :603 7958 5858 Fax:603 7958 5588 Contact : Richard 019 330 9536 Mustaza 019 398 3950 managed by Utusan Sight & Sound Sdn Bhd (266339-R) Utusan Audio Sdn Bhd


ching this all in such a calm, business-like

In AdAge again the curtain rises on new ad

manner. Not the usual loud aggressive Oz-

campaigns from the US Marine Corps and the

type behavior. One would have suspected they

U.S. Army nicely timed to coincide with the

would all be for loading up planes with

war. The Marine Corps launched a new TV ad

stingers, brown snakes and blue ringed octopi

featuring scenes of Marines in Afghanistan.

and dropping them on unsuspecting Iraqi

Maj. David Griesmer, a clearly sensitive and

troupes. But it seems like war has a really

caring public relations officer for the Marines

calming affect on them.

is quoted as saying, "We have some great

Finally the pragmatic approach in Asia

footage of Marines in Afghanistan and felt this

from Media Magazine. They quote Hong

would reflect a serious effort that appeals to

Kong's media planners, who say 'The war in

the patriotic side," Great footage! Of what?

Iraq won't seriously affect advertising spend

Pictures of people having just killed other

in Asia-Pacific, unless the conflict becomes a

people or about to kill other people or about to

long drawn out affair'. And that 'now that war

be killed themselves? Who in their right mind

has erupted, one major uncertainty in the

could describe that as 'great'. But to be fair

global economy has been removed'. That is a

they do expend some US$18 million a year on

great weight off all our minds. Hope they feel

this tosh. And let's not forget their theme line,

the same in Iraq. Exit stage right.©

the familiar motto, "Marines, the few, the proud." And getting fewer all the time one

PS Was Robin Williams right?


Enough of hype.

Time to get real. by Millicent Danker

... Mind you, it won't be easy. We have to be realistic and honest with ourselves, our skills and capabilities, our performance and achievements, the inherent strengths of our products and services. We must recognize our limitations and weaknesses... FOR too long, Malaysian communicators have been too fond of hype. You know, exaggerated achievements. Chest thumping. Over-the-top, Malaysia-Boleh stuff. When we say too much without being discerning - and when we do this too often we begin to lose our objectivity. When we exaggerate - and in the process, distort - we lose credibility. When you read an article or listen to a TVC full of words and images you have heard before, you do one of a few things: • You turn the page/you zap the remote • You say, yeah right • You yawn • You begin to disbelieve the media Today's media is full of cliches (a phrase or idea which is used so often that it is no longer interesting, effective or relevant), hyperbole (language that is deliberately and obviously exaggerated for effect) and, to borrow a recent word, spin. This has begun to hurt not only the credibility of the brand, products, services and companies we are trying to promote, but also our corporate and national reputation. Nearly every time we position an individual, brand or company we go overboard. It's always the biggest, the best, the longest, the tallest. Every time we organize an event, a product launch or a press conference, we go all the way. There must be three speeches at the very least, 10 salutations in the MC script, expensive gimmicks in our act of launch, several VI Ps decorating the head table, food fit for kings - and the six-star hotel. Every piece of communication is awash

with superlatives, sometimes thrown together in an unthinking manner, without a clear intention or strategy behind it. In the process, a lot of money is spent. No matter whose money it is, it ought to be spent wisely and productively. WHERE WILL IT ALL END? As a communicator myself, I think it's time for a serious review of the situation. This should be a challenge for all communicators, going forward. I use the phrase 'get real'. By getting real, I mean getting back to basics. Cut to the core. Cut out the clutter, the jargon. What is the real story here? What are the true facts? How do we present them in an honest objective manner? What is our communication objective? What is the message? What is the best medium, or platform for its delivery? What this calls for is clarity - clarity of thought and intention. It also calls for honesty. And discipline: Do one thing at a time and evaluate before rushing into the next big thing. By practising restraint, Malaysian products and services, Malaysian talents and entrepreneurs, Malaysian companies and stocks, can begin the journey to win back confidence, trust and respect. I think the days of chest-beating, orangutan-like, are over. Mind you, it won't be easy. We have to be realistic and honest with ourselves, our skills and capabilities, our performance and achievements, the inherent strengths of our products and services. We must recognize our limitations and weaknesses.

If we are not the most-efficient and reliable provide! of a particular service, then let's work hard to make ourselves better. Let's not fall into the trap of seeking to 'build image' through false claims and hype. Far better it would be to be introspective and look for solutions. Building a professional culture within our organisations, however small, takes time. In the meanwhile, we must resist the temptation to invest in flamboyant advertising that promises great customer service when our frontliners aren't ready to deliver. Who are we kidding? Our stakeholders are starting to question our performance, our quality, our governance. They are not prepared to accept what they have, so readily, in the past. As consultants, we see decision-makers succumb to all sort of gimmicks to make their organisations look good. Some tend to prefer form over content, style over substance. They may have been led into thinking that there are quick fixes and these are preferable than to begin the hard work of changing culture and reinventing the organisation. There is nothing wrong with having limitations and working within them. By cutting out pompous hype and childish hip from our headlines and taglines, and frills and fireworks from our promos and campaigns, we may even be able to save money for our companies and clients and help improve their bottom lines. Or have we forgotten how important that is? Millicent Danker is the principal consultant and founder of Perception Management Sdn Bhd and Perception Strategies (UK) Limited.




How the Internet

Saved My Son's Life by Josh Sklar

What does the worst period of my life have to do with the Internet? Well, you see, had it not been for the Internet I most likely would have lost Noah's brother Zach Jacob as well. Since the condition was so unknown, I took it upon myself to read through Web sites devoted to archiving medical journals and conver­ sations between specialists. Although most of it was written in some very difficult-tocomprehend jargon, I understood enough to find comparative cases from which I could draw much needed information. One golden nugget referred to a situation remarkably similar to my family's. In this instance, the baby was doing very well for nine days but then required incubation and tragically died three days later. The physician discovered a gene deficiency that was

"In the past, I would have had no recourse. I would have had to sit in the intensive care unit hoping the doctors could cover every base. I wouldn't have had the frame of mind or wherewithal to go to a medical library to try and find the odd reference to this situation. The Internet empowered me to take care of my own and give me peace of mind by accessing the most up-to-date library in the world."

12 aDOl


I know my column is sometimes a little too heavy at times because of all my personal tragedies. However, as ADOI tells me the following article was widely discussed when it came out in June of 2000, we thought it might be appropriate to inform our loyal readers of the outcome and to reprint it. My son Zach, the focus of the article, passed away suddenly on January 15th due to a lung infection. There's really not a lot else to say. Thank you for all your kind words and thoughts.

aggravated by the infant's diet. Had the diet been adjusted, she would have survived. I immediately wrote out the gene tests and treatment for my son's paediatrician who took me seriously enough, given the validity of the source, to send samples to John Hopkins in the US. In the past, I would have had no recourse. I would have had to sit in the intensive care unit hoping the doctors could cover every base. I wouldn't have had the

I'D like to dedicate this and all future

frame of mind or wherewithal to go to

columns to the memory of my late son, Noah

a medical library to try and find the odd

Isaac Sklar, who passed away on May 5th, the

reference to this situation. The Internet

day he and his fraternal twin brother were

empowered me to take care of my own and

born. My wife was 8 1/2 months along (in her

give me peace of mind by accessing the most

34 1/2 week out of 40) and all three were perfectly healthy until she was suddenly

up-to-date library in the world. Not only did I feel as though I was helping, it appears I

struck down by an extremely rare disorder

may have prevented the loss of my sanity,

called "acute fatty liver of pregnancy" which

and my wife's, by using these free resources.

caused her liver and kidneys to fail. It came

This is what the Internet is all about:

on within less than two days accompanied by

giving a user easy access to find information

symptoms of a typical third-term pregnancy

that is important to him and her. In my

and would have killed her and both our

case, it was a matter of life and death. For

children had it not been for a string of lucky incidents (and some extremely great doctors

some consumers, it could simply be one of convenience. The point is, the Internet is a

at Gleneagles here in Singapore). As rare as it

very powerful tool that we must all, as

is for this disease to strike, it is apparently

advertisers and users, learn to use in the

much rarer to survive it.

most effective manual possible.


