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Chevrolet, 2012, Silverado K1500 LTZ, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, 5.3ltr, auto, full power, heated leather, alloy wheels, 108,939 miles, has a brand new GM transmission with full 3yr//100k warranty, front damage and some undercarriage, air bags ok, $12,650 as is, $18,250 ready to go
Ford, 2012, Focus Titanium, 2.0ltr 4cyl, auto, full power, alloy wheels, spoiler, 82,007 miles, rear damage, minor front cover, $3,150 as is, $6,950 ready to go
$2,1 ,150
Buick, 2007, Lucerne CX, 3.8ltr V6 auto, loaded, gra ay leather,, heated seats, alloy wheels, 88,056 miles, right front damage and driivverss air bag, ru uns/drive es, $2,150 as is, $4,450 ready to go
$4,9 ,950
Chevrolet, 2001, Silverado K1500 Z71, 5.3 ltr V8, 1/2 ton 4x4, auto, full power, alloy wheels, 120,706 miles, was ditched, no rust on rockers/cab corners, frame has been repaired, minor repair fenders, replace r bedside, you could drive it like it is, $4,950 as is, $7,250 ready to go
$3,7 ,750
Chevrolet, 2009, Cobalt, 2.2ltr 4cyl, auto, A/C, tilt, CD stereo, 69,550 miles, Good Title!! minor left rear door and quarter damage, drive it as is or have it repaired, $3,750 as is, $4,950 ready to go
$34,2 ,250
Chevrolet, 2016, Silverado K2500 HD LT, 2500 HD 4x4, 6.0 ltr V8, crew cab, short bed, auto, full power, dark gray leather, 20” alloys, 37,786 miles, repairs in progress, $34,250 ready to go
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Exira E xira A Auto u t o Sales Sales
www.exiraauto.com Highway Highway 7 71, 1, E Exira, xira, IIa a
7 712-268-5345 12-268-5345
• •Please Please c check heck our our website website for for full full inventory inventory •Southern rust free trucks arriving daily •Website •Website updated updated daily daily
Chevrolet, 2015, 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, gray cloth, 39k miles, $39,900
Dodge, 2015, Ram 2500, crew cab, 4X4, 6.7 diesel, 117k, auto, cloth, loaded, $31,600
D o d g e , 2 0 1 4 , R a m 2 5 0 0 , cr e w ca b , long bed, 4X4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, $29,900
Chevrolet, 2015, 2500, reg cab, flat bed, 4X4, auto, diesel, cloth, 97K, $29,800
Dodge, 2013, Ram 2500, crew cab, 4X4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, 83k, emissions deleted, $29,800
Dodge, 2014, Ram 5500, reg cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 118k miles, $28,900
Chevrolet, 2014, Silverado 3500 SRW, Crew Cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, 175k miles $27,900
Dodge, 2011, 3500 SRW, Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7 cummins diesel, auto, 158k miles $24,200
GMC, 2013, 2500, ext cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 123K miles, $25,900
Dodge, 2014, Ram 4500, crew cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, flatbed available, $22,900
GMC, 2008, 3500, crew cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 140k miles, $21,900
Dodge, 2011, 3500, dually, crew cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $19,900
Dodge, 2011, 2500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $18,900
Dodge, 2008, 3500, quad cab, 4x4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, emissions deleted, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2010, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $14,900
Ford, 1999, F350, crew cab, long bed, dually, 4x4, 6 spd, 7.3 diesel, 159k miles, $14,900
Dodge, 2006, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, loaded, cloth, 165k miles, $10,900
Dodge, 2002, 2500, quad cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, rust free, $10,900
Dodge, 2001, Ram 3500, quad cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, loaded, cloth $10,900
Ford, 2002, F-250, crew cab, 4X4, auto, 7.3 diesel, bale bed, leather, loaded, new ball joints, $10,600
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, ext cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, 120k miles, $18,900
