list sefa
LIST SEFA 2013-2014 principles & party program
Personal Passionate Progressive YOUR VOICE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION
Faculteitsvereniging Sefa Kamer E0.02 Roetersstraat 11 1018 WB Amsterdam (E)
study association for economics and business university of amsterdam
Faculty Student Council
1. ZLATINA BADZHEVA “I want to ensure an optimum quality of education which will help everyone develop their full potential”
7. SYTSKE DE JONG “Information about changes within the faculty must be communicated clearly and actively by the university”
2. LUCA MOSSINK “Tutorial classes should be more participative and so stimulate students’ individual thinking”
8. BAS JONGERIUS “The faculty should actively promote extracurricular activities like career events and active membership at associations”
3. CASPER BURIK “I would like to get access to sofware at home instead of searching for a free computer (e.g. Eview, Matlab, SPSS, Stata)”
9. ASTRID MAGNUS “Studying abroad should be in line with your course and easier to organize, since it is an important experience in your life”
4. IWANA MIETUS “To help you study, I’ll make sure to have all the lectures taped and published on Blackboard the same day. Vote for video!”
10. LYSBET DEKKER “Keeping a close watch on the renovation, we’ll make Roeters a better place!”
5. JESSICA UDEH “I want to provide more study areas during the exam period and extend the opening hours of those that we already have”
11. EMMA DEN HELD “The faculty should be more transparant regarding the student evaluations. It must be clear what is happening”
6. JAN-TJIBBE STEEMAN “Your thesis is a key aspect of your bachelor- or master programme, that’s why we want the best supervision possible.”
12. SEBASTIAAN KLEIN “I want to promote internationalization of the faculty. The existing gap between Dutch students and international students needs to be reduced.”
list sefa
Faculty Student Council
hese are the principles and party program of List Sefa. This year Sefa, again, joins the FSR elections to defend the interests of the students at the faculty we have been involved in for so many years. We will first give a short introduction, subsequently the foundation of our program is given in our principles. Last, the program for this year’s elections is given in goals we want to achieve in the FSR. Sefa has a long history at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Sefa originates from the 1920s. All this time Sefa has been open to every student at our faculty and dedicated to their interests. This long relationship Sefa has with the students at our faculty makes Sefa the perfect candidate for the Faculty Student Council (FSR). Sefa is, like no other, in touch with what students encounter while studying at the FEB; what the difficulties are and what makes a student’s life flourish.
Today, Sefa gives you many opportunities to make the most of your student life. Social, academic, career and international activities you can organize or take part in to enrich your life as a student. Now in the FSR we actively want to defend your interests! The FSR is a governing body of the faculty representing the students. It consists of eight students who all have a specific portfolio. In the FSR, we will represent you by listening to your opinions and acting upon our principles: high quality education prevails, less money does not equal less quality, vision on education, simple over complex, faculty part of your life and enriching your life. For personal introductions of all of us check, through this website you can also vote during the elections. Vote Sefa on May 7th-11th!
list sefa
To Sefa, high quality education takes precedence over any other wish. The reason why students choose the UvA is to become a well-educated academic. To reach this goal, high quality education must be offered. Of course, we can enjoy a good cup of coffee and clean toilets but however important details are, inspiring lectures and good courses are of the utmost importance. These form you as an academic.
Faculty Student Council
CLEAR VISION ON THE FACULTY: A EDUCATION PART OF YOUR These two principles require a LIFE vision view on education. The faculty has to have a vision of what their standards are, what the goals of a program are and how these goals are shaped. It is clear that, to us, only the highest standards are acceptable. The goals have to be established in such a manner that both students and staff find them to be the best. How these goals are achieved leaves room for academic creativity, as long as it lets students thrive.
LESS MONEY SIMPLE OVER DOES NOT EQUAL COMPLEX LESS QUALITY Organization wise, that is. Sefa does want as much money possible to be spend on good education. But in financially difficult times, the faculty has the opportunity to see where unnecessary costs are made and work on the essence of our university and faculty: offer the best possible education to the future of academics, you, the student.
High quality education demands student effort. But that effort should be in knowledge and skills, not in bureaucracy. Most things should be able to be simple, those few things that need to be complex should be communicated crystal clear by the faculty.
During your time as a student, the faculty is a central (but humble) part of your life. It is where you follow your classes, prepare for exams but also meet friends, discuss things, have a beer and develop yourself in any other way. The faculty should facilitate a platform for you to do so.