One Order of Kumquats and a License to Go, Please by Kurt Crocker, Creative Director Drayton Bird, Crocker £r Mario Sdn Bhd (DBCSrM)

telephone or on-line to avoid ultimately expensive queues at the DMV office. At the beginning of this year, New York's DMV also started testing a way to save up to US$750,000 yearly on the cost of these renewal mailings.





opportunity to include separate sales messages GOT a product or service you want to sell? Tired

... Advertisers can target recipients by make, model and year of car, and postcode. The test mailings have included Ford, MasterCard, Viking Warranty and Geico Direct (insurance)....

with the notices.

of the same old sales from ordinary marketing?

Advertisers can target recipients by make,

If your agency folks aren't pushing Direct, fire

model and year of car, and postcode. The test

them. You're missing some excitingpossibilities.

mailings have included Ford, MasterCard,

Think Direct Marketing doesn't apply to your

Viking Warranty and Geico Direct (insurance).

business? Think again. Any product or service

Along with the sales leaflets, the DMV includes

can be successfully and cost-efficiently sold using

one of their own stating that it does not endorse

Direct. Did you see that little word "Any" at the

any of the advertisers. The DMV also reserves

start of the previous sentence? Direct Marketing

the right to refuse any advertising deemed

travels well across virtually every business

inappropriate, and does not accept alcohol,


cigarette or tobacco advertising.

Knock Your Socks Off

to the mailing list, this Direct Marketing

And since the advertisers have no access Speaking of travel, here's a good example of how you can make a grand Direct Marketing

idea complies with U.S. laws protecting consumer privacy. Is this example relevant to Malaysia? Sure

impression without a tubful of money. Travel and Transport, based in Omaha,

it is ... anything the government currently

Nebraska, is America's ninth largest travel

mails to its citizenry can do the double-duty of

management company. Their customers are

selling something.

corporate managers responsible for the air and accommodation needs of traveling executives. Knowing that customer care is one of their

A Very Fruity Offer Sometimes Direct Marketing soars

best attributes, Travel and Transport came up

successfully through a variety of tactics. This

Does your travel management company

with an attention-grabbing Direct Marketing

next example is for a dot-com, and combines

Knock Your Socks Off?

idea. First, they divided an internal list of

promotion, advertising on cable TV and

880 prospects

inserts in cable subscription bills ... with a

OMtCOtKl ft) ft trMJ

yen Ltiq)Ml/i

Remember, one Xtt iocs not At all! ^^^•CTC






Then they created an over-sized

The company is called "" and

message, but personalized by sales manager

is based in Manhattan. They direct-deliver

name and contact number.

groceries to customers who order on-line. They

This simple mailing format carried the

•sr&sr* •HCUK •




travel management

company Knock Your Socks Off?" It was

No one delivers food to NewYork like we do.

W,?:V* 1 It


» » •» #


»• S • • i

4reshclrectcom iv

very nice offer.

postcard - 8.5" x 5.5" - with an identical

claim the ability to save up to 35% compared to local retail markets. FreshDirect



campaign by

accompanied by a pair of white golf socks, and

targeting Manhattan postcodes where the

enclosed in a silver see-through Mylar envelope.

delivery service was available. They hired "brand

The objective of this effort was to encourage









enquiries and get sales appointments. Given the



fact that the industry is tied into 3-year

vegetable costumes. These highly noticeable

contracts, immediate sales were not expected.

(some of the costumes topped off at 7-feet)

But they certainly wanted to get on the short-list

promoters roamed high-foot-traffic areas and

once bids were called for.

handed out leaflets with a rather generous offer:

Of the 880 mailed, 22 serious prospects responded ... not bad considering the potential

US$50 in free food. Plus a waiver of the usual US$40 minimum order.

revenue. Even better when you consider the

The results? The online fresh-food retailer

entire cost of the campaign was less than

attracted 50,000 new customers over a period of

US$3,000, including the socks.

about 6 months. It gets better. 75% of first-time customers bought again from the company, more

Government Sponsored Direct Marketing? Travel is one logical category for applying the


than r7% of households where the service is available have tried FreshDirect, and the

power of Direct Marketing. How about a

company is attracting more than 3,000 new

governmental department?

customers weekly.

In New York, as in most American states, the

This says volumes about the importance of

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) sends

the offer, as well as for how Direct Marketing

notices to every driver when it's time to renew

empowers on a multitude of fronts.

license and car registration. The hope is that, in

And if it can work for travel agencies,

addition to offering the official notice, more

governmental departments plus fruits and

drivers will be encouraged to renew by mail,

vegetables ... it can work for you.

For business growth.

•BPwu. •attr'


Insightful. In-depth. Indispensable. Audited. That's why we're Number One. To advertise in the best-selling business and investment weekly in Malaysia call 603-7660 3838 or fax 603-7660 8563. MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION (MALAYSIA)

For Business Leaders (The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd • 266980 - x)

Engaging With Your Consumers

During Times of War by Abhijeet Dutta Ray, Strategic Planning Director, Ogilvy &• Mather, Thailand

... Pulling ads is in fact the easiest part of the decision (albeit it causes nightmares for media planners who try and wriggle out of contractual obligations of pre-booked time and space); however from a consumer engagement standpoint, it is prudent to undertake an analysis which helps rationalize what ought to be the best course of action rather than figuring out what messages to withdraw from which medium... AT times I delude myself into believing that someone will actually remember to check if I actually complete a thought that I started in an earlier last piece. Most definitely, I have not forgotten, however the subject of Channel Equity is a complex one, and like all good things - it needs time to formulate a considered opinion. Hence - do continue to watch this space for some useful tips on building Channel Equity. In the meantime, it is most appropriate to talk about something that is 'top-of-mind' for all of us. As the tanks roll across the dessert towards the Iraqi capital yesterday, the world braces itself for deluge of war oriented editorials across all most mass media forms, overwhelming audiences with the expected details on the unfolding human tragedy. Amidst news of blood, gore and body count - we will see a rapid disappearance of commercial communication. Pulling ads is in fact the easiest part of the decision (albeit it causes nightmares for media planners who try and wriggle out of contractual obligations of prebooked time and space); however from a consumer engagement standpoint, it is prudent to undertake an analysis which helps rationalize what ought to be the best course of action rather than figuring out what messages to withdraw from which medium. In general the focus of the analyses should take place across two broad areas: Branding which includes everything that is done to

ultimately build a preference for purchase for the Brand, and Activation - which includes everything that is done to ultimately trigger the final purchase of the Brand. A fairly rudimentary, yet useful 'risk assessment' analysis should include: BRANDING Category: Does the outbreak of war have direct repercussions on the Category business in general? For example, if you operate within the Travel industry, the likelihood of seeing declines in your category is naturally very high. In this environment, there is little point in trying to send out emotive Branding messages, say of alluring poolside views of your hotel, which are primarily designed to build/keep Brand preferences. Brand: Given the market share and distribution strengths of your brand, will the outbreak of war have a bigger/ smaller impact specifically your Brand's business? For example, staying with the Travel industry example, if you were a hotel group, you need to access the impact based on your customer profile. For example, if most of your operations were in SE Asia and you were dependent on Business or FIT travelers out of Japan, chances are that you will see a marginal decline, say compared to a competitor whose business is largely driven by leisure travelers out of North America. In this scenario, you may need to tweak your Branding messages to make it more appropriate

