You Must Be An Energetic Match To Your Desire
Why is this important?
Because to manifest anything you have to energetically match the frequency of it.
And if your desire is to attract love (whether with a specific person or in general), you’re going to have to radiate the frequency of love.
And that may be leaps and bounds from where you are right now.
But until you match the frequency of your SP (get on their wavelength), you CAN NOT manifest a lasting, loving relationship with them. You will only repel them.
So, how do you increase your energetic vibration to match that of love?
In the simplest terms, your mind, body, and emotions all need to be in full alignment with your desire.
And what many people fail to tell you about manifesting a specific person is that if you’re not in alignment with your desire, then no amount of LOA techniques are going to make your desire materialize into your reality.
Let’s be honest. The only reason you actually want to attract this specific person is because you believe that in the having of this relationship with them, you’ll finally be truly happy.
But in order to ‘have’ them, you have to be truly happy first. It won’t work any other way.
Now you’re probably asking yourself, ‘How do I get into alignment with my desire?’
How To Get InAlignment With Your Desire
Whether there’s a huge energetic gap between you and your desire, or just a small hop, skip, and a jump to where you want to be, you’re reading this article because you have your eye on a specific person that you’d like to manifest a relationship with.
And if you’re not in a loving relationship with your SP already, then there is something blocking you.
The first step is to figure out what that is. (Oooh, and it could be a whole bag of negative ninnies holding you back!)
Then we’re going to have to rip apart the unruly jungle you’ve got growing in your subconscious, pull out all the weeds, and plant a whole new garden.
Get ready to dive deep! And grab a cute pair of gardening gloves while you’re at it.
‘Cause it’s about to get a whole lot of messy up in here…and I am not even close to being done with the whole ‘garden’ metaphor. I plan on riding that baby to the very last sentence of this ebook.
Ok, so if you want to become a match for your desire, you’re going to have to change your current thoughts, beliefs, and habits.
WARNING! Here’s where the real work begins.
Prepare Your Mind to Manifest Successfully
In order to guarantee your success when intentionally manifesting your desire, you have to first prepare the soil and clear your mind of all doubt.
You’ll need to let go of any resistance you may have in regards to manifesting love with your specific person.
It’s time to ask yourself if you’re really ready for love.
You’ll need to be honest with yourself. Because if any lingering doubts are hiding under the surface, your seeds of desire will never grow. They’ll block your manifestation.
It’s that simple.
So, let’s overcome these obstacles before putting in the hard work of manifesting our dream dude or dudette.
You’ll save yourself time and disappointment in the long run from failed or partial manifestations by tackling these issues first.
Ask Yourself the Following Questions:
Do you believe that the Law of Attraction is real and can work for you?
Do you deeply believe it’s possible that you can be with this person?
Do you believe you are worthy of love?
Do you love yourself and believe you are whole and complete with or without another person?
Are you willing to commit yourself to the work required to achieve your goal?
If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions, then congratulations. It’s about to get magical up in here! And you are ready to start attracting your SP into your life!
But more likely you answered ‘no’ to some of those questions. So, here’s my advice.
What to Do…
If you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, then it’s never going to work for you. So, prove it.
Find success stories from other people. Or start trying to manifest small things, like finding a good parking spot, receiving a free drink, or a compliment.
Anything that will prove to you that it’s real.
If deep down you don’t believe it’s possible that you could ever be with your specific person, or if you’ve put them so high up on a pedestal that you believe they’re out of your league, then you’re definitely NOT going to be a vibrational match to them.
You’re only creating more resistance to your desire. You’re telling the universe that you don’t deserve this person.
This person you’re hung up on, your crush, is NOT so high and mighty that you’re undeserving of their time or affection. They’re just an ordinary person. Treat them like one.
Because no one wants to date their stalker.
And that brings me to the next point. Where are you at with your selfworth?
If you feel unworthy of love or that you NEED your SP to complete you, then it’s time to work on building your self-esteem and cultivating some serious self-love before we go any further.
You can’t put that level of pressure on any person to fill a void inside yourself and be the ‘reason’ for your happiness.
It’s unfair to them.
You have to come at manifesting this person from a place of knowing YOU ARE ALREADY WHOLE AND COMPLETE. In other words, from a place of WANTING them, not NEEDING them.
It’s no one’s responsibility to make you happy. That’s your job.
And nobody wants to date someone who’s needy or clingy.
