Adoi Malaysia 2000 February

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KDN NO: PP 9995/7/2000

MITA (P) 348/04/99


ACNielsen M


Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad Level 7, Menara PGRM 8, Jalan Pudu, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Tel: 603-987 7777 Fax: 603-982 7751 /





ii fcfiT?

Malaysia's leading Multiple Media Group

Notes from the editor There's a 'fear' gripping advertising agencies these days. With unbundling, many agencies are dubious about revenue streams. The shift from commission to fee-based compensation has caught many agencies flat-footed; this is new territory for them. Advertisers are also going direct to management consultancies for advice, robbing agencies of valuable fees. Good people are opting out of advertising in favour of management consultancies. There's a massive brain drain in this area, no thanks to the recent economic fall-out which saw a shrinkage in smart people due to lay-offs and so on. Worse still, these 'exiles' are now hesitant to return to the fold. The ad industry has lost its capability to hang on to good people. There is no clear agenda for grooming future advertising stars. Many agencies are still wary of the interactive environment. They are not conversant about this development and rather shy away from it (there's help on page 12). The issue of seeking royalty payments for intellectual work is grey. Putting the fine print to print is considered by many as a strange way of doing business; generally speaking client-agency relation­ ships are still based on an intimidation concept (no matter how much you hear about partnerships). The client is always right; he calls the shots. Many agencies have folded because clients were late to pay or simply did not do so. Things are looking up in the Singapore ad scene with the SingtelStarhub war ready to boil over very soon. There'll be a flush of ad spending which in turn will rake up the spend in other categories too; as they try to be noticed in the increased clutter. With high domination of the main media by the telco giants, niche media will rule the day as advertisers will need them so they can stand out in the clutter. Another piece of good new concerns a recent survey which indicates that jobs in Singapore will be plentiful this year for the I.T., Telecommunications and advertising sectors. In Malaysia, word has it that an army of about seven ad agencies were called to make their credentials pitch for the MAXIS account. There's has been no word on next steps and incumbent McCann-Erickson keeps rolling out the good stuff as the festive season blossoms across the land. But the most eagerly awaited news is the announcement of the Agency of Record (AOR) for the Rothmans-MTC cigarette brandname business, which is touted to be the biggest media consolidation in the history of Malaysian advertising. Zenith, OMD, MediaCompete-PBf and Mindshare are in the running. Stay tuned.

Talking to a market leader in market research.,.pg 4, 5 & 6 Online advertisers call for third-party va! 7 Good news for love birds.„pg 8 Relax, it's just another 18 The net will render the ad industry 24

Lennart talks about everything under the sun except his mysterious golf handicap ...Page 4



Indra Sinha fires a salvo...Page 24


The Editor

Things are beginning to steam up at TBWA S'pore. Page 22

MANAGING EDITOR Harmandar Singh aka Ham PRINTER Prom-Ad Creative Communications OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER Jen Siow DESIGNER Chang Sheau Yun COLOUR SEPARATOR Screen Gallery Sdn Bhd ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES ADLANTIS Communications Sdn Bhd No. 44C, Jalan 19/3, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 603-754 7271 Fax: 603-757 3343 E-mail: DISTRIBUTION Efficient Lettershop, Mag Media Distributors (M'sia) and MarketAsia (S'pore).

ADOI magazine is published every month by Sledgehammer Communications Sdn Bhd (Company No: 289967-W) 22B Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad Satu, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-716 2588. Fax: 603-716 2598. ©All rights reserved by Sledgehammer Communications Sdn Bhd. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without prior permission in writing from the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the publisher and the editor assume no responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences of reliance of information in this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher or editor. Advertisements are the sole responsibility of the advertisers.

Lennart Bengtsson's career in ACNielsen stretches back to 1980 and it has taken him across the globe and to Australia where he was appointed to the Board of Directors in 1996. This 20-year veteran has also served as Marketing Manager at SMEDBO AB in Sweden, and worked for the Swedish Trade Commission in Australia as well as the British Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Sweden. As a former client of market research himself, Lennart understands clients' needs and what drives value-added services and solutions. He believes that ACNielsen's 76 years of experience and 30,000 employees in more than 100 countries make it the world leader in research, information and analysis - 9,000 clients agree with him. Apart from ACNieslen Malaysia, Lennart was recently entrusted the added responsibility of managing ACNielsen Singapore (double trouble he quips jokingly) and now splits his week between both offices. A quiet unassuming man, who's golf

handicap is nothing to shout about, Lennart has lent a steadying hand and pacifying influence over a leading-edge organization with multiple product offerings and a staff force of almost 700 people across both markets. He is not your ordinary cut and dry market research professional - in fact we found Lennart very warm, humourous and at times (if I may add) creative and

witty. He obviously loves his job, takes everything in his stride and is a mountain of unwavering strength. When ADOI met up with him in his KL office we decided to do our own little in-depth research about the man who walks and talks research. Please tell us a little about yourself and ACNielsen Malaysia. I was born in Sweden, got educated in Sweden, got my first job in Sweden and even joined ACNielsen in Sweden.... this is eons ago. This was down south in Malmoe. Then I went on to spend a year in London before going to university. After that I went to work in Australia for two years before returning to Sweden as a marketing manager. But I really liked Australia and soon after, I just packed my bags and off I went back to Aussie land. There I rejoined ACNielsen in 1985, spent a good nine years in Melbourne and then four years in Sydney before coming to KL. I arrived here in probably the

So you"re doing both Malaysia and Singapore now. Yes, a long time ago it was more like having a main office in Singapore and then moving to KL as an added option. Now it is the other way around. Especially, with all the many manufacturing organizations, clients now want joint servicing for Malaysia and Singapore simply because that's how they've struc­ tured themselves. So it makes a lot of sense for us to do the same. As far as my schedule is concerned I have decided to stay physically here in KL with my family and cut my week in half between the two cities. We are well established in Singapore and have a similar profile there in terms of the three business units; retail measurement services, media and customised research all serving almost the same client base we have in Malaysia. That's why it makes sense to integrate both the offices, in fact clients are already asking for joint proposals for both markets.

How about ad spend? Ad spend is up but that's taken against a very tough year in 98. Agencies are now returning with a vengeance with increased media spend but the real challenge is in optimising the media buy especially with the enormous variety of media options available. You have a multitude of television and radio channels, newspapers, magazines and then there's the internet. I feel we will witness a much more savvy media buyer taking a centre stage role in this media optimisation process in the coming year. And there are not many of them around. What are you doing in terms of additional services to the industry? The challenge is for us to cover everything. We have a few gaps to bridge and will do so this year. One area is outdoor advertising which we did not cover in the Adex. We used to; but some of the clients fell out. So we'd like to get them back in because I believe they will benefit from it and certainly the

iarket leader research worst time; it was January 1998 and the ringgit was trading at 4.67 to the Dollar. Well I figured things could only get better from thereon. 1998 was a tough year but ACNielsen had a good year, with profits across the board. So we had a good basis to work from. Last year was just fantastic with double-digit revenue growth, the best year in the history of the company since we began here 35 years ago. We have over 460 staff now. We also have another company on the fourth floor called ACNielsen Asia Pacific. We have 50 propeller heads there, highly talented experts sitting down writing software for the entire region, and even for the world!

You've been very vocal and upbeat about the economic recovery.... Right, six months ago I said the recovery is going to happen. Singapore was not affected as badly as we were here. But yes, there is solid evidence

media planners will welcome it. We know how to do this well; in Australia we have done it very effec­

tively. The other area is Pay TV. And finally, we have ACNielsen ^ completes the picture with its internet tracking study. We owe it to the industry to cover everything. What about the peoplemeter tracking for television? Our challenge in television audience tracking is to convert all our offline meters to online meters this year, because now more of them have telephones in their homes. What that will do for the industry is that instead of waiting for a week for your ratings, you can get them overnight. The second improvement we are going to implement is when we replace the meters, we will replace them with digital capabilities plus incorporating the homes that are now subscribing to Pay TV. For the benefit of our readers, can you explain the differences between online and offline meters? When I speak about online meters, which are the bulk of our meters in the country, they automatically ring up at 3am in the morning and then instantly download the info into our computers here on the 18th floor. So it's a very quick process and the report is up to the minute. In offline meters, all the data about viewing patterns and by whom in the homes is stored in a memory bank in the television or inside our computer that is attached to the television and we pick that data up physically once a week from the homes and down­ load it into a diskette or CD. So it is a tedious and expensive process because we have to have people going into the jungles to pick up the stuff on a weekly basis. Now we want to move everything

that we are on our way to quick healing now. You cannot really look at the stock market for such indications; we look at 'consumerland', that is where everything starts and stops really. We measure consumer sentiment and when that improves dramatically, you know things are going to pick up. But again, that's only one side of the coin, because if people are not spending, it ain't gonna happen! Fortunately, we are seeing more spending now. The comeback is going to be a little more solid. Scaling new heights - the peak of Mt Kinabalu, South East Asia's highest mountain.


Earning the right to serve clients How do you track radio? For radio, we use a sticker diary which has stickers featuring logos of the respective radio stations. My stand on radio is we should run more regular diary sweeps, otherwise the industry works with rela­ tively old data. Take for example in Australia, we run ten diary sweeps a year compared to here we do only one. But I can see the radio industry wanting to see it being done more regularly; obviously it's a funding issue too. What is the 'ACNielsen Way1? We launched that a year ago. Essentially it is an internal change where our clients will see that the look and feel of our identity will look the same across the globe no matter which ACNielsen office they visit in the world. There will be one systematic look and feel in our presentation materials, corporate branding and overall image that's unique to ACNielsen. The second part of the ACNielsen Way is the software part if you like, a cultural or mindset change in the way we deal with our clients. It's like putting on the client's hat and thinking and seeing things from their perspective. But there's more to it of course.

100% correct answer? Maybe not. We can do that; we can give a 100% correct answer but nobody in the world will be able to afford it. So it's a balance between value and benefit. We are in the business of providing valuable consumer insights to our clients. Of course, the pressure to get things right the first time around is enormous. But that's the kind of pressure we want. We, I believe, should earn the right to serve our clients. And this conviction to earn the right to service our clients applies across all our business units. We also take pride in doing everything inhouse, by ourselves. That's why we maintain a large workforce. We do not subcontract our work out to any third party, unlike what most other companies do. And we do this for only for one reason - quality. We all know what we are doing, we do it all time and we do it all by ourselves. We owe it to our clients to deliver the one thing they treasure most - QUALITY.

What sort of people do you recruit for your company? If they have a media, computing or a brand management background, we will take them. Our staff profile is very varied. There are statistical minds here, analytical experts and we have people who interact easily with people and so on. You have to be level-headed, must be a great listener and understand what the client wants. Customer satisfaction is what it is all about. At the sgtme time, we also believe in employee satisfaction. Some people say research must be taken with a pinch of salt. What do you say? There are so many different types of research. I feel that if the brief is right and the methodology associated with that brief is right, there's no need to take that piece of research with a pinch of salt. Because why commission it in the first place if it is not going to be worth its salt. Why invest in research if it is not going to help you make wiser business decisions? Most research conducted is sample based. So is it going to give you a

ACNIELSEN PROPRIETARY SERVICES • ACNielsen BASES - for sales forecasting through simulated test marketing to lower the risks of launching and relaunching products. • WINNING BRANDS - for managing and maximising the value of brands by measuring underlying strengths and potential for future growth. • CUSTOMER eQ - for measuring and managing customer satisfaction and loyalty for long term strategic direction, optimising of resources and building of customer equity. • ads@work - provides a speedy, accurate assessment of how real audiences will respond to your advertising, combining leading-edge computeraided measurement with truly qualitative diagnostic tools. • ACNielsen ACTIVATE - the largest provider of specialist qualitative research in Asia Pacific, deliveringcritical consumerinsights for brand success. • Global NetWatch - the definitive survey profile of the world internet population. • ACNielsen - worldwide industry standard for Hacking internet audiences and advertising. brings accountability into internet measurement With the call by online advertisers for third party validation of user population figures, clickthrough rates and demographic data provided by website operators, the age of Internet accountability has arrived. Which makes the launch of ACNielsen ^, the first global internet measurement service, most timely. This joint venture between world's leading market research company ACNielsen (80%) and leading internet researcher NetRatings Inc (20%) made its debut in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the UK with other countries expected to join in the successive global rollouts. Singapore makes perfect sense for the initial launch of ^ since it is the most 'wired' city in Asia with 32% of the population hooked up to the internet. Mrs Hoe Chin Fee who is the new Managing Director of ACNielsen ^ Singapore has over twenty years of experience in market research and management. Trained in both qualitative and quantitative research disciplines, Chin Fee's experience spans two continents with stints in research companies in the UK and Ireland, as well as many years specializing in multi-country projects in the Asia Pacific. She also served as Managing Director of ACNielsen Research Singapore for five years prior to her current position. Beginning with Global Netwatch, the definitive survey profile of the world internet population, she aims to harness this borderless medium for clients by providing not only quality information, but real-time access as well, in order to tap new opportunities in a fast-moving marketplace. ADOI checked out their website at and interviewed Mrs Hoe on this exciting new development in the region. You managed ACNielsen Singapore earlier and now How has that changed your work environment? Well the technology is new and it is certainly an ongoing learning experience. Plus this is a joint venture and we have a business partner in the US with NetRatings Inc. I'm involved with two organisations so to speak; one a very familiar company and another is a new technological partner. There's also a fair bit of travelling to the US. Can you give a quick overview of how it all works? We recruit homes as panelists for the internet study. Because of the complexity of the internet and the enormous amount of information available there, accurate measurements require advanced technology. Our proprietary software is installed by panel members in their computers and it collects the user data stream uniformly across all

computing platforms (PC, UNIX, MAC) whenever they surf the net. We track audiences activity across sites as well as complete, detailed information on ad banner campaigns, from content, exposure, response, ad location and so on. This behaviour is then linked to user demographics profiles for audience targetting and analysis. This info is collected in real-time in our NetRatings server in San Jose California. Our Data Collection Centre there processes the data and puts in up onto our website. Subscribers, by using a password will then gain access to this database for their respective markets and clients. How far have you progressed in Singapore on the recruiting of your panelists? We will complete the recruitment and get 2,000 panelists in February and the first reportable data should be available in March. We are fortunate to have clients who have already signed up with us in this early stage itself.

