Peninsula News 351

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Peninsula Community Access Edition 351

News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

8 September 2014

Holstein asked to support Bambara purchase A large group of community members gathered outside the State Member for Gosford’s office at Woy Woy on Monday, September 1, to request that Mr Chris Holstein honour his Government’s preelection promise to “Secure Bambara’s Future”. Campaigning for Bambara’s protection, Mr Jake Cassar said: “We have literally done everything we can to have this promise honoured and our community’s reasonable wishes adhered to.” “Gosford Council and the State Government have said they are committed to Bambara’s protection since the early 1980s, and still the majority of the land remains unprotected. “We have held many awareness concerts attended by hundreds of locals, two art shows, around a dozen peaceful protests, camped for three months on Woy Woy Rd to draw attention to the issue and have sent over 1000 emails and letters to our elected leaders requesting that they support the community that elected them. “I call on Gosford Council CEO Paul Anderson to make public the legal advice that he says he received that restricts the State Government from compulsorily acquiring the land for conservation. “Local environmental groups, the Central Coast Greens and others have written to Mr Anderson requesting proof of this information he used to block Greens Cr Hillary Morris’s recent motion for council

The protest outside Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein’s office in Woy Woy

to urge the State Government to urgently move to secure Bambara, and they inform me that Mr Anderson is simply not responding. “I suggest that the information put forward by Mr Anderson may have been false and misleading, as under section 145 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Act 1974) it clearly states that the Government has the full powers to compulsorily acquire land for conservation or to protect places of Aboriginal cultural significance. “If Mr Anderson has indeed purposely misled the people of the Central Coast, and to the detriment of a motion to support conservation

of threatened species and cultural heritage, then I believe Gosford Council should reconsider his position on council. “No one is getting a fair go here. “Not the land owners or the concerned community alike. “While it’s important to acknowledge that this community’s peaceful but unwavering lobbying has recently resulted in just under a third of the land at Bambara becoming National Park, there are still several blocks that are not secured and anything is possible in the future. “Gosford Council and the State Government saw fit to zone this

extremely culturally and ecologically sensitive land, in the middle of our local National Park, to allow Bed and Breakfast accommodation, housing developments and even for agricultural developments. “Then when someone purchases the land with their presumably hard earned money, council publicly announces that the land is actually undevelopable, potentially devaluing the land, and then offers the main owners approximately one third of what they paid for the blocks. “While I am not suggesting that the land owners should be paid more than what the land is worth, I strongly believe that they should be

treated fairly, especially considering the role that the local and State Government played in creating the situation we have today by giving Bambara a very inappropriate zoning. “It’s no wonder people become disillusioned with the political system and the politicians themselves. “Our elected leaders should be very proud that they have a community of people who deeply value our ancient cultural heritage and want to preserve our beautiful and sensitive environment, not finding a way to oppose us at every turn. “Many people I have spoken to don’t agree, but I still have some belief that Mr Holstein will honour this promise before the State election. “In saying that, I have strong concerns that if Mr Holstein does not honour this promise before next year’s State election, our community will be forced to battle on for years to come. “After putting in a substantial effort myself over several years and making many sacrifices along the way, I admit that the thought of having to continue pushing for meaningful action to occur into the future is quite distressing. ‘But I won’t give up and I urge others not to also. “This peaceful protest will probably be the last shot we have for many years to come to finally bring an end to our struggle, so I’m really hopeful that it will make an impact,” said Mr Cassar. Media release, 1 Sep 2014 Jake Cassar, West Gosford

Rail underpass project to proceed despite $59 million shortfall Gosford Council has decided to proceed with its railway underpass project despite a funding shortfall of $59 million. It unanimously resolved to acquire land to allow construction to start on Stage 2 of the Rawson Rd Railway Level Crossing Replacement Project. The purchase will allow a rail underpass to be built at the bottom of Bulls Hill, connecting Woy Woy Rd with Nagari Rd, to replace the level crossing at Rawson Rd. The council was told by its staff that the three-stage project was estimated to cost a total of around

$89 million, of which funding of only $30 million had been received from the State Government. Stage one of the project, which included design work for the project and the pedestrian underpass at Rawson Rd, was estimated to cost $15.9 million. Stage two, which would provide the road underpass at Bulls Hill, was estimated to cost $36 million. Stage three, which would realign Woy Woy Rd between Banyo Close in Horsfield Bay and the bottom of Bulls Hill, was estimated to cost $37 million. There was currently a shortfall of $21.9 million for stage two, which

would prevent construction work from proceeding. Council staff said that the State Government had promised another $15 million if re-elected at next year’s election. This still left a shortfall of $6.9 million on stage two, and no money for stage three. The council land purchase of parts of five properties was required for stage two. Two of the properties were privately owned, and the other three were owned by Gosford Council. The council properties form part of Nagari Rd Bush Reserve, Coastal Open Space System (COSS) land

and the Woy Woy Treatment Plant. Funds received from the purchase of any COSS land for road widening purposes would be returned to fund future COSS land projects. Stage two included the construction of the Rail Underpass Bridge, Woy Woy Creek Bridge, construction of Nagari Rd and connection through to Woy Woy Rd at the base of Bulls Hill. Stage one is nearing completion. It included the detailed design and approvals of the overall project, construction of a pedestrian underpass near Rawson Rd, preliminary works for the rail bridge

underpass at the bottom of Bulls Hill as well as all associated works including service adjustments. According to a report by the council’s department of construction and operations, further approaches will be made to the State Government for additional funds to allow stage two work to proceed. The design of the rail underpass is awaiting approval by Transport NSW for the concept design and construction methodology, with final approval expected by the end of the year. Gosford Council Agenda CON.7, 26 Aug 2014

THIS ISSUE contains 35 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

Page 2 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


Peninsula Peninsu la

Community Access


Peninsula News is a fortnightly community newspaper owned by Woy Woy Community Media Association Inc., an incorporated, non-profit association. Its aims include providing a viable, non-partisan news medium and forum exclusively for the Peninsula and developing a sense of community on the Peninsula. See for all editions published

Editor: Mark Snell Commercial Operator: Cec Bucello for Ducks Crossing Publications Journalist: Kaitlin Watts Assistant Journalists: Madeline Parker, Dilon Luke, Victoria Power and Sally Codyre Graphic Design: Justin Stanley Sales: Val Bridge & Jeff Lewis Declaration of interests Honorary editor: Mark Snell Owner and managing director, Open Windows Consulting Pty Ltd Vice-President, Australian Conservation Foundation Central Coast branch

Next Edition: Peninsula News 352 Deadline: September 17 Publication date: September 22 Email: Ph: 4325 7369

Wettest month in more than a year The Peninsula had its wettest month in more than a year in August. A monthly total of 216.6mm of rain was recorded, almost four times the monthly average of 46mm. The previous wettest month was June last year, when 235.2mm was recorded. August was the first month this year to record above average rainfall, according to Mr Jim Morrison of Woy Woy. Daily rainfall of more than 25mm was recorded on four days of the month. Falls of 36.2mm, 42mm, 29mm and 49.6mm were recorded on August 17, 19, 22 and 28 respectively. Rain was recorded on almost every day in the last two weeks of the month. September has started with light rain, 10mm being recorded by

Friday, September 5. The average for September is 70mm. The cumulative total rainfall at the end of August was 759.6mm,

which was still more than 19 per cent below the year-to-date average of 939mm. Spreadsheet, 5 Sep 2014 Jim Morrison, Woy Woy

Contributions Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: Peninsula News PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to:, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, address and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form. All accepted contributions also appear on our website. Legal responsibility for editing, printing and publishing of editorial content in Peninsula News is taken by Mark Snell of Woy Woy, for Woy Woy Community Media Association Inc

Ducks Crossing Publications is the commercial operator of Peninsula News ISSN 1839-9029 - Print Post Approved - 100002922 New Age Printing, Rydalmere

Woy Woy Community Media Assoc Inc 2014 Membership Application Peninsula News is unique in being owned by a voluntary community group. Being a member is a great way to show support for the newspaper and to help ensure its continued independence Name: _______________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________ Suburb:_______________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Please send this form together with $5 to Woy Woy Community Media Assoc Inc, PO Box 585, Woy Woy 2256. Membership fees can be deposited to the association's Greater Building Society account BSB 637 000 Account 717 371 542

Peninsula Community Access Edition 351

News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940

The protest outside Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein’s office in Woy Woy

to urge the State Government to urgently move to secure Bambara, and they inform me that Mr Anderson is simply not responding. “I suggest that the information put forward by Mr Anderson may have been false and misleading, as under section 145 of the National Parks and Wildlife (Act 1974) it clearly states that the Government has the full powers to compulsorily acquire land for conservation or to protect places of Aboriginal cultural significance. “If Mr Anderson has indeed purposely misled the people of the Central Coast, and to the detriment of a motion to support conservation

of threatened species and cultural heritage, then I believe Gosford Council should reconsider his position on council. “No one is getting a fair go here. “Not the land owners or the concerned community alike. “While it’s important to acknowledge that this community’s peaceful but unwavering lobbying has recently resulted in just under a third of the land at Bambara becoming National Park, there are still several blocks that are not secured and anything is possible in the future. “Gosford Council and the State Government saw fit to zone this

extremely culturally and ecologically sensitive land, in the middle of our local National Park, to allow Bed and Breakfast accommodation, housing developments and even for agricultural developments. “Then when someone purchases the land with their presumably hard earned money, council publicly announces that the land is actually undevelopable, potentially devaluing the land, and then offers the main owners approximately one third of what they paid for the blocks. “While I am not suggesting that the land owners should be paid more than what the land is worth, I strongly believe that they should be

treated fairly, especially considering the role that the local and State Government played in creating the situation we have today by giving Bambara a very inappropriate zoning. “It’s no wonder people become disillusioned with the political system and the politicians themselves. “Our elected leaders should be very proud that they have a community of people who deeply value our ancient cultural heritage and want to preserve our beautiful and sensitive environment, not finding a way to oppose us at every turn. “Many people I have spoken to don’t agree, but I still have some belief that Mr Holstein will honour this promise before the State election. “In saying that, I have strong concerns that if Mr Holstein does not honour this promise before next year’s State election, our community will be forced to battle on for years to come. “After putting in a substantial effort myself over several years and making many sacrifices along the way, I admit that the thought of having to continue pushing for meaningful action to occur into the future is quite distressing. ‘But I won’t give up and I urge others not to also. “This peaceful protest will probably be the last shot we have for many years to come to finally bring an end to our struggle, so I’m really hopeful that it will make an impact,” said Mr Cassar. Media release, 1 Sep 2014 Jake Cassar, West Gosford

Rail underpass project to proceed despite $59 million shortfall Gosford Council has decided to proceed with its railway underpass project despite a funding shortfall of $59 million. It unanimously resolved to acquire land to allow construction to start on Stage 2 of the Rawson Rd Railway Level Crossing Replacement Project. The purchase will allow a rail underpass to be built at the bottom of Bulls Hill, connecting Woy Woy Rd with Nagari Rd, to replace the level crossing at Rawson Rd. The council was told by its staff that the three-stage project was estimated to cost a total of around

$89 million, of which funding of only $30 million had been received from the State Government. Stage one of the project, which included design work for the project and the pedestrian underpass at Rawson Rd, was estimated to cost $15.9 million. Stage two, which would provide the road underpass at Bulls Hill, was estimated to cost $36 million. Stage three, which would realign Woy Woy Rd between Banyo Close in Horsfield Bay and the bottom of Bulls Hill, was estimated to cost $37 million. There was currently a shortfall of $21.9 million for stage two, which

would prevent construction work from proceeding. Council staff said that the State Government had promised another $15 million if re-elected at next year’s election. This still left a shortfall of $6.9 million on stage two, and no money for stage three. The council land purchase of parts of five properties was required for stage two. Two of the properties were privately owned, and the other three were owned by Gosford Council. The council properties form part of Nagari Rd Bush Reserve, Coastal Open Space System (COSS) land

and the Woy Woy Treatment Plant. Funds received from the purchase of any COSS land for road widening purposes would be returned to fund future COSS land projects. Stage two included the construction of the Rail Underpass Bridge, Woy Woy Creek Bridge, construction of Nagari Rd and connection through to Woy Woy Rd at the base of Bulls Hill. Stage one is nearing completion. It included the detailed design and approvals of the overall project, construction of a pedestrian underpass near Rawson Rd, preliminary works for the rail bridge

Kaitlin Watts, 5 Sep 2014 Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.