Chevrolet, 2012, ext cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, $17,900
Dodge, 2012, 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, 5.7 hemi, auto, 110k miles, $17,900
GMC, 2013, 2500, ext cab, 4X4, auto, 6.0 gas, cloth, loaded, 179k, $16,900
Dodge, 2012, 1500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, 5.7 hemi V8, cloth, loaded, $16,900
Dodge, 2014, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, 6.4 hemi gas, auto, cloth, 108k miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, 6.0 gas, auto, cloth, $13,900
GMC, 2012, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, 132k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
Chevrolet, 2008, 3500 SRW, reg cab, 4x4, 175k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
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Outdoorsmen Outdoorsmen TTrailers railers
ttoo aassist ssist tthe he Outdoorsman Outdoorsman move move hheavy eavy lloads! oads! 187 Hwy 6 Grinnell, IA
6 4 1 -9 9 0 -8 7 3 2
2 sizes
New MAXXD Trailers, 14,000 GVWR, gooseneck deckover, 2-7k dexter axles w/brakes, 5’ dovetail, 12” I beam construction, LED lighting, toolbox, black powdercoat, 20’+5’ 2 flipover ramps = $6,250, 25’+5’ 3 flipover ramps = $6,850
SALE $950
New Heartland, 5’x8’ tilt utility, 2,990 GVWR, LED lighting, black powder coat
6.:2,*7 :87 8:;. % ,, % % =;<86 .@1*=;< 0:.*< ;8=7625.; !.? +*<<.:A ?2<1 <:2,45. ,1*:0.: *77.? +*,4 <2:. 24. 7.? ,87-2<287
SSnappys nappys Trailers Trailers Cars Cars & TTrucks rucks We Deal - Give us your BEST Offer!! 4106 NE 14th St•Des Moines, IA snappystrailers.com snappystrailers.com
5515-266-2300 15-266-2300
Extensive dealer network to provide support and warranty if needed. Since 1993, the H&H brand has been hand crafted in America’s heartland by people who take pride in building the longest-lasting, best engineered trailers on the market.
New MAXXD Trailers, 83”x16’ Gooseneck dump trailer, 2-7,000 Dexter axles, 14,000 GVWR, scissor hoist, tarp kit, gray metallic powder coat
New MAAXD Trailers, 83”x14’ utility trailer, 2,990 GVWR, 4’ spring gate, green, black, or gray powder coat
d d, LT 1500, crew cab, 4x4, loade GMC, 2017, SLT PW, PL, rear backup camera, power rear slider window, heated seats, leather, alloy wheels, running boards, nav., heated steering wheel, approx. 19k miles, like brand new, $34,950
www.mcamotorsdsm.com Jeep, 1998, Cherokee Classic, 4.0L, full length steel rocker covers, roof basket
Call $6,000
tomline, ves great
Cobalt LT, k miles, great clean daily driver
01, C-Class, age
SOLD $5,999 $5,999
voy XUV, 124,436 miles
$12,999 $7,100 $1,999
150, super clean
1500 SLT, miles
Vu V ulcan 1500
Jeep, 2006, Grand Cherokee Larado, ultimate family SUV, sporty, 157,511 miles (file photo)
Jeep, 2008, Grand Cherokee Larado, super clean, 4x4, loaded, runs great
Mercury, 2 Prewoned
$9,025 $5,299
K Ver 1 ,235 miles (file photo)
Ford, 2003 very clean, 4
FXDWG Dyna air cooled twin cam 103 engine
Jeep, 2003, Liberty Limited, great gas mileage, 4x4
Pontiac, 1 Shaker runs and drives great
Less leat
, all the bells & whistles
6, FLHXS Street ustom grips & levers, 6,408 miles
EVERY at 9:00 AM E V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a t 9 :00 A M
ALL Buyers ALL Buyers must pre-register pre-register must b efore a uction day. day. before auction P lease v isit u sa t: Please visit us at:
3277 Ute Ave, Waukee IA
5 515-987-1700 15-987-1700
• • • •
O Open p e n To To
Public Dealers P ublic •D ealers Scrappers Exporters S crappers • E xporters Licensed Business’s L icensed B u s i n e s s ’s Dismantlers D ismantlers
State State Vehicles Vehicles Coming Coming Soon Soon With W ith Clean Clean Titles Titles aand nd Little Little or or No No Damage Damage
For Fleet Vehicles, Bank Repo, Rental Cars, and More With Minor Damage and Clear Titles Plus Driveable Insurance Vehicles With Salvage Titles.
