156th Annual Cheshire Mark Festival 2024

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The One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Festival

Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cheshire


It gives me great pleasure to present this Festival Result booklet for the 156th Annual Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund hosted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cheshire.

I know how much hard work goes into delivering a successful M.B.F. Festival and yours is no exception. The energy, drive and commitment shown throughout the fundraising period has been most impressive and, at times, pretty exhausting to watch. I was particularly struck by the fortitude displayed in the Mark Masons’ Hall Bike Challenge from Middlewich to London in July 2023 and the Five Peaks’ Challenge earlier this year.

May I, on behalf of the Board of Trustees and staff of the Mark Benevolent Fund, congratulate your Provincial Grand Master and Festival President, R.W.Bro. Gary Horstman, his Festival Committee, and all of you on a job well done. The money you have raised will make a significant difference to those we are able to help through our grantmaking. You ought to be very proud of what you have achieved.

Thank you.


TheMark Benevolent Fund (M.B.F.) was founded in 1868 to provide immediate financial aid to eligible Mark Master Masons and their dependents who may be in distress. Significantly, it was to encourage all Brethren to practice the morals of donating freely and without hesitation. The founder of the Fund, Canon George Raymond Portal, Grand Master (1869–1872), considered this code of conduct would provide the Order with a clear and distinctive charitable motive, a noticeable purpose with which Mark Master Masons could readily identify.

It was abhorrent to Canon Portal that there should be any delay in supplying aid to those in need, thus the Latin dictum ‘Bis dat qui cito dat’ (‘He gives twice who gives promptly’ or ‘A gift given without hesitation is as good as two gifts’) became the guiding principle of the Mark Benevolent Fund.

ReveRend Canon G R PoR tal, MA

1866 photo supplied courtesy of the Portal Family

Throughout the last 156 years, Mark Brethren and their families have supported the work of the M.B.F. with ever increasing donations. Their continuing generosity is no more evident than through the M.B.F. Festivals hosted in turn by Mark Provinces in England and Wales. These Festivals, like the one we are celebrating today, mark the culmination of many years of fundraising and provide a valuable source of funding for the M.B.F. enabling it to continue supporting those in need as well as projects with a wider community benefit. From humble beginnings in 1868, the Fund has grown into a significant force for good, rooted in the traditions of Mark Masonry and still true to its motto.

Examples of grants in recent years include: in 2018, the renewal of the Mark Benevolent Fund’s partnership with St John Ambulance with a grant of £3.4 million for new vehicles; in 2021 the Trustees announced a major capital grant of £1.2m to hospices to mark the significant contribution made to the Crown and the nation by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; and in 2022, Addenbrookes Charitable Trust received a grant of £100,000 towards the purchase of a new surgical robot helping to transform complex surgeries and improve patient recovery times.

So far in 2024, grants of over £600,000 have been made to 25 charities across England, Wales and our Districts abroad. Examples of these grants are: £1,493 to St David’s Hospice Care in the Province of Monmouthshire; £4,270 to the Mayfield School in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland; £100,805 to the Bristol Children’s Hospital Charity; and £7,796 to St Luke’s Home of Healing in our District in Natal. In addition, our humanitarian aid continues with support reaching Ukrainian refugees in Romania and £50,000 going to ShelterBox’s efforts in Gaza.

In every aspect of its work, the M.B.F. exudes a spirit of enthusiasm and is a clear demonstration of the great personal commitment from the many thousands of Brethren and their families who have helped make the M.B.F. what it is today. In recent years, a key theme of our charitable activity has been to ask what have you done to make yourself feel proud? Your support for the Mark Benevolent Fund and this year’s Festival Province of Cheshire, in particular, is reason enough to make you feel proud.

There are many times when we realise that our lives have been happy and our families have grown up well, but imagine, Brethren, the feeling we would have if something went wrong and we needed help. Brethren, that is where the Mark Benevolent Fund steps forward to offer support and assistance to those less fortunate than we are.

At the point where help is needed, the staff at Mark Masons’ Hall pull together all the expertise and knowledge gained over many years to assist in any way they can, moving swiftly to overcome all issues and offer a solution to any problems they are faced with.

