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MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING Master’s Thesis FASHION HUB BANGKOK Relatore Prof. Marco Imperadori Correlatore Prof. Massimo Tadi

Master Thesis of Barzilay Viktor Grancelli Roberto Lukács Márk

December 2015

Table of Contents Abstract. .................................................................................................................................... V List of Figures and Tables........................................................................................................VI Chapter 1 - The competition "Bangkok I 'am Fashion Hub" ..................................................... 1 1.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1.The site ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2.The Brief .................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.3. The program ............................................................................................................. 4 1.2. Our competition concept ................................................................................................. 4 Chapter 2 - Climate analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Relative Humidity in Bangkok ........................................................................................ 7 2.2. Average Annual Temperature in Bangkok...................................................................... 8 2.3. Average Rainfall in Bangkok .......................................................................................... 9 2.4. Psychometric chart ........................................................................................................ 10 2.5. Shadow Analysis ........................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 3 - Urban Analysis...................................................................................................... 12 3.1. Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.1. Urban growth in Bangkok ...................................................................................... 12 3.1.2. Flood risk ................................................................................................................ 14 3.1.3. Bangkok property market ....................................................................................... 15 3.1.4. Development plan / Zoning plan ............................................................................ 16 3.2. Public transportation ..................................................................................................... 17 3.2.1. History .................................................................................................................... 17 3.2.2. Skytrain ................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.3. Expansion ............................................................................................................... 19 3.3. The site. Context ........................................................................................................... 20 3.4. SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................. 23 Chapter 4 - Urban approach ..................................................................................................... 25 4.1.1. Urban Design approach .......................................................................................... 25 4.1.2. The Skytrain ........................................................................................................... 25 4.1.3. Street Sellers Issue .................................................................................................. 27 I

4.1.4. District densification effort ..................................................................................... 28 4.1.5. Lines and nodes ...................................................................................................... 29 4.2.The green Platform ......................................................................................................... 30 4.2.1. The Solar Serpent ................................................................................................... 31 4.2.2. Parking and Ride .................................................................................................... 32 Chapter 5 - Architectural Design ............................................................................................. 34 5.1. Ken Yeang, the inspiration ............................................................................................ 34 5.1.2. The eco skyscraper ................................................................................................. 34 5.1.3. The Edit tower: Singapore ...................................................................................... 35 5.1.3. Chong Qing Tower, China...................................................................................... 36 5.2. A national Hub, a pocket in the city .............................................................................. 38 5.3. Crossing the Street ........................................................................................................ 49 5.4 The Fashion Hub ............................................................................................................ 52 Chapter 6 - Bamboo ................................................................................................................. 62 6.1. Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 62 6.2. Part 1 ............................................................................................................................. 62 6.2.1. Bamboo-Introduction.............................................................................................. 62 6.2.2. What is bamboo? .................................................................................................... 62 6.2.3. Bamboo Properties ................................................................................................. 63 6.2.4. Ecology and Biodiversity of Bamboo .................................................................... 64 6.2.5. Bamboo uses and functions .................................................................................... 64 6.3. Part 2 ............................................................................................................................. 65 6.3.1. Bamboo the Textile ................................................................................................ 65 6.3.2. Bamboo, A Cellulose BastFiber ............................................................................. 66 6.3.3.Bamboo Textile Manufacturing Processes .............................................................. 67 6.3.4. Simplified Bamboo Viscose Manufacturing Steps (Lin 2008) .............................. 68 6.3.5.Mechanical Bamboo Fiber Manufacturing (Lin 2008) ............................................ 68 6.3.6.Bamboo Textile Advantages ................................................................................... 68 6.3.7.Bamboo Textile Constraints .................................................................................... 70 6.3.8.Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Bamboo Textiles.......................... 70 6.4.Part 3 .............................................................................................................................. 71 6.4.1.Fabric production - What bamboo to plant .............................................................. 71 II

6.4.2. How to grow ........................................................................................................... 73 6.4.3.First Floor ................................................................................................................ 80 6.4.4.Second Floor ............................................................................................................ 81 6.4.5.Third floor................................................................................................................ 82 6.4.6. Forth floor ............................................................................................................... 83 6.4.7. Fifth floor ................................................................................................................ 84 6.4.8. Sixth floor ............................................................................................................... 85 6.4.9. Seventh floor........................................................................................................... 86 6.4.10.Eight floor .............................................................................................................. 87 6.4.11. Ninth floor ............................................................................................................ 88 6.4.12. Tenth floor ............................................................................................................ 89 6.4.13. Roof top ................................................................................................................ 90 6.4.15.Floor area table ...................................................................................................... 91 6.4.16. Soil ........................................................................................................................ 91 6.4.17. Fertilizing.............................................................................................................. 92 6.4.18. Problems that may occur ...................................................................................... 92 6.4.20.Weeds:Bamboo ...................................................................................................... 93 6.5.Harvesting ...................................................................................................................... 93 6.6. Conclusion..................................................................................................................... 93 Chapter 7 - Technological Design ........................................................................................... 94 7.1. Technological design approach ..................................................................................... 94 7.2. The climate .................................................................................................................... 94 7.3. Design goals .................................................................................................................. 94 7.4. Passive strategies ........................................................................................................... 95 7.4.1. Bamboo as biomass ................................................................................................ 95 7.4.3. Rainwater collecting ............................................................................................. 100 7.4.4. Voids, skycourts and ventilation .......................................................................... 104 7.4.5.Envelope of the building........................................................................................ 105 7.4.8. Using recyclable materials.................................................................................... 107 7.5.Active Strategies .......................................................................................................... 109 7.5.1.Zoning .................................................................................................................... 109 7.5.2. Propellers, Zone 2 ................................................................................................ 111 III

7.5.3. HVAC and Chilled Ceiling, Zone 4 .................................................................... 112 7.6. Whole Building Analysis Electricity Generation ........................................................ 113 7.7. Daylight Analysis ....................................................................................................... 113 7.8. Details.......................................................................................................................... 116 Chapter 8 – The Structure ...................................................................................................... 126 8.1. Intro ............................................................................................................................. 126 8.2. Structural Layout ......................................................................................................... 127 8.3. Lateral System ............................................................................................................. 128 8.3.1. Center of mass calculation .................................................................................... 128 8.3.2. Center of rigidity calculation ................................................................................ 129 8.3.3.Results ................................................................................................................... 133 8.4. The structural Calculations.......................................................................................... 134 8.4.1.Characteristic Actions of all typical floors ............................................................ 134 8.4.2. Composite Slab ..................................................................................................... 134 8.4.3.Composite secondary beam. .................................................................................. 139 8.4.4 Primary beam ......................................................................................................... 148 8.4.5 Columns ................................................................................................................. 153 8.4.6 Beam-to-column connection.................................................................................. 159 8.4.7 Column-Base connection plate .............................................................................. 163 8.4.8 Foundation ............................................................................................................. 164 8.4.9. Cantilever.............................................................................................................. 168 Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 179 Appendix 1 – HVAC Loads (Revit output) ....................................................................... 179 1.1. Revit conceptual mass analysis results .................................................................... 179 1.2. Detailed and More accurate Calculation ................................................................. 180 Appendix – 2 Calculation of total load with space schedules ............................................ 186 Appendix -3 Daylight Analysis (Revit Output) ................................................................. 190 Sources ................................................................................................................................... 191 Drawings ................................................................................................................................ 195


List of Figures and Tables. Figure 1.1. Bangkok location. .................................................................................................... 1 Figure 1.2. Area ......................................................................................................................... 3 Figure 1.3. Competition program............................................................................................... 4 Figure 1.4. Competition Concept ............................................................................................... 5 Figure 1.5. The final view .......................................................................................................... 5 Figure 2.1. Average relative humidity in Bangkok................................................................... 7 Figure 2.2. Average relative humidity in Milano ...................................................................... 7 Figure 2.3. Average annual temperature Bangkok .................................................................... 8 Figure 2.4. Average annual temperature Milan ......................................................................... 8 Figure 2.5. Average rainfall in Bangkok ................................................................................... 9 Figure 2.6. Average rainfall in Milano ...................................................................................... 9 Figure 2.7. Psychometric chart annual, Bangkok .................................................................... 10 Figure 2.8. Prevailing winds annual, Bangkok ........................................................................ 10 Figure 2.9. (a)Winter Solstice(b)Spring Equinox .................................................................... 11 Figure 2.10. (a)Summer Solstice (b)Autumn Equinox ........................................................... 11 Table 3.1 Population growth .................................................................................................... 12 Figure 3.1. Internal urban grow 1994-2004 ............................................................................. 12 Figure 3.2.. Urban grow 2010 .................................................................................................. 13 Figure 3.3. Flood risk map Bangkok ....................................................................................... 14 Figure 3.4. Inner grow areas Bangkok ..................................................................................... 15 Figure 3.5. Zoning areas Bangkok ........................................................................................... 16 Figure 3.6. Evolution of the transport in Bangkok .................................................................. 17 Figure 3.7. Skytrain web Bangkok .......................................................................................... 18 Figure 3.8. Future development Skytrain Bangkok ................................................................. 19 Figure 3.9. Future development Skytrain Bangkok ................................................................. 19 Figure 3.10. Bird view of the Plot............................................................................................ 20 Figure 3.11. Plan of the site ..................................................................................................... 21 Figure 3.12. Model of the area ................................................................................................. 21 Figure 3.11. Surrounding buildings ......................................................................................... 22 Figure 3.12. Surrounding buildings ......................................................................................... 22 Figure 3.13. Residential Area next to the Plot ......................................................................... 22 VI

Figure 3.14. SWOT Analysis Bangkok ................................................................................... 24 Figure 4.1. Schematic section .................................................................................................. 26 Figure 4.2. Skytrain station, Bangkok ..................................................................................... 26 Figure 4.3. Skytrain stations connected with the malls .......................................................... 27 Figure 4.4. Elevated connection between malls and train station ............................................ 27 Figure 4.5. Street Market Bangkok .......................................................................................... 28 Figure 4.6. New pedestrian zone.............................................................................................. 30 Figure 4.7. Green Platform ...................................................................................................... 31 Figure 4.8. Solar Serpents in Paradise, MansTham ................................................................ 32 Figure 4.9. Park and Ride Bangkok ......................................................................................... 32 Figure 4.10. Park and Ride Bangkok ....................................................................................... 33 Figure 5.1. The Editt Tower, Singapore ................................................................................. 35 Figure 5.2. The reintroduction of organic mass to an urban site. ............................................ 36 Figure 5.3. Chong Qing Tower, China .................................................................................... 37 Figure 5.4. Rain water recycling and collection......................................................................37 Figure 5.5. Site ......................................................................................................................... 38 Figure 5.6. Public/Private separation ....................................................................................... 38 Figure 5.7. Ground floor .......................................................................................................... 39 Figure 5.8. Lobby of the building ............................................................................................ 40 Figure 5.9. Ramp in the 8th level ............................................................................................. 40 Figure 5.10. Restaurant 10th floor ........................................................................................... 41 Figure 5.11. View from the train station .................................................................................. 42 Figure 5.12. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the Running Fence .................................................. 42 Figure 5.13.The Ramp effect .................................................................................................. 43 Figure 5.14. Shading system .................................................................................................... 44 Figure 5.15. Runway ................................................................................................................ 44 Figure 5.16. Daylight/Nigh effect in the Fabric ....................................................................... 45 Figure 5.17. Piazza in Ground floor......................................................................................... 45 Figure 5.18. Main facade ......................................................................................................... 46 Figure 5.19. Night view from the train .................................................................................... 47 Figure 5.20. View from the train ............................................................................................. 48 Figure 5.21. Day/Night view ................................................................................................... 49 VII

Figure 5.22. Section of the street ............................................................................................. 50 Figure 5.23. Bird view ............................................................................................................. 51 Figure 5.24. Courtyard ............................................................................................................. 51 Figure 5.25. Uses of the building ............................................................................................. 52 Figure 5.26. Uses of the building ............................................................................................. 53 Figure 5.27. Basement ............................................................................................................. 54 Figure 5.28. Ground floor ........................................................................................................ 55 Figure 5.29. First floor ............................................................................................................. 56 Figure 5.29. Second floor......................................................................................................... 56 Figure 5.30. Third floor ........................................................................................................... 57 Figure 5.31. Fourth floor .......................................................................................................... 57 Figure 5.32. Fifth floor............................................................................................................ 58 Figure 5.32. Sixth floor ............................................................................................................ 58 Figure 5.33. Seventh floor ....................................................................................................... 59 Figure 5.34. Eighth floor .......................................................................................................... 59 Figure 5.35. Ninth floor ........................................................................................................... 60 Figure 5.36. Tenth floor ........................................................................................................... 60 Figure 5.37. Terrace ................................................................................................................. 61 Figure 6.1. Structure of Bamboo Culm ................................................................................... 63 Figure 6.2. Bamboo oxygen absorption .................................................................................. 63 Figure 6.4. Comparison............................................................................................................ 66 Figure 6.5. Water usage ........................................................................................................... 67 Figure 6.6. Bamboo fabric properties ...................................................................................... 69 Figure 6.7/.8. Fargesia Asian ................................................................................................... 71 Figure 6.9/.10. Phyllostachys violascens ................................................................................. 72 Figure 6.11. Bamboo root ....................................................................................................... 73 Figure 6.12. Bamboo barrier ................................................................................................... 74 Figure 6.13. Site plan- Bangkok Fashion Hub ......................................................................... 75 Figure 6.14. Cleaning pit section ............................................................................................. 76 Figure 6.15. Precast concrete Bamboo tray section ................................................................. 77 Figure 6.16. Precast concrete bamboo tray units .................................................................... 78 Figure 6.17. Bamboo trays section .......................................................................................... 79 VIII

Figure 6.18. First floor ............................................................................................................ 80 Figure 6.19. Second floor........................................................................................................ 81 Figure 6.20. Third floor ........................................................................................................... 82 Figure 6.21. Fourth floor .......................................................................................................... 83 Figure 6.22. Fifth floor............................................................................................................. 84 Figure 6.23. Sixth floor ............................................................................................................ 85 Figure 6.24. Seventh Floor....................................................................................................... 86 Figure 6.25. Eight floor ............................................................................................................ 87 Figure 6.26. Ninth floor ........................................................................................................... 88 Figure 6.27. Tenth floor ........................................................................................................... 89 Figure 6.28. Roof top .............................................................................................................. 90 Figure 7.1.Psychometric chart on Bangkok, Ecotect ............................................................... 95 Figure 7.2.Passive strategies .................................................................................................... 96 Figure 7.3.Bamboo farm .......................................................................................................... 97 Figure 7.4. Shading system axonometric ................................................................................. 98 Figure 7.5. Shading system structure ....................................................................................... 99 Figure 7.6. Fabric sample and Tai pattern. ............................................................................ 100 Figure 7.7.Fabric properties .................................................................................................. 100 Figure 7.8. Rain water collection scheme .............................................................................. 101 Figure 7.9. Water use scheme ................................................................................................ 102 Figure 7.10. Bamboo tray ...................................................................................................... 103 Figure 7.11. Gravity-Flow of the rain water .......................................................................... 103 Figure 7.11. Air flow ............................................................................................................. 104 Figure 7.12. Wind analysis, Flow design ............................................................................... 105 Figure 7.13. Wind analysis, Flow design ............................................................................... 105 Figure 7.14. Wind analysis, Flow design ............................................................................... 105 Figure 7.15. Radiation/time graph ......................................................................................... 107 Figure 7.16.Zoning, 1st till 4th floor...................................................................................... 109 Figure 7.17.Zoning, 5th till 10th floor ................................................................................... 110 Figure 7.18. Comfort zone reached by propellers.................................................................. 111 Figure 7.19. Distances charter ............................................................................................... 111 Figure 7.20. HVAC system .................................................................................................... 112 IX

Figure 7.21. Daylight analysis result ..................................................................................... 113 Figure 7.22. Day light analysis, Revit output ........................................................................ 114 Figure 7.23. Day light analysis, Revit output ........................................................................ 115 Figure 7.24. Detail of the section ........................................................................................... 116 Figure 7.25. Section where the details are placed .................................................................. 117 Figure 7.26. Detail 1 .............................................................................................................. 118 Figure 7.27. Detail 2 .............................................................................................................. 119 Figure 7.28. Detail 3 .............................................................................................................. 120 Figure 7.29. Detail of the section ........................................................................................... 121 Figure 7.30.Section were the details are placed ..................................................................... 122 Figure 7.31. Detail 4 .............................................................................................................. 123 Figure 7.32. Detail 5 .............................................................................................................. 124 Figure 7.33. Detail 6 .............................................................................................................. 125 Figure 8.1. The simple Structural Layout .............................................................................. 127 Figure 8.2. Center of Mass calculation output of Robot Structure ........................................ 128 Figure 8.3. Layout showing locations of lateral stiffness elements ....................................... 129 Figure 8.4. (a) -Brace type 2 (b)-Brace Type 1...................................................................... 130 Figure 8.5. Brace type 1 calculation output ........................................................................... 131 Figure 8.6. Brace type 1 calculation output .......................................................................... 132 Table 8.1. Center of rigidity calculation ............................................................................... 132 Figure 8.5.Final result for eccentricity................................................................................... 133 Table 8.2 Permanent Actions ................................................................................................. 134 Table 8.3 Variable Actions .................................................................................................... 134 Table 8.4 Partial Factors ........................................................................................................ 134 Figure 8.6. Layout of area of interest ..................................................................................... 135 Figure 8.7. Outlook of the chosen composite slab ................................................................. 135 Table 8..5 Slab Information ................................................................................................... 136 Table 8.6 Actions for Slab ..................................................................................................... 136 Table 8.7 Design Strengths .................................................................................................... 138 Figure 8.8 Neutral Axis Position Within the Slab ................................................................. 138 Figure 8.9 Detail of the metal deck for understanding the calculation .................................. 139 Table 8.8 Data for calculation ................................................................................................ 140 X

Figure 8.10 2D Representation of Simply Supported Secondary Beam in SLS .................... 140 Figure 8.11.a Possible Sections for Composite Secondary Beam (1)................................... 141 Figure 8.11.b Possible Sections for Composite Secondary Beam (2) .................................. 142 Figure 8.10. 2D Representation of Simply Supported Secondary Beam in ULS .................. 142 Figure 8.12 Treatment of Forces for Composite Beam ......................................................... 144 Table 8.9 Needed Values for Design of the Transverse Reinforcement ................................ 146 Figure 8.13. Possible Meshes for Slab ................................................................................... 147 Figure 8.14. Representation of the Whole System of Composite Secondary Beam ............. 147 Figure 8.15 2D Representation of Simply Supported Primary Beam in SLS ........................ 148 Figure 8.16a Possible Sections for Primary Beam (1) .......................................................... 149 Figure 8.16b Possible Sections for Primary Beam (2) .......................................................... 150 Figure 8.17 2D Representation of Simply Supported Primary Beam in SLS ........................ 151 Table 8.10 Permanent actions on roof ................................................................................... 153 Table 8.11 Variable actions on roof ....................................................................................... 153 Table 8.12 Partial Factors ...................................................................................................... 154 Figure 8.18 Scheme for Showing the Areas of Concern ....................................................... 154 Figure 8.19 2D representation of loading on the column ...................................................... 155 Figure 8.20.a Possible Sections for The Column(1) ............................................................. 156 Figure 8.20.b Possible Sections for The Column(2) ............................................................. 157 Figure 8.21. Buckling Curves ............................................................................................... 158 Table 8.13 Specifications Given by the Manufacturer .......................................................... 160 Figure 8.22. Design of Connection ....................................................................................... 161 Table 8.14 Recalling Information for the Design of Column-Base Connection Plate .......... 163 Figure 8.23. Top View of Connection Plate .......................................................................... 163 Figure.8.24. Ultimate Capacity of a Single Pile on a Uniform Soil ..................................... 164 Figure 8.25. Top View of the Foundation.............................................................................. 166 Figure 8.26. Bottom View of the Foundation ........................................................................ 167 Figure 8.26. 3D View of the Foundation ............................................................................... 168 Figure 8.27. Showing how to Model the Beam and the Torsional Effects ............................ 169 Figure 8.28. Showing the Main Purpose and Concept of Design .......................................... 170 Figure 8.29. Load Bearing Portion of the Cantilever, and the Section for Distances ............ 171 Figure 8.30. 3D View of the Considered Cantilevered Part .................................................. 171 XI

Table 8.15 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the First Part ............................................... 172 Table 8.16 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the First Part ............................................... 172 Table 8.17 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the Second Part .......................................... 172 Table 8.18Variable Actions Cantilevered on the Second Part ............................................... 172 Table 8.19 Partial Factors for Actions ................................................................................... 172 Figure 8.31. 2D representation of Joists at SLS.................................................................... 173 Figure 8.32. Deflection Calculation output of the Joist ......................................................... 174 Figure 8.33. 2D representation of Joists at ULS .................................................................... 174 Figure 8.34. Moment Diagram of the Joist in ULS ............................................................... 174 Figure 8.35. Shear Diagram of the Joist in ULS .................................................................... 175 Figure 8.36. 2D representation of RHS beam in ULS ........................................................... 175 Figure 8.37. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS..................................................... 175 Figure 8.38. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS..................................................... 175 Figure 8.39. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS..................................................... 176 Figure 8.40. Possible RHS Sections ...................................................................................... 176 Table 8.20. Explanations of Components of the Formula……………………….................178


Chapter 1 - The competition "Bangkok I 'am Fashion Hub" 1.1. Introduction Since the agreement to form an integrated ASEAN Economic Community into a single market, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand have been attempting to position themselves as the ASEAN Fashion Capital. With no clear front-runner Thailand, and in particular Bangkok, have a real chance of claiming the title despite the fierce competition.1 HMMD Architecture Competitions, in co-operation with some of Bangkok‘s most prominent new fashion designers and organizations, are supporting Thailand‘s goal of becoming the ASEAN Fashion Capital. As such, HMMD asks designers from around the world to submit architecture visions for a regional ASEAN Fashion Hub that would be based in Bangkok. Participants are tasked with using architecture as a means to alleviate the limitations currently keeping Bangkok from this ambitious title and design a hub that draws in education and acclaim as well as overseas investment.1 Thailand‘s capital city is one of rich history and unique culture that makes it stand out within South East Asia. Unlike most of its neighbours in SE Asia, Thailand has never been colonized by another country and so the traditions and cultures remain solely its own, and with its interest in fashion steadily growing there remains a huge amount of untapped potential within this country, especially within Bangkok.1

Figure 1.1. Bangkok location.

In 2003 the Thaksin administration initiated plans to construct Bangkok Fashion City under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry of Thailand. The 1.8 billion-baht program to establish Bangkok as a regional fashion hub and a world fashion leader was official shelved in late October 2006 by the prime minister at the time Surayud Chulanont.1 Earlier in 2014 the Industrial Promotion Department and Post International Media Co jointly launched renewed similar plans Bangkok Fashion Avenue 2014. The Department secretary1

general Atchaka Sibunruang said in the Bangkok Post, Bangkok‘s national newspaper, that the Industry Ministry has set fashion as one of the main industries to promote and that it plans to promote Bangkok as a fashion hub in Asia.1 The slightly less ambitious 160 million-baht budget is still hoped to draw in international attention and promote Bangkok‘s designers as well as its retail fashion venues. However many industry professionals remains skeptical and claim that Bangkok‘s status as a fashion capital will not be due to the number of fashion shows it can hold but by developing its products and its people. Young designers in Bangkok have less access to education than their European counterparts and very often lack widespread support from government bodies.1 The previous government, that showed favor towards supporting the fashion industry, was recently removed from power; leaving young designers and fashion students starting again from square one to raise their profile in the region.1 Despite this Thailand is still a land of much untapped potential; the right ingredients are there it just isn‘t ready yet. Its culture is rich and untainted, its fabrics and materials (such as Thai silk) are unique and the low cost of production is such that it is already currently home to many international brands. However a fundamental lack of resources and education have limited the Bangkok fashion industry and prevented it thus far from assuming its place as a fashion capital within Asia.1 Recent trends in both fashion and architecture have been to adopt a more Western or European design; traditional Thai architecture has been all but abandoned since the turn of the century in all areas apart from religious buildings and palaces. These buildings are almost always composed of a collection of buildings, shrines and monuments featuring intricate carvings and brightly decorated features. Most notably the use of ornamented multiple tiered roofs which is reserved just for these important public buildings.1 Since the formation of the ASEAN Economic Community there has been a strong desire to preserve the vanishing Thai architectural style and identity, which uniquely employs geometry and symbolism in the design and construction of Thai architectural works.1 1.1.1.The site The proposed site for the Fashion Hub is a unit near the Phloen Chit BTS station in the Pathum Wan District in central Bangkok. The location is ideally situated in one of the busiest and most densely populated urban areas of the city. Retail venues are all within close proximity as are luxury hotels. The site is also well connected to the rest of Bangkok via the BTS Sky train system, easy access to the freeway and plenty of pedestrian access to all the nearby amenities. See figure 1.2.