Harley-davidson, 2008, FLTC Ultra Shrine, #20336490, front end, left & right side damage, 50,138 actual miles, alloy wheels, touring, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Harley-davidson, 2002, FLHRSEI, front end damage, 15,788 miles, #20532420, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Harley-davidson, 2016, FLHTKL Ultra Limited, #20613717, left side, front & rear damage, 6,300 miles, salvage title, touring, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Harley-davidson, 2005, FLHTCUI, #20789222, rear & left side collision damage, 29,926 miles, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Harley-davidson, 2003, XL883 Hugger, left & right side rear collision damage, cruiser, #20856055, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Yamaha, 2005, XVS1100 A, #18282629, left side damage, runs & drives, 14,645 miles, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Harley-davidson, 1994, FLSTC, #20724896, front end & right side damage, 31,219 miles, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
Tuesday Tuesday D ec 1122 Dec 99:00 :0 0 A M AM
Harley-davidson, 2012, FLHTCUSE7 Electra Glide, #20252223, right side & rear damage, 9,175 actual miles, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction December 12
IInsurance n s uurrra R e c o vve e a n Title TTii ttll e State C a rrs s c l e s & Clean C lle S tta a t e Cars a n c e Recovery e rryy Vehicles VVe e h iic In High Quality Repairables & Parts Vehicles From Insurance Providers, Fleets & More A AUTO U TO A AUCTION UCTION
E EVERY V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a at t 9 9:00 :00 A AM M
A Auto uto A Auction u c t i o n Open O p e n To To Public, P u b l i c , Dealers, D e a l e r s , Scrappers, S c r a p p e r s , Licensed L i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers
A Auto uto A Auction uction O Open pen T To o P Public, ublic, D Dealers, ealers, S Scrappers, crappers, L Licensed i c e n s e d Business’s, B u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers
www.4seasonsgrinnell.com 18 7 H w y 6 Grinnell, IA
Call for hours
www.4seasonsgrinnell.com $4,500
New Ironstar, 6x12, livestock/horse trailer, 6’6” interior height, tandem 3,500lb torsion axles with brakes, side door, rear gate with slider, 16” radial tires, red
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 6x12, enclosed cargo trailer, 5’11” interior height, ss model, 3,500lb axle, 2,990 GVWR, undercoated frame, side door, rear ramp door, LED lighting, .030 aluminum exterior, in stock colors: white, charcoal gray, or silver
New MAXXD, 83”x14’ dump trailer, 14,000 GVWR, 2-7,000 Dexter Axles, LED lighting, tarp kit, 3 way gate, scissor hoist, black or MAXXD metallic gray powdercoat
Cargo Mate, 2018, 7’x16’, tandem axle, 2 - 3,500lb axles, with brakes, white, rear ramp door, stabilizer jacks, dome lights with wall switch, undercoated
New Heartland, 2018, 82”x18’, car hauler package, 16’+2’ dovetail, 7,000 GVWR, 2-3,500 lb axles with brakes, ramps/ramp storage, LED lights, 205/75/15” radial tires, black powdercoat
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 4x6 enclosed trailer, 4’ interior height, V-nose, 2,000 GVWR, rear cargo door, LED lighting, white or charcoal gray
New, Cargo Mate, 2018, 5x8 v-nose, 4’11” interior height, rear barn doors, black, Rear ramp door models available for $2,200
Many Sizes
2017 MAXXD Trailers “14k gravity tilt” Avvailable in: Ye ear end clearance sale 83'x22', 6' stationary deck $5,200 83'x24', 8' stationary deck $5,300 102’x20’ $5,700 Call for Details
New MAXXD trailers, 83”x14’ utility trailer, 3,500lb dexter axle, bulldog coupler, swing up jack, 4’ spring assisted gate, 15” radial tires, LED lighting, green, black or gray powdercoat finish
New Interstate One, 7x14 enclosed trailer, 6’6” interior height, 7,000 GVWR, rear ramp door, side door, LED lighting, 15” tires, 16” o.c. wall studs, black or white
