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Toyota, 1999, Landcruiser, 4x4, w/252k miles, in Great Shape, runs ou t we ll , loa de d with leather, 3rd row seat
Chevrolet, 1978, Big 10 Pickup, w/5 52k original miles, all original condition, Amazing Shape, Runs Great!
H on da , 2 00 2, Accord, coupe, w/108k miles, in Great Condition!
BMW, 2001, Z3, convertible, w/190k miles, runs out Great!
Chrysler, 1996, Concorde, only 35k original miles, like new!
Mercedes, 1981, 300D, diesel, amazing shape, but wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t start, needs towed
Ford, 2009, Escape, w/157k miles, Great Shape!
Chevrolet, 2002, Suburban, w/232k miles, in good shape, loaded with leather!
Buick, 2002, ParkAvenue Ultra, w/154k miles, in Excellent Shape!
Chevrolet, 2002, S-10 ZR-2, 4x4, ext cab, w/129k miles, runs good, some rust
Vehicle Auction
Saturday, February 17 - 10:00 am 900 N. League Rd. Colfax, IA 50054
70+ Vehicles Including Cars, Trucks s, Vans, SUVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, and Motorcycles
Vehicles may be viewed Friday, February 16th All vehicles sold as-is but have been through our shop to ensure drivetrain and brakes work properrlly ly between 9-6 or the morning of the auction at 8. Cash, credit/debit card (3% transaction fee), Concessions are available. or check with notorized bank letter. Parking shuttle will run from Colfax High School. Pictures can be veiwed at www.tcmid1.org
Lincoln, 1993, Mark VII, w/44k original miles, in Immaculate Condition!
Ford, 2009, Edge SEL, AWD, w/228k miles, in Excellent Shape, fully lo ad ed , n ew transmission within last year
Nissan, 2002, Altima, 2.5 SL, w/141k miles, in Great Shape, loaded with leather
Jeep, 2003, Grand Cherokee Limited, V8, 4WD, w/151k miles, in Great R un ni ng Shape, loaded, minimal rust
H on da, 2 00 6, CRV, w/186k miles, in Great Shape!
Ford, 2001, Mustang GT, convertible, w/140k miles, in Great Running Condition
Chevy, 1986, Camaro Pro Street Drag Racer, is in Great Shape, runs Amazing, new slicks, ready to race!
Buick, 1986, Skylark, w/72k original miles, Excellent Shape
H o nd a , 2 0 0 9 , Civic, coupe, w/120k miles, in Excellent Shape, loaded with leather
Lincoln, 1998, Navigator, w/106k miles, in Immaculate Shape, fully loa de d!
18 7 H w y 6 Grinnell, IA
2 sizes
Call for hours
www.4seasonsgrinnell.com Sale $4,250
New Ironstar, 6x12, livestock/horse trailer, 6’6” interior height, tandem 3,500lb torsion axxles with brakes, side door, rear gate with slider, 16” radial tires, red
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 6x12, enclosed cargo trailer, 5’11” interior height, ss model, 3,500lb axle, 2,990 GVWR, undercoated frame, side door, rear ramp door, LED lighting, .030 aluminum exterior, in stock colors: charcoal gray, pewter, or blue
New MAXXD, 83”x14’ dump trailer, 14,000 GVWR, 2-7,000 Dexter Axles, LED lighting, tarp kit, 3 way gate, scissor hoist, black or MAXXD metallic gray powdercoat
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 4x6 enclosed trailer, 4’ interior height, V-nose, 2,000 GVWR, rear cargo door, LED lighting, white or charcoal gray
New Heartland, 5’x8’ tilt utility, 2,990 GVWR, LED lighting, black powder coat
New MAXXD trailers, 83”x14’ utility trailer, 3,500lb dexter axle, bulldog coupler, swing up jack, 4’ spring assisted gate, 15” radial tires, LED lighting, green, black or gray powdercoat finish
VVan an HHaaften aaften RRacing acing IInc. nc.
