MARKET MARKET PLACE PLACE Heartland, 2012, Road Warrior 415, #20071341, Vandalized, Regular Certificate, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13, 2018. Insurance Auto Auctions • • 515-987-1700
2009 Harley Davidson Night Train, 17,221 miles, $9,995 Downing Auto Sales 515-259-4022
PT, 2013, 3 to choose from, Call for Pricing Hackert Sales & Service 641-594-3777
John Deere, 1980, 2840, diesel, 2500 hours, nice shape, $10,500 Exira Auto Sales 712-268-5345
641-628-3720 • Box 86, Pella IA 50219
February 26, 2018 • Next Edition March 12, 2018 • Next Deadline March 5, 2018
Chevrolet, 2013, Impala LT, 3.6, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, new tires, very clean, 141,000 miles, Just Serviced, aluminum wheels, Asking $6,495 or Best Offer
Ford, 2014, Focus SE, auto, tilt, A/C, rear defrost, cruise, daytime lamps, remote keyless entry, cloth, 39k miles, AM/FM/CD/MP3, PW, PM, PL, alloy wheels, Asking $10,000
Chevrolet, 2009, Silverado LT1, Vortec 5.3L V8 w/active fuel management, 127k miles, 4WD, auto, remote keyless entry, cloth, XM/AM/FM/CD/MP3, heated power mirrors, one owner, $15,750
Ford, 2017, Fusion SE, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, Sirius, power seat, aluminum wheels, just serviced, 48,561 miles, Asking $14,995 or Best Offer
VVan an HHaaften aaften RRacing acing IInc. nc. Chrysler, 2010, Town & Country Touring, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, L&R power sliding doors, 130k miles, power liftgate, new battery, good tires, just serviced, Asking $7,595 or Best Offfer
Chrylser, 2010, Town & Country Touring, PS, PW, PL, AT, cruise, AM/FM/CD, power seat, stoy & go seating, power sliding doors both sides, power liftgate, very low miles, 57,614 miles, Asking $10,595 or Best Offer
Work: W ork: 641-627-5081 641-627-5081 Cell:641-780-0719 Cell:641-780-0719
VHR VHR Used Used C Cars ars
211 Keystone St., Otley, IA
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A Auto uto A Auction uction O Open pen T To o P Public, ublic, D Dealers, ealers, S Scrappers, crappers, L Licensed icensed B Business’s, u s i n e s s ’s , E Exporters, xporters, D Dismantlers ismantlers
E V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a t 9 :00 A M EVERY at 9:00 AM
ALL Buyers ALL Buyers must must pre-register pre-register b efore a uction day. day. before auction P Please lease v visit isit u us sa at: t:
3277 Ute Ave, Waukee IA
5 515-987-1700 15-987-1700
• • • •
O Open p e n To To
Public Dealers P ublic •D ealers Scrappers Exporters S crappers • E xporters L icensed B Licensed Business’s u s i n e s s ’s D ismantlers Dismantlers
State State Vehicles Vehicles Coming Coming Soon Soon W ith Clean Clean Titles Titles With aand nd Little Little or or No No Damage Damage
For Fleet Vehicles, Bank Repo, Rental Cars, and More With Minor Damage and Clear Titles Plus Driveable Insurance Vehicles With Salvage Titles.
TOY TOY SALE S ALE Harley-Davidson, 2002, FXDL, #21414361, front end damage, 1450cc engine, alloy wheels, cruiser, key present, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Heartland, 2012, Road Warrior 415, #20071341, vandalized, regular certificate, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Victory, 2012, Cross Country, front & rear damage, 25,776 miles, #21060516, salvage title, touring, 1731cc engine, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Prime Time, 2016, Avenger, storm damage, #19888559, regular certificate, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Yamaha, 2009, XVS950 A, #20421275, rear damage, 63,116 actual miles, salvage title, touring, 942cc engine, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Forester, 1966, 12ft, #19635683, roof fire damage, rear wheel drive, regular certificate, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Harley-davidson, 2012, FLHTCUSE7 Ultra Electra Glide, #20252223, right side & rear damage, 9,175 actual miles, salvage title, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
Tuesday Tuesday M ar 13 13 Mar 99:00 :0 0 A M AM
Keystone, 2015, 31RBDS, #19542308, hail damage, regular certificate, Insurance Recovery, Sells at Auction March 13
IInsurance n s uurrra R e c o vve S tta s a n c e Recovery e rryy Vehicles VVe e h iic c l e s & Clean C lle e a n Title TTii ttll e State a t e Cars C a rrs In High Quality Repairables & Parts Vehicles From Insurance Providers, Fleets & More A AUTO U TO A AUCTION UCTION
E EVERY V E RY TUESDAY T U E S D AY a at t 9 9:00 :00 A AM M
Auto A u t o Auction A u c t i o n Open O p e n To To Public, Public, D Dealers, ealers, S Scrappers, crappers, L Licensed icensed B Business’s, u s i n e s s ’s , Exporters, E x p o r t e r s , Dismantlers Dismantlers
*'620-'4 -'#4*'2 35/200(
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Moss Motors
$20,995 Toyota, 2013, Highlander Limited 4x4, V6, 3rd row seating, Bluetooth, heated leather, back-up camera, moonroof, loaded.