Figure 1.2. Area.1 9-Offices.14-Hotel Novotel Bangkok.15-Offices.16-Offices.17-Residential. 18-Offices.19-Residential.20-Residential.21-Residential.22-Residential.

1.1.2.The Brief Competition participants are tasked with designing the region‘s first Fashion Hub as an instrument to bring the world to Bangkok. The Fashion Hub complex would have to offer facilities in order to attract and host various fashion and design related events, both local and international.1 These events would educate and influence young designers in Bangkok, either directly or indirectly, in order to help them grow and develop as designers. The benefit to students in Bangkok of mentorships and workshops from designers from Europe or even the US would be tremendous; providing them with more skills and experience and making them more able to compete with other ASEAN markets.1 HMMD asks designers to present a building complex that would inspire and attract regional, and even international attention. The building should be a proud landmark and a resource as well as a representation of Bangkok‘s emerging talent. The purpose of the Fashion Hub is to serve as a central location with the facilities to provide education and experience to both fashion students as well as up and coming local fashion designers. Will have areas dedicated 3

to workshops and skills labs and facilities to accommodate guest speakers and exchange programs with students and designers from all around the world.1 1.1.3. The program The building should host different functions and users; such as students of fashion from Bangkok, exchange student from all around the world, young and well know designers, locals and foreigners, conferences halls and showrooms for tourist and locals, and for last offices.

Figure 1.3. Competition program.

1.2. Our competition concept For the Final competition we decided to create a building that was a landmark itself, not really taking care about the sustainability of the building nor the urban relationship between this and the area. The concept is inspired by the GARUDA, the emblem of Thailand. The main lines of the shading elements are emerged from the abstraction of this figure. Eventually, louvers are added representing the feather lines of the Garuda Wings. The movable louvers in turn have an environmental role. It offers shading on the east and west facades, with a controlled variation in the shading degree. See figure 1.4.


Figure 1.4. Competition Concept.

The shading on the west facade has been reduced due to the existence of the residential building that already shades it. The louvers are controlled in relation to the total irradiation on the facade, which helps reduce the solar gains inside the spaces in the hot climate.

Figure 1.5. The final view.

The final result was a building that will be a landmark in the area, not because his height, as the neighboring buildings overcome in height ours, but by the complexity of the shading system. In the further work of our thesis we decided to focus our design in the relationship between sustainability and fashion.


Chapter 2 - Climate analysis Bangkok has a tropical monsoon climate and the highest average temperature of any city in the world. Temperatures regularly stay well above 30°C throughout the year. The humidity levels also remain high during this period and you can expect short spells of rainy weather, with frequent afternoon showers, monsoons and spells of thunder at times. The climate of Bangkok can be divided into two key parts, wet and dry. Spring, the climate is at its hottest from March to August with a very high humidity. Summer, the rainy season starts in May and lasts till September, but really picks up in June. Rain can sometimes come as a welcome release from the temperatures that stand in the high 20‘s. The rain normally falls in the afternoon but there are infrequent days when the city will be washed with rain for the whole day. Bangkok lies only 6 ft. above sea level, so when there are prolonged periods of rain this can lead sometimes lead to flooding. Autumn, although the temperatures barely vary from month to month, experienced tourists believe October through until February is probably the best time to travel Bangkok. During this time, temperatures are not as high, standing between 25°C and 28°C. Occasional showers and gentle winds can provide a break from the heat. Winter, November to February is the driest time. This combined with high humidity means that it can be somewhat uncomfortable at times. During this time, weather will show extreme temperature and often it climbs to the mid 30‘s.


2.1. Relative Humidity in Bangkok Relative humidity in Milano and Bangkok are similar and both are considered to be high. On average it reaches 80 percent in Bangkok and it is considered to be high for hot days, therefore the design needs to take in consider the humidity for it is the main problem.

Figure 2.1. Average relative humidity in Bangkok.

Figure 2.2. Average relative humidity in Milano.


2.2. Average Annual Temperature in Bangkok The temperature hardly ever falls under 25 degrees and the relative humidity is high, so the design should be adapted for hot-humid climates. Direct solar gains are not expected to be as high as Milano due to the steep angle which the rays arrive, on the other hand diffuse solar gains in Bangkok are high because of the high temperatures

Figure 2.3. Average annual temperature Bangkok.

Figure 2.4. Average annual temperature Milan.


2.3. Average Rainfall in Bangkok Precipitation in Bangkok are really high, even comparing to Milano. Except for winter, there are big rains, so we need to design a good way to drain, and store of the rain water. The rainfall is due to monsoon climate, which means that the area would get periodical heavy rains. Simply during a day, it would rain heavily for a small period, and then it would stop.

Figure 2.5. Average rainfall in Bangkok.

Figure 2.6. Average rainfall in Milano.


2.4. Psychometric chart As you can see all the values that fall inside the comfort zone are coming from winter season. So except for winter, we would always fall out of the comfort zone without help for mechanical ways. The best solution to reach the comfort zone is through ventilation. Natural or Mechanical ventilation is going to be crucial on the design stage.

Figure 2.7. Psychometric chart annual, Bangkok.

After figuring out that our main problem would be with the hot temperatures and humidity, we have found out that the best solution to this problem, in our case, would be ventilation. The passive strategy would be the natural ventilation; therefore we started investigating the prevailing winds. The first three graphs are showing the existing wind frequencies, humidity, and temperatures. Using these information we will decide how much can we go near the comfort zone with natural ventilation, and how much mechanical ventilation we would need to achieve the best comfort conditions.

Figure 2.8. Prevailing winds annual, Bangkok.


2.5. Shadow Analysis The shadow analysis is done by Ecotect, and it is clear that all of the facades are needed to be protected from the sunlight, since all the facades are exposed to direct sunlight in different times of the year. Even the north faรงade gets direct sunlight in summer because Bangkok is so close to the equator. Please see the figures below for the sun paths and exposures.

Figure 2.9. (a)Winter Solstice(b)Spring Equinox.

Figure 2.10. (a)Summer Solstice (b)Autumn Equinox.


Chapter 3 - Urban Analysis 3.1. Analysis 3.1.1. Urban growth in Bangkok Bangkok is Thailand‘s largest metropolitan area. It has experienced rapid population and urban growth since the mid-1970s. The urban area continues to expand outwardly, mainly along three major transport corridors (southwest, southeast, and north of the city).Population growth, including both natural growth and in-migration, is one of the main contributing factors to this area‘s expansion. This demographic shift demands more housing units and additional built-up areas. Furthermore, researchers indicated that the lack of coordination between the public sector (i.e., transportation planning policy) and private sector (i.e., residential/commercial development) might be responsible for the inefficient urban land use patterns or urban forms seen across the landscape. In fact, the urban areas of Bangkok have encroached into five surrounding provinces, including Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, Samutprakarn, Nakonpathom, and Samutsakorn. As a result, Bangkok has emerged as a primate city and the Greater Bangkok region that describes the areal expansion of the space, geographic reach, and functional influence. Table 3.1. Administrative boundary of Bangkok city bears little resemblance of urban form or urban functions.1 City Metropolis


Pop. 2000

Pop. 2010

1.569 km2 7.762 km2

6.355.144 10.159.211

8.249.117 14.565.547

Density 2010 5.300/km2 1.900/km2 Table 3.1 Population growth .

Based on the property market and the existing public facilities the (internal) urban growth of Bangkok is analyzed and localized, (figure 3.1). On this basis, depending on the official zoning plan, the flood risk areas, and especially considering the future expansion of the public transport network a hypothesis for the future growth and densification of Bangkok is formulated.

Figure 3.1. Internal urban grow 1994-2004.

Main Urban Core Secondary Urban Cores Urban periphery Ribbon Scatter


Bangkok is growing like almost every Southeast Asian metropolis, the population has nearly tripled from 1960 to 2010 (+286.2%) and since 2000 the city recorded average growth per year of about 2.5% (+ 2.54% / year). See figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2.. Urban grow 2010. Infill Extension Leapfrog Urban footprint


3.1.2. Flood risk Severe flooding occurred during the 2011 monsoon season in Thailand. Beginning at the end of July triggered by the landfall of Tropical Storm Nock-ten, flooding soon spread through the provinces of northern, northeastern, and central Thailand along the Mekong and Chao Phraya river basins. In October floodwaters reached the mouth of the Chao Phraya and inundated parts of the capital city of Bangkok. Flooding persisted in some areas until midJanuary 2012, and resulted in a total of 815 deaths (with 3 missing) and 13.6 million people affected. Sixty-five of Thailand's 77 provinces were declared flood disaster zones, and over 20,000 square kilometers of farmland was damaged.1 The flood of2011 on the metropolitan area of Bangkok has affected many peripheral and partly central neighborhoods. The impact on urban development is difficult to assess, because the authorities made great efforts to flood protection and to prevent those events as much as possible. On the other hand; life in Thailand from the beginning of civilization is based on water and its implications. In the placement of industrial facilities this subject will be stepped up more noticeable and in the construction of detached houses, the return to traditional elevated building typologies will prevail slowly again.2 See figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3. Flood risk map Bangkok.

So we can say that the growth of Bangkok can be divided into three main aspects: Borders – Differences – Networks 14

Borders (zoning plan, flood risk areas, rivers, canals and highways). Differences (character of individual neighborhoods, diversity of use within the neighborhoods). Networks (public transport, Roads, highways, waterways, Informal networks; togetherness, relationships). We believe that the main aspects that will have an impact in our area are the expansion of public transport and the diversity of use and users in the neighborhood. On the following maps, the current (2015) and possible medium term (2020) and a long term (2030) inner growth areas of Bangkok are designated. The area of the project is showed in red, see figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4. Inner grow areas Bangkok.

3.1.3. Bangkok property market As a result from the Asian crisis there was very little activity from 1997 till 2003, in the Thai property market as a whole. But since 2003, the property developers have done their utmost to fill any gaps in the supply of new housing stock experienced in those 5-6 years of inactivity. In fact the supply has grown so much, that in Bangkok, city area alone, there has been an increase in the last few years of approx. 40‘000 condominium units a year (excluding detached houses, townhouses, apartments and serviced apartments). High-rise condominiums 15

in Bangkok are currently the most popular and easiest real estate investment opportunity of large project developers.3 The analysis and localization of the built and planned high-rise condominium projects in the years 2000 to 2015 by eleven major project developers has provided a clear picture. A majority of the about 130 examined projects have settled along the since 1999 operated Skytrain lines (Silom and Sukhumvit-line), and to a lesser degree along the MRT Blue Line opened in 2004.3 3.1.4. Development plan / Zoning plan Traditional planning tools such as the zoning plans have also influence in the urban growth, where this plays more the role of a regulation and less of an active development. Since the 6th Development Plan (1987-1991) it has achieved a better integration of land use, planning and infrastructure investments to better influence the land use and thereby affect an organized growth of areas. Figure 3.5.

Figure 3.5. Zoning areas Bangkok. Commercial High Density Housing Medium Density Low Density Agriculture White Stripe/Flood Area Industrial Zone Government's Building


3.2. Public transportation 3.2.1. History Long prior to year 1900, everyday life in Bangkok was centered around rivers and canals. People preferred to install their homes on stilts along the riverbanks and in boathouses. In the mid 1800s, the authorities started constructing roads and bridges in the city. Bangkok expanded into rural areas, and people, began to install their houses along roads instead of along the riverbanks. Reliance on water transport gradually gave way to reliance on a roadbased transport system. Although there was more canal excavation in Bangkok, the lead role of waterways for Bangkok‘s transport needs was decreasing.4 After the invasion of the motorcars in 1902, the authorities constructed more roads to accommodate increasingly road-based travel needs. The city limit expanded linearly along the new roads. Urbanization without proper planning regulation unceasingly accompanied road construction, resulting in ribbon development. This phenomenon continues to the present days and causes tremendous problems to the city.4 During 1960 – 1990 road transportation has become indispensable while major canals and tracks in Bangkok have been transformed into roads in order that the benefits of high-speed travel by automobile could be enjoyed. The remaining rivers and canals were mainly converted into sewer system.4 The 6th Development Plan (1987-1991) recommended a better integration of physical planning and infrastructure investment in order to influence land-use and bring about more orderly growth of the area. The 6th Plan also intended to provide better and more extensive bus services, to build more primary and secondary roads in the outer area, to expand the expressway network, to complete missing road links, to provide bus-ways, mass transit lines and some traffic management measures in the city center.4 After 1990, the government realized that the transportation sector was becoming more and more important as the national economic generator. Presently, Bangkok has various modern transport modes including the Skytrain and a subway, however, the road transport remains important. The existing transport system still cannot adequately satisfy daily travel demand and in many occasions, because of mal-coordination, transport services conflict with one another.4

Figure 3.6. Evolution of the transport in Bangkok.


3.2.2. Skytrain The Skytrain and MRT lines Linien (Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan in Bangkok Metropolitan Region M-MAP), initially began as a transportation project but quickly turned into catalytic converters of the inner urban growth and densification. Was created to increase the connectivity within the city. While the bridges are planned primarily for improving the flows, the spaces under the bridge structures are left unplanned, ending up as haphazard parking, encroachments and garbage dumps. Such disused spaces degrade the surrounding areas and act as a partition between neighborhoods. Figure 3.7. The public transport networks are becoming an increasingly more important factor in the future urban densification. They are therefore the most important steering instruments for urban development and significantly determining the strategic direction of a sustainable urban growth. The idea is to humanize these transport infrastructures and reclaim the underutilized spaces under bridges and flyovers to: • Create well-lit, cohesive public spaces such as shaded seating areas, food courts, gathering spaces, plazas and play areas. • Provide vending opportunities in dense neighborhoods through kiosks, markets and vending zones to attract the public. • Improve overall pedestrian connectivity. • Insert public facilities such as auto rickshaw stands, public toilets and strategic parking. • Facilitate the use of these spaces by lighting, signs and waste collection.

Figure 3.7. Skytrain web Bangkok.


3.2.3. Expansion The network of the Skytrain and MRT lines with the current expansion are organized as a star-shaped network and therefore serves mainly the needs of the center areas. With closing the ring of the MRT Blue Line in 2016 and with the planned peripheral Pink and Yellow Lines (2019/29), the network is improved significantly. This also corresponds more to the provided future development of Bangkok due the expansion of metropolitan sub-centers along the outer ring road (ORR)4. See figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8. Future development Skytrain Bangkok.

Bangkok intended and planned major expansion of public transport network until 2029 are very ambitious. Apart from the expansion of the individual lines, the efficiency of the network is increased by a clever arrangement of the stations and intelligent linking between the individual lines. In particular, this primary network should be coordinated and linked with the smaller, local transport infrastructure like buses, boats (Chao Phraya Express Boat, Khlong Saen Saep boat service) and monorails.4 Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9. Future development Skytrain Bangkok.


3.3. The site. Context The proposed site for the Fashion Hub is an empty unit near the Phloen Chit BTS station, sky train, in the Pathum Wan District in central Bangkok. The location is ideally situated in one of the busiest and most densely populated urban areas of the city just meters away from some of the most frequented retail and shopping venues in Bangkok and is in close proximity to facilities like bars, restaurants and hotels in the area. Retail venues such as the Siam Centre, the Siam Paragon and MBK Centre are all within close proximity as are luxury hotels such as The Okura Prestige Bangkok and the Intercontinental Hotel. The site is also well connected to the rest of Bangkok via the BTS Sky train system, with easy access to the freeway and plenty of pedestrian access to all the nearby amenities. The area is famous for the juxtaposition of functions and social levels see images 3.10 till 3.12, like luxury malls and five start hotels, in contrast with second-hand business and small commodity producers.5


Figure 3.10. Bird view of the Plot. 1-Gaysorn Shopping center.2-Thao Mahaprom Shrine Temple.3-Hotel International Bangkok.4-BTS Childom Station.5-Childom Shopping Center.6-Embassy Shopping center.7British Embassy.8-Switserlan Embassy.9-Offices.10-Qatar Embassy.11-Vietnam Embassy.12-USA Embassy.13-BTS Ploenchit Station.14- Hotel Novotel Bangkok.15Offices.16-Offices.17-Residential.


Figure 3.11. Plan of the site.

Figure 3.12. Model of the area. 9-Offices.14-Hotel Novotel Bangkok.15-Offices.16-Offices.17-Residential. 18-Offices.19-Residential.20-Residential.21-Residential.22-Residential.


The modern mall centers made of glass and steel, are not related at all with the typical residential typology; modernity take the spot light neglecting the few family houses in the area. Most of the area is overcrowded by landmarks. See images 3.11 till 2.15.

Figure 3.13. Surrounding buildings. 6-Embassy Shopping center.19-Residential.20-Residential/ 9-Offices.16-Offices.17-Residential..

Figure 3.142. Surrounding buildings. 6-Shoppingmall Embassy./ 14-Hotel Novotel Bangkok.15-Offices.

Figure 3.15. Residential Area next to the Plot.


3.4. SWOT Analysis While doing the analysis we realized that our site is located in an upcoming area of Bangkok city. It is well connected to the airport and hotels, and it also part of a commercial area. The easiest way to access the site is by public transport, there are several Skytrian stations located in the area. The city has a good infrastructure with extended metro lines. When building in Bangkok ones has to consider the flood risk, fortunately our plot is outside of the danger zone. Bangkok aim is to become the new fashion capital of the ASEAN region. Thailand is a developing country with a rich culture that have never been colonized. Has a 2,5% growing rate in population annually and studies claim that it‘s the most visited city in the world. The city has a low crime rate (relatively to other Asian cities) and its cost of living is cheap. One of the major weaknesses of the city is the lack of parking areas and the traffic congestions. Bangkok traffic problems, especially in the 1980s and 1990s became dreadful. People normally spent up to 2 hours to commute from residents to workplaces. Such statistic was one of the worst in the world. People only had two options of commute in this city, which are public bus or private automobiles. Because the unacceptable condition of hardware and services from the public bus system, many families with children will save up money to purchase an automobile as the first major item of the household with the purpose of making family members more comfortable. When it comes to the threads one of the first thing we have to highlight is the extreme weather conditions. Bangkok is the hottest city in the world, with a +30 ÂşC annual average. The climate of warm-humid zones is characterized by high rainfall and high humidity. The temperature range is relatively high at around 30 - 35 °C and is fairly even during the day and throughout the year. Due to minimal temperature differences, winds are light or even nonexistent for longer periods. However, heavy precipitation and storms occur frequently. The solar radiation is intense and to a great extent diffuses due to haze. It therefore demands generous shading devices. The haze may cause sky glare, which can also be reduced by large shading devices. Vegetation is rich and provides an excellent means of improving the climatic conditions and also helps with the highly polluted air. After this analysis we create the SWOT Analysis charter of the area in figure 3.14.


3.16. SWOT Analysis Bangkok.

Related to the weaknesses we can assume that the lack of parking area will be improve implementing the idea of "Parking and Ride". See Chapter 4.2.2. Parking and Ride. Where we combine our solution with an independent project that promote the use of the Skytrain instead the using of private cars in the center. We will separate and increase the pedestrians areas in the zone with the introduction of an elevated green platform. See Chapter 4.2. The Green Platform. Creating a new space for people to walk around the commercial area and releasing the street just for cars improving the traffic congestion problems. Concerning the threats we will take advantage of the train station combining three of them with the green platform and promoting the use of the train itself. The green platform will be provided with some solution to improve the weather conditions and reduce pollution in a natural way, using greenery and with solar panels to generate electricity for the area. See Chapter 4.2.1. The Solar serpent.


Chapter 4 - Urban approach 4.1.1. Urban Design approach The following paragraphs outline a mainly urban analysis of our site, however linking the main objectives of this project on a larger regional scale with the architectural scale. This project answers to demands of the developing district, the brief's incentive to create an economical hub of fashion as well as to the architectural approach of using space and energy efficiently and applying sustainable technologies. One of the main incentives of this analysis is to understand the meaning of public life in the streets of Bangkok. We can all imagine scenes of busy streets, as we are often reminded of them in movies, video clips and have eventually thought of this city as a metropolis of fashion, as it likes to present itself publicly and thus communicates its pursuit of a new economical image. Contemporary development of this specific sub center, this district under "construction" is to become more and more dense and charged with the marketing and distribution of design and fashion, gradually casting out previous low-density residential use. The nature of traffic adapts to this new densification process. Where street vendors, market stands and portable food stands dominated the picture, more and more high-speed car traffic penetrates what was a very functional pedestrian area. The streets in what we understood to be crowded cities, have often become so unbearable to individual pedestrian mobility that another level, a second floor public space was introduced. We witness this to be an improvement to short route traffic on a district scale even though such a system necessarily includes barriers like stairs, elevators and ramps. However we believe it can be a suitable alternative when the urbanism goals on a regional level are through to the architectural scale and how the individual functional spaces connect to the city‘s public as well as private mobility grid. Currently an important public facility is developed under a future oriented approach. A network of Marginal Park and ride garages are in the process to be installed where hubs of inner city rail traffic exist today, we will develop this topic in chapter 4.4 The Green platform. This sophisticated network of public transportation is interestingly placed above the zero level of the city, which is often too congested by fast car traffic to be crossed by pedestrians. A clear separation of public (pedestrian, train) and private (taxi, personal cars, transportation of goods) circulation has taken place. Despite this oppositional distribution both public and private, social and commercial life remain in beneficially close contact which is in our view a valuable particularity for Bangkok and are what keeps a quality of de-centrality alive. 4.1.2. The Skytrain The sky train is elevated, leaving the street free, but generating spaces underneath that are used for the small merchants to sell their products. All of the system's stations are elevated, 14 meters more or less, and constructed on three levels. The street level provides access to the 25

stations via stairs and often escalators. Supporting utility equipment (generators, water tanks, etc.) is usually located at this level on traffic islands. See figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1. Schematic section.

The yellow level is the connection between the two sidewalks for pedestrians. The second level, in blue, contains the ticket booths, some small kiosk-like shops and access control gates. The last elevated level of the stations, in red, accessible by stairs and escalators and hosts the platforms and rails. See figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Skytrain station, Bangkok.


In our area there are three stations, see figure 4.3. In red the train station, connected with private mall centers at some points (in orange). The connections are not only in the ground floor, but also directly from the station level itself.

Figure 4.3. Skytrain stations connected with the malls.

All of the malls of the area has direct access from the second level of the platforms, see figure 4.4. This creates a new level where people walk and can go from one mall to the station without going down to the street level. Since the traffic under the bridge is very heavy, and not pedestrian friendly this elevated platform along the sky train line should be a pleasant place for walking, but at the moment it is not connecting the different stations itself.

Figure 4.4. Elevated connection between malls and train station.

