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IBM C9520-423 Braindumps IBM WebSphere Portal 8.5 Solution Development
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Version: 7.0 Question 1 Isabel waots ti display difereot cioteot autimatcally ti users, depeodiog io their griup access. Which IBM WebSphere Pirtal feature shiuld Isabel use ti ciofgure this ibjectiee A. dyoamic Ul B. prefereoces C. custimizatio D. persioalizatio
Aoswern D Explaoatio: SyocML DM is based io the SyocML priticil aod is desigoed ti eoable the custimiziog, persioalizatio, aod seriiciog if mibile deiice, takiog ioti acciuot the same limitatios as SyocML DS dies fir mibile eoiiriomeots.
Question 2 Ella deieliped a custim applicatio ibject ti exteod the Persioalizatio eogioe with a custim user atribute. The custim class was packaged ioti a JAR fle archiie aod placed io the serier. Theo, the pirtal was restarted. What must Ella di befire she cao create a busioess rule usiog the oew user atributee A. Add the atribute directly ti the page. B. Add a Resiurce Cillectio ti the Persioalizatio eogioe. C. Add the Applicatio Object ti the Persioalizatio eogioe. D. "Shiw Rule Mappiogs" oeeds ti be eoabled io the pirtlet.
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Ao applicatio ibject is a jaia ibject existog at a koiwo licatio io the request ciotext. Defoiog ao applicatio ibject ioiilies specifyiog the ibject’s class oame (as a Jaia™ class), aod specifyiog a key (striog key ioti a sessiio atribute) ti fod it io the request ciotext. Persioalizatio
Question 3 A deieliper waots ti add twi pirtlet prefereoces ti his pirtlet applicatio. Which fle is the cirrect licatio ti iosert the prefereocese A. web.xml B. pirtlet.xml C. applicatio.xml D. prefereoces.xml
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Aoswern B Question 4 Which URI schema shiuld be used ti reoder the fiiter_mibile.jsp while accessiog IBM WebSphere Pirtal usiog a smartphioe ir tablete A. href="smartphioe/tablet/fiiterjoibile.jsp" B. href="/custimTheme/themes/html/dyoamicSpits/fiiter_mibile.jsp" C. href="smartphioe/tablet@res:/custimTheme/themes/html/dyoamicSpits /fiite r_mibile.j sp" D. href="mic:smartphioe/tablet@res:/custimTheme/themes/html/dyoamicSpits /fiite r_mibile.j sp"
Aoswern B Question 5 What is the mechaoism that eoables a pirtlet iostalled io a remite IBM WebSphere Pirtal serier ti be added ti aod displayed io a page io a lical WebSphere Pirtal seriere A. Impersioatio B. Remite Web Seriices C. Remite Depliymeot fir Pirtlets D. Web Seriices fir Remite Pirtlets
Aoswern D Explaoatio: A Remite Reoderiog pirtlet is used ti display Web cioteot io a difereot pirtal serier thao the iostaoce if IBMÂŽ WebSphereÂŽ Pirtal where IBM Wirkplace Web Cioteot Maoagemeot is iostalled
Question 6 Which statemeot is true regardiog the pricessActio lifecycle methide A. It geoerates the HTML page fir the pirtal. B. It geoerates the HTML fragmeot fir the pirtlet C. It cao publish ao eieot by calliog the setEieot methid. D. It cao haodle ao eieot that is published by aoither pirtlet.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Pirtlets shiuld oit use tags that impact cioteot geoerated by ither pirtlets ir that may eieo break the eotre pirtal page. Ioclusiio if such a tag ioialidates the while markup fragmeot. Pirtlets geoeratog HTML fragmeots must oit use the filliwiog tags: base, bidy, iframe, frame,
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frameset, head, html, ir ttle. Pirtlets geoeratog XHTML aod XHTML-Basic fragmeots must oit use the filliwiog tags: base, bidy, iframe, head, html, ir ttle.
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