$11,995 Chrysler, 2015, 200 Limited, 56k miles, loaded w/ leather, Bluetooth, back-up camera, keyless entry & more.
$9,995 Ford, 2005, F-150 FX4 4x4, Ext Cab, 88k miles, topper, cloth interior, tow hitch, keyless entry.
$9,995 Chevrolet, 2013, Cruze LS, champagne, 42k miles, keyless entry, cloth interior.
$8,995 Nissan, 2009, Murano AWD, Burgundy, V6, cloth interior, cruise, keyless entry, premium sound.
$6,995 Cadillac, 2008, DTS, 92k miles, bronze w/cashmere leather. Lots of luxury.
515-285-1760 4801 Fleur Drive Des Moines, Iowa
$15,995 Chevrolet, 2016, Equinox LT, 49k miles, 1-owner. Like new inside & out.
$11,995 MINI, 2013, Cooper, vanilla w/heated leather seats, low miles, CD player, satellite radio, 45k.
$9,995 Ford, 2012, Mustang Convertible, silver w/black cloth, V6, CD changer, keyless entry, cruise.
$9,995 Dodge, 2014, Avenger, 56k miles, CD player, cloth interior, AM/FM stereo.
$7,995 Jeep, 2012, Patriot Sport, cloth interior, keyless entry, PW, PL.
$6,995 Chevrolet, 2013, Sonic Spark, red w/charcoal cloth, 49k miles, PM, PL, rear defrost.
$12,995 Jeep, 2015, Cherokee, burgundy, 69k, cloth interior, keyless entry, premium sound & more.
$10,995 Chevrolet, 2015, Malibu, black, 62k miles, very clean, sharp car! Freshly serviced.
$9,995 Chrysler, 2012, 200 Touring, black, 43k miles, touchscreen radio, PW, PL, PM.
$8,995 Nissan, 2014, Versa Note SV, white, only 37k miles, keyless entry, CD player, cloth interior.
$7,995 Mazda, 2013, MAZDA3 I Sport, black, 77k miles, cloth interior, CD player, PW, PL, custom wheels.
$6,995 Dodge, 2007, Durango SLT 4x4, 3rd row seating, keyless entry, CD player, cruise, tow hitch, 102k.
4801 Fleur Drive Des Moines, IA
“Serving Iowa Since 1948” %",,1 + -,' $ + *,+ "+ '-& '& ,*-+, * (*'- ,' ' * ,! + "&, *",1 & * +( , . $- + "& '-* + $ + & -+"& ++ (* ," + +' '-* -+,'% *+ # ( '%"& # ! . !" $ + '& '-* +, (*" + & )- $",1 "& ,! $', ! . ,! * +' '% 1 & + -+ ,' 1
“Building More Tha Than Just Cars” "& & "&
. "$ $ '* . *1'&
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Snappys Snappys Trailers Trailers Cars Cars & TTrucks rucks
4106 NE 14th St, Des Moines, IA
We Deal - Give us your BEST Offer!! 515-266-2300 515-266-2300 Extensive dealer network to provide support and warranty if needed. Since 1993, the H&H brand has been hand craffted in America’s heartland by people who take pride in building the longest-lasting, best engineered trailers on the market.