However, in order to be able to do so, a considerable amount of funding is required, which is where the Festival system comes into action, each year ensuring that sufficient funds are raised to allow us to support those who are in need.

The President and the Trustees of the fund, work tirelessly to assist the day to day running of the charity, and travel the country from Province to Province to promote the fund and raise awareness of good works undertaken on a daily basis. With this in mind, the members of Cheshire have come together over the last seven years to add their support and to raise funds to ensure the continued success of the M.B.F.

Seven years may seem a long time, but with all the members enjoying the challenge and pulling together towards a common goal, the years passed very quickly and here we are announcing the result of all our hard work.

At the point of writing this, I have no idea of the total raised, but from the enjoyment and total support I have received from our members I feel sure that it will be an amount that we can all feel proud of. I am delighted that because of our members’ hard work, our Province is now a Grand Patron Diamond Province and also a Grand Master’s Keystone Province.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our ladies who have stood by us while we spent many hours at Lodge meetings, and also for joining in with the many fund-raising events which were organised over the years. Our families and friends have also joined us, and many new Masons, both Craft and Mark, were introduced because they became involved in our fund-raising efforts.

With many of the Provinces and Companion Orders joining us in our events, and making donations to us over the years, we have developed friendships far and wide, which will result in all of us working together to support Ian Wright and his Province of Oxfordshire next year as they take the baton and continue the fundraising for our Mark Benevolent Fund. We wish them success.

Results as at 26 June 2024

Honorary Secretary – Mark Benevolent Fund




Festival Results


* Provinces merged in November 2021 becoming ‘Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford’.


Ancient & Accepted Rite (Rose Croix)

Festival Results


With grateful thanks to the following wives, partners and daughters who contributed to the Cheshire Ladies total:

Mrs G Bamber

Mrs H Boonstra

Mrs K Collins

Mrs C Daly

Mrs C Elliot

Mrs L Flood

Mrs C Greenwood

Mrs A C Heathcote

Mrs S Horstman

Mrs D Jones

Mrs G Jones

Mrs L Kellett

Ms C Leask

Mrs D Miller

Mrs N Ross

Mrs L Standley

Mrs D Walsh

Mrs S Walsh

Ms R Wells


Contributions received from Brethren which have been reported in the Festival Results Summary under the following headings:

Stewardships—Cheshire Mark Lodges

Contributions were received from the following Brethren:

Richard Alexander

David Alldred

Richard Dennis Boorisi Antipas

Joseph Jeffrey Arnold

Robert John Ashley

John David Aslatt

Kevin Atherton

Ian David Bailey

Keith Andrew Bailey

Neil Bailey

Ronald Fredrick Balshaw

Austin Westbury Bamber

John Leslie Kingsford Bannell

Ronald Keith Thomas Barnard

Andrew John Barratt

James William Basford

Malcolm Irving Bell

Anthony Michael Bentley

Harry Billing

Stephen Martin Blank

Albert Blurton

Peter Booth

Thomas Fletcher Bowden

David Stuart Bradbury

John Robert Bramley

Nicholas Allan Breese

John Thomas Brittleton

James Wendell Browne

Geoffrey Hollingsworth Brunt

Steven Richard Buckley

Andrew Robert Bushell

Timothy Simon Cradock Wain Capner

William Edward Caren

Peter Edward Carroll

William Andrew Chalmers

John Edward Champney

Brian Frederick Clarke

Keith James Clarke

Alan Jenner Coker

Michael John Collins

Christopher John Collins

Dennis Connor

Samuel Daniel Conroy

Michael Dennis Conroy

Nigel Robert Cooper

Benet Joseph Corkill

Michael Cornes

Alan Crabtree

Stephen Harold Croft

James Crompton

Peter Crompton

Albert Edward Cross

Anthony Paul Cross

Paul Robert Crudge

Shaun Barry Crutchley

David Edward Culshaw

Michael John Cunliffe

Roger Frank Currie

Paul Stephen Cutler

Sebastian Jeremy Dunsandle Daly

John Cecil Davies

Paul David Dean

Graham Richard Dearden

David Patrick Dobbs

Russell James Dodd

Albert David Doweck

David Victor Dyson

Graeme David Edwards

Joseph Edwards

Nigel John Edwards

John Egerton

Albert Elliott

Stephen Flood

John Alexander Forbes

Rodney Patrick Foster

Fraser John Fowlie

Roderick Stewart Gamwell

Geoffrey Roger Gardner

Alan Glazier

Mark Gleave

John Bromley Goldsmith

John Anthony Goodrum

Kevin Michael Gould

John William Grainger

Keith James Gray

Andrew Vincent Greenhalgh

Philip John Greenwood

Stanley Herbert Griffiths

Alan Barker Gummerson

William John Hadfield

Norman Barlow Haigh

David Arthur George Hall

Colin Hambleton

James Thomas Hardman

Barry Harper

Graham Cyriol Harries

Simon Robert Harrison

Bruce David Harry

Neil Hawksworth

Mark Haynes

Richard Michael Head

Ivor James Henry

Ronald Glyn Hewitt

Darren Lee Hibberd

John David Hibbert

Mark Anthony Higgins

Stewardships—Cheshire Mark Lodges

John William Higginson

Julian James Hill

David Richard Hinde

Jason William Holland

Michael Robert Dennis Holmes

Michael James Holmes

James Edward Homer

Robert Horne

Edgar Phillip Anthony Horsley

Gary Raymond Horstman

Barry Howarth

Norman Richard Humphreys

Gavin Hunter

Kenneth Isherwood

Harold Louis Jamieson

Clifford Charles Jewell

Barry William Jobber

Philip Sidney Johnson

Glyn Thomas Jones

Stephen Michael Jones

Stuart Frank Jones

Michael George Jones

Arthur Litchfield Jones

Michael Anthony Jones

Stuart Frank Jones

Robert Jordan

Peter David Kellett

Mark John Keyworth

Graham Arnold Kingman

Graham Samuel Kirby

Graham William Knowles

Robert William Kyffin

Peter John Langley

Bernard Laurence

Robert William Lawn

Jack Leigh

Colin Everett Lewis

David Tudor Lewis

Adrian Lindop

David Littlewood

Roger David Littlewood

