Portfolio 2021

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Selected Projects

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3 Table of Content 01. Building Bridges Not A Wall 02. The Taita Apalis 03. Voi Market 04. Kariokor Low Income Housing 05. Kariokor Mixed Use Development 06. Swahili Conservation 07.Professional Works 08. Hobbies
01. Building Bridges Not A Wall

The project is envisioned within a Speculative City in Flushing and Corona, Queens following the seminal events of 2020 and their result on architecture and urbanism. In a group of two, my colleague and I proposed an architectural “device” to remediate the creek and open it up to for public spaces that blend in with the community. Upon visiting the site, flushing corona park, we realized that the creek was the most urgent need within the area and made a decision to ground our proposal above the existing Whiteline Expressway. The bridge was the most ideal location for the device as the water pollution was primarily being caused by the industries along the creek, and further more the creek is inaccessible for pedestrians and we felt the need to provide communal spaces that can allow for public interaction and surveillance of the creek.

01. Building Bridges Not A Wall Section Through Food Distribution Zone Layout Diagram Site Selection Study
6 Layout Diagram



Spring 2021

The Taita Apalis is an endangered species in Taita Hills, Kenya, that has rapidly declined from approximate ly 1200 species to 200 from 2000 to 2021 primarily due to human migration to the highlands and habitat destruction by domestic livestock. The birds form their habitats in shrubs of 0-900mm high within the Taita forest. Following the Spring Studio theme of Erasure and Placemaking, I proposed an intervention that could mitigate and promote the lifespan of the birds as well as promote bio-diversity through building technology and site planning that can be a base for the community to incorporate within the community. The project has three points of view, that of the bird, the human and the livestock. To put it simply, thickets can be grown on the roof garden and gabions to allow for habitation of the birds, the humans can coexist at human level harmoniously and the livestock can be zoned further down the site where there is zero to minimal interaction.

Software: Sketchup, Vray for 3Dmax, Photoshop, Adobe Illus-

The Taita Apalis is a bird that exists only in the Taita Hills, Kenya and has been marked as a critically endangered species due to its rapid decline over the past few years. From 2001 to 2017 it was recorded to have significantly dropped from about 1200 species to 300 species and unfortunately continues to decline.



Spring 2021

This proposal is conceived on the primary question of mitigation and adaptation processes that can be used to combat the erasure of this species. It takes into account three points of view as mitigation and conservation processes of the birds and also the forest. The selected program is a community resource center that can be used as space for learning and commerce at human scale, and roof gardens at birds scale. The character of the building is

Software: Sketchup, Vray for 3Dmax, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator.

The Taita Apalis is a bird that exists only critically endangered species due to its 2017 it was recorded to have significantly and unfortunately continues to decline.

This proposal is conceived on the primary that can be used to combat the erasure of view as mitigation and conservation processes lected program is a community resource commerce at human scale, and roof gardens inspired by the local forms, building technology

KEY 1. Access 2. Administration 3.Meeting Roms 4. Workshops 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.. 9. 10. Site Plan 02. The Taita Apalis
inspired by the local forms, building technology and locally available materials.
Key 1. Taita Hills 2. Community Center 3. Farm 4. Butterfly Farming 5. Grazing Land 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. Taita Hills Siteplan Community Center Farming Zone Sectional Elevation
Key 1. Taita Hills 2. Community Center 3. Farm 4. Butterfly Farming 5. Grazing Land 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. Taita Hills Siteplan Community Center Farming Sectional Elevation

Voi market is my final year undergraduate project at the University of Nairobi. The project was inspired by my research thesis titled, “Regionalism and Identity: A Case of Voi, Kenya”. I was interested in seeing whether the existing and or traditional settlements adapted to the culture, environment and climate of the region, and extract principles that can be used to steer the urban growth the transit town was experencing since the construction of the Standard Gauge Railway. Upon my research findings, I proposed the integration of local building materials, use of courtyards, narrow plan depths among others as principles that can be incorporated in the urban growth of the town.

01 .VOI MARKET Concept | Development Masterplan INTRODUCTION Market infrastructure is influenced by many factors, the most fundamental of which is the size and use of selling space and its relationship to traffic circulation and parking. The project has two main components: i). Masterplanning ii). Scheme and Detailed Design. LOCATION EXISTING RAILWAY HOUSES UNDEVELOPED LAND 6. LIVESTOCK SECTION This sector is in response to the CIDP of the region to increase agricultural and livestock produce within the county. 4. LIGHT INDUSTRIES This section requires frequent servicing due to the types of good sold and hence positioned adjacent to the service yard. 3. SERVICE YARD This section of the site was the most dormant part as compared to the remaining 3 and was best positioned to be the service yard for the market. It is strategically placed for easy of servicing within the market. 2. ANCILLIARY SPACES This include support facilities for the market i.e. administrative offices, banks, Atms, Post office and storage spaces. 5. RESTAURANTS AND EATERIES The site at this point offered excellent views towards Saghalla hills and Voi River and was the ideal location for leisure activities. Its form is in response to the river. SECTOR DEVELOPED Farm produce is the main produce sold within the region and is an anchor point for the entire market. 1. RETAIL SPACE Located at the entrance of the market to channel people into the interior parts within the market. The sector has both inbuilt stalls that sell new items and open air stalls for second hand goods. 3D IMAGE BELOW Open retail stalls. space- --WALKWAY ALONG BUS TERMINUS WALKWAYproposal market includes leisure Similar farm produce section, open rectangular arch’s ventilation Storage spaces open - Metal door that swings overhead display goods.REFERENCE: ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION ELEVATION REFERENCE: ELEVATION REFERENCE:GENERAL RETAIL SECTION SITEPLANNING | FORM DEVELOPMENT Kaloleni Voi Kenya. “Those who know their God shall do great exploits.” Daniel 11:32 Kantai Mark Melita B02/34413/2013 YR VI BAR 614 UP Service Yard Eateries Service Yard Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Entrance from Visitors Car Park Main Market Entrance Walkway Walkway Amphitheatre Bus Terminus Bus Terminus Traders Parking and Taxi Area Traders Parking and Taxi Area Loading Area Loading Area Area Area Area Loading Loading Walkway Bus Parking Visitors Car Park Visitors Car Park parking area EXIT ENTRANCE Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Retail Open Spaces Lightweight Industry Retail Open Spaces Retail Open Spaces Open Air Farm Produce Stalls Walkway Walkway Walkway Stalls Open Retail Open Spaces Open Air Farm Produce Stalls Open Air Farm Produce Stalls Ancilliary Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Livestock Section Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Ancilliary Spaces Farm Produce Livestock Section Lightweight Industry Storage Landscaping Toilets Restaurant Restaurant Kitchen The form of the market was inspired by the local architectural character and is designed to be regionally sound by adopting the use and interplay of local materials such as brick and timber to create an archtype similar to the context. It mimics the use of courtyards similar to the residential houses as mentioned before to be points of interaction and orientation. The towers are the orientation points of the market. The concept of the towers were influenced by the islamic souqs where they have been articulated to define transitional points within the route. They have been incorporated in the design to reflect the swahili culture that is widely spread within the region. FORM DEVELOPMENT THE PROCESS SITE PLAN 1:500 SITEPLANNING i). ZONNING ii). SERVICE DISTRIBUTION v). LANDSCAPING i). CLUSTERING ii). HIERARCHY iii). DOMINANCE iv). OUTCOME Reducing the number of courtyards to ease wayfinding and spatial definition between different sectors within the market. Massing of the blocks to different heights to define the focal point within the market visually. This was done by raising the central courtyard. In such of the markets character visually dominant points within the market were raised to be distinct for orientation and transitional purposes. The result was regional archtype that is sensitive to the functions that occur within a market and to its context. iii).
03. Voi Market Elevations Massing Ground Floor Plan

response to way finding, some points within the market are visually dominant compared to the others this is to aid in one’s