2018 Model C Call all
H&H 7’X16’ Flat Top TRU “V” Nose, brakes on both axles, ramp door, 24” rockguard, *while supplies last
2018 Model
$ $3,895 3,895
H&H Heavy Duty Industrial Skid Loader Trailer, 18’+2’ dovetail, 14000GVW, 12k jack, skid loader ramps, LED lights, adjustable hitch
$ $8,995 8,995
32’, enclosed toy hauler, bumper pull, by Hallmark, awning, insulated & lined
14 ’
14’ H&H Dump Trailers Done & ready for Immediate Delivery
22018 018 M Model odel
$ $5,995 5,995
New 2018 H&H enclosed trailer, 101”x20’, 10k axxles package, ramp door, Special, $5,995/Firm (file photo)
$ $3,695 3,695
Used, 2015, 77xx16 ft, V-nose enclosed trailer, ramp door, ladder racks, shelving
AAccess ccess AAuto uto SSales ales
H&H 14’ Dump trailer,, scissors hoist, combo gate, skid loader ramp & carrier, hard channel fenders, pump box, 8 bolt rims, •14’ Bumper Pull $6,395 or •16’ bumper pull $6,695, •16’ gooseneck $7,595 + freight
3221 East 14th Street, Des Moines IA
Dodge, 2004, Stratus, 4 door, 4 cyl, runs great, $2,450
5 515-331-7970 15-331-7970
Saturn, 2003, L300, gold, leather, very clean, $2,450
Saturn, 2002, L200, silver, power windows & locks, clean, $1,750
Volkswagen, 2001, Jetta, blue, 4cyl, gas saver, ready to go, $1,750
Hyundai, 2003, Elantra, 4 door, 4 cyl, gas saver, $1,750
Chevrolet, 2005, Uplander, blue, CD & DVD players, 3rd row seating, $2,750 (file photo)
Dodge, 1998, Stratus, clean, runs good, $1,650
Chrysler, 2003, PT Cruiser, gold, gas saver, $2,450
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S SERVCE, ERVCE, T TOWING, OWING, S SALES ALES Shop: Shop: 6 641-791-2333 41-791-2333 â&#x20AC;¢ T Tow ow 6 641-521-6533 41-521-6533 1800 Ave E,, 1800 1st 1s t A ve E Newton Newton IIA A
Chevrolet, 2007, Suburban LT, 4x4, 204K miles, excellent condition, leather, loaded, all power, DVD, quad seating (file photo)
GMC, 2007, Yukon, nice, leather, loaded, DVD, 217K miles, 4x4, quad seating, clean, excellent condition, flex fuel
Ford, 2007, F150 XLT, cloth interior, nice driving & running, all pow wer, 203K miles
$ 2 ,2 0 0
Buick, 2005, LeSabre, 165K milles, nice clean car
Gehl, 2012, 5240 Turbo, 2spd, 68HP,, cab & heat, 2125 hrs, $26,000
V270, 2011, cab heat, low hours, Call for Price
2015 V330, New Discounted, call for details
PT 30, 2013, 3 to choose from, call for pricing
RT 60, 3 to choose from, Low hours
RT210 & RT175, New Fully Loaded, call for price
515.288.9600 2814 SE 14TH ST. DES MOINES, IA
Chevrolet, 2015, Malibu LS, 2.5L Chevrolet, 2013, Cruze 1LT, red I4, black w/gray cloth, 1-owner, w/black cloth, 43k miles, super clean! Prior Salvage Title. 65k miles.
$12,500 Chevrolet, 1969, C-10 Short Boxes, Clean titles w/matching VIN plates. Our loss is your gain!
Harley Davidson, 2015, FLHTKL Limited, Only 3,880 miles! All services completed. Ready to go!
$8,399 Nissan, 2008, Rogue SL AWD, 2.5L I4, new tires/brakes. Great vehicle for the price. $8,399
$8,999 Chevrolet, 2012, Impala LT, 3.6L V6, 98k miles, 1-owner.
Dodge, 2011, Nitro Heat 4x4, 4.0L V6, fully loaded & super clean! Ready to go!
Dodge, 2010, Ram 1500 Quad Cab, 4x4, SLT, 120k miles, 3/4 ton mirrors, great tires. Super clean!
Ford, 2012, Focus SEL, blue w/ Ford, 2014, Focus SE, red w/ charcoal cloth, 91k miles, 2.0L I4. black cloth, 2.0L I4, 96k miles, moonroof, Bluetooth, loaded. All services completed & All services finished & ready ready to go! to go.
Traditional & In-House Financing Available
$19,750 Harley Davidson, 2014, Screaming Eagle 3, 13k miles, 117 CI, locking leather bags & trunk.
$9,350 Ford, 2008, Edge SEL AWD, Crossover, 2-Owners, 3.5L V6, only 121k miles, all services finished & ready to go.
$11,499 Harley Davidson, 2005, Fat Boy CVO, red, only 31,000 miles, all decked out and ready to go!
Audi, 2010, A4 AWD, 70k miles, Chevrolet, 2015, Impala LTZ, leather, moonroof, dual zone 3.6L V6, leather, sunroof, loaded. A/C, loaded. Gorgeous! LOW MILES. VERY CLEAN! Prior Salvage Title.
Chevrolet, 2011, Tahoe LTZ 4x4, Chevrolet, 2009, Tahoe LT 4x4 , 5.3L, Local Trade, 2-Owners. w/2LT, Z71 Pkg, 3rd row seating LOADED! DVD, navigation, w/quads, new tires, all services 3rd row, running boards, completed. moonroof & more.
Dodge, 2009, Ram 1500 Quad Ford, 2015, Escape SE AWD, 1.6L Cab SLT, 4x4, 4.7L V8, new tires, Turbocharger, 1-owner, VERY hard bed cover. Great truck! CLEAN! Local Trade In. Recently serviced - Ready to go!
