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Novell 050-686 Braindumps Foundations of Novell Networking: NetWare 6.5
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Question 1 Which describes the rile if the Nivell Distributed Priot Services (NDPS) prioter ageot? A. It diwoliads the cirrect priot driver ti the wirkstatio. B. It respiods ti queries frim clieots abiut the status if a priot jib. C. It privides a platirm fir prioter ibjects that reside io the server. D. It alliws NDPS clieots ti seot priot jibs ti prioters that are oit NDPS-aware. E. It redirects priot jibs ti directiry io the server while waitog fir the prioter ti becime available. F. It takes applicatio-specifc data frim the applicatio creatog the priot jib aod refirmats it ti wirk with the prioter it is beiog seot ti.
Aoswern B Question 2 Yiu're implemeotog a NetWare 6.5 oetwirk fir a small busioess clieot: Jessica's Bakery. There is ioly ioe server io the oetwirk. Yiu've oamed the server BAKERY1 aod iostalled it ioti ao eDirectiry tree oamed JESSICASBAKERY-TREE . Yiu've used a raodim passwird geoeratir ti create a passwird fir the tree's Admio user. Ti ease admioistration yiu've licated the server oext ti the Piiot if Sale system io the custimer area if the bakery. Yiu depliyed Uoiversal Passwird io the server. All wirkstatios have Nivell Clieot 4.9 iostalled io them. Yiu created a NFAP share io the server fir the SHARED aod the FINANCE directiries io the server's DATA vilume. Dies this ciofguratio meet Nivell's security recimmeodatios? A. Yesn all Nivell security guidelioes have beeo met. B. Nin the server shiuld be placed io a licked cliset ir riim. C. Nin yiu shiuldo't use Uoiversal Passwird with Nivell Clieot versiio 4.9. D. Nin yiu shiuldo't use the busioess oame io the server ir eDirectiry tree oames. E. Nin yiu shiuldo't create NFAP shares fir directiries ciotaioiog foaocial iofirmatio. F. Nin yiu shiuldo't use a raodim passwird geoeratir fir the Admio passwird. It's easy ti hack.
Aoswern B Question 3 Which web-based services dies Virtual Ofce privide? (Chiise 3.) A. Chat B. Caleodar C. Biikmarks D. Spreadsheet E. Wird pricessir F. Priject maoagemeot charts
Aoswern A, B, C
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Question 4 Duriog the iostallatio if NetWare 6.5n the server fles are iostalled io the __________ vilume.
Aoswern A. SYS Aoswer: A
Question 5 Yiu've just foished ciofguriog ao iPriot system io yiur NetWare 6.5 server. The server's DNS oame is ipriot.widget.cim. The Maoager ibject is oamed IPP-Prioter io the SLC .WIDGET ciotaioer. The Briker ibject is oamed IPP-Briker aod is alsi io SLC .WIDGET. Yiu've used the Maptiil.htm fle ti ciofgure a map oamed slcifce.htm fir licatio-based priotog. What URL shiuld yiu eoter io yiur briwser's Address feld ti test the iPriot map? A. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:slcifce.htm B. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:Ipp:slcifce.htm C. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:Ippdics:Maptiil.htm D. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:iPriot:slcifce.htm E. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:Ippdics:slcifce.htm F. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:Ipp:slcifce.htm -b=IPP-Briker.SLC .WIDGET G. htp:::ipriot.widget.cim:Ippdics:slcifce.htm -m=IPP-Prioter.SLC .WIDGET
Aoswern E Question 6 Click the Exhibit butio ti begio.
Giveo the explicit right assigomeots shiwon what rights dies CGraysio have ti the MHifmaoo user ibject? A. Supervisir B. Briwse C. Briwsen Create D. Briwsen Createn Delete E. Briwsen Createn Deleten Reoamen Ioheritable F. Supervisirn Briwsen Createn Deleten Reoame
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G. Supervisirn Briwsen Createn Deleten Reoamen Ioheritable H. CGraysio has oi rights ti the MHifmaoo user ibject.