Geoffrey Lloyd

Peter Egerton Lloyd

Charles Peter Lockett

Andy Michael Lockhart

Derek Leonard Longman

Paul Henry Lucock

Henri Anthony Lyons

Brian Maddox

Kenneth Mayer

Brian William Mayoh

Thomas Charles McCarten

Christopher Ronald McCulloch

Charles McIlwrick

Philip John McKeown

George Raymond McMahon

Robert Alexander McMillan

John David Miller

Robert Christopher Millington

Timothy Mobbs

Graham Maxted Monaghan

Alan Robert Moss

Ian James Muirhead

Peter James Muirhead

Anthony Daniel Murphy

Brian Francis Nicholas

Michael Nolan

Michael Stephen O’Brien

Bryan Russell Ogden

Terence Raymond Oke

Malcolm Edward Orr

Simon James Palfreyman

David William Parry

Michael Tudor Pennington

Colin Percival

Christopher David Plummer

Graham Keith Podmore

Michael Leon Porter

Simon Michael James Porter

Zane Leon Pyatt

Graham Quinn

Peter Andrew Ratcliffe

Christopher Renshaw

David Allan Richards

Michael Leslie Richardson

Kevin Rick

Stephen Roberts

David Alan Roberts

Geoffrey Roberts

John Hefin Roberts

Trevor Charles Roberts

Derek Roberts

Gareth Douglas Rogers

David John Napier Rogers

Keith Rogerson

Michael James Ross

Mark Ian Royden

Paul Rushton

Graeme Sambrook

Peter John Sandland

Colin Sansom

Barrie Stuart Sant

Paul Leo Saunders

Peter Brian Schick

Dennis Schiff

Augustine John Scott

Stewardships—Cheshire Mark Lodges

Derek William Scott

Raymond Selby

David Robinson Sellers

Michael John Shaw

Michael Fraser Shiels

Harry Shone

Trevor Charles John Simcock

Joseph Simon

Stephen Charles Simpson

Daniel Paul Sinden

Richard Anthony Slater

Neil Owen Smith

David John Smith

Derek Victor George Smith

Kenneth William Smith

Leslie Smith

Ian Karl Smith

David Spalding

Arthur Desmond Spray

Peter Gawain Steel

Robert Stephenson

Philip Stockford

Peter Hilton Stoddart

Jeffrey Stones

Guy Donald Story

William Anthony Stringer

Richard Cresswell Sutton

James Chung Tang

John Walter Taylor

William Boyd Tennent

Dafydd Charles Thomas

Andrew William Thomson

Ainsley Christopher Tidd

David Topp

Barry Worthing Travers

Aniello Ursini

Howard John Waddell

Arthur Roy Waller

Derek Joseph Walsh

David John Ward

John Christopher Welton

Barry Mark Wiggins


Daniel Carsley Wilcox

David Nicholas Wild

Peter Wilkinson

David Wilfred Willett

Peter Henry Wilson

Alfred John Woodward

William Woolley

Walter Henry Wright

William Henry Wyllie

Walter John Yule

TOTAL £33,031

Mark Unattached Lodges

Contributions were received from the following Brethren:

Alan Martin Breward Emil Valentin Olea

Theodore Howard Jacobsen Edmond Bernard Tondu Elio

Skubincan Jan Michael Willis

TOTAL £625

RAM Provincial and District Grand Lodges

Contributions were received from the following:

Derbyshire North and East Yorkshire

Kenneth Fred Mee David Robert Clancey

TOTAL £250

Stewardships—Other Orders

Contributions were received from the following:

KT Hertfordshire SC France

Michael Andrew Stanforth Lionel Marie Bernard Jacques Rousseaux

TOTAL £200

Stewardships—Other Mark Provinces and Districts

Contributions were received from the following Brethren:


Pierre Frederic Ambrody


John Keith Palmer

Timothy Richard Smith


Detlev Fenselau


Nicholas John White

Channel Islands

Derek Arthur Upton


Robert James Bode

Jonathan Peter Bray

Peter John Furness

Kevin John Hicks

Mark Sean Moyse

Stephen Paul Nicholls

Jeremy Mark Squibb

Cumberland and Westmorland

Kenneth Clark Archer

Martyn William Greene

Keith Hodgson

Barry Kirkbride

Nigel Thomason


Raymond Hynes


Antony Allwright

Graeme Hutchinson


Alastair John Charles Duncan

Peter Hawken


Trevor Melvern Barrett

Laurence Thomas Brookes

Matthew Redgwell Burt

John Keith Hicks

Frederick Russell

Frank Jeremy Shaw

Michael James Leslie Whelan


Ellison Terry Hall

Ivan Jewell

Ian Richardson


Leslie Georges Phillips

Christopher Francis Phillips

Gerald Malcolm Colvin Taylor

East Anglia

David John Boswell

Edmund Tony Moore

East Lancashire

William Crofts

Garry John Errock

Andrew John Hickson

Alexander Sillars McLaren


Andrew John Hardie

Daniel Mark Heath

Michael Brian Howarth

Nigel Robert Owen

Jack Saunders

Geoffrey James Waddoups

Gloucestershire and Herefordshire

Andrew Keith Fautley

Brian Percival Gargett

Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Andrew John Chiverton

George John Deacon

Mark Ian Denton

Maurice Frank Doe

Ian Thomas Charles Glister

Matthew Peter Lawes

Malcolm Reston Melbourne Lloyd

Ian Peter MacGrain

John Herbert Prizeman

Brian Ridler

David Leslie Ryan

Anton Ashley Smith

Ian Peter Vincent


James Dominic Harrison

Stewardships—Other Mark Provinces and Districts

Hong Kong

Gerald Newton

Isle of Man

Kenneth Martin Blackburn

Kevin Ronald Blount

Michael David Kelly

Martyn John Killey

Eidwin Frederick Mullan


Leslie Arthur Chapman

Christopher Stephen Clark

David John Green

Stephen Michael Hyland

Martyn Brian Summers

Archibald Iain Torrance

Ian Wilson Tough

Leicestershire and Rutland

Peter Gibson-Leitch

Ian Richards Johnson

Barry Fredrick Laws

Phillip John Mann

Mark McAllister


Stephen Charles Hallberg

Steven Edward Siddle

Philip William Spicksley


Levon Haig Agulian

Peter David Alder

Antonios Georgiou Antoniou

David Frederick Ashbolt

David John Austin

Mark Bend

Simon William Bennett

Kevin Paul Bentley

Anthony Roy Bleakley

Dennis Bradley

Gregory John Brennan

Colin Stewart Brookman

Mark Louis Budds

Robert William Bull

Paul Roy Burgess

Neil Iain Campbell

Scott Andrew James Cargill

Martin Ian Cargill

Gary Charles Carter

Clint William Childs

Shane Aubrey Duff Clapham

Francis Clarembaux

Christopher John Clark

Paul Clarke

Anthony Miles Clarkson

Oliver James Coddington

Bradley Adam Collings

Ivor Cook

Richard Miles Criddle

Ronald Alexander Cruickshank

Carl David Cupper

Forbes Michael Cutler

Paul Brian Cutts

Christopher John Damp

Barrie John Davies

Graham Ronald Denman

Ian Malcolm Dent

William Arthur Divall

Simon Geoffrey Dodd

Julian Charles Donnelly

Pierre Doumit

William Charles Henry Dowley

Scott James Dunn

Stewart Dutton

Edoardo Nachaat Tarek El-Attrache

Sebastiaan Eldritch-Boersen

John Henry William Ellis

Chris Evans

Paul James Ewin

Stephen Charles Fanthorpe

Carl Ian Fazackerley

Salar Foroughi

Liam Dominic Furr

David Clive Gavin

Maher Louis Thomas George

George Christofis Georgiou

Matthew Carl Gibbs

Ronald Stephen Goddard

Perry James Charles Godwin

Mark William Goodwin

Andrew Green

Oktay Murat Gulbakan

Martyn Ronald Hale

Kim Peter Halifax

Oswald Terence Hall

Matthew Damian Hampson

Eric Hampson

Robert William Hancock

Stacy Harman

Peter William James Hassack

Peter John Hayes

Stewardships—Other Mark Provinces and Districts

John Keith Hicks

David Sean Hitchcock

Wesley Val Hollands

Erol Mark Houssein

Raymond Frederick Hoyte

Christopher John Huxtable

Stephen Mynott James

Raymond Reginald Johnson

Allen Niall Johnston

Peter Jordan

Mahir Kilic

Peter Paul Klein

Polycarpos Kyriacou

Michael Lally

Peter John Lambert

Gerald Lane

Wayne Christopher Larman

Peter David Lawrence

Oliver Richard Laws

Jon Richard Leech

Liam Sean Lehane

