When Your Mind Is Just Like A Computer
By Soman NInan Date: 04-12-2012
Human Brain has 100 billion nerve cells and its complexity is awesome. But apart from this every human brain has 3 states namely: CONSCIOUS SUB-CONSCIOUS UN-CONSCIOUS Over here we just compare our human brain with a computer which just looks stupid but it may let us understand the complex state of our own mind a little bit easy.
Our Conscious Mind Our Conscious mind is just like computer’s keyboard and monitor. As when you input some data via keyboard the output are shown at the monitor at once. The same pattern follows by brain during the state of consciousness. Data is taken internally/externally and the output are shown at our consciousness at once. It should be also noted that during the state of consciousness brain knows each every action its performing.
Our Sub – Conscious Mind Our Sub-conscious mind is just like the RAM of a Computer. RAM helps the processor to use the currently used programs and data. It is the most powerful memory unit of a computer as compared with hard disk and CD-ROM. So as Our Sub Conscious mind it stores each and everything in such an order so that the program could be used quickly whenever required.
Our Un – Conscious Mind Our un - conscious mind is just like our hard disk drive it stores information for a long term purpose. In that way our memories and programs from childhood are kept safe in our un-conscious mind. Both our un-conscious and sub -conscious mind uses there storage data and programs to better function of brain ad keep us safe & healthy in future.