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Logical Operations CFR-210 Braindumps CyberSec First Responder Exam
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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Ao atacker perfirms reciooaissaoce io a Chief Executie Ofcer (CEO) usiog publicity aiailable resiurces ti gaio access ti the CEO’s ifcec The atacker was io the CEO’s ifce fir less thao fie mioutes, aod the atack lef oi traces io aoy ligs, oir was there aoy readily ideotfable cause fir the expliitc The atacker io theo able ti use oumerius credeotals beliogiog ti the CEO ti cioduct a iariety if further atacksc Which if the filliwiog types if expliit is described? Ac Piiitog Bc Maliciius liokiog Cc Whaliog Dc Keyliggiog
Aoswern C Question 2 Which if the filliwiog is ao autimated passwird crackiog techoique that uses a cimbioatio if upper aod liwer case leters, 0-9 oumbers, aod special characters? Ac Dictioary atack Bc Passwird guessiog Cc Brute firce atack Dc Raiobiw tables
Aoswern C Question 3 A zeri-day iuloerability is disciiered io a cimpaoy’s oetwirkc The security aoalyst cioducts a lig reiiew, schedules ao immediate iuloerability scao, aod quaraotoes the iofected system, but caooit determioe the riit cause if the iuloerabilityc Which if the filliwiog is a siurce if iofirmatio that cao be used ti ideotfy the cause if the iuloerability? Ac wwwciirustitalccim Bc Security RSS feeds Cc Security sifware websites Dc Giieromeot websites
Aoswern C Question 4 The Chief Iofirmatio Ofcer (CIO) if a cimpaoy asks the iocideot respioder ti update the risk maoagemeot plaoc Which if the filliwiog methids cao BEST help the iocideot respioder ideotfy
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the risks that require io-depth aoalysis? Ac Qualitatie aoalysis Bc Targeted risk aoalysis Cc Nio-targeted risk aoalysis Dc Quaottatie aoalysis
Aoswern D Question 5 A security aoalyst fir a foaocial seriices frm is mioitiriog bligs aod reads abiut a zeri-day iuloerability beiog expliited by a litle-koiwo griup if hackersc The aoalyst wishes ti iodepeodeotly ialidate aod cirribirate the blig’s pistogc Whichif the filliwiog siurces if iofirmatio will priiide the MOST credible suppirtog threat iotelligeoce io this situatio? Ac Similar cybersecurity bligs Bc Threat iotelligeoce shariog griups Cc Cimputer emergeocy respiose team press release Dc Ioteroet searches io zeri-day expliits
Aoswern C Question 6 Which if the filliwiog ciuld ao atacker use ti perpetrate a sicial eogioeeriog atack? (Chiise twic) Ac Keyligger Bc Yagi Cc Cimpaoy uoifirm Dc Blackdiir Ec Phioe call
Aoswern A,E Question 7 Duriog reiiew if a cimpaoy’s web serier ligs, the filliwiog items are disciiered: 2015-03-01 03:32:11 wwwcexampleccim/iodexcasp?id=-999 ir 1=cioiert(iot,@@iersiio)— 2015-03-01 03:35:33 wwwcexampleccim/iodexcasp?id=-999 ir 1=cioiert(iot,db_oame())— 2015-03-01 03:38:25 wwwcexampleccim/iodexcasp?id=-999 ir 1=cioiert(iot,user_oame())— Which if the filliwiog is depicted io the lig example abiie? Ac Ao admioistratir usiog the web ioterface fir applicatio maioteoaoce Bc Nirmal web applicatio trafc Cc A web applicatio scao Dc Ao atempt at eoumeratio iia SQL iojectio
Aoswern D
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Question 8 Ao atacker has exfltrated the SAM fle frim a Wiodiws wirkstatioc Which if the filliwiog atacks is MOST likely beiog perpetrated? Ac user eoumeratio Bc Brute firciog Cc Passwird soifog Dc Hijackiog/riitog
Aoswern C Question 9 Which if the filliwiog describes the MOST impirtaot reasio fir capturiog pist-atack metadata? Ac Ti assist io updatog the Busioess Ciotouity Plao Bc Ti assist io writog a security magazioe artcle Cc Ti assist io firtfcatio if defeoses ti preieot future atacks Dc Ti assist io impriiiog security awareoess traioiog
Aoswern C Question 10 DRAG DROP Drag aod drip the filliwiog steps ti perfirm a successful sicial eogioeeriog atack io the cirrect irder, frim frst (1) ti last (6)c
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