Who else will be your possible clients? Internet service providers (ISPs), website owners, content providers or anyone looking at e-commerce as new distribution channels. ISPs can use our 'ratings' info to set rate cards for advertising or use our advertising tracking data to identify potential clients and monitor support for competitive sites. Advertisers, on the other hand, can plan campaigns, target specific demographic groups better, monitor ad delivery and competitive activi­ ty. E-commerce businesses can have all the info on real-time user activity, necessary for timesensitive actions and deliveries. Since the launch of the Nielsen//NetRatings service in the US early last year, about 140 companies have signed up. And these include Yahoo!,, Bloomberg, Procter & Gamble, Time Warner, America Online, Reuters, Viacom, Microsoft, J Walter Thompson, USA Today, Adobe, Chase Manhattan and so on.

How does ACNielsen itself « « 2.838.021 7.10 IT 15.560.965 come into play with ACNielsen | « « 2.754.708 6.89 __T 8.372.521 25 Well, ACNielsen ^ ___ 2.705.661 6.77 9.034.546 23 6.31 ~n~ Type in whot you're tooking is set up as a US company but in time we want to see the value of « « 2.603.983 6.51 ~16~ 8.035.180 27" integrating it with ACNielsen's « « WAHHA PROMOTE IT FOR FREET 2.59S.248 6.49 IT 5,844.684 44 other offerings. As you know, LHlKtXCnailSG WW w* ACNielsen already provides « « ^2.582^07 6-46 IF ",227,973 18 media data, with television ratings, radio ratings, print readership and Banner Ad Report ranks the most viewed ad banners during a week or month by so on. So as ^Ratings provides unique audience, reach, impressions and click rate. internet data, it will complete the loop with agencies getting all the info they need to make informed media decisions. It will Current Usage also complement our Size ('000) July 98-June 99 customised research services 950 32% where we provide attitu- Singapore --

- -




Growth: Internet Penetration in Asia Pacific

dinal information about the consumer. So if you are a marketer operatingin a market where ACNielsen exists, you will be able to buy integrated information at one go. And we hope to cover about 30 markets by the end of 2001, which automatically translates to about 90% of the world's internet audience.

New Zealand






Hong Kong






Malaysia (Peninsular)



Philippines (Metro Manila)

8% (Jan-Dec 98)


China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)



Indonesia (Jakarta and 10 cities)






Source: ACNielsen


Good news for love-birds

1 -*

Many centuries ago, it seems, humans took a gander at all this amorous avian activity and started thinking it might also be good for the goose. If birds of a feather can do it, people of medieval times must have reasoned, we might as well have some flocking fun too. As long as it's that season of year again, it seems timely to confess I've always felt somewhat half-hearted about St Valentine's Day Nothing against love or romance, you understand. It's just that the whole thing has seemed a tad suspect. Like one of those fake anniversaries people that admen and other huckters keep inventing - Mother's Day, Father's Day and the more recent Secretary's Day, for example, commemorating nothing but the age-old urge to stimulate the suckers into orgies of spending. So this year I decided to settle the question for once and for all, beginning with a check on whether there wasever a Saint named Valentine. An early Christian florist, perhaps, torn to pieces by a mob of women enraged by his refusal to divulge the names of guys who'd sent them bunches of flowers with anonymous love-notes attached. And yes, or so my trusty encyclopedia informs me, there was a Saint Valentine, or more likely two of them. Both of them Christians put

to death during third century Roman religious persecutions, and both sharing the Feast Day of February 14. But now for the bad news; neither St Valentine is known to have ever said or done anything to warrant the association of his name with a hearts-and-flowers love fest. Or, for that matter, with the event in 1929 that linked February 14 as strongly with killing as with kissing, - the slaughter of 7 associ­ ates of George 'Bugs' Moran by A1 Capone hitmen in what is remembered as The St Valentine's Day Massacre. Which brings me to a thought to which love has tended to blind us. The fact that, for countless living organisms on this planet, every St Valentine's Day is a massacre. Entire forests of trees are sacrificed to produce paper for soppy cards. Flowers beheaded by the ton to make bouquets. Schools of fish, herds of livestock and who knows how many hectares of vegetables turned into candle-lit dinners. Millions of bees worked to death to produce all that candlewax. And for

POP QUIZ: Test Your DMIQ Here's one on Direct Marketing, the answers to which clev­ erly appear upside down at the end of this article. But no headstands allowed! 1: What's the idealnumber of elementsin a Direct Mail Package? A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) As many as it takes 2: What is the most important in a Direct Mail Package? A) Outer Envelope

B) Letter

C) Brochure

D) Response Device 3: What mostinfluences the success of a Direct Mail Package? A) Offer

B) List

C) Timing

D) Creative

4: Why do most businesses lose customers? A) Product dissatisfaction B) Customer moved (died) C) No contact from the business D) Competition 5: What's a good response (orders or enquiries) in a DM programme? A) 2%

B) 2.5%

C) 5%

D) Break even point

6: Which medium achieves greatest \spontaneous awareness'? A) Press B) TV C) Direct Mail D) Radio


what? So that should we get lucky, what with the flowers and dinners and flattering light and all, billions and billions of sperm will perish in all the excitement. If you've started to think by now that St Valentine's Day sounds to be pretty much for the birds, you're absolutely right. Because it's with our feathered friends, or so some historians believe, that the whole thing actually started. About mid-February, apparently, after the long, cold Northern-Hemisphere winter, all the birds start to feel spring in the air and take to pairing-off, necking, billing and cooing and so on. In other words, it's on or around February 14 that, as the old English proverb puts it, birds of a feather flock together. Many centuries ago, it seems, humans took a gander at all this amorous avian activity and started thinking it might also be good for the goose. If birds of a feather can do it, people of medieval times must have reasoned, we might as well have some flocking fun too.

But as even in those uncivilised times it probably wasn't nice to flat-out say flock to a respectable chick. So they gave the event a more soulful and spiritual image by naming it for the Saint(s) whose day it happened to be. All of which accounts for the fact that, to this day, but only on February 14, it's considered perfectly proper to ask any flockable person of an appropriate gender to be your 'Valentine'. It pays to be pretty sure the sentiment is mutual before asking, though. After all, it's a terrible downer to shell-out good money for a card and flowers and a lovey-dovey dinner, only to be told at the end of the night that a flock is out of the question. Dean Johns is a partner in Sydneybased regional creativelmotivational consultancy CreAsia and strategic! creative hotshop StrADegy. Website

by Kurt Crocker, Partner - Drayton Bird\ Crocker & Mano 7: In a 90-second Direct Response TV spot; what's the minimum time a toll-free number should appear? A) 5 sees B) 10 sees C) 20 sees D) 30 sees 8: Research indicates that web surfers read a screen at what percentage of normal reading spead? A) 28% B) 52% C) 74% D) 100% 9: Can you sell complex products online? How much - per month - would you guess one U.S. company makes in internet sales of new and used cars? A) $2 million B) $10 million C) $50 million D) $300 million 10: Which of the following is NOT a reason why people don't buy online? A) No pre-sale assistance on-site

B) No purchase instructions

C) Fear of credit card security

D) No details about product availability

"D"0I 'dsB*M3jsj/3uioq/uioo-usurainodjBO//:dttq jno ^foaqQ d-6 *V"8 'sum {Bjoa jo pjiqj B ISBQJ jy AX UBlP 3J0UI souip jno^ 3-9 jqSnBj isnf ABS Aaqi JJ -uopBDiunmiuoD aimbaj sdtqsuopBpj pooQ Q-J? 'SIP* 3Jnqaojq 's{ps jattaq io{ B sasn ^s^giq s,japB3^ q-| :SH3MSNV 1-3 correct 4-6 correct lution.

Attend a good Direct Marketing seminar soon You are emerging from the dark ages. Pursue your evo-

7-9 correct

Have we met before?

10 correct

Are you standing on your head? If not, you're hired.

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T.c. yesterdays, an anxiety about now, and a fear of their tomorrow.

Zora Neale Hurston wrote: It can be psychically and psychologically "There are years that ask questions intimidating. You find yourself looking back and years that at the decades, century and millennium. answer." 2000 is a year that questions. It is a year that sits at the crossroads Century Syndrome. Everyone scrambled to buy of your time on earth. It is no ordi­ champagne or mock-champagne to To this day, people are still nary year, because it is the year that debating whether 2000 is the start toast the so-called new millennium. takes you out of the 20th century of the new millennium or not. At People were checking into hotels this point, it doesn't matter anymore. and prepares you not just for a new even at outrageously bloated rates year, but a new century and a new just to say they were there, part of We're already in the year 2000. millennium. But we are neither at the end nor in the millennium mob in the many the beginning of any millennium. We street parties all over the city. CNN It can be psychically and are in between. Right in the middleof even had its "One World, Many Parties" psychologically intimidating. You the segue from one temporal melody to special presentation running for find yourself looking back at the another. A chronological limbo. 3 whole days to celebrate this decades, century and millennium And, intuitively, we all know it. misguided but lucrative marketingthat were and ask "So what have I We all feel it, gnawing at our driven event. But after all the hype accomplished with my life? Where insides, making us question our and the hoopla, when everybody do I go from here? What happens lives, our whys and wherefores. Just had partied themselves out and now?" You might review your life, before 1999 ended and on through settled down back to the reality of watching its milestones in your the new year, I'd get calls or email everyday living, it hits. That odd, mind like an old movie. All the from friends, former agency colleagues, restless, dissatisfied feeling about commercials you've shot, all the family. They felt a certain sadness life. An unshakable cloud of ennui awards you've won, all the Armanis about themselves that they couldn't and malaise. A nagging depression. you've bought, all your successes describe. A wistfulness about their T.C.S., I call it. The Turn-of-theand failures, your trials and triumphs, Jigs Javier, Writer &Creative Consultant in Manila.


4444 your talents and your marketability. Then, suddenly, you're confronted with a feeling of emptiness. "Is that all there is?" It's the Turn of the Century, my dear. The burden of justifying ourselves to ourselves is heavier than it's ever been at any time in our lives. The need to prove to ourselves that we have lived life to the max, and that our lives have real worth carries more stress now than ever before. The pressure to suc­ ceed, to be somebody, to go on being a successful somebody has never been as strong as it is now in the year 2000. Don't ask me why. I'm no anthropologist or psychologist. I only know what I feel and what others tell me they feel. But it's there. The Zeitgeist of this unique and powerful year of transition. The year 2000. And life goes on. Whatever answers we may come up with for ourselves in this year that questions, whether these answers satisfy us or not, take heart in the words of the great artist, Agnes de Mille: "Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark."