4.1.3. Street Sellers Issue Bangkok‘s street marketers, who sell everything from noodle soup to sex toys, are facing an attack as authorities in the fast-growing metropolis struggle to make space for pedestrians on its crowded sidewalks. The idea to relocate thousands of sellers from main roads to side streets or restrict touting to the night is part of a campaign to ―reclaim the sidewalks‖ to ―clean up‖ Thailand‘s image.


The stalls that festoon many streets have come to define one of Southeast Asia‘s most vibrant cities, but are also prompting complaints from some Thais who decry them as hazards, raising questions over how the bustling capital uses its public space. ―We must return most sidewalks to the people,‖ said police Maj. Gen. Vichai Sangparpai, claiming vendors had colonized around a dozen of the city‘s main roads, obstructing people and traffic as well as damaging the environment.1

Figure 4.5. Street Market Bangkok.

The specialty of Bangkok‘s public spaces lies in the rich arrangement of slow traffic and small scale commercial activity in close proximity, how individuals appropriate public space temporarily, when public space is already a street rather than an open piazza. The city aims to integrate an extension to this symbiosis in the forms of department stores in the size of entire blocks. Pockets in the urban fabric that are exclusively dedicated to the presentation and marketing of goods. These shopping malls are directly placed along an important inner city railway route, which is characteristically elevated from the zero level of the city at 14 meters high, Skytrain. We find a great opportunity in this seemingly chaotic situation of a manifold of vertical levels within such a dense surrounding. Our first attempt to grasp such an intricate and complex organism was to move with it directly. How does one approach our site? With this question in mind, our analysis sets out to describe an arrival to, or a day in the life of the project on the scale of an individual. As mentioned earlier it isn‘t without a reason that there is a cinematographic quality to this place. Movement and presentation play essential roles and an almost choreographed mobility is what guarantees both routine and a continuous recreation of urban life. It is not surprising that public space in Bangkok is so radically different to the type of historical public space, the open piazza that we try to reestablish or preserve in Italy. While the core idea of public space in Bangkok seems to include it being filled with life, in the form of traffic or economical use always, another common, perhaps a more Italian, understanding of public space is that there is a superfluous amount of open area, which is not reserved by street but remains "empty" during nighttime or is temporarily filled with other forms of social interaction when the market is not happening. 4.1.4. District densification effort Additionally to the brief‘s demands for a punctual intervention to organize the existing fashion related institutions and commercial activity, this project's objectives involve a clear reaction to the larger scale development of the district. In summary these developments 28

include a strong densification effort, removing low-density structures in a step-by-step process. This is accompanied by an increase in car traffic and parking space needed. How this affects mobility in the area and how the city aims at compensate for these new loads will be explained in detail in the next paragraph. The focus of this paragraph lies on how the districts composition of functions will evolve according to this analysis and our proposal of urban strategies to compensate for the increase in verticality, which is to be expected. To put it in a simplified categories; the role of architecture in the city is to house mainly two interests, public and private. These have to be mediated, protected and sustained effectively by the built structure, whether horizontally or vertically expanding. Our project uses this composition of public and private spaces as much as possible both vertically and horizontally. We do realize that the entire hub is financed by private means and thus it cannot be considered public space, however this proposal includes a variety of spaces functioning as a public interface. On one hand we have integrated voids into the building, to make natural ventilation more effective and on the other hand to provide regularly appearing outdoor spaces throughout all the building's floors. The quality of these outdoor spaces are increased by the cultivation of bamboo, which controls humidity and direct sunlight, at the same time the surface area of planted green is equal to almost 2/3rd of the site. This means we do not just occupy an area that used to be empty but we propose to increase the amount of greenery with this project. Our architectural solution answers to the need of not only public and private space distribution, but also accessible greenery by means of its resemblance to a bamboo grove. As mentioned the main incentives of the brief are to create an iconic building as a symbol for Bangkok‘s pursuit of becoming a national fashion metropolis and are to be taken into account during the urban as well as the architectural design process of this project. The abovedescribed characteristics of the district as it moves in time and seasonally through an auto-rescripting set are found similarly also in what makes the very ideas of fashion. Relevant styles and trends regenerate. An imminent characteristic of fashion is that it can never arrive to a final point; it has to continuously evolve. As the city of Bangkok. 4.1.5. Lines and nodes This paragraph will, as mentioned before, lay out the current organization of urban mobility as well as the necessary adaptations to this system in the future, as we have analyzed. Firstly the different forms of transportation present are to be mentioned. Individual motorized traffic is located mainly at level zero of the natural topography. That means the increasingly heavily frequented car streets are getting too crowded by vehicles and lose their capacity to further accommodate the street vendors and pedestrians. These are often redirected via bridges and tunnels in order to avoid accidents and to keep car traffic as uninterrupted as possible avoiding traffic jams. The result of this logic is the introduction of further levels within the street space to accommodate public transportation such as railway lines. This multitude of levels can easily end in disorientation and the feeling of being trapped. However it is necessary and if planned carefully the valuable urban space available is used not only efficiently but also pleasant to its users. As seen from this diagrammatic plan of the surrounding neighborhood all fashion related buildings are located along this main traffic route and dock onto it, see figure 4.3. The 29

hereby-created situation of possible routes to move along is so to speak scripted by the city planners and follows a logical pattern of lines and hubs as well as block-sized malls and office buildings; resembling pockets in this urban fabric. 4.2.The green Platform We propose to base our urban intervention on the partially existing elevation of a pedestrian pathway above the zero level and to further expand it. We aim at connecting a newly introduced zone for pedestrian traffic, traditional street markets and other public functions to below the stations of the existing railway line at a height of 7 meters above street level. Along this major traffic axis a new pedestrian level, in blue, will be introduced below the existing rails and platforms, in red, see figure 4.6. This separation from car traffic provides a sheltered and safe mobility for pedestrians, and that space for the social processes that can be observed now is preserved. Furthermore we propose to make use of the available area on the top of the railway line and partially cover it with photovoltaic cells, see Chapter 4.2.1. The Solar Serpent. The electric energy generated by this small-scale decentralized plant can be used locally to cover the needs of artificially lighting at the pedestrian pathway.

Figure 4.6. New pedestrian zone.

We are introducing a continuous platform in between the street and the railways at the level of 7 meters, to create a continues flux of people from the stations and the malls, where all the local merchants can introduce and sell their products to the people; who‘s majority are tourists, releasing the level 0 for car and motorcycle traffic. One of the first things that strike the visitor of Bangkok is the sheer number and diversity of vendors on the streets, lanes, and remaining waterways. The city is possibly one of the world‘s ―jewels‖ when it comes to selling goods and services in public spaces both day and night.


The green platform will have a constant connection between the Skytrain stations and all the malls and building in the area, offices and hotels, generating a continuous flux of people and merchants without the problem of car traffic. We dream of a space with greenery that will help to mitigate the air- and noise pollution, ease temperature while generating comfort to the users and to improve the climate conditions reducing the temperature and humidity of it, see figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7. Green Platform.

The platform will catch and store rain water, to mitigate the big amount of water that being poured into the streets during monsoon, when a large amount of water is poured in a short period of time. This rainwater will be further used to maintain the new green vegetation scattered along the platform. 4.2.1. The Solar Serpent Swedish architect and urban strategist Mans Tham has shared with us his project proposing freeway based solar infrastructure for Los Angeles. (Additional images and an extensive description from the architect is available after the break.) This project explores how architectural design could change both the function and the narrative of Metropolises most symbolic structures. Even though Los Angeles provided a special inspiration to the project, the idea is applicable almost all over the world. In the specialized cities of today, water and energy come from somewhere far away. But Los Angeles was always different. Urban oil wells have made the link between energy and daily life unusually apparent here. But oil is not the only apparent energy source in Los Angeles. There is also an abundance of Sun. This has also sparked the recent Los Angeles Solar Program signed by Mayor Villaraigosa. Thanks to the constant solar angle and radiation of Bangkok we can create the soundproof structure for the train; covered with photovoltaic panel to generate electricity for the new green platform, creating the new green space more sustainable. The Skytrain lane is the main public transportation and public space. Solar panels need un-shaded sun, which makes 31

elevated railways with their big clearing an ideal site. Mounted above the railways they also provide shade that would decrease the use of air conditioning on sunny days. But also the high cost of UV degradation of surfaces would decrease drastically.2

Figure 4.8. Solar Serpents in Paradise, MansTham.

4.2.2. Parking and Ride Another way to integrate our site with the rest of the city in a sustainable way is to add to our research the idea of Park & Ride, an idea that started in 2012. Park-and-ride facilities are car parks with connections to public transport, see figure 4.9, that allow commuters and other people wishing to travel into city centers to leave their vehicles and transfer to a bus or rail system for the rest of their trip. The vehicle is stored in a car park during the day and retrieved when the owner returns. Park-and-rides are generally located in the suburbs of the metropolitan area and on the outer edges of city. To reduce the rush hour car traffic significant on Bangkok's street network, we see the potential to install "Park & Ride― parking lots, strategically located at the main driveways and connected to BTS and MRT stations. Each parking lot should contain about 500 to 2000 parking spaces.3

Figure 4.9. Park and Ride Bangkok.


For a sustainable land use and to reduce the needed land purchasing costs, the solution is to organise and concentrate the parking lots in parking towers, see figure 4.10.

Figure 4.10. Park and Ride Bangkok.

Each of these carpark towers contains 1500 cars and 200 motobikes with a height of about 80m space. Public function like food courts, skybar, eventspace, laundry shops and convenience stores could optionaly be added to the program.3


Chapter 5 - Architectural Design 5.1. Ken Yeang, the inspiration Dr. Ken Yeang is an architect-planner, and one of the foremost eco designers, theoreticians, and thinkers in the field of green design. Having studied architecture at the Architectural Association in London, his work on the green agenda started in the 70s, author of several books on ecological design, including Eco Design Instruction Manual (2006), A Design Primer (1996) and The Green Skyscraper: The Basis for Designing Sustainable Intensive Buildings (1999). "Designing the eco skyscraper involves configuring its built form and operational systems so that they integrate with nature in a benign and seamless way over its life cycle, by imitating the structure, processes and properties of ecosystems, an approach referred to here as ecomimesis".1 5.1.2. The eco skyscraper At the outset, we should be clear that the skyscraper is not an ecological building type. In fact it is one of the most un-ecological of all building types. The tall building uses a third more energy and material resources to build, to operate and, eventually, to demolish. It is regarded here as a building type that, if inevitable, needs to be made ecological inasmuch as possible.1 What is the rationale for the skyscraper typology and why make it green? The argument is simply that the tall building is a building type that will just not go away overnight, and until we have an economically viable alternative built form the skyscraper as a building type will continue to be built prolifically, particularly to meet the demands of urban and city growth and increasing rural-to-urbanmigration.1 The fact is that the skyscraper can never be a truly green building but architects should seek to mitigate its negative environmental impacts and to make it as humane and pleasurably habitable for its inhabitants as possible, for instance to urgently meet intensive accommodation requirements and where it is built over or near a transportation hub to reduce transportation energy consumption, and where by virtue of its smaller footprint it will have considerably less impact on sensitive vegetated green field sites or on productive agriculturalland.1 So eco design is designing the built environment as a system integrated within the natural environment. The system‘s existence has ecological consequences and its sets of interactions, being its inputs and outputs as well as all its other aspects (such as transportation, etc.) over its entire life cycle, must be benignly accommodated with the natural environment. Ecosystems in the biosphere are definable units containing both biotic and a biotic constituents acting together as a whole. From this concept, our businesses and built environment should be designed analogously to the ecosystem‘s physical content, composition and processes.1


5.1.3. The Edit tower: Singapore The design for the EDITT Tower, on an urban corner site in Singapore, is a hybrid form that fulfils the client‘s requirements for an Expo tower. The overall program of uses includes retail areas, exhibition spaces and auditorium uses, as well as more conventional open office spaces on the upper level, but its design allows future transformation to offices or apartments.1 The 26-storey tower design and its inherent plan geometry display an organic composition— related both to public space and circulation, advancing towards a new ecological aesthetic.1 See Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1. The Editt Tower, Singapore.

The plan organization include vertical landscaping, sky courts, atrial spaces and sky plazas; and very heavy solar-shielding of the eastern face, with a unified ‗wall‘ of stair towers, lifts and restroom accommodation.1 One issue in the design of skyscrapers is the poor spatial continuity that usually occurs between street-level activities and those spaces at the upper floors. Urban design involves ‗place making‘ and in the Editt Tower, in creating ‗vertical places‘, our design brings ‗streetlife‘ to the building‘s upper parts through wide landscaped ramps upwards from street level.1 Aside from the abundant, spiraling landscape of indigenous vegetation, which assists ambient cooling of the façade, two further elements were foremost in the form-giving process. These are the rooftop rainwater collector and the attendant rainwater façade collector scallops which form the rainwater collection and recycling system. Equally, the extensive incorporation of


photovoltaic panels on the east faรงade add another level of formal detail towards reduced energy consumption.1 The planting contributes to the ambient cooling of the faรงades through evapo transpiration, and the landscaped ramp coupled with the continuously shifting organic plan results in a built form that is literally a vertical landscape.1 See Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. The reintroduction of organic mass to an urban site. Rain water purification system

5.1.3. Chong Qing Tower, China The Chong Qing Tower is designed to accommodate the headquarters of a corporation. The tower springs from a podium containing a large exhibition hall. A number of eco-cells designed as vertical cellular slots are integrated into the podium with a spiral vegetated ramp that starts from the basement and climbs to the roof of the podium to bring biomass, vegetation, daylight, rainwater and natural ventilation into the inner depths of the floors, See Figure 5.3, the landscape is continuous from street level to the summit of the tower. Other features incorporated in the exhibition hall podium are a bio-swale (pond) to collect rainwater, solar thermal collectors and photovoltaic panels. Sky courts at the edges of the tower are located next to the structural lift core as pocket parks-in-the-sky. These also serve as interstitial zones between the internal areas and external areas. Recessed balconies with full-height glazed doors open out from the offices.1 36

Figure 5.3. Chong Qing Tower, China.

Recycled rainwater is used for flushing water closets, watering of sky courts, landscaping and planter boxes. The rainwater flows through gravity-flow soil bed filters and is collected at the base of the ecocells, runoff from the roofs should be captured for rainwater collection. The rainwater recycling system for the office tower is collected from the roof garden over the office tower through landscaping and porous paving system and stored at the Reinforced Concrete water tank at the roof top. The rainwater from the storage tank would then be channeled to the water and treatment tank at the basement level and the grey water will be used for the water closets and watering of landscape areas i.e. vegetated ramp on the facade, sky courts, planter boxes and landscaped around the site.1See Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4. Rain water recycling and collection. Recycling through soil bed filters to eco-cells.


5.2. A national Hub, a pocket in the city From this diagrammatic sketch 5.5. of our plot in plan view; we can see that the single accessible edge is the south one facing directly the main street on top of which lies the railway where the future pedestrian promenade is to be installed.

Figure 5.5. Site.

We can see that to all other three sides the plot borders the very edge of the next property and thus cannot be accessed publicly. This context gives the building a clear front and backside. It changes the character of the plot itself it creates a dead end calmed zone of slower movement. Our design reflects on this thought by offering access to pedestrians on a level above zero, the ―ground floor level of the building‖ at 3 meters, and car access to an underground parking lot with facilities 3 meters below sea level. To visualize how these levels connect to the railway lines, See Figure 5.6.

Figure 5.6. Public/Private separation.


The ground floor, elevated 3 meters from level 0, acts like an island in the middle of the city, a shelter from the chaotic and noisy Bangkok. Surrounded by bamboo, the ground floor is an open space protected from sun and rain, which is unpredictable in this area; invites users to relax and enjoy a quiet space, see Figure 5.7. In this space one notices a car and pedestrian traffic reduced, calm and the microclimatic change the building has to offer. Bamboo naturally regulates moisture and provides shadow, but also hinders a view to the outside. Thus the city is blinded out visually and all vistas being swallowed by the bright green and red plants. The small forest plays the role of an interface between city and hub.

Figure 5.7. Ground floor.

The space underneath the building adjacent to the entrance piazza can be used for fashion shows or communication between the public visitors and private production of the hub and like a settled but growing forest it depicts the passing of time. All of the floors are organized in a way that there is always a hall or common space, to attract visitors or to explore the building and its virtues connected by external ramps. The entire building is organized based on one main vertical circulation: elevators. Located in the center lies of the void, and connecting each floor with the relevant function by an external ramp, making the road from one function to another a pleasant experience. Walking through a bamboo forest surrounded by a Thai design that evokes fairy tales. See Figure 5.8/9.


Figure 5.8. Lobby of the building.

Figure 5.9. Ramp in the 8th level.

On the top floor there is a restaurant, where visitors can experience a unique double-height space surrounded by fabric shades systems, creating a unique space. In this open space we deny the views to the outside by the fact that our building cannot compete in height with respect to the neighboring ones, so the strategy is using an "outside in" approach. On the 40

terrace, accessible by the last perimeter ramp, there is a bamboo forest where visitors can go and walk among the plants as if they were in the middle of now here the things to enjoy are inside the building itself. See Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10. Restaurant 10th floor.

This frontal view onto the building on a level below the railway allows two sides to be visible. The building, although slender and 10 floors high appears to the passerby as one smaller volume within a series of large volumes. Its visible materials and form evoke different images in the viewers mind, the most strong being that of a fabric covering a body, see Figure 5.11.


Figure 5.11. View from the train station.

This breathing fabric is fixed on a structure, that will be explain in the Chapter 7 Technological Design, connected to the ramp covering these edges by a copper faceplate which runs along the diagonal ramps. Thus it gives the impression to be wrapped around the building and fixed by belts like an installation by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12. Christo and Jeanne-Claude, the Running Fence.


The dynamic impression caused by the diagonally running ramps is a trick to the eye. It almost seems as if the body behind the facade cover is in movement. This is however absolutely not decorative but actually the functional demand for diagonal ramps; makes for a dynamic elevation. See Figure 5.13.

Figure 5.13.The Ramp effect.

The used fabric is an off-white toned and printed with a relatively small-scale pattern inspired by a Thai garb. This pattern becomes visible only later when the visitor has accessed the buffer space behind this facade between the bamboos. See Chapter7 - Technological Design.


Figure 5.14. Shading system.

This veil as the very outside layer changes its properties of visibility not only when changing the distance but also as a matter of lighting and daytime, like the interiors or the building, different functions and users are combined and connected working in harmony.

Figure 5.15. Runway.


During sunny hours the cover will be relatively opaque, shading the interior spaces and only showing hints of silhouettes moving behind the screen. On the other hand, during night hours, when the building is lit artificially it becomes very transparent, and the almost invisible veil turns into a projection wall of the processes inside the building. See Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16. Daylight/Nigh effect in the Fabric.

Other factors that increase the building's resemblance of a body wrapped in cloth are the architectural solutions on bottom and top floor. Just above entrance floor level the panels of fabric separate, see Figure 5.17.

Figure 5.17. Piazza in Ground floor.


Similarly also the fabric panels at the top floor are not simply cut off straight, but in steps following the logic of the woven fabric. As in the bottom, this decision is actually based on another parameter, which is the function that lies beyond. Where the open entrance piazza shapes the fabric to become a roof, at the top floor it is the cultivation of bamboo, which demands for differing ceiling heights to host bamboo of different ages and sizes. In this manner the bamboo shading is carefully controlled and inclined photovoltaic panels on top of the roof structure can create additional energy. See Figure 5.18.

Figure 5.18. Main facade.

The space created behind this fabric veil is ideal for bamboo cultivation, which is de-centrally distributed over the buildings naturally lit facade space. It creates a second layer behind the 46

fabric, which mediates climatic changes from outside to inside. The bamboo provides a cooling effect by shading from direct sunlight and by regulating air humidity. Towards the exterior, it adds a layer of natural shapes and dynamic shadows to the facade, as it might sway already in weak winds but also as it is growing and being cut seasonally. Like the growing of bamboo, people traveling along a ramp also provide irregularity and slow but steady movement to the facade. The plants real service life however only begins after it is cut and transported to the factory where clothing fabric is produced from this raw material. See Chapter 6 - Bamboo, for further information about bamboo. Furthermore it can be mentioned about the full view onto the building that it clearly faces the most important directions of access with a more sophisticated facade, reacting to surrounding conditions accordingly. This represents an idea about fashion, which is that of flaunting beauty to the front while leaving the functional parts to a hidden backside. Who hasn't admired a perfectly fitted suit in a shop window only to be disappointed upon realizing the needles and clamps by which it is fixed to the fashion doll's backside? Similarly this buildings less prominent North facade houses functions like bathrooms facilities and fire escape staircases. See Figure 5.19.

Figure 5.19. Night view from the train.


The proportions of the building are carefully orchestrated. It is high enough to appear cut when seen from the main access route, as ceiling and floor restrict the view onto the building. This leaves the actual heights open at first, and it is not immediately recognized as one of the shortest buildings in the surrounding. It is just high enough to house all necessary functions in a generous manner as well as achieve slenderness beneficial for natural lighting and ventilation. The visual trick applied to even increase this sensation of slenderness is by splitting the facade into two parts of different material qualities. One being the white fabric facade and the other being a plaster finish.

Figure 5.20. View from the train,

The artificial lighting during night time enhances this effect. See figure 5.21. One part of the building is darker and thus visually reduced in comparison to the front part shining in a complimentary contrast of red and green bamboo. The perception of the whole at night is completely different that the one during day time, the building is changing during the day.


Figure 5.21. Day/Night view.

5.3. Crossing the Street We have seen a diagrammatic plan of this mobility system; now let us zoom in to look at a special cross-section through this street and its bordering functions. We see the fashion hub on the right end of the section and recognize the street to be an axis of symmetry with the offices building as a facing function on the opposite side of the street. From this central vein of transportation different modes connect to different functions on different vertical levels. See Figure 5.22.


Figure 5.22. Schematic Section of the street.

Now we continue our observations on the experience of approaching the building on an architectural level. As we walk down from the train platform onto and along a level at 7 meters above the busy car street on level 0, we come closer to the outline of our site. A factor that needs to be taken into account here is that we are neither within a building nor completely outside. This is a standard situation in Bangkok due to the monsoon climate; as well as the necessity to introduce another network of pedestrian bridges and tunnels around what became very car traffic oriented street on zero level. This solution seems not only necessary but also very beneficial to us. It gives a precondition in which the user is guided very strictly along a line, forcing them to orientate at points where lines cross and bridges connect. At these orientation points it is the clear responsibility of the architectures and pockets to communicate their function and postulate a certain desired condition, in our case the fashion hub. Through the two horizontal restrictions of views; the floor and the ceiling, the passerby will choose from a number of tall and slender buildings that are inviting them to participate in the activities which they shelter. Thus these buildings arranged along the bridge become their own commercial representative. A prompt distinguishability of building units and functions is of utter importance. Therefore this district has become an agglomeration of unique iconic buildings, a city full of landmarks, the only norm being the bigness and exceptionality of each living as a pocket in itself. The person approaching the fashion hub along this pedestrian bridge will recognize an orthogonal ramp leading down to the project‘s "ground floor level" or pedestrian entrance level at 3 meters above actual car street level. This slightly sloping ramp represents a change in territory, which is clearly noticeable visually and physically.


Figure 5.23. Bird view.

Upon access of this ramp, the visitor gradually immerses into a bamboo grove, covered by patterned glass and fabric roof linked to the facade. The "piazza" is bringing and mixing together all types of users, such as street vendors, tourists, students, workers, and so on. This space is multipurpose with the ability to integrate different functions, including a daily market or an extension to the bar located on the ground floor, and can evolve to the stage or catwalk for the fashion shows that spontaneously appear day by day. Some of the floors have courtyards, See Figure 5.24 an open space with greenery, areas for planting and landscaping, that allows the user to enjoy this buffer zone creating interaction between the building occupants and the nature, cooled naturally thanks to the properties of bamboo and the shading systems spread all over the facade.

