The Complete Online Profit Machine

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The Complete Online Profit Machine

The Complete Online Profit Machine by Markus Andersson


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

Copyright Copyright Š 2015 by Markus Andersson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, copying, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Disclaimer There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas this eBook. Examples in this eBook are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using this product, ideas and techniques.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

Foreword I created this product with one specific goal in mind: To write the eBook I wish I had read in the very beginning of my internet marketing career. It takes some time, some money to invest and a lot of effort to make money online. That’s just the way it is. There are no magic button to push or super software to use to make money on the internet. It takes hard work. Just because you are trying to make money online instead of offline doesn't mean its going to be easy. Having an online business is a lot like having an “offline business”. You have to keep track of your numbers, build relationships, make investments, do a lot of testing, research the market, and build relationships with your costumers. This requires effort and time. That people are lazy is the main reason that online scammers are very successful and making tons of money promoting “get rich quick without putting an effort” products. I repeat: there is no amazing method or super formula that will make you money that's not going to require time to spend, money to invest and some hard work. With all that being said, its very possible to make money online and reach 10 000 dollars or more/month. You just have to go for it and stay committed to reach your goals. In my opinion, personal development and having the right mindset is the most important part of having a successful online business. If you not only believe that you will reach your goals, but KNOW that you WILL reach your goals, its just a matter of time before you reach will succeed.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

How To Use This eBook I have basically given you everything you need to copy paste and use to start to generate your first or next thousands of dollars online. You could skim thru the information in this eBook and use the donefor-you formulas and templates and start to make money online in a fairly short period of time. However, I really want you to learn what's covered in this eBook to gain some important knowledge that will support you to build a profitable and sustaining online business. That’s why I decided to put the modules that’s covering important information about headlines and the science of creating converting landing pages in the beginning. Many other "get rich online" books shows how to use different methods and techniques to generate traffic and build email lists without sharing crucial information about the mechanics of getting sales. Maybe they don’t know about it, or maybe they don’t want to share it with you. What's making this eBook a bit different is that I want to share the science behind what's actually converting the traffic into sales and how you can use that information to grow a successful online business. I have prepared done-for-you and ready-to-use headlines, a donefor-you sales letter template and I have even created done-for-you emails to use in your follow-up series. Feel free to use everything right away, but I promise that you will get more successful if you take your time and read every module of this eBook before you take action. In the end you will find 6 easy steps to follow to make money online, applying the techniques you have learned reading the this book.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

This is what's going to be covered:

Module 1: How to Write High Converting Headlines You will learn how to create high converting headlines and why master the skill of writing headlines is crucial if you want to make money online. Module 2: How to Convert Traffic Into Money With Landing Pages Learn how to create landing pages that converts your traffic into money and the science behind crafting successful landing pages. Module 3: Email Marketing You will learn about email marketing and why you should use email marketing in your online business Module 4: Getting Set Up Its time to follow the step by step guides to set up the core mechanics of your automated profitable online business Module 5: Traffic and List Building You will learn how to build an email list of buyers for free or while making money. Lets get started! Enjoy the content and best of luck,

Markus Andersson


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

Module 1: How To Write High Converting Headlines Your headline is the first and probably the only impression you make on a potential lead or buyer. On average 8 out of 10 people will only read your headline and never go on to read your content and be exposed for your call to action. Only 2 of those 10 people will go on and read the rest of your blog post, article, email or whatever your headline was created for. This might sound a bit depressing, but imagen the advantage you could have on your competitors if you master the skill to write awesome headlines! This statistics reveals the true power of your headline and explains why writing great headlines is a critical skill to master if you want to succeed making money online.

