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CUSTOMER SERVICE RESUME TEMPLATE The customer service resume template will help you in understanding the format and important segments to include while writing your resume. These templates will help you in drafting an overall effective customer service resume that will get you your dream job. Before we actually take a look at the customer resume templates, let’s first understand the important segments to be included in your resume. Read Full Article: http://www.bestofsampleresume.com/customer-service-resume-template/
Tips to Write a Customer Service Resume
Summary statement: A customer service career objective must be highly effective and should describe his/her ability for the applied job. Short yet effective the summary statement in your resume must trigger the employer that you are the right candidate. Skills and Proficiencies: Every customer representative resume must portray some relevant skills and proficiencies in their resume. Making use of some power keywords like interpersonal skills, expert communication abilities, etc. makes your resume all the more strong. Experience: If you are an experienced candidate, do not miss on this segment. A good experience section can take you to places. And hence, you must spend some time writing your prior job experiences. Give detailed information like the name of your current/previous organization, duration you been working there, your job profile and job duties. Personal Information: Though you will be mentioning your personal information in your customer service cover letter, it’s necessary to mention this information in your resume as well.
Hope the above information helps you in writing good customer services resume. Now, let’s take a look at the customer service resume template below:
Full Name Full Address Contact Number Personal E-mail Address SUMMARY STATEMENT Your career summary statement goes under this section.
Skill and Proficiency 1 Skill and Proficiency 2 Skill and Proficiency 3 Skill and Proficiency 4 Skill and Proficiency 5
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Current Job Name of the Organization Job Profile Duration Responsibilities: Responsibility 1 Responsibility 2 Responsibility 3 Responsibility 4 Responsibility 5
Previous Job Name of the Organization Job Profile Duration Responsibilities: Responsibility 1 Responsibility 2 Responsibility 3 Responsibility 4 Responsibility 5 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Degree, Name of the College/University – Passing Out Year Degree, Name of the College/University – Passing Out Year Course, Name of the Institution – Completion Year
Hope the above customer service resume template guide you in drafting your own resume. You may copy the above template and draft your own resume just by making necessary changes and additions. Read Full Article: http://www.bestofsampleresume.com/customer-service-resume-template/