Belgium’s Cards and Payments Industry Booming Trends and Opportunities to Remain Sustained till 2020 No of Pages – 47 Publishing Date - December, 2016 Browse detailed TOC, Tables, Figures, and Charts in Global Serial Device Server Consumption 2016 Market Research Report at: Belgium has clearly become one of the most advanced countries in the cashless world. Among the cards payments industry, Belgian consumers are more inclined towards debit cards and also possess a greater appetite for using pay-now cards over pay-later cards. Moreover, Belgian consumers within the cards and payments industry prefer to use alternative payment solutions such as PayPal, Sixdots, Seqr, Sign2Pay, Unified payment platform, SafetyPay and Ping Ping. Almost 52% of all cashless transactions made on Belgian e-commerce websites use the above mentioned payment methods.
As per the Belgium Payments Industry Report, more than 80% of Belgian population had access to the internet, thus almost half of the population is participated in online shopping through e-commerce and m-commerce platform. Due to the emergence of mobile-only bank is likely to accelerate a shift towards electronic payments in Belgium. Consequently, it has increased the market trend & further continued to record positive results. In the next section, the research also outlines the current regulatory framework in the industry.
Table of Contents 1 Definitions and Methodology 1.1 Definitions 1.2 Methodology 2 Key Facts and Highlights 3 Executive Summary 4 Payment Instruments 5 E-Commerce and Alternative Payments 5.1 E-Commerce Market and Payment Methods 5.2 Alternative Payment Solutions 5.2.1 PayPal 5.2.2 Sixdots 5.2.3 Seqr 5.2.4 Sign2Pay 5.2.5 Unified payment platform 5.2.6 SafetyPay 5.2.7 Ping Ping 6 Regulations in the Cards and Payments Industry 6.1 Regulatory Framework 6.1.1 SEPA framework 6.2 Anti-Money Laundering (AML) 6.3 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulations 7 Analysis of Cards and Payments Industry Drivers 8 Payment Cards 9 Debit Cards
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9.1 Debit Cards Market Analysis 9.2 Competition in Debit Cards Market 9.3 Debit Cards Comparison 10 Pay Later Cards 10.1 Pay Later Cards Market Analysis 10.2 Competition in Pay Later Cards Market 10.3 Pay Later Cards Comparison 11 Prepaid Cards 12 Appendix 12.1 Tables 12.2 Contact Timetric 12.3 About Timetric 12.4 Timetrics Services 12.5 Disclaimer
Report Details – Date of Publishing – December, 2016 No of Pages – 32 Single User License – $2750 Multiple User License – $5500
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