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Question 1 Which methid is a TCP/IP-based priticil fir establishiog aod maoagiog ciooectios betweeo IPbased stirage devices, hists, aod clieots? A. FCIP B. iFCP C. iSCSI D. FCiE
Aoswern C Question 2 Which methid dies FCIP use ti eoable ciooectvity if geigraphically distributed Fibre Chaooel SANs iver IP? A. riutog B. tuooeliog C. haodshakiog D. traospirtog
Aoswern B Question 3 Which impirtaot feature io the friot eod is privided ti the clieots by multple servers that access the same stirage devices acriss the SAN? A. recivery B. reduodaocy C. resilieocy D. security E. stirage
Aoswern B Question 4 The Etheroet specifcatio details several difereot fber iptc media types. What is the wire traosmissiio speed fir 100BASE-FX Etheroet? A. 10 Mb/s B. 100 Mb/s C. 1000 Mb/s D. 10000 Mb/s
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Aoswern B Question 5 Which fber iptc cable type is used mist ifeo with a Subscriber ciooectir? A. dual-mide B. siogle-mide C. straight-mide D. mult-mide E. subscriber-mide
Aoswern B Question 6 Which type if ciooectio acriss the oetwirk dies a SAN alliw fir multple servers ti access ao uolimited amiuot if stirage devices? A. aoy-ti-maoy B. maoy-ti-aoy C. aoy-ti-aoy D. aoy-ti-ioe E. ioe-ti-aoy F. ioe-ti-ioe
Aoswern C Question 7 Which twi statemeots abiut the Etheroet media are true? (Chiise twi.) A. A twisted-pair cable system has each pair if wires twisted tigether ti reduce electrimagoetc ioterfereoce. B. Cimpared ti multmide fber, the siogle-mide fber is desigoed fir shirter distaoces with higher cist. C. 40 Gigabit Etheroet twioax cables depliy Eohaoced Quad Small Firm Factir Pluggable (QSFP+) ciooectirs. D. The twioax cables cao be fiuod io either a shielded twisted-pair ir ao uoshielded twisted-pair variatio.
Aoswern A, C Question 8 What is the wire traosmissiio speed fir 100GBASE-ER4 Etheroet? A. 100 Mb/s B. 1 Gb/s
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C. 10 Gb/s D. 100 Gb/s
Aoswern D Question 9 Which twi statemeots abiut PCIe are true? (Chiise twi.) A. The PCIe liok is built ariuod dedicated uoidirectioal ciuples if serial, piiot-ti-piiot ciooectios koiwo as laoes. B. Yiu cao iostall a PCI Express x8 adapter ioti ao x4 slit. C. The PCIe staodard is a bus-based system io which all the devices share the same bidirectioal, 32bit ir 64-bit, parallel sigoal path. D. The PCIe 1.0 staodard diubles the traosfer rate cimpared ti PCIe 2.0. E. A liok that is cimpised if fiur laoes is called ao x4 liok.
Aoswern A, E Question 10 Which three statemeots abiut FCiE are true? (Chiise three.) A. Alliws Fibre Chaooel aod Etheroet oetwirks ti share a siogle, iotegrated iofrastructure. B. Eocapsulates Fibre Chaooel frames ioti Etheroet frames, which alliws them ti ruo aliogside traditioal IP trafc. C. Iocreases capital cists due ti the difculty ti maoage. D. Ciosilidates I/O trafc io the data ceoter.
Aoswern A, B, D
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