David Arthur Lucas

Timothy John Joseph MacAndrews

Garry Philip Mancini

Lorenzo Mannelli

Howard Saul Markham

Stanley Joseph Marut

Thomas Frederick Brian McCormack

Christopher George Mcdade

Donald McGarr

Cristian Mihutoiu

Richard Charles Morgan

Aleksandar Muncan

Mark Stephen Neale

Charles Patrick Newman

Mark Rodney Newton

Mark Paul Nixon

David Nunn

Christos Papathomas

Sotiris Papathomas

Frederick Charles Parr

John Alfred Leonard Parry

Chetan Kumar Patel

Ravindra Vithalbhai Patel

Shirish Pranlal Patel

Martin William Payne

Andrew Pearce

Ian Arthur Pearson

Alan Martin Perry

David Peter Poulden

Thomas Quinn

Jeffrey Marc Reese

Jasdev Singh Rehncy

Alexander Cornelius Reinke

Christopher Peter Thomas Rhodes

David Stewart Rose

Christopher John Rose

Richard James Sams

Stavros Andros Savvas

Stephen Robert Schofield

Michael Leslie Scotchmer

Nigel Francis John Scott-Moncrieff

Paul Michael Seldon

Antony Melvin Selkus

Sean Bernard Sheridan-Loughrey

Michael John Jennings Singleton

Raymond John Smith

Leonard Smith

John David Smith

Alan South

Charles Anthony Southwell

David Richard Speake

Daniel Michael Gerald Sproat-Clements

Norman Strong

Marios Phillip Stylianides

Marius Telespan

Frederick David Thomson

Constantine Spiridon Trizis

Peter Barnard Turner

Panayiotis Kosta Vardakis

Ronald Francis Venn

Gurdeep Singh Virdee

Hemant Harshadray Vyas

John Leonard Waggott

Jonathan Peter Wallis

Ameet Watts

Alan John White

Robert George Williams

Mark Antony Winterflood

Gary Woods

Martin Wright


David Burton

Stephen Edward Heynes

Johannes Marcus Padman


Derek Thomas

New Zealand

Russell Maurice Chilton

Anthony Bruce Mansfield


Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford

George Edward Bonham

Jeffrey James Chambers

Thomas Arnold Davison

David Michael Snape

Robert Andrew Stokes

Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire

William Edward Desmond Hinshelwood

John David Sowerby

North and East Yorkshire

Paul David Barham

Peter Davies

John Stephen Priestley

Ling Faang Yu


Jonathan Charles Conner

North Wales

Andrew Christian Chape

John Stanley Evans


Christopher Colin Adkin

Philip Graham Marshall

Nigel James Parry


Paul Geoffrey Benham

Matthew Roger Christmas

David Andrew Cumming

Michael Edward Genner

James Robert Guy Hilditch

Grahame Frederick Lee

Stephen Neil Pope

Barry Alistair Prior

Stephen Peter Quant

Ian Watson Wright


Victor Razvan Achim

Liviu Adam

Ciprian Emanuel Cristea

Adrian Dimitriu

Dan Dobrovolschi

Cristian Constantin Gheorghe

Cristian Gheorghita Grigoras

Daniel Iorgulescu

Adrian Irimiea

William Manning

Bogdan Iulian Pintea

Ion Pop

Sorin Nicolae Popa

Mohammad Ghasem Rostamizadeh

Gunter Geza Stauder

Andrei Stoian

Corneliu Nicolae Vaida


Paul Brice-Bullows

Geoffrey Sinclair Ifill

John Anthony Nicholson

Michael John Parry

Michael John Platts

Richard Ian Stone

Philip Clifford Voisey

Thomas Bentley White

South and East Caribbean

Richard Anthony Mayers

South Wales

David Neil Morgan Andrew Thomas


William Dick

Staffordshire and Shropshire

Peter James Everall

David John Griffiths

Dennis John Hill

John Malcolm Berry Phillips

Harjinder Singh Sagoo

Kevin John Spencer

John Raymond Weaver


James Agnew

Michael Frederick Barnes

William Raymond Barr

Alan John Brockwell

Steven Christopher Cann

Christopher Wenham Eley


Vaughan Christopher French

Bernard John Greenwood

Stephen Richard Jones

Richard John Knox

John Raymond Massey

Raymond Michael Scott Seeley


Stewardships—Other Mark Provinces and Districts

Stephen Rae Campbell

Andrew Barrington Ford

Kemble Van Nagan

Roger Francis Richardson

Cullen David Sage


Andrew Rowland Armbrister

Robert Nigel Clemson

William Edward Davies

Richard Stephen Gale

Derek John Griffin

Roger Stuart Mac

Roger Millwater

Mark James Rea

Peter James Wellings

Philip Wills

West Lancashire

Robert Frederick William Allman

Keith Alan Beardmore

Giles Frederick Berkley

Geoffrey Michael Bury

Austin Norton Fletcher