It All Starts With The Headline Every sentence you write on your blog, in your email swipes, or on your landing pages has one purpose — to get the reader to the next sentence. This rule applies all the way down to your call to action. This statement makes it obvious that if your reader stops at the headline - you are never going to get that lead or sale that you want. If your headline is really good, its more likely that a larger percentage of your potential buyers read what you have written. Its a simple fact. The first module of this eBook will guide you, have you writing high converting headlines in no time and provide you with done-for-you headlines to copy, tweak and use.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

The Ultimate Guide To Write Supreme Headlines High converting headlines are constructed in a certain way that makes it possible to re-use them over and over again in different contexts. When a promotion or product goes viral its headline will be saved and studied by internet marketers and copywriters all over the web. They save it because they probably will be able to tweak the headline and use it in a future campaign that will be promoted to a different market or in a different context. The best ways to find inspiration for high converting headlines is to study winning ads, commercials, sales letters and magazines. There is even books (like this one) consisting of collections of headlines that are already proven to work. Books like this may be considered cheating, but this is the way its done all over the internet. Its very unusual that a copywriter creates a unique high converting headline. Whit that being said, don’t get fooled by software products that creates headlines for you. Its not that easy. You will never be good at writing headlines or even copying headlines if you don't understand why a particular headline works in a particular context. If you don’t at least have some level of understanding about headlines you may pick the wrong headline for the wrong context, which may cause both the headline and the content to fail.

Always Write Your Headline First Everything starts with a basic idea. Once you have a basic idea for your blog post, report, article, email, or sales letter, you should go on and craft a supreme headline before you even start to think about writing the content. Your headline is a way to communicate with the readers and convince them that its worth to spend their valuable time to go on and read your content. The person being exposed to your headline and considers to keep on reading wants something of


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

high value in exchange for their time. Your headline works as a promise to this person. A promise that the reader expects to be fulfilled when reading your content. If you start with the headline its more easy to stay focused while you are creating your content. You already know what the reader expects from the content and therefore its easier to create a fresh, interesting and structured article, blog post, sales letter or whatever your headline was created for.

Keyword Research As a Search Engine Optimizer I agree with the statement that keywords is the most important aspect for the title of your article, website or blog post. Not only because choosing the right keyword is crucial to get a high ranking on the first page of google, but also because keywords mirrors the mind of the reader. To do a keyword research is to study what the potential costumers actually wants and therefor its is a really powerful tool to use in your market research. Keyword research makes is possible to know exactly how many people that are using a specific word or search phrase when they want to find out more about a specific topic. Keyword research can be done quick and easy in Google Keyword Planner. This makes it possible to craft an awesome headline that speaks directly to the audience. Combine the keyword research with a classic headline formula that’s proven to work, and you will be able to create a headline that grabs the attention of the potential reader or buyer. If you told me that you were planning to rank your site on google, as a SEO I would give you the advice to go after what's called "long tail keywords" by the SEO community. This means keywords that are related to or include your main keyword. This means there is less traffic, but also that there is less competition. Lets say that your main


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

keyword is "make money online". A long tail keyword could be "how to earn money online fast" or "make cash on the internet". It would be very hard to rank for the main keyword because of the hard competition, but you would have a chance rank for the long tail keyword "make cash on the internet". It is perfect to use long tail keywords when writing killer headlines. Why? Long tail keywords are much more specific and can be used to craft headlines that are targeted to a specific segment of your audience, and even better they can help you to create good content for your blog posts or articles. By using keyword research you can find out the exact phrases that your potential buyers use and start to speak the language of your audience. This will attract more readers, more followers on social media and more people that will go on and read your whole email all the way down to your call to action.

Promise Useful Information Some of the most shared, liked, and bookmarked content are "how to" blog posts or articles. " How to" headlines gives a promise of useful information, which triggers huge amounts of clicks. If you craft a supreme "how to" headline, you put yourself in a position to create a well written article, email or blogpost to fulfill the promise you made to the reader.

Why does "How To" Headlines Work Like Magic? We are busy. It doesn't really matter if we are online or IRL, we are always in a hurry and on our way to our next goal or next tasks. That's why we love information, methods, tips and tricks that people that know more than us about a specific topic has put together for us to read, watch or listen to. We think that reading a "how to" article or blog post will make our life easier, better or maybe a little bit


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

happier. The key to craft a great "how to" headline is to focus on the benefits people in your targeted market desires.

"How To" Headlines With Double Benefits I want to show you some examples with "how to" headlines using double benefits. This can increase the power of your headline, especially when to two benefits are relevant to each other.