... Mssmmm


mmmm mmmm

78ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road,hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulevO7-54reikkusai degawanoninbaahi 1-chapanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,rancerosendon schosligton street,ondonclifoyds banorsterfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld fin| atehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial ceaaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhroan broinamanld financial ceaajohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelorakam buiIdinhailajoanrcus aasarcusaat, 75 street,aagai: jou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centsamavirliamentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchandisinl, 11th floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg,apanatsulaysia tukamizfloor, cotton napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlayaia saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth amerhung consultants inanadaalanxus mediells house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobbs2801-4, 28/f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcolline i albeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichatrasae 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaanguesdner kuaaellfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatsuki-chapanjeanet & chaabordevenue de champarancebillll harbearbertshadea aiwatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hyaanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki,yprusdavinnel1 keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp centreong kjuatand yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmichcahrd elhiinbank of china tong ktimdlands farm t redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd,bengenska haindemar burstah 31, 2makoshi recoubota, rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecalifornia strewinse uebel ebel massy rock cirmirzlaysia taiyabiyoda bd< tiakarelleborennartebozg insutri awedengerie bank oahleeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park sosatonyny chi fchiest 36th atreetsaites natumarass des nationswitzejamellis coroventrrinity square, nglanjoeatgerforellancccanmon street,pau »m house,nglannickrldwide abjohn level, the colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog baringaithree exchange ong kmarykinsey sheung asia pacific fong krenarburg dioerner one exchange song kchrikineey Shan asia pacifi j, finang4, alexandra hoong kcathg finanasang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgracloraon smhanfloor, three exong kcecis electram citibank towerong kcandlomon smeefloor, three exong kcarirmes bouharlyS the galler rporate tegerherisau/switzerbern trust ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, 1 exchanong keriknputer sandyfairview park dbrianputer slbansfairview park djustnd york orbett 33, umhlanga pjoanire traveung devon house, tangethay pacams 1508-10, 15f,rene traveluirene travel mildawiy travel eungeaat town buildsheirlson wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. world trade cathrringtonhuangr. world trade rossldraan sau., asia pacifickennrclays co. citibank towejoselaysia aguon. central towerdi ling., devon housemaryedit agrsoi., one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newenngshan road, shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. 44-48. ermarikenjny corpoatanuk5. kitashinagawapanfranldman saufloor, asia pac L-auers-2 nishi-shinjuapandaoanghai mingzhong shan roadhinairinsBia - aperanea 103025alexima comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildingheine peninsaldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye peninsrettir of ayala and epublmarie peninslvarad little santa msaronae riz-caarkerinterstate norttlan sashikoS, umeda, kitaOapanakire ritz-chibaS, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathom hailaelaiar stearollinspark avenue,ew yoherbur seasoliessnast 57th streetaajimur seasoitzgiblSl3, new worldong kpierand hyatonardrajdamri road,hailapatrand hyatardyng shou road.aiwank rpfoyking road,ong kseanrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road,hailamichdeaways hielislington st..sagaildeaways ichardislington st.saleen moo deee, samsung-dong,oreakangn moo deee, aameung-dong,oreajan raarrioteesbeekhumvit road,hailadermrriott waic place, 88 qucmg krickrrlott ham701 ang kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertcrtt drive, deptgeofrriott iarside701, west wing,ong ksteprriott iaggert 1809, two paciong kbernrriott sennis 10, 45 clarencustradouge pan paoudenrama iv road, shailamanork sherairmanioad, chennaindiarobingkor 1 clareinouth patrient-expriffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrenditiiy fciia.peteeraton jlatsaarth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong ksilve orientrombetriental avenue,hailadeningkor lallisem house, 16a cnglanre ritz-cvers fernwood road.rrriott iversott drive, deptnitedjanngkor lar< , 16a cnglanshasj palaceartyar patel marg,ew deeddirage intsengx SIMMs NMjfr'lott lcphersott drive,nited johniratea telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia aadir 42713,nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713,nitedmanmlaysia aingh4-bangunan mas,alaysimdalaysia aliic corporate tosajoanthay paciaoloor, ubn toweralayssham 3, bangunan masalayssyedlayaia axizloor, ocat bldgapanmaaalayaia inlwyniiUtfl 4111, 1-apanhiehlayaia aarkouk orient travel audi jacqlaysia aalaspiwest georgia stikuolaysia ahutohloor, ocat bldgapannoboited airumaichi nomura builapanmohaudi araburkist742,audi yeohrthwest hyeorth bridge roaingapngn Lne house, 2ingaprazalaysia taudarkt ii,ederaalaysia tnurrudd floor. M,J—CM—M^oneyallaghl,3/f dina housong kjeanet henesaeppelasia pacific,ong kkathtee laudongoifth avenue,ew yorolagardereanguinavenue de malakrancejohnd ross iuncan chandos streetustratsunproject sawal-202, jingu-maapan.dou fhclyde businesscotlalanark allantaudlesunset boulevarspatiacyo aiBKW 1W1, bBzOoakaMt krogerwaves wraggsective place,ondonrolas must duserloor, jardine hong kdeselsom liergage house,odesmnunicoreaver lockwood avenueorgieddia holdirtwok ocean centre,ong kadriedit Buiarchesn madison avenuew yobenjnkingei Lties (richm perigneoffro social 20,rancelydiutsche mwok one fgl tin ^long kscotaClBBHilanbrsecond street,dstillersallowe-wagen road,21-88willloitte ihowloor, wing on cong kshamizabeth uruganx 849 point,elaibertaooutz-chay centre, 1120anadamariberta mouesterway centre, 112anadafredn amro heungfloor, iereen cehtafloor, wing on ong ktoraothur andheu grand buildiTUpB^tockcunstriceofiflJ nai tfizaalajncuiaetricartlagrirjg road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two paciong ksteprclays ci citibank towerong krogerclays cavis citibank towerong kstevedit suian three exchangeong kmarkiratesmbletox 92, dubai/nitedjanet we. 126Oenmaredwaldman, sobiBkyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbelaiMl bOHoriroad street,sarichrris canixonBth sreet n.e.anadamahmghgate hhimji. John carpente5062peterd servichiffe peachtree roadmeliw transackayevel 255,ustrajakerdine flyncgfloor, jardine ong klindstitutiocottprinting hou devewangf1. inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle nqazvtfeiulOftBliawm thompsothrawang road.hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07-54reikkusai degawanoninbashi 1-chapanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,raneerosendon schosligton street,ondoncl 3terfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld financial ceaacBMta&n fiurxill Oisalorihman broillyaxld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial ceaaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld financial cesajohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelo tnhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajao flu,.: **' l»®dleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centsamavirliamentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchandisinl, 11th floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg,apanatsulaysia tukamiz 1 napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia taisx 112S, OKxo tefloor, "— floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth its inanadaalanxus mediells house, UMhr— — —" a — swanleynltedrichrple pinobb • -51 'f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcollina street ustraalbeudentialflilit^wi _ camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstraase 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaanguesdner kussellfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatsuki-chapanjeanet &chaabordi unparancebillll harbearbertshades creek palabammatttzolt-l««t.;iHiam graw 902, one hvsanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki.yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp centreong kjustand yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmic ibank of china tong ktimdlands farwerlnth street redbrucine rfll; i I iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd,bengenska haindemar burstah 31, 2makoshi recoubota, rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecalifornia strewinse uebel ebel ma: rzlaysia taiyabiyoda bdg., l-6apanhakarelleborennarteborg : i ;wed bank nrtf'ijeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park sosatonyny chi shiest 36th atreetsaites natumarass des nationswitzejamellis coroventrrinity _ joeatgerforellanccommon street,paulyella brannam house,nglanr.icki-uidSx: »b; lev#!. tl* colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog baringaithree exchange ong kmarykinsey sheung asia pacific fong krenarburg dioern ige song kchrikinsey &han asia pacific fong kflorg, finang4, a^-ixandBR : ^..q1 od:fa| llMMiBang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgraclomon smhanfloor, three exong kcecis electram citibank towerong kcandlomon smee exong kcarirmes bouharly9 the galleria,ong kpeterporate tegerhrri* '«4b>ra ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, 1 exchanong kerikmputer sandyfairview park dbriamputer slbansfairview park djustnd york orbett 33, umhlanga pjoanire traveung devon house, tan< • 1508-10, 15f,rene traveluirene travel uieast town buildamy travel ;• ' hqlldsheir1eon wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. world trade cathrringtonhuangr. world trade rossldman sau., asia pacifiekenn .tibank towejoselaysia aguon. central towerdoroire traveung., devcr l:i. .j.i'enraijartit HOSl' one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newenngshan road, shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. 44-48. ermankenjny corpoat iinagawapanfranldman saufloor, asia pacclifrk hyattrauers-2 nishi r.:- —v.npandMMMi mingzhong shan roadhinairinssia - aperansa 103025alexi«a comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildingheine peninsaldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye peninsrettir of ayala and epublmarie penine > santa msaronae riz-caarkerinterstate norttlanthiroe ritz-cashikoi, \:x. .J«, kftt«MC>anakire ritz-chiba5, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathom hailaelaiar stearollinspark avenue,ew yoherbur seasoliessnast 57th streetsajimur seasoitzgibl513, new worldong kp lardrajdamri road,hailapatrand hyatardyng shou road,aiwankeviarxl nMUasg A««anrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road,hailamichdeaways hielislington st.,sagaildeaways ichardislington st.saleen moo deee, samsung-dong,oreakangn moo deee, samsung-dong,oreajan marrioteesbeek lailadennrriott waic place, 88 quong krickrriott ham701, west wing,ong HajUOIL tailor 4ASt wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertott drive, deptgeofrriott iarside701, west wing,ong ksteprriott iaggert 1809, two paciong kbernrriott sennis 10, 45 clarencustradouge pan paoud< id, shailamanork sherairmanioad, chennaindiarobingkor laog«la« 2815, §tMtont«e*priffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrendelly hlls,peteeraton jlatsasrth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong ksilve orientrombetriental avenue,hailadeningkor lallisem house, 16a cnglanre ritz xjd road.rrriott iversott drive, deptnitedjanngkor larobsra® hDus«. 16a cngla8U**fl •Bleceartyaw patel marg.ew deeddirage intsengx 88888as vearayrriott lcphersott drive,nited johnirates telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia aadir 42713,nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713,nitedmanmlaysia aingh4-bangunan mas,alaysimda corporate tosajoanthay paciaoloor, ubn toweralayssh.n v/rta ahiqoAl, t.=ingur..=in anUftyssyedlsvMO Mlzloor, ocat bldgapanmaealaysia aobayasukuko- kita, 1-apanhishlaysia aarkouk orient travel audi jacqlaysia aalaspiwest georgia stikuolaysia ahutohloor, ocat bldgapannoboited airumaichi noraura builapannw ;kist742,audi yeohrthwest hyeorth bridge roaing-i,i. Coisflak housf.\. iingaprazalafoia fgdlfy li,ederaalaysia tmirrudd floor, 65, youstrawendromoneyallaghl,3/f dina housong kjeanet henesaeppelasia pacific,ong kkathtee laudongoifth avenue,ew yorolagardereanguinavenue de malakrancejohnd ross }S streetustratsunproject sawal-202, jinguIclydo centre,ong kadriedit suiarchesn madison ave ladamariberta mouesterway centre, 112anadafi to edifttu. ;i • lu.l .'ideri ong ktomothur andheu grand buildinapanjackcuraetriceoring road elizaalancumetricartlagring road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two paciong"ksteprclays ci citibank towerong krogerclays cavis citibank" af'-eoi idit suian three exchangeong kmarkiratesmb . d.i'oai,iiiLedj»*st . jds«.ide 2' .^ a, sobiskyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbeinroad street,samaryldmans, homsonroad street,sarichrris canixon8th sreet n.e.anadamahmghgate hhimji. john carpente5062peterd servichiffe peachtree i ickayevel 255,ustrajakerdine flyncgfloor, •g klinioi.i --jr»ocottp .ting houar.otig • IMrt - -.-'.;n:r" inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle 18, 178ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road.hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulevO7-54reikkusai degawanoni janantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,raneerc ,i ^ -11«SC-. Street .ondonci ifc^ds b«9«r«Cc 11fOOT, I . .. wrihman brounterld financial cesacatehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial cesaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld fin jhnrgan staromptofloor, three exongkmary i i i i.1 strtvi '<ia ItanceV. ralvirn buU-*tnl*ils-eai . -.luoarci-s. >t, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajoufinancial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centsamavirliamentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchand iloor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda blr': iv 5• — la — tv V.-.r.rifJafcr, ---c< ' r.apa*: -— • 1 ays.a Ml floor. Tal-/song kmlaysia taisx 1125, saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth am Ltants inanadaalanxus mediells house, i-'-nflfcbfS8Cl«4.. 2A/t, l-.yMM'iiiill -• street ustraalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg.apanbidleplanadeghichstrasse 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaangu» •' .hapaTTi .SRfci. i »ifc*abol tl-.'-nue ^MIIMcfcb 11 111 harbc. ibt -.shades creek palabammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hyaanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki.yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp cen .Ifloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnaba ind yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongr ie'.l info '"*fcioi-*tChcaJ»vl elhiJ loank o> Mina g kt-.ndl^r-is ^arraerinth street redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd,bengenBka haindemar burstah 31, 2m. x>ta, rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecal:i. L.I_ "•esy rock cirjur^.taiyobiy^Aa besj., l iapanhakarelleborennarteborg insutri awedengerie bank oahleeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park sosatonyny chi itreetsaites natumarass des nationsw.' .jveBtr. i.-.« t'lMiWe, r i.o.'i uLrttl.,pa. yella brannam house,nglannickrldwide abjohn level, the colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog baringa burg MM exchange > ong ksMlfcinsey »"na i af;-: s ; c fong kflorg, finang4, alexandra hoong kcathg finanasang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgra three exong kcecis electram ; kcant. aagoftcor, thre" #son^ kc«r*rnv: bcuaarlyS <j kpeterporate tegerherisau/switzerbem trust ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, 1 exchanong keriknputer sandyfairview park dbriamputer slbansfairvie id york orbett 33, umhlanga pjoaniri .nge*hay pacams lsei'ia. lU.nne _ .iveluiien-.. aveI uieast town buildamy travel eungeast town buildsheirlson wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. world fingtanhuangr. world trade rossldmai :earnclay* CO. cltiborV h''ve]«t.ayai( aciuc:i. central 1 ->werdoroire traveung., devon housemaryedit agrsoi., one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newen shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. >.. cOt"pQ#?.."lfcS. k.itnshin«fMHIKVM*tdtnui: aaui_oor, uaia pacclifrk hyattrauers-2 nishi-shinjuapandaoanghai mingzhong shan roadhinairinssia - aperansa 103025alexina comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildiw laldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye pe OKI opub.11 UM 11**1* san-.a mjaror.a^ ; >-(.darkerinterstate norttlanthiroe ritz-cashiko5, umeda, kitaOapanakire ritz-chiba5, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathom hailaelaiar stearollinspark ave >ur seasoliessnast 57th streetsajiim r mm *or\<3mu§ *p-.ei-^ad ky^t.siaaMo'Mnri hai "•'par.vand hyatardyng shou road,aiwankeviand eaglurphyking road,ong kseanrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road,hailamichdeaways hielislington st.,sagaildeaways ichardislington st. :ee, samsung-dong,oreakangn moo dee< jao •,-!rrlfcr.%cao'j#ate«ivit rood.fcol Mennrriott wuic piuco. 88 quong krickrriott ham701, west wing,ong kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertott drive, deptgeofrriott iarside701, west wing,ong kstep :t 1809, two paciong kbernrriott sen 1 in jBPCf'itiraraO iv toad. *ailanai:o.k oheraixranioad, chennaindiarobingkor laogelx 2815, clareinouth patrient-expriffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrendelly hlls,peteeraton jlatsasrth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong iiombetriental avenue,hailadeningkoi lernv-aoi faaO,rr;tott Ivernott drt-/e, deptnitedjanngkor laroberam house, 16a cnglanshasj palaceartyar patel marg.ew deeddirage intsengx 88888as veamyrriott lcphersott drive,nited johnirates telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713,nitedmam aloysimd^ioyeia *'C cofporat _• tosajoamhuy paciaoloor, ubn toweralaysshamlaysia ahmad3, bangunan masalayssyedlayaia azizloor, ocat bldgapanmaealaysia aobayasukuko- kita, 1-apanhishlaysia aarkouk orient travel audi jacqlaysia aalaspiwest g ilaysia ahutohloor, ocat bldgapannoi arajM*Mt1«2,audi yeohrthwest hyeorth bridge roaingapngngapore eeirline house, 2ingaprazalaysia taudarkt ii,ederaalaysia tmirrudd floor, 65, youstrawendromoneyallaghl,3/f dina housong kjeanet henesaeppelasia pacific,ong kk igoifth avenue,ew yorolagardereangui nmtustratsunpiTi^ ecc saw#.1-202, jingu-maapan.douglliam grckayhclyde businesscotlalanark allantaudlesunset boulevarspatiacus groerbet 1701, bartlockong krogerwaves wraggsective place,ondonrolas must duserloor, jardint ' - <•> V ^>nca|OM IMS i»r?'-. cltfOflOO Mirvt som liergage house,odesmmunicoreavei _ Vadriedit suiiurchosn madison avenuew yobenjnkingeickenan securities (richm perigneoffro social 20,raneelydiutsche mwok one pacific plong kscotauffeureolombrsecond street,dstillersallowe-wagen road,2l-88willloitte shot •-wd ci:u-01giMtflO holtflraoK ertft.BH V in cong kshamizabeth uruganx 849 point elaiberta Muesterway centie, 112anadafredn amro heungfloor, edinburgong klavidersen cehtafloor, wing on ong ktoo»thur andheu grand buildinapanjackcuraetriceoring road elizaalancumetricartlagring road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two p citibank ' relays ci citibank towerong krogercla 3 cavis cit ..'«rang ketevMtt suian trre-J rachangeong knarkjratesirbletox 92, dubai,nitedjanst west akodseade 27, dk-1260enmaredwaldnan, sobiskyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbeinroad street,samarylttaans, homsonroad street,sarichrris canixonSth sreet n.e.anadamahn L. john carpente5062peterd servichifis peachtree roadne1 la f 255,ufct-faJa<eraiflyncgfloor, ;ardine ong klindstitutiocottprinting house,ong kjadeter devewangf1. inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle 18, 178ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road.hailachripacoughtowest itevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07-54jeikkusai degaw: "~ )Boulevard lundy,ranceroeendon schosligton street,ondonclifoyds banorsterfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld financial cesacatehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld fin .izhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanlc <.csx1.wau.9au oi.MapMM.iooi, thcee exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelorakarn buildinhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakev financial centaamavxr1iamentyakayajol -anneaburg rocl* .al, 11th floor, llaMnkolayoia lefctitegtuyoda bldg,apanatsulaysia tukamizfloor, cotton napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia taisx 1125, saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon •shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-c.aiajuku, _ :hung consultants inansMalaval ssdislls house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobbs2801-4, 28/f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcollins street ustraalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstraase 33,ermangary iambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloo , abdulrahho&i tstiner kussellf loor, jaidinc ong kmkiplH inciaxka akatsuki-chapanjeanet & chaabordevenue de champarancebillll harbearbertshades creek palabammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hysanong kvarnnsulate arm rlki,yprusdavinnell keingdochina busii.eshSilaroba*" riliflosf centreong hjvMMd yerkortr.: II. iMKllUM ^outi»tongckwel1 ladillaell informationmichcahrd elhiinbank of china tong ktimdlands farmerinth street redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonBtepnard hosenardi