Holstein asked to support Bambara purchase Campaigning for Bambara’s protection, Mr Jake Cassar said: “We have literally done everything we can to have this promise honoured and our community’s reasonable wishes adhered to.” “Gosford Council and the State Government have said they are committed to Bambara’s protection since the early 1980s, and still the majority of the land remains unprotected. “We have held many awareness concerts attended by hundreds of locals, two art shows, around a dozen peaceful protests, camped for three months on Woy Woy Rd to draw attention to the issue and have sent over 1000 emails and letters to our elected leaders requesting that they support the community that elected them. “I call on Gosford Council CEO Paul Anderson to make public the legal advice that he says he received that restricts the State Government from compulsorily acquiring the land for conservation. “Local environmental groups, the Central Coast Greens and others have written to Mr Anderson requesting proof of this information he used to block Greens Cr Hillary Morris’s recent motion for council

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$4.90 Issue 98


8 September 2014

A large group of community members gathered outside the State Member for Gosford’s office at Woy Woy on Monday, September 1, to request that Mr Chris Holstein honour his Government’s preelection promise to “Secure Bambara’s Future”.

Peninsula News and FlipOut Trampoline Arena are giving five lucky readers the chance to each win a family pass to FlipOut valued at $56.

underpass at the bottom of Bulls Hill as well as all associated works including service adjustments. According to a report by the council’s department of construction and operations, further approaches will be made to the State Government for additional funds to allow stage two work to proceed. The design of the rail underpass is awaiting approval by Transport NSW for the concept design and construction methodology, with final approval expected by the end of the year. Gosford Council Agenda CON.7, 26 Aug 2014

September 3, 2014

Your independent local newspaper


Vol.13 No.8

Ph: 4325 7369

Issue 90

Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369

A August 29, 2014

Residents protest government policies

Major university precinct planned ouncil will initiate a Gateway ap approval process for a new 7,000 student ter tertiary education fa facility, student ac accommodation for 1,5 and a business 1,500 pa on a greenfield park sit near Warnervale. site


Councillors made the de decision on Wednesday, August 27, after viewing a Au new Concept Masterplan ne for the Education Precinct including an economic inc viability assessment and via preliminary layout plan. pre Mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the concept was truly sai exciting for the Central ex Coast community. Co “This report confirms there the is high demand with wi a shortfall of 7,600 university places in the un greater Central Coast and gre Hunter Valley region,” Cr Hu Eaton said. E Ea “Economically, it showed the project would sh contribute $650 million co when fully developed wh and an over 5,000 jobs during construction, du with wi ongoing economic benefi be t of over $9 million per pe annum and more than 1,300 1,3 full time jobs,” he said. sai Plans include broadening the range bro of education on offer at the site and co-locating technical, trade and high tec

undreds of Central Coast residents marched through Gosford on n Saturday, August 30, in protest against the policies of the Abbottt Government.


“We had around 350 people join us for the March,” said event coorganiser Mr Jack Lloyd. “The fact that so many people turned up despite the cold and the rain just goes to show how concerned they are with this government’s policies.” The Gosford rally was addressed by Fr Rod Bower, as well as a range of other speakers, who called for decency and compassion from the government. “Cuts to the ABC, cuts to health and education, and

attacking the poorest in our community is not on,” said Daniel Turner, who spoke at the rally. “Now the government is looking at repealing the Renewable Energy Target, which just doesn’t make any sense,” he said. Protestors were marching for a range of issues, but particular concern was paid to refugees and the government’s lack of action on climate change. The Gosford March was one of many held around Australia over the weekend.

Issue 53

d Organisers estimated around 40,000 peoplee turned out nationally. “Rain won’t keep peoplee from expressing theirr concern,” said co-organiserr Pat Norman. “As long as Abbottt continues to abuse thee h least privileged and smash our natural environment,, p the marches will keep happening,” he said. Media release,, 4 31 Aug 2014 h Pat Norman, March Central Coastt

An artist's impression of the proposed university precinct at Warnervale

school education options alongside the university courses. “Council will now prepare a Planning Proposal for submission to the NSW Government’s ‘Gateway’ approval process and will seek Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential partners for the project,” Cr Eaton said. “We will seek partners including a university as the anchor tenant and a range of other education and training providers including technical, trade and possibly secondary school components. “We’ve already had fruitful discussions with


THIS ISSUE contains 35 articles - Read more news items for this issue at

the Federal Education Department and we will continue to partner with both the State and Federal governments on this project.” Federal Member for Dobell Ms Karen McNamara said she was determined to see greater access to higher education on the Central Coast. “We committed to working with Wyong Shire Council in our ‘Growth Plan for the Central Coast’ prior to the election and I am pleased to see the ongoing development of this project,” Ms McNamara said.

“I will assist by continuing to facilitate meetings between Wyong Shire Council, Education Minister the Hon. Christopher Pyne MP and the Education Department to ensure this proposal meets Federal requirements. “Reforms being introduced to the Parliament will encourage the development of new higher education facilities, providing greater choice and opportunity for students.” The Concept Masterplan for the project outlines an overall vision for an integrated and interactive

tertiary education, business and Technology Park, community and recreational space and a Smart Hub. The four main areas proposed for the site include a university with integrated student accommodation for 1,500 units; a sports and recreational precinct with sports fields and pool/ gym complex; a central core including a Smart Hub with the library, administration functions and a hotel for short term accommodation; and a Business Park to integrate academia, research and commerce. The whole site would


be cleverly linked by pedestrian and cycle pathways, attractive landscaping and plenty of open green space. Mayor Cr Eaton said the Concept Plan confirmed the site has the potential to be developed into a university precinct. “The site has a footprint with the right gradients and is strategically located close to rail and road transport,” Cr Eaton said. “Development would be limited to 14% of the entire site to reduce walking distances on campus and preserve large tracts of bushland. “It will be an excellent use for this site.” The Planning Proposal will ask for minor changes to the Wyong LEP 2013 to allow additional land uses, increased building heights and changed density controls. The land is currently under the zones of SP2-Educational Establishment, B7Business Park and E2-Environmental Conservation. Once a ‘Gateway’ Approval is granted, the Concept Masterplan for the Wyong Education and Business Precinct will be exhibited for public feedback for 28 days. Media release, 27 Aug 2014 Wyong Council media

the Wyong Shire

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 3


Petition against bowling club changes

Six restaurants for bowling club?

A petition, with 18 signatures, has been received by Gosford Council from residents of the Woy Woy area objecting to the proposed alterations and additions to Woy Woy Bowling Club.

A development application for alterations to Woy Woy Bowling Club which would see the construction of six restaurants has been lodged with Gosford Council. The proposed $500,000 development would involve the demolition of one bowling green to allow for the construction of six “boathouse-style” buildings to be used as restaurants and cafe tenancies. It would be raised above half of the existing bowling green area with seating and shade structures removed. The two remaining bowling greens would continue as they are. An amenities block, including five toilets and a disabled access bathroom, would also be built on site with a total floor area of 43.1m2. Buildings one and six would be single tenancy structures with a private service area, indoor dining and alfresco area for each restaurant. Buildings two to three and four to five would each contain two restaurants; each restaurant would include a private service area,

The petitioners stated that six

shops would need at least 20 parking spaces and by taking one of the bowling greens, bowlers would need to go elsewhere. They said they believed the area was residential and should not be a commercial shopping area. Gosford Council Agenda P.24, 26 Aug 2014

NBN Co extends fibre-to-the-node rollout The NBN Co will expand its fibre-to-the-node rollout in Umina to include the suburbs of Woy Woy, Umina Beach, Ettalong Beach, Killcare, Kincumber and Saratoga.

indoor dining and alfresco area. The single-storey restaurants, which would have a traditional rectangular floor plate with gable roofs, would have a gross floor area of 455.7m2. According to the Statement of Environmental Effects produced by Barker Ryan Stewart on behalf of Woy Woy Holdings, the bowling club has experienced decreased

patronage over recent years with insufficient trade to warrant the maintenance of three greens. “This proposal will replace one green with a complementary use that will bolster patronage and provide funds for the maintenance of the remaining two greens.” Development Application, 10 Jul 2014 Woy Woy Holdings

The roll-out will pass an additional 24,000 homes in the region in the next 12 months, according to Member for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks. As part of the NBN’s existing fibreto-the-node pilot, the company will roll out fibre to the node technology to more than 30,000 premises in region. Member for Robertson Ms Lucy Wicks said the expansion of the rollout was a sign that the Coalition was delivering for homes and businesses on the Central Coast. “The problem with Labor’s fibre to the premises network is that is promised so much and delivered so

little,” she said. “The Central Coast waited for six years and after two terms in government, Labor managed to upgrade just 203 premises on the Central Coast. “We are now rolling out to more than 50,000 premises in the electorate and delivering on our promise to get these upgrades completed sooner, cheaper to taxpayers and more affordably to consumers. “Early customers on the fibre to the node network are already achieving speeds of 100 megabits download and around 30 megabits upload.” The expanded fibre to the node network is parallel to ongoing construction of the NBN’s fibre to the premises network. Media release, 22 Aug 2014 Tim Sowden, Office of Lucy Wicks MP


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Page 4 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