GMC, 2012, Terrain SLT-2 AWD, Harley Davidson, 2016, Soft Tail brown w/black leather, 58k miles, Slim, Only 1,915 miles! Smooth moonroof, loaded, new brakes. ride. Awesome bike! Prior Salvage Title.
$10,750 Kia, 2011, Sorento EX AWD, 3.5L V6, 119k miles, 3rd row. Well maintained. $10,750
$7,999 Kia, 2010, Sportage LX AWD, 2.0L I4, ONE OWNER. LOW MILES. CASH ONLY DEAL!
RAM, 2015, 1500 Express Quad RAM, 2014, 1500 Express Quad RAM, 2013, 1500 Quad Cab 4x2, Toyota, 2001, RAV4 AWD, Local Cab, 4x4, 5.7L, LOW MILES, Cab, 4x4, 5.7L, aftermarket bum- 5.7L V8, black w/black leather, Trade, extra clean, 125k miles, good tires, new brakes & rotors. pers, brand new wheels & tires, custom wheels, full power. all services completed & ready LED lights, 3’’ lift, plus more! Prior Salvage Title. SHARP! to go!
8 8:00-5:00 :00-5:00 M M-F -F • S Saturday aturday by by Appointment Appointment Only Only
5636 5636 NE NE 14th 14th Street Street D Des es M Moines, oines, IA IA 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 800-362-2092 800-362-2092 • Over Over 400 400 Trailers Trailers In In Stock! Stock! • Iowa’s Iowa’s Largest Largest Trailer Trailer Dealer! Dealer! Big Tex 70SR-10 Dump Trailers
Big Tex 14-LX/GX Dump Trailers
5’ x10’ - 7,000# GVWR 20” Sides with Double Rear Doors LED Lights Radial Tires
B Big ig TTex ex G Gooseneck Trailers ooseneck Trailers
Over 25 in stock!!! 14GN - 7k Axle Trailer w/15,900# GVWR 22GN - 10k Axle Tandem Dual/23,900# GVWR Several Sizes and Configurations Available
83” Wide x 14’ or 16’ Lengths Available OVER 30 in Stock!!! Available in Bumper Pull or Gooseneck Setup with Dual Jacks
7K Dexter Axles Scissor Hoist Skid Loader Ramps On Board 110V Charger
Combo Doors Tarp Kit Under Body Storage 24” Sides with Upright Reinforcements
Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
Pierced Frame - Low Profile Setup Side Steps with Grab Handles Dexter Axles - 7k or 10k
Pace Highmark
Dual Jacks with Toolbox in between Jacks Bulldog 30k Adjustable Coupler on 22GN Dexter Adjustable Suspension on 22GN
Call for information and the BEST BEST price in the nation.
Deluxe Aluminum Enclosed Snowmobile Trailers Too Much Equipment to List
Thomas Thomas B Bus us Sales Sales of of Iowa, Iowa, Inc. Inc. • 515-265-6056 515-265-6056 • 800-362-2092 800-362-2092
Buick, 2007, Lucerne CXC, gold w/leather interior, 4.6L, 6K miles, new battery
Chevrolet, 2012, Equinox LT, brown, leather, 2.4L, 60K miles, runs good, loaded
$ 7 ,0 0 0
3 Place: $7,995 4 Place: $8,995
2696 Hwy 63 S, Oskaloosa IA 641-673-8459 $ 6 ,5 0 0
Pontiac, 1976, Ventura, silver, leather/cloth, V8, 91K miles, Arizona car, no rust
Loader w/Fork & Bucket, starts & runs good, will pickup 3 cars
Ford, 2007, F150, 4x4, super crew, silver, cloth, 5.4L engine, 170K miles, new brakes, rotors, tires
Lincoln, 2007, Mark, Light blue, leather, 128K, 5.4L
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McKim M cKim
TTractor ractor SService ervice
641-673-7858 6 4 1 -6 7 3 -7 8 5 8
* Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. See Dealer for details. â&#x20AC; Tax, set-up, and delivery fees not included. Models subject to change without notice.