How to identify a particular segment of customers in your database. You have a direct marketing idea in mind. What is your next plan of action? You can do what most marketers do. Resort to blanket mailing, reaching everybody in the hope of hitting a few somebodies. Rather like using a sledgehammer to hit thumb-tacks. A woeful waste of effort, time and money, yet even more woefully, a very common scenario. Alternatively, you can assess exactly whom you want to talk to - for example, the low-spend customers. Now all that's

buy. It spots usage and behavioral patterns, recognizing customers most likely to buy your brand, product or promotion. On the flip side, it highlights low or no repeat-purchase, indicating customers who are an opportunity for growth. So if your strategy is to increase expenditure amongst low-spend customers, STARDriver not only spots them but can tell if they're Internet-savvy and urban, which indicates that two-way communication may be the best means of talking to them. If your objective is to reward loyal high-spend customers,

left is the challenge of identifying them in your database. At this point, allow us to introduce STARDriver, a database marketing system proprietary to Star Solutions. STARDriver is uniquely designed to help you with any database marketing strategy. Fed with the proper data, STARDriver becomes more than a mere bank of customers7 names and addresses; it can also identify the exact segment of customers you're targeting. This it does by combing your database, picking up clues on how your customers buy, when they buy, how much they

it's the loyal high-spend customers that STARDriver identifies. Additionally, if your database is constantly refreshed with new information, STARDriver automatically discards useless data, keeping a database of customers that is constantly current and relevant to your needs. Which leaves you in the much-improved cost-saving position of communicating only with the customers you want. And in the enviable position of seeing opportunities in a database far more clearly than your competitors can.


Star Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd is an independent software development company specializing in databases. It provides Database Management and other Direct Marketing related services. For more details or to schedule a demo, call Liza Ramli at 03-4610202, 012-3302161 or e-mail

solutions Where data shows results

Resources, resources, my agency for some resources

by Josh Sklar, CEO & Exceutive Creative Director, Expanded Media Asia.

Hardly a day goes by that I don't get a call from a traditional ad agency wanti­ ng to get into the new media game or an established foreign company wanting to move into this immense market. The first question is inevitably, "How much for your agency?" and when they find out it's not for sale, the quick fol­ low up, "How in the world do we establish ourselves here??," gets voiced. While there is a seemingly unlimited amount of business to be tapped in Asia - and no shortage of ideas - surprise, surprise, there's only a handful of qualified talent to do the work. At one point in Singapore there were perhaps as many as 300 "interactive" agencies trying to elbow each other for room on the small island. A year and 1/2 later,

most of them had folded - big and small alike. While there's a great amount of valid excitement about the money to be raked in - simply starting a company with a smidgen more Internet knowledge than the client, turns out not to be enough. How about that? The World Wide Web - the commercial part of the Internet - really only became viable for enterprise within Asia circa 1995 since the public didn't even have access until very late1994 in several places; much later in many. Therefore experienced staff are at a premium. In fact, to be blunt, there is a very, very small pool of people out here who have even got it right over these past four or five years. Not that it's their fault. The whole industry is so new; we've largely been making it up as we've gone along. Passion and entrepreneurship rather than practicality and strategy have largely been driving the efforts. The new degree programs the larger schools in Asia have been offering are being taught by people who mostly haven't done, well, anything in the field. How could they? What are we to expect from the graduates then? Now the large US new media agencies have started rolling in, desperate to kick-start their

NASDAQ IPO's by having an international presence, throwing unrealistic salaries and stock option dreams at anyone with a few months' experience. Even so, unable to find many people of substance. In order to really build up a viable industry and as I always say, good competition only benefits all of us - we've got to work together to provide proper training and a framework that precludes giving unsustainable packages to grossly unqualified personnel. Ones that brings in the principles of hard work and loyalty to supplant the cut-throat, prima donna attitude that is prevalent these days. If these kids could understand how design, usability, technology, strategy, brand and marketing all fit together in synergy instead of isolation and that there's a lot to learn, I believe I'd be getting a lot less calls from agencies, integrators and venture capitalists desperate for a name - any name - to buy sight unseen. And people who haven't done more than build their own homepage with some off-the-shelf package wouldn't be getting the sales pitch that tells them they'll be set in a career on easy street when really they're heading for a big, ol' nasty fall with no net.

Can You Sell Anything Else On The Internet Besides Porn? Do you feel left out in this 'rush' towards the Internet? Are you in touch with the electronic age? Do you realize the opportunities and threats this new electronic media brings? We would like to present you with the first of our series of short courses aimed at retraining industry professionals in the advertising and marketing communications industry. HOW TO EXPLOIT THE INTERNET FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS NEEDS During this short course, we will show you how to: • Interact and communicate directly with your customers. • Look for new business opportunities from around the globe - borderless marketing. • Create global branding for your product. • Fight 'competition' beyond geographical boundaries - defensive Internet strategies. • Market directly to your customers through interactive marketing and advertising. • Stay competitive in the electronic age of the 21st Century. Our Speakers

Who should attend

Former Advertising and Marketing Communications

Agency Managers, Creative Directors, Art Directors, Sales and

professionals, presently Internet Marketing Strategists

Marketing Managers, Brand Managers, Public Relations Managers

who will be speaking about everything else except IT.

and Business Planning Strategists.

Date: Time: Venue:

10 March, 2000 (Friday,).


RM250.00 per person, meals included.

9.30am - 4.30pm Armada Hotel, Petaling Jaya.

CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION: 29 February, 2000. Register online at: Website:

inroadstreet,!ll.«UJ»BW?BSiHB"3Ux-.o„9 klinosLLliocottprinling Use,ong Meter JevewangJ. mwoo W. oreapradylon to, 78ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road,hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07-54reikkusai degawanoninbashi l-chapanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,rancerosendon schosligton street,ondonclifoyds banorsterfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld fin .atehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial ceaaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld financial ceBajohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelorakam buildinhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 7b street,sagai •jou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centsaroavirliamentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchandisinl, 11th floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg,apanatsulayaia tukamizfloor, cotton napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth amerhung consultants inanadaalanxus mediells house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobbs2801-4, 28/f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcolline lalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstrasse 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaanguesdner kussellfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatBuki-chapanjeanet & chaabordevenue de champarancebillll harbearbertshades jammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hysanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki.yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp centreong kjustand yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmichcahrd elhiinbank of china tong ktimdlands farm ,t redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd.bengenska haindemar burstah 31, 2makoshi recoubota, rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecalifornia strewinse uebel ebel massy rock cirmirzlaysia taiyabiyoda bd A 1 J 11"" coroventrrinity 1 11 street,pau h streetsaitea natumarass des nationswitzejamellis square. ""n hakarelleborennarteborg insutri awedengerie bank oahleeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park soaatonyny chi thieat ** * "" ^rforellanecommon —» "* *" .a„, house,nglannickrldwide abjohn level, the colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog baringaithree exchange ong kmarykinsey sheung asia pacific fong krenarburg dioerner one exchange song kchrikinsey Shan asia pacifi g, finang4, alexandra hoong kcathg finanasang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgraclomon smhanfloor, three exong kcecis electram citibank towerong kcandlomon smeefloor, three exong kcarirmes bouharly9 the galler 'rporate tegerherisau/switzerbern trust ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, 1 exchanong kerikiputer sandyfairview park dbrianputer slbansfairview park djustnd york orbett 33, umhlanga pjoanire traveung devon house, tangethay pacams 1508-10, ISf,rene traveluirene travel buildamy travel eungeast town buildsheirlson wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. world trade cathrringtonhuangr. world trade roseldman sau., asia pacifickennrclays co. citibank towejoselaysia aguon. central towerd )ung., devon housemaryedit agrsoi., one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newenngshan road, shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. 44-48. ermankenjny corpoatanukS, kitashinagawapanfranldman saufloor, asia pac ,rauers-2 nishi-shinjuapandaoanghai mingzhong Bhan roadhinairinssia - aperansa 10302Salexima comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildingheine peninsaldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye peninsrettir of ayala and epublmarie peninslvarad little santa msaronae riz-caarkerinterstate norttlan J cashikoS, umeda, kitaOapanakire ritz-chibaS, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathorn hailaelaiar stearollinspark avenue,ew yoherbur seasoliessnast 57th streetsajimur seaaoitzgibl513, new worldong kpierand hyatonardrajdamri road,hailapatrand hyatardyng shou road.aiwank hrphyking kseanrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road.hailamichdeaways hielislington st..sagaildeaways ichardislington st.saleen moo deee, sameung-dong.oreakangn moo deee, samsung-dong,oreajan marrioteesbeekhumvit road,hailadennrriott waic place, 88 quong krickrriott ham701 ong kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertott drive, deptgeofrriott iarside701, west wing,ong ksteprriott iaggert 1809, two paciong kbernrriott Bennis 10, 45 clarencustradouge pan paoudenrama iv road, shailamanork sherairmanioad, chennaindiarobingkor 1 clareinouth patrient-expriffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrendelly hlls.peteeraton jlatsasrth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong ksilve orientrombetrlenta1 avenue,hailadeningkor lallisem house, 16a cnglanre ritz-cvers fernwood road.rrriott iversott drive, deptnitedjanngkor lar • 16a cnglanshasj palaceartyar patel marg.ew deeddirage intsengx 88888as veamyrriott lcphersott drive,nited johnirates telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia aadir 42713,nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713,nitedmanmlaysia aingh4-bangunan mas,alaysimdalaysia aliic corporate tosajoanthay paciaoloor, ubn toweralayssham 13 bangunan masalayssyedlaysia azizloor, ocat bldgapanmasalaysia aobayasukuko- kita, 1-apanhishlaysia aarkouk orient travel audi jacqlaysia aalaspiwest georgia stikuolaysia ahutohloor, ocat bldgapannoboited airumaichi nomura builapanmohaudi araburkist742,audi yeohrthwest hyeorth bridge roamgapngn tine house, 2ingaprazalaysia taudarkt ii,ederaalaysia tmirrudd floor, 65, youstrawendromoneyallaghl,3/f dina housong kjeanet henesaeppelasia pacific,ong kkathtee laudongoifth avenue,ew yorolagardereanguinavenue de malakrancejohnd ross iuncan chandos streetustratsunproject sawal-202, jingu-maapan.dou liyhclvde businesscotlalanark allantaudlesunset boulevarspatiacus groerbet 1701, bartlockong krogerwaves wraggsective place,ondonrolas must duserloor, jardine hong kdeselsom liergage house,odesmmunicoreaver lockwood avenueorgieddia holdinwok ocean centreing kadriedit suiarchesn madison avenuew yobenjnkingei •ities (richm perigneoffro social 20,rancelydiutsche mwok one pacific plong kscotauffeureolorabrsecond street,dstillersallowe-wagen road,21-B8willloitte fchowloor, wing on cong kshamizabeth uruganx 849 point,elaiberta moutz-chay centre, 1120anadamariberta mouesterway centre, 112anadafredn amro heungfloor, rdersen cehtafloor, wing on ong ktomothur andheu grand buildinapanjackcumetriceoring road elizaalancumetricartlagring road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two paciong ksteprclays ci citibank towerong krogerclays cavis citibank towerong kstevedit suian three exchangeong krnarkiratesmbletox 92.. dubai.nitedjanst we k-1260enmaredwaldman, sobiskyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbeinroad street,samaryldmans, homsonroad street,sarichrris canixon8th sreet n.e.anadamahmghgate hhimji. john carpente5062peterd servichiffe peachtree roadmeliw transackayevel 255,ustrajakerdine flyncgfloor, jardine ong klindstitutiocottprinting hou "iter devewanqf1 inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle 18, 178ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road,hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07 54reikkuaai degawanoninbashi 1-chapanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,rancerosendon schosligton street,ondoncl sterfloor. one paciong kmarihman brounterld financial cesacatehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial cesaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld financial cesajohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia traaoelc linhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centaamavir11amentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchandisinl, 11th floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg.apanatsulaysia tukamiz n napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia taisx 1125, saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth amerhung consultants inanadaalanxus mediells house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobb /£, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcollins street ustraalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstrasse 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaanguesdner kussellfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatsuki-chapanjeanet &chaabord amparancebi1111 harbearbertshades creek palabammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hysanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki.yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp centreong kjustand yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmic nbank of china tong ktimdlands farmerinth street redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd,bengenska haindemar burstah 31, 2makoshi recoubota, rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecalifornia strewinse uebel ebel mass rzlaysia taiyabiyoda bdg., l-6apanhakarelleborennarteborg insutri awedengerie bank oahleeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park sosatonyny chi shiest 36th streetsaites natumarass des nationswitzejamellis coroventrrinity ijoeatgerfore11anccommon street,paulyella brannam house,nglannickrldwide abjohn level, the colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog baringaithree exchange ong kmarykinsey sheung asia pacific fong krenarburg dioern inge song kchrikinsey Shan asia pacific fong kflorg, finang4, alexandra hoong kcathg finanasang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgraclomon smhanfloor, three exong kcecis electram citibank towerong kcandlomon smee • exong kcarirmes bouharly9 the galleria,ong kpeterporate tegerherisau/switzerbern trust ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, 1 exchanong kerikmputer sandyfairview park dbriamputer slbansfairview park djustnd york orbett 33, umhlanga pjoanire traveung devon house, as 1508-10 15f rene traveluirene travel uieast town buildamy travel eungeast town buildsheirlson wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. world trade cathrringtonhuangr. world trade rossldman sau., asia pacifickenn itibank towejoselaysia aguon. central towerdoroire traveung., devon housemaryedit agrsoi., one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newenngshan road, shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. 44-48. ermankenjny corpoat Jhinagawapanfranldman saufloor, asia pacclifrk hyattrauers-2 nishi-shinjuapandaoanghai mingzhong shan roadhinairinssia - aperansa 103025alexima comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildingheine peninsaldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye peninsrettir of ayala and epublmarie penins e santa msaronae riz-caarkerinterstate norttlanthiroe ritz-cashiko5, umeda, kitaOapanakire ritz-chiba5, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathom hailaelaiar stearollinspark avenue,ew yoherbur seasoliessnast 57th streetsajimur seasoitzgibl513, new worldong | kp mardrajdamri road,hailapatrand hyatardyng shou road,aiwankeviand eaglurphyking road,ong kseanrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road,hailamichdeaways hielislington st.,sagaildeaways ichardislington st.saleen moo deee, samsung-dong,oreakangn moo deee, samsung-dong,oreajan marrioteesbeek hailadennrriott waic place, 88 quong krickrriott ham701, west wing,ong kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertott drive, deptgeofrriott iarside701, west wing,ong ksteprriott iaggert 1809, two paciong kbernrriott sennis 10, 4S clarencustradouge pan paouc -ad, shailamanork sherairmanioad, chennaindiarobingkor laogelx 2815, clareinouth patrient-expriffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrendelly hlls.peteeraton jlatsasrth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong ksilve orientrcmbetriental avenue,hailadeningkor lallisem house, 16a cnglanre ritz •ood road.rrriott iversott drive, deptnitedjanngkor laroberam house, 16a cnglanshasj palaceartyar patel marg.ew deeddirage intsengx 88888as veamyrriott lcphersott drive,nited johnirates telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia aadir 42713,nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713.nitedmanmlaysia aingh4-bangunan mas,alaysimda : corporate tosajoanthay paciaoloor, ubn toweralayashamlaysia ahmad3, bangunan masalayssyedlaysia azizloor, ocat bldgapanmasalaysia aobayasukuko- kita, 1-apanhishlaysia aarkouk orient travel audi jacqlaysia aalaspiwest georgia stikuolaysia ahutohloor, ocat bldgapannoboited airumaichi nomura builapantr »rkist742 audi yeohrthwest hyeorth bridge roaingapngngapore eeirline house, 2ingaprazalaysia taudarkt ii,ederaalaysia tmirrudd floor, 65, youstrawendromoneyallaghl,3/f dina housong kjeanet henesaeppelasia pacific,ong kkathtee laudongoifth avenue,ew yorolagardereanguinavenue de malakrancejohnd ross los streetustratsunproject sawal-202, jingu maapan.douglliam grckayhclyde businesscotlalanark allantaudlesunset boulevarspatiacus groerbet 1701, bartlockong krogerwaves wraggsective place.ondonrolas must duserloor, jardine hong kdeselsom liergage house,odesmmunicoreaver lockwood avenueorgieddia hoi i centre ong kadriedit suiarchesn madison avenuew yobenjnkingeickenan securities (richm perigneoffro social 20,rancelydiutsche mwok one pacific plong kscotauffeureolombrsecond street,dstillersallowe-wagen road,21-88willloitte fchowloor, wing on cong kshamizabeth uruganx 849 point,elaiberta moutz-chay inadamariberta mouesterway centre, H2anadafredn amro heungfloor, edinburgong klavidersen cehtafloor, wing on ong ktomothur andheu grand buildinapanjackcumetriceoring road elizaalancumetricartlagring road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two paciong ksteprclays ci citibank towerong krogerclays cavis citibank t redit suian three exchangeong krnarkiratesmbletox 92, dubai.nitedjanat west akodseade 27, dk-1260enmaredwaldman, sobiskyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbeinroad street,samaryldmans, homsonroad street,sarichrris canixoneth sreet n.e.anadamahmghgate hhimji. john carpente5062peterd servichiffe peachtree rc iackayevel 255,ustrajakerdine flyncgfloor, jardine ong klindstitutiocottprinting house,ong kjadeter devewangf1. inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle 18, 178ri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road,hailachripacoughtowest marion avesastevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07-54reikkusai degawanoni ipanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy rancerosendon schosligton street,ondonclifoyds banorsterfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld financial cesacatehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld financial cesaelizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld fir lohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelorakam buildinhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakevirrill lyrady financial centsamavirliamentyakayajohamiesburg rochanrchanc floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg.apanatsulaysia tukamizfloor, cotton napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia taisx 1125, saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppon telka nishi-shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth an iltants inanadaa1aricus mediells house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobbs2801-4, 28/f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcollins street ustraalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstrasse 33,ermangarye artz frztlhambra plaza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaangu illfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatsuki-chapanjeanet & chaabordevenue de champarancebillll harbearbertshades creek palabammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hysanong kvarnnsulate arnavieen frederiki.yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp cer and yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmichcahrd elhiinbank of china tong ktimdlands farmerinth street redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardichmond st. w. anadagregks fifthahlman wilshire blvd,bengenska haindemar burstah 31, 2n ibota rinkan,apanrajandard penkatecalifornia strewinse uebel ebel massy rock cirmirzlaysia taiyabiyoda bdg., l-6apanhakarelleborennarteborg insutri awedengerie bank oahleeast first avenkanoternatiouttith entertaiment bong kfranree archutlem. central exprjosee ainericinquecentral park sosatonyny chi streetsaites natumarass des nationswitzejamellis coroventrrinity square, nglanjoeatgerforellanccommon street,paulyella brannam house,nglannickrldwide abjohn level, the colmarklson & aaddock turtle creek, yamatherhosuke25,apanpaulr travelopez denman streetcelirburg diang on eexchange song kcarog barings rnge ong kmarykinsey Sheung asia pacific fong krenarburg dioerner one exchange song kchrikinsey than asia pacific fong kflorg, finang4, alexandra hoong kcathg finanaBang4, alexandra hoong kdavig baringudsonthree exchange ong klaurrgan staewesfloor, three exong kwendlomon smhenfloor, three exong kgra ifloor three exong kcecis electram citibank towerong kcandlomon smeefloor, three exong kcarirmes bouharly9 the kpeterporate tegerherisau/switzerbern trust ategerherisau/switzerbounrschacheoussabermanrobeoyd georeorge 3808, l exchanong kerikmputer sandyfairview park dbriamputer slbansfairvit nd york orbett 33 umhlanga pjoanire traveung devon house, tangethay pacams 1508-10, 15f,rene traveluirene travel uieast town buildamy travel eungeast town buildsheirlson wahaneast town buildkarerlson waareast town buildjoshstminsteamr., oriental cepopsrringtonhanr. world trade lilyrringtongonoyr. worlc ringtonhuangr. world trade rossldman sau., asia pacifickennrclays co. citibank towejoselaysia aguon. central towerdoroire traveung., devon housemaryedit agrsoi., one exchangejohnrutone de reuillyrancenicknful induderenful indonesiaphilnful indenningenful indonesiawemgen gmbhagennberger allee lyunhua newer shhinachrirtours iuntonertstr. 44-48, ermankenjny corpoatanukS, kitashinagawapanfranldman saufloor, asia pacclifrk hyattrauers-2 nishi-shinjuapandaoanghai mingzhong shan roadhinairinssia - aperansa 103025alexima comehesnoke of enthusiastglenutmanngela drive, losadeborbesrrs buildin isaldvogcharoennakorn rhailarudye peninsrettir of ayala and epublmarie peninslvarad little santa msaronae riz-caarkerinterstate norttlanthiroe ritz-cashikoS, umeda, kitaOapanakire ritz-chibaS, umeda, kita-apantakee ritz-csato, kita-ku,apangeoge sukhoteadows south sathom hailaelaiar stearollinspark ave •bur seasoliessnast 57th streetsajimur seasoitzgibl513, new worldong kpierand hyatonardrajdamri road,hailapatrand hyatardyng shou road,aiwankeviand eaglurphyking road,ong kseanrbour plurrayak fung street,ong keartliday inaiswanilom road.hailamichdeaways hielislington st.,sagaildeaways ichardislington st. Teee samsung-dong,oreajan marrioteesbeekhumvit road,hailadennrriott road,hailadennrriott waic place, place, 88 quong quong krickrriott ham701, west west wing,ong kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott hennis701, west wing,ong kcrairriott iambertott drive, deptgeofrriott iarside70l, wing,ong ketej leee samsunq-donq,oreakangn moo deee, krickrriott ham701, wing,ong kedrriott iuller east wing new ong kbernrriott west wing,ong iarside701, west wing,ong ketej rt 1809 two paciong kbernrriott sennis 10, 45 clarencustradouge pan paoudenrama iv road, shailamanork sherairmanioad, chennaindiarobingkor laogelx 2815, clareinouth patrient-expriffin3, kent street ustraadele beverlrendelly hlls.peteeraton jlatsasrth coniche, poingdobeatfael hotauderfloor, fairmontong itrombetriental avenue,hailadeningkor lallisem house, 16a cnglanre ritz-cvers fernwood road.rrriott iversott drive, deptnitedjanngkor laroberam house, 16a cnglanshasj palaceartyar patel marg.ew deeddirage intsengx 88888as veamyrriott lcphersott drive,nited johnirates telixes holidays buuniteddaudlaysia trav*1 !,nitedjagdlaysia aaur 24713.nitedmanmlaysia aingh4-bangunan mas,alaysimdalaysia aliic corporate tosajoanthay paciaolc»r,^ubn toweralaysshamlaysia ahmad3, bangunan masalayssyedlaysia azizloor^ ocat bldgapanmasalaysia aaiaaoiweat d ties (richm perigneoffro social 20,rancelydiutsche mwok one pacific plong kscotauffeureolooSrsecond street,"dsti11ersal1owe-wagen road,21-88wilIIoitte Sh< _T., , .... .. j _r lI2anadafredn amro heungfloor? edinburgong klavidersen cehtafloor, wing on ong ktomothur andheu grand buildinapanjackcumetriceoring road elizaalancumetricartlagring road,agnenkers trhowfloor, two r1 uu irclays ci citibank towerong krogerclays cavis citibank towerong kstevedit suian three exchangeong krnarkiratesmbletox 92, dubai.nitedjanat west akodseade 27, dk-1260enmaredwaldman, sobiskyraod street,sasusaldman, sinbeinroad street,samaryldmans, homsonroad street,sarichrris canironSth sreet n.e.anadamahi :ii. john carpenteSO62peterd servichiffe peachtree roadmeliw transackayevel 255,ustrajakerdlne flyncgfloor, jardine ong klindstitutiocottprinting house,ong kjadeter devewangfl. inwoo bldg oreapradylon tobingsle 18, 17Bri laengmatuzzi ngazzitiello,taliawm thompsothrawang road,hailachripacoughtowest istevndall-jaessingaviation boulev07-54reikkusai degawanoninbashi 1-chapanantoampagne obbsoulevard lundy,rancerosendon schosligton street,ondonclifoyds banorsterfloor, one paciong kmarihman brounterld financial cesacatehman broallaheld financial cesalorihman broillyarld financial cesachrihman broeeld fir -lizhman broanbomld financial cesastevhman broinamanld financial cesajohnrgan staromptofloor, three exong kmaryitznorth canal strrohidia tranoelorakam buildinhailajoanrcus assarcusast, 75 street,sagailrrill lyacajou financial centsairenrrill lyedleaf financial centsasyedrrill lybbasi financial centsakei ly financial centsamavirliamentyakayajohannesburg rochanrchandisinl, 11th floor, aiwanmakolaysia tokunaghiyoda bldg,apanatsulaysia tukamizfloor, cotton napanzlaysia talizamd floor, malaysong kmlaysia taisx 1125, saxonwoouth toshlaysia tishihafloor, floor, capanmaritional plerkx 1692, glroenkl2-34atsuppoi -shinjukuapankotappon telatanabnishi-shinjuku,apanagnerth amerhung consultants inanadaalanxus mediells house, swanleynitedrichrple pinobbs2801-4, 28/f, nong kpeteeehill hitchelcollins street ustraalbeudentialolitowew york plaza, megut data camaseu center bldg,apanbidleplanadeghichstrasse 33,emangan hambra plTza, thomesdner kilboldfloor, abdulrahhailaanguesdner kussellfloor, jardine ong kmikiples incnabalS, akatsuki-chapanjeanet & chaabordevenue de champarancebillll harbearbertshades creek palabammatttzolt-leerhardg. kotzolt gmbhemgoeddilliam graw 902, one hysanong kvarnnsulate am iriki yprusdavinnell keingdochina busineshailarober eastertoneciticorp centreong kjustand yorkorbett 33, umhlanga pouthtongckwell ladillaell informationmichcahrd elhiinbank of china tong ktimdlands farmerinth street redbrucine ruhrhurgooae street,richch.ond iarlander house, 22chaondonstepnard hosenardj