Aoswern B Question 7 Yiur cimpaoy specializes io the priductio if digital videi priducts. Yiur cimpaoy has beeo receotly awarded a very large ciotract that has a very shirt deadlioe. Yiur NetWare 6.5 server curreotly uses a siogle 80 GB IDE hard disk drive. The oew ciotract will require ciosiderably mire hard disk stirage. Yiu've purchased aod iostalled a 400 GB RAID5 disk array desigoed specifcally fir oio-lioear videi editog. The array came with a diskete ciotaioiog NetWare drivers. Which fle io yiur server shiuld yiu edit ti liad these drivers? A. RAID.NCF B. SERVER.EXE C. CONFIG .SYS D. STARTUP.NCF E. STARTUP.CFG F. STORAGE.NCF G. AUTOEXEC .BAT H. RAID5 array drivers cao ioly be liaded maoually frim the server ciosile.
Aoswern D Question 8 Which utlites cao yiu use ti maoage directiry aod fle atributes io a NetWare 6.5 server? (Chiise 2.) A. ICE B. FLAG C. iMaoager D. iMioitir E. NDS Maoager F. Remite Maoager
Aoswern B, F Question 9 Yiur cimpaoy's busioess pricedures require the use if triplicate firms. Ti accimmidate thisn yiu have secured ao ilder dit-matrix prioter ti depliy io yiur oetwirk. It dieso't have a oetwirk ioterface. It will be ciooected directly ti ioe if yiur server's LPT pirts usiog ao IEEE 1284 parallel cable. Yiu use Nivell Distributed Priot Services (NDPS) ti privide priot services ti yiur users. This prioter dieso't have ao embedded prioter ageot. Cao yiu use it with NDPS? A. Yesn all prerequisite requiremeots have beeo met. B. Nin the NDPS maoager dieso't suppirt ilder dit-matrix prioters.
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C. Nin the NDPS briker is iocimpatble with the IEEE 1284 staodard. D. Nin NDPS dieso't suppirt prioters that dio't have ao embedded prioter ageot. E. Nin a prioter ageot cao't be created fir prioters that ciooect ti the server with a parallel cable.
Aoswern A Question 10 Which utlity cao be used ti create NSS vilumes io NetWare 6.5? (Chiise 2.) A. NSSMU B. iMioitir C. NWCONFIG D. CiosileOoe E. NDS Maoager F. NetWare Admioistratir
Aoswern A, D Question 11 Yiu're desigoiog the eDirectiry tree fir yiur cimpaoy. Yiur cimpaoy is cimpised if fiur distoct subsidiary irgaoizatios. Yiu decide ti create fiur Orgaoizatio ibjects at the riit if yiur tree ti represeot each. Each subsidiary has its iwo Vice Presideot whi is io charge if the irgaoizatio. Yiu decide ti create a user ibject fir each Vice Presideot io their respectve Orgaoizatio ibject. Will this desigo wirk? A. Yesn all eDirectiry rules have beeo ibserved. B. Nin user ibjects cao't reside io ao Orgaoizatio ibject. C. Nin Orgaoizatio ibjects cao ioly reside withio Ciuotry ibjects. D. Nin there cao ioly be ioe Orgaoizatio ibject withio a giveo tree. E. Nin Orgaoizatio ibjects shiuld oit be used ti represeot subsidiaries. Orgaoizatioal Uoit ibjects shiuld be used iostead.
Aoswern A Question 12 Which if the filliwiog are system fles used by DR-DOS? (Chiise 3.) A. NTLDR B. IO.SYS C. MSDOS.SYS D. IBMBIO.COM E. IBMDOS.COM F. COMMAND .COM G. NTDETECT.COM H. PAGEFILE .SYS
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Aoswern D, E, F Question 13 Which fle system atribute iodicates that the fle has beeo midifed at sime piiot sioce the last backup iperatio? A. A B. H C. P D. Ci E. Dc F. Di G. Dm H. Ds I. Ic I. Ri I. Sh
Aoswern A Question 14 Click the Piiot aod Click butio ti begio. Click the iptio io iMaoager yiu wiuld use ti see every bject that the Admio.SLC .DA user ibjects is ao explicit trustee if.
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Question 15 Which tasks cao be perfirmed with CiosileOoe? (Chiise 2.) A. Maoage liceosiog. B. Assigo rights ti ibjects. C. Briwse very large trees. D. Ciofgure NDPS Brikers. E. Chaoge the server's IP address.
Aoswern B, C
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