Council stops Ettalong business project Gosford Council has stopped the Ettalong’s Business Improvement District (BID) project. The Ettalong Beach Business Group, which manages the project, has been ordered to return all unspent funds to the council. The unanimous decision was made by Gosford Council at its meeting on Tuesday, August 26, following months of negotiations and council requests for the group to comply with funding requirements. The meeting was told by council’s department of community growth that there had been many delays in receiving information and it was doubtful that the group could complete the project. The three-year $75,000 project, scheduled for completion in 2013, struck trouble in 2012 when it failed to submit audited accounts on time, according to the department’s report. When it received unaudited accounts with a progress report in July 2012, Gosford Council asked the Business Group for audited accounts and a business plan. Despite repeated requests, the audited accounts and plan were not received until September 5 last year. Council discussed the project

in last December, resolving to ask the Business Group to provide clear evidence by February 1 of its ability and capacity to meet all requirements for the BID project funding. Following discussions between the group and council, the deadline was extended to June 30. The council staff report stated that the group had “failed to wholly meet a number of council’s requirements” by the deadline. These included moving towards self-funding; providing a business plan with key performance indicators and reporting milestones against them; providing full and accurate financial data; and increasing its membership. Ettalong Beach Business Group treasurer Mr Peter McKeon, who is branch manager at the Bendigo Bank’s Ettalong branch, told the council meeting that it wasn’t in anybody’s best interest to not have a business group representing the business community in Ettalong. “We’ve got some hard work ahead and we understand that,” said Mr McKeon. Cr Bob Ward said he was “very sympathetic toward the group in the early days to give them every opportunity, but every opportunity has been squandered”. Following the decision to stop

the project, Business Group president Mr Ray Dearlove said the group was “obviously disappointed with council’s decision”. “A new vibrant executive committee was elected at the extraordinary general meeting and this committee presented a solid, visionary business plan to council which took advantage of the natural beauty of Ettalong Beach Village and built on the strength of the businesses, both new and old, of Ettalong Beach,” said Mr Dearlove. “The completion of the foreshore development at Ettalong Beach has certainly enhanced the reputation of the village as a destination for holiday makers and as a wonderful location for residents. “In the past, the BID funding has enabled specific focus on the needs of the business community and residents of Ettalong Beach. “We look forward to working with Council to ensure that this focus continues despite not having the BID funding,” said Mr Dearlove. Media release, 1 Sep 2014 Ray Dearlove, Ettalong Beach Business Group Gosford Council Agenda GRO.13, 26 Aug 2014 Kaitlin Watts, 26 Aug 2014

Tribunal seeks feedback on ferry fare review The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal is calling for public submissions on how best to set fares for ferries servicing Woy Woy, Empire Bay, Ettalong and Wagstaffe. Each year, the tribuna recommends the maximum fares that can be charged for regular private ferry services operated by Central Coast Ferries between Woy Woy and Empire Bay, and services provided by Palm Beach Ferries to and from Ettalong and Wagstaffe. The current maximum fares are $7.50 and $11.20 respectively. Tribunal chairman Dr Peter Boxall said the information paper released on Monday, August 25, for Review of fares for Private Ferries and Stockton Ferry from 2015, invites public comment about new proposals to determine fares based on the same approach used for other transport providers. “On average some private ferry operators were not recovering their costs from fares,” Dr Boxall said.

“We made some changes last year, but this year we are proposing to determine fares based on the same model used for other transport providers, measuring the costs of providing the services in the most efficient way before setting fares. “We are seeking feedback from both the ferry operators and passengers who use these services on how to best set fares to address affordability, reliability and safety,” Dr Boxall said. The review of ferry fares on the Central Coast is part of a broader review of fares for regular private ferry services across NSW and the Stockton ferry service in Newcastle. Submissions to the information paper close on September 20. A draft report will be released in October for further comment, along with a public hearing before the final report is provided to Transport for NSW in December. Media release, 25 Aug 2014 Julie Sheather, IPART


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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 5


Chamber to step in Three-storey development is after council withdraws Ettalong funds approved A $1.6 million mixed use three-storey development on the corner of West St and Rickard St, Umina, has been approved by Gosford Council. The development will include commercial offices, a childcare centre and residential apartments. The approval followed a site inspection on Tuesday, August 19, with councillors, the applicant and concerned residents. The issues raised by the residents at the site inspection That

Computer Guy


included: increased traffic, shortfall in car parking, potential overshadowing, air pollution from car exhausts in the car park, noise impact associated with the child care centre and loss of privacy from the residential units. Conditions of consent for the development will address the security and privacy issues raised by residents. Other conditions included the provision of adequate lighting to common areas to operate outside of daylight hours; the provision of gates; lockable car park shutters and entrance door to lobbies; security cameras; and fencing of a minimum height of 1.8 metres above floor level for privacy. Town planning consultant Mr Chris Oliver spoke at the meeting and said: “The applicant has worked with council staff and architects and endeavoured to address all issues.”

The Peninsula Chamber of Commerce has backed Gosford Council’s decision to end financial support for the Ettalong Beach Business Group after two years of funding totalling $50,000. “Clearly the Council was not satisfied on a number of fronts including accountability for the expenditure of funds and the group’s ability and capacity to meet all requirements under the Council’s BID policy and its business plan,” said Chamber president Mr Matthew Wales. “Quite rightly, the council resolved to have any remaining funds allocated to the group returned to council. “As a result of council’s decision, the Chamber intends to step back in and re-introduce programs that were placed on hold when the BID process came

into effect in April 2010. “Projects will include a marketing program based on the cafe-restaurant scene, branding the town centre and upgrading of the Chamber’s heritage signage,” said Mr Wales. “The Chamber has been concerned for several years over the expenditure of $46,000 by the Ettalong Beach Business Group on flag poles, signs and a website that has produced little or no value to the business community. “It is the Chamber’s view that much of the work has merely duplicated actions and efforts previously undertaken by the Peninsula Chamber under the Mainstreet Program and that the $46,000 spent has represented poor value for money. “It was also clear that council were frustrated at the Group’s poor reporting methods and financial accounting and that the

Group could not demonstrate that it could ultimately become self-funding at the end of the seed funding period. “Wherever ratepayer funds are involved, it is essential that the expenditure of these funds are fully audited and accounted for and that the ratepayer gets value for money. “The Chamber found it difficult to accept that $22,000 spent on directional signage, $14,000 on flags and $6000 on a web site was value for money. “In our view, these are works that could have been undertaken by council at much cheaper rates. “Over all the Ettalong BID process has been a huge disappointment and has failed to achieve its intended outcomes for the Ettalong Beach village. Media release, 27 Aug 2014 Matthew Wales, Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Gosford Council Agenda GOV.50, 26 Aug 2014 Kaitlin Watts, 26 Aug 2014

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Page 6 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 7

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Page 8 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


When death and dying becomes big business

Freesia Its springtime, and every garden is overgrown with freesia. Whose errant blooms, wind sown Find every corner, verge and nook. Yet to those, who garden by the book Who plant in picture, perfect rows Begonia, azalea, her lady’s rose Drape wisteria from lilac bowers.

I would like to comment on some of the issues raised in Margaret Lund’s letter (Peninsula News, July 14).

Freesia! Do not classify as flowers Only weeds, that grow out in the street Nod their heads, to any passer-by they meet. Freesia though, might not agree Despising form, and symmetry no prisoner, of garden plot Conformity, was never their lot Rather scale a fence, leap a border Advancing on, in magnificent disorder. Email, 2 Sep 2014 Ron Horan, Killcare Heights

Western society’s attitudes towards dying means the death business has been taken over easily by profit-making companies. The recent ABC TV Compass series Faith and Funerals showed how the prospect of huge profits drives this business, e.g. ‘cemetery real estate’ agencies, pet cemeteries. This series also highlighted the significance of culture and emotion, e.g. the beliefs about life and funeral practices in many non-Christian cultures are often simpler, involve families more closely, and pollute the environment less than ours do.

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Forum It seems that our fear and denial of death is also a symptom of feeling disconnected from our natural environment, and so our lives are based on this pretence. Although death, decay and waste are integral to the life cycle, we only want to know about birth and being alive. Indeed, the way we regard ageing, terminal illness and dead bodies seems similar to the way we regard compost and bodily waste. We don’t want to know, and so the aged and dying often already have been handed over to big business (hospitals, retirement villages, nursing homes). Then the ‘waste products’ get handed over to big business (multinational funeral companies) or municipal authorities (garbage, sewage).

Email, 2 Sep 2014 Shirley Hotchkiss, Umina

Rail risk will continue until crossing is closed The Peninsula News recently (August 25) highlighted the risk to pedestrians failing to follow safety signals at the Rawson Rd railway crossing. I would suggest the situation is only

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Instead of our waste and our bodies being simply recycled to replenish the earth, they are wrapped in plastic for ‘disposal’. On the Central Coast we are lucky to have people and groups to help us face, investigate and plan for many end-of-life aspects, e.g. a recent Dying to Know Day seminar at the Umina Anglican Hall. Umina and Woy Woy Libraries also stock excellent books, such as personal accounts of caring for terminally ill people, and reports by doctors and other researchers, e.g. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. These resources show that facing the reality of death can improve our quality of individual and community life, by the decisions we make and priorities we choose, such as putting caring and people ahead of profit and status.

Email: Web:

Forum going to get worse until the crossing is closed completely and fenced off to vehicles and pedestrians. A new and expensive pedestrian underpass at this crossing is nearing completion which will one day remove the risk to pedestrians but it is about three years early. Until the major traffic works planned for the foot of Bulls Hill are undertaken the existing crossing must remain open to vehicles and pedestrians. In the meantime the new underpass may very well lie unused. Unfortunately these important road works have not even begun and optimistically will not be completed for at least three years. Until this happens some people (and vehicles) will continue to cross the railway line at Rawson Rd against the signals with little heed of the risks involved. Email, 26 Aug 2014 John Taylor, Woy Woy

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 9

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Page 10 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


Hospital changes hands Brisbane Waters Private Hospital has been acquired by Healthe Care Australia. The hospital was previously owned by Healthscope Limited. The sale occurred in July after a review by the Australian Competitor and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Healthe Care Australia, which also owns Gosford Private Hospital, attempted to buy Brisbane Waters Private Hospital in 2006. It was unsuccessful when the ACCC conducted a public review and opposed the acquisition. The ACCC’s decision at the time was based on information which indicated that Healthscope’s Brisbane Waters Private Hospital

and Healthe Care’s Gosford Private Hospital competed closely for services and referrals of medical specialists on the Central Coast. In 2006, Brisbane Waters Private Hospital was known as one of the leading cardiac hospitals in the region and provided a range of high-acuity surgical procedures as well as an intensive care unit. The ACCC found in this year’s review that the services offered at the Brisbane Waters Private Hospital had changed in recent years. The services were found to be significantly different to the services offered at Healthe Cares’ Gosford Private Hospital.