We can search your database to find the customers you want. Sometimes, this is what we find. Not finding a particular segment of customers in your database is as telling as finding them. It tells you that your database may be outdated. Or irrelevant. Or it's telling you loudly and clearly that your

You are now ready to embark on a programme to build your brand amongst, let's say, the brand-disloyal customers. STARDriver combs through your refreshed database, checking, checking, checking.

database isn't a database at all, but a mailing list bought

It looks for spending levels; it checks for repeat purchases;

off another company whose customers' needs are entirely

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common patterns of purchase; it checks to see that there is

Many great direct marketing ideas have died right here. And along with them, a great many marketing ringgit too.

no duplication of names, eliminating double-mailing and the attendant costs.

At Star Solutions, we believe we can help you not only

Ultimately, STARDriver not only spots the brand-disloyal

get the database you want, but also the exact segment of

customers, but can also tell you if they're new village, Chinese-

customers you want within that database.

literate only, which in turn determines the best method of

But it has to start with the right database. And that begins with the right data. Using strategic programmes and promotions, we gather

communicating with them. So no longer will you be mailing a Mrs. K. Wong, I.C. No. 590807-04-5588, at 23 Jalan Kuchai Lama.

information about potential customers. We analyse data from

You'll be communicating with a Mrs. Karen Wong,

transactions that tell us when they last bought your product,

working mother of two, who shops once a week at a

how much they spent on it, if they're likely to buy again -

supermarket and likes experimenting out of recipe books.

just a small portion of the information that is then fed into

It's the best way we know of turning a list of names and

STARDriver, a database marketing system proprietary to

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Star Solutions.

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Star Solutions (M) Sdn Bhd is an independent software development company specializing in databases. It provides Database Management and other Direct Marketing related services. For more details or to schedule a demo, call Liza Ramli at 03-4610202, 012-3302161 or e-mail

solutions Where data shows results

"One of Big Tree's points of difference is its desire to achieve the best possible use of the outdoor media. To do this, we have worked closely with agencies assisting the creative departments with the opportunities and limitations of outdoor."

Big Tree's value-added service bears fruit outdoors Big Tree Outdoor - the second largest outdoor media owner in Malaysia with a significant portfolio of national assets - has become increasingly focussed in providing collaborative services that partner with agencies to achieve optimum solutions. One example is the Philips unipole on the KLIA Expressway. The initial creative concept was developed by OT Advertising and through many meetings with the client, OT and Big Tree, it was decided to create a purpose-built unipole with unique dimensions to create a landmark statement. This was made possible due to Big Tree's exclusive advertising concession with the Expressway owner, Elite Sdn Bhd. Another example is Putra LRT advertising where clients like Maybank Bank Insurans can enjoy the frequency of traklite lightboxes with spectacular statements that fully sponsored trains or bulkhead lightboxes at underground stations create. "Maybank Bank Insurans dared to be different and I'm happy to say that we didn't let them down. The close rapport we established with them and their agency resulted in an outdoor spectacle that stimulates and attracts positive attention," says Rob Golquhoun, the Chief Operating Officer of Big Tree.

Another example of Big Tree's specialisation in the creation of unique designs that make a statement is the spectacular Arch display along, or rather over, the KLIA Expressway. This signage was designed by a leading architect and reflects architectural elements of the KLIA terminal building. It is one of the largest displays in Malaysia at 170ft x 20ft. Big Tree welcomes any request from agencies and advertisers for a consultation at the initial stages. "One of Big Tree's points of difference is its desire to achieve the best possible use of the outdoor media. To do this, we have worked closely with agencies assisting the creative departments with the opportunities and limitations of outdoor," says Rob. "At times, this may mean using or modifying existing media and at other times, we may design and construct specific installations to suit clients needs," he quips. "Big Tree's control of Malaysia's main transport concessions provides the flexibility to place advertisers in the right location for the specific campaign requirements," adds Suridah Jalaluddin, the Managing Director of Big Tree Outdoor. "Just call us as soon as you contemplate outdoor and we'll gladly brainstorm with you for the best possible result," she says. Big Tree Outdoor can be reached at Tel: 03-777-3727 or Fax: 03-777-3727 or Email:

* Insuran


1 don't care about your budget -


You can be a big boy. Or a start up company. We'll still talk to you. Whatever you spend (within reason of course), we'll make sure your brand gets seen and talked about. We'll see to it that your brand gets the best returns on its investment.

Find out how you can get real added value on television almost as if its your own by calling 03-255 1177.

Brand Energy is affiliated to Natseven TV Sdn. Bhd. (323221-A)


Avation integrates media and the internet 4x3 format (Analog Television)

fitr ht Sill, hri MO mff kw irili»•!•#* Hat giffc ifktIt tfri&tf $1000 §f it#a?»tf &ff#r

16 x 9 format (Digital Television)

Singapore-based Advent Television Ltd., a leading consultant and service provider on digital television technologies, has just opened a new office in New York in response to the growing demand for their Avation service. Avation is a revolutionary new TV service, combining the advantages and options of television and internet. It accepts graphic images and text-based messages for display on TV along with normal TV feeds. Avation gives television broadcasters a new tool to broaden their advertiser base and generate additional revenue with no effect on their traditional income streams. For small business and classified advertisers who find the costs of traditional television advertising prohibitive, Avation is an affordable option. It automates the sales of advertisements using either the internet or automated telephone call centres; it creates the ads, schedules them and automatically collects the revenue. The advertiser can choose the text, graphics, frequency of ads and number of days. It's an e-commerce system which integrates the media and the internet is a seamless way. The Avation system is immediately available for TV stations to realize extra revenue and a fully operational service can be set up within 30 days. You can test drive the demo at

Chris heads Bates Gold Winner at recent IBA Awards Singapore Ace suit Chris Leong hops up the ladder to become Bates Singapore's new Managing Director. She has worked with Bates in Singapore , Hong Kong and China for over five years and was most recently General Manager of the Singapore office, working with clients such as Nokia, HSBG and AsiaOne. Prior to this , she spent eighteen months in Europe as Regional Account Director on a number of major brands. Originally Malaysian, Chris was fortunate enough in 1996 to win the Media Asia 'Suit of the Year' award. Chris is one of the youngest female MDs amongst the international ad agencies in Singapore. Way to go!


New York Festivals by March 15 The call for entries for The New York Festivals 2000 international print and radio advertising awards is now open till March 15 for international entries. All work must have been first produced marketed, run or distributed after Feb 1, 1999. Last year over 12,000 entries from 64 countries were received and this year's event, in its 43rd year, will be chaired by Phil Dusenberry and scheduled for June 2000. For details, visit their website on or e-mail


Title: "Butterfly" Advertiser: AMP Radio Networks Agency: DYR Malaysia Production: Frames Production Director: Pierre Nayagam Copywriter/AD: Cary Rueda Music: AddAudio


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Excerpted from a speech by John Roberts, Managi: Singapore to The eMillennium Conference Singapc

New technology changes nothing The fundamental challenge for businesses remains exactly the same today as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow - building long-term profitable relationships with your customers. New technology changes every­ thing. Digital technology is changing how your customers live, work and play. It's enabling entirely new human experiences. It's giving consumers more power than they have ever had before to choose how, when and where they will get exactly what they want. In this revolutionary world, one thing stands out as a beacon of absolute reliability - the brand. Your brand is going to be the key determinant of your commercial success in the 21st century. And you're going to want the best of the best of the brand warriors on your side for the upcoming cyber wars. When I say relax, I mean just be confident about your capa­ bilities, and enjoy the ride! Perhaps somebody with a back­ ground in advertising can afford to say relax, because we've seen a lot of this before. We've been handling revolutionary changes in mass media for the last hundred years. We started with newspapers and magazines. Then the movies came along in the 1910s; radio in the 1920s; and the biggest revolution of them all, television, in the 1950s and 1960s. Each time a new media came along, the doomsayers pro­ claimed the death of existing media. Radio would kill newspa­ pers; television would kill cinema, and video was going to kill them all. They were wrong. They were always wrong because, as informa-


Relax, it's just anothe Building brands in the In this revolutionary world, one thing stands out as a beacon of absolute reliability - the brand. Your brand is going to be the key determinant of your commercial success in the 21st century. And you're going to want the best of the best of the brand warriors on your side for the upcoming cyber wars. tion architect Richard Wurman says, we live the Age of Also. No new medium replaces an old one. It just adds to the consumers' list of choices. There's a place for it all, because people want it all. The digital revolution has reduced the cost of creating and distributing content through each media. The end result is an explosion in the number of channels and each one is ever more tightly targeted to the needs of a specific audience. There's the Disney Channel; the Golf Channel; magazines about Barbie dolls. Radio stations for Japanese fans of American West Coast cool jazz. The digital revolution has also dramatically reduced the cost of making an ad or movie. All you need is a great idea, and a Handycam (The Blaire Witch Project?). Digital technology has sent the media everywhere. Digital production and distribution is cheap and getting cheaper. In agencies and magazines we've been using digital design tools to expand our creative boundaries for years. But we have to keep the technology in perspective. It will always only be a tool in the much bigger process of making connections with the human heart. That's a

creative process that has very little to do with binary codes and a lot to do with people. That's a truth that many new technology firms are coming to understand. It's one thing to have a great site on the web where your customers can do amazing techy things - but how do you get customers to visit in the first place?

We believe that ideas are bigger than advertising. Saatchi & Saatchi is in the ideas business. Great ideas about connecting brands with consumers, creating preference and loyalty. You advertise. And you advertise where the people are - which at the moment means more offline than online. Last year dot com companies in America spent about $2.5 billion on advertising in the old media. That's four times what they spent in 1998. is happy to be paying $3 million for a 30 second slice of ABC tv during the Super Bowl. So, despite all the hype, the dot

corns' own behaviour tells us that most people still rely on the old media. The downside of the Age of Also is that it's harder to make a great connection with your cus­ tomers. You all know the argument. People today are time-poor and stressed-out. They have increasing demands on their attention. Consumers have never been more at risk of being left helpless by the bewilderment of information and choices. Welcome to the Attention Economy. The scarcest and most valuable commodity in today's economy is consumer attention. No matter what kind of business or organisation you are, your first job in this crowded narrowcast world is competing for the attention of consumers. That's the eyeball part. Then the real job begins - making connections with the hearts, minds, guts and nerve ends of consumers. And that's the part which the new technology just hasn't got right - yet. The technology is adding to the complexity of our lives, not helping us achieve simplicity and under­ standing and wisdom. We are still waiting for the computer interface that delivers a truly engaging emotional experience. Donald Nor­ man from our client HewlettPackard says that "the personal

g Director of Saatchi & Saatchi re on 20 January 2000.

revolution 21st century computer is fundamentally too complicated." It's a clumsy device that sits on our desks and doesn't know who we are.