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8 8:00-5:00 :00-5:00 M M-F -F • S Saturday aturday by by Appointment Appointment Only Only
5636 5636 NE NE 14th 14th Street Street D Des es M Moines, oines, IA IA 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 800-362-2092 800-362-2092
www.thomasamerican.com www.thomasamerican.com • info@thomasamerican.com info@thomasamerican.com Over Over 400 400 Trailers Trailers In In Stock! Stock! • Iowa’s Iowa’s Largest Largest Trailer Trailer Dealer! Dealer! Big Tex 70SR-10 Dump Trailers 5’ x10’ - 7,000# GVWR 20” Sides with Double Rear Doors LED Lights Radial Tires
B Big ig TTex ex G Gooseneck Trailers ooseneck Trailers
Over 25 in stock!!! 14GN - 7k Axle Trailer w/15,900# GVWR 22GN - 10k Axle Tandem Dual/23,900# GVWR Several Sizes and Configurations Available
Big Tex 14-LX/GX Dump Trailers
83” Wide x 14’ or 16’ Lengths Available OVER 30 in Stock!!! Available in Bumper Pull or Gooseneck Setup with Dual Jacks
7K Dexter Axles Scissor Hoist Skid Loader Ramps On Board 110V Charger
Combo Doors Tarp Kit Under Body Storage 24” Sides with Upright Reinforcements
Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
Pierced Frame - Low Profile Setup Side Steps with Grab Handles Dexter Axles - 7k or 10k
All Aluminum Construction 3500# Torsion Axle Radial Tires 5 Year Warranty
Dual Jacks with Toolbox in between Jacks Bulldog 30k Adjustable Coupler on 22GN Dexter Adjustable Suspension on 22GN
Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
ited mit Liim !!! ly!! ly p u S p
Thomas Thomas B Bus us Sales Sales of of Iowa, Iowa, Inc. Inc. • 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 • 800-362-2092 800-362-2092 Chevrolet, 2010, Colorado, 2WD, ext. cab, w/ ARE topper, new tires, 3.7L auto, $9,995
78”x10’ = $1,999 78”x12” = $2,299 78”x14” = $2,599
D &E D&E USED CARS AND TRUCKS Quality Service & Repair
210 E. Broadway Des Moines, IA
HHR, 2011, LS, silver/gray interior, loaded, new tires, extra clean, $6,995
Ford, 2002, F-450, 4x4, V10, alum flat bed, (sander not included) $9,895
GMC, 1994, 1/2 Ton, 4X4, red, V6 $2,995
Ford, 2000, E-350, 8 passanger van, fully loaded, 60K miles, $6,995
Ford, 2006, Fusion, 4 cyl, 5 spd, maroon, tan leather, 62,000 miles, price reduced $6,995
Ford, 2005, E150 Cargo Van, V8, auto, loaded, extra clean, $6,495
Chevrolet, 2007, Express, All Wheel Drive, bins inside, 5.3 motor $8,995
Ford, 2003, F250, 4x4, ext cab, long box, 5.4L motor, blue/gray interior, $6,495
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S SERVCE, ERVCE, T TOWING, OWING, S SALES ALES Shop: Shop: 6 641-791-2333 41-791-2333 • T Tow ow 6 641-521-6533 41-521-6533 1800 1st 1s t A ve E 1800 Ave E,, Newton IIA A Newton
nehringauto@yahoo.com nehringauto@yahoo.com
Ford, 1996, F250XL, long box, 2WD,diesel w/turbo diesel, cloth interior, 190k miles, It’s ready to pull anything you give it! (file photo)
Buick, 2005, LeSabre, 165K milles, nice clean car
$ 9 , 0 00
Chevrolet, 2007, Tahoe LT, loaded, exceptionally clean leather, 213K miles, buck up camera, navigation, DVD, tow package
Pontiac, 2005, Montana, V6, 175K
RT210 & RT175, New Fully Loaded, call for price
2015 V330, New Discounted, call for details
Skid Loader attachment, for sale or rent
RT 60, 3 to choose from, Low hours
Tree Shear, tree puller, new and used or for rent, Call for Prices
Gehl, 2012, 5240 Turbo, 2spd, 68HP, cab & heat, 2125 hrs, $26,000
Chevrolet, 2008, Cobalt LT, PW/PL, cloth, auto, CD, 165K miles
Chevrolet, 2006, Impala LT, leatther, PW/PL/PS, sunroof, spoiler, 195K miles
Snappys Snappys Trailers Trailers Cars Cars & TTrucks rucks
4106 NE 14th St, Des Moines, IA
We Deal - Give us your BEST Offer!!
snappystrailers.com snappystrailers.com
515-266-2300 515-266-2300
Extensive dealer network to provide support and warranty if needed. Since 1993, the H&H brand has been hand crafted in America’s heartland by people who take pride in building the longest-lasting, best engineered trailers on the market.