Brisbane Waters Private Hospital closed its intensive care unit in 2012 and ceased offering high acuity surgical services and instead expanded its mental health services. The ACCC considered that Brisbane Waters Private Hospital was no longer a close competitor to Healthe Care’s Gosford Private Hospital. The ACCC also considered it highly unlikely that Brisbane Waters Private Hospital would compete closely with Gosford Private in the future. Letter, 14 Jul 2014 Healthe Care Australia Website, 26 Aug 2014 ACCC

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Ettalong Bowling Club’s John McDougall, Everglades Country Club’s David Lilley, Central Coast Health’s Jan Richens, Gosford Hospital’s Adam Chandler and Umina Bowling Club’s Michael O'Sullivan

Bowls clubs present cheques for cancer care Umina Beach Men’s Bowling Club presented Central Coast District Health with cheques totalling $10,600 on Thursday, August 28. The donations were a result of the regular charity bowls days held by Umina Beach, Ettalong and Everglades Men’s Bowling Clubs. The charity days raised money for research and purchase of medical equipment in the cancer section of Gosford Hospital. Umina raised $4000, Everglades $3600 and Ettalong $3000. The total amount raised exceeded last year’s previous best. The idea was initiated by the Umina club in recognition of its past life member Ron Pursehouse who succumbed to prostate cancer over eight years ago. At the suggestion of Central Coast District Health fundraising and donation manager Ms Jan Richens, Umina Bowls Charity Day organiser, Mr Ian Jarratt, invited

the other clubs on the Peninsula to run similar days,. As a result of the three clubs holding their individual days during June and July each year, an amount in excess of $37,000 had been raised over the four years. Gosford Hospital chief radiation therapist Mr Adam Chandler praised the efforts of the members of each of the bowling clubs for their support and the amounts raised. He said it was an outstanding contribution to the hospital and had enabled it to purchase valuable equipment for use in cancer and other related operations. He also said that everyone should be proud of the facilities at the Cancer Centre at Gosford Hospital which is now rated as one of the best in Australia for care and research, particularly in respect to prostate cancer. Media release, 1 Sep 2014 Ian Jarratt, Umina Beach Men’s Bowling Club

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 11


Canoeing for bone marrow association Wagstaffe resident Andy Fermo has entered the 111km Hawkesbury Canoe Classic to be held on the October 25. The Hawkesbury Canoe Classic helps raise funds for medical research with the major beneficiary being the Arrow Bone Marrow Transplant Association. Andy will be paddling the ultra-

marathon race in the Standup Paddleboard class and expects to complete the race in 13 hours. The fundraising goal is $1500 Andy can be sponsored through the Hawkesbury Canoe Classic website at www. Newsletter, 3 Sep 2014 Peta Colebatch, WagstaffeKillcare Community Association

Mobile blood service visit ALAN WIGNEY PODIATRY 336 Trafalgar Ave, Umina

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The Australian Red Cross Mobile Blood Service will visit Woy Woy Hospital on September 16 and 17. A total of 32 more donors are needed for Tuesday, September 16, with donations commencing from 10am to 3:30pm. Thirty-six more donors are needed for Wednesday, September 17, with donations accepted from 1:30pm through to 7:30pm. Donated blood will assist cancer patients, people suffering from blood disorders, mothersto-be and newborn babies as well as trauma and surgical patients. Appointments can be made online or on 13 14 95. Email, 3 Sep 2014 Australian Red Cross Blood Service

Umina Chiropractic Centre Your chiropractors Pete Grieve, Natasha Allmark and Michael Grieve Umina Chiropractic Centre, 428 Ocean Beach Rd, Umina 2257 - Ph: 4341 6247

Cold for a cause Wow! That was cold, takes ones breath away, leaves one speechless. Amazing isn’t it, what we do to raise funds for a worthy cause? Let’s just hope, or better still, research, how the funds we raise are utilized. Anyway, I would rather be dowsed in icy water than have my head shaved (not much to shave these days) or grow a mow for Movember, however these are all worthy fundraising methods. The wow Factor of sudden and massive input to your brain is quite interesting. Did you know that approximately 90% of all electrical activity in the human brain is designated to assessing the environment and only 10% is used in creating a response? No wonder when a sudden shock occurs, we are speechless. Perhaps, at that moment, our brain is not allowing the activation of voice muscles, but rather muscles to move or protect.

Suffice to say, this incredible brain, with approximately 100 billion cells, (according to Kandel, Schwartz and Jessell Neuroanatomy text) is equipped to orchestrate very specific outcomes and uses information incoming from our senses so as to achieve the very best outcome. Imagine the outcome with regard to great health if we were to bombard our brain with brilliance as to how we postured, moved and breathed, what we chose to eat and drink, and most importantly, what we allowed our mind to entertain in terms of thoughts.

Please know this, it is NEVER too late to make change, we can do that. As humans, we can exercise choice, as we have a prefrontal cortex in our brain. No other creature shares this. They are very much governed by a rote programming response to their environment. It has been said that: ‘If we keep on doing what we have always done, we will keep getting what we have always gotten.’ Take care, make great choices. Your team at the Umina Chiropractic Centre

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Page 12 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


Education awards for Woy Woy South Three members of the Woy Woy South Public School community won awards at the Public Education Award Ceremony held on Tuesday, August 12, at Northlakes High School. Each school was entitled to nominate three recipients, with Woy Woy South Public School awards going to Mr Terry Greedy, Ms Karen Symington, and Mr Trevor Lumb. Mr Greedy was recognised for his contribution to public education

throughout his career as a coach, teacher, colleague, mentor and principal. Ms Symington was recognised for holding the position of P and C president for the last seven years and her contribution to the school throughout this time. Mr Lumb was recognised for his commitment to all aspects of Woy Woy South Public School and for dedicating his time to school related endeavours. Newsletter, 19 Aug 2014 Kim Whealey, Woy Woy South Public School

School joins in learning program Woy Woy South Public School has been selected to participate in the program Focus on Learning.

Aerobics Secondary Stage One competition champions

The program gives teachers the opportunity to engage with the latest research on how children learn. Focus on Learning will allow planning for professional learning

College students in Gold Coast aerobics Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus students competed at the National School Aerobics Championships on the Gold Coast from August 8 to 10. The Year 8 Cheer team, Illumin8, and finished in third place. The team was made up of students Ella-Rose Mercer, Tannika Hynds, Ayla Goddard,

Amy Fitzpatrick, Kayla Sutton, Holly Smith, Cieanna Connelly, Rachel Hennock and Rachelle Duggan. The Year 9 team, which won gold, consisted of Amber Antonio, Tahlia Pope, Emily Newcombe, Misty Drady, Taylah Garland, Ellen Ryder, Katelyn Harding, Courtney Carswell, Olivia Riley, Kelsey Irving, Rhian Kirk, Katie Roberts and Amy Fitzpatrick.

Dance co-ordinator Ms Kylie Hocking said: “The girls were nothing short of spectacular. “The dynamics, technique and timing was matched with an enthusiasm that lit the stage.” A team made up of Emily Newcombe, Tahlia Pope, Taylah Garland, Katelyn Harding, Amber Antonio and Amy Fitzpatrick, competed in the Aerobics Secondary Stage One competition. The girls were challenged with last minute changes the night before but still managed to finish in first place, claiming the national title. Ms Hocking said the girls were able to “perform an awesome routine that had the competition director in awe”.

directions staff can take for 2015. The success of the program was discovered through a survey called School Directions that was completed by parents, students and staff with the aim to discover how the school’s future can be planned. Newsletter, 26 Aug 2014 Kim Whealey, Woy Woy South Public School

Donations for environment day Woy Woy South Public School students celebrated World Environment Day on Wednesday, August 27. Teacher Ms Vanessa Bain said: “To celebrate the occasion, each student was asked to dress in green or the colours of their

favourite native animal.” “Students bought along a gold coin donation or a shade plant or tree for our gardens. “These donations will be used to further beautify our school.” Newsletter, 26 Aug 2014 Kim Whealey, Woy Woy South Public School


Newsletter, 20 Aug 2014 Brent Walker, Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina campus


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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 13


How are people just like you turning

$10 into Millions FREE EVENING WORKSHOP Presented by leading World expert George Noble May

Central Coast Leagues Club Thursday 11 September 7pm Imagine if you could nip back 100 years to buy premium Beach Front Blocks at just $10 each then come back to today - still owning them! Domain Names are the new Beach Front Blocks of the Internet – purchased for $10 and often sold for many millions. Teenager Steven McDonald made $11,380 on his first sale - $325,000 in his first year.

Lola-Rose Cooper

60 year old Rick Schwartz, after 15 hard years as a travelling salesman, sold for $1.35Million and for $2.9million profit (as reported in Forbes).

Biannual fair at Ettalong Ettalong Public School held its biannual Spring Fair on Saturday, August 30. Almost $20,000 was raised

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for the update of the school’s adventure playground equipment. P and C publicity officer Ms Mia Hughes said despite the persistent drizzle, grey skies and cool winter weather on the day, there was a fantastic turn out, with many stallholders and talented performers helping to make the fair a great success. “Families were entertained all day with a range of market stalls, a pamper stall, show bags, sideshow alley, the Old Skool Muscle Car Club and community information stalls,” said Ms Hughes. “There were also some amazing rides, and performances by local artists as well as the school’s talented dance and drumming groups.” Ms Hughes said that the fair was well organised by an enthusiastic and hard-working team led by the P and C. “There was a great friendly community feel to the day,” said Ms Hughes.

Media release, 3 Sep 2014 Mia Hughes, Ettalong Public School P and C Photo: Catherine Winnard Photography

George May, who will be presenting the workshop, has purchased over 54,000 domains in the past 12 years. He is a world expert in finding and buying High Value Domain Names. At the workshop, George will demonstrate just how easy it is to do - by doing it live. Anyone, regardless of their background, can get a share of the millions changing hands every day – if they have the right know how. Book Now This will be very popular, so secure your seat now before it’s too late. Go to click on Free Workshop or call (02) 4322 8881

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Page 14 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014

Out and About

Author bases novel on the Peninsula Woy Woy author Mr Mark Mann is giving away free copies of his newly published young adult adventure novel The Stone Gate in return for a review.