Figure 5.24. Courtyard.

These areas are flexible zones for future expansions and work like emergency evacuation zones in case of an accident. The most important function of the courtyard is to carry soil and vegetation from the existing ground floor greenery to the upper levels of the building. Other strategy is inner green walls, generating a visual benefit for the occupants that make a breathtaking statement by creating alluring and inviting environments. 51

They are as equally impressive in appearance as they are purveyors to good health; the plants in the walls work as a natural air-filtration system that building occupants can enjoy. Employees are greeted by a green lush environment while savoring the soothing effects of being around an abundance of foliage. 5.4. The Fashion Hub Before describing the further path through the building and describing the inner processes and routes, we should mention briefly what happens bellow the pedestrian access. Underneath; at car access level various facilities are located. There is a flood protection system with a safety tank for the deposit of superfluous rainwater to increase resilience during monsoon. This rainwater is first guided through the trickling system of the bamboo cultivation, then into a purification plant at the car parking level and eventually reused as grey water for the bathroom facilities within the building or for further watering of the bamboo. See Chapter 6 - Bamboo. The area provided as parking lots could be reduced due to the park and ride facilities at the outer city public transport nodes. In Chapter 4 - Urban approach, more about parking logic. The building itself have 10 closed floors with combining different functions and users, that according to the brief we split into 3 main groups, workers, in blue, students, in yellow and visitors and guest in red. See Figure 5.25.

Figure 5.25. Uses of the building.


The permeability and definition between public and private again plays an important role in the design process. The building starts with an open space on the ground floor, 3 meters above street level, open to all visitors. From here the building starts to become more private with each floor, starting with the "public" areas for visitors and tourist, such as the showrooms, catwalk, conference rooms, and so on. The next level of privacy is related to the students from the school of fashion design, where classrooms, workshops and the library are located. The final group; people who will work in the building, are located almost on the very top where they can be separated from the rest of the users. See Figure 5.26.

Figure 5.26. Uses of the building.


The plans are organized in a way that all the services and technical areas are facing the North side, opposite to the main facade, gathering all the functions on the main facade. The next Figure shows the schematic design of the building with the different functions, each floor has a different main function that is connected with the rest of the.

Basement (Private).

Figure 5.27. Basement.


Ground Floor (Public). Hall Services & Vertical Circulation

Piazza Bar

Figure 5.28. Ground floor.


First Floor (Public). Hall Services & Vertical Circulation

Outside circulation Conference room

Figure 5.29. First floor.

Second Floor (Public). Hall Services & Vertical Circulation

Outside circulation Runway

Figure 5.29. Second floor


Dressing rooms

Third Floor (Public). Showroom Outside circulation

Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.30. Third floor.

Fourth Floor (Semi Public). Hall Outside circulation

Bar Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.31. Fourth floor.



Fifth Floor (Semi Public). Hall / Library Outside circulation

Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.32. Fifth floor.

Sixth Floor (Semi Public). Hall / Library Workshop

Outside circulation Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.32. Sixth floor.


Seventh Floor (Semi Public). Hall / Library Workshop /Classroom

Outside circulation Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.33. Seventh floor.

Eighth Floor (Private). Hall / Library Offices

Outside circulation Services and Vertical circulation

Figure 5.34. Eighth floor.


Ninth Floor (Private). Hall / Library Offices

Outside circulation Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.35. Ninth floor.

Tenth Floor (Private). Hall / Library Restaurant

Outside circulation Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.36. Tenth floor.


Terrace (Public). Green Roof Outside circulation

Services & Vertical Circulation

Figure 5.37. Terrace.


Chapter 6 - Bamboo 6.1. Abstract Fashion industry has always been seen as monstrous to the environment on the production side. We want to change this perception by growing bamboo on the site that can later be used in fabric production. This way the built environment has a chance to give something back. Among many other benefits such as; decreasing the humidity and temperature, capturing more carbon than other plants, and being the fastest growing plant in the world; production of more environment friendly fabric plays a big role for the design decision. This chapter is divided into three main parts. Part 1 describes the plant itself, its properties, its ecology and biodiversity and at last the uses and functions. Part 2 addresses the bamboo textile properties and production. And part 3 gives an insight of the bamboo use in our project in terms of fabric production. 6.2. Part 1 6.2.1. Bamboo-Introduction This chapter deals with bamboo as one of the many possibilities for sustainable forms of textiles. Thailand is one of the richest areas for bamboo species in Asia with 12 genera and 41 species (Smitinand & Ramyarangsi, 1980; Ramyarangsi, 1985). Due to the different climatic conditions from wet tropical to dry tropical in the south of the country to dry tropical (monsoon) in the north, the bamboo species that grow in the wet tropical area are different from those in the monsoon areas. Some species are, however, common to many parts of the country.1Bamboo in Thailand is not only a ―rural plant‖ but also an ―industrial plant‖. As a rural plant, it plays a direct role in the normal daily life of the rural people. They make extensive use of bamboo as a building material and for manufacture of farm implements and household utensils. Bamboo shoots are an important food of the rural people, particularly in the rainy seasons, and are freely collected from the natural forests. As an industrial plant, bamboo is a raw material of the pulp and paper industries and furniture manufacturers.2

6.2.2. What is bamboo? Bamboo is the vernacular or common term for members of a particular taxonomic group of large woody grasses (subfamily Bambusoideae, family Andropogoneae/Poaceae). Bamboos encompass 1250 species within 75 genera, most of which are relatively fast-growing, attaining stand maturity within five years, but flowering infrequently. Bamboos are distributed mostly in the tropics, but occur naturally in subtropical and temperate zones of all continents except Europe, at latitudes from 46◦N to 47◦ S and from sea level to 4000 m elevation. Bamboo has been neglected or ignored in the past by tropical foresters, who tend to concentrate on timber trees at the expense of traditional multi-purpose woody species such as bamboo and rattan. Bamboo has been used for handicrafts and building material in India and China for thousands of years, yet its potential contribution to sustainable natural resource management has only recently been recognized. Unfortunately, most bamboo is harvested from forest stands at a rate, which exceeds natural growth, so current utilization is any- thing but sustainable.3


6.2.3. Bamboo Properties Bamboos are tapered, cylindrically shaped grasses with mostly hollow forms (though some species are solid cylinders). Bamboos normally have a final height of 20-25 meters (Magel, Kruse et al. 2005). The biomass is produced within a growing season of about 3-5 months. Bamboo is 26-43% cellulose, 21-31% lignin, and 15-26% hemicelluloses (Mwaikambo 2006). Theoretically, the mechanical properties of bamboos mainly depend on the (1) species, (2) age, (3) moisture content, (4) position along the culm (top or bottom), and (5) positions of the nodes and the internodes (Janssen 1995). Figure 1 shows a diagram of the parts of a bamboo culm. The culm is the main axis, or stem, of the bamboo. The macro-physical structure, as seen in Figure 1.1, can be divided into the (a) cavity, (b) diaphragm, (c) node, (d) branch, (e) inter node, and (f) wall. 4

Figure 6.1. Structure of Bamboo Culm (Janssen 1995)

Figure 6.2. Bamboo oxygen absorption Bamboo absorbs more CO2 since it grows faster and releases more oxygen. This is not only good for the industry, but also good for the site's air quality.


6.2.4. Ecology and Biodiversity of Bamboo Bamboo is native to every continent except Antarctica and Europe (where it has been introduced); it endures both rich and poor soils, temperatures varying from -20°C to 47°C, as well as rainfall ranging from 76.2 cm to 635 cm per year (Farrelly 1984). Bamboos grow in two main patterns: (1) clumps, or Pachymorph rhizomes (sympodial bamboos), and (2) running, or Leptomorph rhizomes (monopodial bamboos) (Janssen 1995). Harvesting for both patterns follows the simple techniques of clear cutting, in which large areas of bamboo forest are removed at determined intervals, or selective cutting, in which a few culms are removed while leaving the rest intact. From practice, a combination of both methods has proven best (Farrelly 1984). 4 Some bamboo species undergo simultaneous flowering followed by complete death of the entire population in cycles of 20-120 years (Bystriakova 2003). This ―gregarious flowering‖ may occur over small or large areas. It is important to understand the phenomenon of gregarious flowering in order to sustainably manage the plant for end-uses. Despite past and current studies of bamboo behavior, there is not yet a universally accepted cause of gregarious flowering. 4 Since bamboo is a grass and not a timber product, many places do not keep track of its biodiversity and quantity. Unfortunately, there is still poor knowledge of bamboo identification and distribution (Bystriakova 2003). The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) publishes a list of threatened and endangered plant species. This is important data for the sustainable management of bamboo forests. Even though the renewable and fast-growing properties of bamboo make it ideal as a sustainable material for various end-uses, its cultivation must be well managed so that the ecosystem is not compromised. If the ecosystem is not properly managed, the ability to use bamboos in the future could also be negatively impacted, as seen with unsustainable logging.4

6.2.5. Bamboo uses and functions There are over 1500 documented uses for bamboos (Bystriakova 2003), which include flooring, furniture, musical instruments, crafts, scaffolding, pulp and paper making, sports equipment such as skateboards, textiles, food in the form of young bamboo shoots, medicinal uses, and energy. Bamboo can address the global challenges of ecological and livelihood security. By generating employment through bamboo cultivation and manufacturing, and by providing fertility, stabilization, water pollution treatment, and carbon sequestration to the environment, bamboo plays an important role in sustainable development (Lin, Reijenga et al. 2003). Bamboo‗s potential contribution to poverty alleviation has not yet been realized in the Americas and Africa, where it is still seen by many as a weed (FAO 2007). 4


6.3. Part 2 6.3.1. Bamboo the Textile We can look at the textile industry through the lens of the triple bottom line of sustainability. At present, the industry has a poor track record for social and environmental concerns. The two most commonly used textile fibers—cotton and polyester—both cause serious environmental problems in their life cycle. This chapter focuses on one small aspect of the entire field of sustainable textiles—materials made from bio-based renewable resources in the form of bamboo species. The advantages of bamboo as a raw material include its fast renewability, its biodegradability, its efficient space consumption, its low water use, and its organic status. The advantages of bamboo fabric are its very soft feel (chemicallymanufactured) or ramie-like feel (mechanically-manufactured), its antimicrobial properties, its moisture wicking capabilities and its anti-static nature. The main constraints of bamboo textiles are current costs and are those inherent in the textile industry: energy, water, and chemical requirements that are involved in manufacturing. The textile properties examined relate to sustainability: wear and tear (and therefore durability) and moisture wicking (and therefore the need for machine washing and drying). The following are measured for fiber, yarn, and fabric: tear force, breaking force, breaking tenacity, moisture absorption and speed of drying, and surface morphology. 4

Figure 6.3. Textile fibers Since the industrial revolution cotton fibers and synthetic fibers are being widely used, almost 80 percent. The problem with using such products is that they have a huge eco-print, and nowadays textile companies are as concerned as other companies to reduce their eco footprints.


6.3.2. Bamboo, A Cellulose BastFiber Cellulose is the most important component of the bamboo for textile purposes. Whether the cellulose is regenerated (chemical bamboo/viscose), or mechanically and biologically extracted from the stem (mechanical bamboo), bamboo textiles are made from bastfibers of cellulose. Bastfiber bundles are made of elongated thick- walled cells joined together both end to end and side by side and arranged in bundles along the length of the stem (Mwaikambo 2006). The bamboo culm is aligned with cellulose fibers along its length, carrying nutrients between the leaves and roots (Mwaikambo 2006). 4 Lignin is another important constituent of bamboo. There are two major schools of thought on the lignifications of bamboo with respect to maturation. Some researchers have concluded that lignifications is completed in one growing season (Lybeer and Koch 2005), while other researchers have found an increasing lignin content during maturation in later years (Lin, He et al. 2002). In either case, an increase in lignin translates to a decrease in cellulose content. Since cellulose is the primary component of bamboo textiles, younger culms may be better suited to textile applications, if lignifications continues beyond the first growth season. Bamboo textiles are usually sourced from bamboo aged from three to five years. 4

Figure 6.4. Comparison Bamboo doesn’t need pesticides nor does it need insecticides to grow, whereas cotton is responsible for a reasonable portion of world consumption of pesticides and insecticides. The pesticides are also toxic for people and they contain NO2 which is 300 times more effective than CO2.


6.3.3.Bamboo Textile Manufacturing Processes There are two main manufacturing processes used to make textiles from bamboo— chemical processing and mechanical processing. Both methods engender negative impacts on the environment and human health, and there is room for improvement through closed-loop manufacturing strategies, more efficient equipment, and the use of more eco-friendly compounds to extract fibers. The chemical process to make bamboo fiber and yarn essentially follows the rayon/viscose manufacturing process as follows: 1. Leaves and inner fibers are removed from bamboo. 2. Leaves (in some cases) and inner fibers are crushed together to make bamboo cellulose. 3. Bamboo cellulose is soaked in a solution of 18% sodium hydroxide, NaOH, (also known as lye or caustic soda) at 20-25°C for 1-3 hours. 4. Bamboo cellulose and NaOH mixture is pressed to remove excess NaOH, crushed by a grinder, and left to dry for 24 hours. 5. Carbon disulfide, CS2, is added to the mixture. 6. Bamboo cellulose, NaOH and CS2 mixture is decompressed to remove CS2, resulting in cellulose sodium xanthogenate. 7. A diluted solution of NaOH is added to the cellulose sodium xanthogenate, which dissolves it into a viscose solution. 8. The viscose is forced through spinneret nozzles into a large container of a diluted sulfuric acid solution, H2SO4 (that hardens the viscose and reconverts it to cellulose bamboo fiber). 9. The bamboo fibers are spun into yarns (to be woven or knitted). In general, viscose fiber is made up of α cellulose (80%), hemicelluloses (15%), and pentosans (3.5%); other components include resin, soaps, sulphur, ash, and lignin-like substances (Sadov, Korchagin et al. 1979). 4

Figure 6.5. Water usage. Since bamboo doesn’t need extra water source other than the rainwater, it can save up to an astonishing 400 gallons (1500 liters) of water per t-shirt produced.


6.3.4. Simplified Bamboo Viscose Manufacturing Steps (Lin 2008) The mechanical process for making what some manufactures call ―original,‖ ―bio,‖ and ―natural‖ bamboo fiber and yarn uses a ramie-like method as follows: 1. Bamboo culms are cut into strips. 2. Bamboo strips are boiled to loosen and remove inner fibers. 3. Natural enzymes are added to break the bamboo into a soft mass. 4. Individual fibers are combed out. 5. Fibers are spun into yarn. The mechanical bamboo fiber is similar to ramie (a flowering plant with the scientific name Boehmerianivea). The main chemical composition of the fiber is cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin (90% of dry weight); other components are protein, fat, pectin, tannins, pigment, and ash (Lin 2008). 4

6.3.5.Mechanical Bamboo Fiber Manufacturing (Lin 2008) There is also a third category of bamboo fiber which falls under chemicallymanufactured bamboo fiber—bamboo charcoal fiber. This fiber is made from nano-particles of bamboo charcoal; the charcoal powder is blended into the liquid of viscose spinning (Lin 2008). However, the exploration and analysis of bamboo charcoal fiber is beyond the scope of this chapter. 4

6.3.6.Bamboo Textile Advantages The advantages of bamboo textiles can be divided into two main categories: (1) those derived from the use of the plant itself and (2) those derived from fabric properties given by the plant. The advantages of using bamboo as a raw material for textiles include its renewability, its biodegradability, its efficient space consumption, its low water use, its organic status, and its carbon sequestering abilities given a sustainably managed bamboo forest. 4 Bamboo is a grass and thus does not need replanting as other textile raw products (such as cotton or hemp). Bamboo replaces 30% of its biomass in a year, which is quite considerable compared to 3-5% biomass replacement by forest trees (Steinfeld 2001). Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world—it can grow a meter or more per day (Fu 2001). Most bamboo can grow up to 1.19 m in 24 hours and 24 m high in 40-50 days (Fu 2001). This growth occurs naturally when sustained by rain water, obviating the need for irrigation or chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Bamboo sequesters more than five tons of carbon dioxide per acre (which is more than five times what an equivalent group of trees would absorb), while releasing thirty-five percent more oxygen to the atmosphere (Knight 2007). Bamboo yields 50 times as much fiber per acre as cotton (more than 20 times as much per hectare) 68

(Durst 2006). Bamboo textiles provide quicker harvest readiness compared with 15-year old trees that are used to make lyocell, rayon, and other regenerated fibers (Rodie 2007). 4

Figure 6.6. Bamboo fabric properties.

Many properties of the bamboo plant are said to be appreciated in the processed textile. Since the bamboo is naturally hollow in the horizontal cross section, the fiber shows abundant gaps. These gaps can absorb and evaporate human skin moisture just as the bamboo plant absorbs and evaporates moisture in the ecosystem (INBAR 2004). The fact that bamboo does not require the use of pesticides is partly due to a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent, known as bamboo kun (or kunh). The same natural substance that protects bamboo growing in the field functions in the spun bamboo fibers (FAO 2007). The bamboo kun in bamboo stops odor-producing bacteria from growing and spreading in the textile. A quantitative antibacterial test was performed by the China Industrial Testing Centre in 2003 in which 100% bamboo fabric was tested with the bacterial strain type Staphylococcus aureus; after a 24 hour incubation period, the bamboo fabric showed a 99.8 % antibacterial destroy rate (FAO 2007). 4 There are several advantages of bamboo fabric such as its soft feel comparable to cashmere (chemically-manufactured) or ramie-like feel (mechanically- manufactured), its antimicrobial properties derived from the bamboo plant, its quick moisture absorption and drying capabilities, its ability to stay warm in cool weather and cool in warm weather, its ultraviolet protection, and its anti-static nature. The properties of bamboo fabric are those listed according to their manufacturers. There have been, however, disputes as to the reliability of manufacturing claims. In addition, some manufacturers claim that some bamboo properties are available in mechanically manufactured bamboo but not chemically manufactured bamboo viscose. For example, Litrax (headquartered in Switzerland with worldwide production facilities), has stated that antibacterial effects have only been found in mechanically manufactured bamboo using enzymes as opposed to bamboo viscose (Litrax 2008). At the 235th national meeting of the American Chemical Society, Appidi and Sarkar from Colorado State University stated that raw bamboo fabric ―lets almost all damaging UV radiation pass through and reach the skin‖ (Dylewski 2008). Yet, BambroTex, a bamboo viscose manufacturer in China, found that 100% bamboo fabric did not let UV rays through when a UV textile test was completed using test method GB/T18830- 2002 (BambroTex 2008). 4 69

The antimicrobial nature of bamboo textiles is indirectly explored in this paper. Clothing textiles are always in contact with microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and viruses, whether these microorganisms originate from the person wearing the textiles or from the external environment. Microorganisms can cause various problems such as health concerns (infection, disease, physical irritation, toxic responses) and general fabric discomforts (fabric rotting, staining, unpleasant odors) (Teufel and Redl 2006). The assessment of microbial communities in textiles involves various complexities and difficulties. One can group test procedures in five main categories as follows: agar diffusion tests, challenge tests, soil burial tests, humidity chamber tests, and fouling tests (Ramachandran, Rajendrakumar et al. 2003). Each test has its advantages and disadvantages, and researchers are exploring various amendments to established test procedures. It is important to highlight that the term antimicrobial is very broad, generally referring to a negative effect on the vitality of microorganisms (Ramachandran, Rajendrakumar et al. 2004). Often, the debate as to whether bamboo textiles are antimicrobial actually covers only one type of antimicrobial property— bactericidal. The term ―cidal‖ indicates significant destruction of microbes, while the term ―static,‖ as in bacteriostatic, indicates the inhibition of microbial growth (Ramachandran, Rajendrakumar et al. 2004). Regardless of this differentiation, it is clear that when ideal growth conditions are present, microbes will rapidly multiply and can then cause problems; most ideal growth conditions occur at high moisture, which is normally found under increased production of sweat (Teufel and Redl 2006). 4

6.3.7.Bamboo Textile Constraints The main constraints of bamboo textiles are those inherent in the textile industry: various energy, water, and chemical requirements that can be involved in its manufacturing. One constraint of bamboo, though not large, is the current cost/price. A bamboo t-shirt costs about $7 and is softer, easier to dye, and better at fighting odor than cotton (Durst 2006). According to Rich Delano who owns a bamboo textile company, bamboo fabric is "not as cheap as cotton yet, but it will be" (Durst 2006). The cheapest fiber is polyester, followed by cotton. Organic cotton ranks third in terms of least cost; bamboo viscose fiber is at least 30% more expensive than the most pricey, highest quality organic cotton. Mechanical bamboo fiber is more expensive than wool. 4

6.3.8.Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages of Bamboo Textiles Advantages - Based on raw plant, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

No need for replanting Growth sustained by rain-fed water No need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides High yield for area (space consumption) Fast growth Biodegradable


Extrapolated from raw plant functions, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Moisture wicking (absorption and evaporation) Antimicrobial Soft Feel (chemical bamboo) Breathability UV Protection Anti-Static Warm in Winter, Cool in Summer

Disadvantages, 1. Manufacturing processes (energy, water, chemicals) 2. More costly than organic cotton 4

6.4.Part 3 6.4.1.Fabric production - What bamboo to plant For the red bamboo, we advise to use ―FargesiaAsian” - Umbrella Bamboo are easy to grow and quick to fill out, making them a top foliage choice for privacy screening and blocking road noise and traffic pollution. Clump forming Fargesia 'Asian Wonder' is even more of a treat, with ruby red stems and olive green foliage giving it an incredibly tropical appearance. As the canes mature, strip some of the lower foliage away to show off the highly decorative stems. A top architectural plant for adding structure and movement to the garden.    

Height: 3m (10') Spread: 1.2m (4') Flowering Period: July, August Position: full sun, sun or semi shade


Figure 6.7/.8. Fargesia Asian.

For the green bamboo, we use ―Phyllostachysviolascens”This bamboo is admirable for coloration of their stems. When young are olive green, finely striated with very light green, with age these streaks turn yellow and then purple. Some stems remain completely green. Leaves large (10-15 cm), sea green on the underside. Rhizomes little invaders. Precocity of the young shoots that come out in early April.    

Height: 3-5 m Spread: 1.2m (4') Flowering Period: unusual Position: part sun, partial shade

Part sun or part shade plants prefer light that is filtered. Sunlight, though not direct, is important to them. Often morning sun, because it is not as strong as afternoon sun, can be considered part sun or part shade.5

Figure 6.9/.10. Phyllostachys violascens.


6.4.2. How to grow On site

Figure 6.11. Bamboo root.

It is possible to cultivate bamboo in shallow soil for it grows out of horizontally growing ―rhizome tips‖. To grow bamboo, the plant needs to be mulched on the top, other than that around 50 cm of soil would be enough to let it grow. The strategy of bamboo plantation on the site is going to be like shown in the figure below, mulch and soil will be used, and gravels underneath will pose as the ground, which will also gather the excess rainwater. The irrigation of the plant will depend on rainwater collecting system only. The bamboo barrier is a special barrier used to deflect the rhizome tips if they arrive on the borders of the container.


Figure 6.12. Bamboo barrier.