Kantai Mark Melita B02/34413/2013 iv). Adequate arrangements for display and sale of produce. v). Adequate space provision is essential, for sales areas, storage, administration, specialised facilities, circulation and, especially, parking. vi). Space provision should allow both for future expansion needs and for adjusting the space utilization of the market to match management requirements to meet changing social and economic circumstances. vii). Building designs should also allow the maximum amount of flexibility for change. The design for the market was influenced by the recur ring challenges experienced in the existing markets within the region. The major design issues identified include wayfinding, service distribution, circulation among others. The market layout is inspired by the circulation pat terns that run from north to south within the region, the use of courtyards for environmental and social func tions and efficient service distribution. To enhance is sues on wayfinding, circulation and service distribu tion the following design principles were applied. i). Use of courtyards ii). Nodes as points of orientation. iii). Hierarchy for space definition iv). Material change for space definition A. B. C. D. AFRICA KENYA TAITA TAVETA COUNTY LOCATION PLAN CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT B. USE OF NODES The use of courtyards enabled for clustering different market activities into different sectors within the market and enabled the spaces to receive maximum natural lighting and ventilation. A. COURTYARD’S Ancilliary Courtyard Juakali Courtyard In response to wayfinding issues in Voi Old Market, the design of the market employes nodes as points of orientation within the market. The nodes are further highlighted by being the most dominat points within the market. Points of orientation Within the market. Dominant visual points for orientation and wayfinding. Bigger in size to emphasize the focal point/destination point of the market. In
orientation within the market. The open air stalls are differ in size to visually put emphasis on the dominant activities within the market. C. HIERARCHY Amalgamation of courtyards to improve wayfinding. spaces and for environmental purposes. Response to River. Design response to the river and termination of the axis. 7. BUS TERMINUS The location of the site is ideal for a proposal of the bus terminus due to the existing circulation patterns of public transport vehicles from Voi to the Nairobi Mombasa highway and back. MASTERPLAN 1:1000 EXISTING CEREALS BOARD EXISTING RAILWAY HOUSES UNDEVELOPED LAND 8. GENERAL RETAIL SPACES This section highlights the the general retail spaces such as kiosks and supermarkets that are used regularly by customers. 6. LIVESTOCK SECTION This sector is in response to the CIDP of the region to increase agricultural and livestock produce within the county. 4. LIGHT INDUSTRIES This section requires frequent servicing due to the types of good sold and hence positioned adjacent to the service yard. 3. SERVICE YARD This section of the site was the most dormant part as compared to the remaining and was best positioned to be the service yard for the market. It is strategically placed for easy of servicing within the market. 2. ANCILLIARY SPACES This include support facilities for the market i.e. administrative offices, banks, Atms, Post office and storage spaces. 5. RESTAURANTS AND EATERIES The site at this point offered excellent views towards Saghalla hills and Voi River and was the ideal location for leisure activities. Its form is in response to the river. SECTOR DEVELOPED Farm produce is the main produce sold within the region and is an anchor point for the entire market. 1. RETAIL SPACE Located at the entrance of the market to channel people into the interior parts within the market. The sector has both inbuilt stalls that sell new items and open air stalls for second hand goods. 3D IMAGE BELOW PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF MASSING CONCEPT OF THE MARKET. Dominant Points of Orientation and vertical circulation points. Farm produce sector visually higher than the rest for emphasis on the focal point of the market. 10m wide circulation routes for sufficient movement of people and goods. 03 .VOI MARKET DN Open Air Farm Produce Stalls Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Walkway Lightweight Industry Ancilliary Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Retail Spaces Livestock Section Retail Spaces Walkway KEY Retail Spaces Ancilliary Spaces Farm Produce Livestock Section Lightweight Industry Storage Landscaping Seating Seating Seating Seating Loading Fall SCHEDULE OF ACCOMMODATION Markets are the physical expression of the marketing system -involving a com plex mixture of social, management and economic factors. To prepare a master plan for market development and, subsequently, to prepare infrastructure de signs and budget costs, will require an accommodation brief. The market will house or accommodate several activities both internal and external activities, the following shows the accommodation schedule developed from the activities of the existing markets within the region and the areas as guided by John W (1999):1. Management Offices. A space to be responsible for operating and maintaining the facility, this in cludes: -Administrative office: each @ 10-15sqm -Security Office: each @ 10sqm -Cleaners store: each @ 10sqm 2. Market Stalls. -Vegetable stalls -Dairy Milk Shops -Clothing Stalls -Shoe Stalls -Light Weight Industries Shops -Mpesa Shops -Butcheries -Saloon and Barber Shops 3. Recreational Activities -Restaurant spaces -Gaming areas such as pools -Landscaped seating areas 4. Parking Spaces 5. Private toilets: @ 2 square metres per 25 market employees (male and female separate) 6. Public toilets: 2 square metres @ per 1,000 peak period market users (male and female separate) 7. Circulation space, 10% of the site to be used for circulation such as the main walkways. Note: A further allowance of 5 percent of the total usable space should be made for the area that the building structure and infill walls will occupy and to take account of any irregularities in the shape of the site. With very narrow sites or irregular shapes the use of space will be more inefficient and an additional 10 percent may need to be added. OBJECTIVES The market layout needs to achieve:i). An unobstructed traffic circulation pattern and effective parking control with adequate parking facilities being provided ii). Maximum possibility for interaction between the market users. iii). Provision and full utilization of support facilities. iv). Adequate arrangements for display and sale of produce. v). Adequate space provision is essential, for sales areas, storage, administration, specialised facilities, circulation and, especially, parking. vi). Space provision should allow both for future expansion needs and for adjusting the space utilization of the market to match management requirements to meet changing social and economic circumstances. vii). Building designs should also allow the maximum amount of flexibility for change. viii). 3D PERSPECTIVES FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1:500 BUS TERMINUS FRONT VIEW Ancilliary Courtyard Juakali Courtyard vi). COURTYARDS AND OPEN SPACES vi). FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Recreational areas for future development. vii). WASTE MANAGEMENT Garbage collection point. SITE PLANNING PROCESS Sections. First Floor Plan

This is an urban design project done during my fifth year of undergraduate studies at the University of Nairobi. The brief was to redesign the existing Kariokor housing into a low income scheme that is sensitive to all age sets, increase in population and the contemporary needs. The project involves masterplanning, sector planing and design, cluster planning and design, and block planning and design.

04. Kariokor Low-Income
Sector Plan

This is an urban design project done during my fifth year of undergraduate studies at the University of Nairobi. The brief was to redesign a section of downtown Nairobi to fit the proposed Nairobi redevelopment plan. The site is located next to Nairobi river hence proposals of revitalizing the river were also included. The design scheme has two components, masterplanning and design of a mixed use development.

