Operator investments in 4g will boost revenue growth in turkey & estimated to reach $11 6bn in 2021

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Operator Investments in 4G will Boost Revenue Growth in Turkey & Estimated to reach $11.6bn in 2021

No of Pages – 30 Publishing Date - November, 2016 Browse detailed TOC, Tables, Figures and Charts in Global Serial Device Server Consumption 2016 Market Research Report athttp://www.marketresearchhub.com/report/turkey-demand-for-data-operator-investments-in4g-and-fixed-infrastructure-to-drive-future-revenue-growth-report.html The continuous growth in the telecom market is expected to be driven by the growing adoption of fixed and mobile broadband services. Telecom operators are now investing in 4G which is the key factor for its revenue growth. A new report by Pyramid Research titled “Turkey: Demand for Data, Operator Investments in 4G and Fixed Infrastructure to Drive Future Revenue Growth” has been added to Market Research Hub’s research portfolio and offers a comprehensive overview of the telecommunication market in Turkey with the forecasts of key indicators up to 2021.

It is well known that due to the continuous increase in mobile broadband users, the demand for high- speed internet connectivity has also boosted. Operators are now moving from 3G to 4G services to provide better data connections and speed. In this context, mobile data usage will always be an important driver of revenue growth, owing to an increase in the availability of 4G-compatible devices. The report studies that, 4G subscriptions will reach 56.7m by end of the year 2021. This will make up 65.6% of total mobile subscriptions in Turkey. Also, the growth will continue to be driven by increasing expansion of LTE/LTE-A networks and attractive data packages. The overall telecom service revenue in Turkey is estimated to surge by 3.6%.

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The report have also profiled major telecom operators in Turkey along with the competitive landscape. Top players are   

Telsim Vodafone Turkcell Turk telecom Avea

Currently, Turk Telecom is the leading operator followed by turkcell and Vodafone, as reported in 2016. Still, competition in the telecom market remains high, as operators gradually focus on offering multiplay and fixed-mobile convergent services also. Further, the report provides regional context of the telecom market to describe the market size and trends in Turkey when compared with other countries in the nearby region. According to the study, Turkey will be one of the largest telecom service markets in Africa & the Middle East (AME) in 2016, with estimated service revenue of US$11.2bn and a 4.7% decrease over the previous year. Now, operators are applying new revenue streams to the future growth of this market. Some of the key factors are also mentioned which include:  IoT/M2M and HD video streaming  5G services  Fixed telephony (including VoIP), broadband, mobile voice, multiplay and pay-TV

The above stated points are the prime factors and near term opportunity to the operators. To highlight these opportunities, report describes In-depth and quantitative analysis of service adoption trends by network technology and by operators through the forecast period of 2016 to 2021.

Table of Contents Executive summary Market and competitor overview Regional context Economic, demographic and political context Regulatory environment Demand profile Service evolution Competitive landscape Major market players Segment analysis Mobile services Fixed services Pay-TV Identifying opportunities Overall market opportunities List of Table

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Turkey telecom market size and growth prospects in a regional context, 2016E Country indicators Regulatory structure and policy Major telecommunications policy issues Turkey communications market revenue , 2014-2021, US$ Segment revenue CAGRs, 2016-2021, US$ Segment revenues 2014-2021 Service revenue mix: voice, data & video, 2016, 2021 Service revenue mix: fixed & mobile, 2016, 2021 Service revenue by operator, 2016 Key telecom market players Major telecommunications market players Mobile subscriptions and penetration, 2014-2021

Key mobile market indicators, 2016 Mobile data revenue mix, 2016, 2021 Total mobile ARPS; data percentage of total mobile ARPS, 2014–2021 Mobile market shares by subscriptions, 2014-2021 Mobile subscriptions by technology family, 2014-2021 Fixed-line penetration of population, 2014-2021 Key fixed market indicators, 2016 Fixed voice revenue, 2014-2021 Internet revenue, 2014-2021 Fixed market shares by service, 2016 Fixed access lines by technology, 2016, 2021 Pay-TV subscriptions by technology, 2014-2021 Opportunities in the Turkey telecommunications market List of Chart Turkey telecom market size and growth prospects in a regional context, 2016E Country indicators Regulatory structure and policy

Ask For Discount Major telecommunications policy issues Turkey communications market revenue , 2014-2021, US$ Segment revenue CAGRs, 2016-2021, US$ Segment revenues 2014-2021 Service revenue mix: voice, data & video, 2016, 2021 Service revenue mix: fixed & mobile, 2016, 2021 Service revenue by operator, 2016 Key telecom market players Major telecommunications market players Mobile subscriptions and penetration, 2014-2021 Key mobile market indicators, 2016 Mobile data revenue mix, 2016, 2021 Total mobile ARPS; data percentage of total mobile ARPS, 2014–2021 Mobile market shares by subscriptions, 2014-2021 Mobile subscriptions by technology family, 2014-2021 Fixed-line penetration of population, 2014-2021 Key fixed market indicators, 2016 Fixed voice revenue, 2014-2021 Internet revenue, 2014-2021

Report Details – Date of Publishing – Nov, 2016 No of Pages – 30 Single User License – $990 Multiple User License – $1980

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