On the site plan (on the bottom) we highlighted the area where the bamboo plantation will take place. The total area is about 650 m2 and will have both kind of plants. (green diagonal crosshatch) The red line indicates where it's necessary to place bamboo barrier plates in order to prevent the bamboo to spread to the neighbouring sites or under the patio. The purple horizontal hatched area indicates where bamboo will be cultivated in pots. (26 m2) The yellow highlighted area is showing the vertical connections where the bamboo will be tossed to the basement storage, collected and later transported to a fabric production factory. We highly advise to use a soil testing kit on the site to determine the acidity or alkalinity of the soil before beginning any garden bed preparation. This will help to determine which plants are best suited for the site. Checking soil drainage and correct drainage where standing water remains is necessary. Also clearing the planting area from any weeds and continue to remove weeds as soon as they come up will increase the yield.5 A week to 10 days before planting, add 2 to 4 inches of aged manure or compost and work into the planting site to improve fertility and increase water retention and drainage. If soil composition is weak, a layer of topsoil should be considered as well. No matter if your soil is sand or clay, it can be improved by adding the same thing: organic matter. The more, the better; work deep into the soil. Prepare beds to an 18 inch deep for perennials. This will seem like a tremendous amount of work now, but will greatly pay off later. Besides, this is not something that is easily done later, once plants have been established.5


6.13. Site plan- Bangkok Fashion Hub. trays Bamboo grown in beautiful decorative pots or containers can look quite stunning. The blend of sizes, colors and shapes to go with your pot or tray is almost limitless. Growing in pots gives flexibility in the garden, patio or balcony. Because the pot itself is a barrier, there is no need to be concerned of bamboo taking over the garden. Because bamboo achieves tall heights in small growing spaces, it is very ideal for those balconies/patios with tight spaces.6


Figure 6.14. Cleaning pit section.

Most species of bamboo can be grown in pots or trays. However, care and maintenance can potentially be more involved depending on the species and pot sizes chosen. As with most plant (not just bamboo), they all eventually outgrow their pots and their roots become 'root bound'. For bamboo, some species grow much more vigorously than others and therefore will get root bound much quicker. If bamboo remains root bound for too long, it will suffer as there are no more nutrients for the roots to seek out. Leaves do not grow as green or dense. New shoots do not emerge as often and the new culms do not grow as thick or tall. For this reason, bamboo will need to either be re-potted, divided or one has to provide enough nutrition for the bamboo to sustain its health. The size of the root ball is directly related to the size of the bamboo. The bigger the root ball, the bigger the bamboo. The smaller the root ball, the smaller the bamboo. Because the growing area in pots is limited, the growth potential of bamboo is also limited. This translates to much shorter bamboos with thinner canes when grown in pots. Bamboo grown in pots will never reach the sizes of the same species grown in the ground. If tall and thick canes is the objective, then getting the biggest possible pot will give the best potential for size.6 76

Figure 6.15. Precast concrete Bamboo tray section

In our case the bamboo will be grown in pre-casted concrete trays. (see figure below) The trays will contain around 50 cm gravel at the bottom layer and around the same, 50 cm soil on the top. Since the trays will be pre-casted a water proof barrier needs to be placed in the bottom of the trays before placing the gravel and the soil to prevent water leakage where the trays are connected. A PVC drainage pipe (ø 30 cm) with holes on it will be bedded in the gravel layer about 10 cm from the top. This pipe will be continuously connected from the roof top until the storage tanks in the basement supplying the bamboo with water. The pipe needs to be wrapped around with a metal net to prevent the roots growing into the pipe and also by a water permeable textile 77

layer to prevent the soil penetrate the drainage system causing congestion. On every floor the drainage pipe has to have a cleaning pit where the sediment from the drainage can be collected and later removed. This is very important to prevent congestion in the system.

Figure 6.16. Precast concrete bamboo tray units.


Figure 6.17. Bamboo trays section.


6.4.3.First Floor The first floor contains a total area of 39 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the first floor is not connected with any other slope, so it is only accessible from the first floor. In the trays on the right side we recommend to plant ―FargesiaAsian” (red) bamboo, while on the left side ―Phyllostachysviolascens”. (green)

Figure 6.18. First floor.


6.4.4.Second Floor The second floor contains a total area of 37,5 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) We recommend to plant ―Phyllostachysviolascens”(green bamboo). The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the second floor is connected with the third floor. It has a slope of 5.60º.

Figure 6.19. Second floor.


6.4.5.Third floor The third floor contains a total area of 46.4 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) Since this tray is connected with the tray on the second floor the bamboo should be the same color. The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the third floor is connected with the second floor. It has a slope of 5.60ยบ.

Figure 6.20. Third floor.


6.4.6. Forth floor The fourth floor contains a total area of 37,4 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) We recommend to plant ―FargesiaAsian” (red bamboo). The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the fourth floor is connected with the fifth floor. It has a slope of 5.60º.

Figure 6.21. Fourth floor.


6.4.7. Fifth floor The fifth floor contains a total area of 37,4 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) Since this tray is connected with the tray on the fourth floor the bamboo should be the same color. The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the fifth floor is connected with the fourth floor. It has a slope of 5.60ยบ.

Figure 6.22. Fifth floor.


6.4.8. Sixth floor The sixth floor contains a total area of 37,4 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) ) We recommend to plant ―Phyllostachysviolascens”(green bamboo). The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the sixth floor is connected with the seventh floor. It has a slope of 5.60º.

Figure 6.23. Sixth floor.


6.4.9. Seventh floor The seventh floor contains a total area of 52,5 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) Since this tray is connected with the tray on the sixth floor the bamboo should be the same color. The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the seventh floor is connected with the sixth floor. It has a slope of 5.60ยบ.

Figure 6.24. Seventh Floor.


6.4.10.Eight floor The eighth floor contains a total area of 53,8 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) We recommend to plant ―FargesiaAsian” (red bamboo). The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the eighth floor is connected with the ninth floor. It has a slope of 5.60º.

Figure 6.25. Eight floor.


6.4.11. Ninth floor The ninth floor contains a total area of 43,5 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) Since this tray is connected with the tray on the fourth floor the bamboo should be the same color. The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the ninth floor is connected with the eighth floor. It has a slope of 5.60ยบ.

Figure 6.26. Ninth floor.


6.4.12. Tenth floor The tenth floor contains a total area of 20,3 m2 of bamboo tray. (green diagonal hatched) We recommend to plant ―Phyllostachysviolascens”(green bamboo). The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the tenth floor is connected with the roof top. It has a slope of 5.60º.

Figure 6.27. Tenth floor.


6.4.13. Roof top The roof top contains a total area of 343 m2 of bamboo. Some part is in trays and some part is planted as a green roof. (green diagonal hatched) Since this tray is connected with the tray on the fourth floor the bamboo should be the same color. However on the roof top the two species should be planted mixed. The yellow fill is showing the vertical connection between the floors. It contains a sloping channel for conveying the freshly cut bamboo to the basement level, where it will be collected and transported later on. It also contains the drainage pipe which delivers the water from the roof connecting the trays with the basement water storage tanks. The ramp on the roof top is connected with the tenth floor. It has a slope of 5.60ยบ.

6.28. Roof top.


6.4.15.Floor area table name


Ground floor 1st floor 2nd floor 3rd floor 4th floor 5th floor 6th floor 7th floor 8th floor 9th floor 10th floor Roof top

648 39 37.5 46.4 37.4 37.4 37.4 52.5 53.8 43.5 20.3 343 total

type m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2 m2

planted trays trays trays trays trays trays trays trays trays trays green roof

1396.2 m2

6.4.16. Soil When growing bamboo in pots When growing ―Phyllostachysviolascens” and ―Fargesia Asian” in pots or in our case trays, we recommend one of the following options for the soil:  Woods (underneath trees), fresh soil (B2)  Woods (underneath trees), moist soil (B3)  Fringe of a wood, fresh soil (BR2)  Fringe of a wood, moist soil (BR3)  Mixed border, fresh soil (GB2) A soil type is defined by granule size, drainage, and amount of organic material in the soil. The three main soil types are sand, loam and clay. Sand has the largest particle size, no organic matter, little to no fertility, and drains rapidly. Clay, at the opposite end of the spectrum, has the smallest particle size, can be rich in organic matter, fertility and moisture, but is often unworkable because particles are held together too tightly, resulting in poor drainage when wet, or is brick-like when dry. The optimum soil type is loam, which is the happy median between sand and clay: It is high in organic matter, nutrient-rich, and has the perfect water holding capacity.5 Repot the plant, firming well into the trays, then water well. Alternatively plant the bamboos directly into borders in any moist, free draining soil. Plants are almost completely made up of water so it is important to supply them with adequate water to maintain good plant health. Bamboos dislike poor, dry soils. If the soil is particularly free draining, improve it by adding plenty of well-rotted manure or garden compost prior to planting. Phyllostachys violascens and Fargesia Asian spreads via underground rhizomes so is best given space to grow. 91

Alternatively surround the roots with a barrier (along the border of the site) to restrict the plant‘s spread.5 6.4.17. Fertilizing Young plants need extra phosphorus to encourage good root development. Look for a fertilizer that has phosphorus, P, in it. Apply recommended amount for plant per label directions in the soil at time of planting or at least during the first growing season. Established plants can benefit from fertilization. Take a visual inventory of your landscape. Trees need to be fertilized every few years. Shrubs and other plants in the landscape can be fertilized yearly. A soil test can determine existing nutrient levels in the soil. If one or more nutrients is low, a specific instead of an all-purpose fertilizer may be required. Fertilizers that are high in N, nitrogen, will promote green leafy growth. Excess nitrogen in the soil can cause excessive vegetative growth on plants at the expense of flower bud development. It is best to avoid fertilizing late in the growing season. Applications made at that time can force lush.5 6.4.18. Problems that may occur Slugs and snails favour moist climates and are molluscs, not insects. They can be voracious feeders, eating just about anything that is not woody or highly scented. They may eat holes in leaves, strip entire stems, or completely devour seedlings and tender transplants, leaving behind tell-tale silvery, slimy trails. Prevention and control: Keep your garden as clean as possible, eliminating hiding places such as leaf debris, over-turned pots, and tarps. Groundcover in shady places and heavy mulches provide protection from the elements and can be favourite hiding places. In the spring, patrol for and destroy eggs (clusters of small translucent spheres) and adults during dusk and dawn. Fungi : Rusts. Most rusts are host specific and overwinter on leaves, stems and spent flower debris. Rust often appears as small, bright orange, yellow, or brown pustules on the underside of leaves. If touched, it will leave a colored spot of spores on the finger. Caused by fungi and spread by splashing water or rain, rust is worse when weather is moist. Prevention and Control: Plant resistant varieties and provide maximum air circulation. Clean up all debris, especially around plants that have had a problem. Do not water from overhead and water only during the day so that plants will have enough time to dry before night. Apply a fungicide labeled for rust on your plant.5 6.4.19. Weeds : Preventing Weeds and Grass Weeds rob your plants of water, nutrients and light. They can harbour pests and diseases. Before planting, remove weeds either by hand or by spraying an herbicide according to label directions. Another alternative is to lay plastic over the area for a couple of months to kill grass and weeds.5 You may apply a pre-emergent herbicide prior to planting, but be sure that it is labelled for the plants you are wishing to grow. Existing beds may be spot sprayed with a non selective herbicide, but be careful to shield those plants you do not want to kill. Non-selective means that it will kill everything it comes in contact with. 92

Mulch plants with a 3 inch layer of pines traw, pulverized bark, or compost. Mulch conserves moisture, keeps weeds down, and makes it easier to pull when necessary. Porous landscape or open weave fabric works too, allowing air and water to be exchanged.5 6.4.20.Weeds:Bamboo Bamboo is a great plant, as long as you're happy it is in your garden. But, if you find nothing appealing about this plant and it has taken hold in your garden, you may feel helpless when it comes to getting rid of it. Bamboos spread by underground stems called rhizomes. The following bamboos are known for sending out long rhizomes from which a new shoot, or plant, may arise: Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus, and Sasa. These canes will live for several years prior to turning brown. Clumping bamboos are usually not a problem. Prevention and Control: There are several methods to rid yourself of bamboo. If time is on your side and you are patient, you may cut back all canes to the ground and repeat the cutting process, never allowing new canes to reach over 2 feet tall. Eventually, the roots will starve and you will be able to dig them out. If you need faster results, a combination of chemical treatment and pruning will work best. Begin by cutting the bamboo canes almost back to the ground. Then make a vertical chop into the top of each cane with an axe. Paint the stumps with a recommended product. Make sure you wear protective clothing and rubber gloves to do this. Within a few weeks the bamboo should be dead and you can dig it out. You may have to repeat this process on really stubborn shoots. 5 6.5.Harvesting Bamboo has to be harvested in cycles and not all at the same time. Once a new shoot emerges from the ground, the new cane will reach its full height in just 8-10 weeks if water is available. Each cane reaches maturity in 3-5 years. Bamboo can be continually re-harvested with no damage to the surrounding environment. It is a grass and so regenerates after being cut just like a lawn without the need for replanting. This regular harvesting is actually of benefit to the health of the plant studies have shown that felling of canes leads to vigorous regrowth and an increase in the amount of biomass the next year.8 6.6. Conclusion The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world on the production side. When we think of pollution, we envision coal power plants, strip-mined mountaintops and raw sewage piped into our waterways. We don‘t often think of the t-shirts on our backs. But the overall impact the apparel industry has on our planet is quite grim. Fashion is a complicated business involving long and varied supply chains of production, raw material, textile manufacture, clothing construction, shipping, retail, use and ultimately disposal of the garment. A general assessment must take into account not only obvious pollutants—the pesticides used in cotton farming, the toxic dyes used in manufacturing and the great amount of waste discarded clothing creates—but also the extravagant amount of natural resources used in extraction, farming, harvesting, processing, manufacturing and shipping. By growing bamboo on site we can eliminate some of these threats from the environment and can further educate young students and designers who would get involve not just only with the fashion design, but also the production of materials. If we sum up the entire area on the site planted with bamboo we almost reach 1400 m2.The site is approximately 2100 m2, so by planting 1400m2 bamboo we cover 2/3 of the total area in greenery. According to our preliminary 93

calculations our planted bamboo could yield enough fabric for 2500 t-shirt every 8-12 weeks. This way the built environment has a chance to give something back among many other benefits. Chapter 7 - Technological Design 7.1. Technological design approach To sum up the technological design part from the beginning, the ecological design approach of Ken Yeang, was the main inspiration on the design of the whole project. According to Ken Yeang Green or ecological design means building with minimal environmental impacts, and, where possible, building to achieve the opposite effect; this means creating buildings with positive, reparative and productive consequences for the natural environment, while at the same time integrating the built structure with all aspects of the ecosystems of the biosphere over its entire life cycle‖1In the light of the sentence, new ideas were developed based on the current knowledge. The main problem was, ‗can a 60 meters tall skyscraper be green?’ The project is meant to be another big building in a high density area. For many people tall buildings are energyhungry monsters that also emit harmful gases for the environment. So in our project, the building is designed to have as small ecological footprint as possible using sustainable design approaches with several active and passive strategies. The main strategy is helping the building to consume less energy and by making the active strategies as efficient as possible with the help of passive strategies, and the emissions as clean as possible by adding a share of renewable to the energy mix. To find the most suitable strategies for our building, the climate of Bangkok had to be comprehensively analyzed. 7.2. The climate Please see Chapter 2, Climate Analysis. According to the climate analysis, the climate is hot and humid, as a matter of fact the World Meteorological Organization with an annual mean air temperature of 28 C considers Bangkok the hottest city with a rainfall of 150 cm. The months from March to May are the hottest, when the smog-saturated city experiences 35 C days and 90% humidity. The city is only slightly cooler in December (around 31 ºC) but humidity remains high, making Bangkok rather uncomfortable all year around. Due to minimal temperature differences, winds are light or non-existent for longer periods. However, heavy precipitation and storms occur frequently. The location is a high-density urban area so the design decisions will focus on increasing the biodiversity and organic mass, while decreasing the cooling load of the building. 7.3. Design goals Our aim is to have as small ecological footprint as possible, and since it is going to be a Fashion Design center, the ideas seem to be contradicting with each other, because the users are likely to demand low indoor air temperature and high internal air quality. By lowering the standards of the users but still remaining within the limits of the thermal comfort, we can lower the energy consumption. So the comfort level inside the building is set to be 25 0C with a 60% relative humidity. All open areas will be shaded and by using biomass and ventilation we expect the humidity ratio to decrease noticeably. These are the main design goals in terms of sustainability. All are going to be achieved by a set of progressively


optimized passive strategies that would back up all the remaining active strategies. The comfort condition is chosen by the help of Ecotect seen on the figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1.Psychometric chart on Bangkok, Ecotect.

7.4. Passive strategies 7.4.1. Bamboo as biomass Aside of the fact that bamboo is the fastest growing plant; the bamboo has many positive effects for such hot and humid environment. Bamboo is a porous plant and it can absorb humidity and cool down the environment a little bit. This plant also helps mitigate global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air, and making photosynthesis, which releases oxygen. This property is taken advantage of in the design; the building is surrounded by bamboo plantation, so it would act as a second barrier between the hot and humid climate and the indoor air while also shading the building. Such microclimate is constructed between the envelope of the building, relieving the cooling demands of the building. The bamboo is also used at the entrance level of the main piazza to create a shaded, fresh and comfortable environment for the visitors. In addition to all of these growing bamboo has a small ecological footprint because it doesn‘t require pesticides nor insecticides to grow and they are fed only by the rainwater. In the operating phase of the building some fertilizers may or may not be used while growing bamboo, it would paceup the process, but not essential, in the end. It would be a managerial decision for the fabric production.The shading system design can be seen on figure 7.2.


Figure 7.2.Passive strategies.

The design is also affected by the idea of harvesting bamboo for textile production which will yield to an end product of textile with smaller eco-footprint. (This strategy will be further discussed in the Bamboo section). Bamboo is going to be collected and sent to the basement through the ducts left especially for this purpose. See the scheme below demonstrating the bamboo buffer zone.Bamboo trays are strategically placed in a spiral going all the way over 96

three facades, to ensure vertical integration of the ecosystem from the top of the building until the bottom. The bamboo pot design can be seen on figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3.Bamboo farm. Shading System, Objectives and responses The solar radiation is intense and to a great extent diffuses due to haze. It therefore demands generous shading devices. The haze may cause sky glare, which can also be reduced by large shading devices.High reflectivity and high emissivity are required properties for keeping the indoor temperature and the inner surface temperature low. Vegetation is rich and provides an excellent means of improving the climatic conditions. Its surface does not heat up and it provides efficient shading at low cost. However, it has to be arranged in a way that does not impede air circulation. The principle of heat regulating measures by thermal mass and heat storage is not applicable for this climate, because the temperature difference between day and night is minimal. Due to the relatively narrow diurnal temperature fluctuation it is not possible to achieve much 97

cooling by utilization of the thermodynamic properties of building components. The main goal is, on the one hand to store as little heat as possible in the structure in order to obtain the maximum benefit of the cooler night temperatures. The designer is limited to measures, which avoid heat absorption and heat storage. The use of low thermal mass, high reflective outer surfaces or double-skin structures is the result. The indoor temperature can hardly be kept much below the outdoor temperature. However, by efficient design the indoor temperature can avoid exceeding the outdoor temperature and inner surfaces can remain relatively cool. Together with proper ventilation, comfortable conditions can be achieved in most cases. The shading system scheme of the whole building can be seen in figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4. Shading system axonometric.

Existing air movements should be utilized as much as possible to provide evaporative cooling and to avoid mould growth. The shading system protects the bamboo and the exposed parts of the building from direct and diffuse solar radiation. It is constructed with light metallic structures and reflective white fabric like seen on the figure below. The east faรงade is subjected to low morning sun while the west faรงade is subjected to a low afternoon sun, therefore the fabric sheets with pattern 98

would allow little sun light to penetrate, whereas on the south façade, some parts of the fabric will be arranged vertically to block the sun but to allow airflow which provides ventilation for cooling and hygienic environment. The north façade doesn‘t gets sunlight at all, however we designed a horizontal shading system to prevent diffuse light penetrating the rooms. The bamboo needs to be protected from excess direct sunlight, and the shading system does just that, and reduces the amount of direct sun light that can penetrate into the building, therefore significantly reducing the cooling load of the building. The shading system is bent in the middle to create a space for bamboo to grow into and spread so it doesn‘t harm the shading system and allows more space to harvest the bamboo. External public spaces, streets, squares and footpaths should be protected from sun and rain. For this reason we designed a continuous passage with roofing both from the street and the skytrain station.

Figure 7.5. Shading system structure. Envelope material The material for the shading system, Soltis FT, is a composite membranes waterproof and breathable, the range offers multiple finishing options through its scenic usage of light and allows for graphic customization and 3D effects providing virtually limitless scope for design creativity. 99


PATTERN Figure 7.6. Fabric sample and Tai pattern.

The cutting edge coating technology breather membranes work just like our skin: they breathe, protect from external aggression, control building humidity and thermal performance. Plays a major role in controlling building light and thermal regulation by preventing sun overheating, resulting in reduced energy consumption, superior natural light control and lower embodied energy. Flexible and lightweight, this material fulfils effectively fixed solar and wind protection functions. Furthermore, it offers pleasant outward visibility, while curtailing dazzle effects and conserving occupant privacy, possesses exceptional outward transparency while ensuring visual privacy for those looking from outside. Offers excellent dimensional stability, high UV resistance and negligible elongation ensuring a prolonged life in the harshest of environments.

Figure 7.7.Fabric properties.

7.4.3. Rainwater collecting Conservation of quality water resource (rainfall) is one of the most important strategies in such climate. Good-quality water has become a diminishing source, and since there are a lot of plants that needs irrigation is present in the building, the storm runoffs will be captured and stored if necessary. 100

Figure 7.8. Rain water collection scheme.

All of the landscape areas will be irrigated by the recycled water, and the excess will be stored down in the basement tank, where it will be filtered and used in the kitchen and sanitaries, and they will be filtered once more as they become grey-water, that can be used in toilets, it can be seen in the figure 7.9.


Figure 7.9. Water use scheme.

The bamboo tray are all around the building connected with each other with the main pipe that conduct the water from the roof to the basement, feeding all the bamboo plants in it way like is showed in image 7.10. The final amount of bamboo that we have in the area is 1400 m2, the total area of the plot is 2.000 m2.


Figure 7.10. Bamboo tray.

Recycled rainwater is used for flushing water closets, watering of sky courts, landscaping and planter boxes. The rainwater flows through gravity-flow soil bed filters and is collected at the base of the building

Figure 7.11. Gravity-Flow of the rain water.


7.4.4. Voids, skycourts and ventilation Creating big voids inside the building, and making sky courts with vegetation, is another strategy to reduce the humidity in open spaces and around the building. The main idea is having a temperature difference between the bottom and the top of the building and with the help of the stack-effect and prevailing winds, the air movement will prevent excessive humidity in the open areas, therefore in the air that surrounds the envelope.

Figure 7.11. Air flow.

As studied in the climate chapter, most frequent winds are coming from the south with maximum speed of 30m/s, so with the help of modeling, it is seen in the figure below, the existing buildings are not blocking the prevailing winds, so they can flow through the building while creating a mild pressure so that it doesn‘t cause discomfort. So with the help of the wind and the temperature difference, a free wind movement is created through the building which helps removing the humidity. At night, this void functions an extra place to discharge the heat that is stored in thermal masses without having to leave windows open for night ventilation. The sky courts can also be used as flexible zones for future expansions and emergency gathering zones. On the figure below, 7.12/13/14, the scheme for natural ventilation and void placement can be found.


Figure 7.12. Wind analysis, Flow design.

Figure 7.13. Wind analysis, Flow design.

Figure 7.14. Wind analysis, Flow design.