05. Mixed Use Development

Swahili Conservation-Working Drawings

14 REF.REF. REF. DN UP A B C E F G H 1 West Elevation 2 South Elevation 09 3 D 4 OPEN TO SKY PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC FLOW PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE PEDESTRIAN ENTRANCE Planter Planter Planter Planter Planter Planter Planter Planter Planter 8150 9580 25620 TRAFFIC FLOW TRAFFIC FLOW 8890 1420 6060 22000 3620 300 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1400 VEHICULAR ENTRANCE TO BASEMENT PARKING Cabro paving blocks 4700 07 08-0912 13 L[-] 01 SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES Scale Drawn by Project number 1. All dimensions be checked on site before commencement of work. 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement of work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. 7. All walls less than 200mm thick to be reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage to comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings to be approved by 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting 4a. 10mm lime mortar on 25mm thick lime mortar screed. 4b. 300mm 100mm thick ceramic tiles. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Ceiling Skirting 1 100 No Description Date Ground Level 1200 Level 4300 Level 7500 Level 10700 Roof Level 13900 A B C E F G H Street level D 5290 5260 10740 6830 5000 4950 5000 ENTRY FROM NDIA KUU STREET ENTRANCE FROM THIKA STREET 800mm by 500mm ms vent for basement ventilation and lighting. PLANTER PLANTER PLANTER steps TREADS=300mm RC steps TREADS=300mm BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY 3200 3200 3200 3100 1200 500mm High concrete planter with white paint finish. 800mm by 2000mm Timber Louver window to schedule. 200mm thick masonry wall plastered painted with three coats of white paint. 900mm high mvule railing carved to swahili elements 300mm high fascia board carved to swahili elements 20° Spanish red tiles support timber truss system. pcc coping on 1800mm high parappet wall 450mm by 450mm RC column plastered and painted white to 800mm by 500mm ms vent for basement ventilation and lighting. 2 07 L[-] 07 ELEVATION Balcony to detail 20° Spanish red tiles support timber truss system. 100mm dia cut Mangrove boritti planks 500mm High concrete planter with white paint finish. Mvule roof support carved with swahili decorations to Architects details. THIKA STREET 800x600mm timber lourver window to schedule 900mm high mvule railing support carved to swahili elements. Fascia Board with swahili elements Swahili carving support 100mm dia cut mangrove borriti planks for support. 150mm thick RC slab with non-slip terrazo finish 450mm Thick masonry walling to schedule. Mvule carving support 200 150 50 900 50 1820 150 80 1000 2050 920 150 520 50 460 150 440 50 480 5 07 270 1200 0 50 350 550 50 150 1470 1000 150 450mm RC beam to Str Eng details. 150mm thick RC slab with 20mm thick Mahogany Parquet finish to Architects approval. Fascia Board carved ro swahili elements. 12mm Thick compound ceiling 80mm thick Mvule strut support with a 3coat brown matt finish to Architects approval. 450mm thick masonry walling to finish schedule. 900mm high mvule railing carved to swahili elements Rugged end wrought iron tail piece anchor cast insitu. 12mm thick white matt coat treated with waterproofing admixture. Coats applied to manufactures specifications Timber louvered window to schedule 500 80 Rugged end wrought iron tail piece anchor cast insitu. 30 320 120 30 50 70 50 80 300 80 50 GENERAL NOTES Scale Drawn Project number commencement work. 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. 7. All walls less than 200mm thick to be reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level to be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail for R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings be approved by Architect. 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1.Floor 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting 4a. 10mm lime mortar on 25mm thick lime mortar 4b. 300mm 100mm thick ceramic tiles. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Floor Wall Ceiling Skirting As indicated 1 20 Balcony Elevation 2 20 Balcony Section 3 10 FIXING 4 1 10 Motif Design 5 No Description Date UPSection Section A B C E F G H 1 West Elevation 2 South Elevation 3 D 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 450 20950 200 3300 200 2500 200 10380 200 4740 410 5000 4950 5000 6830 10740 5260 5290 43530 RAMP UP RAMP DRIVEWAY LIFT LOBBY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY PARKING PARKING PARKING PARKING 8580 7420 5130 20820 FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL RC retaining wall S.E's details. 300mm wide trench drain with steel grating & sloped to sump. 200mm thick masonry walling plastered & painted to approval. RC floor slab laid to fall Underground Sump LIFT FALL FALL FALL RC floor slab laid to fall 07 08-line showing the boundary line. 450mm thick RC waterproof Retaining wall Generator room Vehicular ramp in 1:10 with ribbed conc.finish to approval to S.E;s details. RAMP Ramp down Floor Finish: Tampered screed Floor Finish: Tampered screed Floor Finish: Tampered screed Floor Finish: Tampered screed -2150 -2150 -2150 L[-] 02 BASEMENT LEVEL 10 210 230 10 450 210mm concrete retaining wall Tanking waterproof membrane 230mm Internal masonry wall with plaster finish to Architects details. Conrete skirting 150mm above Floor Finish Level. Concrete floor slab Loose gravel-For drainage Perimeter 50mm diameter PVC Drain tile Tanking applied over 40x40mm cement angle fillet. Hardcore Concrete Blinding Foundation depth to be determined on site. 210 70 100 100 280 200 Hardcore Concrete Blinding Steel Reinforcement to Structural Engineers details 150mm concrete skirting above ffinish floor level 300mm thick RC concrete plastered to Architects approval Tanking: waterproof membrane Concrete floor slab 300 GENERAL NOTES Drawn by Project number 1. All dimensions be checked on site before 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement of work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage to comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings to be approved by 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate with lime infill. 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting screed. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Ceiling Skirting As indicated 1 10 Foundation Detail 2 1 10 Column Detail 3 No Description Date Ground Level 1200 Level 1 4300 Level 2 7500 Level 3 10700 Roof Level 13900 1 Street level 2 3 800mm by 2400mm Timber Louver window to schedule. pcc coping on 1800mm high parappet wall 450mm thick masonry wall plastered and painted white 500mm High concrete planter with white paint finish. 800mm by 500mm ms vent for basement ventilation and lighting. 200mm high masonry curb painted brown 5150 7420 3200 3200 3200 3100 1200 NDIA KUU STREET L[-] 09 ELEVATION 15mm thick Mvule Mashrabiya screen carved to swahili elements for ventilation. Balcony to schedule 20° Spanish red tiles support timber truss system. 450mm by 450mm RC column plastered and painted white Mvule roof support carved with swahili decorations to Architects details. Ground Level 1200 Level 1 4300 Level 2 7500 Level 3 10700 Roof Level 13900 1 Street level 0 2 3 4 5130 7420 8580 800mm by 2400mm Timber Louver window to schedule. 900mm high mvule railing carved to swahili elements 300mm high fascia board carved to swahili elements 20° Spanish red tiles support with timber truss system. pcc coping on 1800mm high parappet wall 3200 high mashrabiya screen carved to swahili elements 3200 3200 3200 3100 1200 200mm high curb ENTRANCE NDIA KUU STREET 450mm thick masonry wall plastered and painted white L[-] 08 ELEVATION 15mm thick Mvule mashrabiya screen carved to swahili elements for ventilation P.V P.V P.V P.V Balcony to detail Timber louvered window to schedule 500mm High concrete planter with white paint finish. 100mm dia cut Mangrove boritti posts VEHICULAR ACCES TO BASEMENT PARKING GENERAL NOTES Drawn Project number 1. All dimensions checked on site before 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level to be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail for R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings be approved by 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate with lime infill. 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting screed. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Ceiling Skirting 1 100 No Description Date 06.
15 Ground Level 1200 Level 4300 Level 7500 Level 10700 Roof Level 13900 Basement -2150 1 Street level 0 2 3 4 5140 7420 8580 NDIA KUU 1800 150 460 2590 150 450 2600 150 450 2600 150 450 2500 150 450 2750 150 DRIVEWAY LIFT LOBBY PARKING SWIMMING POOL ENTRANCE BEDROOM APARTMENT BEDROOM APARTMENT BEDROOM APARTMENT LOUNGE LOUNGE LOUNGE RC waterproof wall to SE details. RC column S.E's details finished plaster to receive coats white matt paint on appropriate basecoat to approval 150mm RC slab to S.E's detail 450mm RC beam to S.E's detail pcc coping on 1800mm high parappet wall with 12 10mm deep drip throat 450mm thick masonry wall plastered and well prepared to coats matt white paint on appropriate basecoat to approval 500mm high concrete planter plastered to receive 3 coats matt white paint on appropriate basecoat to approval Plain compound ceiling with white matt paint finish to Architects approval RISER=150mm steps Swimming pool pump 800mm by 2000mm Timber Louver window to schedule. 900mm high mvule railing carved to swahili elements 900mm high mvule railing carved to swahili elementsL[-] 11 SECTION Timber lourver door to schedule 20° Spanish red tiles support timber truss system. Mvule roof support carved with swahili decorations to Architects detail. Ground Level 1200 Level 1 4300 Level 2 7500 Level 3 10700 Roof Level 13900 Basement -2150 A B C E F G H Street level 0 D RC waterproof basement wall to SE details. RC column to S.E's details finished plaster to receive 3 coats white matt paint on appropriate basecoat approval 150mm RC slab to S.E's detail PARKING DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY PARKING PARKING DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY BOUTIQUE CURIO SHOP CURIO SHOP ENTRANCE RESTAURANT ENTRANCE LIFT LOBBY KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM APARTMENT KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM APARTMENT WALK KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM APARTMENT KITCHEN MASTER ENSUITE BEDROOM APARTMENT WALK 5290 5260 10740 6830 5000 4940 5000 450mm RC beam to S.E's detail pcc coping on 1800mm high parappet wall with 12 10mm deep drip throat 800mm by 2400mm timber louver window 1600mm by 1800mm mashrabyia screen 450mm thick masonry wall plastered and well prepared to coats matt white paint on appropriate basecoat to approval 500mm high concrete planter plastered to receive coats matt white paint on appropriate basecoat to approval Plain compound ceiling with white matt paint finish to Architects approval 100mm dia cut Mangrove boritti planks for support. steps TREADS=300mm 06 Building foundation to details. L[-] 10 SECTION GENERAL NOTES Scale Drawn by Project number commencement of work. 