The main focus of Prof. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer and his chair, which also houses the Center Automotive Research – CAR, is the global automotive and associated supplier industry. In addition to CAR, the ÖkoGlobe Institute has been established by Prof. Dudenhöffer and the Action Artist HA Schult. The ÖkoGlobe Institute hands out every year important prizes for sustainable innovations in the area of mobility. The chair and CAR work closely together with companies within the automotive sector. CAR has many widely published studies regarding trends found in the automotive industry and their implications for the component industries, car manufacturers, mineral oil
Courses General business administration Automotive economics and management Research Studies of product and market trends Studies of automotive services and component supply development Monthly price analysis of the car market in Germany Studies of alternative motors and fuels
companies, car banks and leasing companies. Prof. Dudenhöffer and
Applications Automobile and component industries
his team have built up the well-established annual CAR Symposium,
Financial Services in the automotive
an important congress within the sector with top international
M ec h a nic a l a nd P r oc e s s E ngine e ri n g
Business Administration and Automotive Economics
managers as speakers, and with about 1000 participants. Preceding the Symposium, a recruiting fair known as “Car Connects” attracts over 2000 job applicants to this annual event. CAR participates in many joint projects of the department such as electro-mobility project colognE-mobil. The courses offered by the chair cover the inter-relationship and success factors in the global car industry. The branch is one of the most important areas of industrial activity in Germany producing more than 6 million cars and providing over 700,000 jobs. The whole economic chain of the car industry is analyzed within the study program – starting with the component suppliers industry, followed by the automobile manufacturing, up to distribution and financial services. Further key aspects of the courses are marketing, investment and financial decisions.
University of Duisburg-Essen Faculty of Engineering 2012
Contact University of Duisburg-Essen Institute of Business Administration and Automobile Economics Bismarckstraße 90 47057 Duisburg +49 (0) 2 03 379 - 11 11 Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Dudenhöffer @
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