7.4.5.Envelope of the building Since the most important heat transfer region is the envelope of the building, it requires a special attention. In the envelope, a wall with U-values of 0.1 and glazing units with U-values of 1.1 is being used. Thermal bridges are avoided in the design with external insulation, and


ventilated facades are being used. According to the energy regulations in Singapore: Cite source Envelope Thermal Transfer Value (ETTV) The ETTV takes into consideration the three basic components of heat gain through the external walls and windows of a building. These are: heat conduction through opaque walls, heat conduction through glass windows, solar radiation through glass windows. These three components of heat input are averaged over the whole envelope area of the building to give an ETTV that represents more accurately the thermal performance of the envelope. For the purpose of energy conservation, the maximum permissible ETTV has been set at 50W/m2.2 And EETV is calculated by: ETTV =12(1 — WWR)UW + 3.4(WWR)Uf + 21 1(WWR)(CF)(SC) where ETTV : envelope thermal transfer value (W/m2) WWR : window-to-wall ratio (fenestration area I gross area of exterior wall) UW : thermal transmittance of opaque wall (W/m2 °K) Uf : thermal transmittance of fenestration (W/m2 °K) CF : correction factor for solar heat gain through fenestration SC : shading coefficients of fenestration So the EETV for the building is; EETV= 12 x (1-0.7) x 0.1 + 3.4 x 0.7 x 0.6 + 211 x 0.7 x 0.26 x 1.1 = 44.03 W/m2which is under the permissible limit concerning the energy consumption. 7.4.6. Air tightness Air tightness is ensured in each room of the building, each room functions as a refrigerator. The infiltration losses are going to be smaller.

7.4.7. Orientation and shape Considering the sun path, the solar gains are typically expected to be like seen in fig.7.15. In the light of this knowledge, the longer facades of the building are oriented in north and south direction, while on the east and west, where there are more solar gains present, the glazing percent is also lower. And the roof is especially insulated and photovoltaic panels are used, for it will have the largest solar gains. 106

Figure 7.15. Radiation/time graph.

7.4.8. Using recyclable materials Ecodesign requires the designer to use green materials and components that facilitate reuse, recycling and reintegration for temporal integration with the ecological systems. So, in order to further reduce the ecological footprint of the building, low impact materials are chosen and used, either in their production or transportation. And while harmonizing with the function of the building trying to inspire and generate feelings in users.1 Carpet P.E.T.: is a sustainable carpet made of recycled plastic bottles, and has a minimal impact on the environment. For every plastic bottle that is used to create this carpet it is one less sitting in our landfills. It is durable, spill resistant and comes in a variety of aesthetically pleasing colors and patterns. P.E.T fibers are naturally stain resistant and do not require the chemical treatments used on most nylon carpets, and they retain color and resist fading from exposure to the sun or harsh cleaning. Also, old P.E.T carpet can live another day when it is ―down-cycled‖ for use in other applications such as car parts, insulation, and even furniture stuffing. 4 Glass tiles from bottles: Made of wine and beer bottles, for floors as well as bathroom and kitchen walls. Glass has similar benefits of other eco-friendly materials. It is non-absorptive and won‘t mildew or mold in damp environments. It is easy to maintain and won‘t stain. Glass comes in a limitless array of colors, patterns and finishes suitable for most design schemes. Unlike ceramic tiles, glass will reflect light rather than absorb it, adding that additional layer of light some rooms need. Glass tile is made from silica sand, an abundant natural resource, and recycled content that may include pre-consumer, post-industrial, and/or post-consumer recycled bottle glass from curbside recycling programs. This material is an end product that has completed its life cycle as a consumer item and would otherwise have been disposed of as a solid waste4


Cork: is harvested from the bark of the cork oak tree commonly found in the forests of the Mediterranean. The trees are not cut down to harvest the bark, which will grow back every three years, making it an ideal renewable source. It has anti-microbial properties that reduce allergens in the home, is fire retardant, easy to maintain and acts as a natural insect repellent too. Cork, like wood can be finished in a variety of paints and stains to suit any color scheme or design style. Similar to growth of the raw material, manufacturing methods are also geared to protect the environment. To produce cork flooring, virgin cork bark and post-industrial waste cork from the manufacturing process, all raw materials are consumed, either for the finished flooring product or as an energy source. Production waste of cork dust and tree trimmings are burned in furnaces that supply heat to bake the cork tiles.4 Concrete: is unparalleled as an environmentally friendly flooring material. With the option to manufacture out of recycled materials, long life cycles, intrinsic energy efficiencies, improvement of indoor environmental quality and endless design options, concrete flooring not only poses as a functional product but an aesthetically beautiful one to. The concrete mix installed into a floor can be made up of waste byproducts. The predominant raw material for cement in concrete is limestone, the most abundant mineral on earth. Furthermore, concrete can also be made up of fly ash and slag cement, both waste byproducts from power plants, steel mills and other manufacturing facilities. Concrete floors can incorporate recycled products in the design. These include crushed glass, recycled plastics, marble chips and metal shavings. To top it off, the concrete itself is 100% recyclable. So it can be safely assumed that concrete is a sustainable and environmentally efficient flooring material right throughout its lifecycle because it is recyclable and reusable.5 Plasterboard: Plasterboard recycling means that waste that would otherwise have been disposed of in landfills now is being recycled and turned into a gypsum powder that the plasterboard manufacturers can use when making new boards. Not only does plasterboard recycling thereby prevent waste from being deposited unnecessary in landfills to the benefit of the environment, but the use of scarce natural resources is also limited by the plasterboard recycling, as the recycled waste will reduce the need for manufacturers to acquire natural gypsum resources. 6 Vinyl wall covering: product with 20% recycled content including a minimum of 10% postconsumer material and reclaims previously used vinyl wall covering and samples from A&D libraries. Is free of cadmium and mercury, does not contain Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Brominated Flame Retardants or DEHP Plasticizers. 7 Ceiling Mineral Fiber: are 100% recyclable and, thanks to our closed-loop recycling process, offer the highest level of post-consumer recycled content. They deliver combination acoustics to improve indoor environmental quality and certified low VOC emissions to meet stringent indoor air quality standards. The structures are made of aluminum, which can have up to 98% recycled content. Metal ceilings are reclaimable and have extremely long life-cycles, reducing construction waste.8 Ceiling Woodwork: offer up to 92% recycled content and are made of 100% reclaimed wood, reuses existing wood from trees that were chopped down a long time ago. In addition, perforated wood ceiling and wall panels with acoustical backing improve sound indoor quality and reduce reverberation time.8


7.5.Active Strategies The active strategies are also needed to bring the inside air to the desired conditions. The strategies will be explained in this chapter, and detailed calculation sheets can be found attached at the end of the chapter. 7.5.1.Zoning Since the building is a multi-purpose building, different strategies will be used for the different zones of the building. For the first zone; Zone 1 the strategy is to not to use ay mechanical device, that zone will not be treated. For Zone 2, the strategy is to bring the place into comfort conditions only by providing air movement with electric ceiling fans since those places are merely corridors. For Zone 3, that kind of spaces is frequently used so they are going to be cooled with classical mechanical ventilation. For Zone 4, that kind of space would be cooled with roof radiant cooling, coupled with an advanced Airbox system, since it is not very frequently used; the system does not always have to be open. This is why it is important for all the zones to be air-tight, as each of them would function as refrigerators.

Figure 7.16.Zoning, 1st till 4th floor.


Figure 7.17.Zoning, 5th till 10th floor.


7.5.2. Propellers, Zone 2 Propeller fans are devices to move the air with minimal electricity use. Such fans are only going to be used in the horizontal circulation places, such as corridors, using these and not using a proper cooling system, there is a significant drop in the total energy used. The propellers are designed to be 3.5m above the ground using figure 7.18/.19 below.

Figure 7.18. Comfort zone reached by propellers.

Figure 7.19. Distances charter.


7.5.3. HVAC and Chilled Ceiling, Zone 4 For most of the rooms, a classic all-air mechanical ventilation system is used. For the rooms that are less frequently occupied, an Advanced Airbox cooling and dehumidification system connected with a chilled ceiling panel in series is going to be used. ―The unit is equipped with a fan and two heat exchangers that are hydraulically connected in series with a chilled ceiling panel. In the process of air treatment, the Airbox unit chills and dehumidifies indoor air while reducing the risk of moisture condensation on the panel because it not only dehumidifies indoor air but also increases the surface temperature of the chilled ceiling panel at same time‖. The chilled and dehumidified air from the Airbox has a dew point temperature of 18◦C and the temperature of the heated water is19–21◦C. This means that the Airbox unit avoids condensation not only by dehumidifying indoor air, but also by increasing the supply temperature of the chilled panel.3 Additionally, by installing an Airbox fan, the cooling capacity is slightly increased since air convection effects are enhanced. Therefore, this system can be used to dehumidify indoor air in variable indoor conditions, such as when outside windows are opened or when sudden high internal humidity gains occur due to changes in the number of occupants. By using the Airbox, the latent load of supply air is minimized, as outdoor air can be dehumidified to a ratio of 9.5 g/kg instead of 8 g/kg because the Airbox additionally dehumidifies indoor air. Figure 7.203

Figure 7.20. HVAC system.

Ambient air at state 1 is driven through cooling coils where it is chilled and dehumidified by water condensation. Air leaving at state 2 (12◦C, and 8 g/kg humidity ratio) is then reheated by a reheating coil and its temperature rises by about 3◦C. The air is finally supplied to the conditioned space through air ducts. In order to reduce the risk of condensation on the surface of the chilled ceiling panel, the fresh air supply is dehumidified to a humidity ratio of 8 g/kg. 112

The exhaust air, which is at 27â—ŚCand 11 g/kg humidity due to the occupants‘ breathing, is dischargedoutside.3 The detailed calculations are done in Revit in accordance with the strategies; please see the attached calculation sheets for more details.

7.6. Whole Building Analysis Electricity Generation The total energy consumption of the building yields to 157 kWh/m2/year, please see the first and second annex for more detailed calculations and how the energy consumption can depend on the schedules of different rooms. On-site electricity will be generated through the Roof PV panels with Monocrystalline silicon solar cells, they are among the oldest, most efficient and most dependable ways to produce electricity from the sun. Each module is made from a single silicon crystal, and is more efficient than the newer and cheaper polycrystalline and thin-film PV panel technologies. The energy potential calculated, can be found in the calculation sheets, is150,000 kW/year.

7.7. Daylight Analysis Daylight analysis is done in Revit, and the building passes the LEED test of the software. The output can be seen on the figure 7.21 below. Under that please see the plan views. The more detailed results can be found in the calculation sheets.

Figure 7.21. Daylight Analysis Result.


Figure 7.22. Day light analysis, Revit output.


Figure 7.23. Day light analysis, Revit output.


7.8. Details We introduce the details of the building in the two more complex parts, one is the glass facade, how is connected with the main structure and the interaction of the ramp in between. Also how the whole building end in a green roof. See figure 7.24.

Figure 7.24. Detail of the section.


Figure 7.25. Section where the details are placed.


Figure 7.26. Detail 1.


Figure 7.27. Detail 2.


Figure 7.28. Detail 3.


The second part shows the concrete wall of the stairs, a very important part in the definition of the structure itself, see Chapter 8 "Structure Design". And an opaque external wall.

Figure 7.29. Detail of the section.


Figure 7.30.Section were the details are placed.


Figure 7.31. Detail 4.


Figure 7.32. Detail 5.


Figure 7.33. Detail 6.


Chapter 8 – The Structure 8.1. Intro In this part, the proposed structural layout will be presented. Please see the attached structural plans for more details. The analysis of the structural elements will be done by neglecting the horizontal actions for Bangkok is not in a seismic zone, and there is mild wind pressure on the structure. However, the lateral stiffness of the stories will be calculated in order to show the eccentricity between the center of mass of the story, and the center of rigidity of the story. This way the justification of brace sets will be satisfied. Then, some chosen elements will be calculated. The floor, which typically runs 2 meters between each secondary beam, will be calculated first. Then the composite secondary beam system -which is also typical for the most of the plan- that runs between grids 3-4 and C-D will be calculated. Then the primary beam which stands on the grid C between grids 3-4 will be calculated. Then the column on C3, and the beam to column joint, a base plate and the foundation will be calculated consecutively. Finally a conceptual calculation of the beam that holds the cantilever between D2 and D3 will be calculated in order to show that is can possibly be built. All the calculations are done according to the 2nd floor which is typical. While choosing the sections, a comparison chart will be given with other sections in order to show that the structure is not overdesigned. All the design codes will be cited on the bottom of the formulas for convenience and clarity of the formulas and calculations. All the abbreviations and symbols are taken directly from the Eurocode.


8.2. Structural Layout On the bottom, you can see the structural layout that is the subject of this chapter sitting on a simple 8m by 9m grid system. Please see structural sheets for more details.

Y y X

Figure 8.1. The simple Structural Layout


8.3. Lateral System The lateral system of the building is composed of 5 shear walls and 2 sets of bracings. The center of mass of the story is calculated via Autodesk Robot StructureŽ, but since the software doesn‘t take into account the lateral stiffness of the braces while calculating the center of rigidity, the center of rigidity calculation is done manually. 8.3.1. Center of mass calculation

Figure 8.2. Center of Mass calculation output of Robot Structure

The results yield to center of mass being on (x,y)=(11920mm,16750mm). Note that the oddities on the result table is done intentionally, some stories such as ground story and level one, were given different properties than the typical ones in order to differentiate between bogus results and the true ones, and to see if the results are showing up in a logical manner.


8.3.2. Center of rigidity calculation In this calculation, 2 sets of bracings and 5 walls are considered. The strategy while doing the calculation was to find the inter story stiffnesses of the walls and braces, and taking a weighted average of the stiffnesses. The sectional areas of the braces had to be very high in order to reach desired levels of stifnesses, so many different sections were tried, but in the end the braces has the same sections as the columns. Below are the layout and the sections of two different types of bracing systems.

Figure 8.3. Layout showing locations of lateral stiffness elements



(b) Figure 8.4. (a) -Brace type 2 (b)-Brace Type 1

The inter story stiffness of the concrete walls is computed simply using: đ??ž=

12đ??¸đ??źđ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘?đ?‘˜đ?‘’đ?‘‘ đ?‘•3


h= story height E= modulus of elasticity Icracked= cracked moment of inertia The inter story stiffness of the two types of frames are calculated by modeling them on Ftool software, and putting a 1 kN force from the top left, and calculating the deflection, so that the Stiffness K=F/Δ(N/mm) where; F=force applied Δ= displacement


Below are the calculations: Brace Type 1:

Figure 8.5. Brace type 1 calculation output

K=1000/(1.4*10^-3)=714285.7143 N/mm


Brace Type 2:

Figure 8.6. Brace type 1 calculation output

K=1000/(9.02*10^-4)=1109877 N/mm So; Element


w3 w4 w5 b2 b1

Xj(mm) 10200 13500 10300 -13500 -4500

K(N/mm) 3000000 307509.696 307509.696 1109877 714285.7143 5439182.106

Kxj y-coordinate 30600000000 (accepting the 4151380896 midpoint of the grid 3167349869 system as -14983339500 (0,0)) -3214285714 19721105551 3625.748351 Table 8.1. Center of rigidity calculation

On the other direction, W1 and W2 are symmetric; therefore the x-coordinate falls right onto the midpoint of the grid system.


8.3.3.Results The center of mass G (11920mm,16750mm) The center of rigidity R (12000mm, 17125.75mm) Eccentricity = 457.6 mm Both of the centers are lying inside the void in the middle, the results are also represented on the figure below.

Figure 8.5.Final result for eccentricity


8.4. The structural Calculations 8.4.1.Characteristic Actions of all typical floors Permanent actions: Self-weight of the floor(beams concrete and metal sheet combined)

2.99 kN/m2

Ceiling and services load

0.1 kN/m2 Total(gk) 3.09 kN/m2 Table 8.2 Permanent Actions

Variable Actions: Imposed load category C3 mix use

3.00 kN/m2

Imposed load for movable partitions between 2&3 kN/m run

1.2 kN/m2 Total(qk) 4.2 kN/m2

Table 8.3 Variable Actions (EN 1991-1-1:2002; NA 2.4; Table NA.2-NA.3

Partial factors for actions: Partial factor for permanent actions

γG = 1.35

Partial factor for variable actions

γQ= 1.5

Reduction factor

ξ = 0.925 Table 8.4 Partial Factors(EN 1990 ;NA.;Table NA.A1.2(B))

Design value of combined actions = ξγGgk + γQqk (EN 1990 Eq. 6.10b)

=0.925 x 1.35 x 3.09 + 1.5 x 4.5 = 10.15 kN/m2

8.4.2. Composite Slab This part is concerned with calculating the ComFloor® 60 floor slab spanning 2 meters and resting on composite secondary beams that are going to be calculated on the next part. Verifications will be given for both construction phase and the composite phase.


Figure 8.6. Layout of area of interest

Figure 8.7. Outlook of the chosen composite slab

The continuous slab will be considered as simply supported span series to be conservative.


Needed information: Thickness of profile

t = 1.0 mm

Depth of profile

hp= 60 mm

Span L = 3 m


Effective cross-sectional area of the profile

Ape = 1424 mm2/m

Second moment of area of the profile

Ip= 106.15 cm4/m

Yield strength of the profiled deck

fyp= 350 N/mm

Design value of bending resistance (sagging)

MRd= 11.27 KNm/m

Height of neutral axis above soffit:

= 30.5 mm

Total depth of slab

h = 130mm

Density (Normal concrete strength class C25/30)

26 kN/m3 (wet) 25 kN/m3 (dry)

Cylinder strength

fck = 25 N/mm2

Modulus of Elasticity

Ecm= 31 kN/mm2

Table 8..5 Slab Information (EN 1992-1-1 Table 3.1 & EN 1991-1-1 Table A.1 for concrete information)

Actions: actions are considered different than defined on the previous chapter for this part doesn‘t take into account the self-weight of the steel beams. Construction Stage (kN/m2) Steel deck


Permanent loads

Composite stage (kN/m2) Conc slab


Steel deck


Ceiling and services


Total 0.11

Variable loads

Total 2.69

Construction load


Imposed floor load


Wet concrete


Movable partitions


Total 4.02

Total 4.2 Table 8.6 Actions for Slab ( EN 1991-1-6 NA 2.13)

Using ξγGgk + γQqkto create uniform distributed load 136

(EN 1990 Eq. 6.10b)

Construction stage: 0.925 x 1.35 x 0.11 + 1.5 x 4.02 = 6.17 kN/m2 Composite stage: 0.925 x 1.35 x 2.69 + 1.5 x 4.2 = 9.65 kN/m2 Finding design moment and shear force Construction phase: đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż2 MEd= 8


đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż VEd= 2


6.17∗22 8 6.17∗2 2

= 3.1 kNm/m

= 6.2 kNm/m

Composite phase: đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż2 MEd= 8


đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż VEd= 2


9.65∗22 8 9.64∗2 2

= 4.83 kNm/m

= 9.65 kNm/m

Construction Phase checks: ULS check: MRd>MEd ?ďƒ 11.27>3.1 OK! SLS check: δs=

5∗đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż4 384đ??¸đ??ź

(EN 1994-1-1 9.3.2(2)) 5∗2.63∗24

= 384∗210∗106.15∗10 106 = 2.5mm δsmax=span/180 ďƒ 2000/180 = 11mm OK!

Composite Phase verifications Design strengths: fyd=fyp/ÎłM0 = 350/1= 350 N/mm2

Design yield strength of steel deck


fcd=Îącc x fcy/Îłc = 0.85 x 25/1.5= 14.2 N/mm2

Design comp. strength of concrete

Table 8.7 Design Strengths(EN 1992-1-1; NA2; Table NA.1)

Neutral axis: Nc= fcdAc (EN 1994-1-1

= 14.2 x 70 x 1000 x 10-3 = 994 kN/m

Np= fyp,dAp (EN 1994-1-1

= 350 x 1424 x 10-3 = 498.4 kN/m Max compressive design force per meter vs. max tensile design force per meter is determined and compared. Since Np<Nc neutral axis lies above profiled sheeting. Consider as shown:

Figure 8.8 Neutral Axis Position Within the Slab


đ??´ đ?‘?đ?‘’ đ?‘“ đ?‘Śđ?‘? ,đ?‘‘

đ?‘?đ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘‘ compression.)

= (for b=1m consideration) =

1424 ∗350 1000 ∗14.2

= 35.1 mm (depth of concrete in

(EN 1994-1-1 9.7.2(5))

Bending resistance of full shear connection: Mpl,Rd= Apfyd(dp – xpl/2)ďƒ where dp=h – given na depth ďƒ dp=130-30.5=99.5mm (EN 1994-1-1 9.7.2(6))

Mpl,Rd = 1424 x 350 x (99.5 – 35.1/2) x 10-6= 40.84 kNm/m MRd>MEd ?ďƒ 40.84>4.38 OK!(bending moment resistance for full shear connection is adequate) 138

Shear resistance using m-k method: Using the method given in 9.7.3 this method is conservative for it doesn‘t take into account positive anchorage effects.

đ?‘?đ?‘‘ đ?‘?

đ?‘šđ??´ đ?‘?


đ?‘?đ??ż đ?‘


+ đ?‘˜ ďƒ where Ls=L/4=2000/4=500mm (EN 1994-1-1 9.7.3 (5)&(4))

ďƒ¨ m and k are given by the producer, respectively, 157.2 N/mm2 and 0.1232 N/mm2 Vl,Rd=

1000 ∗99.5 157.2∗1424 1.25

1000 ∗500

+ 0.1232 = 56.8 kN/m

VRd>VEd?ďƒ 56.8>9.65 OK!

8.4.3.Composite secondary beam.

Figure 8.9 Detail of the metal deck for understanding the calculation

Design data

Beam span

L = 9.0 m

Beam spacing

s = 2.0 m

Total slab depth

h = 130 mm

Depth of concrete above profile

hc = 70 mm

Deck profile height

hp = 60 mm

Width of the bottom of the trough

bbot = 120 mm


Shear connectors

Structural steel Steel reinforcement Concrete

Width of the top of the trough

btop= 170 mm

Diameter d = 19 mm


Overall height before welding

hsc= 100 mm

Height after welding


Yield strength

fy = 275 N/mm2

Ultimate strength

fu = 410 N/mm2

Yield strength

fyk = 500 N/mm2

As given before

Table 8.8 Data for calculation

For long spans usually SLS would govern, so the strategy is to choose the steel beam for SLS and verifying it for ULS. Loads to be considered for SLS ďƒ w = gk+qk= (3.09+4.2) = 7.29 kN/m2 Considering 2m of influence area, UDL over simply supported span is 14.58 kN/m.

Figure 8.10 2D Representation of Simply Supported Secondary Beam in SLS


5∗14.58∗9000 4

Ireq= 384đ??¸Î´smax= 384∗210000 ∗45 10−4 = 13180cm4 (EN 1994-1-1 9.3.2(2))

ďƒ δsmax=span/200 ďƒ 9000/200 = 45mm So choose UKB 356 x 171 x 51 and try


Figure 8.11.a Possible Sections for Composite Secondary Beam (1)


Figure 8.11.b Possible Sections for Composite Secondary Beam (2)

Recall; Design value of combined actions = ΞγGgk + γQqk =0.925 x 1.35 x 3.09 + 1.5 x 4.5 = 10.15 kN/m2 Considering 2m of influence area, UDL over simply supported span is 20.3 kN/m.

Figure 8.10. 2D Representation of Simply Supported Secondary Beam in ULS

đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż2 MEd= 8


đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż VEd= 2


20.3∗92 8

= 205.5


20.3∗9 = 91.35 kN 2 142

ULS verification: Defining the class for the section:

ď Ľď€˝

235 235 = = 0.92& 9Îľ =8.28 & 72Îľ=66.24 fy 275

Flange c=

đ?‘?−đ?‘Ą đ?‘¤ −2đ?‘&#x; 2


171.5−7.4−2∗10.2 2

= 71.85mm

need to compare c/tf to 9Îľ ďƒ 71.85/11.5=6.24ďƒ 6.24 < 9Îľ ďƒ class 1 flange. Web c=d=311.6mm need to compare c/tw to 9Îľ ďƒ 311.6/7.4=42.1ďƒ 42.1 < 72Îľ ďƒ class 1 web. (EN 1993-1-1:2005;5.5; Table 5.2)

҉ Section is overall class 1, which means it can form a plastic hinge with rotation capacity required from plastic analysis without reduction of resistance. Since composite stage governs anyways, construction stage will not be revisited. Resistance checks for composite stage Concrete compression resistance: Nc,slab=fcdx beff x hc (EN 1994-1-1

Where fcd=14.2 N/mm2&beff=2m &hc=70mm Nc,slab= 1988 kNďƒ compressive resistance

Tensile resistance of steel section: Npl,a=fdAa (EN 1994-1-1

đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ??´đ?‘Ž


� ��


275∗64.9∗10 2 ∗10 −3 1

=1784.75 kNďƒ design resistance

Since Npl,a<Nc,slab neutral axis lies in the concrete flange.