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement of work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. 7. All walls less than 200mm thick to be reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage to comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings to be approved by Architect. 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1.Floor 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting 4a. 10mm lime mortar on 25mm thick lime mortar 4b. 300mm 100mm thick ceramic tiles. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Floor Wall Ceiling Skirting 1 100 No Description Date E 3 D09 200 4310 LIFT LOBBY LIFT 900mm high mvule Stairs support RC stairs to Str. Eng details 300mm Treads 150mm Risers 450mm x200mm RC column to Eng.details 200mm thick masonry wall plastered to receive coats of white matt paint to approval Elect duct with fixtures to Elec. Eng. detail ICT Duct detail. Fire duct to detail Plumbing Duct to detail. 1500mm wide RC stair landing finished in 20mm Mahogny parquet 15mm thick mvule mashrabiya screen for Natural lighting and ventilation. 6mm Thick Terrazo finish on lime mortar. Planter 200mm high concrete planter with plastered finish 12 Ground Level 1200 Level 1 4300 Level 2 7500 2 3 150 2950 150 3050 150 800mm 2000mm timber louver to schedule Compound ceiling with white matt paint basecoat approval 150mm RC slab to S.E's details. 20mm thick Mahogany Parquet Floor Finish 900mm High Mvule stair support. RC stairs Str. Eng Details 300mm Treads 150mm Risers. Finished in 20mm Mahogany Parquet 50mm thick timber louvered door to schedule 7420 200mm thick masonry wall plastered to receive coats white matt paint to basecoat approval 450 thick RC beam S.E's detail. 12 Floor finish on RC slab to schedules. 450mm RC beam to Str. Eng details. 50x50mm aluminium U-channels screwed to RC slab for anchoring of the gypsum ceiling. 12mm thick Compound ceiling screwed to 50x50mm aluminum U-channels connection 75mm gypsum cornice to Architects approval 10 140 10 430 10 120 60 260 150 410 260 150 410 10 260 1020mm thick Mvule Mashrabiya screen. 900mm high Mvule railing carved to swahili elements. Lift door to specialists manufacturers details. Recessed LED down lights to E.E's specs. 150mm thick RC solid slab to S.E's details. 12mm thick Compound ceiling on aluminium U-channels branderings. 15mm thick 100mm high cut mahogany skirting to details. 450mm thick RC beam to Str. Eng details. 200mm thick masonry wall plastered and well prepared to coats matt white paint on appropriate basecoat to approval 150 150 20 10 280 10 300 30x12mm thick non-slip corborandum on timber parquet thread 150mm thick with a varnished mangrove finish in linsed oil 20mm deep nosing 25mm Thick Mvule baluster screwed to washers encased in 150mm thick RC stair slab to Str.Eng detail and moulded to approval. 150mm thick RC stair slab with Timber parquet finish 30x25mm thick timber parquet finish to approval. GENERAL NOTES Scale Drawn Project number commencement work. 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. 7. All walls less than 200mm thick to be reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level to be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail for R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings be approved by Architect. 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1.Floor 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting 4a. 10mm lime mortar on 25mm thick lime mortar 4b. 300mm 100mm thick ceramic tiles. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Floor Wall Ceiling Skirting As indicated 1 50 LIFT LOBBY 1 1 50 LIFT LOBBY SECTION 2 1 10 Suspended Ceiling Callout 3 1 50 LIft Lobby Section 4 1 5 Stair Riser and Tread Detail 5 No Description Date 2060 710 710 1420 1580 770 910 1070 920 2110 180 1730 80 1510 1370 480 250 480 80 1730 180 1810 1670 7080 630 250 630 8070 2110 2030 920 1070 2100 2180 1350 1200 Description Door size 1580mm 2140mm -Timber framed double leaf door with clear glass to manufacturers specification. -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -2 no. door closer -2no. 38mm door stopper -1.5prs 100mm stainless but hinges. -Union cylinder lock with furniture. -2No. tower bolts Location No. Description Door size 910mm 2110mm -Single leaf 50mm Louvered timber door -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -1No. 38mm dia rubber door stopper -1.5prs 100mm stainless steel but hinges -Cylinder lock furniture. Location No. Description Door size 1070mm 2210mm -Single Leaf 50mm thick timber door -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -1No. 38mm dia rubber door stopper. -1.5prs 100mm stainless steel but hinges. -Cylinder lock furniture Location No. Description Door size 1510mm 2110mm -50mm thickTimber louvered double leaf door. -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -2No. closed door -1.5prs 100mm stainless but hinges. -Cylinder lock with furniture. Location No. Description Door size 1810mm 2060mm -50mm thickTimber louvered double leaf door. -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -2No. closed door -1.5prs 100mm stainless but hinges. -Cylinder lock with furniture. Location No. Description Location No. Description Door size 1350mm 2180mm -50mm thick single leaf timber door -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -1.5prs 100mm stainless but hinges. -Cylinder lock with furniture. Location No. Door size 1070mm 2210mm -Single leaf 50mm thick timber door -100 x 50mm hardwood door frame IRONMONGERY -1No. 38mm dia rubber door stopper -1.5prs 100mm stainless steel but hinges -Cylinder lock furniture. D30 D30 D30 D30 D43 D43 D43 GENERAL NOTES Drawn by Project number 1. All dimensions be checked on site before 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement of work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage to comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings to be approved by 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate with lime infill. 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting screed. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Ceiling Skirting 1 20 20 DOOR TYPES No Description Date 200 40 920 180 70 750 110 750 70 1220 450 800 700 400 400 1250 1500 800 700 400 400 1500 1250 450 1230 70 750 110 750 60 180 960 200 1730 1660 740 510 GENTS LADIES DISABLED TOILET DISABLED TOILET LOBBY Duct Duct Store Urinals Ceramic wash basin to detail. 150mm Thick RC slab finished with non slip terrazo to Architects approval Stainless Steel handrail 2000mm high bathroom stall prefabricated off site to manufacturers approval. 540x360mm back to wall washdown w.c. suite 300x250mm White ceramic Tiles at 1200mm height above F.F to Architects design and specification. 540x360mm back to wall. designed specifically for the physically challenged. 13 150mm Thick RC slab to Str. Eng details. 12mm Thick Compound ceiling painted white matt coats to approval. Ceramic Urinal detail. 300x250mm ceramic white tiles 1200mm high above F.F.L to Architects design and specifications Ceramic Wash Hand Basin to detail. Timber Framing pressure treated and with varnish to Architects approval. 450mm thick masonry wall plastered to receive white matt coats to basecout approval Recessed LED down lights to E.E's specs. 300x150mm terrazo skirtingCeramic urinal screen to manufacturers specifications 150mm thick RC slab finished with non slip terrazo to Architects approval. 150mm Thick RC slab to Str. Eng details. 12mm Thick Compound ceiling painted white matt coats to approval. 450mm thick masonry wall plastered to receive white matt coats to basecout approval 2000mm high prefabricated toilet stall to manufacturers approval. 200mm thick masonry wall plastered to receive white matt coats to basecout approval Recessed LED down lights to E.E's specs. 150mm thick RC slab finished with non-slip terrazo to Architects approval. 450mm thickRC beam to Str. Eng details 300x250mm ceramic white tiles 1200mm high above F.F.L to Architects design and specifications 300x150mm terrazo skirting Stainless steel handrail 540x360mm back to wall washdown w.c. suite Toilet paper holder Ceramic Wash Hand Basin to detail.120 20 20 40 140 70 110 200 Dirt Trap 200mm Thick Masonry walling finish to schedule 12mm thick lime wash coat treated with water proofing admixture. Coats applied to manufacturers' specifications. Rugged end wrought Iron tail piece anchor cast insitu Single wash hand basin 350mmx140mmwith hot & cold mixer. 8mm thick granite top laid to approval 130mm thick R.C top to S.E's detail. 320 GENERAL NOTES Drawn Project number 1. All dimensions checked on site before 2. Use figured dimensions. Any discrepancy should be reported the Architect before commencement work. stated. 4. All sanitary fittings, doors, windows, and lifts to schedules. 5. Permanent Ventilation be provided on all walls and windows except on w.c doors. 6. The innitials p.v denote permanent ventilation. reinforced every alternate coursewith hoop iron. CIVIL WORKS 1. All R.C work structural engineer's details. 2. All slabs at ground level to be poured over 1000 gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm stone blinding on recycled hardcore. STRUCTURAL WORKS 1. Refer to engineer's detail for R.C works. 2. Foundation depth be determined on site to architect's approval. MECHANICAL WORKS 1. All plumbing and drainage comply with council requirements. 2. All internal fittings be approved by 3. Plumbing and drainage mechanical engineer's details. FINISHES SCHEDULE 1a. 200mm thick R.C slab S.E's detail. 1b. 6mm thick polished terrazo laid on lime mortar screed, with 25mm dividing strips set off to Architects approval. 1c. 20mm 300mm 300mm Granite floor tiles. 1d. Approved 200x65x20mm mahogany parquet flooring. 2a. 12mm thick lime wash coat on lime plaster, treated with water proofing admixture. 2b. Emulsion paint. 2c. 300mmx20mm approved ceramic tiles 2.d Coral lime plaster finish 3. Ceiling 3.a 25mm thick Compound ceiling. 3.b Square cut mvule(boritti) planks alternate with lime infill. 3.c Emulsion paint. 3d. Painted waterproofed rough cast lime finish. 4. Skirting screed. 4c. 150mm high polished in-situ terrazo. 4d. 100 25mm Mangrove skirting. 4e. 150mm high concrete skirting. PROJECT TITLE MIXED URBAN DEVELOPMENT-OLD TOWN MSA DRAWING TITLE WORKING DRAWINGS DECEMBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI MELITA MARK KANTAI B02/34413/2013 BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES. Ceiling Skirting As indicated 1 25 Toilet Layout Plans 1 20 Elevation 1 - a 2 1 20 Elevation 1 - c 3 1 5 WHB Fixing 4 No Description Date
07. Professional Works