When you cultivate healthy self-esteem, you will only attract people who value and respect you. And when you learn to fully love yourself, that’s when the doors to true love begin to open up.
Alrighty then, now that you’re knee-deep in dirt from ripping apart your ‘garden’, it’s time to till the soil and start planting your seeds of desire.
The 7 Steps to Manifest Love with Your Specific Person
1. Affirm to the Universe that You Want to Be with Your Specific Person
You may think, ‘Well, hell! The universe should already know exactly what I want.’
But I can assure you that it doesn’t. Because if you’re not already with your SP, then you are surely giving the universe mixed signals.
You need to be crystal clear in your thoughts, emotions, and actions that you desire to date, be in a committed relationship with, or marry your specific person.
The best way to do that is to set a clear intention… and put it in writing.
What to Do…
Yay, this is the fun part! Ok, time to whip out your journal and fantasize about being in a relationship with your specific person.
Write down exactly how you want them to treat you, what a typical day with them would be like, things you’d talk about, places you’d go.
Will you guys be one of those couples that spend every second together, or will you both be more independent and spend a healthy amount of time apart doing your own thing?
What personality traits do you love about them? What do they love about you? What attracts you to them?
Define the relationship. Be specific without being insanely inflexible. This is a person, not a Ken doll.
And writing everything down is the best way to flush out all the details, get very clear about what exactly it is you want to manifest and impress your desire upon your subconscious mind.
Because if the subconscious isn’t on board with what you want to manifest, it’s going to block you every step of the way.
You get what you focus on. If you’re constantly focusing on what you DON’T WANT instead of what you DO want, that’s exactly what you’re going to attract.
The Law of Attraction doesn’t weed out the negative statements from the positive ones. It only brings you what you focus your attention on.
That’s why it’s important to steer clear of negative statements. So, instead of saying, ‘They NEVER lose their temper,’ ‘They NEVER leave the toilet seat up,’ etc.
Turn it around to be a positive statement like ‘They are ALWAYS in control of their emotions,’ ‘They ALWAYS put the toilet seat down,’ etc.
You get the point. We’re training ourselves to speak in the affirmative and to focus only on the positives.
Be careful about which thoughts and emotions you hone in on and hold on to. Because if you want to manifest love with a specific person using the Law of Attraction, you need to focus only on the things you DO WANT.
That’s another reason why you wrote down your desired intention. It’s a great way to focus your mind on the wants instead of the want nots.
2. Challenge Limiting Beliefs
What are the underlying assumptions or false beliefs you have that are holding you back and blocking your manifestation?
What to Do…
What beliefs do you have about the opposite sex, relationships, love, etc.? Do you believe all men are players? All women leave you? All relationships end badly?
Grab a pen and write down a list of all your limiting beliefs.
Throughout the day notice what thoughts pop up around the issue of your specific person, relationships, love, etc.
What triggers you? What do you react to?
Do you notice that a particular thought pops up when you see a couple showing affection, fighting, engaged in conversation, etc?
How about when you’re watching a movie?
Take note of whatever thoughts keep popping up…and write them down. (Do you notice a theme here? Write everything down! This will help you track your progress and cements new beliefs into the subconscious.)
Now add all the negative thoughts you experienced during the day to your list of limiting beliefs. Then flip them around and rewrite them in a way that makes them positive statements of empowerment.
These will become affirmations that you should incorporate into your morning routine, which I’ll discuss in step #3.
You may even want to make a recording of these statements and listen to it throughout the day to help retrain your subconscious mind.
3. Change Your Mindset
Now, it’s time to develop new habits and change your vibrational set point. Unless you’re new to manifestation, you’re probably already familiar with affirmations, scripting, and gratitude journals.
These can be powerful tools to realign yourself each day with your desire and keep you on the right track.
Develop a Daily Manifestation Routine
Start your day off on the best foot possible by establishing a morning manifestation routine with affirmations, scripting, and gratitude.
It’s the best way to raise your energy and your mood first thing when you wake up so that you can attract more of the things you want into your life like the loving relationship you want with your specific person.
And when you end your day on a positive note with more affirmations, gratitude, and visualizing your desire, you’re cementing not only seeds of your desire but also high-vibe emotions into your subconscious mind that it will continue processing while you’re in deep sleep.
These two times of the day—first thing when you wake up in the morning and right before you drift off to sleep—are ‘magical gateway moments’.