Ian Douglas Nairn

Terence Pearson

James Francis Rogers

Eric John Sarti

Peter David Williams

West Yorkshire

John Trevor Bolton

Richard Gordon Brown

Andrew James Brown

John Fred Clough

Jason John Cunningham

Philip John Drury

Brian Harrison

Michael John Minns

Christopher Oldfield

Philip Oldfield

Richard Boswell Puttrell

James Steggles

Rod Gordon Taylor

James Bennett Truswell

John Edward Vause

David Robert Wight

Ian Wolstencroft


John Bell

Nigel Anthony Dalby

Mervyn James Johns

Stephen Lee

Bryan Desmond Little


Andrew Philip Beaumont

Dudley Charles Price

Eric John Rymer

Mark John Winfield

TOTAL £48,585

Grants and Petitions 2023/2024

A Snapshot of the Mark Benevolent

1868 The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons Fund of Benevolence is established by Revd George Raymond Portal.

1869 The first festival is held at the Mitre Hotel on Hampton Court Road, and raises the sum of £97.

1869 The first grant of £5 is made in November to Brother George Morris, a Ship’s Steward of Whitechapel in East London, having lost virtually all his possessions in a shipwreck earlier that year.

1879 The first festival sponsored by a Province is hosted by Sussex and raises £537.

1888 13 boys and 13 girls are beneficiaries of the Education Fund. The Annuitant Fund is supporting four people.

1918 The first time a five figure sum is raised at a festival: £10,000 in the Province of East Anglia.

1927 The first use of the term ‘Mark Benevolent Fund’.

1968 Centenary

By May 1967 a total of £745,736 has been disbursed.

To mark the centenary of the Fund, £500,000 is pledged to Lord Harris Court, a residential care home run by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company.

1971 £500,000 donated to the Royal Masonic Hospital Modernisation Fund.

1994 £1.5 million is donated to the Hospice Movement.

2009 £1.6 million is donated to the RNLI in Wales for a new Tamarclass lifeboat named The Mark Mason.

2017 Teams from the Provinces took part in the M.B.F. Charity Walk raising £437,934 for Blood Bike groups across England and Wales. The official handover took place in August 2018 at the National Motorcycle Museum in Birmingham.

2017 St John Ambulance receive a grant of £3.4 million for the provision of 53 new vehicles.

Since the establishment of the Fund

Grants to Individual Petitioners: Grants to Worthy Causes:

Benevolent Fund — 1868 to 2024

2018 Sesquicentenary

Since 1868 the M.B.F. has disbursed over £7 million in grants to individual petitioners.

Donations to charities and worthy causes total over £25 million.

The Trustees of the Mark Benevolent Fund donate £2,080,000 to the Hope for Tomorrow charity, for the purchase of eight mobile chemotherapy units for the use of the NHS in rural locations throughout the UK.

2021 Hertfordshire Scouts receive a grant of £17,345 to upgrade security at the Well End Activity Centre in Borehamwood.

2022 Haverigg Inshore Rescue Team, in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland, were granted £11,573 for a new shallow water rescue quad bike, needed to cover the low water mark as the tide can recede several miles.

2023 Villa Real School Association receive £57,029 for the purchase of a new minibus to provide transport for their pupils who have complex needs.

2024 The M.B.F. donated £100,000 to the Metropolitan Grand Lodge’s fundraising venture for the London Air Ambulance Charity ‘Up Against Time Appeal’, which aims to raise £3m to replace its helicopter fleet.

2024 St Luke’s Home of Healing in the District of Natal, receive £7,796 towards the cost of roof repairs for their home in KwaDukuza, South Africa.

2024 £12,159 is donated to the Children’s Sailing Trust, in the Province of Cornwall, to purchase a special hoist allowing a single caregiver to assist individuals with restricted mobility.

2024 Lighthouse Community Hub, in the Province of Northumberland, was awarded £30,000 for their child poverty prevention program. It will fund work to convert an old school caretaker’s bungalow into the new Hub.