This development comes in many different forms and shapes. Whether it is by exploring your organizational skills, by taking part in committees both to organize parties or career and academic events or join debates. Or even just reading a paper in the library, or take it big and study abroad, your study should give you the space to enrich your student life to the full!
list sefa
Vote for video! We believe that taping lectures has many positives and little negatives. Experience has thaught us that classes are still as full as they were before, and it gives students who are unable to come the opportunity to keep up with their studies. It is important that the taped lectures are published on Blackboard the same day.
During the renovation of our faculty and the closure of the E building, we want to keep the quality and quantity of the study areas, classrooms and catering facilities maintained. It is important for the university to come up with a good plan to implement the changes smoothly. We keep an eye on the renovation so that changes are implemented smoothly.
Attending a class sitting in the windowsill or on the stairs of the lecture hall is not our view of quality education. We want the tutorials to get back their original purpose: small groups, personal contact and more active lessons so that we stimulate individual thinking.
Libraries, computer rooms and study areas should stay open till late and also during the weekend. Especially during exam periods the UB (University Library) is often crowded and the faculty’s facilities could bring a relief to that. Also, there should be the opportunity to check and print before the 9.00h classes. Furthermore we want it to be possible to get access to software at home like Eview, Matlab, SPSS, Stata so you don’t have to look for a free computer constantly. Study areas have to be more accessible!
At our faculty, we are fortunate to have some of the best academics in the field as professors. We want to bring education and science closer together by making the best possible use of their experience and the inspiration that they can bring. For example, by introducing guest and case lectures by these top professors in each course.
list sefa
Faculty Student Council
Faculty Student Council
By creating a separate complaint component; we want to provide an effective platform for you as a student to turn to with complaints or remarks. By combining the two existing complaint desks of the FSR and the FEB, we could make this more efficient and let your voice be heard. This will lighten the workload of the student administration so that they can focus on your administrative issues.
The thesis is the crown to your student career. Currently the faculty has difficulties providing enough supervisors and with the cutbacks in full swing, things do not look optimistic for the future. We find this unacceptable. The faculty has to come up with a satisfying solution to this problem.
A broadly carried opinion among FEBstudents is that changes within the faculty must be communicated actively by the university. At the moment this is not the case: any important change that has an impact on your study program is mostly brought to you by fellow students in the corridors. We stand up for the fact that the faculty has to communicate the changes within the FEB more actively to the students. TRANSPARENCY
The hard financial times the faculty is in do not only require active communication about the changes but also transparency. Students were hardly informed about the trouble the faculty was getting into. This caused incomprehension among students about cuts into their education. Therefore the faculty should inform students better about what they are dealing with and how they plan to address these issues.
Studying abroad is an important experience in your life. The faculty should make sure that your study abroad fits into your program and that, if you success in your courses abroad, these courses count on your UvA diploma and that they will not cause study delay. If this is unavoidable, this has to be clear before you decide whether and where to go. Also, the international office should be better accessible. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
Sometimes it is hard to see the practical use of your courses outside academics. Therefore, the study advisors and professors should help you with this by explaining what possible career paths there might be. This also provides more awareness of the practical use of your education. The course content and career prospects should be linked more clearly. Doing this by a more active promotion of extracurricular activities like career events and active membership at associations. INTERNATIONALIZATION
The faculty should make sure that there is as little segregation between Dutch and international students as possible. We want to combine the best of both worlds.
list sefa
Faculty Student Council
efa is the study association for Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam. With 4500 members, of which over 200 active in committees, Sefa is one of the largest study associations in the Netherlands. As study association of the faculty we serve the students of all study-directions and from every year at the faculty. Our most important goal is to enrich the lives of our students in the broadest sense possible. To reach this goal we organize activities in one of four strategic pillars: 1. Academic: strengthening your grip on academia 2. Career: getting in touch with future employers 3. International: broadening your horizon in a globalizing world 4. Social: meeting your fellow students In reaching all students, Sefa organizes 65 projects annually. This includes small projects such as a social drink or an Active Members Weekend, but also large projects like a Research Project to Vietnam, the booksale in the Sefa Store, interview sessions at Room for Discus¬sion or large career activities like the ‘Amsterdamse Carrière Dagen’. All these activities are organ¬ised by our 200 active members. Would you want to run for the elections for the student council at the FEB next academic year? Send an email to and perhaps you will become part of the List Sefa committee!
Sefa Board 2012-2013