Catalogo COBI

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Penguins of Madagascar Š 2015 DreamWorks Animation L.L.C. All Rights Reserved.

2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 1

2015-01-19 15:18:21

1 Figure with Accessories (5 asst.) # 26004


11 x 1 x 14 [[cm]]


Medusa Serum Mutant Laser # 26055


North Wind Mission Control

15,5 x 3,7 x 13 [cm] 12 pcs

24 x 13,5 x 13,5 [mm] 4 pcs



Display 24 pcs

Display Box (24 pcs) # 26005

North Wind Secret Base # 26151

# 26082 NEW!


Peng Pe P e uins uiins inss of M Ma Mada Mad ad ad gasc scar sc scar ar Š 2 20 201 015 01 15 D Drrea eamW eam e a am mWorks orrk rk rks kss Animatio a n L.L.C. L All Rig R hts Rese Ri R rved d.

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]

20 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm]


12 pcs


12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 2

2015-01-19 15:18:22

Peng Pe Pen P en enguins ins ns o off M Mad ad ada ad dag da agasc gascar ar © 201 01 15 DreamW am amW mW m Works kss k An ation Anim n L.L.C.. All Rig ghts h Rese erved.

Operation Cheezy Dibbles # 26152

N.W. Elite Task Force Jet # 26203

12 pcs



23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]

29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]


6 pcs


© 2015 5 Vi V Viacom i IInternationa t t al Inc. c NIC ICKELO ELOD DEON and all related logos are tradem ademarks arks of Viaccom International Inc. Based on th he feat eatu ure film m “Madagascar” © 2005 DreamWor Workss Anima Anima ation L.L.C.. All Rights Reserved.


Blister Card 3 Figures with Accessories # 26003

20,5 2,5 17,5 20 5x2 5 x 17 5 [[cm] 12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 3

2015-01-19 15:18:41


©2 20 015 Via iac iaco iac aco a com In Inte tern ernati atio tio tio ional na n all IInc a nc NICKELO nc nc. ICKELO KEL KE K EL ELO E LODEON LO ODEON DEO EO EON E ON O N a alll rela and re ted d lo logo og s arre tradem emarks a o Viacom of m Inte nte terna te rnat rn na n a iona ona nal IInc.. B nal Based ase as se on the th feat th fea eatu eat ure u ur r film fil ilm lm “Mad “M “Mad daga agas ag ga car” ga ar” ar rr” © 200 005 05 Drea 05 Drea amW mWor mWo W kss Anima nima atio tion tion on L.L L.C. C All Righ Rights R ts R Reserved es ved. eser e ed

Display Box (48 pcs) # 26002 24 x 21 x 12 [cm]


2 pcs


1 Figure with Accessories (9 asst.) # 26001

10,7 10 7 x 1 x 14 [[cm]]


Dematerializer # 26050

# 26999

15,5 x 3,7 x 13 [cm]

90 x 48 x 138 [cm] 1 pcs

Rat King’s Revenge # 26051



Floor Standing Display Unit


Display 48 pcs


12 pcs

15,5 x 3,7 x 13 [cm]


12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 4

2015-01-19 15:18:59

© 20 2015 5 Viiac ia accom IIn a ntte tern e atio attio io ona na Inc. nal nc NIC nc. nc NI KE KELODEON KEL KELO EON EO EON ON an and a n all ll rela rel e ted el ed logo log s are e ttradem a ma arks k off Viac V om m Inte Internat Inte t rrnat nat attiona iona onal In nc. Based a e ed d on on the e fea fea feat ature at re film re film “Ma agas “Ma “Mad gas asca as ccar ar” © 2005 a 005 Dr Drre Dre Drea e mWor Works Wor orrk ks Anima nim ima m tion on n L.L L.L L.C. .C. All Righ All Al Rights ts R Reserved eserrved. v ve

Golf Cart Madness # 26080

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]

20 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm]


12 pcs

TV1 Helicopter # 26153


Swing & Smash Crane # 26230 30

12 pcs


24,5 x 5,5 x 22 [cm]