Cinemax Revamped IN March 2003, Cinemax relaunched with a new programming focus, new scheduling features, a new logo and a more contem-porary on-air look. James Marturano, the executive vice president of HBO Asia and managing director of HBO South Asia, explained that the revamp was not because popularity had been waning since the channel started in 1996. Instead, it is an attempt to increase the strength of the brand and to make it a better complement to HBO.


He said that the new tag line 'Get into the movies' is an invitation to viewers to immerse themselves in the films on the channel. Cinemax has adapted its prime time scheduling to fit in with changing lifestyles and the increase in entertainment options. The new system focuses on genres with theatrical hits being aired Monday to Wednesday, action films on Thursdays and Fridays, Saturdays are for

to the changed external environment and you may need to access if you still want those high visibility media positions (inside front cover double page spreads) and instead shift your focus to direct marketing and PR efforts. So it is not just a case of simply pulling ads, but more of a sensible deployment of your Branding efforts both in terms of content and media. ACTIVATION While Branding messages need the careful reassessment as outlined above, arguably the more interesting area of influence on the consumer must certainly be the Activation area. Again, an assessment needs to be made at both the Category and Brand level. Category: If your category was under threat from a business point of view, you may in general wish to pump up your Activation efforts using the most appropriate strategies. For example, if you were a luxury fashion brand operating in a particular niche, and if economic prudence was going to have an impact on your category business in general, there would be little point in continuing to churn and mail out expensive Catalogues and continuing with catwalk events. Brand: An assessment of what would keep the most loyal consumers not lose their bonding with the Brand may be necessary. For example if you had a consumer insight that despite your Brand's existence in the 'luxury' need, there Brand essence (relationship with your most loyal consumers) was such that it was based on offering great quality products fulfilling a desire for higher degree of emotional security in time of uncertainty, you need to develop an activation plan which plays to this consumer desire. This may take the form of a specially designed promotion targeted towards loyal consumers, for example. At the end of the day, the risk assessment analysis will most definitely be a first step towards framing the guidelines within which both your Branding and Activation efforts must be confined, giving you a more effective consumer communication and activation framework to work with. thrillers and horror, and on Sundays two new films never-before-shown on Asian television will be aired back to back. The new on air look is designed to create a more cinematic feel to the channel. Cinemax is a complementary channel to HBO's flagship blockbuster channel and while there is a small percentage of overlap, in general Cinemax viewers can look forward to lesser-known films. Marturano believes "good stories result in good movies" regardless of how much they are promoted by the film studios. He wants to show the audience that there is "more to movies than a few Hollywood titles." Cinemax is currently available in 17 countries and has over 3.4 million subscribers.Š

Mendahului dengan isu-isu semasa We lead with the issues M









Malaysian AdCongress 2003 Seen at the Malaysia Advertisers Associations Inaugural Adcongress from 28 to 30 March 2003 in Langkawi... Movers, Shakers, Networkers, Teachers, Partiers and Beach Bums...

Dato' Shazalli Ramly was one of the more The ADOI publisher surrounded by the five memorable speakers at MAC 2003 winners of the inaugural PowerSuits

Malaysian Advertisers Association President Zainuddin M Noh with Minister of Enterpreneur Development YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Abd Aziz

AirAsia's Tony Fernandes makes a point

Astro's pay television chief operating officer David Butorac

MAC 2003 Ex-Official member Shahar Noor entertains along side Sony Music's Azharina

Brand Energy's Amy Oh and Utusan's Roselina Johari tries to avoid the ADOI lens

Karangkrafs Firdaus Hussamuddin plucks a L toR:Aiiy'sLiewMin Sail, MediCorp'sSharon Loh, tune with the help of Whitenight's James Selva Vision Four's Mark Stradling and Alfred Inzinger




Dato' Nazri opened MAC 2003 with a few Peter Anthony Das served as Chairman of the jokes, plenty of smiles, and some sound advice MAC 2003 organising committee

The ntvy faithful and assorted admireres abandon their table for a group shot

Power Suit of the Year Sulin Lau demonstrates her astonishing disco skills

Utusan's Adi Satria and Citra's Ameernudin Zulkifli goofing off between sessions


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Plucky Sulin become Malaysia's first Power Suit of the Year!

Sulin Lau, Naga DDB's Power Suit of The Year 2003

AS a light breeze swirled through the Tepian Cenang Restaurant in Pelangi Beach Resort in Langkawi last Friday, Malaysia's first and probably the world's only dedicated Power Suits Awards got under way. But little did Naga DDB's Sulin Lau know that she would be creating history in the Malaysian ad industry. Because not only did Sulin win the Brand Planner of the Year in the Power Suits 2003 Awards but she also clinched the best of the best or the Power Suit of the Year award! Sulin has been lauded by ilMJ her colleagues for speaking her mind. Barely in her midtwenties, she triumphed over 50 other nominations to win the coveted main prize. Sulin obtained her BSc. in economics and political science at the London School of Economics in 1998. After a short stint in journalism, and then account management, she was re-assigned to planning at Leo Burnett in August 2000. She is currently responsible for planning on 80% of Naga DDB's clients, including DiGi, Tourism Malaysia, Perodua, National, Johnson £r Johnson and Energizer. She was also involved on three new business wins for the agency, with a collective increase of agency billings of RM25 million. She was the unanimous choice by the judges. This Power Suits awards honours advertising professionals who work in the Account Manage­ ment department. This inaugural year witnessed a clean sweep by ladies after the final round of judging recently. Over 50 nominations were received from 80% of leading ad agencies in