Cargo Mate, 2018, 7’x16’, tandem axle, 2 - 3,500lb axles, with brakes, white, rear ramp door, stabilizer jacks, dome lights with wall switch, undercoated
New MAXXD Trailers, 14,000 GVWR, gooseneck deckover, 2-7k dexter axles w/brakes, 5’ dovetail, 12” I beam construction, LED lighting, toolbox, black powdercoat, 20’+5’ 2 flipovver ramps = $6,250, 25’+5’ 3 flipover ramps = $6,850, 2018 MAXXD, 22,500 GVWR, 25+5 MAXXD out ramps $9250
SALE $950
Cargo Mate, 2018, 6x10, 2,990 GVWR, rear barn doors, side door, 5’11” interior height, white or black available
New Cargo Mate, 5x8, 2,990 GVWR, 4’11” interior height, rear barn doors, white, $1,950, charcoal gray with rear ramp door, $2,200
VHR VHR Used Used C Cars ars
Work: W ork: 641-627-5081 641-627-5081 211 Keystone St., Cell:641-780-0719 C ell:641-780-0719
Otley, IA
Chevrolet, 2013, Impala LT, 3.6, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, mew tires, very clean, 141,000 miles, Just Serviced, aluminum wheels, Asking $6,495 or Best Offer
Chevrolet, 2012, Malibu LT, PS, PW, PL, AT T,, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, remote start, 66,000 miles, Asking $8,595 or Best Offer
Ford, 2017, Fusion SE, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, Sirius, power seat, aluminum wheels, just serviced, 48,561 miles, Asking $14,995 or Best Offer
Ford, 2014, Focus SE, auto, tilt, A/C, rear defrost, cruise, daytime lamps, remote keyless entry, cloth, 39k miles, AM/FM/CD/MP3, PW, PM, PL, alloy wheels, Asking $10,000
Chrysler, 2010, Town & Country Touring, PS, PW, PL, AT T,, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, L&R power sliding doors, 130k miles, power liftgate, new battery, good tires, just serviced, Asking $7,595 or Best Offer
Chrylser, 2010, Town & Country Touring, PS, PW, PL, AT T,, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, stoy & go seating, power sliding doors both sides, power liftgate, very low miles, 57,614 miles, Asking $10,595 or Best Offer
"'$ !( !&"$) "! )"'$ % $&# "!
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9.(/ & 6377* 6*1.91 ! 7911.8 ;-.8* ; 2*986&0 0*&8-*6 3;2*6 -*&8*) (330*) 7*&87 2&:.,&8.32 792633+ 6*138* 78&68 '&(/ 94 (&1*6& 03&)*)
L A N G S T R A AT AT A U T O B O D Y & M A R I N E , I N C . langstraatauto.com TThe R e p a i r Specialists Specialists h e Collision C o l l i s i o n Repair 2079 Old Hwy. 163 West, Pella IA50219 P Phone: hone: 641-628-3680 641-628-3680 “Where “ Where you you don’t don’t h have ave tto o look look ffor or a q quality uality repair.” repair.” $12,6 ,650
Chevrolet, 2012, Silverado K1500 LT TZ Z, ccrrew cab, shorrtt bed, 4x4, 5.3ltr, auto, ffu ull power, heated leather, a allloy wheels, 108,939 miles, has a brand new GM transmission with full 3yr/100k wa arrrrra an nttyy, ffrrontt da am mage a an nd some underca arrrrriag ge, aiir bag a gs ok, $12,650 as is, $17,250 read dyy to go
Oldsmobile, 1996, Ciera SL, 3.1ltr V6, auto, power windows, locks, tilt, cruise, A/C, 203k miles, local couple didn’t need it anymore, no damage, good title, $700
HHR, 2011, LS, silver/grayy interior, loaded, new tires, extra clean, $6,995
$2,7 ,750
Honda, 2007, Accord EX, 3.0ltr V6, auto, full power, sunroof, alloy wheels, heated leather, spoiler, 99,933 miles, ditched, needs front bumper, coolers, lower support, possible r lower a-arm and drivers bag, $2,750 as is, $5,250 ready to go
