Parents information guide 2014 2015

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St Mark’s Church of England Academy Transition Guide

St Mark’s Church of England Academy, Acacia Road, Mitcham, CR4 1SF T: 020 8648 6627 F: 020 8640 8305 Email: Web:







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Welcome from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent / Carer Welcome to St Mark’s Church of England Academy! We are delighted to be able to welcome you and your child to the Academy and to have you join us as part of the vibrant community that is St Marks. It is an exciting time for me also as I have recently taken up the role of Principal in January 2014. I have been at the Academy for four years and bring a real knowledge of our successes to date and areas to develop. I always welcome hearing from parents and would welcome you contacting Carol Low (PA) at if at any time you wish to discuss anything. This is an important and exciting time for your child and we wish them every success as they enter their secondary education. Being a member of St Mark’s Academy means that you and your child are joining a community that is striving for excellence. We want to work together to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and that both you and your child are active participants in the life of the Academy. This booklet will tell you a little about the Academy and give you information to help you start this journey. All of our staff are here to help you and this booklet will let you know how to contact them and where you can find answers to any questions you may have. It is our privilege to welcome you and your child to join the community that is St Mark’s Church of England Academy. Lisa Peterkin Principal

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

The Academy has four houses, Curie, Armstrong, Blake and Newton. Within each house, from years 8-11 there are 6 coaching groups. In year 7 we allocate the students into houses but they stay in a year 7 group. We think that this makes the transition from Primary to Secondary more manageable for the young people. Coaching groups meet every day at the same time, in the same room. Your coach is the person who will know you best at St Mark’s. Your coach should be the first person you can turn to if you have any questions or concerns when you start in September. In addition to your coach you can also speak to the House Co -ordinator; this is the person who will deal with the day to day running of the house. Information can be found below:


Head of House


Ms Sarri Grey Armstrong Mr Ricardo Ackie Blake

Ms Sam McVey Newton House

Ms Deana Drewett

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Pastoral care at St Mark’s

Academic Structure Head of Department

Contact Details


Debbie Wiles


John Igein


Rumi Khatun

Creative Arts

Lucy Brown


Hannah Fahey


Matthew Scrimshaw


Zoe Feenan


Claudette Bailey-Morrissey

& Technology

Support Departments Inclusion

Contact details

Ms Emma Sadler

Vulnerable Children’s co-ordinator Ms Nicola Purvis

English as an additional Language Ms Carmen Campeanu

Ms Aneta Przygoda

Safer Schools Police Officer Mr Marco Cetara

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014


Transition events Throughout this week you will be invited to attend a personal interview with a member of the transition team at St Mark’s Church of England Academy. This will be an opportunity for you to get to know a face at St Mark’s. It will also give you an opportunity for you raise any questions or concerns you may have. St Mark’s will also use this time to collect vital personal information about you and your child. We would like your son/daughter to bring their best books that showcase some of the work done in year 6. We would also like them to bring a book they are currently reading and to be prepared to read a passage during the interview.

Primary Visits: Week beginning May 12th Throughout this week we will be visiting as many schools as we can to work with those students joining us in September. The sessions will be run by our students ‘transition buddies’. These sessions will allow your son/daughter to ask questions about St Mark’s and what life is like at secondary school.

Induction day at St Mark’s: Wednesday 2nd July This day will the first opportunity for your child to experience a full day at St Mark’s. They will have the opportunity to follow a timetable for the day and join in a range of different subjects. They will be accompanied at all times by a member of staff and student mentors. Further details will be sent to you in due course.

Summer school: 25th—29th August 2014 At St Marks, we understand that starting secondary school can be an exciting, yet challenging time for some students. Our summer school aims to help new year 7s have a smooth transition from primary to secondary school, by providing a range of team and confidence building activities. The purpose of the four days will be to help students have a successful start at St Marks, addressing any fears or concerns they may have. The program aims to develop a positive, secure and supportive environment in which the students can start to explore the Academy and the responsibilities that come with starting secondary school. Last year we received lots of positive feedback from parents and students about the summer transition program, and we trust that this year will be even better. There are a limited number of places available, and we will advise how to go about securing a place nearer the time. For more information please use the link below:

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Interview: 24th—28th March 2014

A Guide for Parents The transition from primary to secondary school is a big issue for both children and their parents. Secondary school can be a huge challenge and it is important for both teachers and parents to work together in helping children to meet those challenges.

 When leaving primary school children go from being the oldest to the youngest in their new school.