Malaysia. Underlining the quality of entries, all nominations were agency-shortlisted submissions. This year's main winners came from two leading agencies - namely Naga DDB and McCann-Erickson. Every nomination was accompanied by a written testimonial describing why the nominee qualifies for such an award and signed by the head of the ad agency. Entries also included additional testimonials from managers, colleagues, or even clients - in short, anyone who could offer evidence why the nominee deserved to be a Power Suit. Each nominee was evaluated before a panel made of judges made up strictly of leading Malaysian advertisers, making it the first awards system with such a judging panel. The winners are as follows: Jessica Koh of DDB International won the Young Suit of the Year award. This award is for Account Executives with less than two years' working experience in account management. This individual should possess the kind of drive, determination, and instinct that marks him or her for a bright future in advertising. He or she should have already demonstrated an apt understanding of the brand building process - the knack for bringing agencies and clients closer together. Karin Tan of McCann-Erickson won the Account Manager of the Year award. This award is for those with a minimum of three years working experience in account management and working as Account Managers. He or she would have shown an exceptional ability to service a client as the head of

a small team. He or she must have a keen eye for client's businesses. Again, strategy is going to be hallmark of this person's capabilities. Lim Wai Yee of Naga DDB won the Account Director of the Year award. This award is for those with a minimum of five years working experience in account management and currently working as Account Directors. He or she should have an exceptional ability to develop a client's business, win pitches and wield a strong sense of leadership. Michelle Yoong of McCann-Erickson won the Group Account Director/Client Service Director of the Year award. This award was for those with a minimum of five years working experience in account management and working as Group Account Directors or Client Service Directors. He or she is at the top of their game, a seasoned pro, who knows their clients' business like nobody else. A potential Managing Director in the making. Lau Sulin of Naga DDB won the Brand Planner of the Year award. This award was open to with minimum two years working experience in brand planning and are working as Strategic Planners in ad agencies. They need to obviously need to know all about creating breakthrough strategies for brands and have a holistic perspective to the agency's approach. A grasp of consumer understanding, creative possibilities, media depth and business acumen is critical. They liberate creative people and crack the code to great ideas. Sulin also won the Power Suit of the Year 2003 award. Other ad agencies who reached the final round were FCB, People n Rich-H and DYR. What made these accomplishments more signficant was the fact that they were judged by leading advertisers who made up the judging panel: Tan Sri Dato Lim Kok Wing of LICT University College. Danny Ng, Chairman & Managing Director of Unilever. Michael Lai, Marketing Director of Celcom Leong Ming Chee of Director of Communications of Nestle Shakir Moin of Marketing Director of F&N CocaCola. Timothy Bennett of The Boston Consulting Group. Greg Paul, Principal of R3 Asia Pacific. David Ross, Marketing Directorof New Zealand Milk Michael Lee - Regional Marketing Development Director, Friesland AsiaPac. Nagarajan Pillay, VicePresident Marketing of Permanis. All judging procedures were observed and ratified by a certified auditor. 80% of all judging involved al least one/two face-to-face interviews. The main judging criteria consisted of being creative in handling assignments, collaboration with all parties, passion for the job and, one's management ability and attention to detail. Next year, it is hoped that more categoris would be added to this competition but, by all accounts, it was a phenomenal first year for Power Suits.

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Saatchis Bangkok Rules AdFest Leo Burnett and Naga DDB the only winners from Malaysia


Bronze awards poster work for Kinokuniya by Leo Burnett KL.

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SAATCHI & SAATCHI Bangkok picked up Best of the Best for TV and cemented its position as Asia's leading creative shop by topping the awards table at the 6th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival held in Bangkok from 20 to 22 March 2003 in Pattaya, Thailand. Leo Burnett Malaysia picked up a trio of Bronze awards - all for poster work for Kinokuniya. Naga DDB picked up Malaysia's only other' medal - also a Bronze - for its outdoor work for Energizer Battery. Saatchi & Saatchi Bangkok's work for Spy Wine Cooler was the highlight of the agency's haul of 11 awards, consisting of one Gold, two Silver, five Bronze and two Craft awards in all categories across TV and Print. J Walter Thompson Bangkok was second overall with eight awards. In total, Bangkok agencies received 30 awards, easily outpacing the second mostawarded city, Singapore, with 13 awards. Tokyo finished with 10, Hong Kong with eight and Mumbai with five awards.

Chairman of the judging committee, Craig Davis, the regional creative director of Saatchi & Saatchi Asia/Africa said that a consistent thread throughout the competition was the sense of humour. "Despite difficult economic times, the people of Asia have not lost their sense of humour and that has come out at AP AdFest. It doesn't matter what the nationality, because humour crosses all borders." He added that the majority of the best work was "visually driven" and that simplicity was the key to success. "Simplicity is a very powerful thing, but people need to understand what the idea is. You should be able to articulate an idea in just a few words," he said. The 6th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival saw a total of 87 awards given out in response to over 2,600 entries this year. More than 600 delegates attended the event, widely considered the most influential regional advertising festival and awards show in Asia Pacific.


ARE CONSUMERS CH ... But what is certain is that an intense battle of the bra IN the space of two years a relatively unknown player in the

adverts talking down to women that usually appear for

nappy industry, Drypers, has taken on the giant of the business,

nappies. He strongly believed that the campaign should be

Pampers, and at least in the Malaysian and Singapore markets,


the new comer is now number one.

company to only use Dads in the adverts rather than Mums.

building and clever marketing which led, at least in the short

Which is one way in which they differentiate their brand. But

term, to the underdogs coming out on top.

the baby is always the central figure.

The last report from AC Nielsen

Between October 2000 and the third quarter in 2001 they

showed that Drypers Wee Wee Dry

ran three short television commercials entitled Drinker,

already captures more than 1/4 of total

Shivers and Weather Baby. These adverts were certainly a

baby diaper market volume in

stage away from the traditional blue liquid absorbency

Malaysia. All other brands, including

demonstrations that have beset nappy advertising in the

Pampers have market shares of less

past. But while one had a nice twist with the nappy's

than half that of Drypers'. In Singapore

effectiveness against leaks demonstrated by the baby sitting

the story is the same - Drypers Wee Wee

on his father's head these campaigns were not going to win

Dry captures nearly 30% of the total

any creative prizes.

market volume. And again the compe­

Since these beginnings the adverts have got much cleverer.

titors seem to be languishing at around

"Instead of asking the mothers about Drypers we thought that

half that.,

we would ask the babies," Balinghasay explained.

Much of this recent success must

BBDO created an advertisement called 'Interview' featuring

be down to Eric Balinghasay who was

cute babies apparently talking in adult voices about the merits

brought in as director of marketing at

of Drypers in a "Look who's talking"-esq fashion.

Drypers in December 2000. Balinghasay gained experience in

Pampa - a blue baby elephant intended as a friend / companion for babies. The TVC was backed up by a promotion allowing consumers to exchange on pack loyalty points for free Pampa toys.

According to Balinghasay, Drypers are the only nappy

How did this come about? It is a story of successful brand

The advert opens with a small boy on a plastic motorbike giving his testimonial on the product "I have a busy life but

the consumer goods industry from eight

with Drypers I don't need to change often... also, the leak

years with Colgate Palmolive. The last

guards are perfect because I'm an active kind of guy."

two years of which he was a member of their Asia Pacific regional organisation. Within Drypers, Balinghasay is now responsible for the marketing, branding, positioning strategies and their

The company were initially very hesitant about accepting the advertisement mainly because it involved a significant outlay. There were also concerns over whether the advert could be executed effectively.

implementation in all markets. And despite having admitted

But Hwa was convincedit was the right for thebrand at this

he's never changed a baby's nappy, he seems to be able to

point in time. Within a month, with no promotions or price

market them.

cuts, the brand achieved the number one spot.