Chevrolet, 2013, Impala LTZ, 3.6ltr V6, auto, full power, heated leather, alloy wheels, 77,710 miles, L rear side damage, needs L quarter, taillight, rear bumper, some suspension, coming in Tuesday, $3,150 as is, $7,150 ready to go
GMC, 2012, Denali XL, AWD, 6.2ltr V8, auto, full power, sunroof, 20” wheels, tow package, DVD player, left front damage, no frame damage, coolers/bags ok, 101,931 miles, $13,500 as is, $17,950 ready to go
Chevrolet, 2011, Malibu LT, 2.4ltr 4cyl, auto, full power, alloy wheels, 88,120 miles, deer hit left front side, bags ok, needs bumper, headlight, L fender & LF door, runs/drives, coming in Tuesday, $2,950 as is, $5,150 ready to go
D &E D&E USED CARS AND TRUCKS Quality Service & Repair
210 E. Broadway Des Moines, IA
Chevrolet, 2016, Silverado K2500 HD LT, 4x4, 6.0 ltr V8, crew cab, short bed, auto, full power, dark gray leather, back up camera, 20” alloys, 37,786 miles, no damage, beautiful truck, 4:10 gears, POSI, $29,500 ready to go FEBRUARY SPECIAL!!
Ford, 2012, Fusion SEL, 3.0ltr V6, auto, full power, heated tan leather, sunroof, alloy wheels, 79,907 miles, L side damage needs L doors, center pillar/rocker cut, L side curtain bag, runs/drives, $3,150 as is, $7,250 ready to go
Ford, 2003, F250, 4x4, ext cab, long box, 5.4L motor, blue/gray interior, $6,495
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500 HD, 4x4, ext cab, 6.0 motor, auto, extra clean, $14,995
Chevrolet, 2010, Colorado, 2WD, ext. cab, w/ ARE topper, new tires, 3.7L auto, $9,995
Ford, 2002, F-450, 4x4, V10, alum flat bed, (sander not included) $9,895
Chevrolet, 2011, Silverado 1500, 4.8L V8, ext cab, bright orange, black interior, 20” wheels & tires, extra clean, $11,495
Ford, 2000, E-350, 8 passanger van, fully loaded, 60K miles, $6,995
Ford, 2005, E150 Cargo Van, V8, auto, loaded, extra clean, $6,495
Chevrolet, 2007, Express, All Wheel Drive, bins inside, 5.3 motor $8,995
Chevy, 2012, Cruze LT, fully loaded, extra clean, low miles, $8,495
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“Serving Iowa Since 1948” # **/ ) +*% " ) (*) ) %+$ %$ *(+)* $* ( */ $ ( )& * ( &(%+ *% % ( * ) , "+ ) $ %+( ) " ) $ +) $ )) &( * ) )% %+( +)*%# () ! & %# $ ! , " ) %$ %+( "%* , * )* &( ) $ '+ " */ $ * ( )% %# / $ ) +) *% /
“Building More Tha Than Just Cars” $ $ $
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7 712-268-5345 12-268-5345
• •Please Please c check heck our our website website for for full full inventory inventory •Southern rust free trucks arriving daily •Website • Website updated updated daily daily
Chevrolet, 2015, 3500, dbl cab, 4WD, diesel, 119k miles, $31,900
Dodge, 2015, Ram 2500, crew cab, 4X4, 6.7 diesel, 117k, auto, cloth, loaded, $31,600
Dodge, 2014, Ram 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4X4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, $29,900
Chevrolet, 2014, Silverado 3500 SRW, Crew Cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, 175k miles $27,900
GMC, 2013, 2500, ext cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 123K miles, $25,900
Dodge, 2011, 3500 SRW, Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7 cummins diesel, auto, 158k miles $24,200
Dodge, 2014, Ram 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $23,900