2017 Model
$ $2,495 2,495
Used Shadow master, 7x16 enclosed trailer, w/cargo door, first $2,495 takes
$ $3,895 3,895
2018 Model
H&H Heavy Duty Industrial Skid Loader TGrailer, 18’+2’ dovetail, 14000GVW, 12k jack, skid loader ramps, LED lights, adjustable hitch
C Call all
H&H 7’X16’ Fat Top TRU “V” Nose, brakes on both axles, ramp door, 24” rockguard, *while supplies last
$ $2,495 2,495
H&H, 2017, 101x16+2’ dovetail, 4 wheel brakes, ramp & ramp carriers, power cooled, startting at $2,495
$ $5,995 5,995
New 2017 H&H enclosed trailer, 101”x20’, 10k axxles package, ramp door, Summer Special, $5,995/Firm (file photo)
14 Bu Pu
Pri S
2017 Model
H&H 14’ Dump trailer, scissors hoist, combo gate, skid loader ramp & carrier, hard channel fenders, pump box, 8 bolt rims, •14’ Bumper Pull $6,395 Or 16’ bumper pull $6,695, •16’ gooseneck $7,595 + freight
2 ), &! %( ' && +/ ,! &!-
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ooseneck, with 10 hyd beavertail
r hauler, 7,350#
$4,250 to $4,750 removable fenders
# "!
2 )' 3 !&&
. (.)* # # " , # ' )) % ( (
eckover, d u p ra mp s
909 Hwy 163 W, Pella IA (Mile Marker 38)
6 641-780-0234 41-780-0234
aulic tilt, WR, 2 2 lon g, 8 wide
0 ft, 10K uler with extruded aluminum floor, and rear pull out ramps
$ Call for Quote
truckbed, N hitch & s & tail board, we install.
Easy Lifter Jack Conversion
to hydraulic n a l e q u p me n t jacks, We install, two for $1,200
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M cKim McKim Tractor SService ervice Tractor wwww.mckimtractor.com ww.mckimtractor.com
2718 LLincoln incoln AAve, ve, Oskaloosa, Osk IA 641-673-7858 3-7858 2718
Mahindra 5035, 2012 143 hrs, 4WD, with loader, 2 hyd remotes, shuttle, 50HP diesel engine, #3642 $23,700
Grasshopper, 2012, 727T, 27HP, Kohler Command, out front, 61” deck, 345 hrs, runs great #3369 $6,000
John Deere, z960R, 31 HP Kawasi, 60" Deck, 2014 year, 212 Hours, Very Good Condition, #3373 $7,500
New Briggs-Stratton, generator, 120 volt - 220 volt 500 watt (42AMP) continuous, 6,250 watt (52AMP) serge, B-S engine 8.5 HP, 2 year warranty, list price $629, sale price $560
Simplicity, Legacy XL, 27HP Kawasaki LC, 4x4, w/loader weight box, weights, 3 point hitch, 540 PTO, 388 Hours, #2711 $9,800
Simplicity, Chipper 8/14, rope start, 8.0 HP, #2095 $ 350
Simplicity, Snowthrower 1226L, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 26”, electric start, chute, #3325 $900
Simplicity, Snowthrower 520m, Pre-owned single stage, 2 stroke, rope start, 5.0 HP, 20”, #1871 $ 325
Simplicity, Snowthrower M1227E, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 27”, electric start, chute, #3322 $850
New! Employment Opportunity Service Sales Parts Please call & ask for Bob McKim or email Resume to mckimtra@kdsi.net
Who we are We are a second-generation family owned business that was started in 1978. We sell and service AGCO farm equipment. Massey Ferguson tractors, Hesston hay epuipment, Sunflower tillage, Gleaner combines, and several other short lines such as Rhino, Buhler/allied, Westendorf, Mac-lander trailers and many others. We are one of the largest Ferris, Simplicity, and Snapper lawn and garden dealers. We service all brands of AG and lawn and garden equipment. We strive to give our customers the best service possible. McKim Tractor Service is now hiring. We have positions in the lawn and garden or farm equipment sales. We are also looking for a Parts person & customer service person. Additionally we have positions for Ag service tech and/or lawn and garden tech. We offer good benefits with paid holidays and competive pay with health insurance. These are full-time positions. Advancement and educational opportunities available.
