2016klasse1 6v1

Page 1

Beslagsmede\klasse 1-6

Revideret den 11-11-2015

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th-- 20th of March 2016

Version 1

Åbent Europæisk/Dansk Mesterskab for Beslagsmede Arrangeres af Arbejdsgiverne – Messecenter Herning – Dansk Metalarbejderforbund Arbejdsgiverne - Magnoliavej 2 - 5250 Odense SV - Telefax: 6617 3230 - Telefon: 6617 3333 Home Page: www.hovpleje.dk - E-mail: info@arbejdsgiverne.dk

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 1 (debutant):

1. division ”Farrier Apprentice EM & DM 2016”


The class is all for apprentices. It is also allowed to participate if: - You not have won the class before. - You not have been among the top three in EM / NM / DM before. - You not have participated the class more than once before.


55 min.

Model 1 A + B (Make a pair):

Parallel Frontshoe. left/right, with toeclip an 6 nailholes.

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron / 25 x 10 - Cutting the iron is ”not” alloved.

Nails / finish:

Mustad Libero Arc 5 / Hammer finish

Class 1 A + B (Make a pair)

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 1 A + B (Make a pair)

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 2:

2. division ” Farrier Apprentice EM & DM 2016” 1. division of EM/DM 2016 that qualify for final (class 6)


The classes are open for all competitors. You can use assistance.


55 min.

Model 2A:

Side Bone Front.

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron / 25 x 10 - Cutting the iron is ”not” alloved.

Nails / finish:

Mustad Libero Arc 5 / Hammer finish

Class 2a

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 2a

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Model 2B:

Side Weight hind.

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron 25 x 8 - Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.


Mustad Concave 4

Class 2b

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 2b

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 3:

2. division of EM/DM 2016 that qualify for final (class 6)


The class are open for all competitors. Assistance is not allowed.


55 min.

Model 3A:

Toe Weight Front.

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron 25 x 8 - Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.


Mustad Concave 4

Class 3a

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 3a

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Model 3B:


Materiale / Dimension:

Iron / 25 x 8 Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.



Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 4:

3. division of EM/DM 2016 that qualify for final (class 6)


The class are open for all competitors. Assistance is not allowed.


55 min.

Model 4A:

Hind Preventer.

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron 25 x 10 - Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.

Nails / finish:

Kerckhaert Liberty Cu 5 slim / Hammer finish

Class 4a

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Model 4B:


Materiale / Dimension:

Iron / 25 x 8 - Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.

Nails / finish:

Kerckhaert Liberty Cu ? slim / Hammer finish

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 5:

4. division of EM/DM 2016 that qualify for final (class 6)


The class are open for all competitors. Assistance is not allowed.


25 min.


Eagle Eye. Eggbar shoe. Fitting a hoof shown before the starting the class

Materiale / Dimension:

Iron 25 x 10 - Cutting the iron is �not� alloved.

Nails / finish:

? / Hammer finish

Class 5

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Class 6 - Finale:

Open European / Danish Championship 2016 Finalclass


The 20 participants with the highest total score of classes 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 are going to the final (class 6).

Class time:

80 min.

Model A:

Parallel front shoe left or right forged with front clips and rolled toe. Shoes to be fitted hot to the hoof and nailed to the hoof, after judging by the judge.

Material / Dimension:

Iron / 20 x10

Nails / finish:

? / Hammer finish

Model B:

Parallel hind shoe left or right, forged with side clip. Shoes to be fitted hot to the hoof and nailed to the hoof, after judging.

Material / Dimension:

Iron / 20 x 10

Nails / finish:

? / Hammer finish

Model A:

Model B:

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Open European/Danish Championship For Farriers Herning 18th - 20th of March 2016

Prizes Class 1 nr. 1-2-3 Class 2 nr. 1-2-3 Class 3 nr. 1-2-3 Class 4 nr. 1-2-3 Class 5 nr. 1-2-3 Class 6 nr. 1-2-3 Class 1+2 (Danish apprentices) nr. 1-2-3 Class 1+2 (European apprentices) nr. 1-2-3 Danish Champion nr. 1-2-3 European Champion nr. 1-2-3 Prize giving ceremony is Sunday, March 20th at.14:30 in Hall D Invitation Rules and Registration can be found at www.hovpleje.dk

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