Dodge, 2014, Ram 4500, crew cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, flatbed available, $22,900
Dodge, 2011, 2500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 160k miles, $21,900
GMC, 2008, 3500, crew cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 140k miles, $21,900
Dodge, 2011, 2500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $18,900
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, ext cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, 120k miles, $18,900
Dodge, 2008, 3500, quad cab, 4x4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, emissions deleted, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2009, C4500, 6.6 duramax, mechanics box, 19,500 miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2010, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $14,900
Chevrolet, 2006, 3500, reg cab, dump bed, 4x4, auto, duramax, diesel, cloth, 108k miles, $12,900
Chevrolet, 2008, 3500 SRW, reg cab, 4x4, 175k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
Dodge, 2001, Ram 3500, quad cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, loaded, cloth $10,900
Ford, 2002, F-250, crew cab, 4X4, auto, 7.3 diesel, bale bed, leather, loaded, new ball joints, $10,600
John Deere, 1980, 2840, diesel, 2500 hours, nice shape, $10,500
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, Ext Cab, Long Bed, 4x4, Auto. 6.0L V8 Gas or CNG, 125k miles, $20,900
Chevrolet, 2015, 3500, reg cab, dually, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, gas, cloth, $18,900
Dodge, 2012, 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, 5.7 hemi, auto, 110k miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2012, ext cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, 145k miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2012, 2500, ext cab, 145k miles, gas, long bed, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, reg cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, $16,400
GMC, 2012, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, 132k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
Ford, 2011, F150, crew cab, short bed, 2WD, auto 3.5 EcoBoost, cloth, loaded, $8,700
Chevrolet, 2005, 1500, reg cab, short bed, 4x4, 5 spd manual, V6, 138k miles, $6,200
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Chevrolet, 2003, Avalanche
Dodge, 2002, Ram 2500
Chevrolet, 2006, 1500
4WD, V8, auto
Cummins Diesel, auto
2WD, V8, auto
Chevrolet, 2003, Trailblazer
Chevrolet, 2000, 2500
ext, V8, auto, 4WD
Chevrolet, 2002, 2500
Chevrolet, 2004, Avalanche Chevrolet, 2002, Trailblazer 4X4, V8, auto
V6, auto, 4x4
Chevrolet, 2004, Suburban Chevrolet, 2004, Tahoe Chevrolet, 2007, Avalanche
Chevrolet, 1997, S10
4x4, V8, auto, runs great
2WD, V6, auto, 163k
LS, Leather
Chevrolet, 1978, El Camino Chrysler, 2004, Concorde Chrysler, 2004, Town & Country
Dodge, 2007, Charger V6, Auto, Sharp
V8, auto, runs great, Nice
V6, auto, runs great
Cadillac, 2010, DTS
Dodge, 2005, Ram 1500
Ford, 2004, F150 Crew Cab
Chevrolet, 2007, LT
crew cab, Hemi, 4x4
V8, auto, 4x4, new camp phazers
ext cab, 4x4, leather (file photo)
Lux, loaded
V6, auto
Monday - Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 2pm
802 1st Ave Perry, Iowa
We Will Finance You
Buy Here! Pay Here!