PCs aren't the future, the current interfaces are clunky. Everyone here has to think ahead of the current appliance game when they're considering the future of the net. Think about how computers have evolved . They used to be keyboards and big boxes which spat out ticker tape; then they got a black and white screen filled with code; then graphics interfaces; then colour and soundcards; and now microphones so that we can talk back to them. Playstations already have shock controllers which give tactile feedback from the game; it can't be too long before we get digital smells to complete the sensory experience.

Here's my list for Santa: Mobile. I don't want this thing to just sit on my desk. It's got to go with me wherever I go - and a laptop or notebook is only a partial answer. I want something the size of ... a phone? Actually, I don't care what it is, just so long as wherever I am, I'm connected. Quick. Call me spoilt, but I hate the 45 seconds it takes me to boot up the computer, and start my email or browser. When I turn on the tv, it's on. I hate waiting for web pages to download. When I turn the page of a newspaper or magazine - hey, there's a new page already..

Easy. I don't want to be a computer scientist. I just want to turn the damn thing on and for it to do

something useful. Give me messages, play me music, pay my bills. I don 't want to have to remember 50 different passwords. I especially don't want to have to learn new ways of doing something every two years because the software has changed. Relevant. I love the idea that the web connects me to vast storehouses of information and knowledge. But I hate it too, because it's just too much. A wave of unsorted information that adds to my anxiety. Give me what I need. Nothing less, and nothing more. The fact that I can't do all of these things - and make them mobile, quick, easy, and relevant is why I say that, at the moment, the technology is still part of the problem, not the solution. From this scientific sample of one, yo u can see that digital technology has got some way to go before it's the real deal. Bill Gates wants to be the Chief Software Architect because he recognises connectiVIty and integration as the big idea. We might find that eventually all this integration means that it's no longer sensible to talk about "the phone" or "the television" or "the computer". They will all have blended together in one big network of digital information. And by that stage I suspect we won't be talking about the web" or "the internet" at all. Those things will just be the invisible threads connecting us. They won't be a place that we visit any more. For my money, the really big problem with the web at the moment is not the technology, it's the connect. Most corporate sites are pure brochureware- I feel like I

have to leave . ve ry quickly and quietly or I might wake somebody up. Some e-tailers are cashing in on the advantages of the web - it's convenient, there's a huge range of merchandise, often cheaper pricesbut for my money, it still fails other tests of compelling retail experience.

Two years ago, we dropped the word 'advertising' from Saatchi & Saatchi's corporate cuHure. We did it to force a change in the way we think about our work. We believe that ideas are bigger than advertising. Saatchi & Saatchi is in the ideas business. Great ideas about connecting brands with consumers, creating preference and loyalty.

If we overhype what we can do for our customers now, we will lose their trust in the future.

Advertising is just one of the tools we can use to make that connection. And the internet is just another tool of advertising, like television or radio or newspapers. Ideas are the currency of the future. I am privileged to work in a field where people are to be urged to go and make magic, to be emotional, to embrace love, to pursue failure, to fight for their ideas. So when I am asked to consider the impact of a new technology, I always approach it by asking how it will help me and my clients carry great ideas to our customers.

We can all see where the technology is taking us. We can almost literally taste it, it's so close. But it's not here yet. That's why I believe it is vital that all businesses recognise that we are in a transitional period with digital technology. We can sense the wonderful things coming, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. So my rules for marketing online at the moment are: • take small steps rather than giant strides. • make frequent revisions to your strategy and execution. • always under-promise and overdeliver, never the other way around. Brands convince people they want to belong. Brands tell their story, give their point of view and

Advertising is just one of the tools we can use to make that connection. And the internet is just another tool of advertising, like television or radio or newspapers. state their points of difference such as being faster or more powerful. Brands give confidences and offer a route through the confusion. They are a way for consumers to become emotionally involved. Brands are a promise, you know what you're getting, exactly, always. You can count on them. You trust them. This sort of engagement is absolutely essential in the Age of Also, the Attention Economy, when we are swamped by information anxiety. Brands are really big ideas.

Ideas, great ideas, do their work in the heart and in the gut. Once you have that, as the saying goes, their minds will fo llow. Yes I understand the marketing advantages of digital technology. Sure I'm interested in targeting. Yes, tell me about customisation. Of course I want instant updating and intelligent agents and hot design. But what I really want is engagement. And the thing that excites me most about the web is the connectivity it promises for great ideas. So that ideas spread like virtuous viruses, as each consumer gets excited and p asses it on so that it builds momentum to click speed. Think of the Dancing Baby of 1997 or the Blair Witch Project of last year. Great ideas that were transmitted by the consumers themselves. Great ideas that spread across all media - talked about on television, radio, newspapers, magazines, in the movies, not to mention the billions of digits given over to them on the web.

My five rules for marketing in the new millennium are: 1. The Age of Also has created the

Attention Economy. 2. Technology is still the problem, not yet the answer. 3. E is for Engagement. 4. Brands are the only game in town. 5. The idea is everything. Thank you.



As we move into the new millennium the last thing we need is a school-leaving

marketing communications thinkers in management. You can work with ad

population oblivious to the lucrative and inspiring opportunities a leading-edge

agencies, television stations, radio networks, publishers, internet companies,

industry like advertising can offer. So here are eight important lessons:

MNCs, manufacturing organizations, media owners and more.

1. Advertising is not simply Art and Design.

5. Advertising people are not weird. Advertising people are not crazy. They love what they do and they

Almost every school Ieaver thinks advertising is about art and design. They imagine advertising people

show it, in many colourful and playful ways. Most of

sit and draw pictures, logos and invent eye-catching

their expressions make it onto television screens or

graphics. To a certain extent this is true, but only

major newspapers and they get to use their persuasion

about 15% of advertising professionals come from an

skills to advantage. The best advertising people in the

art and design education or background. The other

world do not wear ear-rings or sport pony-tails. While

85% are thinkers, marketing strategists, idea genera-

they enjoy their work, they recognise that advertising is

tors, people who create and shape concepts that

a serious business which requires the best minds to come up with the most innovative and creative solutions to

make or break the success of a brand. These people

complex m arketing issues. Ad people are curious about life and

end up managing companies as they have studied or are trained in marketing, communications and the business of

marvel at the way consumers think and behave.


6. Advertising is not for 'creative' people only. 2. Advertising is not Multimedia and I. T.

Creativity can be developed. Everybody in this world is unique,

Let me finally clear the air on this one. First, multi-media

including those in advertising. Some people sing, some draw, some

means many mediums and there are only three in the world,


so m e








ie. audio, visual and data. So watching tv is a multi-media

creative spirit in all of us. Famous comedians learned from

experience because there's both audio and visual. Similarly,

comedians before them , famous actors learned their trade from

e-mailing (data) som eone together with an image attachment

earlier luminaries too. We learn to become who we are by simply

or audio file makes it a multi-media message. When you

observing life. In the sam e way, advertising students learn to become

study multimedia you learn how to build the environments

creative by emulating those before them. Anybody can become

that allow these delivery systems to operate. And that's what

creative; all one has to do is allow the process to happen regularly

multi-media is: a delivery system. There's n othing magical or

in a subject you are passionate about and over time you'll realise you

outstandingly creative about it; it just means you h ave to

are creative too. If your subject is advertising you could end up

master the authoring tools and specialise in information

becoming a creative director one day, creating award-winning television

technology. All this has little to do with the con cept of

commercials for global audiences!

advertising. Advertising people have been creating multim edia





7. Advertising people don't get paid small salaries.

television was invented . To them multi-m edia is just a new


buzzword that restates the obvious. The closest multi-media

directors, client service directors and media directors can earn up to

and I. T. get to the advertising is in the area of interactive or

RM20 ,000 a month or more! Of course, it is not a nine-to-five job




p eople




net-based advertising but again, the advertising professional

but the r e turns ar e worth th e e ffort . Not

applies strategic input to the process and not technical expertise.

a d vertis ing ea rn s this kind o f m o n ey but it is important to

3. Advertising is not a tiny industry with a shaky reputation.







ever yo n e in


thinking, it is possible.

Advertising is an important engine of commerce for the economy of any country. It facilitates the movement of products and services by promoting them ; in fact,

8. Advertising jobs are not for degree-holders only.

advertising helps money circulate and the faster money circulates th e quicker the

Advertising is an industry that rewards those who perform. I was a bartender and

economy heals. When the economy suffers so does every business, including

for sometime a lazy pub musician , before I gate-crashed my way into advertising.

advertising. Of course tourism, multi-level marketing or businesses leveraging on

The path was not easy. I started off as a Creative Assistant (in other words I made

the advantages our low exchange rate are spared. And advertising is not a small

coffee, operated the projector, humoured the creative egos around me and was

industry: it chalks up more than RM 3 billion a year in billings. It is a young

generally a nice guy to all). But through perseverance and an ambition to become

industry bursting with opportunities for those who dare scale new h eights and

a good copywriter, I became an Associate Creative Director of an international

think outside the box. If you to want be in front of a trend, be in advertising!

agency in three years. My point is simple: knowledge is not the absolute domain of the universities. Life is equally powerful in enriching one's knowledge.

4. Advertising jobs are not hard to find.

There are m ore than 300 advertising agencies in Malaysia and half of them handle millions of ringgit worth of business every year. Thousands of Malaysians have found gainful and lasting employment in the industry, both locally and overseas. Every company worth working for needs people trained in advertising and marketing communications; for their advertising and promotions departments, marketing divisions , public relations, sales departments and they always value

It is possible now for interested schoolleavers to undergo a Diploma course and jump straight into the industry. The most important thing to look for is that you study what's important and relevant; not something that's obsolete. Because advertising is an evolving industry and reinvents itseU almost every day. If you're a schoolleaver or curious parent who want to discover the real world of advertising call me at Institut Sledghammer on 03-712 5712. We are bent on creating future advertising stars. Let's talk.

Integrated Designer and Manufacturer of Corporate, Architectural, Environmental Signage and Graphics Signtech Malaysia Group serves a diverse range of industries, several of which are highlighted and illustrated below in this issue, through the provision of integrated services from preliminary planning right up to post-project maintenance. We combine a 300-strong multi-d isciplinary workforce with leading edge CAD/CAM design and manufacturing technologies, complemented by our international network support to provide the highest quality performance standards demanded by the most discerning customers .

• • • • • •

Strategic Consulting & Planning Design & Build Project Management Engineering & Manufacturing Implementation & Maintenance Visual Merchandising & P.O.S.




Ct itbrtlill f lhhy•ll 't f lllttprlt /II J Spirit

*Manufacturer of Information and Advertising Displays & Street Furniture *Design and Build Service Provider for Architecture Engineering Projects *Anchor Company for Vendor Development Industries Serviced: • Petroleum • Transportation • Financial • Corporate Identity • Government • Hotels & Resorts • Shopping Malls & Retail

• • • • • •

Leisure & Entertainment Outdoor Advertising Museums Mosques Health Care Centres Industrial

Service Area : Nationwide & Asia Pacific Associated Offices : USA, Greater China, Hong Kong, Au stralia, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany & Netherlands.

It's a great opportunity for us to produce some great ads for really great brands. .._ ...-........ .................


Recent work for Smirnoff MULE.

-....._____ ._. ___ .._............... _.._. _..,.._ ............................... . . .

......,.. .............



Early work from the time at Saatchi's London.

TBWA's new blood Things are happening in the Creative Dept at TBWA Singapore with nc::w creative Directors, Steve Hough and Mark Barnfield. They started their advertising careers in London and both spent their first 8 years there. Steve worked at Saatchi & Saatchi, then Collett Dickenson Pearce and at BSTBDDP. where he created the famous Classic FM Billboard campaign. He then moved to M&C Saatchi Hong Kong to become deputy Creative Director and onto BBDO ¡Colenso in Auckland, New Zealand. Recent work for Sunbeam appliances

Mark spent his time in

Mercedes Benz C-Class with Gary Tranter and Matt Cullen which then won amidst fierce worldwide competition. Whilst at Batey, the pair were poached by Johan M&C Saatchi 'mincemeat'¡ One Show finalist for DM Fourie from TBWA. "It's been a London with FCB. Bored of the real whirlwind but we're loving London scene and looking for a new every minute of it." say Hough and challenge he decided to go travelling Barnfield, "We've hired some great and went to Clemenger, Perth and new teams and are still hunting for Saatchi & Saatchi before coming to more. The place is unbelievably Singapore. busy and it's getting busier. We've just won two new huge pieces of The pair came together for a business - DBS Bank and Milupa. stint at Batey Ads where they spent There're a lot more pitches in the a couple of months working mainly pipeline too." on a global creative pitch for the


"The vibes feel really good here. Some fantastic account people and great planners have just joined. Everything feel s right for the agency to make a big slash on the Singapore agency scene."

'Exhilaration' - D&AD Silver nomination, shot by Nadav Kander.



Advertising bookings for the Advertising Directory of Singapore (ADS) 2000 are now open! Call 297 2393 (S'pore) or 03-716 2588 (M'sia) for details.

Name: Indra Sinha Age:49 Occupation: Author Education: Mayo College, Ajmer; Oakham School, Rutland; B.A. (Hons) in English Literature, Pembroke College, Cambridge University.