How To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle

 How to Work Less and Make More Money

How To Earn $5K to $10K a Month From Your Blog "Working" As Little As 2 Hours/Day

The double benefit “how to” headline will always work if you link the two benefits together and back up your awesome headline with good and fresh content.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

3 Things You Must Understand To Write Great Headlines 1. Understand that a headline with a compelling promise only is intriguing to its targeted prospects. Keyword research and knowing your audience is very important. Even the greatest headline of all times wont appeal to everyone.

2. You have to take your time to study headlines that have been proven to work for other internet marketers and copywriters in previous campaigns. Proven to work means that the headline made a lot of people to purchase the product the headline was written for.


You will probably get more successful than many of your competitors if you are copy-pasting great headlines. However, if you understand why the headline works and are able to tweak it so it fits your specific purpose, you will get more successful than most of your competitors.

A Few More Tips Starting your headline with “why” at the beginning of a statement is an easy way to make the reader focus on the benefits of reading your email, blog post or article. This also applies when starting your headline with “when,” " how", “what,” and "here is why". An awesome high converting headline does not need to be special and


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

tied to a insane offer. The most important thing is making people believe that you can deliver on your promise you make in the headline. Crazy headlines with crazy offers makes you lose credibility. You need to understand what type of headline that is perfect for every given context. That's the key to get your content read and your call to action to be clicked. With that being said, its time to share some done-for-you and readyto-use formulas that you can tweak, test and use in your internet marketing.

Done-For-You and Ready-To-Use Formulas 1. Are You [ ]? Use a question in your headline to grab the readers attention. Challenge the reader with a bold statement or try to make the reader curious.

• Are You Ready to Follow Your Dreams? • Are You Ready to Get Married? • Are You Looking For a Serious Relationship?

2. See How Easily You Can [wanted result]. We like when we can achieve something we want. If it can be achieved easy, we love it.

• See How Easily You Can Learn How to Make Money Online. • See How Easily You Can Write Great Headlines.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

• See How Easily You Can Be a Better Public Speaker. 3. Here is a Method That is Helping [ ] to [ ] Get to know your targeted audience and fill in the blanks with something that they desire and will benefit them.

• Here is a Method That is Helping Total Beginners to Make Thousands of Dollars Online • Here is a Method That is Helping Affiliates to Make More Money • Here is a Method That is Helping Newbies to Earn $7k in 10 days Online

4. Get Rid of [problem] Once and For All Trigger the need to get rid of a painful problem or unwanted situation once and for all. • Get Rid of Acne Once and For All • Get Rid of Bad Breath Once and For All • Get Rid of Self Doubt Once and For All

5. Here’s a Quick Way to [solve a problem] People loves to solve problems. Its even better if it can be done quickly.

• Here’s a Quick Way to Make Your First $1000 Online • Here’s a Quick Way to Get 1000 subscribers to your list • Here’s a Quick Way to Lose Weight


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

6. Now You Can [desirable thing] [great benefit] A Headline with double benefits. Always smart.

• Now You Can Quit Your Job and Make Money Online • Now You Can Grow Your Online Business On Auto-Pilot • Now You Can Get $3000 in Commissions Without Any Extra Work

7. [Do something] like [successful/famous people] Everybody wants to do like or be like successful people

• Think Like a Millionaire • Get Rich Like Bill Gates • Blog Like an Top Earner

8. Give Me [specific period of time] and I’ll Give You[benefit they want] To promise to deliver something great in a short period of time can be a smart move if you want more clicks, leads and sales.

• Give Me Five Days – And I’ll Give You the Secrets of Making Money Online! • Give Me 30 Minutes a Day For 5 Days – And I’ll Give You a Way To Double Your Sales. • Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Make You a Better Internet Marketer.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

9. Have a / Build a [ ] You Can Be Proud Of People always want to change something about themselves, or achieve something they can be proud of.

• Build a Business You Can Be Proud Of • Have a Website You Can Be Proud Of • Build a Blog You Can Be Proud Of

10. If You Don’t [ ] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later We hate when we miss out on opportunities. Especially financial opportunities.

• If You Don’t Ask Yourself This Question Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later. • If You Don’t Start Doing This Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later. • If You Don’t Get Coaching Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later.