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4192 Hwy 146, Grinnell, IA
641-990-2674 641-990-2674 w w. l a c a e y s e t r a i l e r s . c o m w www.lacaeysetrailers.com
Alum-Line , 2017, 5ft Livestock Popper With Lexan Panels MSRP: $2,275 Sale Price $1,600 Stock #5FT Alum-Line Livestock Popper
American Hauler, 2018, Air Lite, 7x14 Enclosed Trailer. Ramp Door, Radial Tires, LED Lights, Side Door. Charcoal. MSRP: $5,400 Our Price: $4,200 #60 901
American Hauler, 2018, 5x10 Air Lite, Enclosed Cargo Trailer, 4ft Interior Height, LED Lights, Radial Tires. Pewter in Color. MSRP: $2,450 Priced to Sell $2,100 #ALC510P
H&H, 2018, 7x12 CA series enclosed cargo, screwless exterior, LED lights, ramp door, radial tires, brakes, 7k jack, roof vent, spare tire, Priced to Sell $4,325 #030 73
Doolittle, 2018, 84x20 Extreme Car/Racing Trailer, 7k, ramps, LED lights, radial tires, brakes, 5 year structural warranty. MSRP: $4,375 Priced to Sell $3,350 #28114
H&H, 2018, 77x12 rail side utlity, LED lights, radial tires, ramp gate, 3,500lb axle. Priced to Sell $1,550 #0 0994
H&H, 2018, 82x18 tandem axle solid side utility, spring assisted ramp gates, LED lights, radial tires, brakes. Priced to sell $2,775 #009 64
H&H, 2018, 82x16 tandem axle rail side utility, spring assisted ramp gate, LED lights, radial tires, brakes. Price to sell $2,750 # 00962
Delta, 2018, 25ft gooseneck equipment, 20+5 14k, toolbox, flip over ramps, LED lights, brakes, dual 12k jacks. Priced to sell $6,200 #11885
American Hauler, 2 0 1 7 , N i g h t H a w k, 6x12 Enclosed Cargo Trailer, Ramp Door, Side Door, LED Lights, Radial Tires, 6" Extra Height, and Undercoating. MSRP: $3,775 Priced to Sell $3,300 #59857
Delta, 2018, 16ft 500ES bumper pull livestock, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, (2) 3,500lb axles, brakes, rear swing gate w/slider, center divider gate, escape door, storm gray, LED lights, MSRP: $5,675 Price to sell at $4,800 # 437 42
Doolittle, 2018, 82x20, Extreme 14k Equipment Trailer, 2 7,000lb Dexter brake axles, 10k jack, ramps, radial tires, LED lights, 5yr structural warranty, Priced to sell $4,550 #279 22
Delta, 2018, 27EB 102 Wide equipment, 14k bumper pull, mini mega ramps, radial tires, LED lights, drive over fenders, brakes, Priced to Sell $5,900 #43253
American Hauler, 2018, 6x12, Arrow Enclosed Cargo Trailer, 6” extra height, ramp door, radial tires, LED lights, white. Priced to sell $3,150 #60467
American Hauler , 2 0 1 7 , 7 x1 6 N i g h t Hawk Enclosed Cargo Trailer, ramp door, side door with flush lock & bar lock, twotone screwless exterior, orange/black, aluminum wheels, white vinyl walls, radia tires, LED lights, Priced to sell $5,675 #6208 4
Doolittle , 2017, SS 77x10 Utility, Radial Tires, LED Lights, 5ft Ramp, Toolbox, 5 year structural warranty! Priced to sell $1,675 #2597 8
Delta, 2018, 24ft 600HD Gooseneck Livestock Trailer, 6’8” wide, 2 center gates, rear door with slider, side escape door, 2 7,000lb axles with brakes, LED lights, rubber bumper, storm gray, Priced to sell $9,900 #DELTA24ft600HD