Private Residence | Nairobi, Kenya


Prior to joining my postgraduate studies, I was comissioned by a family friend to offer architectural services for bungalow and guest house in Nairobi. My task was to offer conceptual, schematic, construction drawings and administration of the project.

17 A107 Guest House Ground Floor Plan ------61910 56110 79700 53530 6000 5800 5600 North 39940 6000 61910 56110 79700 53530 PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROAD ACCESS ROAD North 1 2 3 A A B B Guard House Generator Room 5600 WC P.V. P.V. P.V. P.V. P.V. A103 5 P.V. 3390 200 1800 200 1200 200 2000 200 5800 A103 6 A103 7 Bins Access Road Entrance 3000 3m Road Expansion Ceramic Tile Concrete Paving Concrete Paving 8 A103 Lawn Original Site Boundary 1500 Masonry Stone Boundary Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 1000 200 2800 4020 200 740 70 1070 1070 410 1200 1000 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every 2-courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details Coping and Boundary Wall detail. Timber Door to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. P.V P.V Level 1 Roof Level 2800 P.V P.V Bins 1000 200 460 1500 390 450 Walkway Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Metal Gate to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Gate Entrance Site Plan 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. 200mm Thick Masonry wall with rendered plastered and white finish. P.V P.V P.V 1200 460 1500 390 450 600 2410 600 750 1500 540 600 5800 Level 1 Roof Level 2800 Generator Room Guard House WC Walkway 1200 2630 150 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details 150mm High Screed Skirting. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch to Str Details. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be verified with architects 2 All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details 3 All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R C works 4 All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M H O 5 PV denotes permanent vents 6 All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified 7 Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval 2 Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course 3 All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications 2 Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround 3 Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be1%. 4 All testing pipes must be completed before plastering 5 All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any conflict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client: Date P O Bo x 639 - 00100 NAIROB Developer signature : C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN. Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Location Plan Scale 1:1000 A103[--] Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[--] Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN & GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS ------61910 56110 79700 53530 6000 5800 5600 8890 North 39940 6000 61910 56110 79700 53530 PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROAD ACCESS ROAD North 1 1 2 2 3 3 A A B B Guard House Generator Room 1000 1200 490 920 200 920 890 200 2000 200 1200 200 1800 5600 WC A103 5 3390 2200 1200 450 1500 450 5800 3390 A103 6 A103 7 Access Road Entrance 3000 3m Road Expansion Finish Finish Concrete Paving Blocks Concrete Paving Blocks A103 Lawn Lawn Original Site Boundary North 1500 1500 Masonry Stone Boundary Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Timber Door to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway Walkway 4000 100 2400 2400 100 940 1500 970 1480 5000 3390 1500 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every 2-courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details Coping and Boundary Wall detail. Metal Gate to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Site Plan 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. 200mm Thick Masonry wall with rendered plastered and white finish. 4000 600 2410 600 750 1500 540 600 5800 Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 Generator Room Guard House WC Walkway 200 1800 200 1200 200 2000 200 5800 4000 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details 150mm High Screed Skirting. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch to Str Details. 150mm Thick Concrete Floor with Screed Finish. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be verified with architects 2 All reinforced concrete works to structural engs details 3 All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R C works 4 All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M H O 5 PV denotes permanent vents 6 All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified 7 Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval 2 Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course 3 All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications 2 Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround 3 Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be %. 4 All testing pipes must be completed before plastering 5 All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any conflict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by: No : Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK P O Bo x 639 - 00100 NAIROB Developer signature CON Job No: Stag e:Re v: Consu lt: No Locati on C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN. A03-20 VB Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Location Plan Scale 1:1000 A103[ ]Gate House Plan Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 06 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Section 08 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN & GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS As Shown 12/07/2020 01 -----61910 56110 79700 53530 6000 5780 5800 5600 North 6000 61910 56110 79700 53530 PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROAD North 1 2 3 A B Guard House Generator Room 1000 1200 490 920 200 920 890 5600 WC A103 5 2200 1200 450 1500 450 5800 A103 6 A103 7 Entrance 3000 Screed Floor Finish Screed Floor Finish Concrete Paving Concrete Paving Lawn Lawn North 1500 Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 4020 5800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Timber Door Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 1000 200 460 1500 390 450 1240 1160 400 Walkway Walkway 100 2400 2400 100 940 1500 970 1480 5000 3390 1500 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Metal Gate Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Site Plan 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom details 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. 200mm Thick Masonry wall with rendered plastered and white finish. 1200 460 1500 390 450 600 2410 600 750 1500 540 600 5800 Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 P.V P.V P.V Generator Room Guard House WC Walkway P.V 1200 2630 150 200 1800 200 1200 200 2000 200 5800 4000 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details 150mm High Screed Skirting. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch Str Details. 150mm Thick Concrete Floor with Screed Finish. NOTES GENERAL 1 All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be verified with architects 2 All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details 3 All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R C works 4 All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M H O 5 PV denotes permanent vents 6 All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified 7 Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION 1 All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL 1 Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval 2 Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course 3 All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL 1 All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications 2 Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround 3 Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be %. 4 All testing pipes must be completed before plastering 5 All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any conflict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date P O Bo x 639 - 00100 NAIROB Developer signature C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN. Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN & GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS ------61910 56110 79700 53530 6000 5800 5600 8890 North 6000 61910 56110 79700 53530 PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROAD ACCESS ROAD North 1 1 2 2 3 3 A A B B Guard House Generator Room 1000 1200 490 920 200 920 890 200 2000 200 1200 200 1800 5600 WC A103 5 200 2990 200 2200 1200 450 1500 450 5800 3390 A103 6 A103 7 Access Road Entrance 3000 3m Road Expansion Finish Finish Concrete Paving Blocks Concrete Paving Blocks A103 Lawn Lawn Original Site Boundary North 1500 1500 Masonry Stone Boundary Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 5800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Timber Door to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 1240 1160 400 Walkway Walkway 4000 100 2400 2400 100 940 1500 970 1480 5000 3390 1500 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Metal Gate to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Site Plan 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. 200mm Thick Masonry wall with rendered plastered and white finish. 4000 600 2410 600 750 1500 540 600 5800 Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 Generator Room Guard House WC Walkway 200 1800 200 1200 200 2000 200 5800 4000 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details 150mm High Screed Skirting. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch to Str Details. 150mm Thick Concrete Floor with Screed Finish. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be verified with architects 2 All reinforced concrete works to structural engs details 3 All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R C works 4 All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M H O 5 PV denotes permanent vents 6 All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified 7 Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval 2 Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course 3 All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications 2 Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround 3 Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be %. 4 All testing pipes must be completed before plastering 5 All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any conflict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by: Scale Checked by No : Descriptions
Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK P O Bo x 639 - 00100 NAIROB I Developer signature CON Job No: Stag e:Re v: Consu lt: No Locati on C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN. A03-20 VB Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Location Plan Scale 1:1000 A103[ ]Gate House Plan Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Elevation 06 Scale 1:100 A103[ ] Gate House Section 08 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN & GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS As Shown 12/07/2020 01 ------61910 56110 79700 53530 6000 5780 5800 5600 8890 North 6000 61910 56110 79700 53530 PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROAD ACCESS ROAD North 1 2 3 A A B B Guard House Generator Room 5600 WC P.V. P.V. P.V. P.V. P.V. A103 5 P.V. 200 1800 200 1200 200 2000 200 5800 3390 A103 A103 7 Bins Access Road Entrance 3000 3m Road Expansion Ceramic Tile Concrete Paving Concrete Paving A103 Lawn Original Site Boundary 1500 1500 Masonry Stone Boundary Level 1 0 Roof Level 2800 200 740 70 1070 50 1070 410 1200 1000 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Timber Door to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. P.V P.V Level 1 Roof Level 2800 P.V P.V Bins 1240 1160 400 Walkway Walkway 4000 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Coping and Boundary Wall to detail. Metal Gate to Schedule. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. Gate Entrance Site Plan 0 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details all areas but frosted glass all the bathroom to details 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. 200mm Thick Masonry wall with rendered plastered and white finish. P.V P.V P.V 4000 600 2410 600 750 1500 540 600 5800 Level 1 Roof Level 2800 Generator Room Guard House WC Walkway 1200 2630 150 4000 200mm thick masonry wall, 1:3 Cement /sand mortar, 25mm hoop iron for every -courses,with rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows with clear glass to details in all areas but frosted glass in all the bathroom to details 150mm High Screed Skirting. 1200mm High Roof 30 Pitch to Str Details. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be verified with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural engs details All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R C works 4 All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M H O PV denotes permanent vents 6 All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be %. 4 All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any conflict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date P O Bo x 639 - 00100 NAIROB I C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN. Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Location Plan Scale 1:1000 A103[--] Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[--] Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN & GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS ------North PROPOSED SITE 6m Wide Road 6m Wide Road Original Site Boundary Original Site Boundary North ROA A D North 1 1 2 2 A A B B Room A103 A103 Access Road Entrance 3m Road Expansion Original Site Boundary North Masonry Stone Boundary Level 1 Roof Level 2800 Walkway 200mm thick masonry wall, Cement /sandrendered natural stone finish. with clear glass details areas Coping and Boundary Wall Level 1 Roof Level 2800 mortar, 25mm hoop iron everyBlack powder coated aluminium windows frosted glass the bathroom details 1200mm High Roof Site Plan Roof Level 2800frosted glass bathroom details with Spanish Clay Tiles Finish. with rendered plastered and Level Roof Level 2800rendered natural stone finish. Black powder coated aluminium windows 150mm High Screed Skirting. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are in mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri All reinforced concrete works to structural eng All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK P O Bo 639 - 00100 NAIROB Developer signature CON Job No: Stag Re Consu lt: No Locati on C 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE PROPOSED SITEPLAN, MAINHOUSE AND GUEST HOUSE DESIGN.Drawing Type: Express Yourself A103[ ]Proposed Site Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Site Plan Scale 1:500 A103[ ]Location Plan Scale 1:1000 A103[ ]Gate House Plan Scale 1:100 A103[ Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:100 A103[ Gate House Elevation 07 Scale 1:100 A103[ Gate House Elevation 06 Scale 1:100 A103[ Gate House Section 08 Scale 1:100 LOCATION PLAN, PROPOSED SITE, SITE PLAN GATE HOUSE DRAWINGS COUNCIL DRAWINGS As Shown 12/07/2020 01 Scale 1:50 A103 Gate House Elevation 05 Scale 1:50 A103 Gate House Elevation 06 Scale 1:50 A103 Gate House Elevation 07

While working as a graduate Architect for ANA group Ltd in Nairobi, I worked in a team of two to prepare schematic drawings of the interior spaces, detailed design of some of the spaces and attending consult and site meetings on behalf of the office.

18 CONCEPTS A 100 800 1000 550 600 2270 1680 7500 510 600mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. Existing Masonry Wall Plastered and Painted To Approval. 1000x1500mm Display Board. Proposed Directional Signage Wallaper. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. 430 160 500 170 420 2280 1100 850 170 510 160 510 160 510 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 500 0 5 KBL POLICIES 600 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2080 9680 Existing Masonry Wall Plastered and Painted To Approval. 1000x1500mm Display Board. 600mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. Proposed Directional Signage To be Approved. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. 840 570 180 330 10060 600 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 990 570 170 340 100 910 1 1 Lighting Fixture To Specs. Proposed Wall graphic To Be Approved. Existing Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Finish. 100 2360 600 3050 8720 170 850 180 510 150 510 160 510 920 1560 180 500 160 500 170 500 400 5 5 1 Any dicrepancies be veri All reinforced concrete works to structural eng All single layer of between masonry and All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise Drawings are not to be scaled only CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level poured over polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings encased with minimum mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be -ordinated with electrical and any con begins All conduits must laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers O 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND COVERED CANOPY FOR EABL EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 17:37:16 A102[ LOBBY ELEVATION 01 A102[ LOBBY ELEVATION 02 A102[ VISUAL IMAGE OF ENTRANCE A102[ VISUAL IMAGE A102[ LOBBY ELEVATION 03 PART B ELEVATIONS 1:20 Parking Yard Mechanical Workshop Engine Room Engine Room Boiler House Basement General Store Offices Clinic& Offices Hops Store C02 Recovery Plant Filter Room Line No.2 Pre & Post Filter Dosing Plant Open Paved Yard Sugar Store Sugar Plant BREWHOUSE Walkway Walkway Walkway A104 A104 A104A105 A C2 B C D E F G NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway & buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD P.O BOX 30161 00100 RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND COVERED CANOPY FOR EABL FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTE A17- AR Drawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. BEER ROUTE PHASE 1 LAYOUT PLAN Scale: 1:200 170 780 170 190 300 470 540 1440 560 1300 470 2540 1300 4320 250mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. Lighting Fixture to Specs. LED Light to Specs. Brew House Signage to Detail. Existing Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered To Approval. 500 20 3300 20 490 Door Frame Painted and Plastered Approval. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. Proposed Directional Wallpaper Signage. 380 920 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. 4450 7860 1500 LED Lighting Fixture Specs. Proposed Directional Wallpaper Signage. Proposed Aluminium Framed Notice Board. Existing Wall Painted and Plastered To Approval. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. 50 1 13 250mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. 7860 LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. Proposed Directional Wallpaper Signage. Proposed Aluminium Framed Notice Board. Existing Wall Painted and Plastered To Approval. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. New Door To Schedule. 250 1500 2600 100 4450 3970 1830 300 1000 770 3250 630 160 800 160 460 300 1000 140 610 550 170 780 170 390 250mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. NOTES Any dicrepancies be veri All reinforced concrete works to structural eng All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions used CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings encased with minimum mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes %. All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be -ordinated with electrical and any con claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD P.O BOX 30161 00100 RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 14/11/2019 17:36:50 A101[ VISUAL IMAGE OF ENTRANCE A101[ ENTRANCE ELEVATION 01 A101[ ENTRANCE ELEVATION 02 A101[ ENTRANCE ELEVATION 03 A101[ PART A ELEVATIONS 1:20
EABL | Nairobi, Kenya