Figure 8.12 Treatment of Forces for Composite Beam

Hence; Design plastic moment Mpl,Rd=đ?‘ đ?‘?đ?‘™ ,đ?‘Ž = 1784.75

đ?‘• đ?‘Ž ,đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› 2 355 2

đ?‘ đ?‘?đ?‘™ ,đ?‘Ž

+ đ?‘•đ?‘ đ?‘™đ?‘Žđ?‘? − đ?‘

+ 130 −

1784 .75 1988


đ?‘?,đ?‘ đ?‘™đ?‘Žđ?‘?

70 đ?‘?


đ?‘•đ?‘? 2

= 492.5 >My,Edďƒ OK!


Shear connection resistance To find the design shear resistance of shear connectors:


0.29∗đ?›źâˆ—đ?‘‘ 2 đ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘˜ đ??¸đ?‘?đ?‘š đ?›žđ?‘Ł


0.8∗đ?‘“đ?‘˘ đ?œ‹đ?‘‘ 2 /4 đ?›žđ?‘Ł

(EN 1994-1-1;; 6.18&6.19)

Where: Îą= 1 for hsc/d >4 ďƒ bolt height/bolt diameter ďƒ 100/19=5.26 ďƒ OK! Îłv= 1.25 (EN 1994-1-1;; 6.21)


0.29∗1∗192 25∗31∗10 3




, ,

0.8∗450 đ?œ‹192 /4 1.25


ďƒ Prd=73.7 kN

# of shear studs in half span: Assuming 1 in 300 mm 4500

n= 300 = 15 144

(EN 1994-1-1;

Total resistance of connection ďƒ 15Prd= 1105.5 kN = Rq Find degree of shear connection, Ρ đ?‘…đ?‘ž


đ?‘?đ?‘™ ,đ?‘Ž

= 1105.5/1784.75 = 0.62 <1 !


This implies it has partial shear connection, therefore ― Limitation on the use of partial shear connection in beams for buildings‖ should be checked and if sufficient, the moment resistance should be reassessed.

Ρ > 1-(355/fy)(0.75-0.03Le) and Ρ > 0.4 ?? (EN 1994-1-1; ; 6.12)

Ρ > 1-(355/275)(0.75-0.03*9) and Ρ > 0.4 ?? Ρ>0.38


Ρ > 0.4 ďƒ OK!

Since Ρ is sufficient, now MRd will be reassessed Design bending moment resistance with partial shear connection: MRd= Mpl,a,Rd + (Mpl,Rd – Mpl,a,Rd) Ρ (EN 1994-1-1;

Where; Mpl,a,Rd = fydWpl,y MRd = 275 ∗ 869 ∗ 10−3 + 492.5 − 275 ∗ 869 ∗ 10−3 0.62 = 395.74 kNm

ďƒ¨ MRd>MEd ?ďƒ 395.74 kNm>205.5 kNm OK! Shear buckling resistance of the uncased web: ďƒ¨ Check only if

�� ��


72 đ?œ‚

đ?œ€ (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.6(6))

Where; Ρ= 1 (conservative approach) & ξ=0.92 for S275 &hw=ha-2tf (EN 1995-1-5; 5.1(2))


355 − 2 ∗ 11.5 72 > 0.92 7.4 1 145

= 44.86 > 66.2 ďƒ NOT TRUE! ҉ No check is required by the code Reistance to vertical shear check: Vertical shear resistence is given by Vpl,Rd = Vpl,a,Rd =

đ??´ đ?‘Ł đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3 đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚

ďƒ for Class 1 sections (EN 1994-1-1;

Av= max{

A-2btf + tf (tw+2r)


Ρhwtw } (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.6(3))

Av= max{ 6490 – 2 *171.5*11.5+(7.4+2*10.2)*11.5 , 1(355-2*11.5)7.4} Av= max{





Av= 2865.2 mm2 ďƒ¨ Vpl,Rd = Vpl,a,Rd =

2865 .2∗275∗10 −3 / 3 1

= 454.91 kN

VRd>VEd?ďƒ 454.91 kNm>91.35 kNm OK! Design of the transverse reinforcement To design the reinforcement which will be a mesh, I need to define Asf/sf which is reinforcement area per meter width, and compare it to the manufacturer‘s information. đ??´đ?‘ đ?‘“ đ?‘“ đ?‘Śđ?‘‘ đ?‘ đ?‘“


đ?‘‰đ??¸đ?‘‘ đ?‘• đ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?œƒ đ?‘“


ďƒ đ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘“ > đ?‘“ đ?‘“

đ?‘‰đ??¸đ?‘‘ đ?‘• đ?‘“ đ?‘Śđ?‘‘ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?œƒ đ?‘“

ďƒ This relation needs to be verified. (EN 1992-1-1; 6.2.4(4))

Spacing of transverse reinforcement


Depth of concrete

hf= 70mm

Design strength

fy/Îłs=500/1.15=435 N/mm2

Compression flange angle

θ=26.5 deg (conservative) Table 8.9 Needed Values for Design of the Transverse Reinforcement

For each type of shear surface considered, the design longitudinal shear stress VEd should be determined from the design longitudinal shear per unit length of beam, taking account of the number of shear planes and the length of the shear surface. Since the longitudinal shear stress is the stress transferred from the steel beam to the concrete. These are determined from the minimum resistance of the steel, concrete and shear connectors. In this case, with partial 146

shear connection, that maximum force that can be transferred is limited by the resistance of the shear connectors over half of the span, and is given by: (The outcome of EN 1994-1-1

Rq =1105.5 kN This force must be transferred over each half-span. As there are two shear planes (one on either side of the beam, running parallel to it), the longitudinal shear stress is: đ?‘…đ?‘ž

Ved= 2đ?‘•

đ?‘“ ∆đ?‘Ľ


1105 .5∗ 10 −3 2∗70∗4500

= 1.75 N/mm2

so; đ??´đ?‘ đ?‘“ đ?‘ đ?‘“


đ?‘‰đ??¸đ?‘‘ đ?‘• đ?‘“ đ?‘Śđ?‘‘ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?œƒ đ?‘“


, đ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘“ > đ?‘“

1.75∗70∗10 −3 đ??´đ?‘ đ?‘“ , 435∗đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘Ą 26.5 đ?‘ đ?‘“

> 140.4 đ?‘šđ?‘š2 /đ?‘š

Figure 8.13. Possible Meshes for Slab

Choose A 193 mesh with Asf/sf=193 mm2/m ҉

Figure 8.14. Representation of the Whole System of Composite Secondary Beam

Crushing of the concrete compression strut Verify that: 147

VEd≤ νfcdsinθfcosθf (EN 1992-1-1; 6.2.4(4))

Where; ν= 0.6 (1-fck/250) (EN 1992-1-1; NA 2; Table NA.1)

=0.6 x (1-25/250) = 0.54 VEd≤ νfcdsinθfcosθfďƒ 1.75≤ 0.54 x 14.2 x sin26.5 x cos26.5 ďƒ 1.75 N/mm2≤3.06 N/mm2 OK! Use UKB 356 x 171 x 51Grade S275 8.4.4 Primary beam For long spans usually SLS would govern, so the strategy is to choose the steel beam for SLS and verifying it for ULS Loads to be considered for SLS ďƒ w = gk+qk= (3.09+4.2) = 7.29 kN/m2 Considering 9m of influence area, UDL over simply supported span is 65.61 kN/m.

Figure 8.15 2D Representation of Simply Supported Primary Beam in SLS


5∗đ?‘¤ đ??ż4

5∗65.61∗8000 4

= 384∗210000 ∗40 10−4 = 41657cm4


(EN 1994-1-1 9.3.2(2))

ďƒ δsmax=span/200 ďƒ 8000/200 = 40mm

So choose UKB 533x312x182 and try (this beam is actually chosen after many hand calculations and trials for LTB concerns, but all the other trials won‘t be shown here.)


Figure 8.16a Possible Sections for Primary Beam (1)


Figure 8.16b Possible Sections for Primary Beam (2)

Recall; Design value of combined actions = ξγGgk + γQqk =0.925 x 1.35 x 3.09 + 1.5 x 4.5 = 10.15 kN/m2 Considering 9m of influence area, UDL over simply supported span is 91.35kN/m


Figure 8.17 2D Representation of Simply Supported Primary Beam in SLS

đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż2 MEd= 8


đ??šđ?‘‘ đ??ż VEd= 2


91.35∗82 8 91.35∗8 2

= 730.8 kNm

= 365.4 kN

ULS verification: Defining the class for the section:

ď Ľď€˝

235 235 = = 0.92& 9Îľ =8.28 & 72Îľ=66.24 275 fy

Flange c=

đ?‘?−đ?‘Ą đ?‘¤ −2đ?‘&#x; 2


314.5−15.2−2∗12.7 2

= 136.95mm

need to compare c/tf to 9Îľ ďƒ 136.95/24.4 = 5.61ďƒ 5.61 < 9Îľ ďƒ class 1 flange. Web c=d=476.5mm need to compare c/tw to 9Îľ ďƒ 476.5/15.2 = 31.34ďƒ 31.34 < 72Îľ ďƒ class 1 web. ҉ Section is overall class 1, which means it can form a plastic hinge with rotation capacity required from plastic analysis without reduction of resistance. (EN 1993-1-1:2005; 5.5; Table 5.2)


Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) resistance check ď Ł LT 


ď Ş LT  ď Ş LT 2  ď ˘ď ŹLT 2


ď ›



ď ŞLT  0,5 1  ď Ą LT ď ŹLT  ď ŹLT ,0  ď ˘ď ŹLT 2

ď ? (EN 1993-1-1;

NCCI SN002a: Simplified assessment of ď ŹLT 

1 ď Ź 0.9 z where Îťz = Lcr/iz, ď Ź1 C1

Îť1 = Ď€âˆš(E/fy) (conservative method) Îť1= Ď€

210000 265


Îťz= 8000/74 = 108.108

ď ŹLT  0.94 x0.9

108.108 =1.034 88.4

ď ŹLT ,0 =0.4 & β=0.75 & ď Ą LT =0.34 (EN 1993-1-1;; NA 2.17; Table 6.3)

Going back to

ď ŞLT  0.5ď ›1  0.341.034  0.4  0.75x1.0342 ď ?= 1.008

ď Ł LT 

1 1.008  1.0082  0.75 x1.0342

= 0.68

Therefore; Mb,Rd=đ?œ’đ??żđ?‘‡

đ?‘Šđ?‘?đ?‘™ đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ?›žđ?‘€1

= 0.68

5030000∗265 ∗ 10−6 1

= 906.406 đ?‘˜đ?‘ đ?‘š =MRd (For Class 1 and Class 2 sections)

MRd>MEd ?ďƒ 906.406 kNm>730.8 kNm OK!


Reistance to vertical shear check: Vertical shear resistence is given by Vpl,Rd = Vpl,a,Rd =

đ??´ đ?‘Ł đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3 đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚

ďƒ for Class 1 sections (EN 1994-1-1;

Av= max{

A-2btf + tf (tw+2r)


Ρhwtw } (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.6(3))

Av= max{ 23100 – 2 *314.5*24.4+(15.2+2*12.7)*24.4 , 1(550.7-2*24.4)12.7} Av= max{





Av= 8743.04 mm2 ďƒ¨ Vpl,Rd = Vpl,a,Rd =

8743 .04∗265∗10 −3 / 3 1

= 1337.66 kN

VRd>VEd?ďƒ 1337.66kN>364.4 kNOK! USE UKB 533 x 312 x 182 Grade S275 8.4.5 Columns Characteristic Actions of roof is also needed: Permanent actions (roof): 50 cm soil


50 cm gravel



3.09 kN/m2 Total(gk) 18.34kN/m2 Table 8.10 Permanent actions on roof (EN 1991-1:2002; NA2.4; Table NA.1&NA.3)

Variable Actions (roof): 2.00kN/m2

For low density people and bamboo assume:

Total(qk) 2.00kN/m2

Table 8.11 Variable actions on roof


Partial factors for actions Partial factor for permanent actions

γG = 1.35

Partial factor for variable actions

γQ= 1.5

Reduction factor

ξ = 0.925 Table 8.12 Partial Factors(EN 1990 ;NA.;Table NA.A1.2(B))

Design value of combined actions = ξγGgk + γQqk (EN 1990 Eq. 6.10b)

The tributary areas method will be used:

Figure 8.18 Scheme for Showing the Areas of Concern


Total of A1 Permanent = (4.5 x 4 x 3.09) x 11 + 18.34 x 4.5 x 4 = 941.94 kN Variable = (4.5 x 4 x 4.2) x 11 + 2 x 4.5 x 4 = 867.6 kN

Total of A2 Permanent = (4.5 x 8 x 3.09) x 11 + 18.34 x 4.5 x 8 = 1883.88 kN Variable = (4.5 x 8x 4.2) x 11 + 2 x 4.5 x 8 = 1735.2kN (For 11 typical floors and 1 roof)

Design value of combined actions =1.35 x 0.925 x (941.94+1883.88)+1.5 x (867.6+1735.2) = 7433 kN

Figure 8.19 2D representation of loading on the column


Try UKC 305 x 305 x 283

Figure 8.20.a Possible Sections for The Column(1)


Figure 8.20.b Possible Sections for The Column(2)

Defining buckling length Lcr: Assumed to be the typical story height ďƒ Lcr,y= 5 meters Defining applied moment: My,Ed=((h/2 + 100) x (365.4 – 182.7)) x 10−3 = 51.6 kNm Flexural buckling resistance check: NB,y,Rd= χzAfy/ÎłM1 (EN 1993-1-1:2005;; (6.47))

Non dimensional slenderness Îťz =

đ??żđ?‘?đ?‘&#x; 1 đ?‘– đ?œ†đ?‘™

ďƒ Îťl=đ?œ‹

đ??¸ đ?‘“đ?‘Ś

= 93.9Îľ (EN 1993-1-1:2005;; (6.50)&(6.51))

Îťz= (5000/82.7)*(1/86.9) = 0.7 h/b=365.3/322.2 < 1.2 &tf<100mm ďƒ buckling curve c for the weak axis (EN 1993-1-1:2005; Table 6.2)


From the graph:

Figure 8.21. Buckling Curves

χ= 0.75 NB,y,Rd= 0.75 x 36000 x 275 x 10-3/1 = 7425 kN NRd>NEd? 7425 kN> 7433 kN NO GOOD!  Try higher grade S355 repeat the calculation: λz= (5000/82.7)*(1/75.9) = 0.8 From the graph: χ= 0.7 NB,y,Rd= 0.7 x 36000 x 355 x 10-3/1 = 8946 kN NRd>NEd? 8946 kN> 7433 kNOK! Lateral torsional buckling resistance reduced moment capacity:  LT 


 LT   LT 2  LT 2

LT  0,5 1   LT LT  LT ,0  LT 2

 (EN 1993-1-1;


NCCI SN002a: Simplified assessment of ď ŹLT 

1 ď Ź 0.9 z where Îťz = Lcr/iz, ď Ź1 C1

Îť1 = Ď€âˆš(E/fy) (conservative method) 210000

Ν1= π



Îťz= 5000/74 = 60.45

ď ŹLT  0.94 x0.9

60.45 =0.67 75.9

ď ŹLT ,0 =0.4 & β=0.75 & ď Ą LT =0.34 (EN 1993-1-1;; NA 2.17; Table 6.3)

Going back to

ď ŞLT  0.5ď ›1  0.340.67  0.4  0.75x0.672 ď ?= 0.71

ď Ł LT 

1 0.71  0.71  0.75x0.67 2 2


đ?‘Šđ?‘?đ?‘™ đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ?›žđ?‘€1

= 0.89

= 0.89

5105000∗355 ∗ 10−6 1

= 1612.92 đ?‘˜đ?‘ đ?‘š =MRd (For Class 1 and Class 2 sections)

Combined bending and axial compression buckling đ?‘€đ?‘Ś ,đ??¸đ?‘‘ đ?‘ đ??¸đ?‘‘ đ?‘€đ?‘§,đ??¸đ?‘‘ + + 1.5 <1 đ?‘ đ?‘?,đ?‘§,đ?‘…đ?‘‘ đ?‘€đ?‘?,đ?‘…đ?‘‘ đ?‘€đ?‘§,đ?‘…đ?‘‘ (EN 1993-1-1 simplified version of (6.61) & (6.62))

7433 8946


51 1612 .92


+ 1.5 < 1ďƒ 0.86<1 OK! 0

Use UKC 305 x 305 x 283 Grade S355 8.4.6 Beam-to-column connection Column ďƒ UKC 305 x 305 x 283 Beamďƒ UKB 533 x 312 x 182 Objective: To design a flexible end plate connection since every beam was considered simply supported. Most crucial checks will be shown. Note: Plate with fu=410 N/mm2 159

VEd=365.5 kN Vc,Rd=1337.66 kN Since 0.75Vc,Rd>VEd a partial end plate is going to be used. Min depth 0.6hb=330 mm  use 340mm deep Use 10mm thick Use M20 Bolts; Tensile stress area of bolt


Diameter of holes


Diameter of washer


Yield strength

fyb=640 N/ mm2

Ultimate tensile strength

fub=800 N/ mm2 Table 8.13 Specifications Given by the Manufacturer

Limits for locations: (EN 1993-1-8:2005; 3.5; Table 3.3  For all the limits below) -

End distances e1 and e2:

Min = 1.2d0 = 1.2 x 22 = 26.4 mm -

Spacing (vertical pitch) p1:

Min = 2.2 d0 = 2.2 x 22 = 48.4 Max = 14tp = 14 x 10 =140


Spacing (horizontal gauge) p3:

Min= 2.4d0 = 2.4 x 22=52.8mm Weld design Using full strength side welds with a >0.39 x tw 0.39 x 15.2=5.92 Use throat a=6mm So design 


Figure 8.22. Design of Connection

tp 

d 2.8

20 800 f ub  10   10<11 OK! 2.8 275 f y, p (Ductility requirements must have been met to consider the connection as a pinned connection :SN014)

Ductility is ensured therefore it's ok to consider it as pinned support


Checks: Bolts in shear: đ?›ź đ?‘Ł đ?‘“ đ?‘˘đ?‘? đ??´


�� 2

;where Îąv=0.6 (EN 1993-1-8:2005; 3.6.1; Table 3.4)

0.6∗800∗245∗10 −5



= 94.08 kN

For 6 bolts ďƒ 94.08 x 6 = 564.48 kN End plate in bearing: đ?‘˜ 1 đ?›ź đ?‘? đ?‘“đ?‘˘ ,đ?‘? đ?‘‘đ?‘Ą đ?‘?


�� 2

Îąb= đ?‘šđ?‘–đ?‘› Îąđ?‘‘ ;


đ?‘“ đ?‘˘ ,đ?‘? đ?‘“đ?‘˘ ,đ?‘?

; 1.0 where;




Îąd=3đ?‘‘1 for end bolts & Îąd =3đ?‘‘1 − 4 for inner bolts 0


(EN 1993-1-8:2005; 3.6.1; Table 3.4) đ?‘’


k1=đ?‘šđ?‘–đ?‘› 2.8 đ?‘‘2 − 1.7 ; 2.5 = đ?‘šđ?‘–đ?‘› 2.8 22 − 1.7 ; 2.5 = min(4.66 ; 2.5) = 2.5 0

End bolts: Îąb= đ?‘šđ?‘–đ?‘›

70 3∗22






; 1.0 = 1

Inner bolts: Îąb= đ?‘šđ?‘–đ?‘›

70 3∗22


; 1.0 = 1

So; End bolts & Inner bolts: Fb,Rd=

2.5∗1∗410∗20∗10∗ 10 −3 1.25

= 164 kN

For 6 bolts ďƒ 6 x 164 = 984 kN Beam web in shear: Vpl,Rd =

đ??´đ?‘Ł đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3 đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚ (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.6(2))


ďƒ use instead Vpl,Rd = Vpl,Rd = 0.9

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘” đ?‘Žđ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Ž ∗đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3 đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘” đ?‘Žđ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Ž ∗đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3 đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚

= 0.9

and adopt factor of 0.9

340∗15.2∗275/ 3 1

= 738.48

Of all three checks, the first one, the bolts in shear governs so VRd= 564.48 kN VRd>VEd?ďƒ 564.48kN>364.4 kNOK! 8.4.7 Column-Base connection plate Total axial load to the foundation

7433 kN

Strength of foundation concrete

fck= 30 N/mm2 fcd= 17 N/mm2

Table 8.14 Recalling Information for the Design of Column-Base Connection Plate

The required are is given by balancing the max stress on concrete. Area required =

7334 ∗10 3 17

= 431411.76 mm2

So use 666 x 666 square plate.

Figure 8.23. Top View of Connection Plate


Thickness of the plate: tp = c

3đ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘‘ đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚

= 150.35

3∗17 265∗1

= 65.95 so use tp=70mm S275 (EN 1993-1-8; 6.2.5(4))

To connect the beam use 6mm fillet weld, and anchored bolts. 8.4.8 Foundation To calculate the foundation, the book ―Geotechnical Engineering Foundation Design‖ by John N. Cernica, will be used. So please note that the references are to the book. Conservative assumptions for the soil of the site: -

Soft natural saturated clay - uniform Water table on surface Friction angle θ = 240 Unit weight of soil Îł=12 kN/m3 Effective cohesion of the soil đ?‘? =10 kN/m2

After all the assumptions made, the strategy is to design a group of piles that, their ultimate capacities would exceed the axial load transferred into the foundation. Using figure 8.24 to find the ultimate capacity of a single pile

Figure.8.24. Ultimate Capacity of a Single Pile on a Uniform Soil

Hansen‘s bearing capacity coefficients Nc=19.3 Nq=9.06 NÎł=5.75 (Fig.4.10 – pg. 126)


Qu=Qp+Qs (Chapter 11 Eq.(11-1))

Qu= Ď€R2(đ?‘? Nc + ÎłLNq + ÎłRNq) + 2Ď€RLssďƒ a special equation given in the book for uniform soil strength and uniform pile diameter. (Chapter 11 Eq.(11-4a))

Where; Qu= ultimate bearing capacity Ss = unit shear resistance đ?‘? = effective cohesion of soil Îł = unit weight of soil L = depth of one pile R= radius of pile Nc ,NÎł , Nq = bearing capacity factors Try 12 meters deep and 40cm diameter auger-cast piles: 1

ss= 2 đ??žđ?‘ đ?›žđ??ż tan đ?œƒ (Chapter 11 Eq.(11-5b))

Ks=1.5 (Chapter 11 Table 11.1) 1

ss= 2 ∗ 1.5 ∗ 12 ∗ 12 ∗ tan 24= 48 kN/m2 Qu=đ?œ‹

0.4 2 2

∗ 10 ∗ 19.3 + 12 ∗ 12 ∗ 9.06 + 12 ∗

0.4 2

∗ 9.06 + 2đ?œ‹

Qu= 190.93+723.882 = 914.75 kN So design 9 piles with ultimate capacity = 9 x 914.75 = 8232.7kN


0.4 2

∗ 12 ∗ 48

Figure 8.25. Top View of the Foundation


Figure 8.26. Bottom View of the Foundation


Figure 8.26. 3D View of the Foundation

8.4.9. Cantilever The cantilevered balconies are going to be constructed by the help of an RHS beam going between the columns, and joists with moment-transfer joints cantilevered from it, as seen on the figure 8.28 below. This part is concerned with calculating designing the RHS section of the main beam that is going to need to bare all the torsion, assuming; beam is going to be simply supported as seen on figure 8.27, the columns are enough, and only the moment and shear on the joint are transferred as punctual torsion and punctual shear forces.