Work Experience: Senior Copywriter, Collett Dickenson Pearce, 1975-87; Head of Copy, Collett Dickenson Pearce, 1987-93; Executive Creative Director, Collett Dickenson 1993-95; CEO, Chaos Communications. Books Authored: Kama Sutra, 1980; Tantra, 1992; The Cybergypsies,


Hobbies: Collecting butterflies and moths, rearing chicken, reading and collecting books, watching football. The following interview originally appeared in India Today for their Business Today section. In the 1970s and the 1980s, lndra Sinha shook Britain's staid ad world with his copy. In the 1990s, he swapped consumerism for humanitarian causes. The maverick ad-man predicts that good ad copy will never die - pretty pictures be damned. Mr. Sinha, over the last 10 years, you have moved from advertising to social-cause advertising. What influenced your decision to shift tack? I did not make a conscious decision. In 1990, when we won the Amnesty International account, I did not know much about Amnesty. That's when I found out what was happening in the world. My eyes were opened and, once your eyes are open, it is difficult to shut them again. Also, as a result of the ads I worked on for Amnesty, others began calling me up. Just before the Gulf War, a Kurdish friend called me up, and told me: "There are refugees, we got problems ...." I started working with them. I found it more interesting to be engaged in these things. I met amazing people. I met women who were Bosnian refugees, and they told me about what they'd seen. You can meet a person like Don McCullin (the British photographer) and talk to him for hours, or a soap-manufacturer. It's your choice. That's life, isn't it? And since I did not care about winning awards, I'd


already won enough, and was comfortable enough not to worry about the rat-race, I could do what I wanted to do. What did you do? How do you make these campaigns work? Let me start by saying that most of my ads contain pictures: they are important. The first ad that won me an award was for the War Museum in London, and it was about World War I. The purpose of the campaign was to get people interested in the War Museum. I had been looking around the Museum, trying to find letters written by young officers to their parents on the eve of the Battle of Warsaw (on July 1, 1916, when the British Army lost 60,000 men, killed or wounded). Finally, I found a letter, and also accessed a picture of that regiment on the first morning. The picture showed a shell going off, and a field with tiny specks - and these specks were the men. There was something very sad about it. After some research, I found out that the knee of the officer whose letter I was reading was hit by a piece of shrapnel, and he fell down in the grass. If you were wounded in that battle, you just had to lie there, and wait through the night, when someone might get you help. He bled to death from that knee-wound. I thought to myself, My God, I can't see anything in this picture but, somewhere in this frame, that young man is lying there, dying. The thought haunted me. I was trying to think of a headline that would express the futility of this battle. And I struggled for two days before it suddenly occurred to me that the best headline of all was to just show the picture and say, Somewhere In This Picture, People Lie Dying. There was another ad for Amnesty, for their 30th Anniversary. I could have said, this is an organisation that is 30 years old, this is what we

The Net w industry o Apart from the fact that the publishing indu the Net is spreading the habit of reading re earlier. They may not even call it reading; t they are actually doing is reading. have achieved, this is what we have done, etc. But, when we actually sat down - the client and myself- to talk about what the campaign should do, we both had the feeling the human rights problem was worse in 1992 then it was in 1962 (when Amnesty started). So, we hadn't actually achieved anything. But, certainly, Amnesty had done an immense amount of good work through the number of people saved from death, torture, released from prison, and things like that. So, the ad said, We've Done All Those Things And Yet Things Have Got Worse Than They Were.

It meant that we hadn't got the support of the world at large. We had a small number of people working hard, but we needed lots of people behind us. So, what should we do? Give up? When we say this, you say: "No, you should continue; it is good work. People should not be tortured and held in prison because they happen to be Christians or Muslims or whatever." But if you think these things are wrong, you have no right to tell us we should continue unless you yourself are willing to join. That was the kick in the tail-end of the ad. The copy was two pages long, and it worked.

Some tips on copywriting?

Don't write an ad; hold a conversation. T his encourages you to swap roles with your reade r, pause for breath, and put forth questions without fee ling you have to provide an answer. The conversation should enable both parties, including the writer, to discover their own will in the latter, and act free ly on it. I refuse to explain this, so work it out yourself. Never te ll people what you want them to believe, think, say, or do, and always write from the premise that human beings are basically good. This gives you the opportunity to present your case, and will help you fight the temptation to manipulate people. Remember that the reader has the right to reject your message. You do not give them this right; it is theirs to exercise, whether you like it or not. And if they are going to reject it, encourage them to do so. T his will give you the freedom to express yourself without having to worry about what people will think ... You obviously disagree with the stream of thought that copy is dead ... T he idea that people don't read any

reading; they may call it surfing. But what they are actually doing is reading. They are reading articles, reports, searching for information, finding information, bits of things that interest them ... But don't people have less time now?

you to innovate. And whatever you do, accept uncertainty of outcome. The universe is inherently chaotic whe ther you admit it or not. Use the phenomenal powers of chaos. Doing so will save you from having to be intellectually dishonest. Only work for the people you like, whose work you admire. This will preserve your self-respect, and ensure that you continue to feel passionately about your work. Finally, never trust words; they will always fail you. It is not the words you write that are important; it's the wind that blows through the grasp ...." What, according to you, is the future of the global ad industry? T he entire industry will be made obsolete by the Net. Unless they all wake up, they will be all out of jobs. I won't shed any tears. People are, increasingly, getting all the information they want on the Web. Actually, the Web can give the m information more easily without the need to read an ad. I think the Web will make ads more and more irre levant. T he great thing about the Web is that you cannot force people to read your ads. In contrast, an ad in the newspaper is there and, if you are on that page, it is trying to intrude and draw your attention. TV is even more intrusive because they actually stop a programme, and you have to watch the ad. Of course, you can zap through, or get up and make a cup of tea. But, particularly on TV, advertisers have to learn to capture the attention of the audience in a much better way. Otherwise, why should British Airways spend a million quid to make an ad when they can make a Website for half that cost, which will carry them for years? I think advertising will wither away and die. That's my prediction. And what will newspapers do? Raise their prices.

If people say that newspaperreaders don't have time to read, why are we buying newspapers? You have the time to read the front and the back pages and 3 pages in the middle. H ow do people read newspapers? They look at the headline of the article; if it interest them, they read the first paragraph. Then, maybe the whole thing. And we all know that if an article is well-written, it will take people to the e nd of the feature. If it's not, nobody will read it. But ad people don't seem to know that. They'll just say, "wrote 1,000 words of copy, but no one read it." That doesn't mean no one reads. It means that you wrote 1,000 words of copy that was boring. Unfortunate ly, you don't know how to write.

Don't patronise the reader. Who are we? Who is the person we address as you? Try to shift your

II render the Ad tsolete ,t ry is publishing more every year, ularly to millions of people who did not ey may call it surfing. But what Did you find it to be very much different from normal advertising?

When you talk about people, you can get them to read and move them. When you talk about cars, you can't do it the same way. But you can tell your story in such a way that they want to read more. One of the things about the Amnesty campaign was that it wasn't just a question of carrying a picture and writing a powerful headline . Of course, the headline and the picture drew in the reader. But, once you were in there, it was a kind of engine inside the ad that worked in different ways.

more is rubbish. All the evidence in the world shows that people are reading more - not less. Apart from the fact that the publishing industry is publishing more every year, the Net is spreading the habit of reading regularly of to millions people who did not earlier. T hey may not even call it

perspective. Try wntmg 'I'. T his yo u. So will challe nge will choosing targets which are impossible to achieve. Every time you think, try to confront the unthinkable. This will also force


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Do you believe you can By? General Mauager for an international advertising media specialist. An entrepreneur with proven negotiation skills, senior client management

experience and a current perspective of the advertising and media business.

Group Account Director for an international advertising and marketing for a progressive client management professional to handle a world-famous financial services brand. Must have a strategic oudook on brand management issues plus a sound understanding of direct marketing principles and techniques. ~This is a managerial role

Interested candidates are requested to fax: their CV, salary expectations and oontact details to 03-712 5712. All applicants will be treated in sttict confidence.

Microsoft's launches

ad campaign in UK

In the United Kingdom, a TV, radio and on-line campaign to promote MSN, Microsoft Corp's Internet arm and portal site was launched recently. The campaign, the biggest of its kind by Microsoft Corp, will cost the software giant 6 million pounds ($US 11 million). Euro RSCG Wnek Gosper, London, Microsoft's strategic advertising partner, has based the campaign on the theme 'Life is Great'.

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O&M Asia Pacific buys management consultancy Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific purchased a majority interest in The Initiatives Group, an Australian management consultancy with a strategic marketing focus. The firm specialises in the integration of market, financial and customer information and the development of innovative market driven business strategies. The Initiatives Group will continue to operate as an independent management consultancy, combining its strategic and analytical strengths with the Asean reach and resources of Ogilvy & Mather. This will include working specifically to develop the Ogilvy Consulting offer throughout the region, as well as acting as a management consulting resource for the WPP Group in Australia. Miles Young, Chairman of 0 & M Asia Pacific, says, "The move into consulting is one which is driven by client needs, and one we are determined to meet. We were attracted by The Initiatives Group because of their unique combination of marketing and management consulting expertise."

Designed to communicate the idea of the site's relevance to users, the campaign consists of four 30-second spots which will be featured in two six-week bursts. Interestingly, one of the spots targets the theme with a scene that depicts an earthworm watching two children playing in the garden when it is chopped in two by a spade. Earthworms which can replicate themselves are thus used to convey the meaning that the creature acquires a playmate.




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Rewriting Advertising's DNA ANDY LAW


How St. Luke's Became "the Ad Agency to End All Ad Agencies"

Why does Fast Company magazine call St. Luke's 'the ad agency to end all ad agencies'? How can a company function, let alone thrive, when it has "eschewed conventional heirarchy in favour of the flattest possible organizational layout and the craziest ever decision-making process"? And why on earth would some of the most talented and sought-after minds in the advertising world forsake the fabulous perks available to senior managers and risk everything for a company where no one has even a desk to call his or her own? In this book, Andy Law, the chairman and co-founder of St. Luke's, answers these ques­ tions and many more. He writes candidly and enthusiastically about breaking the agency mould and organizing a company in a completely different way. St. Luke's is nothing if not different - to many, the agency described in this remarkable and challenging book may hardly sound like a business at all. In 1995, a small band of highly creative people who loved the work but hated the workplace established a company designed not only to get the most out of them, but to give the most back - a company in which creativity, curiosity, versatility, and a sense of fun are assets to be celebrated, not

encumbrances to be left outside the door. Law recounts how many St. Luke's employee/owners discovered new sources of satisfaction, hidden talents, and even entirely new careers as they encouraged each other to experiment, learn, and grow. Meanwhile, the agency's annual billings soared to more than US$90 million in three memorable years. Complete with revealing tales of advertising legends such as Jay Chiat, Bill Tragos, Frank Lowe, and the Omnicom chieftains, Creative Company offers a fascinating, warts-and-all tour of the advertising industry. It also fires the opening volley of a revolution that aims to do nothing less than alter the "DNA" of business itself and, in Law's words, "furiously seeks a new, better, more fulfilling, and fairer role for business in the lives of its employees." This book is a story. It is also a business book. For everyone in business. Not just CEOs and senior VPs. But for everyone who goes to work. The St. Luke's story will challenge your preconceptions, stimulate your imagination, and may even change your mind. Creative Company is on sale at all leading bookstores. For enquiries, please e-mail

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Captive audience

They won't be going anywhere for a while. So, why not give them something to read. Like y<jtir ad: Call 03-4667196 to keep your target occupied When they are sitting around doing nothing, well, almofet.




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..F~r The Sun ~ . . . . . . . . 路---11.- - -路---路. 1 1

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Beating the drums for Bali You've all probably seen and heard the interesting and provocative teaser/launch campaign for Bali Entertainment Complex by now. The fully integrated multimedia campaign, the brainchild of Omar Shaari and Thomas Low of OT Advertising, also included several special events during the official opening and is set to continue throughout the year. Fiona Perera, Bali's Marketing & Public Relations Manager, says, "The response so far has been fantastic and we hope to keep the momentum going with plenty of promotions." Omar couldn't be happier with the success of the campaign but he feels that it was also a case of the product being an easy sell. Thomas agrees, "For us, initiating the first visit was the main thing. We believed that the product would sell itself easily after that." The fact is, Bali is rather impressive. It occupies the entire Block C of Leisure Commerce Square in Bandar Sunway, Selangor and offers 20,000 sq. ft. of pure entertainment. One can groove at a dance club, try a hustle at the American pool club, sample the fare at 2 restaurants (Italian or Asean cuisine), dally at a special­ ty coffee shop or enjoy a luxurious smoke at the cigar divan. Best of all, Bali's central location between Blocks A & B gives it an "inner courtyard" with covered and uncovered areas which can be used for special events like F & B promotions, product launches, fashion shows, concerts and corporate or private parties. The landscaping here and around the "one-stop entertainment complex" is simply beautiful. What can we say? We liked it. Very much. Surf by for more details and upcoming promotions.

...until Zainal drummed up a storm.

...then Sheila wowed them all...

Why am I not advertising in


A rosy time for commuters For a week through Christmas, bus commuters in Singapore were treated to free rides on SBS buses painted with bright red roses. The response was phenomenal with many commuters calling up to enquire the moment the ads hit the papers. Devised by ad agency DYR, this first-ever long running campaign coincided with a 'free drink' for Singtel mobile and paging cus­ tomers at leading nightspots in Boat Quay offering some 16 Ericsson mobile phones up for grabs.




YOU TELL ME. ADOI has over 12,000 readers from the advertising and marketing communications industry in Malaysia and Singapore. Many advertisers like media owners, advertising agencies, production companies and advertising support companies have seen the value of advertising here. Our rates are reason­ able, we are out every month (which means we are a good medium for job classifieds too) and our circulation figures have been validated by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. For ad enquiries, e-mail

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AMP Radio Networks operates 5 highly

From sales to programming.

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Production to research. Even promotions and special events.

Undeniably, radio is our medium. And a very

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