2718 Lincoln Ave, Oskaloosa, IA
Massey Ferguson, 2014, 4610, FWD, loader, joystick, 12x12 power shuttle, 700 hours, $37,200
Ferris, IS3200, 37 HP EFI Vanguard B&S, Electronic Fuel Injection, 72” Deck, with Full Suspension, Low 218 Hours, Used 1 year, #3352 $9,200
John Deere, z960R, 31 HP Kawasaki, 60" Deck, 2014 year, 212 Hours, Very Good Condition, #3373 $7,500
New Briggs-Stratton, generator, 120 volt - 220 volt 500 watt (42AMP) continuous, 6,250 watt (52AMP) serge, B-S engine 8.5 HP, 2 year warranty, list price $629, sale price $560
Simplicity, Legacy XL, 27HP Kawasaki LC, 4x4, w/loader weight box, weights, 3 point hitch, 540 PTO, 388 Hours, #2711 $9,800
Simplicity, Chipper 8/14, rope start, 8.0 HP, #2095 $350
Simplicity, Snowthrower 1226L, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 26”, electric start, chute, #3325 $900
Simplicity, Snowthrower 520m, Pre-owned single stage, 2 stroke, rope start, 5.0 HP, 20”, #1871 $325
Simplicity, Snowthrower M1227E, Pre-owned 2 stage, 11.5TQ Briggs+Stratton 27”, electric start, chute, #3322 $850
New! Employment Opportunity: Sales, Parts, Service • Please call & ask for Bob McKim or email Resume to Who we are: We are a second-generation family owned business that was started in 1978. We sell and service AGCO farm equipment. Massey Ferguson tractors, Hesston hay equipment, Sunflower tillage, Gleaner combines, and several other short lines such as Rhino, Buhler/allied, Westendorf, Mac-lander trailers and many others. We are one of the largest Ferris, Simplicity, and Snapper lawn and garden dealers. We service all brands of AG and lawn and garden equipment. We strive to give our customers the best service possible. McKim Tractor Service in now hiring: We have positions in the lawn and garden or farm equipment sales. Additionally we have positions for Ag service tech and/or lawn and garden tech. We offer good benefits with paid holidays and competitive pay with health insurance. These are full-time positions. Advancement and educational opportunities available.
,(&# * +*&$ *! " $!# )
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Harley-Davidson, 2010, FXCWC Rocker C, rear fender mod & full rider and passenger seat. Vance and Hines street sweeper exhaust, Financing Available! Only 17,815 miles
$12,499 Call
herokee, 4.0ltr, t, reliable 4x4
Call ,
V, clean, all the V, ns up, roof rolls unroof, all power
, Dyna Lowrider, e saddle bags, runs chable foork bags
, FZ 1, wned
$6,999 $5,500 Call
$26,999 p
Chevrolet, 1987, R20, 454 Big Block, 3spd, 12 bolt pos rear-end, new belts, 20â&#x20AC;? rims & tires, Edelbrock carb & intake
$11,500 $1,999
erokee Larado, ed, runs great
Mercury, 2 Prewoned
ry clean, reliable transportation
Harley-Davidson, 2 King Classic, wide w laced wheels, tooled Twin Cam 96 engine
4, FXSTB Night hort shots, softtail
Harley-Davidson Street Glliide Speci & levers, 6,4408 m miiilles
FLHXS Street t forks & pipes, , charcoal custom
Oldsmoblie, 1986, Cutlass Supreme, great shape, custom paint, running 400 small block
Call Call
Harley-Davidson, 2 Glide Ultra Classic great running, GPS, radar detection
Grasshoppe, 2007, 614, Starts every time! Mows everything in its sight cleanly and evenly! Zero turn radius 14 horsepower Briggs and Stratton.
Ford, 2000, F25 condition, 7.3l gooseneck plate & ball, No Rust!
Harley-Davids Super clean!! road on this one 25,023 miles.
Kawasaki, 2010, V super clea
maha, 2008, R blue, 1900cc en
8'&58 35*67*5 $ # 1.0*6 40&<*5 03&)*) 0*&7-*5 682533+
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3,8* / -*+7
BUY HERE - PAY HERE 515-262-8244
2602 NE Broadway, Des Moines, IA Mark Murray Tom Murray Dillon Eisenlauer
Bank Financing Available Full Service Department With Discounted Labor Rate On All Vehicles Purchased
Family owned since 1956. Most vehicles undergo 100pt inspections.
$19,995 Chevrolet, 2011, Silverado 1500 Crew Cab, 4x4, LT, Line-X, Z71, 1-owner. Sharp! #10748
$10,995 Chevrolet, 2007, Silverado 1500 Ext Cab, Classic, LT2, 4x4, leather, 5.3L Vortec. #10831
$6,495 Ford, 2003, F-150 XL 2WD, 84k miles. Warranty Included. #10867
$13,995 Chevrolet, 2009, Silverado 1500 Ext Cab, LT1 4x4, Short Box, 5.3L, 144k miles. #10967
$8,495 Dodge, 2009, Ram 2500 Quad Cab ST, 4x4, Long Box. Warranty included. Runs & drives perfect! #10841
$11,495 GMC, 2005, Sierra 1500 Crew Cab, Short %R[ [ ·· ZKHHOV +HDWHG OHDWKHU ORDGHG Warranty Included. #TR10391
$15,995 GMC, 2007, Yukon Denali AWD, loaded, navigation, 6.2L V8, all new tires. #10945
$14,995 Chevrolet, 2014, Malibu 1LT, 2.5L I4, only 30k miles. 100,000 mile drive train warranty included. #10885
$15,995 Ford, 2011, Edge Sport, 3.7L V6, FWD, QDYLJDWLRQ IDFWRU\ ·V ORDGHG :DUUDQW\ included! #10968
$15,295 Dodge, 2014, Charger SE, 3.6L V6, 48k miles. Warranty included. Sharp! #10903
In House.