12 pcs

12 pcs

Fish-E Delivery Truck # 26171

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]




20 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs

Bi-Plane Bomber # 26150

Grab-A-Fish Factory # 26081

28 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]


6 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 5

2015-01-19 15:19:16

©2 20 015 Via iac iaco iac aco a com In Inte tern ernati atio tio tio ional na n all IInc a nc NICKELO nc nc. ICKELO KEL KE K EL ELO E LODEON LO ODEON DEO EO EON E ON O N a alll rela and re ted d lo logo og s arre tradem emarks a o Viacom of m Inte nte terna te rnat rn na n a iona ona nal IInc.. B nal Based ase as se on the th feat th fea eatu eat ure u ur r film fil ilm lm “Mad “M “Mad daga agas ag ga car” ga ar” ar rr” © 200 005 05 Drea 05 Drea amW mWor mWo W kss Anima nima atio tion tion on L.L L.C. C All Righ Rights R ts R Reserved es ved. eser e ed

Speed Boat Attack # 26231 NEW!


Monster Truck Fire Show # 26190

28 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]

29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 6 pcs


6 pcs

King Julien’s ZOO Adventure NEW!


The S.T.A.N.K. Mobile # 26280


# 26400

31 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 39 x 5,6 x 32 [cm] 4 pcs


3 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 6

2015-01-19 15:19:34

© 20 2015 5 Viiac ia accom IIn a ntte tern e atio attio io ona na Inc. nal nc NIC nc. nc NI KE KELODEON KEL KELO EON EO EON ON an and a n all ll rela rel e ted el ed logo log s are e ttradem a ma arks k off Viac V om m Inte Internat Inte t rrnat nat attiona iona onal In nc. Based a e ed d on on the e fea fea feat ature at re film re film “Ma “Ma “Mad Madagas aga ga ga asc as sca ca car ar” © 20 005 05 Dr Drre Dre Drea rea e mWor Works Wor orrk ks Anim mation ma m a on n L.L L.L L.C. .C. All Righ Al All Rights ts R Reserved eserrved. v ve

Penguin’s Secret Mission HQ NEW!

#2 26480 6 0 648

44 x 5,6 x 32 [cm] 3 pcs



Board Game: Mission Zoo # 26180

26,5 x 5 x 26,5 [cm] 4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 7

2015-01-19 15:19:50

Wi Clu Winx Win Wi lub lu b™ ™ © 20 200 2 0 3-20 20 015 15 Rainb inb nb bow ow S.r.l S r l. All lll Rig Righ R ig tss R Reser es ved ved. ve ed. e Seri S eriies cr crreat eat atte ed by Iginio Ig ginio nio o Strraffi a aff

WINX CLUB Blister Card 3 Figures with Accessories

# 25003

17,8 x 2,5 x 21,5 [cm] 12 pcs


Winx Floor Standing Display Unit 63 x 33 x 205 [cm]

WINX CLUB Magic Concert

WINX CLUB Tecna’s Room

# 25080

# 25081

19,5 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs


19,5 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 34

2015-01-19 15:29:46

Win Wi W Winx i Clu lu ub™ b © 2003 2003-20 20 200 3 20 01 15 5 Rainb nb bow o S.r.l r l. Al R All Righ ghts Reser R errved. v d ve ved Se ie Ser Seri ess creat cre reat rea ated at ted by Ig giniio Strraffi a i

WINX CLUB 1 Figure with Accessories

24 x 21 x 12 [cm] 2 pcs


# 25001



WINX CLUB Display Box # 25005

10,7 x 1 x 14 [cm] Display 48 pcs


WINX CLUB Magic Pool

WINX CLUB Bloom’s Room

WINX CLUB Stella Fashion Show

# 25082

# 25140

# 25141

19,5 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs


23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]


12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 35

2015-01-19 15:30:03

Wi Clu Winx Win Wi lub lu b™ ™ © 20 200 2 0 3-20 20 015 15 Rainb inb nb bow ow S.r.l S r l. All lll Rig Righ R ig tss R Reser es ved ved. ve ed. e Seri S eriies cr crreat eat atte ed by Iginio Ig ginio nio o Strraffi a aff