Doolittle, 2018, 84x20 Extreme 10k Gooseneck Equpment Trailer, dual jacks, toolbox, spare tire, LED lights, drive over fenders, ramps, radial tires, brakes, 5 year structural warranty. MSRP: $5,800 Priced to sell $4,950 #28113
Doolittle , 2017, PT 77x16 Utility, Radial Tires, LED Lights, 5ft Ramp, Brakes, 5 year structural Warranty! Priced to sell $2,475 #25979
Doolittle, 2017, Brand New, 14k EZ Loader GT 20ft Tilt bed Trailer, 4ft Stationary, 16ft Tilt, LED Lights, Radial Tires, Brakes, 10k drop leg jack, 5yr Structural Warranty!! MSRP: $6,350 Priced to sell $5,400 #20FTEZLOADER
Doolittle, 2017, Brand New, PT 84x12 Utility Trailer, Radial Tires, LED Lights, 5ft Ramp Gate, Doolittle's exclusive 5yr Structural Warranty!! MSRP: $2,390 Priced to sell $1,875 #PT8412
Doolittle, 2017, BruteForce 8.5'x32' 22k Deckover Gooseneck Equipment Trailer. 27ft Flat Deck and 5ft Dovetail. Dual Jacks, Toolbox, Spare Tire, Mammoth Ramps. 5 Year Structural Warranty! MSRP: $11,500 Priced to sell at $9,450 #25329
Doolitte, 2017, PT77x16 utility, radial tires, LED lights, 5ft ramp, brakes, 5 year structuarl warranty, Priced to sell $2,475, #25979
Doolittle, 2017, SS 77"x12', Utility Trailer. Heavy Duty Ramp, Locking Toolbox, Radial Tires, LED Lights. MSRP: $2,399 Our Price: $1,775 #22 384
Doolittle, 2017, 82x14, 14k master dump trailer, wireless remote, 2 way pump, tarp, ramps, 4 ìDî rings, radial tires, MSRP: $8,000 Sale Price $6,900 #23641
Doolittle, 2017, Brand New, SS 77x16 Tandem Axle Utility Trailer, Radial Tires, Brakes, 5ft Ramp Gate, Toolbox, exclusive 5yr Structural Warranty!! MSRP: $3,200 Priced to sell $2,525 #SST7716
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Buick, 2008, Lucerne CXC, gold w/leather interior, 3.8L V6, new battery
Chevrolet, 2012, Equinox LT, brown, leather, 2.4L, 60K miles, runs good, loaded
2696 Hwy 63 S, Oskaloosa IA 641-673-8459
$ 3 ,5 6 0
$ 6 ,5 0 0
Loader w/Fork & Bucket, starts & runs good, will pickup 3 cars
Pontiac, 2005, Bonnevile SLE, white, leather, 3.8L, 121K, good title
Lincoln, 2007, Mark, Light blue, leather, 128K, 5.4L
Chevrolet, 2008, Colorado LT, 37K miles, PW, PDL, 4x4, new battery, new tires
Building For Sale On High traffic road Ideal for car lot or service garage
Area = 25,892 sq ft Perimeter = 1,033 ft Front
27 1/2
23 1/2
37 1/2
53 1/2 22
Features: • 2 Hoists • 2 Large Air compressors • Office Space • 10 Large Garage Doors
20 1/2
3’ 6 ”
25,895 sq ft Building 1,033’ Perimeter and 20+ acres
Location: Van Gorp Auto (2696 Hwy 63 South, Oskaloosa IA
20 1/2
99 99
50 1/2 20
20 1/2
Selling due to health reasons
This property has Rural Water and Natural Gas
Financing Available
www.selectautosalesdsm.com '% #%
! '& $ ' $
& & ! !
!" !" ! !
%%% !
0-<863-: 8;@- +6 8-, 4-:)331+ =1:0 8-, )5, *3)+2 15:-8168 );:6 )18 :13: +8;19- 7 =15,6=9 36+29 4188689 +0864=0--39 $-8? "0)87
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