$14,995 Chevrolet, 2008, Silverado 1500 1LT, Crew Cab 4x4, leather. Priced to sell! #10652
$16,995 Dodge, 2004, Ram 3500 Quad Cab 2WD, Long Box, Cummins diesel. Like new! Warranty included. #10938
$9,995 Cadillac, 2008, SRX AWD, 3.6L V6, leather, 95k miles, 3rd row seating, full power. #10991
$16,995 GMC, 2008, Yukon Denali AWD, 6.2L, new tires, 1-owner, loaded. FLAWLESS! #10936
$9,495 .LD 2SWLPD +\EULG / , N PLOHV Bluetooth, cloth interior, full power options. #10989
Buy Here! Pay Here!
MOTOR KARS II 515-465-5066 www.motor kar
We Accept Credit & Cards!
Chevrolet, 2003, Avalanche
Dodge, 2002, Ram 2500
Chevrolet, 2006, 1500
4WD, V8, auto
Cummins Diesel, auto
2WD, V8, auto
Chevrolet, 2003, Trailblazer
Chevrolet, 2000, 2500
ext, V8, auto, 4WD
Chevrolet, 2002, 2500
Chevrolet, 2004, Avalanche Chevrolet, 2002, Trailblazer 4X4, V8, auto
V6, auto, 4x4
Chevrolet, 2004, Suburban Chevrolet, 2004, Tahoe Chevrolet, 2007, Avalanche
Chevrolet, 1997, S10
4x4, V8, auto, runs great
2WD, V6, auto, 163k
LS, Leather
Chevrolet, 1978, El Camino Chrysler, 2004, Concorde Chrysler, 2004, Town & Country V8, auto, runs great, Nice
Cadillac, 2010, DTS Lux, loaded
V6, auto, runs great
V6, auto
Dodge, 2005, Ram 1500 Ford, 2004, F150 Crew Cab crew cab, Hemi, 4x4
V8, auto, 4x4, new camp phazers
Dodge, 2007, Charger V6, Auto, Sharp
Chevrolet, 2007, LT ext cab, 4x4, leather (file photo)
802 1st Ave Perry, Iowa
We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want your tax retur ns, We want your business We W ill Finance Y You ou
Buy Here! Her e! Pay P ay Her e! Here!
DRIVE HOME *With As Little $ As 99 Down TODA TODAY! DA AY! *OAC On App Approved Appr proved Credit Credit
Foreclos Foreclosure, F oreclosure, sure, B Bankruptcy Bankruptcy, ankruptcy,, Repossession, Reposssession, W We eC Can an H Help elp Tax Tax a Liens, Liens, Bad Bad S Student tudent D Debt, ebt, M Medical Me edical e dical Collection Collection – W We eC Can an H Help! elp!
The Ho ome of
BUY B UY HERE, HERE, PAY PA P AY HERE AY HERE Des Mo D oines • Marsh halltown • Os sceola Log on ffor or F Fast ast L Lane ane Appr Approval oval @
WOW Or grab grab y your our dr drivers ivers license and a rrecent ecent pa pay y st stub ub and g get et tto: o:
Wow Wow Auto 2901 S. Center St. Marshalltown, IA 50158 (641) 752-3300
World W orld of o Wheels 5330 N.E. 14th St. Des Moines, IA 50313 (515) 309-3000
Wow Wow Auto 2131 W. W. Clay St. Osceola, IA 50213 (641) 342-3000
Snappys Trailers Trailers Cars Cars & Snappys Trucks Trucks We Deal - Give us your BEST Offer!! 4106 NE 14th St•Des Moines, IA 515-266-2300
Extensive dealer network to provide support and warranty if needed. Since 1993, the H&H brand has been hand crafted in America’s heartland by people who take pride in building the longest-lasting, best engineered trailers on the market.