When he arrived, there was no marketing division and no

This advert, directed by Hwa, won silver in the 2002

marketing spend to speak of but this has been turned that

Malaysian Video Awards for special effects, was a finalist for

around and in partnership with BBDO and OMD has

the advertiser of the year in the creative category at the Media

subsequently produced some creative marketing and

awards and got bronze in Malaysia's Kancil awards.

innovative advertisements. In 1998, Drypers set up the head office and regional

According to Balinghasay the success of Drypers is to do with filling a niche in the market. He claims that Drypers

manufacturing site in Shah Alam- at which stage Pampers had

effectively positioned Drypers Wee Wee Dry between the

already been active in the Asia Pacific market for 11 years.

unbranded nappies and the expensive branded nappies. He

Then in 1999, an office was set up in Singapore and the

believes that, at that stage, Drypers' selling position was to offer

company acquired Control Plus, which is a brand of adult

a nappy with the performance of the branded nappies but at

nappy. Control Plus is not advertised and is mainly sold to and

a cheaper price.

through institutions.

When Drypers was launched the price was about 20% less

It was not until two years after the operation was set up in

than that of Pampers however subsequently Pampers have

Malaysia that the company became serious about marketing.

reduced their price and currently they are priced about the

"Someone had the foresight to see that they could do a lot

same per piece.

better," Balinghasay said.

Pampers are fighting back and now claim to offer

Drypers realised they would get nowhere by emulating

innovative and upgraded products at a value for money price

other brands' adverts and so wanted to create something

point. From a low in June and July 2002, Pampers Comfort does

entirely different. Huang Ean Hwa, formally creative director

seem to be making a bit of a come back. Not only have Pampers

at BBDO and now executive creative director at McCann-

reduced prices but they have also focused on product

Erickson, said he wanted to get away from the dry, bland

development and earlier this year Pampers Comfort



ANGING DIAPERS? by Lena Nightingale

ids has begun in the nappy industry in Southeast Asia...




was upgraded with four-wall leak guards and an improved core improving the dryness and leakage prevention. It seems that Drypers are now no longer interested on competing on price instead they are taking the competition on head on. In 2002, Drypers Wee Wee Dry was relaunched in new blue translucent packaging. This was an attempt to ensure the brand leapt off the supermarket shelf. In order to test this in the boardroom in Shah Alam, Drypers has shelves of all the nappies currently on the market allowing easy comparison of packaging strategies. They decided to continue to use the same Caucasian baby on the packaging as that is what consumers would associate with Drypers Wee Wee Dry. However, in the television advertisements they use Asian babies to, in Balinghasay's words, "Allow the customers to feel closer to the babies." Drypers by 2002 was so confident with its position as market leader in Malaysia and Singapore that they launched another brand, Hey Baby! This competes in a cheaper price range and is not advertised. It was deliberately not called Drypers' Hey Baby! to reduce the chances of it cannibalising the business but it does say manufactured by Drypers on the packet. In some shops Balinghasay claims that Hey Baby! is now actually positioned next to Drypers Wee Wee Dry on the shelf and yet has not taken any of Drypers Wee Wee Dry's market share. To further consolidate the success of Drypers Wee Wee Dry last year the research and development team came up with some new features namely a cloth like outside to the nappy and six different frontal tape designs. These innovations are based on the insight that aside from how the nappy functions parents and babies are concerned with how the nappy looks and feels. Balinghasay explained this step away from the emphasis on performance by saying, "If the baby looks cute in the nappy then the mother feels proud and happy." Thus BBDO were given the task to communicate that Drypers is the sensible yet stylish nappy. In 2002, Drypers ran what they called their 'Playboy' advert featuring a baby looking so good in his nappy he is kissed by an attractive woman. They are making an analogy with adult clothes and attempting to demonstrate that if you comfortable then you are cool. In 2003 the adverts focus on babies caring about their appearance. One features a baby picking which nappy to wear


Staying Alive

from a wardrobe full of nappies on hangers. The music is disco and in the end the baby and the Dad are wearing the same shirt and styling their hair in the same way. The implicit association by having nappies on hangers elevates the product to the same status as clothes. Drypers Wee Wee Dry is attempting to become a fashion statement for babies. They also have some cardboard cut outs of nappies on hangers to be hung from the ceiling in supermarkets which tie in with the ad. Despite featuring Dads bonding with babies all the campaigns are targeted at mothers who generally buy nappies. Featuring attractive men and attractive babies seems to be a good way to attract women. It is not just Drypers who are coming up with innovative adverts however. According to Ambrish Jain, the regional brand manager for Pampers, they have acknowledged that "the market has become more competitive" and they have launched a new campaign of their own. This includes the introduction of Pampa - a blue baby elephant intended as a friend/companion for babies. The TVC was backed up by a promotion allowing consumers to exchange on pack loyalty points for free Pampa toys. Rather than go for style, Pampers' efforts are "driven by emphasis on caring for baby's development." Pampers' marketing campaign is focused on superior overnight dryness leading to uninterrupted sleep for babies which they claim lead to better overall growth. Their TV commercials have been combined with an on the ground programme reaching out to parents and kids at supermarkets. In the region although Pampers has become the generic term for nappies, which does, as Jain said, demonstrate the strong bonding they have with consumers. But at present it seems that consumers are saying Pampers but buying Drypers. It is clear Jain is not satisfied with second place. He wants Pampers to be market leader in all markets in which it competes. So whether Drypers will be able to compete in the long run with their new product positioning and for how long Drypers will keep the top slot is hard to say. If they lose market share, will it be to Pampers? Or could it be to other brands such as Huggies, which presumably must also be interested in increasing their slice of the nappy pie. But what is certain is that an intense battle of the brands has begun in the nappy industry in Southeast Asia. And it only looks to get hotter in coming years.

Eric Balinghasay, director of marketing

"Instead of asking the mothers about Drypers we thought that we would ask the babies" - Balinghasay


cDi fflediaBonc NewTVC Debut - Feb/Mar 2003 Brand: ACUVUE Product: ACUVUE2 Title: ACUVUE for Real Duration: 30 seconds Client: Johnson £r Johnson Vision Care Agency: McCann Erickson Creative Director : Jasmine Ishaque Copywriter: Shamini Kandiah

OMD Top Global Media Player AdAge Global Names Agency Global Media Agency of the Year

Art Director: Zowie Lim Language: English Summary: Discover a new you with ACUVUE.

LAST month, online advertising trade magazine Ad Age Global named OMD its Global Media Agency of the Year. The website ( reports that OMD picked up US$2.3 billion in new business in 2002, while losing only US$600 million. Part of the Omnicom Group, OMD is reported to have put together the single

Brand: EON Title: Corporate, Sales lx Service Duration: 10 seconds

biggest media deal in history - a US$i billion cross media pact with

Client: Edaran Otomobil Nasional Berhad

Walt Disney Co and ABC, the American television broadcaster.