WINX CLUB Aisha’s Fitness Club

# 25254

# 25400

35 x 6 x 23,5 [cm] 6 pcs

WINX CLUB Frutti Music Bar

40 x 5,6 x 30,5 [cm]


4 pcs


WINX CLUB Mega Music Stage

# 25502

50 x 6 x 35,7 [cm] 4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 36

2015-01-19 15:30:20

Win Wi W Winx i Clu lu ub™ b © 2003 2003-20 20 200 3 20 01 15 5 Rainb nb bow o S.r.l r l. Al R All Righ ghts Reser R errved. v d ve ved Se ie Ser Seri ess creat cre reat rea ated at ted by Ig giniio Strraffi a i

WINX CLUB 1 Figure with Accessories

# 25002

WINX CLUB Display Box # 25006

10,7 x 1 x 14 [cm] Display 48 pcs

24 x 21 x 12 [cm]


2 pcs


WINX CLUB Blister Card 3 Figures with Accessories

WINX CLUB Motorboat

# 25004

# 25083

17,8 x 2,5 x 21,5 [cm] 12 pcs


19,5 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 37

2015-01-19 15:30:39

Wi Clu Winx Win Wi lub lu b™ ™ © 20 200 2 0 3-20 20 015 15 Rainb inb nb bow ow S.r.l S r l. All lll Rig Righ R ig tss R Reser es ved ved. ve ed. e Seri S eriies cr crreat eat atte ed by Iginio Ig ginio nio o Strraffi a aff

WINX CLUB Magic Harp

WINX CLUB Magic Library

WINX CLUB Musa’s Room

# 25084

# 25121

# 25142

19,5 x 4,5 x 19,5 [cm] 12 pcs


23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]


12 pcs

WINX CLUB Stella’s Room


WINX CLUB Flora’s Room

# 25143

# 25144

# 25180

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]


12 pcs


29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]


6 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 38

2015-01-19 15:30:55

Win Wi W Winx i Clu lu ub™ b © 2003 2003-20 20 200 3 20 01 15 5 Rainb nb bow o S.r.l r l. Al R All Righ ghts Reser R errved. v d ve ved Se ie Ser Seri ess creat cre reat rea ated at ted by Ig giniio Strraffi a i

WINX CLUB Winx Disco Club

WINX CLUB Winx Magic Reef

# 25181

# 25255

29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]

35 x 6 x 23,5 [cm]

6 pcs


6 pcs

WINX CLUB Winx Magic Beach

WINX CLUB Yachting Time

# 25256

# 25321

35 x 6 x 23,5 [cm] 6 pcs


40 x 5,6 x 30,5 [cm]


4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 39

2015-01-19 15:31:11

All it item te ttem em ms su ubjec bje bj b jec je jec ect to o lic licce li enso nso or a ap approv p rov oval. ov al. ©20 ©201 201 01 0 011 11 M Moose ose e Enterprise Enterpri Ente rprise se P Pty ty Ltd Ltd. d Tras Trashpack™ Trashpac hpack k logos, g , names and d ch racte cha char ters te rs are e tra rade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Ent nter nte e pris rise ris eP Pty Lt Ltd. d. d. Al rig All r tss res ri righ eser e s ved ved. e ed.

Display Box Trash Pack Brix (48 pcs) # 6253 24 x 21 x 12 [cm] 2 pcs


1 Figure with Accessories (24 asst.) # 6248

Blister Card 3 Figures with Accessories # 6247

10,7 x 1 x 14 [cm]

15,5 x 3 x 17 [cm]

48 pcs


12 pcs


Crazy Street Sweeper # 6240

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 40

2015-01-19 15:31:28

All A ll iitem itt mss ssubjec ecct to to licenso ens en e enso nssso n nso or ap ppro pro prov r al. ©20 ©2 ©201 ©2 2011 Mo Moose os Enterprise rpri p se P Pty ty Ltd. Ltd L td d Tras Trashpac h hpack™ k™ logos llogos, ogos,, names names and ch racte cha char ters te rs are e trade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Enter nte e pris rise ris e Pt P y Lt Ltd. d. d. All righ All r tss rreser e ved eser ved.