/1% 70,/1&1 /,*$& .&1$&03/1 ! 1*/1 2",5"(& 1&0"*1 '1/- 1&"1 &.% "$$*%&.3 //+2 (1&"3 3 /. 2 43/ 14$+ ",5"(& 3) &2 /*.&2 8
/ ,"$& % .,*.& / / */6""43/ $/d d, k loade Chevrolet, 2018, Impala, 4 door, black, less than 5,000 miles, regular title, $21,995 (file photo)
".% $,*$+ /. 3)& ,"$& % ./6 #433/. 4&23*/.2
D &E D&E
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500 HD, 4x4, ext cab, 6.0 motor, auto, extra clean, $14,995
USED CARS AND TRUCKS Quality Service & Repair
210 E. Broadway Des Moines, IA
Chevrolet, 2011, Silverado 1500, 4.8L V8, ext cab, bright orange, black interior, 20” wheels & tires, extra clean, $11,495
Chevrolet, 2007, Express, All Wheel Drive, bins inside, 5.3 motor $8,995
Ford, 2000, E-350, 8 passanger van, fully loaded, 60K miles, $6,995
Ford, 2005, E150 Cargo Van, V8, auto, loaded, extra clean, $6,495
Chevy, 2012, Cruze LT, fully loaded, extra clean, low miles, $8,495
Chevrolet, 2010, Colorado, 2WD, ext. cab, w/ ARE topper, new tires, 3.7L auto, $9,995
Ford, 2002, F-450, 4x4, V10, alum flatt bed, (sander not included) $9,895
HHR, 2011, LS, silver/gray interior, loaded, new tires, extra clean, $6,995
Ford, 2003, F250, 4x4, ext cab, long box, 5.4L motor, blue/gray interior, $6,495
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&% ;D
68 #(3,
Sales • Service • Paarts • Body Shop
=5,8 4,80*(5 865 689, # ** # # ;9:64 ,>/(;9: .8,(: 96;5+ 403,9 ,= )(::,8? = :80*23, */(8.,8 5,= )(*2 :08, 02, 5,= *65+0:065 '(9 " % !"
68+ > 0,9,3 =0:/ (;:64(:0* :8(59 2 -68 403,9 (80(: 7(*2(., =0:/ ,(:/,8 05:,8068 6=5,8
1705 N. Lincoln • 641-842-3200 • 1-800-933-8673 Member of Motor Inn Auto Group
68+ $(;8;9 & !' ! ! 088689 !=8 +80<,89 9,(: 5,=,8 -865: :08,9 8,(8 :08,9 .66+ ";59 .8,(: 9:(8:9 ,<,8? +(? 403,9
Just In
Just In
Just In
-: )664 3:,* 5,= :08,9 (5+ =/,,39 65 )(*2 =6829 ,>*,33,5:
5.05, # 4(*/05,+ !
/,<? 786-,99065(33? (99,4)3,+ ,5.05,9 9:8,,: 68 8(*, ! 9/68: )36*29 9:(8:05. (: *;9:64 );03:
*with approved credit, $1,500 down plus tax, title, liscense down, APR 5%, 72 months We have and minivans. W eh ave domestic domestic or or iimport mport cars, cars, ttrucks, rucks, SUVs S U Vs a nd m inivans. L et us us k now w h at y ou’re llooking ooking f or a nd w e’ll g o tto o work work f or y ou ! Let know what you’re for and we’ll go for you!
We specialize in Bad Credit & Special Financing!
W eh ave 5 Dealerships Dealerships o fI nventory tto oc hoose f rom. We have of Inventory choose from. M
5:,85(:065(3 ;47 $8;*2 #05.3, >3, +0,9,3 +;47 :8;*2 <8= 3)9 ;:6 4(:0* :8(594099065 3,*:80* )8(2,9 403,9 4(5;(3 36*2 .(:, .66+ :08,9 (08 80+, 9,(: 8;59 .8,(: !,8-,*: -68 94(33 16)9 9205. (33 68 :,>: /(;5*,?