This is when your brain enters the Theta state.
In the Theta state, you can influence your subconscious mind. Which makes it the perfect time to practice affirmations, scripting, visualizations, or planting any seeds of change.
What to Do…
As soon as you slap your alarm clock in the morning, here’s what you’re going to do:
1. Greet your morning with gratitude
Grab your journal and write 5 things you’re grateful for in your current life. If you need help with this step or find it difficult to come up with 5 things to be grateful for every day,
2. Journal About Your Dream Life
Writing about your dream life will create immense momentum and shift your mindset to the feelings of your desires.
So, spend 5-10 minutes every day journaling about your dream life with your specific person. Put yourself in the shoes of your future self, being in the most amazing and delicious relationship with your soulmate.
Be sure to write in the present tense and use ‘I am’ statements, not ‘I will’. So, imagine your desire has already manifested. Live in that fantasy and feel the emotion of what it feels like to be happy with your specific person.
And always end your journal entry with gratitude. Thank you so much, Universe!
3. Write Your Affirmations for the Day
Choose areas of your life or personality that you’d like to work on. It’s time to become the type of person you want to date.
And because ‘like attracts like’, you’ll attract the person you’ve always wanted to be with.
Here’s where you’ll use the affirmations you created when writing your limiting beliefs in step #2. For example, ‘I am worthy of love,’ ‘All the people I am attracted to are attracted to me,’ or ‘I only attract stable, happy, loving people that respect me.’
Write your affirmations down and repeat them for a few minutes every morning. But to really rewire these positive statements into your subconscious, make it a habit of repeating them throughout the day too. You can set a timer on your phone if you need a reminder.
Remember that recording of affirmations we talked about in the ‘Limiting Beliefs’ section above? If not I’ll give you a little reminder. Record yourself repeating your affirmations in a soft, soothing voice. Feel free to add relaxing, uplifting music too.
Now pull that bad boy out and listen to it morning, noon and night. At night while you’re sleeping is actually the best time to reprogram the subconscious mind.
4. Make A List of Daily Manifestations
Write down 3-5 things you’d like to manifest each day. Choose things you don’t have much resistance to and be sure to keep the manifestations small (like a free cup of coffee or receiving a compliment).
You’ll keep track of the results at the end of each day.
Not only does this help build faith in the fact that the Law of Attraction works, but is also a great exercise to build your manifestation muscle. When you’re new to manifesting, keeping track of your daily manifestations helps you get better at manifesting the bigger desires.
Practice makes perfect, my friend.
You’ll also begin to notice that your small desires manifest much easier and faster than the big things you try to manifest. That’s because you have less resistance to them and no attachment to the outcome. In many cases, you completely forget about them.
When you’re able to do that with your big desires, you’ll manifest at a much faster pace.
1. Review Your Day
Every evening before bed, mentally review your day.
You may even want to whip out your handy dandy notebook and take a few moments to rewrite the things that went wrong. This helps to cement it into your mind that you want to change those things. Otherwise, you’d just forget them.
Plus, it gives you something to look back on later to see if you’ve made improvements.
2. Record Daily Manifestation Results
Look back at your list of manifestations you made in the morning. Did any of them manifest today? Take a look at the manifestations that you’ve written down for the last few days. Maybe something manifested today that you wrote down on your list yesterday.
Record what manifested for you that day. How long it took, any signs that showed up, synchronicities, your reactions, moods, thoughts, and how it manifested.
This will give you a reference to look back on and prove to yourself that this stuff absolutely works.
3. Gratitude
Write down in your journal all the things that that went well during your day. Take time to congratulate yourself and feel gratitude for those things.
This is not only a great way to raise your vibration, but you’re also training your subconscious mind to create more of those good feeling things into your life.
4. Visualize Your Desire
In the moments right before you drift off to la-la land, you want to visualize the short scene you created of you being in a loving relationship with your special person. You’ll want to do it with as much emotion and details as possible. Use all five senses to set your scene and repeat it until you fall asleep.
Visualization is by far the most important step in the creation process. And there’s a lot that goes into getting it right to ensure you manifest accurately and successfully.
So, to find out exactly what you need to do, keep reading. In step #5, I’ll walk you through the process.
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4. Become the Person You Want to Attract
If you want to attract a fun, loving, confident person, you’re going to need to become a fun, loving, confident person.
