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Basic tools workshop held

The Umina Community Group has held its first Basic Tools Workshop for women on Saturday, February 25.

Supporters and volunteers included Mingaletta Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation and Shore Thing Handyman.


Another workshop is planned for two months time.

For further information, email benchworks@ uminacommunitygroup.com.au.

SOURCE: Social media, 26 Feb 2023 Umina Community Group

Administrator wants to give the community a say - to reduce their representation

The Council Administrator has revived his attempt to reduce community representation on the Central Coast.

In June 2021, the same Administrator, Rik Hart, resolved to spend over $1.9 million on an optional referendum to be held that year. This was at the same time that the community was being told that there was a serious financial crisis, staff needed to be sacked and community assets sold.

The referendum did not proceed at that time - but Hart has now put it back on the agenda. The referendum aims to reduce the number of Councillors from 15 to 9, and reduce the number of wards to 3. If successful, this move would weaken representation and weaken our democracy.

The previous Administrator (Mr. Persson) acknowledged that the Central Coast community did not want the Council merger—and does not want it now. If there is a referendum, the question must be whether Council should stay as is—or demerge with shared services.

On 13 May 2021, there were amendments to the Local Government Act in relation to de -amalgamations. A new Council may, within 10 years of a merger, submit a written business case to the Minister setting out a proposal for a de-amalgamation and reasons. The Minister must, within 28 days, refer the de -amalgamation proposal to the Boundaries Commission with a direction that it conduct an inquiry and report on the proposal. A process then follows - and the Minister can refuse a de -amalgamation proposal. However, if it is supported - the Minister must give a timeframe and fully fund the cost of any de -amalgamation. The Administrator should abandon the referendum proposal - and instead, submit a proposal to the Minister for a de-amalgamation.

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