Volkswagen, 2008, Jetta
Ford, 2004, F150
Ford, 2004, F250
Ford, 2001, F150
4cyl, auto
crew cab, 4x4, V8, auto, nice, 139K
4x4, 6.0 diesel, w/6 spd manual
super crew, 4x4
Ford, 1997, Expedition
GMC, 2001, Yukon XL
Honda, 2004, Pilot
Jeep, 2006, Grand Cherokee
Eddie Bauer 4x4, V8, auto
4WD, Leather, Nice
V6, auto, 4WD
Limited V8, auto, 137K, nice, 4x4
Jeep, 2004, Grand Cherokee
Mazda, 2010, 6
Mazda, 2006, Tribute
Mercedes, 2000, ML320
4x4, auto, 150K miles
4 cyl, auto, good miles, sharp
4WD, V6, auto
V6, auto, AWD (file photo)
Chevrolet, 2004, Colorado
Pontiac, 2009, Vibe 4 cyl, auto, sharp
Pontiac, 2007, Grand Prix V6, auto, 107K miles
Dodge, 2003, Ram Quad Cab
4WD, auto, crew cab
Chrysler, 2008, Sebring
Ford, 2005, F250
Ford, 1997, F150
Ford, 2008, F250
V6, auto (file photo)
crew cab, V10, auto, nice (file
4.8 V8, auto, 4x4
V8, auto, 4x4, 157K miles
4x4, Hemi, auto
& '
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: ,+& 0#&'2 2#+-'2 -$3 *'#69 &549 2#.13 &06' 4#+-
2#.1 &002
FFEBRUARY EBRUARY SSPECIAL!! PECIAL!! Chevrolet, 2016, Silverado K2500 HD LT, 4x4, 6.0 ltr V8, crew cab, short bed, auto, full power, dark gray leather, back up camera, 20” alloys, 37,786 miles, no damage, beautiful truck, 4:10 gears, POSI, $29,500 ready to go
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/ ,"$& % .,*.& / / */6""43/ $/".% $,*$+ /. 3)& ,"$& % ./6 #433/. 4&23*/.2
d d, LT 1500, crew cab, 4x4, loade GMC, 2017, SLT PW, PL, rear backup camera, power rear slider window, heated seats, leather, alloy wheels, running boards, nav., heated steering wheel, approx. 19k miles, like brand new, $31,500/Firm
(3 2.$0' '6$. 5 651 .( $ 31 7 $5 +( 3 8 4( 1 13 218( 5,.5 &36,4( .. )6 5 $ /,.(4 $,3 +( '113 .1&-4 4 .9 8 0 1 1 ' 8,0 $..194
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(35,),(' +31/( +((.4 8,5+ 5,3(4
$-, $8 $4 &&
! (3 4( $ 5 $' 19 : 51
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Chevrolet, 1987, R20, 454 Big Block, 3spd, 12 bolt pos rear-end, new belts, 20â&#x20AC;? rims & tires, Edelbrock carb & intake
$11,500 Call
herokee, 4.0ltr, t, reliable 4x4
7, FLHRC Road tewall tires, steel , ther touring seat, Twin Cam 96 engine
Call ,
$26,999 p
, Dyna Lowrider, e saddle bags, runs chable fork bags
FLHXS Street t forks & pipes, , charcoal custom
erokee Larado, ed, runs great
08, FXCWC er mod, full p g at, Vance & Hines street sweeper exhaust
4, FXSTB Night hort shots, softtail
$10,999 g
LHTCUI Electra maintained, clean, g, of extras, GPS, radar detection
AMC, 1971, Javelin SST, super clean, very rare care, no dents or dings, no putty, runs & drives great, original interior, good tires
Chevrolet, 2005, Impala, tan, 144,2331 miles, preowned
Mercury, 2 Prewoned
Kawasaki, 2010, V super clean
$2,999 $1,999 Call Call
Harley-Davidson Street Glliide Speci & levers, 6,408 m miiilles
Yamaha, 2008, R blue, 1900cc en
Oldsmoblie, 1986, Cutlass Supreme, great shape, custom paint, running 400 small block
Ford, 2000, F25 condition, 7.3l gooseneck plate & ball, No Rust!
Harley-Davids Super clean!! road on this one 25,023 miles.