2024 PSDS, in the Province of Surrey, was awarded £81,000 to help create a Centre of Excellence for families and professionals supporting children and young people with Down syndrome.

the following grants have been distributed:

£ 7,273,831

£ 31,260,353 TOTAL: £ 38,534,184

The Mark Benevolent Fund Supporting Charities in Cheshire

Stockport Young Carers—Cheshire

In 2018, a grant £35,620 from the Mark Benevolent Fund enabled Stockport Young Carers to replace their minibus with a 17-seater bus to transport even more of the children to events around the country to give them time away from being a carer and to just enjoy being children again.

The charity helps the children to release steam when needed and gives them the freedom to leave those that they care for, without taking with them the guilt when they are apart.

The Holistic Cancer Centre

This is a nurse-led therapeutic support centre for people who have a cancer diagnosis. They offer a wide range of complimentary therapies including counselling, nutritional awareness, relaxation therapies such as mindfulness and meditation, as well as reiki and acupuncture.

W.Bro. Derek Walsh, JP, P.A.G.D.C., Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire, has had personal experience of this centre, and funding of £16,984 for a new kitchen and therapy couches has been awarded.

City of Goodness Orphanage, Ukraine

A grant of £10,000 from the M.B.F. enabled the purchase of a minibus to transport medical supplies to the ambulance brigade in Lviv. The minibus was then driven to the City of Goodness Orphanage in Chernivtsi for their further use.

Province of Cheshire Awards


‘As President of the M.B.F., I would like to personally thank the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Gary Horstman, for the outstanding contributions he and his Brethren have made in ensuring the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Cheshire has qualified for the Grand Patron Diamond Award for the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner. This is the highest honorific awarded by the Mark Benevolent Fund and is a stunning achievement.’

R.W.Bro. Archibald I. Torrance, President of the M.B.F.


‘The Grand Master’s Keystone Fund was launched in June 2023 to celebrate over 40 years service to the Order by our Grand Master, M.W.Bro. HRH Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO. The funds will be used to award bursaries to individuals, offering them encouragement and financial support with their educational, vocational and sporting studies. I would like to send my heartfelt gratitude for the support the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire has given to this new Fund. I congratulate the Province on achieving both milestones, for which the Brethren of Cheshire should be extremely proud.’

R.W.Bro. Archibald I. Torrance, President of the M.B.F.

Festival Committee 2024

Festival President

R.W.Bro. Gary Raymond Horstman

Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire

Festival Committee Chairman

W.Bro. Steve C. Simpson, P.A.G.D.C.

Festival Committee Deputy Chairman

W.Bro. John D. Miller, P.A.G.D.C., A.Prov.G.M.

W.Bro. David Littlewood, P.Prov.G.M.O.

W.Bro. Michael J. Collins


W.Bro. Richard D. B. Antipas, Prov.G.J.D.

W.Bro. Sebastian J. D. Daly, Prov.G.D.C.

W.Bro. Nick Wild, P.G.J.D., Prov.G.Ch.Stwd.

W.Bro. Howard J. Waddell, P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.Alm.

W.Bro. Graham Kyffin, P.A.G.D.C.

Past Members

V.W.Bro. Austin W. Bamber, P.G.J.O., P.Dep.Prov.G.M.

W.Bro. Robert A. McMillan, P.G.J.D., P.A.Prov.G.M.

W.Bro. Stephen Flood, P.A.G.D.C.

The One Hundred and Fifty-seventh Festival

will be held on Saturday, 19 July 2025 at the Examination Schools, University of Oxford 75-81 High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BG

Under the Presidency of R.W.Bro. Ian Watson Wright Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire


2026 Hampshire and Isle of Wight Northumberland 2031

2027 Warwickshire Wiltshire 2032

2028 Somerset North and East Yorkshire 2033

2029 Durham Dorset 2034

2030 Essex Derbyshire 2035

Further particulars can be obtained from:

M.B.F. Honorary Secretary Charities Office, Mark Masons’ Hall 86 St James’s Street, London, SW1A 1PL

H.R.H. Prince Michael of Kent, GCVO

Celebrating the Fortieth Anniversary of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Grand President of the Mark Benevolent Fund

by Rory Lewis (2022) Winner of the Portrait of Britain (2017 – 2020)


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