The premise of the project was to redesign their walkways into galleries to showcase their major brews which would allow them to open up the factory to the public for visits.

19 11 OPTIONS 3320 100 290 10 10 390 10 390 10 390 420 860 440 390 10 390 10 800 1280 290 2250 200 400 2140 2410 130 1390 400 80 1810 80 1390 12940 Proposed Display Boards Proposed Door Signage To Detail. Proposed Wall Graphics To be Approved. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. 200mm Thick Masonry wall painted and plastered to Approval. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. 440mm Lowered Aluminium Mesh Ceiling. 440 2780 100 3320 50 1030 2680 1720 1990 80 12590 Proposed Wall Graphics To be Approved. 440mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. Proposed Safety Sign Signage Detail. Proposed Wall Graphic To be Approved. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. Proposed Door Tag Signage Detail. 100 1200 150 1420 430 5220 1500 1280 870 Proposed Directional Signage To Detail. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Painted and Plastere to Approval. 440mm Lowered Aluminium Mesh Ceiling. LED Lighting Fixture To Detail. All dimensions are mm Any dicrepancies veri reinforced concrete works structural eng single layer between masonry and All plumbing and drainage be approval and PV denotes permanent vents Drawings are not to be scaled only to be used All slabs ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore slope not exceed the natural angle responce Depth foundations determined site structural eng approval be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons every course All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must completed before plasteringelectrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date MMK architects interior designers project commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD P.O BOX 30161 00100 RUARAKA, NAIROBI PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND COVERED CANOPY FOR EABL FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 14/11/2019 17:38:59 A106[ VISUAL IMAGE 01 A106[ VISUAL IMAGE 02 A106[ VISUAL IMAGE 03 ] PART E ELEVATIONS A106[ ELEVATION 03 A106[ ELEVATION 04 A106[ ELEVATION 05 100 1590 310 880 1010 1550 1300 1090 1520 1990 990 370 1990 440mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. Existing Window to Be Retained. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered Approval. Proposed Wall Graphic To Be Approved. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. LED Lighting Fixture Specs. Directional Floor Pattern to be approved. 100 1010 400 1350 410 1220 1680 80 1490 80 600 1970 930 80 1490 80 600 3110 200 3110 200 2940 1550 640 5130 90 1350 1310 160 990 530 400mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. Proposed Wall Graphic To be Approved. Proposed Safety Signage to Detail. Proposed Wall Graphic to be Approved. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered To Approval. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. 120 910 1960 2840 370 6220 440mm Lowered PVC Ceiling. LED Lighting Fixture Specs. 370mm Thick Column Painted and Plastered Approval. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. 200mm Plastered and Painted to Approval. 1040 1910 1740 1160 1040 1390 570 930 1910 880 2000 NOTES Any dicrepancies veri reinforced concrete works structural eng single layer ply bituminous felt provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage be approval and satisfaction of PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils cut enbarkment be established and the slope not exceed the natural angle responce Depth foundations determined site structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below200mm thickness be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway& buildings to be encased with minimum mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must completed before plastering mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Plot date MMK architects interior designers project commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD P.O BOX 30161 00100 RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 14/11/2019 17:38:01 A104[ ELEVATION 01 A104[ ELEVATION 02 A104[ ELEVATION 03 A104[ VISUAL IMAGE A104[ PART D ELEVATIONS
120 20450 120 1040 120 120 1040 120 120 1040 120 100 2150 100 100 120 1040 120 120 1040 120 100 2150 100 100 120 1040 120 120 1030 120 100 2150 100 100 120 1030 120 120 1150 Proposed Wall Graphics To Be Approved. Existing Column Painted and Plastered to Approval. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. Existing PVC Ceiling To be Retained. Existing Wall Painted and Plastered to Approval. Existing Wall Painted and Plastered to Approval. 3170 770 570 3310 290 190 570 190 570 4000 570 200 570 190 570 4620 1230 1220 1230 1220 3770 570 200 570 200 570 4010 570 200 570 200 280 3310 570 200 570 Proposed Wall Graphics To Be Approved. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. Existing PVC Ceiling To be Retained. Proposed Directional Signage Wallpaper. Existing Wall Painted and Plastered to Approval. 20370 NOTES on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works structural eng All single layer ply bituminous felt provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise speci Drawings are not be scaled only gured dimensions CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level to be poured over polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment established and the slope not exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth foundations determined on site structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below200mm thickness be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls be tied with straps irons every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con begins All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects interior designers project commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Stage: Rev: C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD P.O BOX 30161 00100 RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND COVERED CANOPY FOR EABL FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTE A17- AR Drawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 14/11/2019 A103[ VISUAL IMAGE 01 A103[ VISUAL IMAGE 02 A103[ VISUAL IMAGE 03 A103[ ELEVATION 01 A103[ ELEVATION 02 A103[ ] PART C ELEVATIONS 1:20
20 12180 Existing Aluminium Mesh be painted to approval. Overview Our Values Our Companies Leadership East African Breweries Limited (EABL) East Africa's leading branded alcohol beverage business with outstanding -alcoholic drinks (ANADs) reaffirming our standing total adult beverage (TAB) company. important factor delivering the highest quality brands East African consumers and long-term value East Our Purpose: Celebrating life every day, everywhere. create the best performing, most trusted and respected consumer products company Africa. To the most celebrated business every market Eastern Africa. EABL Group Glance subsidiaries, which are: Kenya Breweries Limited, Uganda Breweries Limited, Serengeti Breweries Limited, United Distillers Vintners, East African Maltings Limited and East day, Everywhere' EABL's way life. EABL Group Glance subsidiaries, which are: Kenya Breweries Limited, Uganda Breweries Limited, Serengeti Breweries Limited, United Distillers Vintners, East African Maltings Limited and East day, Everywhere' EABL's way life. Ex masonry Wall Plastered and painted approval. Display Board detail. Barley Wallpaper graphic. A.05 Directional Signage to detail. LED Lighting Fixture to Manufacturer's Specs. 710 1570 170 500 7000 750 1450 12140 100 2410 1790 4300 LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. F.02 Fire Safety Signage to detail. Wall Plastered and Painted to Approval. Proposed Wallpaper Graphic A.05 Directional Signage to Detail. 4260 2910 2910 700mm Lowered Aluminium Ceiling to Detail. Proposed Wallpaper Graphic be Approved. 100mm High Screed Skirting Finished match Floor Finish. 4mm Thick Linoleum Floor Finish To Specifications. 2910 A.05 Directional Signage to Detail. B.05 Door Signage to Detail. 600mm Thick R.C Column Painted and Plastered To Approval. LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. 100mm High Screed Skirting Finished to match Floor Finish. 4mm Thick Linoleum Floor Finish To Specifications. Any dicrepancies veri reinforced concrete works structural eng single layer ply bituminous felt provided between masonry and works plumbing and drainage be approval and satisfaction of denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils cut enbarkment be established and the slope not exceed the natural angle responce Depth foundations determined site structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be testing pipes must completed before plastering mechanical works must be -ordinated with electrical and any con be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Plot date architects interior designers project commercial managers Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 2/3/2020 3:20:37 PM A107[ EISC ELEVATION A ] EISC ELEVATIONS A107[ EISC ELEVATION B A108[ EISC ELEVATION C A108[ EISC ELEVATION D 500 3300 100 3900 400 2410 300 1170 2400 630 2410 1690 920 1920 LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. Proposed Wall Graphic to be Approved. 100mm High Safety Marking to Specifications. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. Gypsum Walling Painted and Plastered To Approval. 90 990 80 9690 LED Lighting Fixture to Specs. 100mm High Safety Marking to Specifications. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. 24Inch Keg Bottles cut and fitted to detail. 500mm Lowered Gypsum Ceiling. Proposed Display Boards to Detail. Wall Painted and Plastered Approval. Ramp Walkway NOTES on site Any dicrepancies veri ed with architects reinforced concrete works structural eng details single layer ply bituminous felt provided between masonry and works plumbing and drainage be approval and satisfaction of denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level to be poured over polythene sheeting mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils cut enbarkment be established and the slope not exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth foundations determined site structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below mm thickness be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course adjacent works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be testing pipes must completed before plastering mechanical works must be -ordinated with electrical and any con begins All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects interior designers project commercial managers Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND COVERED CANOPY FOR EABLDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 4:42:35 PM VISUAL IMAGE_TO PACKAGING A A109 ELEVATION 20 Scale 1:20 A109[ ELEVATION 21 Scale 1:20 VISUAL IMAGE_TO PACKAGING B VISUAL IMAGE_TO PACKAGING A 100 2780 440 40 1100 820 2120 80 910 80 1360 80 910 80 820 9050 15480 900 80 1020 880 1900 880 2290 80 3200 80 440mm Lowered Aluminium Mesh Ceiling. Existing Cable Systems. Existing Windows To Be Retained. Proposed Wallgraphics. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. Concrete Epoxy Floor Finish. Proposed Door Signages To Schedule. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. Existing Masonry WallPainted and Plastered To Approval. Proposed Wall Graphics To be Approved. Existing Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered To Approval. 240 1000 1980 100 50 3250 50 1940 760 180 350 6040 200 3350 5490 370 15790 440mm Lowered Aluminium Mesh Ceiling. Existing Cable Systems. Proposed Wallgraphics. 100mm High Epoxy Skirting. LED Lighting Fixture To Specs. 200mm Deep Niche Existing Column To be Retained. 50mm Thick Timber Slats finished to Approval. Proposed Display Boards. 370mm Thick Gypsum Walling. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked Any dicrepancies to be veri All reinforced concrete works structural eng All single layer ply bituminous felt provided between masonry and All plumbing and drainage approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents speci Drawings are not be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting 50mm thick blinding on hardcore slope not exceed the natural angle responce Depth foundations determined on site structural eng approval be reinforced with hoop iron every alternative course All adjacent works and masonry walls be tied with straps irons every course All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Plot date MMK architects interior designers project commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION EAST AFRICAN BREWERIES LTD RUARAKA, NAIROBI KENYA PROPOSED WALKWAYS, BRANDING, SIGNAGE AND FACTORY EXISTING BEER ROUTEDrawing Type: FOR CONSTRUCTION. 17:38:35 A105[ VISUAL IMAGE 01 A105[ VISUAL IMAGE 02 A105[ VISUAL IMAGE 03 A105[ ELEVATION 01 A105[ ELEVATION 02 A105[ ] PART E ELEVATIONS 1:20