Remember that list of desired traits you want in your specific person that you made earlier? Those are the traits you need to cultivate if you want to attract that person into your life.
I’m not saying you have to be their twin. That would be creepy. No one wants to date an exact replica of themselves.
But you do need to have similar qualities if you are going to be a match your SP.
Take your mind off your specific person and start focusing on yourself. Make feeling good a priority.
Do things that make you happy. Things that get you pumped about your day. Have lunch with that friend you haven’t seen in a year. Go for a run. Take a bubble bath. Or read that book you’ve always wanted to read.
Taking care of yourself physically and mentally is an amazing way to raise your vibration. So, show yourself some love and make self-care part of your daily ritual.
When you open up and expand your heart chakra, you are literally pumping out the energy of love into the universe.
Take a few moments to focus on the things in this world that you love. Family members, friends, your children or pets.
Feel the physical sensation of love. The warmth, the way your heart flutters, the smile that spreads across your face…all the warm fuzzies you get when you are around or think about the things that you love.
You’ll begin to light up.
Now hold on to that feeling for as long as you can. Bathe in it.
Because if you want to attract love, you must vibrate at the frequency of love. So, make it a daily habit to practice getting into the right frequency.
Affirmations, mantras, gratitude, crystals, and meditation are also great tools to help open your heart chakra.
Practice forgiveness. Holding on to anger, past memories, or old wounds may be blocking you from manifesting a loving relationship with your specific person.
Do you need to forgive them for something?
It doesn’t matter who your specific person is (your ex, someone that has you in the ‘friend-zone,’ a complete stranger, or whatever your particular situation may be), release any feelings of anger or resentment you may be harboring.
Even if it’s forgiving them for not professing their love to you yet.
Dig deep. You may even find that you need to forgive other people you’ve dated or someone from your past that may have hurt you a long time ago.
Forgive them and forgive yourself. Because anger, guilt, shame, and resentment are all low vibrational emotions that are weighing you down.
So, release them.
5. Visualize Your Imaginal Act
Neville Goddard’s visualization technique is by far the most accurate way to manifest any desire. And if you want to manifest a loving relationship with a specific person, tapping into the power of your imagination is the best way to seal the deal.
Start by constructing your imaginal act (a short, detailed scene of what it is that you desire). Writing it down can be beneficial as you try to flesh out all the details.
Be sure to include all five senses with lots of detail. Really step into the scene.
Where are you? Who’s there? What are they wearing? What sounds do you hear? What do you smell?
Be sure to write it all down, in full detail, before you start imagining it.
Next, enter into a meditative state either through meditation or while lying in bed right before you fall asleep.
How do you know if you’re in a proper meditative state?
You’ll be crossing over into the Theta brainwave state, which is a very deep relaxation state.
You lose track of all worries, thoughts of the future, attachment to the body, and the outside world. A deep sense of inner peace and emotional stability will wash over you.
Then begin to visualize your mental movie and be sure to imagine your scene in first person. If you visualize the scene in third person (like you’re watching a movie), you’re desired scene may manifest for someone else.
You are the main character in your imaginal act, so participate in it.
Once the scene feels natural, replay the scene in a loop. When you reach the end, start over at the beginning. And repeat the scene until you drift off to sleep.
Do this every night until you feel as though the imaginal act has already happened. It could take days, weeks, or even months.
The key is to evoke the overwhelming emotion of bliss (in a natural way) while imagining your scene.
Visualization is about living your new reality now, like you’re inside that moment you’re imagining. It’s happening now. You already have what you want and are totally blissed out…right now!
So, would you feel ‘blah’ about finally being with your specific person? No, no you would not!
You’d be overcome with a visceral feeling of joy and immense gratitude. Pull from past experiences when you’ve felt like that and conjure up those emotions while you’re visualizing your imaginal scene. Feel into your scene.
It’s not a forced or fake feeling. Although it may feel that way in the beginning. But keep practicing. Keep visualizing until the bliss feels real and genuine.
Now amplify it.
When you feel that overwhelming emotion of intense ecstasy followed by a wave of relaxation and contentment, you’ll know you’ve successfully planted the seed.
6. Let it Go
Time to step back and turn your desire over to the universe. Because it knows what to do. And it wants you to know that it’s got you, bae!
So, get out the way and let the universe do its thing.
Stop trying to force things to happen on your timetable. Don’t chase after your SP. Because what you chase, you repel.