Ian Cooper and his ensemble

Virtuoso violinist performs at Pearl Beach Virtuoso violinist Ian Cooper and his gypsy swing ensemble will pay tribute to the music of Stephane

Grappelli and Django Reinhardt in the Pearl Beach Memorial Hall at 2:30pm on Sunday, September 21. Cooper made his TV debut as a classical violinist at age five. At six he wowed audiences in Canada and the USA before touring Europe and Japan. At 12, Ian played in Vienna with the Vienna Boys Choir. He was awarded a scholarship to the NSW Conservatorium of Music at age 8 and continued his training there for the next ten years. After meeting French violinist





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Stephane Grappelli, Ian swung his attention toward jazz, and his fiery approach to the Devil’s instrument became reminiscent of the music of the Hot Club of France. Today Ian continues to perform classical concerts as a soloist with orchestras and is equally at home playing jazz concerts. “My most memorable performance was being commissioned to compose and perform a piece for the Opening Ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games,” said Cooper. “It was the most awesome night of my life. “During my piece, Tin Symphony, there were a thousand performers on the stadium floor, and being watched around the world by an estimated 2.85 billion viewers. “I am delighted to return to Pearl Beach, with Ewan MacKenzie, Nigel Date (guitars) and Natalie Morrison on double bass to present a program of favourites including Stardust, Brazil, Night and Day and Sweet Gorgia Brown,” said Cooper. Media release, 2 Sep 2014 Lynne Lillico, Pearl Beach Progress Association

“The Stone Gate is set in Woy Woy itself, or at least, in a fictional Australian seaside town that’s very similar to the Woy Woy Peninsula,” said Mr Mann. “As well as ancient mythology, mysterious portals and magical crystals, the book explores the possible impact of climate change. “I wanted to write something that would bring the subject of global warming to life for young adult readers, as well as being an out-and-about adventure.” In return for a free copy of the book, Mr Mann has asked that readers post a review on Amazon. com. “For independent authors, customer reviews on Amazon or websites such as

are a great help in selling books,” said Mr Mann. Readers can download their free copy as an eBook by visiting or email Mr Mann at sustainadelic@gmail. com to request a free print copy of the book for review. Email, 4 Sep 2014 Mark Mann, Woy Woy

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 15

Out and About

Knitters donate to hospital Umina Library Knitters group visited the rehabilitation unit at Woy Woy Hospital on Monday, September 1, to donate a number of knitted items. Knitting co-ordinator Ms Gail Langston said that the group collected used linen and clothing to donate to the refuge along with the rugs they had knitted. “We had so much. We ďŹ lled up a great big vehicle,â€? she said. The group also donated everything in their homes that they no longer used including crockery, umbrellas and toys. “Think of anything in your house you don’t use and that’s what we gave,â€? Ms Langston said. The group previously donated their knitted items to a women’s refuge but since its change of ownership, Ms Langston approached Woy Woy Hospital for this years’ annual donation. Prior to the donation presentation, the group had its annual knitting session at the hospital kiosk. The group then met with nurse co-ordinator Ms Trish Hayes to personally give the patients their knitted gifts. Ms Langston said Ms Hayes was “absolutely wonderfulâ€?. “She was so thrilled about what we were doing for the hospital and she would be a great asset for the hospital.â€?

Items that had been knitted for the men and women in the hospital included 20 wraps each made up of 28 individually knitted squares, nine knee rugs and 35 beanies. Ms Gail Langston said the patients were thrilled. “It lit up their eyes and given them such a lift. “My Umina Library Knitters are still very successful, even after three years,� said Ms Langston. The Umina Library Knitters are now so successful, there is not enough room for all attendees. “Comfortably there’s about a 16 person capacity, we have had around 20 people in the group but that left some of the women with their backs against the wall.� Ms Langston said. “I’ve jokingly said to the librarians, perhaps if we took some of the books out we could put in more tables and chairs.� Ms Langston said that the library staff were fantastic and made the group feel very welcome. In an attempt to expand, meetings were established at Gosford Library and Woy Woy Library. However, due to a lack of numbers, they have since been discontinued. Victoria Power, 3 Sep 2014 Interviewee: Gail Langston Email, 25 Aug 2014 Gail Langston, Umina Library Knitting Group


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Page 16 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014

Out and About

New poetry book will help fund stem cell treatment Woy Woy resident Ms Suzie Palmer launched a new poetry book Bright Blessings at Woy Woy Library on Saturday, September 6.

Last year’s Inside the Square Community Art Show

Square canvas at Wagstaffe art show The WagstaffeKillcare Community Association will host the Inside the Square Community Art Show at Wagstaffe Hall October 5 and 6 from 9am to 4pm. Entrants will be given a square canvas and several weeks in which to create a work with the word “space” in the title. Show organiser Ms Leanne Koppen said that organisers expected punning titles would again be in evidence as artists explored subjects like Spaced Out, Head Space and MySpace. “Last year’s show attracted more than 130 works from artists ranging in age from three to 93,” said Ms Koppen.

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“Entries have flooded in for the 2014 exhibition and it is expected that the hall will once more be filled with imaginative and colourful creations.” All works submitted for Inside the Square will hang in Wagstaffe Hall on the October long weekend, where visitors will be able to vote for their favourite works as part of a viewer’s choice award. “There are some great prizes going to the winners in the senior and junior categories,” said Ms Koppen. A few canvases are still available for a $10 entry fee from the Bouddi Gallery. For further information visit

level or a cessation of progression increased her energy and renewed hope in the future. “I simply wish to get on the road to recovery,” she said.

Ms Palmer said Bright Blessings was a natural successor to her first book, Loving All, and was a philosophical bite of love and joy to enrich all walks of life. Proceeds from the sale of Bright Blessings will help to fund her stem cell treatment for multiple sclerosis. “After 19 years of living with multiple sclerosis, the physical challenge that has creatively transformed my life, I am now more than ready to receive the benefits of the breakthrough treatment,” said Ms Palmer. “The Adult Stem Cell Foundation first notified me about the innovate trial. “I was told in a welcoming letter from the treating clinic that the therapy treatments have resulted in the vast majority of their patients being ecstatic about the results.” Ms Palmer was asked in her application form about her expectations, considering the therapy was a treatment not a cure. She said improvement on any

Email, 4 Sep 2014 Suzie Palmer, Bright Blessings

Dinner Thursday to Monday 6.00pm Lunch Friday to Sunday 12 noon

Email, 4 Sep 2014 Peter Scott, Wagstaffe to Kilcare Community Association

14 Heath Road Hardys Bay

Ph 4360 2014

ETTALONG BEACH ARTS & CRAFT CENTRE Inc. Now presenting another Pottery workshop where school students can have some fun while exploring their other creative self! WHEN: •10am to 1pm 22nd 23rd & 24th September for making the pottery. 10am to 1pm 30th September for instruction on how to glaze the pottery.

The course fee is $100 payable on the first day • 10am 4th October to pick up art works The venue is the Art centre in Kitchener Park : Cnr Picnic Pde & Maitland Bay Dve Ettalong Beach For enquiries please phone: 43418344

8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 17

Out and About

Campaign to increase anaphylaxis awareness Umina resident Ms Bettina Lucini and her anaphylactic son Claudio will benefit from the Raise Your Hand for Anaphylaxis campaign to be launched nationally on Monday, September 8. The campaign aims to increase anaphylaxis awareness and to encourage ongoing allergy education in schools. Anaphylaxis is the most severe and life threatening form of allergic reaction. Channel 7 health editor and campaign ambassador Dr Andrew Rochford said: “All Australians need to be aware of allergies and know how to identify potentially life threatening signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.

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“We need to ask ourselves, would I know what to do if I or someone else had an anaphylactic reaction?” “In this type of emergency situation, every minute counts.” Ms Lucini has experienced the emergency of anaphylactic shock through her son Claudio’s peanut allergy. She admits that if it weren’t for the awareness she has gained through her sons’ allergy, she wouldn’t know what to do if she found herself in a situation where someone was having a reaction. “What I have learned along the way is to always believe what the person says, even if there are no visible signs of an anaphylactic reaction yet,” she said. Ms Lucini discovered her son’s allergy when he was four and a half years old after he consumed an ice cream that had peanuts sprinkled on top and ended up with breathing problems. A skin-prick test was conducted to assess the severity of Claudio’s allergy and he was then issued an action plan which he has to carry everywhere, along with an EpiPen and antihistamines. “Initially, we were overwhelmed and would watch him very closely eating news foods,” said Ms Lucini. Claudio had another reaction at a primary school friend’s house.

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“The reaction was mild enough to be treated with a high dose of antihistamines, but in this case, we were advised that every time he has a reaction, it will take less to trigger a more severe reaction. “He has had a couple of fairly mild reactions early on, but the last couple were so severe that he needed to be taken to hospital.” Claudio’s last reaction was earlier this year. “He now knows the early signs, which is an itchy feeling in the mouth,” said Ms Lucini. In the case of a reaction, Ms Lucini said that once Claudio experiences the first signs, he removes his mouth plate, will have a high dose of antihistamine and, depending on where they are, she will either call an ambulance of drive straight to the hospital emergency department. The process that takes place once they have arrived at the hospital includes a steroid administration and monitoring for other symptoms such as breathing difficulties, a swollen face or a rash. In Claudio’s recent reaction, this procedure was followed by an adrenaline injection and a few hours of observation for further reactions to the medicine. “It generally takes him another week or so to recover completely from such a reaction,” said Ms Lucini. Since the discovery of Claudio’s allergy, his reactions and their severity, the Lucini household has had to adjust their lifestyle. “We don’t have any peanuts or peanut butter in the house and we cook and bake from scratch to avoid cross contamination,” she said. “Shopping means reading the label closely every time we buy packaged foods and eating out is stressful. “Unfortunately, we cannot go to certain restaurants that include peanuts in any dishes for fear of cross contamination, and all sorts of buffets are out of the question for the same reason.


Come along and learn to make your own unique gifts for family and friends, or jewellery just to spoil yourself – you deserve it! The venue is the Art centre in Kitchener Park : Cnr Picnic Pde & Maitland Bay Dve Ettalong Beach For enquiries please phone: 43418344

“Travelling means we pack our own food generally.” Ms Lucini said now that Claudio was a teenager, there was a constant fear that he might try something new without knowing what it contains. “We also wonder whether he will ask his partner about food choices before the first kiss,” she said. Raise Your Hand for Anaphylaxis has been recognised as important for schools, because more and more students , like Claudio, are being diagnosed with severe allergies and have to take allergy medication with them to schools. Dr Rochford said “Anaphylaxis awareness is especially important at the primary school level.” “Many children are too young to understand the severity of these issues and rely on staff and parents to initiate and encourage proper preventative measures.

“This campaign will be offering teachers, students and all Australians the opportunity to learn more about allergies in a very practical way.” Australians are now being encouraged to take action on allergy awareness and demonstrate their understanding of the seriousness of anaphylaxis on the campaign’s website. Those who ‘raise a hand’ for anaphylaxis can nominate their local school to go into the draw to win an education grant, which will help teachers continue educating their students about allergy risks and management plans. For further information, or for schools seeking to download e-books, lesson plans, posters and fact sheets, visit www. Victoria Power, 3 Sep 2014 Interviewee: Bettina Lucini Media Release, 2 Sep 2014 Sonya Friesen, Palin Communications

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Page 18 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014

Animal Care Animal Welfare League Animal Welfare League assists pet owners with an ongoing subsidised dog desexing program as well as giving aid to sick and injured animals. Meetings 2nd Wednesday of each month, Spike Milligan Room of Woy Woy Library 12 noon. Debra 4344 4435

Directory - Not for profit Community Organisations bees - Day & night groups 4325 4743

P.O. Box 376, Woy Woy

Central Coast Family History Society Inc. Resources, information & advice to study your family’s history. 1st Sat 1pm Lions Community Hall, 8 Russell Drysdale St, E. Gosford.