11. The Lazy [ ] Way to [ ] Everybody likes to save some time! To promise something desirable to be achieved in a simple way works well.ll.

• The Lazy Man’s Way to Master Internet Marketing. • The Lazy Dad’s Way to Quickly Make Money Online. • The Lazy Blogger’s Way to Get Rich Online.


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

12. Do You Recognize these [number] Early Warning Signs of [ ]? This is an effective list post headline. To promise critical tips to avoid a problem is a well proven move.

• Do You Recognize these 5 Early Warning Signs of Ineffective Leadership? • Do You Recognize the 10 Early Warning Signs of a Bad Plan? • Do You Recognize these 5 Early Warning Signs of Memory Loss?

13. Who Else Wants [ ]? Works like a charm and triggers the need to get the same benefit someone else already has. If somebody else already got it, it cant be that hard to achieve right?

• Who Else Wants More Sales? • Who Else Wants a Relationship Like This? • Who Else Wants To Be Happy?

14. You Don’t Have to Be [something desirable] to be [something that they want]. Make your readers to take action by making them believe they can achieve the same results as the experts.

• You Don’t Have to Be an Experienced Marketer to Get Sales Online


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

• You Don’t Have to Be a Business Man to Make Money Online. • You Don’t Have to Be an Expert to Be a Successful Blogger.

15. Do You Make These Mistakes? Everyone is worried about making mistakes in their life or business. This one is a good attention grabber.

• Do You Make These Dieting Mistakes? • Do You Make These List Building Mistakes? • Do You Make These Mistakes With Your Blog?

16. Warning: [ ]. Start with the word Warning, and you will most likely get the readers attention.

• Warning: Your Website May Be Under Attack! • Warning: Two Out of Every Three People In Your Industry Are Making These 3 Mistakes — Are You One of Them? • Warning: Use These Headline Formulas at Your Own Risk

17. How [ ] Made Me [ ]. Play with this one to make the reader curios and try to fill in the blanks with words that are relating to a personal story.

• How This Course Made Me a Better Copy Writer


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

• How an Obvious Idea Made Me $10 000 Online • How This Training Improved My Flexibility

18. [] Ways to []. This is a good formula to use to craft killer headlines. Let them know that you are the expert by providing different ways to solve a problem or achieve something desirable. There is a lot of power in a List Post headline. These kind of headlines are perfect for building authority and makes you look like the expert, which is a key if you are blogging about your business or trying to sell "make money online" products and services. A headline that lists a number of reasons, tricks, ways or secrets will work well because it makes a clear promise to the reader

• 10 Ways to Go From Where You Are Now to Where You Want to Be • 21 Ways to Earn More Money Online • 5 Ways to Write Killer Blog Posts

A couple of more variations:

7 Ways to Beat the High Cost of Health Care

How to Grow Your Online Business — These 3 Powerful Ways. (A "how to" and List Post mix. Definitely a high converting headline)

19. Are You [ ]?


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

Use a question in your headline to grab the readers attention. Challenge the reader with a bold statement or try to make the reader curious.

• Are You Ready to Follow Your Dreams? • Are You Ready to Get Married? • Are You Looking For a Serious Relationship?

20. If You’re [ ], You Can [ ]. If you have done your keyword research you can address your audience by filling in the first blank with a word that appeals to a specific person. Go on an fill in the second blank with a beneficial promise.

• If You’re a Web Designer, You Can Save Time Using This Trick • If You’re a Stay at Home Mom, You can Make an Extra Income Online With This Easy Method • If You’re an Internet Marketer, You Can Double Your Sales With These Headlines

Final Words Before Moving On I have given you a lot of done-for-you headlines to use and hopefully you have gain some knowledge on how you can work with these templates and why these formulas work. It takes some time to learn how to write solid headlines, but it is an absolutely, if not the most, important part of making sales online. Take your time and practice to


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The Complete Online Profit Machine

write headlines and use split testing to find out which headlines that works best for your niche and specific campaign or context. Study the formulas in this book and start to make your own collection of headlines to tweak and use in your internet marketing campaigns.

Grab The Rest Of The Book And Learn How You Can Make $10K a Month, Even If You're a Complete Moron Click Here To Grab The Book


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