Yamaha, 2 just in, p
$5,999 $20,999
FLHXS Street bars, Vance & Hines X Pipes, Arlen Ness mufffllers, perfoormance machine breather
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M McKim cKim
TTractor ractor SService ervice
www.mckimtractor.com www.mckimtractor.com
641-673-7885 6 4 1 -6 7 3 -7 8 8 5
* Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See Dealer for details. â&#x20AC; Tax, set-up, and delivery fees not included. Models subject to change without notice.
2718 Lincoln Ave, Oskaloosa, IA
AC, 180, with cab and loader, new rear tires, runs good, #3809 $7,500
Ferris, IS3200, 37 HP EFI Vanguard B&S, Electronic Fuel Injection, 72” Deck, with Full Suspension, Low 218 Hours, Used 1 year, #3352 $9,200
John Deere, z960R, 31 HP Kawasi, 60" Deck, 2014 year, 212 Hours, Very Good Condition, #3373 $7,500
New Briggs-Stratton, generator, 120 volt - 220 volt 500 watt (42AMP) continuous, 6,250 watt (52AMP) serge, B-S engine 8.5 HP,, 2 year warranty, list price $629, sale price $560
Simplicity, Legacy XL, 27HP Kawasaki LC, 4x4, w/loader weight box, weights, 3 point hitch, 540 PTO, 388 Hours, #2711 $9,800
Simplicity, Chipper 8/14, rope start, 8.0 HP, #2095 $ 350
Simplicity, Snowthrower 1226L, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 26”, electric start, chute, #3325 $900
Simplicity, Snowthrower 520m, Pre-owned single stage, 2 stroke, rope start, 5.0 HP, 20”, #1871 $ 325
Simplicity, Snowthrower M1227E, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 27”, electric start, chute, #3322 $850
New! Employment Opportunity Service Sales Parts Please call & ask for Bob McKim or email Resume to mckimtra@kdsi.net
Who we are We are a second-generation family owned business that was started in 1978. We sell and service AGCO farm equipment. Massey Ferguson tractors, Hesston hay epuipment, Sunflower tillage, Gleaner combines, and several other short lines such as Rhino, Buhler/allied, Westendorf, Mac-lander trailers and many others. We are one of the largest Ferris, Simplicity, and Snapper lawn and garden dealers. We service all brands of AG and lawn and garden equipment. We strive to give our customers the best service possible. McKim Tractor Service is now hiring. We have positions in the lawn and garden or farm equipment sales. Additionally we have positions for Ag service tech and/or lawn and garden tech. We offer good benefits with paid holidays and competive pay with health insurance. These are full-time positions. Advancement and educational opportunities available.
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Near Near P Pella, ella, Iowa Iowa
&(5,"2 .&7 4*2&3 4/00&2
May/Wes Stalk Stamper/smasher
15*./8 -*,&3
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Tractors T ractors & E Equipment quipment )&62/,&4 &(5,"2
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6 41-780-1723 641-780-1723 6 41-628-332 28 8 641-628-3328
This saves your tires, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, complete with mounts $1,000
Tractors & E quipment Tractors Equipment N e ar P ella, Iowa Iowa Near Pella,
Ford Tractor Loader $2 50
John Deere, Manure Spreader, not in working condition $2 00
4 section pull-type harrow $350
Massey Ferguson Loader $200
1-2 stage 40” fork (green) $6 25
641-780-1723 641-780-1723 641-628-3328 641-628-3328
Rear wheel weights: Int, Cat III QH & Cat II QH $125 per set