Agency: Interface Advertising Sdn Bhd

Ad Age Global has reported that the OMD turnaround actually

Creative Director: Lakshmi Mohan

begun in Asia in 1997, when Omnicom Group CEO John Wren sent

Art Director: Jerome Jambu Copywriter: Dilaila Language : English / B.Malaysia

Mike Cooper, CEO Asia Pacific, to Hong Kong to build the Asia

Summary: This short commercial is a part of a branding

network. Cooper thought he would be a part of the existing global

exercise for EON. This particular TVC highlights the

network - that he would use the tools and processes of more

strengths of the brand.

established networks in Europe to kick start things in Asia. "I had no idea that we were, in fact, going to be the first proper Brand : KFC Chicky Meal Title: Chicky "Fun Builder" Duration: 15 + 5 seconds Client: KFC Malaysia

network of agencies," Cooper said. "Everywhere else in the world we were like a cottage-industry media company; lots of good offices, but no proper network to speak of and no positioning. Even promotional

Agency: BBDO Malaysia

materials I was sent to work with were of limited use - the logo was

Creative Director : Paul Regan

printed on a background of solely European faces and had a European

Art Director: Wendy Chiu Copywriter: Jonathan Chang Language: English / B.Malaysia / Mandarin Summary: Promoting a set of Chicky 'Fun Builder' toys b Free Milo Size-up

flag in it. Not much use in Asia." While billings are still considerably smaller than regional leader MindShare, Cooper has led OMD into respectability in Asia Pacific in 2002, key wins included Kao China, 3M Singapore and Thai telecom operator DTAC. In Ad Age Global, Cooper mentioned that he was in "splendid isolation" - growth in Asia was not being mirrored within other

Brand : Pantene Extra Moisturizing

parts of the global network. "I really couldn't sell clients a global

Title: Extra Duration: 15 seconds

offering," he said. "That's why 2002 was phenomenal. I didn't think

Client: P&G

they could do it, but they have - we can now confidently say we are

Agency: Grey Worldwide Creative Director : Supat Watthana

part of a global business, and that gives us a little extra swagger in

Art Director: Kanny Chan

our step... and it makes us proud to think that a lot of our global

Copywriter: Joseph Francis & Newan Tsang Language : English / Chinese / B.Malaysia Summary: This copy introduces Extra Mositurizing, a brand

positioning today has its origins in Asia." ©

new variant in the Pantene Line-up. The strategy anchors on the proposition of 'Extra' goodness/richness of the product to give superior protection for hair against damage from right to the tips of hair.

Brand: Dove




Title: "Droplet" Duration: 20 seconds Client: Dove - Unilever Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Creative Director : Sonal Dabral

JOWELL JOINS M&C COLIN JOWELL, a South African, has recently joined M&C Saatchi as director of strategic planning. Previously, he was the strategic planning director of M&C Saatchi in South Africa, where he

Art Director : Gavin Simpson

handled airline, insurance, fast food, and media clients. He was

Copywriter: Paul Lim

responsible for the launch of the country's first low-cost airline,

Language : English / B.Malaysia / Chinese Summaiy: Announcement ad of a massive sampling activity for Dove Cream Shampoo and Conditioner. The message in the ad was to share with viewers that many people have tried using Dove Cream Shampoo & Conditioner and are convinced with the moisturization benefit, and Dove is bringing the produa to homes around the country. - which means "easily" in the Zulu language. Prior to that stint, he was the marketing director of an Internet start up. He began his advertising career at TBWA, where he worked in telecoms and retail. When asked what he hopes to accomplish in Malaysia, Jowell said that he wants to instill a "holistic planning

For more information please call Chianean Lim of MediaBanc at 03 7983 6668


culture" with "more accountable advertising, better use of research and analysis, but never forgetting the best creative spirit, which is what really sets our industry apart." ©

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NEWS BRIEFS: WORLD • ROBERT/BOISEN & LIKE-MINDED UNVEIL CANNES CAMPAIGN Danish agency Robert/Boisen £r Like-Minded, part of Grey Global Group, has created a global print and film 'call for entries' campaign for the Cannes International Advertising Festival. This is the first ever such campaign created for the festival. The "stop him" campaign comprises a film and three print executions. The film can be viewed at the festival website (

TBWA Wins Award for

Tourism Malaysia Campaign Raymond Choong and Chris Howden Onboard; Chris Chong's Down Under

• "DEMAND A BROADER VIEW" FROM BBC WORLD BBC World has launched the television execution of its current global advertising campaign, "Demand a Broader View", launched off-air last November. The campaign is managed by Tanya Toberman in BBC World's Marketing Department and produced by BBC Broadcast Producer Richard Heeley. BBC World's new channel generic promotion was filmed in South Africa with Cape Town production company FilmsCape.

• TIME LAUNCHES STYLE & DESIGN ISSUE TIME magazine has launched a first-ever global 'Style & Design' special issue, which was available on Asian news stands from 10 March. The special issue is scheduled to be printed bi-annually. The issue builds on the magazine's bi-annual 'Fashion issue', which was launched in Europe in spring 2002. Over one million copies of the 'Style £r Design' issue were distributed worldwide 500,000 in Europe, 600,000 in the US, and 200,000 in Asia. Highlights in the inaugural issue included "The Shape of Things to Come", "10 Soleful Questions for Sarah Jessica Parker", and "Fashion Face-Off: Is there a Future in Fashion's Past?"




•i 1


1,. '

IN addition to the recent HSMAI Hospitality, Sales & Marketing Association International - 'Adrian Global Bronze Awards for the 'Malaysia Truly Asia' image campaign in January 2003 for Tourism Malaysia , TBWAISC has won another PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association - 2003 Gold Award for the 'Haven't Been There' travel campaign poster. The award was presented on 14 April 2003 at

• SECOND GLOBAL CAMPAIGN FOR MAS Malaysian Airways' second phase of 'Going Beyond Expectations' global campaign will run in 17 markets around the world, according to the company. Launched on 17 March the campaign will run till 17 May with print and TV spots and a website promoting the 'Choose Your Dream Holiday' competition. The competition was developed by Leo Burnett Malaysia, together with CNN and Time Warner. The first stage of Malaysian Airlines 'Going Beyond Expectations' global campaign launched in 2002. Getty Images Gives Customers Greater Freedom, Selection, Convenience With New

the 52nd PATA Annual Conference in Bali and is set to be featured in the PATA 2003 Annual Conference Daily. According to PATA, the Gold Award was for "exceptional achievement in a variety of endeavours and innovation, bringing acclaim to the best region's travel industry has to offer." TBWA said the intent and purpose of the campaign was to arrest the holiday travel slow down on the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in New York and the Bali bombing. The key objective was to draw Australian

Release of

travellers to Malaysia. The campaign was developed for Tourism Malaysia, working



Getty Images has announced the completion of a major new release of its web site, which includes access to full-service online photo assignments. All of Getty's royalty-free offerings, including Artville and EyeWire, have been consolidated to the Photodisc name and are within the Getty website ( There is also direct access

Langkawi, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak. The campaign was targeted to even the most

jointly with Malaysia Airlines. It showcases

to many third party royalty-free collections - Digital Vision, Rubberball Productions, Thinkstock and Brand X Pictures. Royalty-free film footage is also available for direct download.


destinations -



seasoned travellers and included various flyand-stay holiday packages. The campaign ran in Australian press and print publications, as well as other international publications. In other TBWA news, Raymond Choong has been hired as group account director and Chris Howden has been brought onboard as executive creative director.

