Florence Broadhurst Design Extraordinaire

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Being a lover of all things design, especially that with bold revolutionary flair, when I was introduced to the new Florence Broadhurst range by Brink & Campman I literally got butterflies in my stomach with excitement. Recognised by Time magazine as one of the world’s most influential post war designers. Florence Broadhurst, if you’ve never heard of her was “Risk-taker par excellence, style maven extraordinaire, her most exhilarating legacy is a design archive making waves around the world today. But this is where her legend begins.” Her legacy is reinvention and fearless charisma, which now lives on through her designs. Florence Broadhurst despite a tragic end to her life defined innovation, bringing opulence and a whirlwind of creativity to the table.

Florence began her life in 1899 in Queensland Australia. During the roaring Twenties, she spent her time singing across the Far

East’s colonial reaches and ran a finishing school in Shanghai. Then in London she reinvented herself to be a French couturier to the rich and famous known as Madame Pellier. When she returned to Australia she reinvented herself to be an aristocratic English lady; an entrepreneur, landscape painter and society figurehead. Then at the age of 60 she did it yet again, launching an internationally successful, luxury hand-print wallpaper business.

Florence’s design archive grew, ranging over 500 images from tapestries to florals, to geometrics to eclectic chinoiserie. Despite her life coming to an end by a brutal unsolved murder in 1977, Florence’s art and designs are now alive again with a resurgence in her designs hitting everywhere from fashion to

interiors. Thus, here we are with the launch of the Florence Broadhurst rug collection by Brink & Campman. With bold statements like “People with taste will find me” Florence knew her designs were ingenious and would appeal to the masses, hence the resurrection, the world can add these impressive designs to their interiors or wardrobe once again. Let’s look at the collection.

You can find the entire Florence Broadhurst by Brink & Campman here on our website, be the first to add a piece of stunning design history to your interiors, I know will be! You can find out more information about Florence Broadhurst and her legacy here. Written by Michelle Hurford. Source: https://www.therugshopuk.co.uk/blog/florence-broadhurstrange/

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