Portafolio convocatoria Santander

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Contรกctanos cristhian.garzongarcia@aiesec.net Celular: 312 230 9770 UPB, Bloque 6, piso 2

Santander is one of the biggest and most successful financial groups in the world. We are moved by each of our consumer’s satisfaction and results. And for that, we need talented people, passionate for what they do and who want to go even further. At Santander we open a world of possibilities for your personal development and career. You want to develop your talent, we have the opportunities. Starting from our professional development initiative, passing by our internship program and landing on our internal cross-area and cross-country mobility program, our people are constantly encouraged and supported to be the protagonists of their careers. As one of the most successful financial groups in the world, Santander encourages and invests on our people’s potential, and offers opportunities for your personal and professional development. Come thrive in this world with us.

- The third largest private bank in the national financial system - Leading financial group in the Eurozone - Live and work in the economic core of Brazil and largest economy in Latin America

Every opportunity requires an advanced English level. Basic Portuguese is preferred but not mandatory. For graduated or last semesters students. Working hours: 8am – 6pm

Salary: 3000 Reales DEADLINE Applications: 29 OCTOBER Sent mail to: Cristhian.garzongarcia@aiese.net with your CV in the next template: bit.ly/formatocv

Background: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, MARKETING Job Description: Analyze, along with the teams, the various results of marketing actions (focus on communication), comparing the actions by similar criteria. Generate report to systemise the monitoring of the results that we implemented, generating learning for correction and improvement of what we plan. Indicate what needs correction, which was good / bad in terms of results. Disclose learning within the Board. Follow up the market to compare ourselves

with competitors or similar businesses. Preparation Required: Interest in the activity of Marketing and good analytical skills. Experience in Economics / Finance / Marketing / Business Expected Results: Analysis and recommendations made. Course corrections / planning review made from the analysis. Learning Points: View of actions implemented throughout the Brand and Marketing Board, with analysis of what was good and what was not and how we incorporate the results on a daily basis for us to improve.

BackGround: FINANCE Job Description: Build a new flow for a online financing generator via Webmotors focused on the main credit processes Assess the viability of the new product Select clients to offer the new product Preparation Required: Work experience in Economics / Finances / IT / Engineering / Other technical fields Must have an analytical profile Expected Results: Within one year, the intern (with

supervision) will have built an online financing flow via Webmotors, for a new product. The main result is the creation achieved on the new product. Learning Points: Understanding the process of product building and risks/credit management.

Background: ECONOMICS Job Description: Support the development of statistical models as part of the project review of stress testing models for capital planning. Colection of historical data sets for development of statistical models. Work on the development of Excel tool for the implementation of statistical models developed. Support in the preparation of descriptive projects documentation and advanced methodologies. Preparation Required: Solid math formation (Studying engineering,

Statistics or Economics) Must like to work with models and historial data series analysis Expected Result: Develop three statistical models projection of results of financial products and services Learning Points: Financial products and services, dynamics of macroeconomic variables and statistical methods of financial modeling

Background: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Job Description: Develop a SmartBanking app for university students and/or recently graduated professionals. This project consists in creating an app that integrates all the differentials offered by our academic program (international mobility, scholarships, internships opportunities), financial (offered products and bank services) and non financial (partnerships). There is also a plan to develop services that help the clients with their financial orientation, following their expenses, investments and supporting them to achieve their financial goals. Keep up with the trends from the app market

and assessment of the competition. The main goal is that this tool becomes a way to develop customer loyalty and that it is a daily used app Expected Results: To have the app started, a reasonable amount of clients using the app, comparison between clients with and without SmartBanking (profitability, loyalty and client activity) Learning Points: Project management, to work in many different areas, negotiation skills and working with different and global areas inside the bank, understanding the bank processes flows, commercial vision, market vision and trendings of new technologies