St Lucy Kiriri High School | Nairobi, Kenya

As a graduate architect at ANA Group LTD I was tasked to offer the institution proposals on how they could renovate the adminitsration block. I worked on the project by preparing schematic drawings, architectural visuals and construction drawings of the administration block. I also conducted site visits.

21 RECEPTION VIEW D UP J J K K L L M M N N O O P P 2 3 CLCLCL-2 CL300mm Lowered Gypsum Ceiling FLOOR FINISH LEGEND CL-2 CLCLCL-1 100mm Lowered Gypsum Ceiling Painted Existing Beam Painted Slab Soffit CLCLCL-3 CL-3 CL-3 CL-3 CLCL- CLCL- CLCLCL-3 CLCL-4 CL-4 CLStrip Lights CL- CLCL- CL- CL- CLCL-5 CL- CL-5 CLCLCLCLCLCLJ J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q 2 3 4 Lobby Entrance PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV Ceramic tiles PV 1200 60 1670 70200 450 1350 450 200 1050 150 1050 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100 300 900 200 1200 100 1200 200250200 2050 200 UP UP New Window 200 3000 200 2250 200 3650 100 5300 100 1200 200 900 100 900 100 950 200 2050 200 UP 200 3000 200 6100 100 5300 100 1200 200 900 100 900 100 950 200 2050 200 200 1200 100 1200 500 200 4700 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100300 900 200 1200 110 1190 450 200 2050 200 1110 Ex. Walkway Ex. Walkway3200 4900 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 600X300mm Ceramic Tiles FLOOR FINISH LEGEND A105 A106 NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M O PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers P O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION CEILING PLAN, FLOOR FINISH SCHEDULE 1:50 C1. AR A09-09/05 A104[ O5 CELING PLAN A104[ O6 FLOOR PLAN SCHEDULE 13/08/2019 UP H H J J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R 2 2 3 3 4 4 Lobby Entrance Deputy's Office Ladies Gents PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV PV Clk.rm 1200 60 1670 70200 450 1350 450 200 1050 150 1050 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100300 900 200 1200 100 1200 200250200 2050 200 UP UP Cabinet Cabinet Waiting Area Reception Desk 200 3000 200 2250 200 3650 100 5300 100 1200 200 900 100 900 100 950 200 2050 200 UP 200 3000 200 6100 100 5300 100 1200 200 900 100 900 100 950 200 2050 200 200 1200 100 1200 500 200 4700 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100 1200 200 1200 100300 900 200 1200 110 1190 450 200 2050 200 1110 Ex. Walkway Ex. WalkwayReception Principal's Office Waiting Area Waiting Waiting Area 3200 4900 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2500 8100 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 Clk.rm 600x600 Ceramic tiles A107 A112 A112 NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway& buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION A102[ O3 GROUND FLOOR PLAN C1. AR A09-09/05 GROUND FLOOR PLAN NEW WORKS 1:50 09/08/2019 M M N N O O 3 A108 A108 A108 A108 A108 A108 A108 A108 03. 03. 01. 01. 02. 02. 04. 04. Principal's Office 600x600mm Ceramic Tiles f/f Cabinet 400x 400mm Planter Cabinet 400x 400mm 300x300 Ceramic tiles f/f Clk.rm M M N N O O 2 A109 A109 A109 A109 A109 A109 A109 A109 400x 400mm Planter 400x 400mm Planter Director's Office 600x600mm Ceramic Tiles f/f 300x300mm Ceramic tiles f/f Clk Room. Cabinet Cabinet 03. 03. 01. 01. 02. 02. 04. 04. A112 NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers P O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION A107[ 11 PRINCIPAL OFFICE LAYOUT. A107[ 12 DIRECTOR'S OFFICE LAYOUT. AR A09-09/05 1:20 PART PLANS

These are construction drawings prepared for the Deputy Principals office that was adjacent to the reception. I prepared a construction set for the office spaces, reception area, toilets, and first floor layout plan. The sets included detailed plan of each space, elevations, tile setting out, ceiling plans and cnstruction details where necessary.

22 DEPUTY’S OFFICE VIEW B M N O 200 1200 100 5300 100 3000 New Door To Schedule. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. 300x300mm Ceramic Tiles be approved. 100mm High Ceramic Skirting. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Plastered and Painted White. 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. 300 600 2000 100 1200 100 600 110 3900 110 600 100mm Thick Masonry Wall 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Plastered and Painted White. Light fitting Specs. 2 Existing Window to Schedule. 300mm Lowered Gypsum Ceiling. Light fitting to Specs. Timber Shelving and cabinetry detail. Wall artwork to be approved. 600mm deep Niche. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered. 100 120 900 2780 200 3000 600 110 2400 110 600 100 2080 530 290 100mm High Ceramic Tiles. Light fitting to Specs. 100mm Lowered Gypsum Ceiling. M N O 200 1200 100 5300 100 760 1940 200 100 100mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Painted and Plastered White. Gypsum plasterboard bulkhead ceilingabove counter, skimmed and painted. 100mm high timber skirting. 1200 600 110 3900 110 600 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. 2 100mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. 100mm deep Niche Gypsum plasterboard bulkhead ceilingabove counter, skimmed and painted. 100mm High Ceramic Skirting. New Door Schedule. Wall Finish be approved. 740 1330 700 10 900 120 3800 3000 600 110 2400 110 600 100 1100 1200 300 300 Light fitting Specs. 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M O PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers P O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION AR A09-09/05 1:20 DIRECTOR'S OFFICE SECTIONAL ELEVATIONS A109[ 17 ELEVATION 01 A109[ 20 ELEVATION 04 A109[ 19 ELEVATION 03 A109[ 18 ELEVATION 02 12/08/2019 3 200 2820 900 300 300 1200 1200 100mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 3000 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. Timber Shelving and cabinetry detail. Wall artwork be approved. 600mm deep Niche 100mm High Ceramic Skirting. 600 110 2400 110 600 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting Specs. M N O 200 1200 100 5300 100 300 2700 150 3000 100mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting to Specs. Timber Shelving and cabinetry detail. Wall artwork to be approved. be approved. 200mm Thick Masonry Wall Plastered and Painted white. 100mm high Ceramic skirting. 600 110 3900 110 600 1200 Light fitting Specs. 3 200mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting to Specs. Wall Finish be approved. 100mm deep Niche 100 80 900 90 700 1330 700 200 100 2080 520 300 3000 600 110 2400 110 600 Gypsum plasterboard bulkhead ceilingabove counter, skimmed and painted. 100mm High Ceramic Skirting. Ex. window Schedule. New Door To Schedule. M N O 100 1100 1500 200 100 3000 100 5300 100 1200 200 200mm Thick Masonry wall plastered and painted white. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting to Specs. New Door To Schedule. 100mm High Ceramic Skirting. 1200 600 110 3900 110 600 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Light fitting to Specs. NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise specified Drawings are not to be scaled only gured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION AR A09-09/05 1:20 PRINCIPAL OFFICE SECTIONAL ELEVATIONS A108[ ] 13 ELEVATION 01 A108[ 16 ELEVATION 04 A108[ 15 ELEVATION 03 A108[ 14 ELEVATION 02 2 3 200 200 2350 270 900 300 900 230 2350 200 200 2180 painted mdf niche to approval. New Timber door to schedule. 100mm high Ceramic Tile Skirting. 200mm Thick Ex. Masonry wall 3000 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. Wall Finish to be Approved. Light Fitting Specs. K L Ex. Window To Schedule 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. New door To Schedule 100mm high ceramic tile skirting. 3000 200 2250 200 3650 100 200mm Masonry wall painted and plastered to Approval. 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. 70 150 1560 110 370 80 1100 200 350 110 1580 150 70 painted mdf niche to approval. painted mdf niche to approval. K L 300mm lowered gypsum ceiling. New door To Schedule 100mm high ceramic tile skirting. 200mm Masonry wall painted and plastered to Approval. 100mm lowered gypsum ceiling. painted mdf niche approval. Light Fitting Specs. Light Fitting Specs. 300 150 1280 150 620 150 1600 110 340 2090 610 200 100 3000 200 100 1540 1330 1740 NOTES GENERAL All dimensions are mm All dimensions to be checked on site Any dicrepancies to be veri ed with architects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details All single layer of ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M O PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in mm unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled onlyfigured dimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over mm gauge polythene sheeting on 50mm thick blinding on hardcore CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below 200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils specifications Drain passing under driveway buildings to be encased with minimum 150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co-ordinated with electrical and any con ict must be claimed before work begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers P O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI INN Developer signature NDANGERUANDO INVESTMENTS LTD. P. O. Box 49274-00100 NAIROBI CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location ST LUCY KIRIRI SECONDARY SCHOOL NEW ADMIN OFFICES. C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION A111[ 22 RECEPTION SECTIONAL ELEVATION 01 A111[ 23 RECEPTION SECTIONAL ELEVATION 02 A111[ 24 RECEPTION SECTIONAL ELEVATION 04 AR A09-09/05 1:20 RECEPTION SECTIONAL ELEVATIONS 12/08/2019 A112[