Figure 8.27. Showing how to Model the Beam and the Torsional Effects


Figure 8.28. Showing the Main Purpose and Concept of Design

First of all, the reactions of the joint that is going to be transferred to the main beam is going to be calculated, to do this the UDL over the joists are going to be calculated in ULS. Joists are going to be chosen for SLS, and then the main beam is going to be designed. To find the uniform distributed load over the joists, the joist will be divided into two parts, the first representing the balcony that is accessible by people (1.2m), and the second part, the tray of the bamboo (1.15m). The load bearing portion of the hollow beam and the influence lengths can be seen in the figures below.


Figure 8.29. Load Bearing Portion of the Cantilever, and the Section for Distances

Figure 8.30. 3D View of the Considered Cantilevered Part


Permanent Actions (1st part): Self-weight of the floor(beams concrete and metal sheet combined)

2.99 kN/m2

Ceiling load

0.1 kN/m2 Total(gk1) 3.09 kN/m2 Table 8.15 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the First Part

Variable Actions (1st part): 4.00kN/m2

Imposed load category C4 balconies

Total(qk1) 4.00kN/m2 Table 8.16 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the First Part

Permanent Actions (2nd part): 50 cm soil


50 cm gravel


Lightweight concrete and joist sw

1.6 kN/m2


1.0 kN/m2 Total(gk2) 16.85kN/m2 Table 8.17 Permanent Actions Cantilevered on the Second Part

Variable Actions (2nd part): 0.75kN/m2

Imposed load balconies with only maintenance

Total(qk2) 0.75kN/m2 Table 8.18Variable Actions Cantilevered on the Second Part

Partial factors for actions Partial factor for permanent actions

γG = 1.35

Partial factor for variable actions

γQ= 1.5

Reduction factor

ξ = 0.925 Table 8.19 Partial Factors for Actions

Design value of combined actions (1st part) = ξγG gk1 + γQqk1 =0.925 x 1.35 x 3.09 + 1.5 x 4 = 9.85 kN/m2 172

For influence distance of 0.935m= 9.2 kN/m Design value of combined actions (2nd part) = ξγG gk2 + γQqk2 =0.925 x 1.35 x 16.85 + 1.5 x 0.75 = 22.16 kN/m2 For influence distance of 0.935m= 20.7 kN/m Design value of combined actions for SLS (1st part): 6.63 kN/m Design value of combined actions for SLS (2nd part): 16.41 kN/m

Joist loading (SLS) to pick according to maximum allowed deflection: Since the main reason of this part is to choose the proper RHS, the joist will just be selected to satisfy the SLS conditions, and it is going to be assumed that SLS would govern.

Figure 8.31. 2D representation of Joists at SLS

Max allowed deflection = span/180 for cantilevers δmax=2350/180 = 13mm Calculate the total deflection using Ftool® using UKB 254 x 146 x 31 as the section of the whole beam Results shown below reflects that the maximum deflection is 9.72mm, which is less than the allowable, so choose UKB 254 x 146 x 31and continue


Figure 8.32. Deflection Calculation output of the Joist

Loading the cantilever in ULS in order to find transferred torsion and shear:

Figure 8.33. 2D representation of Joists at ULS

The moment diagram becomes:

Figure 8.34. Moment Diagram of the Joist in ULS


The shear diagram becomes:

Figure 8.35. Shear Diagram of the Joist in ULS

So assume 34.8 kN shear force and 48.9kNm torsion is transferred to the main beam at every joint. Modeling the main beam : Continuing with the assumptions, the main RHS is modeled like the figure below:

Figure 8.36. 2D representation of RHS beam in ULS

Where the vertical arrows represent vertical shear, and bent arrows represent the transferred torsion. The corresponding moment graph becomes:

Figure 8.37. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS

The corresponding shear graph becomes:


Figure 8.38. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS

The torsion distribution becomes:

Figure 8.39. Moment Diagram of the RHS Beam in ULS

According to the results generated: VEd=139.2 kN that needs to be combined and checked with TEd=195.6 kNm of torsion, and MEd=269.7 kNm in ULS. Choose RHS 400 x 200 x 10and try.

Figure 8.40. Possible RHS Sections

Torsional resistance of the cross-section: TRd=

đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ??śđ?‘Ą 3đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚


355∗1376 ∗10 3 3∗1

10−6 = 282.02 kNm


(EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.7(7))

TRd>TEd?ďƒ 282.02 kNm>195.6 kNm OK! Shear capacity (with reduction due to combination of torsion and shear): đ?œ? đ?‘Ą,đ??¸đ?‘‘

Vpl,T,Rd= 1 −

�� / 3 /� ��

đ?‘‰đ?‘?đ?‘™ ,đ?‘…đ?‘‘ (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.7(9); (6.25))

Where ; đ??´đ?‘Ł đ?‘“đ?‘Ś / 3


� ��

Where; đ??´đ?‘•

Av=đ?‘?+đ?‘• =

11500 ∗400 600

= 7666.6 mm2 (EN 1993-1-1; 6.2.6)


7666 .6 355/ 3 1





195.6 ∗ 10 6 1376 ∗10 3

∗ 10−3 = 1571.35 kN = 142.15 N/mm2

so; Vpl,T,Rd= 1 −

142.15 355/ 3 /1

1571.35 = 314.27 kN

VRd>VEd?ďƒ 314.27 kN>139.2 kNOK! Bending moment resistance with reduction of LTB effect:

ď Ł LT 


ď Ş LT  ď Ş LT 2  ď Ź LT 2

ď ›



ď Ş LT  0,5 1  ď Ą LT ď ŹLT 2  0.4  ď ˘ď ŹLT 2

ď Ź LT 

ď ?

Wy f y M cr (EN 1993-1-1


M cr  C1

2 ď ° 2 EI yy ďƒŠ L GI t ďƒš



ďƒŞ 2 ďƒş ďƒŞďƒŤ ď ° EI yy ďƒşďƒť



E - modulus of elasticity

210000 N/mm2

G - shear modulus

81000 N/mm2

Iyy - second moment of inertia aroud weak axis

8084 x 104 mm4

It - St Venant torsional constant

19259 x 104 mm4

L - length of the beam


C1 - constant

1.127 Table 8.20. Explanations of Components of the Formula

Mcr= 1.127

ď ŹLT =

đ?œ‹ 2 210000 ∗8084 ∗10 4

7615 2 81000 ∗19259∗10 4

7615 2

đ?œ‹ 2 210000 ∗8084 ∗10 4

1480 ∗10 3 355 7566 ∗10 6

= 7566 kNm

= 0.26

҉ Since ď ŹLT is smaller than Îťmin=0.4 Lateral torsional buckling effect does not govern, and it will not be reduced from the bending resistance.


đ?‘Š đ?‘?đ?‘™ ,đ?‘Ś đ?‘“đ?‘Ś đ?›ž đ?‘€đ?‘‚


1480 ∗355∗10 3 1

10−6 = 525.4 kN/m

MRd>MEd ?ďƒ 525.4 kNm> 269.7 kNm OK! Choose RHS 400 x 200 x 10


Appendices Appendix 1 – HVAC Loads (Revit output) 1.1. Revit conceptual mass analysis results


1.2. Detailed and More accurate Calculation Project Summary Location and Weather Project

Project Name

Address Calculation Time

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 1:00 PM

Report Type






Summer Dry Bulb

34 °C

Summer Wet Bulb

27 °C

Winter Dry Bulb

19 °C

Mean Daily Range

7 °C

Building Summary Inputs Building Type


Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 2:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Maximum Cooling Capacity (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 10 tenth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 1:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Level Summary - 09 ninth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 1:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 08 eighth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 2:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Level Summary - 07 seventh floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 2:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 06 sixth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 3:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Level Summary - 05 fifth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 3:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 03 third floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 3:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Level Summary - 02 second floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 1:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 01 first floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 3:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Level Summary - 00 ground floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 1:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)



Level Summary - 04 fourth floor Inputs Area (m²)


Volume (m³) Calculated Results


Peak Cooling Total Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Month and Hour

November 1:00 PM

Peak Cooling Sensible Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Latent Load (kW)


Peak Cooling Airflow (L/s)


Peak Heating Load (kW)


Peak Heating Airflow (L/s) Checksums


Cooling Load Density (W/m²)


Cooling Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Cooling Flow / Load (L/(s·kW))


Cooling Area / Load (m²/kW)


Heating Load Density (W/m²)


Heating Flow Density (LPS/m²)


Appendix – 2 Calculation of total load with space schedules


00 ground floor 00 ground floor 00 ground floor 00 ground floor 01 first floor 01 first floor 01 first floor 01 first floor 01 first floor 01 first floor


00 Boutique 00 Women Toilet 00 Men Toilet 00 HC 01 Conference Room 1 01 Conference Room 2 01 Lobby 01 Conference Room 3 01 Kitchen 01 Women Toilet

Calcu lated Cooli ng Load( kW)

Specified Supply Airflow

Specified Power Load per area

Space Type


Fine Merchandis e Sales Area - Retail

315.53 m³


1103 L/s


61.62 m³


62 L/s


56.71 m³


57 L/s

Restrooms Conference Meeting/Mu ltipurpose Conference Meeting/Mu ltipurpose Corridor/Tr ansition Conference Meeting/Mu ltipurpose Food Preparation

10.50 m³


14 L/s

10.76 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²


1726 L/s

10.76 W/m²


2694 L/s


1553 L/s


457 L/s


253 L/s


49.30 m³


37 L/s

334.06 m³ 564.14 m³ 629.16 m³ 185.38 m³ 109.31 m³


10.76 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 13.99 W/m²

Schedule (hr/year)

total year

Sched ule hr/wee k

per sqm per year








1759 6.8 1497. 6 1310. 4










1014 0



















3744 3744

01 first floor 01 first floor

01 Men Toilet 01 HC Toilet

02 second floor 02 second floor 02 second floor 02 second floor 02 second floor

02 Runaway


45.37 m³


38 L/s

<Building> Audience/S eating Area Performing Arts Theatre

8.40 m³


8 L/s

13.99 W/m² 13.99 W/m²

02 Lobby 02 Women Toilet 02 Men Toilet


774.52 m³ 552.98 m³


49.30 m³


51 L/s


45.37 m³


49 L/s

02 HC

Restrooms Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Dressing/Lo cker/Fitting Room Performing Arts Theatre Exhibit Space Convention Center

8.40 m³


10 L/s

5.81 W/m² 5.81 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²

17.17 m³


11 L/s

17.83 m³


17.83 m³

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 05

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 06

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 07

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 08

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 01

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 02

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 03

02 second floor

02 Changing Room 04

02 second floor

02 Backstage

03 third floor

03 Showroom


4334 L/s


1976 L/s










1099 8








0 1310. 4 1310. 4







5.81 W/m²





12 L/s

5.81 W/m²






12 L/s

5.81 W/m²





45.20 m³


30 L/s

5.81 W/m²





42.32 m³


62 L/s

5.81 W/m²





34.21 m³


58 L/s

5.81 W/m²





18.16 m³


31 L/s

5.81 W/m²





17.49 m³


31 L/s

5.81 W/m²





628 L/s

5.81 W/m²





6641 L/s

16.15 W/m²


6977 8.8



565.73 m³ 1707.87 m³




0 3744

03 third floor 03 third floor 03 third floor 03 third floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 04 fourth floor 05 fifth floor 05 fifth floor 05 fifth floor 05 fifth floor 05 fifth floor 06 sixth floor 06 sixth floor 06 sixth floor 06 sixth floor 06 sixth floor 06 sixth floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh floor 07 seventh

Food Preparation

107.90 m³


49.32 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


47 L/s

03 HC 04 Conference 1

Restrooms Conference Meeting/Mu ltipurpose

7.80 m³


9 L/s

04 Bar

Dining Area Food Preparation Conference Meeting/Mu ltipurpose

03 Kitchen 03 Women Toilet 03 Men Toilet

04 Kitchen 04 Conference 2

312.80 m³ 570.50 m³ 107.90 m³


211 L/s


1536 L/s


2053 L/s


199 L/s


757 L/s


1745 L/s

04 Lobby 04 Women Toilet 04 Men Toilet


249.80 m³ 410.47 m³


49.32 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


47 L/s

04 HC

Restrooms Reading Area Library Food Preparation

7.80 m³


9 L/s


05 Library

1738.63 m³ 103.71 m³

16.15 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 5.81 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 5.81 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²


6054 L/s


115 L/s

49.32 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


47 L/s

Restrooms Reading Area Library Workshop Workshop Food Preparation

7.80 m³


9 L/s


4316 L/s


1709 L/s


165 L/s


49.30 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


47 L/s

06 HC 07 Workshop 3 07 Workshop 4 07 Workshop 2

Restrooms Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop


9 L/s


1045 L/s


1759 L/s


911 L/s

07 Lobby

Lobby Food Preparation Workshop Workshop

7.80 m³ 231.15 m³ 608.07 m³ 226.14 m³ 502.56 m³ 105.71 m³ 150.57 m³


2127 L/s


161 L/s


272 L/s


49.30 m³


51 L/s

16.15 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 5.81 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 10.76 W/m² 3.23 W/m²


43.58 m³


47 L/s


05 Kitchen 05 Women Toilet 05 Men Toilet 05 HC 06 Library 06 Workshop 06 Kitchen 06 Women Toilet 06 Men Toilet

07 Kitchen 07 Workshop 1 07 Women Toilet 07 Men

1245.00 m³ 537.28 m³ 105.71 m³








1560 1310. 4 1123. 2











5889 1998 3.6

















0 1310. 4 1123. 2





















1248 1310. 4 1123. 2














187.2 1015 5.6 1703 5.2 8845. 2













1248 2620. 8 1310. 4










9584 6.4 1310. 4 1310. 4 1123. 2



3744 2184 3744

3744 2184 1560 3744 3744 3744 2184 2184


6926 4 1605 2.4




07 seventh floor

07 HC

9 L/s

3.23 W/m²





08 eighth floor

08 Office 3

1275 L/s

16.15 W/m²


1984 3.2



08 eighth floor

08 Office 2

16.15 W/m²









5616 2676 9.6




3612 9.6











08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor 08 eighth floor

08 Office 1 Space

08 Office 4

Space 08 Kitchen 08 Men Toilet 08 Women Toilet 08 HC

09 ninth floor

09 Office 1

09 ninth floor

09 Office 2

09 ninth floor 09 ninth floor 09 ninth floor 09 ninth floor 09 ninth floor 09 ninth floor 10 tenth floor 10 tenth floor 10 tenth floor 10 tenth floor 10 tenth

09 Office 3

Restrooms Banking Activity Area Office Banking Activity Area Office Banking Activity Area Office <Building> Banking Activity Area Office Banking Activity Area Office Food Preparation

7.80 m³


230.61 m³


66.91 m³


364 L/s

67.01 m³ 596.55 m³


363 L/s


1087 L/s

16.15 W/m² 13.99 W/m²

545.21 m³


2331 L/s

16.15 W/m²


277 L/s


185 L/s

181.42 m³ 128.26 m³


43.58 m³


47 L/s


49.30 m³


51 L/s

Restrooms Banking Activity Area Office Banking Activity Area Office Banking Activity Area Office

8.78 m³


10 L/s

16.15 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²

938.86 m³


3191 L/s

67.16 m³


364 L/s


363 L/s



4305. 6 3556. 8 1123. 2 1310. 4





16.15 W/m²


4979 5.2



16.15 W/m²















0 1310. 4 1123. 2















4836 4586. 4 1310. 4 1123. 2











16.15 W/m² 5.81 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²

09 Lobby 09 Women Toilet 09 Men Toilet


67.27 m³ 490.74 m³


49.30 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


47 L/s

09 HC

Restrooms Dining Area - Civil Services Food Preparation

7.80 m³


9 L/s


532 L/s


443 L/s


49.30 m³


51 L/s


43.58 m³


48 L/s



9.75 m³


11 L/s

5.81 W/m² 16.15 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m² 3.23 W/m²

10 Lobby

Dining Area



2359 L/s


09 Cantina 10 Kitchen 10 Women Toilet 10 Men Toilet

257.70 m³ 484.31 m³


1673 L/s


3744 3744 3744


2184 3744


10 tenth floor

10 Dining Area

Lounge/Leis ure Dining Dining Area Lounge/Leis ure Dining


775.85 m³


3032 L/s

5.81 W/m²


2457 0


Total(kWh/m2) =

4.265625 104.57688

Appendix -3 Daylight Analysis (Revit Output) _Lighting Analysis Floor Schedule LEED 2009 IEQc8.1 Whole Building Results - 9am: 82% within, 3pm 85% within 9/8 9am GHI: 525, DNI: 661, DHI: 89 W/m2 9/17 3pm GHI: 613, DNI: 710, DHI: 92 W/m2 Name

9am threshold results Floor Area Included in Day lighting

Total Floor Area

within threshold

above threshold

below threshold







00 ground floor

246 m²

246 m²


199 m²


16 m²


31 m²

01 first floor

526 m²

526 m²


478 m²


14 m²


34 m²

02 second floor

528 m²

528 m²


445 m²


26 m²


57 m²

03 third floor

588 m²

588 m²


559 m²


16 m²


13 m²

04 fourth floor

694 m²

694 m²


637 m²


20 m²


38 m²

05 fifth floor

526 m²

526 m²


377 m²


121 m²


28 m²

06 sixth floor

698 m²

698 m²


646 m²


29 m²


23 m²

07 seventh floor

578 m²

578 m²


553 m²


18 m²


7 m²

08 eighth floor

573 m²

573 m²


554 m²


3 m²


16 m²

09 ninth floor

635 m²

635 m²


443 m²


161 m²


31 m²

10 tenth floor

594 m²

594 m²


206 m²


274 m²


114 m²

3pm threshold results within threshold %


above threshold %


00 ground floor

246 m²

246 m²


197 m²


17 m²

01 first floor

526 m²

526 m²


479 m²


02 second floor

528 m²

528 m²


450 m²


03 third floor

588 m²

588 m²


495 m²

04 fourth floor

694 m²

694 m²


05 fifth floor

526 m²

526 m²

06 sixth floor

698 m²

07 seventh floor

below threshold %

Area 13

32 m²

8 m²


40 m²

4 m²


74 m²


76 m²


17 m²

644 m²


13 m²


37 m²


466 m²


14 m²


45 m²

698 m²


664 m²


4 m²


30 m²

578 m²

578 m²


467 m²


78 m²


33 m²

08 eighth floor

573 m²

573 m²


514 m²


12 m²


47 m²

09 ninth floor

635 m²

635 m²


562 m²


32 m²


41 m²

10 tenth floor

594 m²

594 m²


336 m²


133 m²


126 m²


Sources Images Sources Chapter 1. Figure 1.1. Wikipedia. Figure 1.2. Master plan, Competition brief, HMMD architecture competition. Figure 1.3. Functions inside the project. Figure 1.4. Concept of the project. Text Sources Chapter 1. 1. Competition brief, HMMD architecture competition, Fashion HUB Bangkok. Images Sources Chapter 2. Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2-2.3. Urban Growth Analysis, J. Patent, D. Civco, S. Angel, University of Connecticut. Figure 2.4. Figure 2.5. Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, BMA (1999) Bangkok Land-Use Plan. Bangkok. Figure 2.6. Growth Analysis, J. Patent, D. Civco, S. Angel, University of Connecticut. Figure 2.7-2.8. Figure 2.9-2.10. Urban Transport Database and Model Development Project (UTDM). Figure 2.10. Google maps. Figure 2.16 Competition brief, HMMD architecture competition. Text Sources Chapter 3. 1. Wikipedia. 2. 3. 4. BANGKOK TRANSPORT SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT: WHAT WENT WRONG? Prof. Wiroj RUJOPAKARN, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, October, 2003 5. Competition brief, HMMD architecture competition.


Images Source. Chapter3 Figure 3.1. Google maps, street view. Figure 3.5. Figure 3.6. Figure 3.7. Google maps. Figure 3.8. Competition brief, HMMD architecture competition. Figure 3.10. Figure 3.11-3.12 Urbanalyse. Text Source. Chapter 3. 1. Crackdown on Bangkok street stalls as pedestrians vie for space. DAWN news. 2. Solar serpent in paradise, 3. Park and Ride, Text source. Chapter 5. 1. Ken Yeang, "Designing the Ecoskyscraper : Premises for Tall Building Design," Struct. Design Tall Spec. Builf, vol. 16, pp. 411-427, 2007. Text Source. Chapter 6. 1. Status of Bamboo Research and Development in Thailand BoonchoobBoontawee Division of Silviculture, Royal Forest Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Thailand. 2. Horse-shoe Harvesting Trials in Natural Gigantochloahasskarliana Stands; WisutSuwannapinunt; Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10903, Thailand. 3. Bamboo: an overlooked biomass resource? J.M.O. Scurlocka,∗, D.C. Daytonb, B. Hamesb. 4. Sustainable Textiles: the Role of Bamboo and a Comparison of Bamboo Textile Properties. 5. 6. 7. bamboo care.


Images Source. Chapter 6. Figure 6.1 Sustainable Textiles: the Role of Bamboo and a Comparison of Bamboo Textile Properties. Figure 6.2 - 6.6 Constant Simplicity. Figure 6.7-6.8 Figure 6.9-6.10 Figure 6.11-6.12 Text Source. Chapter 7. 1. Ken yeang The green skyscraper: the basis for designing sustainable intensive buildings, Prestel New York 1999. 2. Guidelines on Envelope Thermal Transfer Value For Buildings. (2004, February). Version 1.01. Commissioner of Building Control. 3. Kim, M. K., & Leibundgut, H. (2014). Advanced Airbox cooling and dehumidification system connected with a chilled ceiling panel in series adapted to hot and humid climates. ELSEVIER, 72-78. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Image Source. Chapter 7. Figure 7.7 Figure 7.9 Yeang, K. (2008). Ecodesign : A Manual for Ecological Design. Great Britain: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Figure 7.15 Fuchs, H. (2008). Energy Manual : Sustainable Architecture. Berlin: Kosel GmbH. Figure 7.18-19 Yeang, K. (2008). Ecodesign : A Manual for Ecological Design. Great Britain: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 193

Figure 7.20 Kim, M. K., & Leibundgut, H. (2014). Advanced Airbox cooling and dehumidification system connected with a chilled ceiling panel in series adapted to hot and humid climates. ELSEVIER, 72-78.


Master plan.

Section between the building and the Green platform.

Master Plan. Zoom in.


Longitudinal Section. Esc. 1:400.

Transversal Section. Esc. 1:400.


Basement. Level -3,00 meters. Esc 1:400.


Ground floor. Level +3,00 meters. Esc 1:400.


First Floor. Level +8,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Second Floor. Level +11,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Third Floor. Level +16,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Fourth Floor. Level +26,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Fifth Floor. Level +26,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Sixth Floor. Level +31,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Seventh Floor. Level +36,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Eight Floor. Level +41,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Ninth Floor. Level +46,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


Tenth Floor. Level +51,00 meters. Esc 1:200.



Level +56,00 meters. Esc 1:200.


South Facade. Scale

Night facade. Scale


West Facade.

Night facade.


North Facade.

Night facade.


East Facade.

Night facade.






ยบ Structural Drawings.. Structure general overview.


Typical structure plan. Scale 1:200.


Structural Section and Details.


Foundation plan. Scale 1:300.


Foundation overview and details.


Connection Details. See Chapter 8 - Structure for more details.


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