4324 5164

Ettalong Beach Art & Crafts Centre Adult Classes in Patchwork & Quilting, Pottery, Folk Art, Silk Dyeing, Oils, Acrylics, Pastels, Drawing, Watercolour, Silvercraft and Children’s Art & Pottery Mon - Sat 10am - 3pm 4341 8344

Central Coast Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service Do you have issues with your landlord or real estate agent? Free telephone advice and advocacy for all tenants and residents in residential parks. 4353 5515

Central Coast Art Society Weekly paint-outs Tues 4369 5860. Workshops 9.30am 1st & 3rd Wed Gosford City Art Centre 4363 1820. Social Meetings 1.30pm 4th Wed for demonstrations publicity@ 4325 1420

Community Care Services - Central Coast For people with memory loss & their carers. Enjoy a relaxing coffee morning Rocky Point Café - Ettalong Beach Memorial Club 3rd Wed 4324 4244

Point Clare Art & Craft Wed - Adult Art Class Wed & Fri - Adult Crafts Bunka Embroid, Cards, Crotchet, Cross Stitch $3 Point Clare Community Hall 10am - 12noon 4325 5007 Hospital Art Australia Meet every Tue and Fri 9am-2pm - 109 Birdwood Ave, Umina - Painting and Canvas drawing. Volunteers welcome 4341 9920

Bushwalking National Parks Association Central Coast Twice weekly bush walks on the Central Coast and further afield, varying distances and grades of difficulty. Explore, enjoy scenery, fauna, floral, history. Keep fit and make friends. 4389 4423 & 4332 7378

Community Centres Peninsula Community Centre Cnr Ocean Beach Rd & McMasters Rd Woy Woy Activities, programs and support groups for children, teens, adults and seniors including occasional care, playgroups, dance classes, karate, fitness classes, youth services, gambling solutions, internet kiosk and social groups.

4341 9333 Ettalong 50+ Leisure & Learning Centre Mon - Fri - Cards, Computer Lessons, Dancing, Indoor Bowls, Fitness, Handicrafts, Leatherwork, Line Dancing, Painting, Scrabble, Table Tennis, Tai Chi, Yoga, Darts 4341 3222

Community Groups ABC “The Friends” Support group for Public Broadcaster. Aims: Safeguard ABC’s independence, adequate funding, high standards. Meetings through the year + social afternoons Well-known guest speakers

4341 5170 Bridge Duplicate Bridge Mon Tue Thur Fri Sat-12.15pm & Wed 9.15am Brisbane Water Bridge Club Peninsula Community Centre 93 McMasters Rd.Woy Woy

Cash Housie 50 Games every Sat night Peninsula Community Centre, McMasters Rd, Woy Woy, 7.30pm. Proceeds to Woy Woy Catholic Parish.

Central Coast Handweavers, Spinners and Textile Arts Guild Spinning, weaving, patchwork, quilting, felting & other fibre & fabric crafts Workshops & community quilting

- see website. 10am – 12md or 1pm - 3pm Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre. Monthly Meetings with Guest Speaker at Kincumber Hotel 1st Mon 43692530

Mary Mac’s Place Providing hot, freshly cooked meals - Mon to Fri 11am-1pm with support, info & referrals 4341 0584

The Krait Club Community Centre - Cooinda Village, Neptune St, Umina 10.30am For senior members of community. Gentle exercises, quizzes, games, social activities, guest speakers, entertainment and bus trips - 4344 2992

Overeaters Anonymous (OA) 12-step fellowship for those with eating disorders. No dues, fees, or weigh-ins. Peninsula Corn. Cntr, cnr. Mc Masters Rd & Ocean Beach Rd. Woy Woy, Fri 8pm - 0412 756 446

Umina Beach Men’s Shed Inc. Men share a variety of tools, pursue interests and hobbies, Spend time with other men and Learn new skills Darrell 4342 9606

Central Coast Over 30s Social Group Inc We offer social contact, entertainment events & new friendships for people in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s & 60’s etc. Our events range from; Live Music, House Parties, Restaurant Nights, BBQ’s/Picnics, Trips Away & lots more. For a FREE calendar call 0428 461 188

Central Coast 50+ Singles Social Group Invites Ladies & Gents 50s to 70s etc for dinner, dancing - BBQs & Socialising each weekend. Our friendly group can be contacted for our monthly programme 4344 5556 0432 110 841 I AM LOST Deep Conversations & systematic exercises for understanding my self & my place in life. - Gurdjieff Society Ancient and modern knowledge. Thurs evening fortnightly 0425 296 783

Mingaletta Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Corporation The Mingaletta community centre provides its members and other community groups a meeting place and referal hub for education, health, well-being and cultural programs through consultative services and community programs. Mon-Fri 9am 4pm 6 Sydney Ave Umina 4342 7515

Peninsula School for Seniors The Community Centre, McMasters Road, Woy Woy Discussions, Rumikin, Craft, History, Walkers, Coach trips Tues, Wed, Thur 4341 5984 and 4341 0800 Peninsula Village Playgroup Carers, Grandparents, parents & children ‘Intergenerational Playgroup’ Every Tues 10-11.30am Paula Newman - 4344 9199 Probus Club of Umina Friendship, fellowship and fun Advancing intellectual, cultural and social interests for active retirees 55yrs+ Non Political and Non Sectarian - 2nd Wed 10am, Everglades Club

Probus Club of Woy Woy Friendship, Fellowship, and social finctions for active retirees. 1st Wed - 10am Everglades Country Club 4341 9195 Seniors Computer Club Central Coast Beginners classes for PC or Mac Mon or Tues. Classes Mon to Fri for most programs

Volunteering Central Coast Refers potential volunteers to community orgs. Support both volunteers and community orgs. Training for volunteers & their managers. 4329 7122

Wagstaffe to Killcare Community Protect and preserve the environment & residential nature of the Bouddi Peninsula and to strengthen community bonds 2nd Mon, 7.30pm Wagstaffe Hall 4360 2945

ParaQuad Specialist healthcare products delivered to your door, for all your continence, wound care and respiratory and nutrition requirements - Professional Clinic Support available 1300 886 601

Pink Butterfly Breast Cancer Support Group First Sunday 10.00am -12.00 Shop 71 Schnapper Road Ettalong Markets 0428 712 251 Peninsula Village Wellness Centre Offering holistic and complementary therapies including aromatherapy, massage and music therapy 4344 9199

Disabled Services Riding for the Disabled Horse Riding as a therapy for those with intellectual or physical disabilities Volunteers required. No Previous exp necessary - School hours only Mon to Sat 4340 0388


Peninsula Village Meals Delivered daily to your door Nutritious, great for the elderly 4344 9199 Peninsula Village Carer’s Support Group For carers of loved ones with dementia - 1st Wed - 10 to 11.30am Paula 4344 9199

Peninsula Environment Group Environmental projects, (incl. Woytopia), Woy Woy community garden, social events, workshops, organic food buying group

Peninsula Women’s Health Centre Clinic sister; counselling; alternate therapists; groups and community education; drop-in; support for women in crisis; 4342 5905 Wed & Thur 9.30am-3pm 20a McMasters Rd, Woy Woy

Health Groups Al-Anon If someone’s drinking is causing you problems... Al-Anon can help Ph: 4344 6939 1300 252 666 Meetings Saturday 2pm Woy Woy Hospital Ocean Beach Road Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Every Sat - Progress Hall Ronald Ave, Wyoming 8pm 4323 3890 Better Hearing Australia Central Coast Hearing loss management Support and educational group 7 groups across the coast Providing practical experience and confidence Learn the benefits to hearing aids Better hearing Australia Central Coast 4321 0275 www.centralcoast. Gambling Solutions Gambling help counsellors providing free confidential professional service to gamblers, family and friends Available Woy Woy, Kincumber, Gosford and The Entrance 4344 7992 GROW - Free Weekly 12 Step Mental Health Self Help Group - Helping thousands to recover from mental health challenges for more than 55 years to find a GROW group near you call 1800 558 268 or visit

GROW Groups meet weekly all year round Meals on Wheels Delivered meals and flexible food options for people with a functional disability 4382 9401

Prostate Cancer Support Group (Gosford) Meet last Friday Terrigal Uniting Church, 380 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal 9.30am to 12 noon 4367 9600

the Coast seeking new members Thur Night Laycock St North Gosford 4341 4210 Soundwaves Men’s acapella 4 part harmony chorus - all ages 7pm Mon Central Coast Leagues Club John 0413 276 698

Tempo Terrific Community Showband Active showband available to play at your community function. Wide ranging repertuore. Always seeking new members, come and join us and have fun with music. Follow us on Facebook Every Monday 5pm to 7pm Kincumber Uniting Church 4382 2462

Troubadour Central Coast Inc Folk, Traditional & Acoustic Music and Spoken Word Inc Ukulele meets, Concerts and Sessions 4th Sat 7pm CWA Hall Woy Woy 4341 4060

Political Group Australian Labor Party Umina Ettalong Branch Political discussions, national, state and local government issues 2nd Mon Umina Beach Bowling Club 7.30 4342 3676 Australian Labor Party Ourimbah/ Narara Branch Discussion/action community issues - 3 levels of Government Niagara Park Primary School 7.30pm 1st Mon each month 0410 309 494 Australian Labor Party Woy Woy Branch Discuss policies of fairness and support our communuity views and interests Everglades Country Club 7.30pm on the 2nd Mon each month 0412 517 520 Central Coast Greens Active regarding ecological sustainability, social & economic justice, peace & non-violence, grassroots democracy & gettingGreens elected 3rd Thur,

Schizophrenia and Bipolar Fellowship Experiencing Schizophrenia/ Bipolar/Mental Health Issues. Their family carers and friends come together to support and learn from one another. 1st Thur - 1pm Room 3 Uniting Church Donnison St Gosford 4344 7989 or 4369 2214 Woy Woy Well Well Wellness Group A small group of people with a serious illness to share and support unfolding journeys Free at The Clearing, Fortnightly Mon 9:30am 4341 0464

Woy Woy Public Hospital Alliance To restore medical services previously available & upgrade to a standard that meets with local needs. 2pm 2nd Sat St Lukes Church Hall, Blackwall Rd Woy Woy 4344 4811 Woy Woy Stroke Recovery Club Peninsula Community Centre 2nd Tues 11.30am Company, up-to-date info, hydrotherapy, bus trips 4341 7177

Marine Central Coast Rescue Unit Marine Education Courses. Radio Licences, Boat Safety & Boat Licence & PWC Licence Tests, Navigation, Seamanship and Meteorology. 4325 7929 g

Music Gosford Musical Society Minstrels Entertain at various venues on

Peninsula Day Branch ALP Meeting 1pm 2nd Mon monthly CWA Hall Woy Woy Federal, State, Local Government and Community matters under caring discussions 4341 9946

Service Groups Lions Club of Woy Woy 1st and 3rd Mon at Woy Woy Leagues Club 0439 514 723 Make new friends and have fun while serving your community. Northern Settlement Services Provides socialisation for migrants. Volunteers assist with home visits, shopping and social days. Every Thur Peninsula Community Centre 93 McMasters Rd Woy Woy - 4334 3877 Rotary Club of Kariong/Somersby International service club improve lives of communities in Aust. & o/seas. Fun-filled activities, fellowship and friendship. Phillip House, 21 Old Mount Penang Rd, Fri 7.15am 4340 4529

Rotary Club of Umina International service organisation of business leaders improving lives of youth & those in need. Weds. Everglades Country Club

0409 245 861 Rotary Club of Woy Woy International service club improve lives of communities in Aust. & o/seas. Tues 6pm Everglades Country Club. Don Tee 0428 438 535

Special Interest Central Coast Potters Society Dedicated to increasing the ceramics knowlede, experience and skills of members and the general public. Running classes, workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and social events - Annual exhibitions in May and December

4324 5343 Central Coast Lapidary Club Minerals & Gems Learn silverwork, Cabochons, Faceting, Enamelling, Stone Fieldtrips & fossicking Weekly Workshops Tues, Thurs, & occasionally - Sat 9-2.30pm - Thurs 7-10pm 10 Ourimbah Creek Rd Ourimbah 4362 2246

Sport Deepwater Dragon Boat Club Woy Woy Come try this fantastic sport! Paddling sessions available Sunday mornings & Wednesday afternoons. Adults & juniors over 12 years welcome. First 3 training sessions free. 0414 974 743.