I mean, we’re talking about vibes here. If you’re emitting a vibe of desperation, your specific person will pick up on that. And they will run as fast as their little feet will take them in the opposite direction.
Because desperation is a homing beacon only for more desperation, not the love you desire to manifest.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t take ‘inspired action’ (which does not come from a place of fear or control).
It’s actually a gentle nudge from the universe guiding you along a trail of breadcrumbs to your desire. So, only act if you feel inspired or are intuitively guided to act.
And do it from a place of confidence and excitement, not desperation or lack.
Once you’ve successfully planted your seed of desire, stop digging it up to check on it. Or it will never grow.
In other words, don’t keep fretting over when it’s going to happen, how it’s going to happen, or imagining ‘the middle’.
If your desired end result is to be in a loving, committed relationship with (or even married to) your SP, stop visualizing a text message from them or running into them over the weekend to manifest a date.
You’re only sabotaging yourself. Because if you start interfering with the middle, you may end up creating a whole slew of obstacles and setbacks that could put a halt on your manifestation altogether.
So, once you’ve planted the seed, let it be.
When you’re obsessed with something and constantly thinking about it, you’re not giving your desire room to breathe or grow.
And when you NEED something or are too attached to the outcome, you’re telling the universe you don’t have it. So, the universe has no choice but to keep NOT giving it to you.
It’s only matching your vibration. The vibration of lack.
If you want to be with your specific person, then you must feel as if you ARE already with them. You must feel abundant and focus on feeling love. Grow that feeling and live in that emotion as much as possible.
Because when you radiate love, everything in this universe that you want will be attracted to you like a moth to a flame.
It’s the fastest way to manifest the man or woman of your dreams.
‘Everyone is you pushed out’ is a concept associated with the teachings of Neville Goddard. On one level, it refers to the fact that every person in your reality is a reflection of what is going on internally within yourself. And each person is acting out the role you’ve assigned them in your imagination.
But on a much deeper level, this concept reveals a hidden truth that every single living being on this planet is connected by the same awareness.
The awareness that flows through me is the same awareness that flows through you and everyone else.
With this in mind, know that once you successfully plant your seed of desire into the field of awareness that connects every person on the planet, it begins pulling all sorts of strings to put the right people in
the right place at the right time to bring you closer to your manifestation.
So, the time frame it takes for your SP to materialize into your reality depends on who you’re trying to manifest.
If your specific person is currently in a relationship, lives halfway across the world, or involves any other tricky circumstances the universe has to work out, it may take time for the universe to pull all the necessary strings to put you two together.
In the meantime, you’ll need to be patient. Keep your vibration up, hold on to the feeling of love, and live as though your desire has already been fulfilled.
7. Live in the End
‘Living in the End’ is not a technique; it’s a state of being.
This is the reason a lot of manifestations fall apart. It’s by far the hardest step for most people and where they trip themselves up.
Neville’s concept of ‘Living in the End’ instructs us to imagine ourselves into any state and dwell in it.
In the case of manifesting a specific person, in your mind, you must believe with every fiber of your being that you’re already in the most amazing relationship with the person you desire to be with.
In other words, fully live as if your wish has already been granted.
What to Do…
How would it feel if you were with the person you desire? Mentally rehearse what your life might be like once you’ve attracted your specific person.
Don’t think of your desire. Live from it.
In other words, you must embody your future self and live from a point in time after your desire has manifested. Each day your thoughts and actions need to match those of the person you want to be — the person that’s already with your specific person.
If you were in a committed relationship or married to your SP right now, would you be stalking their social media? Would you be complaining to your friends about how lonely you are? Would you be hopelessly pining away for them?
Oh, hell no!
You’d be genuinely happy, thanking your lucky stars that your real-life fairy tale came to fruition, and focusing on manifesting other desires.
You’d no longer be focusing on manifesting your specific person because they’re already in your life.
In other words, you’d feel satisfied and fulfilled. Like a hungry man after Thanksgiving dinner, you’re full and the craving for food is gone. So, be full.
Whatever is showing up in your current reality is a reflection of your past vibration. In other words, everything in your life right now is a result of all your past thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
When you change your frequency, it may take time for your current circumstances to reflect that.
There’s an echo effect much like when a musician in a large auditorium plucks a guitar string. It takes time for the sound of the note played to reach the walls and bounce back to the ears of the audience. So, the echo of that note is heard long after the musician has moved on and plucked the next chord.
