Green IT & Virtualization Technology Market to Drive Expressively by Reducing Costs

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Green IT & Virtualization Technology Market to Drive Expressively by Reducing Costs and Customization Benefits No of Pages – 35 Publishing Date - December, 2015 Browse detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, and Charts in Global Serial Device Server Consumption 2016 Market Research Report at:

In the last few years, there have been a lot of incentives for businesses to become more environmentally conscious. Currently, Green IT and Virtualization are the two modern topics in the field of IT, which is gaining a lot of momentum by several enterprises. To explore their impact and importance, Market Research Hub (MRH) has added this new study by Kable Market Research to its report offering. It is entitled as, “Strategic Focus Report- Green IT & virtualization Technology”. The report delivers Kable’s viewpoint in the revenue prospects in the market until 2019, underlining the market size and growth by technology, geography, sector and size band.

According to the key findings of Virtualization Market Report, to augment these benefits of virtualization, properties under virtualized infrastructure share common storage using storage area networks (SANs). Though, the use of many virtual servers on limited storing devices may lead to a lack of storage space which is creating challenges for storage administrators. Further, the key findings reveal that one of the most prominent trends in the virtualization market is consolidation, as the major vendors now trying to enhance their virtualization abilities by engaging in M&A activities.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Technology evolution 2.1 Current technology trends 2.2 Key market drivers and inhibitors 2.2.1 Key market drivers 2.2.2 Key inhibitors 3 The vendor landscape 3.1 Vendor snapshot (the top five vendors) 4 The market opportunity 4.1 The total market opportunity 4.2 Geographic breakdown 4.3 Vertical market breakdown 4.4 Size band breakdown 5 Green IT & virtualization investment priorities 6 Summary 6.1 Costs and customization benefits are expected to continue to drive the green IT & virtualization market 7 Appendix 7.1 Definitions 7.2 Further reading 7.3 Contact the authors List of Table Table 1: Market share of the leading vendors in the virtualization market Table 2: Brief overview of the top five vendors in the virtualization market Table 3: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast, US$ millions Table 4: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by region, US$ millions Table 5: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by vertical market, US$ millions Table 6: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by size band, US$ millions Table 7: Green IT & virtualization – enterprises’ current and future investment priorities

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List of Chart Figure 1: Key trends impacting the green IT & virtualization market Figure 2: Key market drivers and inhibitors impacting the green IT & virtualization market Figure 3: Market share of the leading vendors in the virtualization market - 2014 Figure 4: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast

Figure 5: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by region Figure 6: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by vertical market (top six verticals only) Figure 7: Virtualization – global market opportunity forecast by size band Figure 8: Green IT & virtualization – enterprises’ current and future investment

Report Details – Date of Publishing – December, 2015 No of Pages – 35 Single User License – $2995 Multiple User License – $5990

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