Woy Woy Judo Club Classes for adults, juniors & seniors. Tues & Fri Ettalong 50+ Leisure and Learning Centre 0434 000 170

Travel Friendship Force Central Coast Travel in small groups and stay with friends in 370 clubs around the world & host small groups. Deidre 4388 9435

Veterans National Malaya Borneo Veterans Association 1st Sat (except Jan) 2pm Ettalong Beach War Memorial Club, 51-52 The Esplanade. 4342 1107 Vietnam Veterans’, Peacekeepers’ and Peacemakers’ Assist all Veterans & families with pension & welfare Mon & Wed 9am-1pm 4344 4760 Cnr Broken Bay Rd & Beach St Ettalong.

Woy Woy Ettalong Hardy’s Bay RSL Provide help with pensions and welfare etc. Shop 5/382 Oceanview Rd Ettalong. Tues & Thurs 9am to 1pm 4341 2594

Women’s Groups Country Women’s Association Woy Woy Opposite Fisherman’s Wharf Craft & Friendship 1st and 2nd Wed 10am Meetings 4th Wed 10.30am 4324 2621 Country Women’s Association Umina Branch meeting 1st Wed 10am Craft and Friendship Wed 9am (except 1st Wed) 1st and 3rd Sunday 12.30pm 0438 033 039 - 4344 1070 Endeavour/Woy Woy VIEW Club Lunch 1st Monday, Everglades Country Club, 10.30am Friendship Day 3rd Wednesday, Ettalong Diggers, 11am 4342 2283 Gosford RSL Women’s Auxiliary For women over 18 years. Raise money for welfare of veterans and their families RSL Club West Gosford 4th Mon 2pm 4323 7336 WOWGIRLS Wave of Wisdom Inc WOWGIRLS Wave of Wisdom connects women and local businesses around a common theme of wellbeing. to share wisdom and explore lifes potential. Regular Powwows, WOW Wisdom gatherings, WOW days and WOW courses check our website for activities.

8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 19


Olympian speaks at school

Surf club members train and compete

Olympian Youcef Abdi visited Woy Woy South Public School on Thursday, August 14, to talk about his interesting path to the Olympics.

Umina Surf Life Saving Club competitors have been participating in a number of training groups and competitions.

Youcef spoke to students about Little Athletics and his own career, as well as tips on how to run better and advice on shot put and long jump techniques. Abdi competed in the Beijing Olympics where he placed sixth in the 3000m steeplechase final. Abdi was born and raised in Algeria and came to Australia for the 1996 World Junior Championships. Newsletter, 19 Aug 2014 Kim Whealey, Woy Woy South Public School

A number of junior and senior members competed at the NSW State Pool Rescue Challenge held in July at the Peninsula Leisure Centre in Woy Woy. The club placed overall second in the State. In August, the club’s juniors, seniors and masters competed

at the Australian Pool Rescue Challenge held at the Olympic Pool in Homebush. Although the club was small in numbers, competitors received a number of medals and new personal best records were achieved. This competition also saw the selection of senior competitor Indigo Verhoeven for the NSW Pool Rescue team to compete in New Zealand. Kieran Braddish has been

selected as part of the Central Coast Sports Academy for surfing and brother Lachlan Braddish will travel to Tasmania to represent the Central Coast Sports Academy in the pool. Also, club members Jemma Smith, Indigo Verhoeven, Rachel Wood and Claire Gaffney are training with the Royal Surf Life Saving Team at Castle Hill to further their skills in pool rescue. Email, 4 Sep 2014 Christine Lavers, Umina Surf Life Saving Club

Youcef Abdi

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Peninsula directory of services, contacts and support groups

Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Emergency

The Peninsula Diary of Events For events in post code areas 2256 and 2257

Wednesday September 10 Free Hearing check by Australian Hearing, Ettalong IGA, 9am-5pm Small Biz Bus, Blackwall Rd, Woy Woy, 9am-3pm Beach Sculpture for Healing, Killcare Beach, 9am-1pm

Saturday September 13 Umina Beach Country Women’s Association garage sale, Umina CWA Hall, 7:30am-12pm Hat and Tequila Fundraiser event, Ettalong Memorial Bowling Club, 6:30pm Books for Boats sale, Firsts Woy Woy Sea Scout hall, Woy Woy, 8am-3pm

Sunday September 14

Blood Service, Woy Woy Hospital, 10am-3:30pm

and Gypsy Swing Ensemble, Pearl Beach Memorial Hall, 2:30pm

Wednesday September 17

Monday September 22

Free hearing check by Australian Hearing, Priceline, Woy Woy, 9:30am-12:30pm Australian Red Cross Mobile Blood Service, Woy Woy Hospital, 1:30pm-7:30pm

School Holiday Pottery Workshop, Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Centre, 10am-1pm

Thursday September 18 Flood information seminar, Peninsula Community Centre, 2:30pm-5:30pm

Friday September 19 Peninsula Art exhibition, The Olive Branch Gallery, 3:30pm, free

Saturday September 20

Books for Boats sale, Firsts Woy Woy Sea Scout hall, Woy Woy, 8am-3pm Peninsula Waterfront Markets, Anderson Reserve, Woy Woy, 9am-2pm

Woytopia Fundraising Party, Jasmine Greens Park Kiosk, 5:30pm-10:30pm A Night to Remember, Ettalong Diggers, 5:30pm The Rewbies, Patonga Beach Hotel, 7:30pm

Tuesday September 16

Sunday September 21

Tuesday September 23 School Holiday Pottery Workshop, Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Centre, 10am-1pm

Wednesday September 24 School Holiday Pottery Workshop, Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Centre, 10am-1pm

Sunday September 28 Community Day, Club Umina, 11am-3pm

Monday September 29 The Outback Aussie Show, Ettalong Diggers, 10am

Tuesday September 30 School Holiday Pottery Workshop, Ettalong Beach Arts and Crafts Centre, 10am-1pm

Australian Red Cross Mobile Ian Cooper virtuoso violinist If you’ve got something happening on the Peninsula over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free. Contact details are on page 2. See the Coast Community News for events in post code areas 2250, 2251 & 2260 and the Wyong Regional Chronicle for events in post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 & 2263

Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Woy Woy Police Station 4379 7399 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue NSW Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360

Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Woy Woy Youth Cottage 4341 9027

Horizons (For men with children) 4351 5008 Uniting Care Burnside Gosford 1800 067 967

Health Poisons Information 131 126 Ambulance Text Mobile 106 Ambulance GSM 112 Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Woy Woy Hospital 4344 8444 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 After Hours GP Help Line 1800 022 222

Legal & Financial Help Financial Counselling Service 4334 2304 Tenants’ Advice and Advocacy Service 4353 5515 Woy Woy Court 4344 0111

Libraries Gosford district: Umina Beach 4304 7333 Woy Woy 4304 7555

Problems, Habits & Addiction

Animal Rescue

Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524

Wildlife Arc 4325 0666 Wires 1300 094 737


Community Centres Peninsula Community Centre 4341 9333 Men’s Shed Cluster Inc 0413 244 484

Counselling Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118

Family and Relationships Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099

Taxi 131 008 Busways 4368 2277 City Rail 131 500

Welfare Services Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Meals on Wheels 4341 6699 Department of Community Services Gosford 4336 2400 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081

Page 20 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014

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8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 21

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Woy Woy Peninsula Lions Club

Sept 28, 9am to 1pm Great variety of stalls ~ BBQ, Tea & Coffee. Vendors Welcome ~ $15 per car Now at Dunban Road Car Park NB stall sites not open until

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(Except December) Enq: 0439 514 723

GARAGE SALE Umina Country Womens’ Association Hall Sydney Ave Opposite Shell Garage

Umina boxers return victorious

Positions Vacant

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September 13 730am to 12noon

Looking for ST JOHNS NETBALL CLUB (now known as BRISBANE WATER NETBALL CLUB) ex. Committee Members & Players for information regarding the history of the club. Please contact us

Kids Tennis Camp at Pearl Beach 22-24 September 9am - 12noon Beginners and Intermediate welcome 2ATPCA Qualified Coaches 0438 358 225

The Shame File

Ducks Crossing Publications has a very liberal credit policy for advertisers and realises that from time to time, people, businesses and organisations get into financial difficulty and may need assistance and time to get things back on track. However, some people, businesses and organisations take advantage of this generosity they use advertising but simply don’t pay their account after several months and need to be taken to court to do so. From time to time, as necessary, we will name these people, businesses or organisations as a warning to our readers so that they will be wary when dealing with them.

Deliveries & Removals, Local Sydney, Newcastle & Country. Single items or a house full. Competitive rates.

Jason Fawcett, Steven Turner and Thomas Deakin

02 4342 1479 0411 049 559

Tuition - Dance

Gosford Scottish Country Dancers hold an intermediate class on Wednesdays from 7 to 10 pm at Wyoming - It’s an excellent form of exercise which brings men, women and young people together socially, learning new and old dances in a very friendly relaxed atmosphere No experience or partner necessary All ages welcome Cost $5.00 per week Contact Janice on

The tournament which was held over four days is the most prestigious in Australia outside the National Titles and was attended by over 500 competitors from all parts of Australia and overseas. Twelve-year-old Thomas Deakin from Empire Bay took out his third Golden Gloves Title by way of a total knock out decision in the second round against a boy from Queensland who

had only lost once in seven previous outings. National Titles semi-finalist Steven Turner, 15, had a tough encounter against a determined and awkward opponent but prevailed in the latter rounds. Current 40kg Australian Champion Jason Fawcett, 13, competed against the current 42kg Australian Champion from Western Australia. Young Fawcett was too much to handle for his bigger and more experienced opponent winning by way of unanimous decision. Rusta King, 15, is from Newcastle but travels down several times a week to train at the Umina PCYC. King had a tough tussle

against a good body puncher from Blacktown PCYC but, by using his superior foot work and technique, was able to overcome his tough opponent. Coach Steve Deakin mentored the boys for the competition in the absence of regular coach Joel Keegan who was overseas in China for the Youth Olympic Games with Umina PCYC boxer Satali Tevi Fuamona. “The facilities and the program at the Umina PCYC for amateur boxing is second to none,” said Deakin. “The results speak for themselves.”

Tuition - Music

TV Repair

Wanted to buy

Umina PCYC amateur boxers have returned home victorious after competing in the Australian Golden Gloves Titles held in south Brisbane from August 21 to 24.