If things don’t show up exactly how you imagined or even if the opposite of what you wanted shows up in your reality, fight the urge to throw a temper tantrum or lose your faith.
Because a negative reaction can sabotage your efforts and will postpone your manifestation.
From your limited human perspective, you can’t see the big picture. You don’t have a behind-the-scenes view of everything that’s
happening. So, what may look to you like chaos or negative events, may be the most perfect way the universe can bring you your desire.
Click Here To take control of your romantic future
How to RemoveAThird Party
If your specific person is dating someone else, already married, or maybe they’re just hung up on someone other than you, you can still manifest them into your life.
It’s actually very simple.
Don’t Focus On the Third Party
If you’ve been paying attention, you know that we create our own reality. And we do that by attracting that which we focus on.
So, if you want to remove a third party, all you have to do is NOT focus on them.
If you see your SP with someone else, don’t freak out. Because when you obsess over your specific person being with another person, you’re creating an obstacle to your desire.
And every time you react in a negative way to this third party person, you’re cementing them into your reality. More of what you DON’T WANT is showing up.
Only focus on the end. You with your specific person. That’s the only way to take the third party out of the equation entirely.
Don’t give them any attention whatsoever. You’re not wishing them any harm. Only that they don’t exist in YOUR reality.
Don’t Let The Third Party Into Your Imaginal Act
And under no circumstances should they show up in your imaginal act!
You should only be imagining after having received your desire anyway. So, they should not be anywhere in the picture. Not even a thought in your mind.
If you’re truly living from the end, you know that you’re already with your specific person. And if your SP is already in love with you and only has eyes for you, then why would be upset or even think about this third party?
They shouldn’t even be an issue.
Now, that’s not to say that if you bump into this third party person or have actual physical contact with them in your current reality, that you should literally ignore them. That will only throw up more roadblocks to your manifestation.
Just act normal. But don’t think about them, give them negative attention, or allow them to enter into your mental space where you’re living in the end.
It’s that simple.
Ok, I can feel you chomping at the bit. Now that you’ve done all the work (you’ve crossed all your t’s and dotted all your i’s), you’re wondering if there will be signs when your manifestation is close.
I can assure you that, yes, there will absolutely be signs. So, let’s discuss some of them.
5 Signs That Your Manifestation Is On Its Way
Once you’ve planted the seed, you may start to see signs that the universe is working on your order and your manifestation is on its way.
I don’t advise playing the waiting game with your desire and searching for signs. But if you do start to notice signs from the universe, it can be reassuring and help build your faith that all this is real.
So, take notice and record any signs you receive in your journal.
That way you can refer to whenever you need to be reminded that a loving relationship with your specific is just around the corner. But don’t constantly seek reassurance and desperately search for signs that aren’t really there. You’ll just end up lowering your vibrational state and postponing your desire.
Here’s what you might see…
1. Angel or Repeating Numbers
This is a sign that you’ve raised your vibration and that things are aligning in your favor. These numbers offer reassurance that you’re on the right path or that a change is coming.
2. Synchronicities Begin to Occur
What are synchronicities? They’re events that appear to us to be coincidences but are actually connected in some way that science or reason can’t explain. These events occur because the universe is working its magic to place the right people in the right place at the right time so that you and your SP can be together.
3. An Abundance of Love is Showing Up in Your Reality
You begin to notice that love is all around you! You overhear people talking about it. You’re seeing lovers canoodling everywhere. People are linking up and gushing about their significant other more than usual. It’s a sign that you’re vibrating at the frequency of love, which causes you to see more evidence of it all over your reality. Appreciate it and know it’s a sign your special someone is on their way!
4. You Feel as if You’ve Already Received Your Desire
When you’re in complete alignment with your desire, a sense of calm washes over you. You have released all resistance and you KNOW your desire is manifesting.
5. Challenges and Obstacles
These are a little tricky. Don’t react to these obstacles negatively, though. Remember that what appears to be an obstacle to us, maybe what the universe sees as the quickest way to make our desire manifest. Or maybe the universe is placing a challenge in your path because there are a few lessons you need to learn first in order to grow and progress towards your manifestation.
So, take them in stride and remain in the end.
Everything happens in divine timing. When everything is aligned, your desire will absolutely manifest. But each desire is different and your life circumstances will affect how long your desire takes to materialize.