 Your child should not expect to understand everything straight away. It will take time to get into the new routines. You should explain that if he or she should not be afraid asks questions to clarify understanding.

 Every school has rules. Whether children agree with them or not it is much better to keep to them. Impress upon your child that rules are there so that pupils understand what is expected of them and it is just not worth getting into trouble.

 From having one teacher in primary school your child will probably have to cope with as many as ten or more teachers with different teaching styles and personalities.

 Secondary school is much bigger and your child will go from having one classroom to ten or more classrooms. More homework to be done as there are six subject periods in one day.

 A larger number of textbooks to be transported and organised.  Longer school day.  Greater competition both academically and in sports and activities.  Faster pace of teaching – in secondary school each teacher only has around a 50-minute subject period whereas in primary school the teacher can devote extra time to any subjects the children are struggling with.

 Having to make new friends – this is especially difficult if none of a child’s primary school friends have moved on to the same secondary school. Discuss your child's choice of friends. Sometimes children feel pressured into doing things they know are wrong because their 'friends' tell them to. Under such circumstances they may need support to find more appropriate friends.

 Remind your child that if someone is making their school life miserable to tell you or a teacher, even if they have been warned not to tell. It is his or her entitlement to attend school without being threatened and action must be taken to stop bullying.

 Encourage your child to be supportive of classmates. Some may be having problems. Ignoring others or calling names can be very hurtful. However, being a good friend does not mean doing work for them.

 Your child will be fortunate if he or she gets on with all the teachers. Remind your child that the teachers are there for his or her benefit and to try not to give them a hard time. Encourage your child to discuss with you any problems with a particular teacher.

 Be supportive at exam times. Your child will be having yearly exams based on the year's work. Talk about these and the fact that there is no need to worry. With good notes and adequate revision time all should be well. Pupils who read over their notes only the night before an exam rarely perform to their potential. Establishing good exam techniques will stand your child in good stead for GCSE's.

 Lastly encourage your child to relax and think positive. With caring support you can help to make the transition a happy period.

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Some common transitional problems for children are as follows:

Remember, it is normal for your child to feel uncomfortable in their new surroundings for a while. Encourage them to share their feelings about St Mark’s, what they are learning and how they are coping, with you or with someone else that they trust. Also, encourage them to get involved in the many new activities that they will have to explore, as this will help them to become integrated into academy life and will help to build peer relationships. Don’t be afraid to discuss any potential problems with your child’s Coach or Pastoral manager.

Travelling to and from school For many children, this may be the first time they have travelled to school by bus or train. Make sure that you have taken them on the route and that they know exactly where to board the bus/train and where to get off. A dummy run with Mum or Dad is always very reassuring. There may be an older child at the same school who lives nearby and who would be happy to accompany your child on the first day.

What will St Mark’s do to help? It is important that your child is comfortable with the new surroundings of the Academy. We have a large site and probably many more classrooms that you child is used to. We will provide a map of the school and make sure that on day one everyone will have a full orientation of the site.

Enrichment Enrichment activities are those organised activities which take place outside the timetabled curriculum, during lunch break or after school between 3.15pm – 4.15pm. They are staff led and generally provided at no additional cost. There are, in addition, low fee based extra-curricular activities with specialist staff such as Duke of Edinburgh Award. The enrichment activity timetable alters each term to ensure that we can take advantage of the weather as it improves and to allow for as wide a range of experiences as possible. Generally activities take place on school grounds. All children from Year 7 to 11 can participate and the ages mix. A break from 3.00pm – 3.15pm allows them to organise their bags, relax and generally let off steam before the fun commences.

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Changing from primary school to secondary school will seem strange for your child at first. Usually at this transitional age they are more than ready to take on the new challenge of secondary school as it is all part of the growing up process. However they are likely to miss their old school and friends, especially as not every child from a particular primary school will end up going to the same secondary school. Encourage your child to get involved in as many activities as possible and to make new friends; they will still be able to keep in contact with old friends as well.