Media release, 29 Aug 2014 Mike Fawcett, Umina

Cash paid for good quality swords & knives. War & movie memorabilia also shop display units For large collections home visit available


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Smoking dragon shop 12 Ebbtide Mall 155 The Entrance Rd The Entrance

4333 8555

• Affordable Roof Solutions - • High Thai-d Restaurant of Brad Sedgewick Ettalong Umina Beach • Sharon Martin - Devine Image • Depp Studios - Formerly of Umina

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• Stan Prytz of ASCO Bre • Mal’s Seafood & Charcoal Chicken of Ettalong Beach Concreting • Simon Jones - All external • Andrew and Peter Compton cleaning and sealing services • Bruce Gilliard Roofing of • Erroll Baker, former barber, Empire Bay Ettalong • Jamie’s Lawn Mowing of Woy • Tony Fitzpatrick, Trading as Woy Futuretek Roof Constructions • William McCorriston of Complete Bathroom • Tye King - Formerly The Fish Trap Ettalong Beach Renovations • First Premier Electrical • Jessica Davis of Erina - Trading as A1 cleaning services Service of Umina Beach

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Offer expires 01.12.2014. Set combinations apply. Limit of one offer per coupon, per customer. Only available at KFC Woy Woy and Erina Fair.

Page 22 - Peninsula News - 8 September 2014


Woy Woy outlast Avoca in minor semi-final Woy Woy has outlasted Avoca Beach in a high standard game of rugby in the Central Coast Rugby Union Premier 1 minor semifinal at Woy Woy Oval on Saturday, August 30.

Blue swimmers take Ice Bucket Challenge Temperatures were as low as 15 degrees at Pearl Beach on Sunday, August 31, but that didn’t stop the Umina Blue Swimmers taking on the Ice Bucket Challenge to

raise awareness for motor neurone disease. “About 30 members in their budgie smugglers glory lined the rock pool with blue buckets filled with ice and seawater, and doused

LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters

Time - Height(m)

Time - Height(m)

Time - Height(m)

Add one hour to the times below when Daylight Saving is in force

MON - 8 0113 - 0.11 0716 - 1.57 1311 - 0.21 1933 - 1.90 THU - 11 0329 - 0.13 0941 - 1.73 1551 - 0.19 2202 - 1.68 SUN - 14 0542 - 0.43 1207 - 1.60 1839 - 0.45 WED - 17 0248 - 1.11 0829 - 0.65 1504 - 1.42 2158 - 0.57 SAT - 20 0545 - 1.26 1130 - 0.56 1749 - 1.50

TUE - 9 0200 - 0.07 0805 - 1.65 1404 - 0.16 2023 - 1.88 FRI - 12 0413 - 0.21 1029 - 1.72 1645 - 0.26 2252 - 1.54 MON - 15 0037 - 1.25 0630 - 0.53 1300 - 1.52 1943 - 0.53 THU - 18 0359 - 1.13 0935 - 0.65 1608 - 1.43 2255 - 0.53 SUN - 21 0020 - 0.43 0625 - 1.33 1215 - 0.50 1830 - 1.54

WED - 10 0245 - 0.08 0853 - 1.71 1458 - 0.15 2113 - 1.81 SAT - 13 0457 - 0.32 1117 - 1.67 1740 - 0.35 2344 - 1.39 TUE - 16 0138 - 1.16 0725 - 0.61 1400 - 1.46 2051 - 0.57 FRI - 19 0458 - 1.18 1037 - 0.62 1703 - 1.46 2342 - 0.48 MON - 22 0055 - 0.38 0700 - 1.40 1255 - 0.44 1907 - 1.57

APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min

In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated

each other in quick succession before their regular Sunday winter races,” said club president Steve Brown. “Our members range in age from 10 to 73-years-old and while it won’t be the most attractive Ice Bucket Challenge out there, we were happy to bring some awareness to the cause and the insidious disease that is motor neurone disease,” he said. Local publican Gary Narvo from The Bayview Hotel, who donated the ice, was nominated by the club to take the challenge, along with members from the Ocean Beach Surf Life Saving Club and the Northern District Winter Swimming Association. The club also donated $500 to the Motor Neurone Disease Research Centre at Macquarie University. Motor neurone disease is a progressive, terminal neurological disease with no known treatment or cure. Media release, 25 Aug 2014 Steve Brown, Umina Blue Swimmers

Woy Woy won the match 24 points to 19 but the result was not assured until the fulltime hooter. In a match that went from one end of the field to the other, and which saw some bone jarring tackles, Woy Woy scored three tries to two in a match that could have gone either way. The match saw an even start but right from the word go action was all over the paddock. In the opening minutes, Avoca Beach had the better of play but Woy Woy quickly had its turn at attack. Woy Woy opened the scoring in the ninth minute when they crossed out wide for a try by number eight Tevita Tangi Noa. The conversion from the sideline saw Woy Woy go to an early lead of seven points to nil. The middle period of the first half was dominated by Woy Woy. They were on incessant attack but could not break through for any further tries. The Avoca Beach defence stood firm. Woy Woy were rewarded with a penalty goal, however, and they led by 10 points to nil at the 23rd minute of the first half. Avoca Beach reduced the lead in the 30th minute when they kicked a penalty goal. However both teams were to score a try apiece in the final 10 minutes of the half. Woy Woy crossed for a converted try to lead by 17 points to three at the 32rd minute, and just when things seemed to be getting away from Avoca Beach, they also quickly responded. Avoca Beach then scored their first try in the 37th minute when fullback James Latham crossed for the try. This made the score 17 points to eight which remained the score at the halftime break. Avoca Beach increased their chances of victory early in the second half when, in the second

minute of the half, they kicked a further penalty goal, and score stood at 17 points to 11. Avoca Beach then quickly followed this up again with their second try when winger Matt Maloney crossed in the corner after a fine backline movement. This made the scores close at Woy Woy 17 Avoca Beach 16. It was only the eighth minute of the second stanza and the crowd were on their feet. Avoca Beach continued this resurgence and in the 12th minute took the lead in the match for the first time. Winger Matt Maloney kicked a penalty goal for Avoca Beach and they led the game by 19 points to 17. However there was a lot of time to go and it did not take long for Woy Woy to hit back. Four minutes later, in the 16th minute, a strong scrum by Woy Woy resulted in their prop Apisai Vatubuli crossing for a try adjacent to the posts. This resulted from a good forward attack and a dominant scrum. The conversion of this try took Woy Woy back to lead by 24 points to 19 with a quarter of the match to go. However despite plenty of action there were to be no more points scored in the match in the final 20 odd minutes. The action was there, the attack was there but the good defence was also there. The supporters of both teams were very tense with the victory up for grabs. Best players for Woy Woy were flanker Alifeleti Atiola, prop Apisai Vatubuli, flyhalf Fokolulu Taumalolo and replacement hooker Nick Garnett. Avoca Beach were best served by flyhalf Mitch Graham, prop Luke Sheridan, and half back Julian Bacigalupo. The match ended with Avoca Beach on attack and they were in that situation for several minutes. Woy Woy were able to hold them out to hang on for victory. Media release, 30 Aug 2014 Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union


From 6am Weekends and 7.30am Weekdays

8 September 2014- Peninsula News - Page 23


Event celebrates golden jubilee year Australia’s Got Talent and Ace Award winner Darren Carr spoke to 230 members and guests at Ettalong Memorial Bowling Club’s 50th Anniversary and Prestige Fours PreTournament dinner. The event celebrated the club’s golden jubilee year with president Robert Henderson welcoming members and special guests from Bowls NSW, Bowls Central Coast, Club sponsors and club dignitaries. Mr Henderson touched upon the club’s humble beginning which was initially owned by the Ettalong War Memorial Club but with some hard work and determination by the committee of the day, the club was able to form its own identity as a standalone bowling club. He also acknowledged the in-house committees that had worked tirelessly over the 50 years, especially all the volunteers that had contributed to the growth of the club.

To complete the formalities of the occasion, Bowls NSW finance director Mr Ron King presented president Robert with an inscribed silver salver to commemorate this special milestone. Throughout the evening guests were also entertained by vocalist Shane Edwards. The evening concluded with bowls coordinator Mr John Roberts conducting an open draw for the 38 teams participating in the annual Prestige Fours Tournament over the next two and a half days. The ultimate winners were a composite team from the NSWACT National Training Academy skipped by Matt Baus who went through the tournament undefeated with eight wins plus 117. A strong and competitive combination from Taren Point skipped by Wayne Turley was runner-up with seven wins plus 91. Media release, 29 Aug 2014 Kevin Dring, Bowls Central Coast

Johnno Davis, Simon Mitchell, Corey Wedlock and Matt Baus were most worthy winners of the 2014 Ettalong Memorial Prestige Fours the richest tournament on the Central Coast

Danny Simmons inducted into martial arts hall of fame Woy Woy Judo Club teacher Mr Danny Simmons has been inducted into the Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame for his 60 years of service to judo. A ceremony was held to mark the occasion on Saturday, August 16, at the Rydges Hotel in Melbourne. His wife, club administrator Ms Lindy Simmons, said: “Eleven people of all different martial arts were inducted on the night, and Danny was the only one to receive a standing ovation.” Danny began his judo journey in 1955 at the South Sydney Police Boys Club in Waterloo, under the guidance of Sergeant Ernie Chambers of the Redfern Police. “Rigorous training and competition took him to the trials for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, but he was defeated by one point in the final of a five minute bout that extended into an 18 minute golden score match,” said Ms Simmons. Danny then travelled to Iwakuni, Japan for 12 months to further his judo studies.

Ms Simmons said, on his return to Australia, Danny took up a teaching position at Sydney YMCA followed by Sydney University, University of NSW, several other suburban clubs, visits to outer lying country areas and Norfolk Island. In 1982 Danny moved to Woy Woy and took over the 1770 Judo Club at the Woy Woy Recreation Centre. He then registered the club with the Judo Federation of Australia NSW Inc as Woy Woy Judo Club. “Danny’s club has had state representation every year at the Australian National Titles and several of his students have gone on to represent Australia,” said Ms Simmons. In 2000, Danny was presented with the Australian Sports Medal for his contribution to judo as a volunteer. In 2002, the club moved to the martial arts room in the newly opened Peninsula Community Centre but in 2008 were asked to vacate in order to put the martial arts room to more use. “Unfortunately, management at

that time did not offer any other area for training purposes and, since that time, the Judo Club has had several locations in order to find a suitable area in which to accommodate their equipment,” said Ms Simmons. “During this time, Danny was struggling with pulmonary fibrosis, however, still managed to instil dedication into his students by encouraging them to continue training on nights apart from his own sessions.” The Woy Woy Judo Club is now involved in the After School Sports Program through the Australian Sports Commission, and is also a part of Judo Central Coast with Kido Mingara and Kugatsu. “Danny has volunteered his spare time to judo throughout his whole life and now has the joy of teaching third generations of students,” said Ms Simmons. “His family, and students past and present, are very proud of him.” Email, 4 Sep 2014 Lindy Simmons, Woy Woy Judo Club

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