Submarine # 6244

Helicopter # 6245

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs

24,5 x 6 x 30,5 [cm]


Street Sweeper # 6241


Junk Truck # 6249

29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 6 pcs

6 pcs

39,5 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]


4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 41

2015-01-19 15:32:38

All it item te ttem em ms su ubjec bje bj b jec je jec ect to o lic licce li enso nso or a ap approv p rov oval. ov al. ©20 ©201 201 01 0 011 11 M Moose ose e Enterprise Enterpri Ente rprise se P Pty ty Ltd Ltd. d Tras Trashpack™ Trashpac hpack k logos, g , names and d ch racte cha char ters te rs are e tra rade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Ent nter nte e pris rise ris eP Pty Lt Ltd. d. d. Al rig All r tss res ri righ eser e s ved ved. e ed.

Garbage Truck # 6242

39,5 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 4 pcs


Skatepark Glow In The Dark

# 6252

40 x 5,6 x 30,5 [cm] 4 pcs


Junk Yard # 6250

50 x 6,6 x 30,5 [cm] 4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 42

2015-01-19 15:32:56

All A ll iitem itt mss ssubjec ecct to to licenso ens en e enso nssso n nso or ap ppro pro prov r al. ©20 ©2 ©201 ©2 2011 Mo Moose os Enterprise rpri p se P Pty ty Ltd. Ltd L td d Tras Trashpac h hpack™ k™ logos llogos, ogos,, names names and ch racte cha char ters te rs are e trade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Enter nte e pris rise ris e Pt P y Lt Ltd. d. d. All righ All r tss rreser e ved eser ved.

Skatepark # 6243

40 x 5,6 x 30,5 [cm] 4 pcs



Display Box Trash Pack Brix (48 pcs) # 6255 24 x 21 x 12 [cm] 2 pcs


1 Figure with Accessories (24 asst.) # 6254

Blister Card 3 Figures with Accessories # 6256

10,7 x 1 x 14 [cm]

15,5 x 3 x 17 [cm]

48 pcs


12 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 43

2015-01-19 15:33:13

All it item te ttem em ms su ubjec bje bj b jec je jec ect to o lic licce li enso nso or a ap approv p rov oval. ov al. ©20 ©201 201 01 0 011 11 M Moose ose e Enterprise Enterpri Ente rprise se P Pty ty Ltd Ltd. d Tras Trashpack™ Trashpac hpack k logos, g , names and d ch racte cha char ters te rs are e tra rade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Ent nter nte e pris rise ris eP Pty Lt Ltd. d. d. Al rig All r tss res ri righ eser e s ved ved. e ed.

Trash Copter # 6257

23,5 x 5,5 x 17,5 [cm] 12 pcs


23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm]

23,5 x 5,5 x 20 [cm] 12 pcs


12 pcs


Garbage Truck Glow In The Dark # 6261

Septic Truck # 6260

29 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 6 pcs

Crawler Bulldozer # 6259

Hovercraft # 6258

39,5 x 5,5 x 24 [cm]


4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 44

2015-01-19 15:33:30

All A ll iitem itt mss ssubjec ecct to to licenso ens en e enso nssso n nso or ap ppro pro prov r al. ©20 ©2 ©201 ©2 2011 Mo Moose os Enterprise rpri p se P Pty ty Ltd. Ltd L td d Tras Trashpac h hpack™ k™ logos llogos, ogos,, names names and ch racte cha char ters te rs are e trade rad d mark markss of Moo Moose Enter nte e pris rise ris e Pt P y Lt Ltd. d. d. All righ All r tss rreser e ved eser ved.

Plane Wreck # 6262

39,5 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 4 pcs


Rusty Boat # 6263

39,5 x 5,5 x 24 [cm] 4 pcs


Sewer Dump # 6264

40 x 5,6 x 30,5 [cm] 4 pcs



2015.01 katalog klockowy B5.indd 45

2015-01-19 15:33:48

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