Raymond has steadily evolved over the past seventeen years - from advertising executive to regional account management to customer relationship management, and now, as a group account director. He's worked with O&M, Peter Beaumont and Friends, Relationship Marketing International and Naga DDB as well as putting in time as a lecturer at the Institute of Advertising Communication Training. His accounts at TBWA will include the regionally aligned brands like Adidas, Samsonite and Syngenta. Chris Howden, an ADOI columnist of late, returns to Malaysia after a half-year sojourn in New Zealand. Previously he worked for two years with Lowe in Malaysia. After seven years as a copywriter in London, Chris went to Saatchi and Saatchi in Auckland in 1987. At 26, he was one of the youngest creative directors in the Saatchi network. By the late 90s, Chris was the creative director of Singleton Ogilvy & Mather - the third largest agency in the New Zealand. Although he's spent much of his professional life in the West, his Asian roots remain strong - Chris was raised in Hong Kong. He tells ADOI he is excited to return to Malaysia and is looking forward to working across TBWA's client roster. TBWA also reports that Chris Chong, formally a group account director, recently spent a few weeks in Melbourne undergoing training to become a strategic planner. He is an understudy to Paul Mayes, a senior planner with Whybin TBWA £r Partners. Paul will continue to oversee training with periodic visits to Kuala Lumpur when Chris returns. He will be involved with key accounts and new business. He will work closely with the other companies in the group - Tequila (CRM) and WMD (media) to develop segmentation and channel/media strategies. Also, a group from the TBWA Malaysia office, which included Lea Banwell, Austen Zecha and Thillai Varna recently attended the TBWA World Conference in Santa Monica, USA - the first to be held in five years. Representatives from 69 countries worldwide listened to presentations and updates from the global and regional heads, including Jean Marie Dru's outline of the TBWA shared values of "integrity, curiosity, respect and courage." Editor's Note: As Chris Howden is now back in Malaysia, his New Zealand-based Whispers With Sheep column, will no longer appear in ADOI

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Carlson White

OgilvyOne has launched the Ogilvy Loyalty Index, a new proprietary tool touted to help businesses identify where the greatest profit opportunities exist for a product or service. The tool is based on an independent consumer study of half a million consumers worldwide conducted by Millward Brown, like OgilvyOne, a WPP company. The agency said the index can be applied to 16,000 brands in more than 100 product categories across 30 countries, including eight in Asia, and is updated annually.

• NOKIA AND XM IN ONLINE LAUNCH OF NEW MODEL Nokia has launched its Nokia 7250 with an online showcase demonstrating the cellular phone's technical attributes and styling. " A phone for really creative individuals would need something a little more special to relate to," said Adrian Lee, campaign executive at Nokia. "So, XM . returned with a site concept that not only Nokia 7250 showed off aesthetic beauty and features but delivered an 'eye-catching' interactive experience on par with the creative imagery of the phone that also translates unto the TVC and retail POS materials."

• MASTERCARD SURVEY SAYS CHINA TOP DESTINATION China has trumped Singapore as the most visited country for business travels, according to its Asian Lifestyles survey, an exercise designed to monitor business travel trends across the Asia Pacific region. Conducted in December 2002, the latest survey revealed that Asia Pacific countries - in particular, China (21%), Hong Kong (12%) and Singapore (10%) were top destinations for business travels. China took the lead from Singapore in 2002 as the most visited destination for business. The same survey conducted in December 2001 revealed that Singapore (17%) was the most visited destination for business with China (16%) at a close second.

• PENNZOIL APPOINTS GREY IN INDONESIA PT. Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia, the sole licensee of the Pennzoil brand has Grey Worldwide, Grey Interactive, G2, Grey Direct and Mediacom as its agencies for the Indonesian market. Grey won the assignment in a multi-agency pitch that also involved BBDO, Publicis, Fortune, and Creative Network. Grey's appointment includes the complete range of Pennzoil products -engine oil, grease, break fluid, gas treatment and car care products - as well as any future Pennzoil products launched in Indonesia. Pennzoil currently has a top-three market share in the country.

Michael Gomez

LOCAL event management company Carlson White won the 'Best Event produced for a Corporation of Association in the US$250500,000 category at the "Special Events Magazine 2002 Gala Awards" in January in Orlando, Florida, USA. Carlson White's management of 'Ambang Merdeka Putrajaya 2002 heat out two other nominees, from St Louis, Missouri, USA and Sydney, Australia. The national day-eve event was initiated and funded by Perbadanan Putrajaya and included a massive 9,360 square foot floating stage at the Putrajaya Lake Club. The event company was nominated by a panel of judges from the Special Events Magazine

• AXN: CSI A HIT IN SEA Singaporean and Filipino viewers have made CSI: Crime Scene Investigation the most watched programme on an international TV channel amongst PMEBs and AB class viewers. In Singapore, Taylor Nelson Sofres announced that during the premiere broadcasts of new CSI episodes on 19 and 26 February 2003, AXN's percentage rating points leap-frogged even those of terrestrial broadcaster Channel I. In the Philippines, AC Nielsen ratings for the premiere episode of CSI III on 19 February saw AXN outclass all other international payTV channels, making it the channel of choice for the AB class during the 9-iopm premiere broadcast.

• HALLMARK CHANNEL LAUNCHES ADOPTION Hallmark Channel has launched its first original reality drama series, which premiered on 5 March. The nonscripted reality program chronicles the experiences of families, birth parents and adoptive children. The 13part programme airs every Wednesday at 11pm and is executive produced by Hallmark Entertainment's Robert Halmi, Jr and Jeff Weinstock.

30 3DQI


Ning Baizura at Ambang Merdeka Putrajaya 2002


by Esther Eng

Advisory Board, who narrowed the field from the hundreds of entries received for 34 different categories. "It was the world's largest gathering of event professionals with some 1,150 industry professionals attending the show and conference," said Carlson White managing director Michael Gomez. "We are extremely pleased to have won the award as this not only means that we have been recognised internationally for the creativity and excellent production work put in, but it is also an achievement for being the only Malaysian special event management company to clinch this award, which is a reflection of the progress the industry has made over the years." Gomez said the special events industry in Malaysia has grown by leaps and bounds, but there was still plenty of room for further growth, particularly in the professional and regulatory areas of the industry. The International Special Events Society, Gomez said, has regulated the industry in the US since 1987. The ISES has around 3,000 members in 30 chapters around the globe. The Special Events Magazine has a strategic alliance with the ISES. Gomez also confirmed that Carlson White is currently exploring business expansion strategies through alliances with special event management companies in the US, and the setting up of other Carlson White offices in Asia Pacific. Carlson White conceptualised and managed the official opening of the Petronas Twin Towers on 31 August 1999. ©

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Long Yun Siang

users to keep track of what's happening in the four big events Petronas associates itself: Formula i, British Touring Car Championship, Super Bikes and Touring. iLeo will continue to manage Petmos FC site through 2004.

Yee Thong

In line with DDB International's lightening quick expansion, the agency has announce the appointment of Wong Yee Thong as brand planning director, and Long Yun Siang as group account director. Yee Thong was previously from Bates Hong Kong, where he worked with regional clients HSBC (HK), Citibank (KL), Nestle, Heineken and Shell. Long has worked locally with Leo Burnett and J Walter Thompson. His client role includes Kellogg's, Procter and Gamble, BristolMyers Squibb, Wyeth, Disney, Prudential Unit Trusts and the British Council.

• ILEO UNVEILS WEBSITE FOR PETRONAS iLeo, the direct, digital and database arm of Leo Burnett, developed a website for the Petronas Motorsports Fan Club, Petmos FC. The site went live on 18 March, just before the Malaysia GP. The site ( allows

Lowe has hired two new creative directors in Asia Pacific: In Malaysia, Trevor Delaney has been appointed creative director following the departure of Chris Howden. Before joining Lowe, Delaney has extensive experience working in leading agencies in South Africa including Ogilvy & Mather, Saatchi & Saatchi, Leo Burnett and D'Arcy. In Vietnam, Alex Shipley has taken over from Ramon Calibra who will leave the agency to return to the Philippines. Alex Shipley

and Canada, including Saatchi & Saatchi and Leo Burnett.

