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Troubadour expands range
The Troubadour Folk Club will this year expand its already wide range of concerts and music making activities with a new monthly “music-making session” in Woy Woy.
The club already holds “grand concerts” and house concerts.
“Last year, we started a new monthly concert program we call the Club Performers Night,” said club president Mr Michael Fine.
“Held in Empire Bay Community Centre on the second Saturday of the month, it has a relaxed coffeebar atmosphere and features local musicians each with a short set of their most recent songs, tunes, bush poetry or yarns.
“We also hold two music-making ‘sessions’ in which music makers jam and share songs, playing and singing in a circle.
“This year, for the first time, we’ll be holding one on the first Friday night of each month in Woy Woy.
“The second will continue to be held each third Sunday afternoon at the Kariong Eco-Gardens.”
Mr Fine said the club’s main program was its series of monthly “grand concerts at the Everglades Country Club.
“They are open to everyone: members, friends, residents of the Peninsula and the Central Coast and beyond.
“This year’s program includes concerts in March from Keith Potger, founding member of the Seekers and New Seekers, famous for his 12-string guitar riffs and beautiful harmonic singing.
“In October, Judy Small,
Bathroom upgrade for junior students
Parents of students at Woy Woy Public School have been upgrading the bathrooms for the junior girls and boys as the start of the new school year approaches.
They have been cleaning, preparing, priming and painting the bathrooms.
They are now at the fun stage considered to be one of Australia’s most inspiring female singersongwriter, will also be appearing.”
Mr Fine said the first concert of the program on Saturday, February 25, would feature Enda Kenny, possibly the best Irish singersongwriter living outside Ireland.
“We also have concerts planned with the ever-popular Traditional Graffitti (May), and the Scottish fiddle and strings sounds of Kejaffi. (September), the new Americana fiddle duo Corn Nut Creek (June), and the great pairing of Maurie Mulheron and Pat Craigie (July).”
The Troubadour will also hold a number of house concerts and other events throughout the year, Mr Fine said.
“There are a number of famous international guests appearing this year, including Martyn WyndhamRead from the UK and Vincent Cross, the Irish American song writer and performer.”
Mr Fine said the Troubadour always welcomed newcomers.
“We try to ensure entry charges are always affordable and that any event is always great value.
“Lovers of all types of folk and acoustic music and spoken word will be sure to find plenty of great opportunities to join with others and enjoy some fabulous music.
“There’s more information about artists, our venues and booking links for forthcoming events on our webpage: www.troubadour.com. au.”
Phone enquiries are also welcome on 4342 6716
SOURCE: Media release, 19 Jan 2023
Troubadour Central Coast of starting to paint murals in the bathrooms.
Help is still needed before school starts, between 8am and 12pm from Monday to Friday.
Anyone interested in helping may simply drop in during these times.
SOURCE: Social media, 15 Jan 2023 Woy Woy Public School