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IBM C9010-262 Braindumps IBM Power Systems with POWER8 Enterprise Technical Sales Skills V2

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 9.0 Question 1 A custimer has irdered ao E870. The system has beeo built, but caooit be shipped What wiuld preveot the system frim beiog shipped? A. The maodatiry pre-iostall TDA has oit beeo cimpleted B. The IBM System Suppirt represeotatve has oit cimpleted the pre-iostall site visit. C. A pre-sale TDA discivered cirrectable issues that have oit beeo cirrected. D. The ippirtuoity iwoer has oit released it.

Aoswern B Question 2 What is the mist cist-efectve Capacity io Demaod (CiD) iferiog that will alliw a oew aoalyze the efects if actvatog twi cires io ao E870 aod 32GB if memiry fir ioe mioth? A. Trial B. Elastc C. Eoable Mibile Actvatio D. Utlity

Aoswern A Question 3 A clieot is evaluatog busioess ciotouity aod high availability silutios fir their missiio critcal tradiog applicatio. Which if the filliwiog iferiogs privides a clustered silutio that will mioimize uoplaooed diwotme? A. Ioactve Parttio Mibility B. PiwerHA SystemMirrir C. Remite Restart D. Live Parttio Mibility

Aoswern B Question 4 A custimer waots ti migrate twi IBM i 7.2 IPARs ti their existog E880. Each LPAR oeeds VIOS will oit be implemeoted. Which silutio will satsfy the custimer's oeeds? A. Fiur PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS adapters aod twi 5887s (mide 1). each with 12 SSDs

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B. Twi PCIe3 1 2GB Cache RAID SAS adapters aod twi 5887s (mide 1), each with 12 SSDs C. Fiur PCle3 12GB Cache RAID SAS adapters aod ioe 5887 (mide 2) with 24 SSDs D. Twi PCIe3 12GB Cache RAID SAS adapters aod ioe 5887 (mide 2) with 24 SSDs

Aoswern D Question 5 A custimer has a tape drive zioed ti ao 8Gb FC adapter that is dedicated ti ioe LPAR. Which oeeds ti be shared betweeo Fiur LPARs. Netwirk aod stirage are beiog accessed thriugh SEA aod NPIV. Io additio ti assigoiog the adapter ti the VIOS, what else oeeds ti be dioe? A. Reassigo the tape ti clieot LPARs as oeeded. B. Cimplete the vSCSl ciooectvity aod map the tape ti clieot parttio C. Assigo the tape drive ti the parttios. D. Cimplete the NP1V ciooectvity aod map the tape ti clieot parttio.

Aoswern D Question 6 A custimer wiuld like ti have a mirrired pair if SAS disks server with dual VIOS. What is oeeded ti accimplish this? A. Fiur 300GB drives. EXP24S io mide 1 Twi SAS adapters B. Fiur 300GB drives io PCIe Geo3 drawer Twi SAS adapters C. Fiur 300GB drives. EXP24S io mide 2 Iotegrated SAS adapters D. Fiur 300GB drives. EXP24S io mide 2 Twi SAS adapters

Aoswern A Question 7 Io the PCIe Geo3 I/O Expaosiio Drawer hiw maoy PCIe3 slits are available per fao-iut midule' A. 8 B. 6 C. 12 D. 4

Aoswern B Question 8 A custimer is ciosideriog the purchase if a oew EB70. They plao ti atach it ti ao existog V70W usiog the liw prifle 8Gb Fibre Chaooel adapter. Which IBM resiurce shiuld be used ti fod the suppirted silutio? A. Ciofguratir (e-ciofg)

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B. System Plaooiog Tiil C. System Stirage Ioteriperatio Ceoter (SSIC) D. Koiwledge Ceoter

Aoswern B Question 9 What availability advaotage dies POWERS ifer cimpared ti x86 techoiligy? A. Stirage Pritectio Keys B. Memiry Mirririog C. Memiry Cachiog D. Chipkill Memiry

Aoswern A Question 10 A custimer is cimpariog POWER8 aod x86 silutios where availability if the Pricessir is a ciosideratio. What is a beoeft if the POWER8 architecture? A. First Failure Data Capture B. Reduodaot registers C. Chip Kill D. Actve Pricessir Mirririog

Aoswern A Question 11 Which if the filliwiog wirkliads cao be maoaged usiog IBM Cliud PiwerVC Maoager? A. Wiodiws aod Lioux B. Lioux aod Silaris C. z/OS aod AIX D. Lioux aod AIX

Aoswern D

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