• READER'S DIGEST GIVES AWAY RM320K Several Malaysians were awarded their cash prizes last month at a ceremony at a hotel in KL. Roland Bong Hian Foo won in the "Reader's Digest 2002 Contest", Syed Abdul Ghafar Bin Syed Hussain picked up RMi20,000 in the "Winner's Choice Contest 2002", and several others won from RM22,ooo to RM3,ooo. The "Reader's Digest 2002 Contest" drew over 250,000 entries. The magazine has given away over RM13.7 million since 1986.


In his 15-year advertising career, Shipley has worked for leading agencies in Singapore, a Malaysian interactive advertising agency and web consultant, won the top prize at a recent competition organised by local Chinese dailies, China Press and Nanyang Siang Pau. A spot for DRB-HICOM topped 34 other entries to be named the 2003 Best Chinese New Year Greeting Advertisement Award. The advertisement, entitled "Coming Together", emphasised the concept of togetherness by bringing together three different generations. The talent was drawn from the children of DRBHICOM employees.



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. ADQI/0403

Writless writing. by Dean Johns,

WE live in increasingly litigious times. In fact

also fail to follow your airline's advice to drink

so greedy for damages awards are some people and their lawyers that two vastly overweight consumers recently sued fast-food marketers for contributing to their obesity. SoI figure it's only a matter of time before a gang of heavy readers will bring a class action against us writers claiming we've caused them everything from eyestrain to brain damage.

plenty of water andmove around the cabin. CAUTION: this article is NOT TO BE TAKEN, except with a precautionary grain of salt. In case of overdose, induce vomiting by reading on. If symptoms persist, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE, as most doctors are better insured against law suits than we

Before you read this piece, therefore, here are a few words of WARNING that my legal representative has counseled me to issue. First off,Imust declare that what follows may be considered SHALLOW by some readers, so be advised that diving right into it may PARALYSE the mind. It is NOT A FLOTATION DEVICE, and while it is intended to buoy-up your spirits, no liability will be incurredby either its penner or publisher if you read it with a sinkingheart. Sitting and perusing it for hours may result in DEEP-VEIN THROMBOSIS, especially if you're abit of a clot to begin with, and HAVE you noticed how normal people are getting better at doing ads and, conversely, how standards in professional advertising are becoming more ordinary? Have you considered the serious ramifications this has for our pay packets? I guess the first part shouldn't be surprising, after all the average person has had a lifetime with popular culture being his/her main education and obsession. Most people are incredibly media savvy, with antennae finely tuned to every nuance and change in the Trend Winds. They recognize every trick-of-the-trade up the sleeves of today's marketers (who are mainly using the same old formulas), and sometimes they'll willingly play the game with them. Little wonder they are so adept at mass communication techniques when they feel the need to make their message heard. Look at the creativity, brevity, emotion and clarity in some of the anti-war protest slogans and banners around the world in the last few months. I saw such an example, on pre-war news footage about the Australian Prime Minister, that showed a compression of meaning and economy of words that would be the envy of any well paid professional slogan writer: NO HOWARD. At their best, when a layperson gets it right, they cut straight to the heart of the matter. I once came across a street vendor selling flowers at New York's Central Station on Valentine's Day. She had a chalk sign in front of her stall that promised: "Flowers today. Fireworks tonight." That down to earth lady showed more marketing savvy than many of the professionals gazing down from their blankfaced, glass towers. The flower-seller knew that successful advertising needs more than a



writers can afford tobe. Though extensively tested by Spell-Check(r), no warranty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy or efficacy of this work. As it MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS, do not read it while operating heavy machinery or while driving any conveyance under the meaning of the Act. Easily-impressed readers will find the following article ELECTRIFYING, and therefore must not use it near water. Whether or not you find it INFLAMMATORY, remember that the paper it is printed on is INFLAMMABLE, so keep away from lighters, matches and sate stalls.

DO NOT USE FOR OTHER THAN PURPOSE FOR WHICH SOLD. In other words this page is insufficiently soft or absorbent for use in personal hygiene, and is therefore, with no disrespect to our U.S. friends and allies, UNSUITABLE FOR SEPTIC TANKS. For those of you risking an ambulance ride by reading this while ambulatory, I had better say DANGER: WET FLOOR. Though for me this message is dangerously ambiguous and could as easily be seen as a command rather than the cautionI assume it's meant to be. Finally we come to CONTENTS: appro­ ximately 500 words consisting mostly of common nouns and active verbs, flavoured and coloured with naturally-occurring adjectives and adverbs. Guaranteed 100% FREE of MSG, cholesterol, salty expressions or sugary sentiments. There, that should just about cover it. Oops...less than 30 words to go. Not much room for the article I've been leading up to. Perhaps I should have warned you up front that, with prose as with so many packaged goods, CONTENTS MAY SETTLE DURING SHIPMENT. In any case, CAVEAT EMPTOR, which as everybody knows is Latin for "so sue me.''©

How to be normal, without being ordinary by Michael Newman

product, it needs an emotional idea that connects to people. It doesn't have to be a profound moment or a life-changing thing. Just sparking a small electronic impulse in the consumer's brain, enough to curl the corners of the mouth, may be all you need to steer someone in the direction of your brand or market stall. Successful advertising is about making human connections through meaning, not product attributes. Buying decisions are now based less on functions and more on answers to questions such as: What is important to me? What do I want from life? Ads must pass the "relevancy test". The florist didn't describe the details of the actual flowers, only the substantial benefit they promised. Meanwhile, much paid advertising is becoming less succinct and less memorable. Instead, it's glossy and glib. Professional advertising is too feature-driven and emotionally hollow. Advertisers might be too earnest to understand the power of being irreverent. But in real life, there are all kinds of emotional appeals that people find attractive. Iremember a woman with a market-stall in London's Camden whose handmade birdcall whistles just weren't selling. Her sign was typical of much advertising: it said what the product was (a whistle), what its features were (handmade) and how cheap you could buy it. It read: "Handmade Bird whistles, £2."

When she had the good intuition to change the sign to address an emotional benefit, she sold out of merchandise in one day. It wasn't a sappy, addy emotion like a professional would do, instead her new sign promised: "Annoy the sh*t out of someone for £2." Not only are we poor professionals under attack from amateurs, science is having a go at supplanting us too, if we don't lift our game. In an article by Dr. Jacob Goldenberg, Dr. David Mazursky, and Dr. Sorin Solomon, of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, that appeared in Science magazine, they described a computer formula for creating new advertisements that were "surprisingly simple, yet unnervingly effective." They used what they called a "replacement template" to generate surprising juxtapo­ sitions. Their tests show that the adver­ tisements produced by the computer were invariably ranked higher in creativity and originality than those created by ordinary subjects. "The land of the imagination is a country like any other," they said, "with laws, rituals and a tireless police corps that must be obeyed if one hopes to retain citizenship there." In short, it's just as you've always known. Everyone's an expert when it comes to advertising. © Michael Newman is author of the book Creative Leaps -10 lessons in effectiveness inspired at Saatchi £r Saatchi; he heads the ideas company brandnewman (

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