Steve Baker Salesman
dumping, inline 8 bale tra y , , , ailers available, 8 bale instock
oseneck, with 10 hyd beavertail
K, all aluminum, floor & torsion axles, 16 7K also available $5,625
car hauler spring assist ramps
18 7 H w y 6 Grinnell, IA
909 Hwy 163 W, Pella IA (Mile Marker 38)
Easy Lifter Jack Conversion
aulic tilt, WR, 2 2 lon g, 8 wide
6’ enclosed pring assis rear ramp gate, also have 12’ & 14’ models available
2 sizes
Call for hours
641-990-8732 Sale $4,250
New Ironstar, 6x12, livestock/horse trailer, 6’6” interior height, tandem 3,500lb torsion axxles with brakes, side door, rear gate with slider, 16” radial tires, red
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 6x12, enclosed cargo trailer, 5’11” interior height, ss model, 3,500lb axle, 2,990 GVWR, undercoated frame, side door, rear ramp door, LED lighting, .030 aluminum exterior, in stock colors: charcoal gray, pewter, or blue
New MAXXD, 6x12 dump trailer, 9,900 GVWR, tarp kit, ramps, scissor hoist, gray powdercoat
SALE, New Heartland, 82x18, car hauler package, 7,000 GVWR, brakes, powdercoated
6 641-780-0234 41-780-0234
New MAXXD Trailers, 14,000 GVWR, gooseneck deckover, 2-7k dexter axles w/brakes, 5’ dovetail, 12” I beam construction, LED lighting, toolbox, black powdercoat, 20’+5’ 2 flipover ramps = $6,250, 25’+5’ 3 flipover ramps = $6,850, 2018 MAXXD, 22,500 GVWR, 25+5 MAXXD out ramps $9250
New Cargo Mate, 2018, 4x6 enclosed trailer, 4’ interior height, V-nose, 2,000 GVWR, rear cargo door, LED lighting, white or charcoal gray
Cargo Mate, 2018, 6x10, 2,990 GVWR, rear barn doors, side door, 5’11” interior height, white or black available
16’, live stock 0’ models also available
to hydraulic nal equpment jacks, We install, two for $1,200
New Maxwell Ironstar, livestock trailer, 6x16’, 6’6’ interior height, 7,000 GVWR, center gate, rear gate with half slider, side door, 16” radial tires, spare tire included
New MAXXD trailers, 83”x14’ utility trailer, 3,500lb dexter axle, bulldog coupler, swing up jack, 4’ spring assisted gate, 15” radial tires, LED lighting, green, black or gray powdercoat finish
New Cargo Mate, 5x8, 2,990 GVWR, 4’11” interior height, rear barn doors, white, $1,950, charcoal gray with rear ramp door, $2,200
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E x i r a Auto A u t o Sales Sales Exira Highway Highway 7 71, 1, E Exira, xira, IIa a
7 712-268-5345 12-268-5345
• Please check check our our website website for •Please for f ull inventory inventory full •Southern rust free trucks arriving daily •Website updated updated daily daily •Website
Chevrolet, 2015, 3500, dbl cab, 4WD, diesel, 119k miles, $31,900
Dodge, 2015, Ram 2500, crew cab, 4X4, 6.7 diesel, 117k, auto, cloth, loaded, $31,600
Dodge, 2014, Ram 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4X4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, $29,900
Chevrolet, 2014, Silverado 3500 SRW, Crew Cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, 175k miles $27,900
GMC, 2013, 2500, ext cab, flat bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 123K miles, $25,900
Dodge, 2011, 3500 SRW, Crew Cab 4x4, 6.7 cummins diesel, auto, 158k miles $24,200
Dodge, 2014, Ram 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $23,900
Dodge, 2014, Ram 4500, crew cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, flatbed available, $22,900
Dodge, 2011, 2500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 160k miles, $21,900
GMC, 2008, 3500, crew cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, 140k miles, $21,900
Dodge, 2011, 2500, crew cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $18,900
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, ext cab, short bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, 120k miles, $18,900
Dodge, 2008, 3500, quad cab, 4x4, auto, 6.7 diesel, cloth, loaded, emissions deleted, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2010, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, auto, diesel, cloth, loaded, $14,900
Chevrolet, 2006, 3500, reg cab, dump bed, 4x4, auto, duramax, diesel, cloth, 108k miles, $12,900
Chevrolet, 2008, 3500 SRW, reg cab, 4x4, 175k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
Dodge, 2001, Ram 3500, quad cab, dually, 4x4, auto, diesel, loaded, cloth $10,900
Ford, 2002, F-250, crew cab, 4X4, auto, 7.3 diesel, bale bed, leather, loaded, new ball joints, $10,600
John Deere, 1980, 2840, diesel, 2500 hours, nice shape, $10,500
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, Ext Cab, Long Bed, 4x4, Auto. 6.0L V8 Gas or CNG, 125k miles, $20,900
Chevrolet, 2015, 3500, reg cab, dually, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, gas, cloth, $18,900
Dodge, 2012, 2500, crew cab, long bed, 4x4, 5.7 hemi, auto, 110k miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2012, ext cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, 145k miles, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2012, 2500, ext cab, 145k miles, gas, long bed, $17,900
Chevrolet, 2013, 2500, reg cab, long bed, 4x4, auto, 6.0 V8, cloth, loaded, $16,400
GMC, 2012, 2500, reg cab, 4x4, 132k miles, gray cloth, $12,900
Dodge, 2010, 2500, reg cab, 5.7 Hemi, 4x4, cloth, 178k miles, $10,800
Ford, 2011, F150, crew cab, short bed, 2WD, auto 3.5 EcoBoost, cloth, loaded, $8,700
Chevrolet, 2005, 1500, reg cab, short bed, 4x4, 5 spd manual, V6, 138k miles, $6,200
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