Top tips for kids starting a new secondary school

2. Never be afraid to ask for help, or talk to someone you trust, like your mum or dad, or coach. 3. Always make the first effort to make new friends - it will help you meet new classmates and make the social side of school far more enjoyable. 4. First impressions last a long time, so make sure yours are good ones - for organisation, presentation, and behaviour! This is your chance to make a fresh start - embrace it and make the most of all the new opportunities. Try out clubs and activities. And always remember you will make new friends! 5. Make notes and write down anything you need to remember. 6. Find out the layout of the academy, and learn where your classrooms are (and the toilets!). 7. Find out your timetable and remember it. Find out what time you need to be at school, and what time you need to go home. 8. Make sure you know what uniform you need, and what to bring in or wear for sport 9. And finally - try to enjoy yourself. Making new friends and learning new things is an exciting time so try to get past your nerves and just remember that everyone else is in the same boat, so have a good time! Â

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

1. Make sure you are organised - pack your bags, pencil cases, and so forth, the night before school so you don't have to worry in the morning.

Term Dates

First day: Monday 1 September 2014 Last day: Friday 19 December 2014 Half term: Monday 27 October to Friday 31 October 2014

Spring Term 2015 First day: Monday 5 January2015 Last day: Friday 27 March 2015 Half term: Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February 2015

Summer Term 2015 First day: Monday 13 April 2015 Last day: Monday 20 July 2015 Half term: Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May 2015

The School Day Monday to Thursday 8:30 – 9:30am Period 1 9:30 – 10:35am

Period 2

10:35 – 10:55 am

House Time (HT)

10:55 – 11:15am 11:15 – 12:20 pm

Friday only 8:30 – 9:40 am Period 1 9:40 – 10:50 am

Period 2


10:50 – 11:10 am

Period 3

11:10 – 12:20 pm

Break (no coaching time) Period 3

12:20 – 13:25 pm

Period 4

13:25 – 14:00 pm


14:00 – 15:00 pm

Period 5 Timings of the school day are currently under review.

This will not however have an impact on the current start and end times of the day.

Warning bells: Morning 8:25 am Break – 11:10 am Monday – Thursday / 11:05 am Friday Lunchtime – 13:55 pm

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Autumn Term 2014


Students should spend approximately the following amount of time on homework per day: Year 7: approximately 60 minutes every evening Some students may need to take a little longer and some perhaps can complete more than others in the time given, or want to do more. Teachers will take students’ ability into account. The important thing is that they should make a good effort, do homework regularly and treat it seriously. Homework will come in a variety of different forms: preparation for the next lesson; project for the half term; independent research. It will be linked to the learning that happens in the classroom. St Mark’s publishes all homework through Show my homework. This is an on line system that allows students and parents to have 24 hours access to any homework set throughout the Academy. You can view a link from our website here: HOW OFTEN? Homework will be set at least once a week in all subjects.

USEFUL WEBSITES RE Languages username : stmarksac password : scrimshaw

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014


General Expectations

Good attendance is key to pupils achieving their true potential. We recognise that through illness and for other genuine reasons children will miss the occasional day of school and in such cases parents are required to call the Academy to report their child’s absence. Upon returning to school after an absence students are required to produce a signed note giving the reasons for absence, even though parents will have previously rung and spoken to a member of staff at the academy. To facilitate a prompt start to the day, all students are required to be in school by 8.25am for lessons to begin at 8.30am. Students arriving after 8.30am are considered late and are dealt with in accordance with the Academy’s ‘Attendance Policy’.

Uniform Please ensure that your son or daughter has the correct St Mark’s uniform. Reminders will be issued to students who do not have the correct uniform, including sending text messages or a letter home to parents where there are serious breaches of the St Mark’s uniform policy. Inappropriate items may also be confiscated. Students who persistently come to school in incorrect uniform may also receive a detention at the end of the school day (24 hours notice will always be given for any detention of over 10 minutes).

Health and Safety St Mark’s Academy has a strong commitment to the health & safety of our students. Governors and staff take very seriously their responsibility to promote and ensure the welfare and the safety of all the students entrusted to their care. Students are expected, as far as is reasonable with regard to their age and development:  To exercise personal responsibility for the safety of themselves and others;  To observe standards of dress consistent with safety and hygiene (this could

preclude, for example, unsuitable footwear, items considered dangerous);  To observe all the safety rules of St Mark’s and in particular the instructions of

staff given in an emergency;  To use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with items provided for

their safety. The Academy would like to remind all students if they are involved in an accident or in a near-miss incident, that they must report it to the nearest member of staff. All new year 7 student are required to sign the ‘Year 7 charter’ This is a document that outlines how we expect our students to behave in a variety of different situations.

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Attendance and Punctuality

Acacia Road Mitcham Surrey CR4 1SF Tel: 0208 648 6627 Fax: 0208 640 8305

St Mark’s Church of England Academy 2014

Church of England Academy

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