Background: BANKING, FINANCE Job Description: International Desk (ID) Business Management: First Step: Map 100% of the clients with resell foreigner business partner- International Desk. Map the prospects trough development support Third-Party network (Chambers of Commerce, Consulates, Embassies, Law Firms, Banks, among other institutions receiving companies with foreign partners in Brazil and therefore are an important client acquisition source). Second Step: Identify Business Opportunities/ Profitability per client, identifying: Current relationship with the Bank. Profitability Opportunities, through credit,

transactionality, relationship with Santander Overseas. Specific commercial actions per client / prospects: loan, activation, linking, profitability. Preparation Required: Experience in Finance or Teaching Languages. Microsoft Office Expected Results. Increased asset base, linking and monetization of the customers in the ID perimeter Learning Points: Knowledge about brazilian market and other countries where Santander Group holds interests. Knowledge of the dynamics of International Business. Business Management / Portfolio. Knowledge of financial products

Background: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Job Description: Develop a mobile app for Santader HR area. The intern will have the opportunity to contact different HR areas in order to colect the information necessary, regarding content of the app, and also participate on meetings with the IT area. Preparation Required: It is expected that the intern has some previous knowledge on the development of new technologies,

bringing innovating solutions to the project.

Expected Results: The intern will have the opportunity to develop innovation skills, once this is a brand new project and will be structured and implemented for the first time

Background: FINANCE Job Description: Global Transaction Banking (GB&M) – Trade Finance: Foreign trade financing projects (imports and exports). Develop a platform of receivables for Brazilian exporters, which will offer a better and a wider structure than the current one. Review products such as factoring, letter of credit structure, etc. Size up the current market (characteristics, opportunities, competitors, size). Understand Santander current position (what is offered and new products) and come up with the best products for the clients. Evaluate alternative solutions for the gaps (Brazil, units abroad‌). Build business cases to test and approve new products. Improve the ABGF (Brazilian agency of exportation credit).

Raise and explore new areas to explore (Latin america and Africa). Develop financing structures of local inventories (Brazil). Preparation Required: Foreign trade and finances experience, Office skills (Excel) Expected Results: To prepare a setorial analysis and elaborate a business plan to implement/ improve the offer of products, especially related to receivables of brazilian exports Learning Points: Brazilian exports financing. Get to know brazilian's commercial finnancing, develop the skills of collecting and dealing with different datas, aiming to generate informations with good value in making decisions. Improve your working in group skills and with different areas, also developing good analytical skills.

Background: COMPUTER SCIENCES; BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Job Description: Participate in the development of channels and processes for bank account opening through remote acquisition. Engage areas, develop business processes and consider possible channels Manage ideas development focused on innovation Think through the development of business strategies, client acquisition, product distribution and customer relationship on online platforms

The intern must be organized, questioning, curious and have high execution and entrepreneurial capacity. Expected Results: Implement remote bank account openings where the client will start and finish the process via mobile/remote channels Learning Points: Learn about the client acquisition process in a bank, going through the regulatory issues, acquisition offering, loyalty models, cross selling, upselling and segmentation. How to manage multidisciplinary projects. How areas are structured and interact among each other in a major retail bank.

Background: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION; ECONOMICS Job Description: Develop a conceptual pricing model for every consumer product considering each consumer's risk profile and each product's guarantees and financial structure. Structure a offering prioritization model between products available for each consumer profile aiming the bank's return maximization Map current pricing processes on the system, identifying the points where adjustments are needed for the implementation of the new model Identify necessary changes to the operational flow of the involved areas in order to implement the new model

Document the process including proposed concept, current situation, opportunities and functional specification Follow up on the implementation team focusing on identifying possible operational risks and seek possible solutions for the new model Expected Results: Deliver the conceptual model for pricing and offering prioritization. Deliver the final report of the project specifying needed changes. Learning Points: Understand the bank product portfolio from hiring operational flow to each financing option profitability. Work with a multifunctional team. Participate in presentations to managers.

Background: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION; MARKETING Job Description: Work on the implementation of the Management Services Platform project (a remote account manager) Create the key operating and financial indicators for the project (e.g. sales, client profitability, churn, loyalty, satisfaction) Bring in ideas to improve the model via in loco follow up and competition mapping Identify and suggest new markets in which the model is applicable Assessment of the key operating and financial indicators involved in the project (e.g. # clients per

manager, % of approached clients, sales per approach) Expected Results: Implementation of tangible improvements on the operations and report on the key operating and financial indicators Learning Points: Live the birth of a new management service model which is receiving great support by the company and will have media visibility in 2015.2. Deal with critical decision making moments regarding the implementation itself and in loco decision along with consumers. Understand what KPIs are most important for management and profitability.

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