John Deere, Manure Spreader, not in working condition $3 00
John Deere, 148, 7’ Loader Bucket $350
Massey Ferguson 65 tractor, $4,000
(cell) (cell)
5 - 3pt dirt scoops $ 125 - $2 00
2 - 2 bottom, 3pt Ford plows $325-$400 each, 1 - bottom plow, 3pt $175
Landpride, 2 each - 6 ft. 3pt finish mower, $1,200 each
3pt Dearborn field cultivator $400
148 John Deere Loader, excellent condition, wide bucket, 4020 mounts $2,000
148 John Deere Loader brackets & mounts $ 25 0
Cat I blades, 6’ & 8’ 4 available from $175- $400
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Buick, 2008, Lucerne CXC, gold w/leather interior, 3.8L V6, new battery
Chevrolet, 2012, Equinox LT, brown, leather, 2.4L, 60K miles, runs good, loaded
$ 7 ,0 0 0
2696 Hwy 63 S, Oskaloosa IA 641-673-8459 $ 6 ,5 0 0
Loader w/Fork & Bucket, starts & runs good, will pickup 3 cars
Pontiac, 1976, Ventura, silver, leather/cloth, V8, 91K miles, Arizona car, no rust
Ford, 2007, F150, 4x4, super crew, silver, cloth, 5.4L engine, 170K miles, new brakes, rotors, tires
Lincoln, 2007, Mark, Light blue, leather, 128K, 5.4L
8 8:00-5:00 :00-5:00 M M-F -F • S Saturday aturday by by Appointment Appointment Only Only
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www.thomasamerican.com www.thomasamerican.com • info@thomasamerican.com info@thomasamerican.com Over Over 400 400 Trailers Trailers In In Stock! Stock! • Iowa’s Iowa’s Largest Largest Trailer Trailer Dealer! Dealer! Big Tex 70SR-10 Dump Trailers 5’ x10’ - 7,000# GVWR 20” Sides with Double Rear Doors LED Lights Radial Tires
B Big ig TTex ex Gooseneck Trailers Gooseneck Trailers
Over 25 in stock!!! 14GN - 7k Axle Trailer w/15,900# GVWR 22GN - 10k Axle Tandem Dual/23,900# GVWR Several Sizes and Configurations Available
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7K Dexter Axles Scissor Hoist Skid Loader Ramps On Board 110V Charger
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Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
Pierced Frame - Low Profile Setup Side Steps with Grab Handles Dexter Axles - 7k or 10k
Dual Jacks with Toolbox in between Jacks Bulldog 30k Adjustable Coupler on 22GN Dexter Adjustable Suspension on 22GN
Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
Pace Highmark
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Thomas Thomas B Bus us Sales Sales of of Iowa, Iowa, Inc. Inc. • 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 • 800-362-2092 800-362-2092 3 Place: $7,995 4 Place: $8,995
SERVCE, T TOWING, OWING, S SALES ALES SERVCE, Shop: Shop: 6 641-791-2333 41-791-2333 â&#x20AC;¢ T Tow ow 6 641-521-6533 41-521-6533 1800 Ave E,, 1800 1st 1s t A ve E Newton Newton IIA A
Gehl, 2012, 5240 Turbo, 2spd, 68HP, cab & heat, 2125 hrs, $26,000
2015 V330, New Discounted, call for details
RT 60, 3 to choose from, Low hours
nehringauto@yahoo.com nehringauto@yahoo.com
$ 8 , 90 0
V270, 2011, cab heat, low hours, Call for Price
PT 30, 2013, 3 to choose from, call for pricing
$ 9, 40 0
Chevrolet, 2007, Suburban LT, 4x4, 204K miles, excellent condition, leather, loaded, all power, DVD, quad seating (file photo)
$ 5, 7 00
Ford, 2007, F150 XLT, cloth interior, nice driving & running, all power, 203K miles
$ 2 , 20 0
RT210 & RT175, New Fully Loaded, call for price
GMC, 2007, Yukon, nice, leather, loaded, DVD, 217K miles, 4x4, quad seating, clean, excellent condition, flex fuel