Apartments | Kilifi, Kenya

While at ANA Group LTD, I also prepared schematic drawings and architectural drawings for client presenation of an existing residential estate in Kilifi, Mombasa. My task was to remodel the existing and propose a similar layout for the two new blocks but with an extra floor.

Site Plan Visual Conc. Roofing Tiles. Plastered and Painted. Sliding doors to Detail. P.C. Conc Grille to detail. Brick Facing Metal Grille detail. P.V Conc. Roofing Tiles. Plastered and Painted. .All single layer of ply bituminous between masonry and C works All plumbing and drainage to be satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent All dimensions shown speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled only to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured polythene sheeting 50 thick CIVIL All soils on enbarkment to be established slope exceed the natural angle STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below be reinforced with hoop iron every All adjacent works and masonry with straps irons at every MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply speci cations Drain passing under driveway with minimum 150 thick concrete Minimum slope the drain pipes 4. All testing pipes must be completed All mechanical works must be co‐electrical and any conictmustbeclaimedbeforework begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn Scale Checked by No Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date architects +interior designers & commercial managers O Box 49274NAIROBI EP Developer signature VAMOS INTERNATIONAL Job No: Consult: Location LIKONI FLATS C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION Building Development Consultants P.O. BOX 40498 TEL 561940-2 NAIROBI Elevation A Elevation B UP---LIVING PASSAGE KITCHEN ENTRANCE BALCONY WC BATH BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 BALCONY Terrazo Terrazo BREAKFAST- BAR Terrazo Terrazo Terrazo n.s.c tiles non-slip ceramic tiles P.V. P.V. P.V. P.V. Single bowl drainer s.s.sink r.c.staircase to eng's details riser=150mm tread=250mm P.V. P.V. 300x300mm p.c conc Interlocking tiles. rwp rwp rwp rwp rwp rwp 3n0. 900 litres c.w.s tanks above 600x600 mm access hatch Aluminim Sliding door to detail. gt gt svp 100mm pvc for septic tank connection see site plan 200 4500 150 1150 100 1550 150 4300 200 200 1500 850 900 950 300 150 900 250 100 500 1050 150 1450 1500 1350 200 12300 1790 200 4330 150 3130 200 1790 200 2650 950 730 150 630 950 1550 200 9790 200 4500 200 2300 200 4700 200 200 800 2900 800 200 500 1300 500 200 1160 840 1500 1200 200 12300 1100 200 2650 950 1500 950 1550 200 1100 200 7600 200 9100 North GROUND FLOOR LAYOUT PLAN Scale 1:50 A103 dimensions checked dicrepancies edwitharchitects reinforced eng layer provided masonry plumbing permanent dimensions otherwise are gureddimensions CONSTRUCTION ground mm sheeting hardcore. and exceed foundations blocks thickness with hoop every alternative 3 All adjacent R C works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course Drawing title architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers B X-X A C D Floor Plan Layout Furaha | Proposed Elevations Conc.Tiles. on 50x25mm cem/sand battens on100mm Thick R.C Slab to Eng's Details. 150mm Thick R.C. Slab to Eng's Detail. P.C. Conc Grille to detail. Conc. Strip Foundation to Eng's Details. Metal Grille Door to detail. R.C Floor Slab and Beam Eng's Details. R.C. Staircase to Eng's Details. Riser 150mm Tread250mm d.p.c P.V P.V Conc.Tiles. on 50x25mm cem/sand battens on100mm Thick R.C Slab Eng's Details. 150mm Thick R.C. Slab Eng's Detail. P.C. Conc Grille detail. Conc. Strip Foundation Eng's Details. Metal Grille Door to detail. R.C Floor Slab and Beam to Eng's Details. R.C. Staircase to Eng's Details. Riser 150mm Tread250mm R.C Floor Slab and Beam to Eng's Details. g.l. d.p.c NOTES GENERAL All dimensions All dimensions to be checked site. Any dicrepancies to be veri edwitharchitects All reinforced concrete works to structural eng details .All single layer of 3ply bituminous felt to be provided between masonry and R works All plumbing and drainage to be approval and satisfaction of M PV denotes permanent vents All dimensions are shown in unless otherwise speci ed Drawings are not to be scaled onlygureddimensions to be used CONSTRUCTION All slabs at ground level to be poured over100mm gauge polythene sheeting on50mm thick blinding,on hardcore. CIVIL All soils on cut enbarkment to be established and the slope not to exceed the natural angle responce STRUCTURAL Depth of foundations to be determined on site to structural eng approval Concrete blocks stone walls below200mm thickness to be reinforced with hoop iron at every alternative course All adjacent R works and masonry walls to be tied with straps irons at every course MECHANICAL All plumbing and drainage to comply with councils speci cations Drain passing under driveway&buildings to be encased with minimum150mm thick concrete surround Minimum slope in the drain pipes to be 4. All testing pipes must be completed before plastering All mechanical works must be co‐ordinated with electrical and any con ictmustbeclaimedbeforework begins ELECTRICAL All conduits must be laid before plastering Client signature Drawn by Scale Checked by No: Descriptions REVISIONS Drawing title Project title Client Date Initial date Plot date MMK architects +interior designers+project & commercial managers P O Box 49274- 00100 NAIROBI EP Developer signature VAMOS INTERNATIONAL CON Job No: Stage: Rev: Consult: No. Location LIKONI FLATS C1 FOR CONSTRUCTION Building Development Consultants P.O. BOX 40498 TEL 561940-2 NAIROBI P.V P.V P.V P.V P.V P.V P.V Elevation C Elevation D Section X-X Furaha 3D View 4 Furaha 3D View 2
24 08. Hobbies
25 Rendering | Vray | PSD
26 Photography

Character Design

Character Design | Digital Art | 2018

Character Design

This is a snap shot of my transitioning from traditional art styles into digital drawing. This series includes drawings I have drawn from imagination and others from observation.

This portfolio contains creations of the mind and intellect of the author that are legally owned and vitally protected under copyright laws. All content on this document are copyright material and may not be used without the express consent of Mark Melita. Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Imagination Drawn from Imagination Drawn from Imagination Drawn from Imagination Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Imagination Drawn from Imagination

Character Design

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28 This portfolio contains creations of the mind and intellect of the author that are legally owned and vitally protected under copyright laws. All content on this document are copyright material and may not be used without the express CHARACTER DESIGN | FIGURE DRAWING | ANIMATION |
Design | Sketches | 2017 Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation -Drawings by Author Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation 05 This portfolio contains creations of the mind and intellect of the author that are legally owned and vitally protected under copyright laws. All content on this document are copyright material and may not be used without the express consent of Mark Melita. CHARACTER DESIGN FIGURE DRAWING ANIMATION Character Design | Animation | 2015 08 This is my exploration from 2D art into 3D character modelling using Blender 3D. This portfolio contains creations of the mind and intellect of the author that are legally owned and vitally protected under copyright laws. All content on this document are copyright material and may not be used without the express consent of Mark Melita. CHARACTER DESIGN FIGURE DRAWING ANIMATION Figure Drawing | Sketches | 2013 07 FIGURE DRAWING This is a snap shot of figure drawings all from observation. -Drawings by Author This portfolio contains creations of the mind and intellect of the author that are legally owned and vitally protected under copyright laws. All content on this document are copyright material and may not be used without the express consent of Mark Melita. CHARACTER DESIGN | FIGURE DRAWING ANIMATION | Figure Drawing | Sketches | 2013 07 Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation Drawn from Observation FIGURE DRAWING This is a snap shot of figure drawings all from observation. -Drawings by Author

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