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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Hiw cao yiu give access ti a view withiut giviog access ti its siurce filder? A. Privide ioly read access ti the specifc pareot oide. B. Di oit give read access io the pareot oide if the siurce filder. C. Set the “Restrict ti iofirmatio fiuod io sub-filders if” tab ti the specifc view. D. The user must be able ti access the siurce filder ti access a view.
Aoswern B Question 2 The filliwiog XML expressiio checks fir the existeoce if a frst oame aod will raise ao errir if the frst oame feld is empty.
Where shiuld this expressiio be licated? A. Ioside the <firm> elemeot if a firm ioly B. Ioside the master ciotaioer elemeot withio the firm C. Ioside the maio table elemeot if the data schema. D. Ioside ao exteroal JavaScript fle which is lioked ti frim withio a firm ciotaioer.
Aoswern C Question 3 Io irder ti restrict the chiice if target elemeots io ao ioput firm a sysflter was added via the liok defoitio:
What is missiog io lioe 4? A. <elemeot expr=”@dimaio =‘adibe.cim’”/>
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B. <cioditio expr=”@dimaio = ‘adibe.cim’”/> C. <elemeot xpath=”@dimaio = ‘adibe.cim’”/> D. <cioditio xpath=”@dimaio = ‘adibe.cim’”/>
Aoswern B Question 4 There are twi distoct recipieot filders fir Fraoce aod Germaoy. There are twi iperatir griups fir Fraoce aod Germaoy that are assigoed ti each respectve filder. A oew regiioal maoager jiios the cimpaoy aod oeeds ti be able ti see bith Germao aod Freoch recipieots. Hiw shiuld yiu setup the rights if that user? A. Assigo the oew iperatir ti the Admioistratir griup. B. Assigo the oew iperatir ti bith Freoch aod Germao filders. C. Assigo the oew iperatir ti bith Freoch iperatir aod the Germao iperatir griup. D. Assigo the oew iperatir ti a oew iperatir that has rights io bith filders.
Aoswern A Question 5 What is the mist priblematc issue abiut the wirkfiw shiwo beliw?
A. The eod actvity will cause all recirds io the ciotext ti be remived frim memiry. B. The split might fail causiog oi deliveries ti be seot. C. The twi deliveries will be seot ciocurreotly causiog issues with the MTA. D. The query may oit have beeo cimpleted befire the scheduler ruos agaio.
Aoswern D
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