Buick, 2005, LeSabre, 165K milles, nice clean car
AAccess ccess AAuto uto SSales ales 3221 East 14th Street, Des Moines IA
Dodge, 1998, Stratus, clean, runs good, $1,650
Chrysler, 2003, PT Cruiser, gold, gas saver, $2,450
5 515-331-7970 15-331-7970
Saturn, 2003, L300, gold, leather, very clean, $2,450
Chevrolet, 2005, Uplander, blue, CD & DVD players, 3rd row seating, $2,750 (file photo)
Dodge, 2004, Stratus, 4 door, 4 cyl, runs great, $2,450
TTh Thorpe hoorrrp pe AAuto Au uuttto o SSales Sa ales Hyundai, 2003, Elantra, 4 door, 4 cyl, gas saver, $1,750
Saturn, 2002, L200, silver, power windows & locks, clean, $1,750
w www.thorpeautosales.com ww.thorpeautosales.com Hwy 30 in GRANDâ&#x20AC;&#x2C6;JUNCTION IA
Ford, 2006, F150, ext cab, FX4, 4x4, 5.4 auto, loaded, silver
Pontiac, 2008, Grand Prix, V6, auto, loaded, 67k miles, just offf lease
Ford, 1990, F250, 4x4, 460, 5 speed, runs good, nice work truck
Chevrolet, 2004, K-2500, reg cab, 4x4, 6.0 auto, no rust
Volkswagen, 2001, Jetta, blue, 4cyl, gas saver, ready to go, $1,750
515-738-2441 515-738-2441 After hours 515-738-5758 Cell 515-370-1200
GMC, 2006, 1500, ext cab, 4x4, 5.3, loaded
Ford, 1999, F150, 4x4, Short box, flare side, V6, 5 speed, maroon, Southern Truck, no rust
Snappys Snappys Trailers Trailers Cars Cars & TTrucks rucks
4106 NE 14th St, Des Moines, IA
We Deal - Give us your BEST Offer!!
ssnappystrailers.com nappystrailers.com 515-266-2300 515-266-2300 Extensive dealer network to provide support and warranty if needed. Since 1993, the H&H brand has been hand craffted in America’s heartland by people who take pride in building the longest-lasting, best engineered trailers on the market.
2018 Model C Call all
H&H 7’X16’ Flat Top TRU “V” Nose, brakes on both axles, ramp door, 24” rockguard, *while supplies last
2018 Model
$ $3,895 3,895
H&H Heavy Duty Industrial Skid Loader Trailer, 18’+2’ dovetail, 14000GVW, 12k jack, skid loader ramps, LED lights, adjustable hitch
41".(/ *-*3&% &-* (/,%
1".% )&1/+&& $8, "43/ 2*,5&1
14 ’
14’ H&H Dump Trailers Done & ready for Immediate Delivery
22018 018 M Model odel
$ $5,995 5,995
New 2018 H&H enclosed trailer, 101”x20’, 10k axxles package, ramp door, Special, $5,995/Firm (file photo)
$ $3,695 3,695
Used, 2015, 77xx16 ft, V-nose enclosed trailer, ramp door, ladder racks, shelving
)&51/,&3 /7 ". 6*3) /--8 *'3
)&51/,&3 ")/& ,&"3)&1 #,"$+ %/&2 ./3 14.
$ $8,995 8,995
32’, enclosed toy hauler, bumper pull, by Hallmark, awning, insulated & lined
'3 #/7
H&H 14’ Dump trailer,, scissors hoist, combo gate, skid loader ramp & carrier, hard channel fenders, pump box, 8 bolt rims, •14’ Bumper Pull $6,395 or •16’ bumper pull $6,695, •16’ gooseneck $7,595 + freight
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dumping, inline y , , , 8 bale tra ailers available, 8 bale instock
oseneck, with 10 hyd beavertail
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car hauler spring assist ramps
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6 641-780-0234 41-780-0234
Easy Lifter Jack Conversion
aulic tilt, WR, 2 2 lon g, 8 wide
6’ enclosed pring assis rear ramp gate, also have 12’ & 1 4 ’ m o d e l s a va i l a b l e
16’, live stock 0’ models also available
to hydraulic nal equpment jacks, We install, two for $1,200
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